1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2015, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
8  *
9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
13  * accompanied this code).
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18  *
19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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21  * questions.
22  */
24 /*
25  * @test
26  * @bug 8149524 8131024 8165211 8080071 8130454 8167343 8129559 8114842 8182268 8223782 8235474 8246774
27  * @summary Test SourceCodeAnalysis
28  * @build KullaTesting TestingInputStream
29  * @run testng CompletenessTest
30  */
32 import java.util.Map;
33 import java.util.HashMap;
34 import java.util.function.Consumer;
35 import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
36 import jdk.jshell.JShell;
38 import org.testng.annotations.Test;
39 import jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness;
41 import static jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis.Completeness.*;
42 import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
44 @Test
45 public class CompletenessTest extends KullaTesting {
47     // Add complete units that end with semicolon to complete_with_semi (without
48     // the semicolon).  Both cases will be tested.
49     static final String[] complete = new String[] {
50         "{ x= 4; }",
51         "int mm(int x) {kll}",
52         "if (t) { ddd; }",
53         "for (int i = 0; i < lines.length(); ++i) { foo }",
54         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) { case EOF: { } } }",
55         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE)) { new CT(UNMATCHED, current, \"Unmatched \" + unmatched); }",
56         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0), NEW_MIDDLE(XEXPR1|XTERM); }",
57         "List<T> f() { return null; }",
58         "List<?> f() { return null; }",
59         "List<? extends Object> f() { return null; }",
60         "Map<? extends Object, ? super Object> f() { return null; }",
61         "class C { int z; }",
62         "synchronized (r) { f(); }",
63         "try { } catch (Exception ex) { }",
64         "try { } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { }",
65         "try { } finally { }",
66         "try (java.util.zip.ZipFile zf = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFileName)) { }",
67         "foo: while (true) { printf(\"Innn\"); break foo; }",
68         "class Case<E1 extends Enum<E1>, E2 extends Enum<E2>, E3 extends Enum<E3>> {}",
69         ";",
70         "enum Tt { FOO, BAR, BAZ,; }",
71         "record D(int i) {}",
72         "static record D(int i) {}",
73     };
75     static final String[] expression = new String[] {
76         "test",
77         "x + y",
78         "x + y ++",
79         "p = 9",
80         "match(BRACKETS, TokenKind.LBRACKET)",
81         "new C()",
getSourceFile(String fileName)82         "new C() { public String toString() { return \"Hi\"; } }",
83         "new int[]",
84         "new int[] {1, 2,3}",
85         "new Foo() {}",
86         "i >= 0 && Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i))",
87         "int.class",
88         "String.class",
89         "record.any",
90         "record()",
91         "record(1)",
92         "record.length()"
93     };
95     static final String[] complete_with_semi = new String[] {
96         "int mm",
97         "if (t) ddd",
98         "int p = 9",
99         "int p",
100         "Deque<Token> stack = new ArrayDeque<>()",
101         "final Deque<Token> stack = new ArrayDeque<>()",
102         "java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(System.in)",
dataProvider()103         "java.util.Scanner input = new java.util.Scanner(System.in) { }",
104         "int j = -i",
105         "String[] a = { \"AAA\" }",
106         "assert true",
107         "int path[]",
108         "int path[][]",
109         "int path[][] = new int[22][]",
110         "int path[] = new int[22]",
111         "int path[] = new int[] {1, 2, 3}",
112         "int[] path",
113         "int path[] = new int[22]",
114         "int path[][] = new int[22][]",
115         "for (Object o : a) System.out.println(\"Yep\")",
116         "while (os == null) System.out.println(\"Yep\")",
117         "do f(); while (t)",
118         "if (os == null) System.out.println(\"Yep\")",
119         "if (t) if (!t) System.out.println(123)",
120         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) if (i < 5) System.out.println(i); else break",
121         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) if (i < 5) System.out.println(i); else continue",
122         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) if (i < 5) System.out.println(i); else return",
123         "throw ex",
124         "C c = new C()",
125         "java.util.zip.ZipFile zf = new java.util.zip.ZipFile(zipFileName)",
126         "BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))",
127         "bar: g()",
128         "baz: while (true) if (t()) printf('-'); else break baz",
129         "java.util.function.IntFunction<int[]> ggg = int[]::new",
130         "List<? extends Object> l",
131         "int[] m = {1, 2}",
132         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = null",
133         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n",
134         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = {3, 4}",
135     };
137     static final String[] considered_incomplete = new String[] {
138         "if (t)",
139         "if (t) { } else",
140         "if (t) if (!t)",
141         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE))",
142         "for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)",
143         "while (os == null)",
144     };
146     static final String[] definitely_incomplete = new String[] {
147         "int mm(",
148         "int mm(int x",
149         "int mm(int x)",
150         "int mm(int x) {",
151         "int mm(int x) {kll",
152         "if",
153         "if (",
154         "if (t",
155         "if (t) {",
156         "if (t) { ddd",
157         "if (t) { ddd;",
158         "if (t) if (",
159         "if (stack.isEmpty()) {",
160         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE)) {",
161         "if (match.kind == BRACES && (prevCT.kind == ARROW || prevCT.kind == NEW_MIDDLE)) { new CT(UNMATCHED, current, \"Unmatched \" + unmatched);",
162         "x +",
163         "x *",
164         "3 *",
165         "int",
166         "for (int i = 0; i < lines.length(); ++i) {",
167         "new",
168         "new C(",
169         "new int[",
170         "new int[] {1, 2,3",
171         "new int[] {",
172         "while (ct == null) {",
173         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) {",
isLegal(StatementTree st)174         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) { case EOF: {",
175         "while (ct == null) { switch (current.kind) { case EOF: { } }",
176         "enum TK {",
177         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0),",
178         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0), NEW_MIDDLE(XEXPR1|XTERM)",
179         "enum TK { EOF(TokenKind.EOF, 0), NEW_MIDDLE(XEXPR1|XTERM); ",
180         "enum Tt { FOO, BAR, BAZ,;",
181         "class C",
182         "class C extends D",
183         "class C implements D",
184         "class C implements D, E",
185         "interface I extends D",
186         "interface I extends D, E",
187         "enum E",
188         "enum E implements I1",
189         "enum E implements I1, I2",
190         "@interface Anno",
191         "void f()",
192         "void f() throws E",
193         "@A(",
194         "int n = 4,",
195         "int n,",
196         "int[] m = {1, 2},",
197         "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = {3, 4},",
198         "Map<String,",
199         "switch (x) {",
200         "var v = switch (x) {",
201         "var v = switch (x) { case ",
202         "var v = switch (x) { case 0:",
203         "var v = switch (x) { case 0: break 12; ",
204         "record D",
205         "record D(",
206         "record D(String",
207         "record D(String i",
208         "record D(String i,",
209         "record D(String i, String",
210         "record D(String i, String j",
211         "record D(String i)",
212         "record D(String i, String j)",
213         "record D(String i) {",
214         "record D(String i, String j) {",
215         "static record D",
216         "static record D(",
217         "static record D(String",
218         "static record D(String i",
219         "static record D(String i,",
220         "static record D(String i, String",
221         "static record D(String i, String j",
222         "static record D(String i)",
223         "static record D(String i, String j)",
224         "static record D(String i) {",
225         "static record D(String i, String j) {",
226     };
228     static final String[] unknown = new String[] {
229         "new ;"
230     };
232     static final Map<Completeness, String[]> statusToCases = new HashMap<>();
233     static {
234         statusToCases.put(COMPLETE, complete);
235         statusToCases.put(COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI, complete_with_semi);
236         statusToCases.put(CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE, considered_incomplete);
237         statusToCases.put(DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, definitely_incomplete);
238     }
240     private void assertStatus(String input, Completeness status, String source) {
241         String augSrc;
242         switch (status) {
243             case COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI:
244                 augSrc = source + ";";
245                 break;
247             case DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE:
248                 augSrc = null;
249                 break;
251             case CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE:
252                 augSrc = source + ";";
253                 break;
255             case EMPTY:
256             case COMPLETE:
257             case UNKNOWN:
258                 augSrc = source;
259                 break;
261             default:
262                 throw new AssertionError();
263         }
264         assertAnalyze(input, status, augSrc);
265     }
267     private void assertStatus(String[] ins, Completeness status) {
268         for (String input : ins) {
269             assertStatus(input, status, input);
270         }
271     }
273     public void test_complete() {
274          assertStatus(complete, COMPLETE);
275     }
277     public void test_expression() {
278         assertStatus(expression, COMPLETE);
279     }
281     public void test_complete_with_semi() {
282         assertStatus(complete_with_semi, COMPLETE_WITH_SEMI);
283     }
285     public void test_considered_incomplete() {
286         assertStatus(considered_incomplete, CONSIDERED_INCOMPLETE);
287     }
289     public void test_definitely_incomplete() {
290         assertStatus(definitely_incomplete, DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE);
291     }
293     public void test_unknown() {
294         assertStatus(definitely_incomplete, DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE);
295     }
297     public void testCompleted_complete_with_semi() {
298         for (String in : complete_with_semi) {
299             String input = in + ";";
300             assertStatus(input, COMPLETE, input);
301         }
302     }
304     public void testCompleted_expression_with_semi() {
305         for (String in : expression) {
306             String input = in + ";";
307             assertStatus(input, COMPLETE, input);
308         }
309     }
311     public void testCompleted_considered_incomplete() {
312         for (String in : considered_incomplete) {
313             String input = in + ";";
314             assertStatus(input, COMPLETE, input);
315         }
316     }
318     private void assertSourceByStatus(String first) {
319         for (Map.Entry<Completeness, String[]> e : statusToCases.entrySet()) {
320             for (String in : e.getValue()) {
321                 String input = first + in;
322                 assertAnalyze(input, COMPLETE, first, in, true);
323             }
324         }
325     }
327     public void testCompleteSource_complete() {
328         for (String input : complete) {
329             assertSourceByStatus(input);
330         }
331     }
333     public void testCompleteSource_complete_with_semi() {
334         for (String in : complete_with_semi) {
335             String input = in + ";";
336             assertSourceByStatus(input);
337         }
338     }
340     public void testCompleteSource_expression() {
341         for (String in : expression) {
342             String input = in + ";";
343             assertSourceByStatus(input);
344         }
345     }
347     public void testCompleteSource_considered_incomplete() {
348         for (String in : considered_incomplete) {
349             String input = in + ";";
350             assertSourceByStatus(input);
351         }
352     }
354     public void testTrailingSlash() {
355         assertStatus("\"abc\\", UNKNOWN, "\"abc\\");
356     }
358     public void testOpenComment() {
359         assertStatus("int xx; /* hello", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
360         assertStatus("/**  test", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
361     }
363     public void testTextBlocks() {
364         assertStatus("\"\"\"", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
365         assertStatus("\"\"\"broken", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
366         assertStatus("\"\"\"\ntext", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
367         assertStatus("\"\"\"\ntext\"\"", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, "\"\"\"\ntext\"\"\"");
368         assertStatus("\"\"\"\ntext\"\"\"", COMPLETE, "\"\"\"\ntext\"\"\"");
369         assertStatus("\"\"\"\ntext\\\"\"\"\"", COMPLETE, "\"\"\"\ntext\\\"\"\"\"");
370         assertStatus("\"\"\"\ntext\\\"\"\"", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
371         assertStatus("\"\"\"\ntext\\\"\"\"\\\"\"\"", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, null);
372         assertStatus("\"\"\"\ntext\\\"\"\"\\\"\"\"\"\"\"", COMPLETE, "\"\"\"\ntext\\\"\"\"\\\"\"\"\"\"\"");
373     }
375     public void testMiscSource() {
376         assertStatus("if (t) if ", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, "if (t) if"); //Bug
377         assertStatus("int m() {} dfd", COMPLETE, "int m() {}");
378         assertStatus("int p = ", DEFINITELY_INCOMPLETE, "int p ="); //Bug
379         assertStatus("int[] m = {1, 2}, n = new int[0];  int i;", COMPLETE,
380                      "int[] m = {1, 2}, n = new int[0];");
381     }
382 }