1 #include <errno.h>
2 #include "hpscat.h"
3 #include "paper.h"
5 extern int totalpages;
6 static int converted;
7 char  *tmpfn;
9 void
convert(s)10 convert(s)
11   char *s;
12 {
13     int  i;
14     char *args[5];  /* for execvp */
15     extern void execute PROT((char **));
16 #ifdef  HPS
17     if(hcode==KSC) {
18 #else
19     if(hcode==Johap) {
20 #endif
21         converted = 0;
22         return;
23     }
24     tmpfn = tempnam("/tmp", "hpscat");
25     for(i=0; i<4; i++)
26         args[i] = (char *)malloc(256);
27     strcpy(args[0], Converter);
28     strcpy(args[2], s);
29     strcpy(args[3], tmpfn);
30     args[4] = (char *) 0;
31     switch(hcode) {
32 #ifdef  HPS
33       case Johap: strcpy(args[1], fromJH); break;
34 #else
35       case KSC:   strcpy(args[1], fromKS); break;
36 #endif
37       case Nbyte: strcpy(args[1], fromN); break;
38       case ISO:   strcpy(args[1], fromI); break;
39       default:    /* NOTREACHED */ return;
40     }
41     execute(args);
42     fclose(fp);
43     fp = fopen(tmpfn,"r");
44     converted = 1;
45 }
47 void
execute(args)48 execute(args)
49   char **args;
50 {
51     int  pid, status;
52     if((pid=fork()) < 0) {
53          perror("fork");
54          exit(1);
55     }
56     if(pid==0) {
57         execvp(args[0], args);
58         perror("execvp");
59         exit(1);
60     }
61     while(wait(&status)!=pid);
62 }
64 void
endfile()65 endfile()
66 {
67     fprintf(ofp,"%%%%Trailer\n%%%%Pages: %d\n",pageno);
68     fclose(fp);
69     if(ofp!=stdout) fclose(ofp);
70     if(converted) unlink(tmpfn);
71     fprintf(stderr,"%2d page%c\n", pageno, (pageno<2)? ' ':'s');
72     totalpages += pageno;
73 }
75 #define   U1    "\033[4m"  /* underline on  */
76 #define   U2    "\033[7m"  /* inverse   on  */
77 #define   U0    "\033[0m"  /* underline off */
79 char *ver = "1.3.1";
81 void
usage(prg)82 usage(prg)
83   char *prg;
84 {
85   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t\t     %shpscat v%s%s\n", U2, ver, U0);
86   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t\t\t\tby jbkang@csone.kaist.ac.kr\n");
87   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t\t\t\trevision by jshin@minerva.cis.yale.edu\n");
88   fprintf(stderr," Usage :  %s [options] files ...\n\n", prg);
89   fprintf(stderr,"    %slayout options  (default is -l)%s\n", U1, U0);
90   fprintf(stderr,"\t-l, -l3 : landscape 2 columns, 3 columns\n");
91   fprintf(stderr,"\t-p, -p2 : portrait  1 column,  2 columns\n");
92   fprintf(stderr,"    %scode options    (default is -ks)%s\n", U1, U0);
93   fprintf(stderr,"\t-ks, -N, -16, -i : ksc5601, N-byte, johap, iso2022-1 code\n");
94   fprintf(stderr,"    %sfont options%s\n", U1, U0);
95   fprintf(stderr,"\t-bf : use boldface english font\n");
96 #ifdef ADV_HFONT
97   fprintf(stderr,"\t-hf<hangul font> : sets Hangul font(default is %s)\n",
98                   hfontname[DEF_HFONT]);
99 #else
100   fprintf(stderr,"\t-hf<hangul font> : sets Hangul font(default is %s)\n",
101                   DEF_HFONT);
102 #endif
103 fprintf(stderr,"\t <hangul font> can be\n");
104    fprintf(stderr,"\t  name of any Hangul font available to you\n");
105 #ifdef ADV_HFONT
106   fprintf(stderr,"\t  including but not limited to\n\t  ");
107   { _hfont temp;
108     for ( temp=Munjo; temp <  userfont-1; temp++)
109         fprintf(stderr,"%s%s", hfontname[temp],(temp % 5 == 4 ) ?
110           "\n\t   " : "," );
111     fprintf(stderr, "%s.\n",hfontname[temp]);
112   }
113 #endif
114   fprintf(stderr,"\t-tf<title font> : sets font for title(default is %s)\n",
115                   DEF_TFONT);
116   fprintf(stderr,"\t-fs#: set font size for text [%d~%d] (default is -fs%d)\n",
117   	Smallest, Largest, Defaultsize);
118   fprintf(stderr,"    %soptions for papertype and margins%s\n", U1, U0);
119   fprintf(stderr,"\t-p<paper type> : set paper type(default:%s)\n",
120                    papersize[DEFPAP].name);
121   fprintf(stderr,"\t  valid paper types are \n");
122   fprintf(stderr,"\t  ");
123   { PAPER temp;
124     for ( temp=a3; temp <  user-1; temp++)
125         fprintf(stderr,"%s%s", papersize[temp].name,(temp%5==4) ?
126                   ",\n\t  " : "," );
127     fprintf(stderr, "%s.\n",papersize[temp].name);
128   }
129   fprintf(stderr,"\t-pw<paper width> : set the width of paper\n");
130   fprintf(stderr,"\t-ph<paper height> : set the height of paper\n");
131   fprintf(stderr,"\t-mbm<length> : set min. bottom margin\n");
132   fprintf(stderr,"\t-mlm<length> : set min. left margin\n");
133   fprintf(stderr,"\t    only necessary for a printer with unusually wide\n");
134   fprintf(stderr,"\t    non-printable area\n");
135   fprintf(stderr,"\t-sw<length>  : set shaded area width\n");
136   fprintf(stderr,"\t-sn<length>  : set shaded area width when -nl is used.\n");
137   fprintf(stderr,"\t  where <width> and <height> are <number><unit>.\n");
138   fprintf(stderr,"\t  <unit> can be omitted or one of following\n\t  ");
139   { UNIT temp;
140     for ( temp=milimeter; temp <  null; temp++)
141         fprintf(stderr,"%s%s", unit[temp].sym,temp==null-1 ? ".\n":",");
142     fprintf(stderr,"\t  When omitted, standard PS unit(1/72 inch) is assumed.\n");
143   }
144   fprintf(stderr,"    %smisc options%s\n", U1, U0);
145   fprintf(stderr,"\t-f  : output to `filename.ps'  (default is stdout)\n");
146   fprintf(stderr,"\t-T<title>  : document title to be put  \n");
147   fprintf(stderr,"\t-nb : no  outline box\n");
148   fprintf(stderr,"\t-nl : no line number\n");
149   fprintf(stderr,"\t-nh : no header\n");
150   fprintf(stderr,"\t-nf : no footer\n");
151   fprintf(stderr,"\t-nn : don't use 1:2 font width proportion (not narrowed)\n");
153   fprintf(stderr,"\t-cheat : no actual output. just count pages\n\n");
154   fprintf(stderr,"    options can be set in ~/.hpscatrc in the form \"name = value\"\n");
155   fprintf(stderr,"\t\tnames can be : layout, code, bold, narrow, size,paper\n");
156   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t               paperwidth,paperheight,hangulfont,titlefont,\n");
157   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t               min_bot_margin,min_left_mar,\n");
158   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t               shade_width,shade_width_nl\n");
159   fprintf(stderr,"\t\tvalues can be : l, l3, p, p2 (for layout)\n");
160   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t                ks, N, 16, i (for code)\n");
161   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t                true, false  (for bold and narrow)\n");
162   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t                number in point   (for size)\n");
163   fprintf(stderr,"\t\t                <length><unit> (for paperwidth/height/margin)\n");
165   exit(0);
166 }
168 void
fatal(s)169 fatal(s)
170   char *s;
171 {
172     fprintf(stderr,"? %s\n", s);
173     exit(1);
174 }
176 /***  EOF  ***/