2--  Rules.Max_Call_Depth - Package body                             --
3--                                                                  --
4--  This software  is (c) SAGEM DS and  Adalog  2004-2006.  The Ada --
5--  Controller  is  free software;  you can redistribute  it and/or --
6--  Controller  is  free software;  you can redistribute  it and/or --
7--  modify  it under  terms of  the GNU  General Public  License as --
8--  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or --
9--  (at your  option) any later version.  This  unit is distributed --
10--  in the hope  that it will be useful,  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; --
11--  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS --
12--  FOR A  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU  General Public License --
13--  for more details.   You should have received a  copy of the GNU --
14--  General Public License distributed  with this program; see file --
15--  COPYING.   If not, write  to the  Free Software  Foundation, 59 --
16--  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.           --
17--                                                                  --
18--  As  a special  exception, if  other files  instantiate generics --
19--  from the units  of this program, or if you  link this unit with --
20--  other files  to produce  an executable, this  unit does  not by --
21--  itself cause the resulting executable  to be covered by the GNU --
22--  General  Public  License.   This  exception  does  not  however --
23--  invalidate any  other reasons why the executable  file might be --
24--  covered by the GNU Public License.                              --
25--                                                                  --
26--  This  software is  distributed  in  the hope  that  it will  be --
27--  useful,  but WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY; without  even the  implied --
28--  warranty  of  MERCHANTABILITY   or  FITNESS  FOR  A  PARTICULAR --
29--  PURPOSE.                                                        --
32-- Ada
34  Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
36-- ASIS
38  Asis.Declarations,
39  Asis.Elements,
40  Asis.Errors,
41  Asis.Exceptions,
42  Asis.Implementation,
43  Asis.Iterator;
45-- Adalog
47  Binary_Map,
48  Thick_Queries,
49  Utilities;
51-- AdaControl
53  Framework.Variables,
54  Framework.Variables.Shared_Types;
56package body Rules.Max_Call_Depth is
57   use Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded;
58   use Framework, Framework.Variables, Framework.Variables.Shared_Types;
60   -- Algorithm:
61   --
62   -- The function Call_Depth computes the maximum depth of a *call*, i.e. it returns
63   -- at least 1.
64   -- Since the call depth is a property of the callable entity, the value is kept in the
65   -- Call_Depths map to avoid analyzing the same callable entity twice.
66   -- "Forced" entities provided as parameters are kept in a separate context store (Forced_Entities), and
67   -- entered into Call_Depths as they are encountered.
68   --
69   -- The Call_Depths map is reset between runs only if there are forced entities; otherwise, it is a static
70   -- property, once you have it, it won't change.
71   --
72   -- The "call depth" is defined as the number of frames pushed on the stack, therefore:
73   --   - A task entry call counts always for 1, irrespectively of what happens in the accept body,
74   --     since the accept is executed on a different stack. Of course, the same does /not/ apply
75   --     to protected entries.
76   --   - Similarly, calls during the elaboration of task bodies are not counted.
77   --   - Calls to non-statically determinable callable entities (access to SP, dispatching calls,
78   --     calls to imported SP) are deemed to have a depth of 1, short of a better solution.
79   --   - Operands of a call do not add extra depth, i.e. a call to P(F(X)) has a depth of 1 (operands
80   --     are evaluated by the caller before the call, so there is only one frame stacked at a time)
81   --   - Calls happening during the elaboration of nested packages must be counted, but not calls
82   --     that are part of any other nested program unit.
83   --   - Calls that are part of the elaboration of types, subtypes, and objects must be counted,
84   --     but not those that are part of the default expression of components and discriminants.
85   --     Strictly speaking, calls that appear as part of per-object constraints should not be counted
86   --     here, but at the place where an object is defined; we'll forget about this because it is
87   --     not worth the complication.
88   --
89   -- We don't need to do anything special for generics, since we are starting from calls, they will
90   -- always refer to (parts of) instantiations.
92   Rule_Used  : Boolean := False;
93   Save_Used  : Boolean;
94   Ctl_Labels : array (Control_Kinds) of Unbounded_Wide_String;
96   -- Rule variables
97   Count_Expr_Fun_Calls : aliased Switch_Type.Object := (Value => On);
99   Infinite : constant Asis.ASIS_Natural := Asis.ASIS_Natural'Last;
100   Unused   : constant Asis.ASIS_Integer := Asis.ASIS_Integer'Val(-1);
101   Depths   : array (Control_Kinds) of Asis.ASIS_Integer := (others => Unused);
102   -- Depth that triggers the message, i.e. allowed depth + 1
104   type Called_Kind is (Regular, Inline, Recursive, Banned, Formal, Unavailable, Unknown, Dynamic);
105   subtype Unexplored is Called_Kind range Banned .. Unavailable;
106   -- Regular .. Imported are really properties of the called entity
107   -- Dynamic .. Unknown are properties of the call.
108   -- But it's not worth making two different types for this subtility
109   --
110   -- A value in Unexplored is returned by Call_Depth if it is a direct call to a subprogram with the
111   -- corresponding property.
112   -- If the call is to something that indirectly calls an Unexplored SP, the returned kind is Unknown.
114   type Depth_Descriptor is
115      record
116         Kind  : Called_Kind;
117         Depth : Asis.ASIS_Natural;
118         -- Infinite      for Recursive
119         -- Actual depth  for Regular
120         -- Minimum depth for unknown
121      end record;
122   package Depth_Map is new Binary_Map (Unbounded_Wide_String, Depth_Descriptor);
123   Call_Depths : Depth_Map.Map;
125   Forced_Entities : Control_Manager.Context_Store;
127   ----------
128   -- Help --
129   ----------
131   procedure Help is
132      use Utilities;
133   begin
134      User_Message ("Rule: " & Rule_Id);
135      User_Message ("Control maximum call depth");
136      User_Message;
137      User_Message ("Parameter (1): <Allowed depth> | finite");
138      User_Message ("Parameter (2..): <Forced entity>");
139   end Help;
141   -----------------
142   -- Add_Control --
143   -----------------
145   procedure Add_Control (Ctl_Label : in Wide_String; Ctl_Kind : in Control_Kinds) is
146      use Framework.Language, Framework.Control_Manager;
147      use Depth_Map;
149      use type Asis.ASIS_Integer;   -- Gela-ASIS compatibility
150   begin
151      if not Parameter_Exists then
152         Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "at least one parameter required");
153      end if;
155      if Depths (Ctl_Kind) /= Unused then
156         Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "rule already specified");
157      end if;
159      if Is_Integer_Parameter then
160         -- We limit max to Infinite-2 so that there can be no confusion with Infinite after adding 1.
161         -- Should be more than enough anyway...
162         Depths (Ctl_Kind) := Get_Integer_Parameter (Min => 0, Max => Infinite-2) + 1;
163         -- + 1 since we store the depth wich is an error
164      else
165         declare
166            Param : constant Wide_String := Get_Name_Parameter;
167         begin
168            if Param /= "FINITE" then
169               Parameter_Error (Rule_Id, "depth or ""finite"" expected for parameter");
170            end if;
171            Depths (Ctl_Kind) := Infinite;
172         end;
173      end if;
175      if Parameter_Exists then
176         -- Forced entities provided: cannot keep previous Call_Depths
177         Clear (Call_Depths);
179         while Parameter_Exists loop
180            Associate (Forced_Entities, Get_Entity_Parameter, Null_Context);
181         end loop;
182      end if;
184      Ctl_Labels (Ctl_Kind) := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Ctl_Label);
185      Rule_Used             := True;
186   end Add_Control;
188   -------------
189   -- Command --
190   -------------
192   procedure Command (Action : Framework.Rules_Manager.Rule_Action) is
193      use Framework.Rules_Manager, Framework.Control_Manager;
194      use Depth_Map;
195   begin
196      case Action is
197         when Clear =>
198            Rule_Used := False;
199            Depths    := (others => Unused);
200            if not Is_Empty (Forced_Entities) then
201               -- we had forced entities, need to clear Call_Depths
202               Clear (Call_Depths);
203            end if;
204            Clear (Forced_Entities);
205         when Suspend =>
206            Save_Used := Rule_Used;
207            Rule_Used := False;
208         when Resume =>
209            Rule_Used := Save_Used;
210      end case;
211   end Command;
213   -------------
214   -- Prepare --
215   -------------
217   procedure Prepare is
218      use Framework.Control_Manager;
219   begin
220      Balance (Forced_Entities);
221   end Prepare;
224   ------------------------
225   -- Report_Uncheckable --
226   ------------------------
228   procedure Report_Uncheckable (Call : Asis.Element; Message : Wide_String; Assumed : Asis.ASIS_Natural) is
229      use Asis.Elements;
230      use Framework.Reports, Thick_Queries, Utilities;
231   begin
232      if Is_Part_Of_Instance (Call) then
233         -- Unfortunately, Corresponding_Generic_Element does not work on call.
234         -- Let the message reference the instantiation instead
235         Uncheckable (Rule_Id,
236                      False_Negative,
237                      Get_Location (Ultimate_Enclosing_Instantiation (Call)),
238                      Message & " in generic; assuming depth of " & ASIS_Integer_Img (Assumed));
239      else
240         Uncheckable (Rule_Id,
241                      False_Negative,
242                      Get_Location (Call),
243                      Message & "; assuming depth of " & ASIS_Integer_Img (Assumed));
244      end if;
245   end Report_Uncheckable;
247   ----------------
248   -- Call_Depth --
249   ----------------
251   function Entity_Call_Depth (Decl : Asis.Declaration) return Depth_Descriptor;
253   function Call_Depth (Call : Asis.Element) return Depth_Descriptor is
254   -- Computes the depth of a call, including itself
255      use Asis, Asis.Elements;
256      use Depth_Map, Framework.Control_Manager, Thick_Queries, Utilities;
258      Called       : constant Asis.Expression := Ultimate_Name (Called_Simple_Name (Call));
259      Called_Name  : Unbounded_Wide_String;
260      Called_Descr : Call_Descriptor;
261      Called_Depth : Depth_Descriptor;
262   begin
263      if Is_Nil (Called) then
264         return (Dynamic, 1);
265      end if;
267      Called_Name := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Full_Name_Image (Called, With_Profile => True));
268      if Is_Present (Call_Depths, Called_Name) then
269         Called_Depth := Fetch (Call_Depths, Called_Name);
271      elsif Matching_Context (Forced_Entities, Called, Extend_To => All_Extensions) /= No_Matching_Context then
272         Called_Depth := (Regular, 0);
273         Add (Call_Depths, Called_Name, Called_Depth);   -- will be found faster next time
275      else
276         Called_Descr := Corresponding_Call_Description (Call);
277         case Called_Descr.Kind is
278            when An_Attribute_Call =>
279               -- Short of knowing, assume they are implemented with a regular call, with no further calls
280               Called_Depth := (Regular, 0);
282            when A_Predefined_Entity_Call =>
283               -- Assume these are generated in-line
284               Called_Depth := (Inline, 0);
286            when A_Dereference_Call | A_Dispatching_Call =>
287               -- Short of knowing, assume depth of 1
288               -- Return directly, since there is no name to add to Call_Depths in this case
289               return (Dynamic, 1);
291            when An_Enumeration_Literal =>
292               -- Do not even count these as calls
293               Called_Depth := (Inline, 0);
295            when A_Regular_Call =>
296               -- Normal case
297               Called_Depth := Entity_Call_Depth (Called_Descr.Declaration);
298               if Called_Depth.Kind = Regular
299                 and then Declaration_Kind (Called_Descr.Declaration) = An_Expression_Function_Declaration
300                 and then Count_Expr_Fun_Calls.Value = Off
301               then
302                  Called_Depth.Kind := Inline;
303               end if;
304         end case;
306         -- This may seem redundant with the call to Add in Entity_Call_Depth, but it isn't if
307         -- the Called_Name is a renaming, since we register here the new name, and Entity_Call_Depth
308         -- does the same for the ultimate name. Granted, for regular calls it is added twice, but this
309         -- happens only once.
310         Add (Call_Depths, Called_Name, Called_Depth);
311      end if;
313      case Called_Depth.Kind is
314         when Inline | Recursive =>
315            return Called_Depth;
316         when Dynamic =>
317            Failure ("Dynamic kind returned by Entity_Call_Depth - 1");
318         when Regular | Unexplored | Unknown =>
319            -- All cases where something is actually called (although we may not know very well what)
320            return (Called_Depth.Kind, Called_Depth.Depth + 1);
321      end case;
322   end Call_Depth;
324   -----------------------
325   -- Entity_Call_Depth --
326   -----------------------
328   procedure Pre_Procedure (Element : in     Asis.Element;
329                            Control : in out Asis.Traverse_Control;
330                            Descr   : in out Depth_Descriptor);
331   procedure Post_Procedure (Element : in     Asis.Element;
332                             Control : in out Asis.Traverse_Control;
333                             Descr   : in out Depth_Descriptor);
334   procedure Traverse is new Asis.Iterator.Traverse_Element (Depth_Descriptor, Pre_Procedure, Post_Procedure);
335   -- Computes the maximum depth of all calls encountered in the body.
337   procedure Pre_Procedure (Element : in     Asis.Element;
338                            Control : in out Asis.Traverse_Control;
339                            Descr   : in out Depth_Descriptor)
340   is
341      use Thick_Queries, Utilities;
342      use Asis, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements;
344      Temp       : Asis.Element;
345      This_Descr : Depth_Descriptor;
346   begin
347      case Element_Kind (Element) is
348         when An_Expression =>
349            case Expression_Kind (Element) is
350               when A_Function_Call =>
351                  This_Descr := Call_Depth (Element);
352                  case This_Descr.Kind is
353                     when Recursive =>
354                        Descr := This_Descr;
355                        -- No need to investigate any further
356                        Control := Terminate_Immediately;
357                     when Regular | Inline =>
358                        -- If Descr.Kind = Unknown, it stays this way
359                        Descr.Depth := Asis.ASIS_Natural'Max (Descr.Depth, This_Descr.Depth);
360                     when Unexplored | Unknown | Dynamic =>
361                        -- All cases where the body is unknown are turned to Unknown at this point
362                        Descr := (Unknown, Asis.ASIS_Natural'Max (Descr.Depth, This_Descr.Depth));
363                  end case;
364               when others =>
365                  null;
366            end case;
368         when A_Statement =>
369            case Statement_Kind (Element) is
370               when A_Procedure_Call_Statement
371                    | An_Entry_Call_Statement
372                    =>
373                  This_Descr := Call_Depth (Element);
374                  case This_Descr.Kind is
375                     when Recursive =>
376                        Descr := This_Descr;
377                        -- No need to investigate any further
378                        Control := Terminate_Immediately;
379                     when Regular | Inline =>
380                        -- If Descr.Kind = Unknown, it stays this way
381                        Descr.Depth := Asis.ASIS_Natural'Max (Descr.Depth, This_Descr.Depth);
382                     when Unexplored | Unknown | Dynamic =>
383                        -- All cases where the body is unknown are turned to Unknown at this point
384                        Descr := (Unknown, Asis.ASIS_Natural'Max (Descr.Depth, This_Descr.Depth));
385                  end case;
386               when others =>
387                  null;
388            end case;
390         when A_Declaration =>
391            case Declaration_Kind (Element) is
392               when Not_A_Declaration =>
393                  Failure ("not a declaration");
394               when An_Ordinary_Type_Declaration
395                  | A_Task_Type_Declaration
396                  | A_Protected_Type_Declaration
397                  | A_Private_Type_Declaration
398                  | A_Private_Extension_Declaration
399                  | A_Subtype_Declaration
400                    =>
401                  -- Traverse the definition, but not the discriminant part
402                  Temp := Type_Declaration_View (Element);
403                  if not Is_Nil (Temp)
404                     and then Access_Type_Kind (Temp) not in Access_To_Subprogram_Definition
405                  then
406                     -- Temp is nil for an empty task type declaration (task T;)
407                     -- We're not supposed to traverse formal parameters that are part of access to SP
408                        Traverse (Temp, Control, Descr);
409                  end if;
410                  Control := Abandon_Children;
411               when An_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
412                  | A_Tagged_Incomplete_Type_Declaration
413                  | A_Deferred_Constant_Declaration
414                  | An_Integer_Number_Declaration
415                  | A_Real_Number_Declaration
416                  | An_Enumeration_Literal_Specification
417                  | A_Discriminant_Specification
418                  | A_Procedure_Declaration
419                  | A_Null_Procedure_Declaration
420                  | A_Function_Declaration
421                  | An_Expression_Function_Declaration   -- Ada 2012
422                  | A_Procedure_Body_Declaration
423                  | A_Function_Body_Declaration
424                  | A_Task_Body_Declaration
425                  | A_Protected_Body_Declaration
426                  | An_Entry_Declaration
427                  | An_Entry_Body_Declaration
428                  | A_Body_Stub
429                  | An_Exception_Declaration
430                  | A_Choice_Parameter_Specification
431                  | A_Generic_Declaration
432                    =>
433                  -- Nothing interesting here for us
434                  Control := Abandon_Children;
435               when A_Variable_Declaration
436                  | A_Constant_Declaration
437                  | A_Single_Task_Declaration
438                  | A_Single_Protected_Declaration
439                  | A_Loop_Parameter_Specification
440                  | A_Package_Declaration
441                  | A_Generic_Instantiation
442                    =>
443                  -- Let's recurse normally
444                  null;
445               when A_Renaming_Declaration =>
446                  -- Traverse only the renamed entity (not the new name)
447                  Traverse (Renamed_Entity (Element), Control, Descr);
448                  Control := Abandon_Children;
449               when A_Package_Body_Declaration =>
450                  -- Recurse normally if it is not a generic body
451                  if Is_Generic_Unit (Element) then
452                     Control := Abandon_Children;
453                  end if;
454               when A_Component_Declaration =>
455                  -- Traverse the declaration, but not the initialization expression
456                  Traverse (Object_Declaration_View (Element), Control, Descr);
457                  Control := Abandon_Children;
458               when A_Parameter_Specification
459                  | An_Entry_Index_Specification
460                  | A_Formal_Declaration
461                    =>
462                  -- Should not happen since we don't traverse the corresponding parent node
463                  Failure ("Unexpected declaration: "
464                           & Declaration_Kinds'Wide_Image (Declaration_Kind (Element)), Element);
465               when others =>
466                  -- Ada 2005 declaration kinds
467                  null;
468            end case;
470         when A_Definition =>
471            case Definition_Kind (Element) is
472               when An_Aspect_Specification =>
473                  -- 2012, ignored for the moment
474                  Control := Abandon_Children;
475               when An_Access_Definition =>
476                  -- Nothing can make a call here, and traversing it would make problems with
477                  -- access to subprograms (we assume the formals are not traversed)
478                  Control := Abandon_Children;
479               when others =>
480                  null;
481            end case;
483         when others =>
484            null;
485      end case;
487   exception
488      when Asis.Exceptions.ASIS_Failed =>
489         declare
490            use Asis.Errors, Asis.Implementation;
491         begin
492            if Status /= Not_Implemented_Error then
493               raise;
494            end if;
496            -- Not_Implemented_Error
497            -- Presumably a use of a "non official" construct (conditional expression...)
498            -- This is known to happen in recent versions of the GNAT run-time
499            -- Short of any other solution, consider it does not include any call
500            -- (i.e. do nothing)
501         end;
502   end Pre_Procedure;
504   procedure Post_Procedure (Element : in     Asis.Element;
505                             Control : in out Asis.Traverse_Control;
506                             Descr   : in out Depth_Descriptor)
507   is
508      pragma Unreferenced (Element, Control, Descr);
509   begin
510      null;
511   end Post_Procedure;
513   function Entity_Call_Depth (Decl : Asis.Declaration) return Depth_Descriptor is
514   -- The call depth of an entity is the maximum of all calls inside it, i.e.:
515   -- returns 0 if Decl is the declaration of a callable_entity that calls nothing
516   -- returns 1 if Decl is the declaration of a callable_entity that calls only entities of depth 0
517   --    ...
518   -- returns Infinite if Decl is the declaration of a callable_entity that is directly or indirectly recursive
519   --
520   -- Precondition: Decl is the declaration of a real subprogram, not of a renaming
521      use Asis, Asis.Declarations, Asis.Elements;
522      use Depth_Map, Framework.Rules_Manager, Thick_Queries, Utilities;
524      Called_Name : constant Unbounded_Wide_String := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Full_Name_Image (Names (Decl)(1),
525                                                                                                 With_Profile => True));
526      Called_Body : Asis.Declaration;
527      Control     : Traverse_Control := Continue;
528      Result      : Depth_Descriptor;
530      procedure Analyze_Body is
531         Recursivity_Found : exception;
532      begin
533         -- Initialize to Infinite before traversing. This way, if it is truly recursive,
534         -- it will be found in the map and the result will be Infinite.
535         Add (Call_Depths, Called_Name, (Recursive, Infinite));
536         Result := (Regular, 0);
538         -- We cannot directly traverse the whole body, since bodies are discarded
539         -- We traverse all the parts manually (except formal parameters, of course)
540         -- Of course, we can stop the traversal as soon as we determine that the
541         -- SP is recursive.
542         declare
543            Body_Decls : constant Asis.Declaration_List := Body_Declarative_Items (Called_Body);
544         begin
545            for I in Body_Decls'Range loop
546               Traverse (Body_Decls (I), Control, Result);
547               if Result.Kind = Recursive then
548                  raise Recursivity_Found;
549               end if;
550            end loop;
551         end;
552         declare
553            Body_Stats : constant Asis.Statement_List := Body_Statements (Called_Body);
554         begin
555            for I in Body_Stats'Range loop
556               Traverse (Body_Stats (I), Control, Result);
557               if Result.Kind = Recursive then
558                  raise Recursivity_Found;
559               end if;
560            end loop;
561         end;
562         declare
563            Body_Handlers : constant Asis.Exception_Handler_List := Body_Exception_Handlers (Called_Body);
564         begin
565            for I in Body_Handlers'Range loop
566               Traverse (Body_Handlers (I), Control, Result);
567               if Result.Kind = Recursive then
568                  raise Recursivity_Found;
569               end if;
570            end loop;
571         end;
573      exception
574         when Recursivity_Found =>
575            Result := (Recursive, Infinite);
576      end Analyze_Body;
578   begin  -- Entity_Call_Depth
579      -- Called_Body walks the structure until we find the real body corresponding to Decl
580      -- So, it is really the called body only after this loop!
581      Called_Body := Decl;
583      loop
584         if Is_Nil (Called_Body) then
585            -- body not in context
586            Result := (Unavailable, 0);
587            exit;
588         elsif Element_Kind (Called_Body) = A_Pragma or Definition_Kind (Called_Body) = An_Aspect_Specification then
589            -- body given by a pragma (or aspect) import
590            Result := (Unavailable, 0);
591            exit;
592         elsif Is_Banned (Called_Body, Rule_Id) then
593            Result := (Banned, 0);
594            exit;
595         end if;
597         case Declaration_Kind (Called_Body) is
598            when A_Procedure_Declaration
599               | A_Function_Declaration
600               | A_Generic_Procedure_Declaration
601               | A_Generic_Function_Declaration
602               | A_Procedure_Instantiation
603               | A_Function_Instantiation
604               =>
605               Called_Body := Corresponding_Body (Called_Body);
607            when A_Null_Procedure_Declaration =>
608               Result := (Regular, 0);
609               exit;
611            when An_Expression_Function_Declaration =>   -- Ada 2012
612               -- Like Analyze_Body, on the result expression
613               Add (Call_Depths, Called_Name, (Recursive, Infinite));
614               Result := (Regular, 0);
615               Traverse (Result_Expression (Called_Body), Control, Result);
616               exit;
618            when An_Entry_Declaration  =>
619               if Is_Task_Entry (Called_Body) then
620                  -- A task entry => not followed
621                  Result := (Regular, 0);
622                  exit;
623               end if;
624               Called_Body := Corresponding_Body (Called_Body);
626            when A_Procedure_Body_Declaration
627              | A_Function_Body_Declaration
628              | An_Entry_Body_Declaration
629              =>
630               -- A real body (at last!)
631               Analyze_Body;
632               exit;
634            when A_Procedure_Body_Stub
635               | A_Function_Body_Stub
636               =>
637               Called_Body := Corresponding_Subunit (Called_Body);
639            when A_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration
640               | A_Function_Renaming_Declaration
641               =>
642               Failure ("renaming declaration in Entity_Call_Depth", Called_Body);
644            when A_Formal_Function_Declaration
645               | A_Formal_Procedure_Declaration
646                 =>
647               Result := (Formal, 0);
648               exit;
650            when others =>
651               Failure ("not a callable entity declaration", Called_Body);
652         end case;
653      end loop;
655      Add (Call_Depths, Called_Name, Result);
656      return Result;
657   end Entity_Call_Depth;
660   ------------------
661   -- Process_Call --
662   ------------------
664   procedure Process_Call (Call : in Asis.Element) is
665      Descr : Depth_Descriptor;
667      procedure Do_Report (Ctl_Kind : Control_Kinds) is
668         use Framework.Reports, Utilities;
669      begin
670         case Descr.Kind is
671            when Regular | Inline =>
672               Report (Rule_Id,
673                       To_Wide_String (Ctl_Labels (Ctl_Kind)),
674                       Ctl_Kind,
675                       Get_Location (Call),
676                       "Call has a depth of " & ASIS_Integer_Img (Descr.Depth));
677            when Dynamic =>
678               Report (Rule_Id,
679                       To_Wide_String (Ctl_Labels (Ctl_Kind)),
680                       Ctl_Kind,
681                       Get_Location (Call),
682                       "Dynamic or dispatching call has a depth of at least " & ASIS_Integer_Img (Descr.Depth));
683            when Unexplored | Unknown =>
684               Report (Rule_Id,
685                       To_Wide_String (Ctl_Labels (Ctl_Kind)),
686                       Ctl_Kind,
687                       Get_Location (Call),
688                       "Call has a depth of at least " & ASIS_Integer_Img (Descr.Depth));
689            when Recursive =>
690               Report (Rule_Id,
691                       To_Wide_String (Ctl_Labels (Ctl_Kind)),
692                       Ctl_Kind,
693                       Get_Location (Call),
694                       "Call to recursive entity");
695         end case;
696      end Do_Report;
698      use type Asis.ASIS_Integer;   -- Gela-ASIS compatibility
699   begin  -- Process_Call
700      if not Rule_Used then
701         return;
702      end if;
703      Rules_Manager.Enter (Rule_Id);
705      Descr := Call_Depth (Call);
706      if Depths (Check) /= Unused and then Descr.Depth >= Depths (Check) then
707         Do_Report (Check);
708      elsif Depths (Search) /= Unused and then Descr.Depth >= Depths (Search) then
709         Do_Report (Search);
710      else
711         case Descr.Kind is
712            when Unknown =>
713               Report_Uncheckable (Call, "depth unknown for some elements in call chain", Descr.Depth);
714            when Dynamic =>
715               Report_Uncheckable (Call, "dynamic or dispatching call", Descr.Depth);
716            when Banned =>
717               Report_Uncheckable (Call, "call to a inhibited subprogram", Descr.Depth);
718            when Formal =>
719               Report_Uncheckable (Call, "call to a generic formal subprogram", Descr.Depth);
720            when Unavailable =>
721               Report_Uncheckable (Call,
722                                   "call to a subprogram whose body is not available (imported, predefined...)",
723                                   Descr.Depth);
724            when Regular | Inline | Recursive =>
725               null;
726         end case;
727      end if;
729      if Depths (Count) /= Unused and then Descr.Depth >= Depths (Count) then
730         Do_Report (Count);
731      end if;
733   end Process_Call;
735begin  -- Rules.Max_Call_Depth
736   Framework.Rules_Manager.Register (Rule_Id,
737                                     Rules_Manager.Semantic,
738                                     Help_CB        => Help'Access,
739                                     Add_Control_CB => Add_Control'Access,
740                                     Command_CB     => Command'Access,
741                                     Prepare_CB     => Prepare'Access);
742   Framework.Variables.Register (Count_Expr_Fun_Calls'Access,
743                                 Variable_Name => Rule_Id & ".COUNT_EXPR_FUN_CALLS");
744end Rules.Max_Call_Depth;