1 /*
2  * Package Management for CLISP
3  * Bruno Haible 1990-2005, 2017
4  * Sam Steingold 1999-2011, 2016
5  * German comments translated into English: Stefan Kain 2002-02-20
6  */
8 #include "lispbibl.c"
9 #include "arilev0.c" /* for hashcode calculation */
12 /* mutex for guarding access to O(all_packages) */
13 global xmutex_t all_packages_lock;
14 #endif
16 /* MT changes
17 There is global mutex for O(all_packages) and per package recursive lisp
18 mutex. If both of them should be obtained (for any package) - the order
19 O(all_packages_lock) --> package lock should be preserved. Otherwise deadlocks
20 are possible. Also if multiple package locks should be obtained at the same
21 time - first all_package_lock should be obtained - such cases are use-package,
22 unuse-package.
24 Symbol lookups are not guarded but are safe due to the way symtab_insert and
25 rehash_symtab work. On MT rehash_symtab always returns newly allocated symtab
26 that does not share nor modifies the old one - thus any thread that may perform
27 lookups on the old one will not be "surprised" by modified internals (and
28 intern (e.g. symtab_insert) is guarded by package mutex).
29 This copy semantic on rehashing is slower than previous cons cell reuse but is
30 better than obtaining lock on symbol lookup.
32 The use of WITH_xxx macros for locking makes debugging harder but is clean way
33 to handle stack unwind and release acquired locks.*/
35 /* data structure of the symbols: see LISPBIBL.D
36  data structure of the symbol table:
37  a vector with 3 Slots:
38    size    Fixnum >0, <2^24, = length of the table
39    table   vector of length size,
40              contains single symbols (/= NIL) and symbol-lists
41    count   number of symbols in the table, Fixnum >=0 */
42 #define Symtab_size(symtab)  (TheSvector(symtab)->data[0])
43 #define Symtab_table(symtab)  (TheSvector(symtab)->data[1])
44 #define Symtab_count(symtab)  (TheSvector(symtab)->data[2])
45 /* consistency rule: for each string there is in the table
46    at most one symbol with this printname. */
48 /* UP: Creates a new empty symbol-table.
49  make_symtab(size)
50  > size: the desired size of the table (odd number, >0, <2^24)
51  < result: new symbol-table of this size
52  can trigger GC */
make_symtab(uintL size)53 local maygc object make_symtab (uintL size) {
54   var object table = allocate_vector(size); /* vector with size NIL-entries */
55   pushSTACK(table);
56   var object symtab = allocate_vector(3); /* vector of length 3 */
57   Symtab_table(symtab) = popSTACK(); /* insert table */
58   Symtab_size(symtab) = fixnum(size); /* insert size */
59   Symtab_count(symtab) = Fixnum_0; /* insert count := 0 */
60   return symtab;
61 }
63 /* UP: Calculates the hashcode of a string. This is a 24-bit-number.
64  string_hashcode(string,invert)
65  > string: a string
66  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
67  < result: the hashcode of the string */
string_hashcode(object string,bool invert)68 local uint32 string_hashcode (object string, bool invert) {
69   var uintL len;
70   var uintL offset;
71   string = unpack_string_ro(string,&len,&offset);
72   var uint32 hashcode = 0; /* hashcode, only the lower 24 Bit count */
73   if (len > 0) {
74     SstringDispatch(string,X, {
75       var const cintX* charptr = &((SstringX)TheVarobject(string))->data[offset];
76       /* there are len characters, starting at charptr */
77       /* Look at all len characters, not just at the first min(len,16)
78          characters, as we did earlier, because a bad hash function quasi
79          turns the hash table into a few long linear lists. */
80       var uintC count;
81       dotimesC(count, len, {
82         /* rotate hashcode by 5 bits to the left: */
83         hashcode = hashcode << 5; hashcode = hashcode + (hashcode >> 24);
84         /* 'add' next byte via XOR: */
85         var cintX c = *charptr++;
86         hashcode = hashcode ^ (uint32)(invert ? as_cint(invert_case(as_chart(c))) : c);
87       });
88     });
89   }
90   return hashcode & 0x00FFFFFF;
91 }
93 /* UP: Reorganizes a symbol-table, after it has grown, and
94  tries to save Conses.
95  rehash_symtab(symtab)
96  > symtab: symbol-table
97  < result: reorganized symbol-table (EQ to the first).
98  call only, if BREAK_SEM_2 is set
99  can trigger GC */
100 local maygc object rehash_symtab (object symtab);
102 /* auxiliary functions: */
104 /* takes a Cons from free-conses or returns a fresh one.
105  new_cons()
106  < result: new Cons.
107  stack layout: free-conses, newtable, listr, symbol, entry.
108  can trigger GC */
new_cons(void)109 local maygc object new_cons (void) {
110   var object free = STACK_4; /* free-conses */
111   if (!nullp(free)) {
112     STACK_4 = Cdr(free); /* shorten free-conses */
113     return free;
114   } else {
115     return allocate_cons(); /* request new Cons from memory-management */
116   }
117 }
119 /* inserts an additional symbol into the new table.
120  newinsert(sym,size);
121  > sym: symbol
122  stack layout: tab, oldtable, free-conses, newtable, listr.
123  can trigger GC */
newinsert(object sym,uintL size)124 local maygc void newinsert (object sym, uintL size) {
125   var uintL index = /* Index = Hashcode mod size */
126     string_hashcode(Symbol_name(sym),false) % size;
127   /* entry in the newtable */
128   var object entry = TheSvector(STACK_1)->data[index];
129   if ((!nullp(entry)) || nullp(sym)) {
130     /* if entry=NIL and sym/=NIL, then simply enter sym.
131        else, entry must be extended by cons-ing: */
132     pushSTACK(sym); /* save symbol */
133     pushSTACK(entry); /* save entry */
134     if (!listp(entry)) {
135       /* if entry is not a list, replace with (new-cons entry NIL): */
136       var object new_entry = new_cons();
137       Cdr(new_entry) = NIL; Car(new_entry) = STACK_0;
138       STACK_0 = new_entry;
139     }
140     /* and cons symbol in front of it: */
141     var object new_entry = new_cons();
142     Cdr(new_entry) = popSTACK(); /* enter entry resp. list as CDR */
143     Car(new_entry) = popSTACK(); /* enter symbol as CAR */
144     sym = new_entry; /* and then enter new_entry */
145   }
146   TheSvector(STACK_1)->data[index] = sym; /* enter new entry in newtable */
147 }
rehash_symtab(object symtab)149 local maygc object rehash_symtab (object symtab) {
150   pushSTACK(symtab); /* save symbol-table */
151   var uintL oldsize = posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab)); /* old size */
152   var uintL newsize; /* new size */
153   var object size; /* new size (as Fixnum) */
154   pushSTACK(Symtab_table(symtab)); /* oldtable = old table-vector */
155   pushSTACK(NIL); /* free-conses := NIL */
156  #ifdef TYPECODES /* Svector_length is limited to max. 2^32-1 */
157   /* new size = min(floor(oldsize*1.6),2^32-1) */
158   { /* multiply oldsize (>0, <2^32) with 1.6*2^31, then divide by 2^31 : */
159     var uint32 prod_hi;
160     var uint32 prod_lo;
161     mulu32(oldsize,3435973888UL, prod_hi=,prod_lo=);
162     newsize =
163       (prod_hi < (1UL<<31) ? (prod_hi << 1) | (prod_lo >> 31) : (1UL<<31)-1 );
164   }
165  #else /* Svector_length is limited to max. 2^24-1 */
166   /* new size = min(floor(oldsize*1.6),2^24-1) */
167   { /* multiply oldsize (>0, <2^24) with 1.6*2^7, then divide by 2^7 : */
168     var uint32 prod = oldsize * 205UL;
169     newsize = (prod < (1UL<<31) ? prod>>7 : (1UL<<24)-1 );
170   } /* newsize is now >= oldsize > 0 and < 2^24 */
171  #endif
172   /* make newsize odd by rounding off: */
173   newsize = (newsize - 1) | 1 ;
174   /* calculate size: */
175   size = fixnum(newsize);
176   /* if newsize <= oldsize , the table does not need to be enlarged: */
177   if (newsize <= oldsize) {
178     skipSTACK(3);
179     return symtab;
180   }
181   { /* new vector with size NILs */
182     var object newtable = allocate_vector(newsize);
183     pushSTACK(newtable); /* save */
184   }
185   /* here we could protect against breaks.
186      stack layout: tab, oldtable, free-conses, newtable.
187      transfer symbols from oldtable to newtable:
188      first process the symbols, that sit in lists
189      (maybe Conses become free): */
190   {
191     var gcv_object_t* offset = 0; /* offset = sizeof(gcv_object_t)*index */
192     var uintC count = oldsize;
193     do {
194       var object oldentry = /* entry with number index in oldtable */
195         *(gcv_object_t*)(pointerplus(&TheSvector(STACK_2)->data[0],
196                                      (aint)offset));
197       if (consp(oldentry)) /* this time process only non-empty symbol-lists */
198         do {
199           pushSTACK(Cdr(oldentry)); /* save rest-list */
200         #ifndef MULTITHREAD
201           /* cons oldentry in front of free-conses */
202           Cdr(oldentry) = STACK_2; STACK_2 = oldentry;
203         #endif
204           /* enter symbol in the new table */
205           newinsert(Car(oldentry),newsize);
206           oldentry = popSTACK(); /* rest-list */
207         } while (consp(oldentry));
208       offset++;
209     } while (--count);
210   }
211   { /* then process symbols, that sit there collision-free: */
212     var gcv_object_t* offset = 0; /* offset = sizeof(gcv_object_t)*index */
213     var uintC count;
214     dotimespC(count,oldsize, {
215       var object oldentry = /* entry with number index in oldtable */
216         *(gcv_object_t*)(pointerplus(&TheSvector(STACK_2)->data[0],
217                                      (aint)offset));
218       if (!listp(oldentry)) { /* this time process only symbols /= NIL */
219         pushSTACK(oldentry); /* dummy, so that the stack is fine */
220         newinsert(oldentry,newsize); /* enter into the new table */
221         skipSTACK(1);
222       }
223       offset++;
224     });
225   }
226   /* stack layout: tab, oldtable, free-conses, newtable. */
227   { /* update tab: */
228   #ifdef MULTITHREAD
229     /* allocate new symtab. other threads may have obtained pointer to
230        the old one for lookup - do not modify it */
231     var object new_symtab = allocate_vector(3); /* vector of length 3 */
232     Symtab_count(new_symtab) = Symtab_count(STACK_3); /* set the count */
233     STACK_3 = new_symtab; /* replace symtab on the stack */
234   #endif
235     var object newtable = popSTACK(); /* newtable */
236     skipSTACK(2);
237     symtab = popSTACK(); /* tab */
238     Symtab_size(symtab) = size;
239     Symtab_table(symtab) = newtable;
240   }
241   /* here, breaks could be allowed again. */
242   return symtab;
243 }
245 /* UP: Searches a symbol of given printname in the list.
246  > string: string
247  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
248  > list: list of symbols
249  < result: true, if found.
250  < sym: the symbol from the list, that has the given printname (if found) */
symbol_list_lookup(object string,bool invert,object list,object * sym_)251 local inline bool symbol_list_lookup(object string, bool invert, object list,
252                                      object* sym_) {
253   /* traverse list: */
254   var bool (*s_eq)(object,object) = (invert ? &string_eq_inverted : &string_eq);
255   while (consp(list)) {
256     if ((*s_eq)(string,Symbol_name(Car(list))))
257       goto found;
258     list = Cdr(list);
259   }
260   return false; /* not found */
261  found: /* found */
262   if (sym_) { *sym_ = Car(list); }
263   return true;
264 }
266 /* UP: Searches a symbol with given print-name in the symbol-table.
267  symtab_lookup(string,invert,symtab,&sym)
268  > string: string
269  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
270  > symtab: symbol-table
271  < result: true if found, false if not found.
272  if found:
273    < sym: the symbol from the symbol-table, that has the given printname */
symtab_lookup(object string,bool invert,object symtab,object * sym_)274 local bool symtab_lookup (object string, bool invert, object symtab, object* sym_) {
275   var uintL index = /* Index = Hashcode mod size */
276     string_hashcode(string,invert) % (uintL)posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab));
277   /* entry in the table */
278   var object entry = TheSvector(Symtab_table(symtab))->data[index];
279   if (!listp(entry)) { /* entry is a single symbol */
280     /* first string and printname of the found symbol are equal ? */
281     if ((invert ? string_eq_inverted : string_eq)
282         (string,Symbol_name(entry))) {
283       if (sym_) { *sym_ = entry; }
284       return true;
285     } else {
286       return false;
287     }
288   } else { /* entry is a symbol-list */
289     return symbol_list_lookup(string,invert,entry,sym_);
290   }
291 }
293 /* UP: Searches a given symbol in the symbol-table.
294  symtab_find(sym,symtab)
295  > sym: symbol
296  > symtab: symbol-table
297  < result: true, if found */
symtab_find(object sym,object symtab)298 local bool symtab_find (object sym, object symtab) {
299   var uintL index = /* Index = Hashcode mod size */
300     string_hashcode(Symbol_name(sym),false) % (uintL)posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab));
301   /* entry in the table */
302   var object entry = TheSvector(Symtab_table(symtab))->data[index];
303   if (!listp(entry)) { /* entry is a single symbol */
304     /* sym and found symbol are equal ? */
305     if (eq(sym,entry))
306       return true;
307     else
308       return false;
309   } else { /* entry is a symbol-list */
310     if (nullp(memq(sym,entry))) return false; /* not found */
311     else return true; /* found as CAR from entry */
312   }
313 }
315 /* UP: Inserts a given symbol into the symbol-table (destructively).
316  symtab_insert(sym,symtab)
317  > sym: symbol
318  > symtab: symbol-table
319  < result: new symbol-table, EQ to the old one
320  call only, if BREAK_SEM_2 is set
321  can trigger GC */
symtab_insert(object sym,object symtab)322 local maygc object symtab_insert (object sym, object symtab) {
323   { /* first test if reorganization is necessary: */
324     var uintL size = posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab));
325     var uintL count = posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_count(symtab));
326     /* if count>=2*size , the table must be reorganized: */
327     if (count >= 2*size) {
328       pushSTACK(sym); /* save symbol */
329       symtab = rehash_symtab(symtab);
330       sym = popSTACK();
331     }
332   }
333   /* then insert the symbol: */
334   var uintL index = /* Index = Hashcode mod size */
335     string_hashcode(Symbol_name(sym),false) % (uintL)posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab));
336   /* entry in the table */
337   var object entry = TheSvector(Symtab_table(symtab))->data[index];
338   if (!nullp(entry) || nullp(sym)) {
339     /* if entry=NIL and sym/=NIL, then simply enter sym.
340        else, entry must be extended by cons-ing: */
341     pushSTACK(symtab); /* save symtab */
342     pushSTACK(sym); /* save Symbol */
343     pushSTACK(entry); /* save entry */
344     if (!listp(entry)) {
345       /* if entry is not a list, replace with (cons entry NIL): */
346       var object new_entry = allocate_cons();
347       Car(new_entry) = STACK_0;
348       STACK_0 = new_entry;
349     }
350     { /* and cons symbol in front of it: */
351       var object new_entry = allocate_cons();
352       Cdr(new_entry) = popSTACK(); /* enter entry resp. list as CDR */
353       Car(new_entry) = popSTACK(); /* enter symbol as CAR */
354       sym = new_entry; /* and then enter new_entry */
355     }
356     symtab = popSTACK();
357   }
358   TheSvector(Symtab_table(symtab))->data[index] = sym; /* enter new entry */
359   Symtab_count(symtab) = fixnum_inc(Symtab_count(symtab),1); /* (incf count) */
360   return symtab;
361 }
363 /* UP: Removes a symbol from a symbol-table.
364  symtab_delete(sym,symtab)
365  > sym: symbol
366  > symtab: symboltable */
symtab_delete(object sym,object symtab)367 local void symtab_delete (object sym, object symtab) {
368   var uintL index = /* Index = Hashcode mod size */
369     string_hashcode(Symbol_name(sym),false) % (uintL)posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab));
370   var gcv_object_t* entryptr = &TheSvector(Symtab_table(symtab))->data[index];
371   var object entry = *entryptr; /* entry in the table */
372   if (!listp(entry)) { /* entry is a single symbol */
373     /* sym and found symbol eq ? */
374     if (!eq(sym,entry))
375       goto notfound;
376     /* replace entry with NIL: */
377     *entryptr = NIL;
378   } else { /* entry is a symbol-list */
379     while (consp(entry)) {
380       /* sym and symbol from entry eq ? */
381       if (eq(sym,Car(entry)))
382         goto found;
383       entryptr = &Cdr(entry); entry = *entryptr;
384     }
385     goto notfound; /* not found */
386   found: /* found as CAR of *entryptr = entry */
387     /* -> discard a list-element: */
388     *entryptr = Cdr(entry); /* replace entry with Cdr(entry) */
389   }
390   /* finally decrement the symbol-counter by 1: (decf count) */
391   Symtab_count(symtab) = fixnum_inc(Symtab_count(symtab),-1);
392   return;
393  notfound:
394   pushSTACK(unbound); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
395   pushSTACK(sym);
396   error(package_error,GETTEXT("symbol ~S cannot be deleted from symbol table"));
397 }
399 /* lookup the STRING among the EXTernal (resp. INTernal) symbols of PACK */
400 #define package_lookup_ext(string,invert,pack,res_)                         \
401   symtab_lookup(string,invert,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols,res_)
402 #define package_lookup_int(string,invert,pack,res_)                         \
403   symtab_lookup(string,invert,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols,res_)
405 /* Test whether there is an inherited symbol with the given name.
406  inherited_lookup(string,invert,pack,&sym)
407  Return true if string is found in (package-use-list pack).
408  > string: a Lisp string object
409  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
410  > pack: is a Lisp package object
411  The symbol found is returned in *SYM_ (if SYM_ is not NULL). */
inherited_lookup(object string,bool invert,object pack,object * sym_)412 local bool inherited_lookup (object string, bool invert, object pack, object* sym_) {
413   var object packlistr = ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list;
414   while (consp(packlistr)) {
415     var object usedpack = Car(packlistr);
416     if (package_lookup_ext(string,invert,usedpack,sym_))
417       return true;
418     packlistr = Cdr(packlistr);
419   }
420   return false;
421 }
423 /* Check whether the symbol is inherited by the package.
424  inherited_find(symbol,pack)
425  SYMBOL is a Lisp symbol object
426  PACK is a Lisp package object */
inherited_find(object symbol,object pack)427 local bool inherited_find (object symbol, object pack) {
428   var object list = ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list;
429   while (consp(list)) {
430     if (symtab_find(symbol,ThePackage(Car(list))->pack_external_symbols))
431       return true;
432     list = Cdr(list);
433   }
434   return false;
435 }
437 /* data structure of package, see LISPBIBL.D.
438  Components:
439  pack_external_symbols   symbol-table of the externally present symbols
440  pack_internal_symbols   symbol-table of the internally present symbols
441  pack_shadowing_symbols  list of the shadowing-symbols
442  pack_use_list           use-list, a list of packages
443  pack_used_by_list       used-by-list, a list of packages
444  pack_name               the name, an immutable simple-string
445  pack_nicknames          the nicknames, a list of immutable simple-strings
446  pack_docstring          the documentation string or NIL
448  consistency rules:
449  1. All packages are listed in ALL_PACKAGES exactly once.
450  2. The union over ALL_PACKAGES of { name } U nicknames is disjoint.
451  3. for any two packages p,q:
452     p in use_list(q) <==> q in used_by_list(q)
453  4. p is a Package.
454     accessible(p) = ISymbols(p) U ESymbols(p) U
455                     U { ESymbols(q) | q in use_list(p) }
456  5. For each Package p
457     shadowing_symbols(p) is a subset of ISymbols(p) U ESymbols(p)
458     and therefore also      a subset of accessible(p).
459  6. s is a string, p is a package.
460     If more than one element of accessible(p) has print name = s, then
461     exactly one of these symbols is in shadowing_symbols(p).
462  7. s is a string, p is a package.
463     At most one symbol with the print name = s
464     is in ISymbols(p) U ESymbols(p).
465  8. If s is a symbol with the Home Package p /= NIL,
466     then s is in ISymbols(p) U ESymbols(p). */
468 /* UP: make sure pack_shortest_name is indeed the shortest */
ensure_pack_shortest_name(object pack)469 local void ensure_pack_shortest_name (object pack) {
470   var object shortest_name = ThePackage(pack)->pack_name;
471   var uintL shortest_len = Sstring_length(shortest_name);
472   var object nick_list = ThePackage(pack)->pack_nicknames;
473   while (consp(nick_list)) {
474     var object nick = Car(nick_list); nick_list = Cdr(nick_list);
475     var uintL nick_len = Sstring_length(nick);
476     if (nick_len < shortest_len) {
477       shortest_len = nick_len;
478       shortest_name = nick;
479     }
480   }
481   ThePackage(pack)->pack_shortest_name = shortest_name;
482 }
484 /* UP: Creates a new package, without testing for name-conflicts.
485  make_package(name,nicknames,case_sensitive_p)
486  > name: name (an immutable simple-string)
487  > nicknames: nicknames (a list of immutable simple-strings)
488  > case_sensitive_p: flag, if case-sensitive
489  > case_inverted_p: flag, if case-inverted
490  < result: new package
491  can trigger GC */
make_package(object name,object nicknames,bool case_sensitive_p,bool case_inverted_p)492 local maygc object make_package (object name, object nicknames,
493                                  bool case_sensitive_p, bool case_inverted_p) {
494   set_break_sem_2();
495   pushSTACK(nicknames); pushSTACK(name); /* save nicknames and names */
496   /* create table for external symbols: */
497   { var object symtab = make_symtab(11); pushSTACK(symtab); }
498   /* create table for internal symbols: */
499   { var object symtab = make_symtab(63); pushSTACK(symtab); }
500   /* create new package: */
501   var object pack = allocate_package();
502   /* and fill: */
503   if (case_sensitive_p) { mark_pack_casesensitive(pack); }
504   if (case_inverted_p) { mark_pack_caseinverted(pack); }
505   ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols = popSTACK();
506   ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols = popSTACK();
507   ThePackage(pack)->pack_shadowing_symbols = NIL;
508   ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list = NIL;
509   ThePackage(pack)->pack_used_by_list = NIL;
510   ThePackage(pack)->pack_name = popSTACK();
511   ThePackage(pack)->pack_nicknames = popSTACK();
512   ThePackage(pack)->pack_docstring = NIL;
513   ensure_pack_shortest_name(pack);
514   pushSTACK(pack);
515  #ifdef MULTITHREAD
516   /* allocate the package mutex */
517   /* mutex name is the same as the package name */
518   pushSTACK(S(Kname)); pushSTACK(ThePackage(pack)->pack_name);
519   pushSTACK(S(Krecursive_p)); pushSTACK(T); /* recursive  */
520   funcall(L(make_mutex),4);
521   ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_mutex = value1;
522  #endif
523   /* and insert in ALL_PACKAGES: */
524   pushSTACK(allocate_cons()); /* new_cons */
525   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(2,&all_packages_lock, {
526     var object new_cons = popSTACK();
527     Car(new_cons) = STACK_0; Cdr(new_cons) = O(all_packages);
528     O(all_packages) = new_cons;
529   });
530   pack=popSTACK();
531   /* finished: */
532   clr_break_sem_2();
533   return pack;
534 }
536 /* UP: Searches a symbol of given printname in the shadowing-list
537  of a package.
538  shadowing_lookup(string,invert,pack,&sym)
539  > string: string
540  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
541  > pack: package
542  < result: true, if found.
543  < sym: the symbol from the shadowing-list, that has the given printname
544         (if found) */
545 #define shadowing_lookup(string,invert,pack,sym_)   \
546   symbol_list_lookup(string,invert,ThePackage(pack)->pack_shadowing_symbols,sym_)
548 /* UP: Searches a given symbol in the shadowing-list of a package.
549  shadowing_find(sym,pack)
550  > sym: symbol
551  > pack: package
552  < result: true if found. */
553 #define shadowing_find(s,p) (!nullp(memq(s,ThePackage(p)->pack_shadowing_symbols)))
555 /* UP: Adds a symbol to the shadowing-list of a package, that does not yet
556  contain a symbol of the same name.
557  shadowing_insert(&sym,&pack)
558  > sym: symbol (in STACK)
559  > pack: package (in STACK)
560  < sym: symbol, EQ to the old one
561  < pack: package, EQ to the old one
562  can trigger GC */
shadowing_insert(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)563 local maygc void shadowing_insert (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
564   /* insert a new cons with symbol as CAR in front of the shadowing-symbols: */
565   var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
566   var object pack = *pack_;
567   Car(new_cons) = *sym_;
568   Cdr(new_cons) = ThePackage(pack)->pack_shadowing_symbols;
569   ThePackage(pack)->pack_shadowing_symbols = new_cons;
570 }
572 /* UP: Removes a symbol of given name from the shadowing-list
573  of a package.
574  shadowing_delete(string,invert,pack)
575  > string: string
576  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
577  > pack: package */
shadowing_delete(object string,bool invert,object pack)578 local void shadowing_delete (object string, bool invert, object pack) {
579   var gcv_object_t* listptr = &ThePackage(pack)->pack_shadowing_symbols;
580   var object list = *listptr;
581   /* list = *listptr traverses the shadowing-list */
582   var bool (*s_eq)(object,object) = (invert ? &string_eq_inverted : &string_eq);
583   while (consp(list)) {
584     if ((*s_eq)(string,Symbol_name(Car(list))))
585       goto found;
586     listptr = &Cdr(list); list = *listptr;
587   }
588   /* no symbol with this name found, done. */
589   return;
590  found:
591   /* equality: remove. After that we are done, because there can be only
592      one symbol of the same printname in the shadowing-list. */
593   *listptr = Cdr(list); /* replace list with Cdr(list) */
594   return;
595 }
597 /* UP: Tests, if a symbol in a package is accessible and is not
598  shadowed by another symbol of the same name.
599  accessiblep(sym,pack)
600  > sym: symbol
601  > pack: package
602  < result: true if sym is accessible in pack and is not shadowed,
603              else false */
accessiblep(object sym,object pack)604 global bool accessiblep (object sym, object pack) {
605   /* method:
606      First, search a symbol of equal name in the shadowing-list;
607      if not found, search the symbol among the present ones and
608      then among the inherited symbols.
609      Other possible method (not realized here):
610      If the home-package of sym is equal to pack, sym is present in pack,
611      done. Else search a present symbol of equal name.
612      sym found -> finished.
613      Found another one -> sym is not in the shadowing-list and
614      thus not visible.
615      none found -> search sym among the inherited symbols. */
616   var object shadowingsym;
617   /* First, search in the shadowing-list of pack: */
618   if (shadowing_lookup(Symbol_name(sym),false,pack,&shadowingsym)) {
619     /* shadowingsym = symbol, found in the shadowing-list */
620     return (eq(shadowingsym,sym)); /* compare with sym */
621   } else { /* no symbol of equal name in the shadowing-list */
622     /* Search among the internal symbols: */
623     if (symtab_find(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols))
624       return true;
625     /* Search among the external symbols: */
626     if (symtab_find(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols))
627       return true;
628     /* Search among the external symbols of the packages from the use-list: */
629     if (inherited_find(sym,pack))
630       return true;
631     return false;
632   }
633 }
635 /* UP: tests, if a symbol is accessible in a package as
636  external symbol.
637  externalp(sym,pack)
638  > sym: symbol
639  > pack: package
640  < result:
641      true if sym is accessible in pack as external symbol,
642      (in this case, sym is not shadowed, because a symbol,
643       possibly shadowing sym, should be listed in shadowing-symbols(pack),
644       according to the consistency-rules 5 and 7 identical with sym),
645      else false */
externalp(object sym,object pack)646 global bool externalp (object sym, object pack) {
647   return symtab_find(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols);
648 }
650 /* UP: locates an external symbol with a given printname in a package.
651  find_external_symbol(string,invert,pack,&sym)
652  > string: string
653  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
654  > pack: package
655  < result: true, if an external symbol with that printname has been found in pack.
656  < sym: this symbol, if found. */
find_external_symbol(object string,bool invert,object pack,object * sym_)657 global bool find_external_symbol (object string, bool invert, object pack, object* sym_) {
658   return package_lookup_ext(string,invert,pack,sym_);
659 }
661 /* UP: searches a package of given name or nickname
662  find_package(string)
663  > string: string
664  < result: package of this name or NIL */
find_package(object string)665 modexp maygc object find_package (object string) {
666   pushSTACK(NIL); /* result */
667   pushSTACK(string);
668   var gcv_object_t *string_ = &STACK_0;
669   var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_1;
670   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(0,&all_packages_lock, {
671     var object packlistr = O(all_packages); /* traverse package-list */
672     var object pack;
673     while (nullp(*pack_) && consp(packlistr)) {
674       pack = Car(packlistr); /* Package to be tested */
675       /* test name: */
676       if (string_eq(*string_,ThePackage(pack)->pack_name)) {
677         *pack_ = pack; continue; /* exit */
678       }
679       { /* test nickname: */
680         /* traverse nickname-list */
681         var object nicknamelistr = ThePackage(pack)->pack_nicknames;
682         while (consp(nicknamelistr)) {
683           if (string_eq(*string_,Car(nicknamelistr))) {
684             *pack_ = pack; break; /* exit */
685           }
686           nicknamelistr = Cdr(nicknamelistr);
687         }
688       }
689       packlistr = Cdr(packlistr); /* next package */
690     }
691   });
692   skipSTACK(1); /* string */
693   return popSTACK();
694 }
696 /* UP: Searches a symbol of given printname in a package.
697  find_symbol(string,invert,pack,&sym)
698  > string: string
699  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
700  > pack: package
701  < sym: symbol, if found; else NIL
702  < result:   0, if not found
703              1, if available as external symbol
704              2, if inherited via use-list
705              3, if available as internal symbol
706          + (-4, if available in the shadowing-list) */
find_symbol(object string,bool invert,object pack,object * sym_)707 local sintBWL find_symbol (object string, bool invert, object pack, object* sym_) {
708   /* First search in the shadowing-list of pack: */
709   if (shadowing_lookup(string,invert,pack,sym_)) {
710     /* *sym_ = symbol, found in the shadowing-list */
711     /* Search for it among the internal symbols: */
712     if (symtab_find(*sym_,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols))
713       return 3-4; /* found among the internal symbols */
714     /* Search it among the external symbols: */
715     if (symtab_find(*sym_,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols))
716       return 1-4; /* found among the external symbols */
717     /* contradiction to consistency rule 5. */
718     pushSTACK(*sym_); pushSTACK(pack);
719     error(serious_condition,GETTEXT("~S inconsistent: symbol ~S is a shadowing symbol but not present"));
720   } else { /* symbol not yet found */
721     /* search among the internal symbols: */
722     if (package_lookup_int(string,invert,pack,sym_))
723       return 3; /* found among the internal symbols */
724     /* search among the external symbols: */
725     if (package_lookup_ext(string,invert,pack,sym_))
726       return 1; /* found among the external symbols */
727     /* search among the external packages from the use-list: */
728     if (inherited_lookup(string,invert,pack,sym_))
729       return 2; /* found among the inherited symbols */
730     /* not found */
731     *sym_ = NIL; return 0;
732   }
733 }
734 /* Actually, one has to search in the shadowing-list only after
735    one has searched among the present symbols, because the symbol in the
736    shadowing-list is already present (consistency rule 5). */
738 /* raise a continuable error when func(obj) was called on a locked package pack
739  continue means "Ignore the lock and proceed"
740  can trigger GC */
cerror_package_locked(object func,object pack,object obj)741 local maygc void cerror_package_locked (object func, object pack, object obj) {
742   pushSTACK(NIL);              /* 7 continue-format-string */
743   pushSTACK(S(package_error)); /* 6 error type */
744   pushSTACK(S(Kpackage));      /* 5 :PACKAGE */
745   if (consp(pack)) pushSTACK(Car(pack)); /* from check-redefinition */
746   else pushSTACK(pack);        /* 4 PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
747   pushSTACK(NIL);              /* 3 error-format-string */
748   pushSTACK(func);             /* 2 */
749   pushSTACK(obj);              /* 1 */
750   pushSTACK(pack);             /* 0 */
751   /* CLSTEXT "can trigger GC", so it cannot be called until
752      all the arguments have been already pushed on the STACK */
753   STACK_7 = CLSTEXT("Ignore the lock and proceed"); /* continue-format-string */
754   STACK_3 = CLSTEXT("~A(~S): ~S is locked"); /* error-format-string */
755   funcall(L(cerror_of_type),8);
756 }
757 /* check the package lock */
758 #define check_pack_lock(func,pack,obj)                          \
759   if (pack_locked_p(pack)) cerror_package_locked(func,pack,obj)
760 #define safe_check_pack_lock(func,pack,obj)                     \
761   do { pushSTACK(pack); pushSTACK(obj); /* save */              \
762        check_pack_lock(func, STACK_1 /*pack*/,STACK_0 /*obj*/); \
763        obj = popSTACK(); pack = popSTACK(); /* restore */       \
764   } while(0)
766 /* UP: Inserts a symbol into a package, that has no symbol of the same name yet.
767    Does not check for conflicts.
768  make_present(sym,pack);
769  > sym: symbol
770  > pack: package
771  only call, if BREAK_SEM_2 is set
772  can trigger GC */
make_present(object sym,object pack)773 local maygc void make_present (object sym, object pack) {
774   pushSTACK(pack);
775   if (!eq(pack,O(keyword_package))) {
776     if (nullp(Symbol_package(sym)))
777       Symbol_package(sym) = pack;
778     /* Insert symbol into the internal symbols: */
779     var object symtab =
780       symtab_insert(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols);
781     ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_internal_symbols = symtab;
782   } else {
783     if (nullp(Symbol_package(sym))) {
784       pushSTACK(pack);          /* save */
785       sym = check_symbol_not_symbol_macro(sym);
786       Symbol_package(sym) = pack = popSTACK();
787       Symbol_value(sym) = sym; /* sym gets itself as value */
788       set_const_flag(TheSymbol(sym)); /* mark as constant */
789     }
790     /* Insert symbol into the external symbols: */
791     var object symtab =
792       symtab_insert(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols);
793     ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_external_symbols = symtab;
794   }
795   skipSTACK(1);
796 }
798 /* UP: Interns a symbol with a given printname in a package.
799  intern(string,invert,pack,&sym)
800  > string: string
801  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
802  > pack: package
803  < sym: symbol
804  < result: 0, if not found, but newly created
805            1, if available as external symbol
806            2, if inherited via use-list
807            3, if available as internal symbol
808  can trigger GC */
intern(object string,bool invert,object pack,object * sym_)809 modexp maygc uintBWL intern
810 (object string, bool invert, object pack, object* sym_) {
811   /* first check without locking */
812   var uintBWL result = find_symbol(string,invert,pack,sym_);
813   if (!(result==0)) {
814     return result & 3; /* found -> finished */
815   }
816   pushSTACK(string);
817   pushSTACK(pack);
818   pushSTACK(NIL); /* place for new symbol */
819   var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_1;
820   var gcv_object_t *string_ = &STACK_2;
821   var gcv_object_t *newsym_ = &STACK_0;
822   if (pack_locked_p(*pack_)) {
823     /* when STRING comes from READ, it points to a re-usable buffer
824        that will be overwritten during the CERROR i/o
825        therefore we must copy and save it */
826     pushSTACK(coerce_ss(*string_));
827     cerror_package_locked(S(intern),*pack_,STACK_0);
828     *string_ = popSTACK();
829     /* CERROR may do interesting things: it goes through CLCS, i.e., CLOS,
830        and can compute effective methods and thus create symbols, so... */
831     result = find_symbol(*string_,invert,*pack_,sym_);
832     if (!(result==0)) {
833       skipSTACK(3);
834       return result & 3; /* found -> finished */
835     }
836   }
837   /* in single thread - there is no need to check again */
838   #ifndef MULTITHREAD
839     #define UNLESS_FIND_SYMBOL
840   #else
841     #define UNLESS_FIND_SYMBOL                           \
842       result = find_symbol(*string_,invert,*pack_,sym_); \
843       if (!(result==0)) {                                \
844         *newsym_ = *sym_; /* store at gc safe location */\
845         result &= 3; /* found -> finished */             \
846       } else
847   #endif
848   /* with locked package */
849   WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
850     /* MT: search again, while we were waiting the same symbol may have
851        been interned */
853     {
854       if (invert)
855         *string_ = string_invertcase(*string_);
856       *string_ = coerce_imm_ss(*string_); /* string --> immutable simple-string */
857       *newsym_ = make_symbol(*string_); /* (make-symbol string) */
858       /* enter this new symbol into the package: */
859       set_break_sem_2(); /* protect against breaks */
860       make_present(*newsym_,*pack_); /* intern into this package */
861       clr_break_sem_2(); /* allow breaks */
862     }
863   });
864   *sym_ = *newsym_;
865   skipSTACK(3); /* string, pack & newsym */
866   return result;
868 }
870 /* UP: Interns a symbol of given printname into the keyword-package.
871  intern_keyword(string)
872  > string: string
873  < result: symbol, a keyword
874  can trigger GC */
intern_keyword(object string)875 modexp maygc object intern_keyword (object string) {
876   var object sym;
877   intern(string,false,O(keyword_package),&sym);
878   return sym;
879 }
881 /* UP: lookup the string among the internal and, if not found,
882  external symbols of the package PACK
883  tab, if supplied, is the assignment that will set the table in which the
884  STRINNG was found */
885 #define package_lookup(string,invert,pack,res_,tab)  \
886   (symtab_lookup(string,invert,tab ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols,res_) || \
887    symtab_lookup(string,invert,tab ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols,res_))
889 /* UP: Imports a symbol into a package and turns it into a shadowing-symbol.
890  Possibly another present symbol in this package
891  of the same name is uninterned.
892  shadowing_import(&sym,&pack);
893  > sym: symbol (in STACK)
894  > pack: package (in STACK)
895  < sym: symbol, EQ to the old one
896  < pack: package, EQ to the old one
897  can trigger GC.
898  MT: no locking - the caller locks */
shadowing_import(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)899 local maygc void shadowing_import (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
900   check_pack_lock(S(shadowing_import),*pack_,*sym_);
901   set_break_sem_2(); /* protect against breaks */
902   {
903     var object sym = *sym_;
904     var object pack = *pack_;
905     /* Searches an internal or external symbol of the same name: */
906     var object othersym;
907     var object tab_found;
908     var object string = Symbol_name(sym);
909     pushSTACK(string); /* save string */
910     if (package_lookup(string,false,pack,&othersym,tab_found=)) {
911       /* a symbol othersym of the same name was
912          already present in the package */
913       if (!eq(othersym,sym)) { /* was it the to be imported symbol itself? */
914         /* no -> have to take othersym away from the internal resp. */
915         /* from the external symbols: */
916         symtab_delete(othersym,tab_found);
917         /* Was this symbol taken away from its home-package,
918            its home-package must be set to NIL: */
919         if (eq(Symbol_package(othersym),pack))
920           Symbol_package(othersym) = NIL;
921         /* symbol sym must be added to the package pack. */
922         make_present(sym,pack);
923       }
924     } else { /* symbol sym must be added to the package pack. */
925       make_present(sym,pack);
926     }
927   }
928   /* symbol must be added to the shadowing-list of the package. */
929   shadowing_delete(popSTACK(),false,*pack_); /* remove string from */
930   /* the shadowing-list */
931   shadowing_insert(sym_,pack_); /* add symbol to the shadowing-list */
932   clr_break_sem_2(); /* allow breaks */
933 }
935 /* UP: Shadows in a package all symbols accessible from other packages
936  of give name by one symbol present in this package
937  of the same name.
938  shadow(&sym,invert,&pack)
939  > sym: symbol or string (in STACK)
940  > invert: whether to implicitly case-invert the string
941  > pack: package (in STACK)
942  < pack: package, EQ to the old
943  can trigger GC.
944  MT: locks with package mutex */
do_shadow(const gcv_object_t * sym_,bool invert,const gcv_object_t * pack_)945 local maygc void do_shadow (const gcv_object_t* sym_, bool invert, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
946   check_pack_lock(S(shadow),*pack_,*sym_);
947   WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
948     set_break_sem_2(); /* protect against breaks */
949     /* Search an internal or external symbol of the same name: */
950     var object string = /* only the name of the symbol counts. */
951       test_stringsymchar_arg(*sym_,invert);
952     var object pack = *pack_;
953     pushSTACK(NIL); /* make room for othersym */
954     pushSTACK(string); /* save string */
955     var object othersym;
956     if (package_lookup(string,invert,pack,&othersym,)) {
957       STACK_1 = othersym;
958     } else {
959       /* not found -> create new symbol of the same name: */
960       if (invert)
961         string = string_invertcase(string);
962       string = coerce_imm_ss(string); /* string --> immutable simple-string */
963       var object othersym = make_symbol(string); /* new symbol */
964       STACK_1 = othersym;
965       make_present(othersym,*pack_); /* enter into the package */
966       /* home-package of the new symbols is pack */
967       Symbol_package(STACK_1) = *pack_;
968     }
969     /* stack-layout: othersym, string
970        In the package, now symbol othersym of the same name is present.
971        remove string from the shadowing-list */
972     shadowing_delete(popSTACK(),invert,*pack_);
973     /* therefore add othersym to the shadowing-list */
974     shadowing_insert(&STACK_0,pack_);
975     skipSTACK(1); /* forget othersym */
976     clr_break_sem_2(); /* allow breaks */
977   });
978 }
shadow(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)979 local maygc void shadow (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
980   do_shadow(sym_,false,pack_);
981 }
cs_shadow(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)982 local maygc void cs_shadow (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
983   do_shadow(sym_,true,pack_);
984 }
986 /* UP: Removes a symbol from the set of present symbols of a package
987  and does conflict resolution if it was in the shadowing-list
988  of this package and a name conflict arises.
989  unintern(&sym,&pack)
990  > sym: symbol (in STACK)
991  > pack: package (in STACK)
992  < sym: symbol, EQ to the old
993  < pack: package, EQ to the old
994  < result: T if found and deleted, NIL if nothing has been done.
995  can trigger GC
996  MT: no locking. caller holds the pack lock */
unintern(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)997 local maygc object unintern (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
998   check_pack_lock(S(unintern),*pack_,*sym_);
999   var object sym = *sym_;
1000   var object pack = *pack_;
1001   var object symtab;
1002   /* search sym among the internal and the external symbols: */
1003   if (symtab_find(sym,symtab=ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols)
1004       || symtab_find(sym,symtab=ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols)) {
1005     /* found symbol sym in the table symtab */
1006     if (shadowing_find(sym,pack)) { /* search in the shadowing-list */
1007       /* possible conflict -> build up selection-list: */
1008       pushSTACK(symtab); /* save symboltable */
1009       pushSTACK(NIL); /* start option-list */
1010       pushSTACK(ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list); /* traverse use-list */
1011       /* stack-layout: symboltable, OL, use-list-rest */
1012       while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1013         var object othersym;
1014         pack = Car(STACK_0); /* package from the use-list */
1015         STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1016         /* search inherited symbol of the same name: */
1017         if (package_lookup_ext(Symbol_name(*sym_),false,pack,&othersym)) {
1018           /* check that othersym is not in the option-list yet */
1019           var object temp = STACK_1;
1020           while (mconsp(temp)) {
1021             if (eq(Cdr(Cdr(Car(temp))),othersym))
1022               goto next_package;
1023             temp = Cdr(temp);
1024           }
1025           /* othersym is a symbol of the same name, inherited from pack */
1026           pushSTACK(temp=ThePackage(pack)->pack_name); /* name of pack */
1027           pushSTACK(othersym); /* symbol */
1028           pushSTACK(NIL);
1029           pushSTACK(NIL); /* "symbol ~A from ~A will become a shadowing symbol" */
1030           pushSTACK(Symbol_name(othersym)); /* symbolname */
1031           pushSTACK(pack); /* package */
1032           STACK_2 = CLSTEXT("symbol ~A from ~A will become a shadowing symbol");
1033           /* (FORMAT NIL "..." symbolname packagename) */
1034           funcall(S(format),4);
1035           temp = value1;
1036           pushSTACK(temp); /* total-string */
1037           temp = allocate_cons();
1038           Car(temp) = popSTACK();
1039           Cdr(temp) = popSTACK();
1040           pushSTACK(temp); /* (cons total-string othersym) */
1041           temp = allocate_cons();
1042           Cdr(temp) = popSTACK();
1043           Car(temp) = popSTACK();
1044           /* temp = (list packagename total-string othersym) */
1045           /* STACK is correct, again */
1046           /* push to the option-list: */
1047           pushSTACK(temp);
1048           temp = allocate_cons();
1049           Car(temp) = popSTACK(); Cdr(temp) = STACK_1;
1050           STACK_1 = temp;
1051         }
1052        next_package:;
1053       }
1054       skipSTACK(1);
1055       /* option-list build-up finished.
1056          stack-layout: symboltable, OL
1057          if (length OL) >= 2, there's a conflict: */
1058       if (mconsp(STACK_0) && mconsp(Cdr(STACK_0))) {
1059         /* raise a correctable error, options is STACK_0 already */
1060         pushSTACK(*pack_); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1061         pushSTACK(*pack_); /* package */
1062         pushSTACK(*sym_); /* symbol */
1063         correctable_error(package_error,GETTEXT("Uninterning ~S from ~S uncovers a name conflict.\nYou may choose the symbol in favour of which to resolve the conflict."));
1064         pushSTACK(value1);
1065       } else
1066         STACK_0 = NIL;
1067       /* STACK_0 is the selection (NIL if no conflict arises) */
1068       /* stack-layout: symboltable, selection */
1069       set_break_sem_3();
1070       {
1071         var object sym = *sym_;
1072         var object pack = *pack_;
1073         /* remove symbol from symboltable: */
1074         symtab_delete(sym,STACK_1);
1075         /* if it was removed from its home-package,
1076            set the home-package to NIL: */
1077         if (eq(Symbol_package(sym),pack))
1078           Symbol_package(sym) = NIL;
1079         /* discard symbol from shadowing-list: */
1080         shadowing_delete(Symbol_name(sym),false,pack);
1081       }
1082       if (!nullp(STACK_0))
1083         /* in case of a conflict: import selected symbol: */
1084         shadowing_import(&STACK_0,pack_);
1085       skipSTACK(2); /* forget symboltable & selection */
1086       clr_break_sem_3();
1087       return T; /* that's it */
1088     } else { /* no conflict */
1089       set_break_sem_2();
1090       symtab_delete(sym,symtab); /* delete symbol */
1091       if (eq(Symbol_package(sym),pack))
1092         Symbol_package(sym) = NIL; /* maybe set home-package to NIL */
1093       clr_break_sem_2();
1094       return T;
1095     }
1096   } else /* not found */
1097     return NIL;
1098 }
1100 /* UP: raise a continuable error and query the user about how to proceed
1101  return true when an abort was requested
1102  dialog_type == 0 or 1 or 2
1103  can trigger GC */
query_intern_conflict(object pack,object sym,object other,int dialog_type)1104 local maygc bool query_intern_conflict (object pack, object sym, object other,
1105                                         int dialog_type) {
1106   pushSTACK(NIL); /* place for OPTIONS */
1107   pushSTACK(pack); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1108   pushSTACK(other); pushSTACK(pack); pushSTACK(sym);
1109   switch (dialog_type) {        /* fill OPTIONS */
1110     case 0: /* conflict */
1111       STACK_4=CLOTEXT("((IMPORT \"import it and unintern the other symbol\" . T)"
1112                       " (IGNORE \"do not import it, leave undone\" . NIL))");
1113       break;
1114     case 1: /* conflict & shadowing */
1115       STACK_4=CLOTEXT("((IMPORT \"import it, unintern one other symbol and shadow the other symbols\" . T)"
1116                       " (IGNORE \"do not import it, leave undone\" . NIL))");
1117       break;
1118     case 2: /* shadowing */
1119       STACK_4=CLOTEXT("((IMPORT \"import it and shadow the other symbol\" . T)"
1120                       " (IGNORE \"do nothing\" . NIL))");
1121       break;
1122     default: NOTREACHED;
1123   }
1124   correctable_error(package_error,(dialog_type == 1
1125                                    ? GETTEXT("Importing ~S into ~S produces a name conflict with ~S and other symbols.")
1126                                    : GETTEXT("Importing ~S into ~S produces a name conflict with ~S.")));
1127   return nullp(value1);
1128 }
1130 /* UP: Imports a symbol into a package and does conflict resolution
1131  in case, that a name conflict arises either with a symbol
1132  inherited from anotherpackage or with an already present symbol
1133  in this package of the same name.
1134  import(&sym,&pack);
1135  > sym: symbol (in STACK)
1136  > pack: package (in STACK)
1137  < pack: package, EQ to the old
1138  can trigger GC
1139  MT: pack is locked by the caller. */
import(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)1140 global maygc void import (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
1141   var object sym = *sym_;
1142   var object pack = *pack_;
1143   var object string = Symbol_name(sym);
1144   var object othersym;
1145   var object othersymtab;
1146   /* search symbol of the same name among the internal
1147      and the external symbols: */
1148   if (package_lookup(string,false,pack,&othersym,othersymtab=)) {
1149     /* othersym = symbol of the same name, found in othersymtab */
1150     if (eq(othersym,sym)) /* the same symbol -> nothing to do */
1151       return;
1152     /* not the same symbol was present -> must throw out othersym and
1153        insert the given symbol sym for it.
1154        determine beforehand, if there are additional inherited
1155        symbols there, and then raise Continuable Error. */
1156     pushSTACK(string);
1157     pushSTACK(othersym);
1158     pushSTACK(othersymtab);
1159     /* first calculate inherited-flag: */
1160     var bool inheritedp = inherited_lookup(string,false,pack,NULL);
1161     /* stack-layout: symbol-name, othersym, othersymtab. */
1162     /* raise Continuable Error: */
1163     if (query_intern_conflict(*pack_,*sym_,othersym,inheritedp ? 1 : 0)) {
1164       skipSTACK(3); return; /* yes -> do not import, finished */
1165     }
1166     /* import: */
1167     set_break_sem_2();
1168     pack = *pack_;
1169     { /* remove othersym from pack: */
1170       var object othersym = STACK_1;
1171       symtab_delete(othersym,STACK_0); /* remove othersym from othersymtab */
1172       if (eq(Symbol_package(othersym),pack))
1173         Symbol_package(othersym) = NIL; /* maybe home-package := NIL */
1174     }
1175     /* insert sym in pack: */
1176     make_present(*sym_,pack);
1177     /* remove symbols of the same name from the shadowing-list of pack: */
1178     shadowing_delete(STACK_2,false,*pack_);
1179     /* if inherited-flag, turn sym in pack into a shadowing-symbol: */
1180     if (inheritedp)
1181       shadowing_insert(sym_,pack_);
1182     clr_break_sem_2();
1183     skipSTACK(3); return;
1184   } else {
1185     /* no symbol of the same name was present.
1186        Search a symbol of the same name, that is inherited (there is
1187        at most one, according to the consistency rules 6 and 5): */
1188     var object otherusedsym;
1189     if (!inherited_lookup(string,false,pack,&otherusedsym)
1190         || eq(otherusedsym,sym)) {
1191       /* insert sym simply in pack: */
1192       set_break_sem_2();
1193       make_present(sym,pack);
1194       clr_break_sem_2();
1195     } else {
1196       /* no -> raise Continuable Error and query user: */
1197       if (query_intern_conflict(pack,sym,otherusedsym,2))
1198         return; /* yes -> do not import, finished */
1199       /* import: */
1200       set_break_sem_2();
1201       /* insert sym in pack: */
1202       make_present(*sym_,*pack_);
1203       /* turn sym in pack into a shadowing-symbol: */
1204       shadowing_insert(sym_,pack_);
1205       clr_break_sem_2();
1206     }
1207   }
1208 }
1210 /* UP: Sets a symbol back from external to internal status in
1211  einer package.
1212  unexport(&sym,&pack);
1213  > sym: symbol (in STACK)
1214  > pack: package (in STACK)
1215  < pack: package, EQ to the old
1216  can trigger GC
1217  MT: pack is locked by the caller  */
unexport(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)1218 local maygc void unexport (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
1219   check_pack_lock(S(unexport),*pack_,*sym_);
1220   var object sym = *sym_;
1221   var object pack = *pack_;
1222   var object symtab;
1223   if (symtab_find(sym,symtab=ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols)) {
1224     /* sym is external in pack */
1225     if (eq(pack,O(keyword_package))) { /* test for keyword-package */
1226       pushSTACK(pack); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1227       pushSTACK(pack);
1228       error(package_error,GETTEXT("UNEXPORT in ~S is illegal"));
1229     }
1230     set_break_sem_2();
1231     symtab_delete(sym,symtab); /* remove sym from the external symbols */
1232     /* therefor, insert it into the internal symbols */
1233     symtab = symtab_insert(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols);
1234     ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_internal_symbols = symtab;
1235     clr_break_sem_2();
1236   } else {
1237     /* Search, if the symbol is accessible at all. */
1238     /* Search among the internal symbols: */
1239     if (symtab_find(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols))
1240       return;
1241     /* Search among the external symbols of the packages from the use-list: */
1242     if (inherited_find(sym,pack))
1243       return;
1244     /* not found among the accessible symbols */
1245     pushSTACK(pack); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1246     pushSTACK(pack); pushSTACK(sym);
1247     error(package_error,GETTEXT("UNEXPORT works only on accessible symbols, not on ~S in ~S"));
1248   }
1249 }
1251 /* UP: Sets a present symbol into external status.
1252  make_external(sym,pack);
1253  > sym: symbol
1254  > pack: package, in which the symbol is present
1255  can trigger GC */
make_external(object sym,object pack)1256 local maygc void make_external (object sym, object pack) {
1257   if (symtab_find(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols))
1258     return; /* symbol already external -> nothing to do */
1259   set_break_sem_2();
1260   /* remove sym from the internal symbols */
1261   symtab_delete(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols);
1262   /* therefor, insert it into the external symbols */
1263   pushSTACK(pack);
1264   var object symtab =
1265     symtab_insert(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols);
1266   pack = popSTACK();
1267   ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols = symtab;
1268   clr_break_sem_2();
1269 }
1271 /* UP: Exports a symbol from a package
1272  export(&sym,&pack);
1273  > sym: symbol (in STACK)
1274  > pack: package (in STACK)
1275  < sym: symbol, EQ to the old
1276  < pack: package, EQ to the old
1277  can trigger GC
1278  MT: pack is locked by the caller. */
export(const gcv_object_t * sym_,const gcv_object_t * pack_)1279 global maygc void export (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_) {
1280   check_pack_lock(S(export),*pack_,*sym_);
1281   var object sym = *sym_;
1282   var object pack = *pack_;
1283   /* search sym among the external symbols of pack: */
1284   if (symtab_find(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols))
1285     return; /* found -> finished */
1286   var bool import_it = false;
1287   /* import_it = flag, if symbol has to be imported first. */
1288   /* search sym among the internal symbols of pack: */
1289   if (!(symtab_find(sym,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols))) {
1290     /* symbol sym is not present in package pack */
1291     import_it = true;
1292     /* Search, if it is at least accessible: */
1293     if (!inherited_find(sym,pack)) {
1294       /* symbol sym is not even accessible in the package pack ==>
1295          raise correctable error: */
1296       pushSTACK(NIL); /* place for OPTIONS */
1297       pushSTACK(pack); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1298       /* "symbol ~S has to be imported in ~S before being exported" */
1299       pushSTACK(pack); pushSTACK(sym); pushSTACK(S(export));
1300       STACK_4 = CLOTEXT("((IMPORT \"import the symbol first\" . T)"
1301                         " (IGNORE \"do nothing, do not export the symbol\" . NIL))");
1302       correctable_error(package_error,GETTEXT("~S: Symbol ~S should be imported into ~S before being exported."));
1303       if (nullp(value1)) /* NIL-option selected? */
1304         return; /* yes -> do not export, finished */
1305     }
1306   }
1307   /* Test for name-conflict: */
1308   pushSTACK(NIL); /* conflict-resolver:=NIL */
1309   /* stack-layout: conflict-resolver (a list of pairs (sym . pack),
1310                    for which shadowing_import has to be applied).
1311   used-by-list is searched */
1312   pushSTACK(ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_used_by_list);
1313   while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1314     var object usingpack = Car(STACK_0); /* USE-ing package */
1315     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1316     var object othersym;
1317     if (find_symbol(Symbol_name(*sym_),false,usingpack,&othersym) > 0)
1318       /* othersym is a symbol of the same name in usingpack */
1319       if (!eq(othersym,*sym_)) {
1320         var gcv_object_t *othersym_, *usingpack_;
1321         /* it is not sym itself -> there is a conflict */
1322         pushSTACK(othersym); othersym_ = &STACK_0;
1323         pushSTACK(usingpack); usingpack_ = &STACK_0;
1324         /* stack-layout: conflict-resolver, used-by-list-rest,
1325                          other symbol, USE-ing package. */
1326         pushSTACK(NIL);         /* space for OPTIONS */
1327         pushSTACK(*pack_);      /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1328         pushSTACK(usingpack);   /* USE-ing package */
1329         pushSTACK(usingpack);   /* USE-ing package */
1330         pushSTACK(othersym);    /* other symbol */
1331         pushSTACK(*pack_);      /* package */
1332         pushSTACK(*sym_);       /* symbol */
1333         { /* construct options-list: */
1334           var object temp;
1335           pushSTACK(ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_name); /* package name */
1336           pushSTACK(CLSTEXT("the symbol to export, "));
1337           pushSTACK(*sym_); /* symbol */
1338           funcall(L(prin1_to_string),1); /* (prin1-to-string Symbol) */
1339           pushSTACK(value1);
1340           /* (string-concat "The new symbol " (prin1-to-string Symbol)) */
1341           temp = string_concat(2);
1342           pushSTACK(temp);
1343           temp = listof(2); /* (list* symbol (string-concat ...) 'T) */
1344           Cdr(Cdr(temp)) = T;
1345           pushSTACK(temp);
1346           pushSTACK(ThePackage(*usingpack_)->pack_name); /* USE-ing pack */
1347           pushSTACK(CLSTEXT("the old symbol, "));
1348           pushSTACK(*othersym_); /* other symbol */
1349           /* (prin1-to-string anderesSymbol) */
1350           funcall(L(prin1_to_string),1);
1351           pushSTACK(value1);
1352           /* (string-concat "The old symbol " (prin1-to-string old-symbol)) */
1353           temp = string_concat(2);
1354           pushSTACK(temp);
1355           temp = listof(2); /* (list* other-symbol (string-concat ...) 'NIL) */
1356           /* Cdr(Cdr(temp)) = NIL; not needed */
1357           pushSTACK(temp);
1358           temp = listof(2); /* (list (list s1 ... 'T) (list s2 ... 'NIL)) */
1359           STACK_6 = temp; /* options */
1360         }
1361         correctable_error(package_error,GETTEXT("Exporting ~S from ~S produces a name conflict with ~S from ~S.\nYou may choose which symbol should be accessible in ~S."));
1362         pushSTACK(nullp(value1)?STACK_1/*other symbol*/:*sym_);/*solvingsym*/
1363         { /* extend conflict-resolver with (solvingsym . usingpack) : */
1364           var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1365           Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); /* solvingsym */
1366           Cdr(new_cons) = popSTACK(); /* usingpack */
1367           /* new_cons = (cons solvingsym usingpack) */
1368           /* cons in front of conflict-resolver: */
1369           STACK_0 = new_cons;
1370           new_cons = allocate_cons();
1371           Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); /* (solvingsym . usingpack) */
1372           Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_1;
1373           STACK_1 = new_cons;
1374         }
1375         /* stack-layout: conflict-resolver, used-by-list-rest. */
1376       }
1377   }
1378   skipSTACK(1);
1379   /* stack-layout: conflict-resolver. */
1380   /* Now maybe import symbol sym: */
1381   if (import_it) {
1382     /* import sym in pack: */
1383     import(sym_,pack_);
1384     /* This importing can be aborted by CERROR.
1385        An abort is not dangerous at this point, because up to now
1386        the symbol is only internal in the package (except if it is
1387        the KEYWORD package, that can not be USE-ed). */
1388   }
1389   set_break_sem_3(); /* protect against breaks */
1390   /* now resolve the conflicts: */
1391   while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1392     var object cons_sym_pack = Car(STACK_0);
1393     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1394     pushSTACK(Car(cons_sym_pack)); /* solvingsym */
1395     pushSTACK(Cdr(cons_sym_pack)); /* usingpack */
1396     shadowing_import(&STACK_1,&STACK_0); /* import and shadow */
1397     skipSTACK(2);
1398   }
1399   skipSTACK(1);
1400   make_external(*sym_,*pack_); /* make sym in pack external */
1401   clr_break_sem_3(); /* allow breaks */
1402 }
1404 /* UP: Applies a function to all symbols in a symboltable.
1405  (In the worst case, this function may delete the symbol via symtab_delete
1406  from the table.)
1407  map_symtab(fun,symtab);
1408  > fun: function with one argument
1409  > symtab: symboltable
1410  can trigger GC */
map_symtab(object fun,object symtab)1411 local maygc void map_symtab (object fun, object symtab) {
1412   pushSTACK(fun); /* function */
1413   pushSTACK(Symtab_table(symtab)); /* table vector */
1414   /* number of entries */
1415   var uintL size = posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab));
1416   var gcv_object_t* offset = 0; /* offset = sizeof(gcv_object_t)*index */
1417   var uintC count;
1418   dotimespC(count,size, {
1419     var object entry = /* entry with number index in table */
1420       *(gcv_object_t*)(pointerplus(&TheSvector(STACK_0)->data[0],(aint)offset));
1421     if (atomp(entry)) {
1422       if (!nullp(entry)) {
1423         /* entry is a symbol /= NIL */
1424         pushSTACK(entry); funcall(STACK_2,1); /* apply function */
1425       }
1426     } else {
1427       /* process non-empty symbol list */
1428       pushSTACK(entry);
1429       do {
1430         var object listr = STACK_0;
1431         STACK_0 = Cdr(listr);
1432         /* apply function to symbol */
1433         pushSTACK(Car(listr)); funcall(STACK_3,1);
1434       } while (!matomp(STACK_0));
1435       skipSTACK(1);
1436     }
1437     offset++;
1438   });
1439   skipSTACK(2);
1440 }
1442 /* UP: Applies a C-function to all symbols of a symbol table.
1443  (In the worst case, this function may delete the symbol via symtab_delete
1444  from the table.)
1445  map_symtab_c(fun,data,symtab);
1446  > fun: function with two arguments, may trigger GC
1447  > data: first argument for the function
1448  > symtab: symbol table
1449  can trigger GC */
1450 typedef maygc void one_sym_function_t (void* data, object sym);
map_symtab_c(one_sym_function_t * fun,void * data,object symtab)1451 local maygc void map_symtab_c (one_sym_function_t* fun, void* data, object symtab) {
1452   pushSTACK(Symtab_table(symtab)); /* table vector */
1453   /* number of entries */
1454   var uintL size = posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab));
1455   var gcv_object_t* offset = 0; /* offset = sizeof(gcv_object_t)*index */
1456   var uintC count;
1457   dotimespC(count,size, {
1458     var object entry = /* entry with number index in table */
1459       *(gcv_object_t*)(pointerplus(&TheSvector(STACK_0)->data[0],(aint)offset));
1460     if (atomp(entry)) {
1461       if (!nullp(entry)) { /* entry is a symbol /= NIL */
1462         (*fun)(data,entry); /* apply function */
1463       }
1464     } else { /* process non-empty symbol list */
1465       pushSTACK(entry);
1466       do {
1467         var object listr = STACK_0;
1468         STACK_0 = Cdr(listr);
1469         (*fun)(data,Car(listr)); /* apply function to symbol */
1470       } while (!matomp(STACK_0));
1471       skipSTACK(1);
1472     }
1473     offset++;
1474   });
1475   skipSTACK(1);
1476 }
1478 /* define macro for locking mutexes of list of packages */
1479 #ifdef MULTITHREAD
1480 /* TODO: following is not interrupt-safe. If the thread is interrupted in the
1481    middle of the loop below with non-local exit - we are going release locks
1482    that were not required (in most cases this will result in an error,
1483    but in case of already held recursive mutex we will release it). */
1484   #define PACKAGE_LIST_MUTEX_LOCK_HELP_(packlist_) do {       \
1485     pushSTACK(*packlist_);                                    \
1486     while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {                                 \
1487       pushSTACK(ThePackage(Car(STACK_0))->pack_mutex);        \
1488       funcall(L(mutex_lock),1);                               \
1489       STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);                                 \
1490     }                                                         \
1491     skipSTACK(1);                                             \
1492   } while(0)
1493   #define PACKAGE_LIST_MUTEX_UNLOCK_HELP_(packlist_,keep_mv_space)   \
1494     do {                                                       \
1495       var uintC cnt=mv_count;                                  \
1496       if (keep_mv_space) mv_to_STACK();                        \
1497       pushSTACK(*packlist_);                                   \
1498       while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {                                \
1499         pushSTACK(ThePackage(Car(STACK_0))->pack_mutex);       \
1500         funcall(L(mutex_unlock),1);                            \
1501         STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);                                \
1502       }                                                        \
1503       skipSTACK(1);                                            \
1504       if (keep_mv_space) STACK_to_mv(cnt);                     \
1505     } while(0)
1506   /* packlist_ should be pointer to GC safe location. */
1507   #define WITH_PACKAGE_LIST_MUTEX_LOCK(stack_count,keep_mv_space,packlist_,body)     \
1508     WITH_MUTEX_LOCK_HELP_(stack_count,keep_mv_space,packlist_,,PACKAGE_LIST_MUTEX_LOCK_HELP_,PACKAGE_LIST_MUTEX_UNLOCK_HELP_,body)
1509 #else /* no MT */
1510   #define WITH_PACKAGE_LIST_MUTEX_LOCK(stack_count,keep_mv_space,packlist_,body) body
1511 #endif
1513 /* UP: Effectuates, that all external symbols of a given list of packages
1514  become implicitly accessible in a given package.
1515  use_package(packlist,pack);
1516  > packlist: list of packages, that are to be USE-ed
1517  > pack: package
1518  the list packlist is thereby destroyed!
1519  can trigger GC */
1520 local one_sym_function_t use_package_aux;
use_package(object packlist,object pack)1521 local maygc void use_package (object packlist, object pack) {
1522   safe_check_pack_lock(S(use_package),pack,packlist);
1523   { /* packlist := (delete-duplicates packlist :test #'eq) : */
1524     var object packlist1 = packlist;
1525     while (consp(packlist1)) {
1526       var object to_delete = Car(packlist1);
1527       /* remove to_delete destructively from (cdr packlist1) : */
1528       var object packlist2 = packlist1; /* starts at packlist1 */
1529       var object packlist3; /* always = (cdr packlist2) */
1530       while (consp(packlist3=Cdr(packlist2))) {
1531         if (eq(Car(packlist3),to_delete)) {
1532           /* remove (car packlist3) destructively from the list: */
1533           Cdr(packlist2) = Cdr(packlist3);
1534         } else { /* advance: */
1535           packlist2 = packlist3;
1536         }
1537       }
1538       packlist1 = Cdr(packlist1);
1539     }
1540   }
1541   /* Remove all the packages from packlist, that are equal to pack
1542      or that already occur in the use-list of pack: */
1543   pushSTACK(pack); /* save package pack */
1544   pushSTACK(packlist); /* save list of packages to be USE-ed */
1545   {
1546     var gcv_object_t* packlistr_ = &STACK_0;
1547     var object packlistr = *packlistr_;
1548     /* packlistr loops over packlist, packlistr = *packlistr_ */
1549     while (consp(packlistr)) {
1550       /* test, if (car packlistr) must be discarded: */
1551       var object pack_to_test = Car(packlistr);
1552       if (eq(pack_to_test,pack))
1553         goto delete_pack_to_test;
1554       if (!nullp(memq(pack_to_test,ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list)))
1555         goto delete_pack_to_test;
1556       if (true) { /* do not discard, advance: */
1557         packlistr_ = &Cdr(packlistr); packlistr = *packlistr_;
1558       } else {    /* discard (car packlistr) : */
1559       delete_pack_to_test:
1560         packlistr = *packlistr_ = Cdr(packlistr);
1561       }
1562     }
1563   }
1564   var gcv_object_t *packlist_lock_ = &STACK_0;
1565   var gcv_object_t *pack_lock_ = &STACK_1;
1566   WITH_PACKAGE_LIST_MUTEX_LOCK(2,false,packlist_lock_, {
1567     /* build conflict list.
1568        A conflict is an at least two-element list
1569        of symbols of the same printname, together with the package,
1570        from which this symbol is taken:
1571        ((pack1 . sym1) ...) means, that on execution of the USE-PACKAGE
1572        the symbole sym1,... (from pack1 etc.) would compete for
1573        the visibility in package pack.
1574        The conflict list is the list of all occurring conflicts. */
1575     {
1576       var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_1;
1577       var gcv_object_t *packlist_ = &STACK_0;
1578       var gcv_object_t *conflicts_;
1579       var gcv_object_t *conflict_resolver_;
1580       pushSTACK(NIL); /* (so far empty) conflict list */
1581       conflicts_ = &STACK_0;
1582       /* stack-layout: pack, packlist, conflicts. */
1583       { /* peruse package list: */
1584         pushSTACK(*packlist_);
1585         while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1586           var object pack_to_use = Car(STACK_0);
1587           STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1588           /* apply use_package_aux to all external symbols of pack_to_use: */
1589           map_symtab_c(&use_package_aux,conflicts_,
1590                        ThePackage(pack_to_use)->pack_external_symbols);
1591         }
1592         skipSTACK(1);
1593       }
1594       { /* reconstruct conflict list: Each conflict ((pack1 . sym1) ...) is
1595            transformed into ((packname1 pack1 . sym1) ...). */
1596         pushSTACK(*conflicts_); /* traverse conflict list */
1597         while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1598           var object conflict = Car(STACK_0);
1599           STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1600           pushSTACK(conflict); /* process conflict */
1601           while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1602             var object new_cons = allocate_cons(); /* new cons */
1603             var object old_cons = Car(STACK_0); /* (pack . sym) */
1604             /* replace pack by its name */
1605             Car(new_cons) = ThePackage(Car(old_cons))->pack_name;
1606             /* insert new-cons */
1607             Cdr(new_cons) = old_cons; Car(STACK_0) = new_cons;
1608             STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1609           }
1610           skipSTACK(1);
1611         }
1612         skipSTACK(1);
1613       }
1614       /* conflict-list finished. */
1615       pushSTACK(NIL); /* conflict-resolver := NIL */
1616       conflict_resolver_ = &STACK_0;
1617       /* stack-layout: pack, packlist, conflicts, conflict-resolver. */
1618       /* treat conflicts with user-queries: */
1619       while (!nullp(*conflicts_)) { /* only necessary for conflicts/=NIL */
1620         /* raise correctable error: */
1621         pushSTACK(Car(*conflicts_));           /* OPTIONS */
1622         pushSTACK(*pack_);        /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1623         pushSTACK(*pack_);
1624         pushSTACK(Symbol_name(Cdr(Cdr(Car(Car(*conflicts_)))))); /* name */
1625         pushSTACK(fixnum(llength(*conflicts_))); /* (length conflicts) */
1626         pushSTACK(*pack_); pushSTACK(*packlist_); pushSTACK(S(use_package));
1627         correctable_error(package_error,GETTEXT("(~S ~S ~S): ~S name conflicts remain\nWhich symbol with name ~S should be accessible in ~S?"));
1628         pushSTACK(value1); /* sym */
1629         {
1630           var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1631           Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); /* sym */
1632           Cdr(new_cons) = *conflict_resolver_;
1633           /* conflict-resolver := (cons sym conflict-resolver) */
1634           *conflict_resolver_ = new_cons;
1635         }
1636         *conflicts_ = Cdr(*conflicts_);
1637       }
1638       /* stack-layout: pack, packlist, conflicts, conflict-resolver. */
1639       { /* resolve conflicts: */
1640         set_break_sem_3();
1641         /* traverse conflict-resolver: */
1642         while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1643           pushSTACK(Car(STACK_0)); /* symbol from conflict-resolver */
1644           /* make it into a shadowing-symbol in pack */
1645           shadowing_import(&STACK_0,&STACK_4);
1646           skipSTACK(1);
1647           STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1648         }
1649         skipSTACK(2); /* forget conflicts and conflict-resolver */
1650         /* stack-layout: pack, packlist. */
1651         /* traverse packlist: */
1652         while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
1653           pushSTACK(Car(STACK_0)); /* pack_to_use */
1654           { /* (push pack_to_use (package-use-list pack)) */
1655             var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1656             var object pack = STACK_2;
1657             Car(new_cons) = STACK_0; /* pack_to_use */
1658             Cdr(new_cons) = ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list;
1659             ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list = new_cons;
1660           }
1661           { /* (push pack (package-used-by-list pack_to_use)) */
1662             var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1663             var object pack_to_use = popSTACK();
1664             Car(new_cons) = STACK_1; /* pack */
1665             Cdr(new_cons) = ThePackage(pack_to_use)->pack_used_by_list;
1666             ThePackage(pack_to_use)->pack_used_by_list = new_cons;
1667           }
1668           STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
1669         }
1670         skipSTACK(2); /* forget pack and packlist */
1671         clr_break_sem_3();
1672       }
1673     }
1674   });
1675 }
1678 /* UP: Auxiliary function for use_package:
1679  Test the argument (an external symbol from one of the packages of
1680  packlist), if it creates a conflict. If yes, extend conflicts.
1681  can trigger GC */
use_package_aux(void * data,object sym)1682 local maygc void use_package_aux (void* data, object sym) {
1683   var gcv_object_t* localptr = (gcv_object_t*)data;
1684   /* Pointer to local variables of use_package:
1685      *(localptr STACKop 2) = pack,
1686      *(localptr STACKop 1) = packlist,
1687      *(localptr STACKop 0) = conflicts. */
1688   var object string = Symbol_name(sym); /* printname of the passed symbol */
1689   /* Is there a conflict between the symbols with printname = string ?
1690      travares conflict list so far (((pack1 . sym1) ...) ...) : */
1691   {
1692     var object conflictsr = *(localptr STACKop 0);
1693     while (consp(conflictsr)) {
1694       /* conflict already treated?
1695          (car conflictsr) = next conflict,
1696          (car (car conflictsr)) = its first cons,
1697          (cdr (car (car conflictsr))) = the symbol therein,
1698          is its printname = string ? */
1699       if (string_eq(Symbol_name(Cdr(Car(Car(conflictsr)))),string))
1700         goto ok;
1701       conflictsr = Cdr(conflictsr);
1702     }
1703   }
1704   pushSTACK(string); /* save string */
1705   /* build new conflict: */
1706   { pushSTACK(NIL); } /* new conflict (still empty) */
1707   { /* test, if a symbol of the same name is already accessible in pack: */
1708     var object othersym;
1709     var sintBWL code = find_symbol(string,false,*(localptr STACKop 2),&othersym);
1710     if (code < 0) {
1711       /* Eponymous symbol in the shadowing-list impedes conflict. */
1712       skipSTACK(2); goto ok;
1713     }
1714     if (code > 0) {
1715       /* accessible, but not shadowing ->
1716          extend conflict by (pack . othersym) : */
1717       pushSTACK(othersym);
1718       {
1719         var object temp = allocate_cons();
1720         Cdr(temp) = popSTACK(); /* othersym */
1721         Car(temp) = *(localptr STACKop 2); /* pack */
1722         pushSTACK(temp); /* (pack . othersym) */
1723       }
1724       {
1725         var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1726         Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_0;
1727         STACK_0 = new_cons;
1728       }
1729     }
1730   }
1731   /* Test, in which packages from packlist a symbol of the same name
1732      is external: */
1733   {
1734     var object packlistr = *(localptr STACKop 1); /* traverse packlist */
1735     while (consp(packlistr)) {
1736       var object pack_to_use = Car(packlistr);
1737       packlistr = Cdr(packlistr);
1738       var object othersym;
1739       if (package_lookup_ext(STACK_1,false,pack_to_use,&othersym)) {
1740         /* othersym has the printname = string and is
1741            external in pack_to_use.
1742            push (pack_to_use . othersym) on conflict: */
1743         pushSTACK(packlistr); /* save packlistr */
1744         pushSTACK(pack_to_use);
1745         pushSTACK(othersym);
1746         {
1747           var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1748           Cdr(new_cons) = popSTACK(); Car(new_cons) = popSTACK();
1749           pushSTACK(new_cons); /* (cons pack_to_use othersym) */
1750         }
1751         {
1752           var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1753           Car(new_cons) = popSTACK();
1754           packlistr = popSTACK();
1755           Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_0;
1756           /* conflict := (cons (cons pack_to_use othersym) conflict) */
1757           STACK_0 = new_cons;
1758         }
1759       }
1760     }
1761   }
1762   {
1763     var object conflict = popSTACK(); /* the completed conflict */
1764     /* conflict := (delete-duplicates conflict :key #'cdr :test #'eq): */
1765     {
1766       var object conflict1 = conflict;
1767       while (consp(conflict1)) {
1768         var object to_delete = Cdr(Car(conflict1));
1769         /* Remove all elements with CDR=to_delete
1770            destructively from (cdr conflict1) : */
1771         var object conflict2 = conflict1; /* starts at conflict1 */
1772         var object conflict3; /* always = (cdr conflict2) */
1773         while (consp(conflict3=Cdr(conflict2))) {
1774           if (eq(Cdr(Car(conflict3)),to_delete)) {
1775             /* discard (car conflict3) destructively from the list: */
1776             Cdr(conflict2) = Cdr(conflict3);
1777           } else { /* advance: */
1778             conflict2 = conflict3;
1779           }
1780         }
1781         conflict1 = Cdr(conflict1);
1782       }
1783     }
1784     /* if conflict has a length >=2 , it is consed to conflicts: */
1785     if (consp(conflict) && mconsp(Cdr(conflict))) {
1786       pushSTACK(conflict);
1787       var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
1788       Car(new_cons) = popSTACK(); /* conflict */
1789       Cdr(new_cons) = *(localptr STACKop 0); /* conflicts */
1790       /* conflicts := (cons conflict conflicts) */
1791       *(localptr STACKop 0) = new_cons;
1792     }
1793   }
1794   skipSTACK(1); /* forget string */
1795  ok: ;
1796 }
1798 /* UP: Effectuates, that a given package is not USE-ed anymore
1799  by (another) package.
1800  unuse_1package(pack,qpack);
1801  > pack: package
1802  > qpack: package
1803  Removes qpack from the use-list of pack
1804  and pack from the used-by-list of qpack.
1805  can trigger GC */
unuse_1package(object pack,object qpack)1806 local maygc void unuse_1package (object pack, object qpack) {
1807   safe_check_pack_lock(S(use_package),pack,qpack);
1808   set_break_sem_2();
1809   /* remove qpack from the use-list of pack: */
1810   ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list =
1811     deleteq(ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list,qpack);
1812   /* remove pack from the used-by-list of qpack: */
1813   ThePackage(qpack)->pack_used_by_list =
1814     deleteq(ThePackage(qpack)->pack_used_by_list,pack);
1815   clr_break_sem_2();
1816 }
1818 /* UP: Effectuates, that a list of given packages is not USE-ed anymore
1819  by a given package.
1820  unuse_package(packlist,pack);
1821  > packlist: list of packages
1822  > pack: package
1823  Removes all packages from packlist from the use-list of pack
1824  and pack from the used-by-lists of all packages from packlist.
1825  can trigger GC
1826  MT: pack mutex is locked by caller */
unuse_package(object packlist,object pack)1827 local maygc void unuse_package (object packlist, object pack) {
1828   pushSTACK(pack);
1829   pushSTACK(packlist);
1830   pushSTACK(NIL);
1831   var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_2;
1832   var gcv_object_t *qpack_ = &STACK_0;
1833   set_break_sem_3();
1834   /* traverse packlist: */
1835   while (mconsp(STACK_1)) {
1836     STACK_0 = Car(STACK_1);
1837     WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*qpack_)->pack_mutex,{
1838       unuse_1package(*pack_,*qpack_);
1839     });
1840     STACK_1 = Cdr(STACK_1);
1841   }
1842   clr_break_sem_3();
1843   skipSTACK(3);
1844 }
1846 /* UP: returns the current package
1847  get_current_package()
1848  < result: current package
1849  can trigger GC */
get_current_package(void)1850 global maygc object get_current_package (void) {
1851   var object pack = Symbol_value(S(packagestar)); /* value of *PACKAGE* */
1852   if (packagep(pack) && !pack_deletedp(pack)) {
1853     return pack;
1854   } else {
1855     var object newpack = /* reset *PACKAGE* */
1856       Symbol_value(S(packagestar)) = O(default_package);
1857     /* get_current_package() is often called by the reader,
1858        so we need to save and restore the read buffers */
1859     pushSTACK(TLO(token_buff_1)); TLO(token_buff_1) = NIL;
1860     pushSTACK(TLO(token_buff_2)); TLO(token_buff_2) = NIL;
1861     pushSTACK(NIL);             /* 8: "Proceed with the new value." */
1862     pushSTACK(S(type_error));   /* 7: error type */
1863     pushSTACK(S(Kdatum));       /* 6: :DATUM */
1864     pushSTACK(pack);            /* 5: TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1865     pushSTACK(S(Kexpected_type)); /* 4: :EXPECTED-TYPE */
1866     pushSTACK(S(package));      /* 3: TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1867     pushSTACK(NIL);             /* 2: "The value of ..." */
1868     pushSTACK(pack);            /* 1: old name */
1869     pushSTACK(newpack);         /* 0: new name */
1870     STACK_2 = CLSTEXT("The value of *PACKAGE* was not a package and was reset. The old value was ~S. The new value is ~S.");
1871     STACK_8 = CLSTEXT("Proceed with the new value.");
1872     funcall(L(cerror_of_type),9);
1873     TLO(token_buff_2) = popSTACK(); /* restore read buffers */
1874     TLO(token_buff_1) = popSTACK();
1875     return Symbol_value(S(packagestar));
1876   }
1877 }
1879 /* UP: checks a package-argument.
1880  Tests, if it is a package or a package name, and returns it as
1881  a package. Else error message.
1882  test_package_arg(obj)
1883  > obj: argument
1884  < result: argument turned into a package
1885  can trigger GC */
test_package_arg(object obj)1886 local maygc object test_package_arg (object obj) {
1887  restart_package_arg:
1888   if (packagep(obj)) { /* package -> mostly OK */
1889     if (!pack_deletedp(obj))
1890       return obj;
1891     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1892     pushSTACK(obj); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1893     pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1894     check_value(package_error,GETTEXT("~S: Package ~S has been deleted."));
1895     obj = value1;
1896     goto restart_package_arg;
1897   }
1898   if (stringp(obj))
1899   string: { /* string -> search package with name obj: */
1900     pushSTACK(obj);
1901     var object pack = find_package(obj);
1902     obj = popSTACK();
1903     if (!nullp(pack))
1904       return pack;
1905     pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1906     pushSTACK(obj); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
1907     pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1908     check_value(package_error,GETTEXT("~S: There is no package with name ~S"));
1909     obj = value1;
1910     goto restart_package_arg;
1911   }
1912   if (symbolp(obj)) { /* symbol -> string */
1913     obj = Symbol_name(obj); goto string; /* use print name, no case-invert */
1914   }
1915   if (charp(obj)) { /* character -> string */
1916     var object new_string = allocate_string(1);
1917     TheSnstring(new_string)->data[0] = char_code(obj);
1918     obj = new_string;
1919     goto string;
1920   }
1921   pushSTACK(NIL); /* no PLACE */
1922   pushSTACK(obj); /* TYPE-ERROR slot DATUM */
1923   pushSTACK(O(type_packname)); /* TYPE-ERROR slot EXPECTED-TYPE */
1924   pushSTACK(obj); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
1925   check_value(type_error,GETTEXT("~S: argument should be a package or a package name, not ~S"));
1926   obj = value1;
1927   goto restart_package_arg;
1928 }
1930 LISPFUNNR(make_symbol,1) { /* (MAKE-SYMBOL printname), CLTL p. 168 */
1931   var object arg = check_string(popSTACK());
1932   VALUES1(make_symbol(coerce_imm_ss(arg)));
1933 }
1935 LISPFUNNR(find_package,1) { /* (FIND-PACKAGE name), CLTL p. 183 */
1936   var object pack = popSTACK();
1937   if (packagep(pack)) VALUES1(pack);
1938   else {
1939     var object name = test_stringsymchar_arg(pack,false);
1940     VALUES1(find_package(name)); /* search package */
1941   }
1942 }
1944 LISPFUNN(pfind_package,1) { /* (SYSTEM::%FIND-PACKAGE name) */
1945   VALUES1(test_package_arg(popSTACK())); /* argument as package */
1946 }
1948 LISPFUNNR(package_name,1) { /* (PACKAGE-NAME package), CLTL p. 184 */
1949   var object pack = popSTACK();
1950   if (packagep(pack) && pack_deletedp(pack)) {
1951     VALUES1(NIL);
1952   } else {
1953     pack = test_package_arg(pack); /* argument as package */
1954     VALUES1(ThePackage(pack)->pack_name); /* the name */
1955   }
1956 }
1958 LISPFUNNR(package_nicknames,1)
1959 { /* (PACKAGE-NICKNAMES package), CLTL p. 184 */
1960   var object pack = popSTACK();
1961   if (packagep(pack) && pack_deletedp(pack)) {
1962     VALUES1(NIL);
1963   } else {
1964     pack = test_package_arg(pack); /* argument as package */
1965     /* copy nicknamelist for safety reasons */
1966     VALUES1(copy_list(ThePackage(pack)->pack_nicknames));
1967   }
1968 }
1970 /* UP: checks name and nicknames -
1971  arguments of RENAME-PACKAGE and MAKE-PACKAGE.
1972  Tests, if STACK_4 is a name, and turns it into a immutable simple-string.
1973  Tests, if STACK_3 is a name or a list of names, and turns it
1974  into a new list of immutable simple-strings.
1975  > subr-self: caller (a SUBR)
1976  can trigger GC */
test_names_args(void)1977 local maygc void test_names_args (void) {
1978   /* check name for string and turn it into a simple-string: */
1979   STACK_4 = coerce_imm_ss(test_stringsymchar_arg(STACK_4,false));
1980   { /* convert nickname-argument into a list: */
1981     var object nicknames = STACK_3;
1982     if (!boundp(nicknames)) {
1983       STACK_3 = NIL; /* no nicknames specified -> default NIL */
1984     } else {
1985       if (!listp(nicknames)) {
1986         /* nicknames not a list -> turn it into a one-element list: */
1987         nicknames = allocate_cons();
1988         Car(nicknames) = STACK_3;
1989         STACK_3 = nicknames;
1990       }
1991     }
1992   }
1993   { /* check nickname(s) for string, turn into simple-strings
1994      and build a new nicknamelist: */
1995     pushSTACK(NIL); /* new nicknamelist := NIL */
1996     while (mconsp(STACK_4)) {
1997       {
1998         var object nickname = Car(STACK_4); /* next nickname */
1999         STACK_4 = Cdr(STACK_4);
2000         /* as simple-string */
2001         nickname = coerce_imm_ss(test_stringsymchar_arg(nickname,false));
2002         /* cons in front of the new nicknamelist: */
2003         pushSTACK(nickname);
2004       }
2005       var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
2006       Car(new_cons) = popSTACK();
2007       Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_0;
2008       STACK_0 = new_cons;
2009     }
2010     var object nicknames = popSTACK();
2011     STACK_3 = nicknames; /* new nicknamelist replaces the old */
2012   }
2013 }
2015 /* (RENAME-PACKAGE pack name [nicknames]), CLTL p. 184 */
2016 LISPFUN(rename_package,seclass_default,2,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2017   /* Test, if pack is a package: */
2018   STACK_2 = test_package_arg(STACK_2);
2019   check_pack_lock(S(rename_package),STACK_2,STACK_1);
2020   /* check name and nicknames:
2021      name is a package designator here (but not in make-package!) */
2022   if (packagep(STACK_1)) STACK_1 = ThePackage(STACK_1)->pack_name;
2023   pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL); pushSTACK(NIL); /* dummies on the stack */
2024   test_names_args();
2025   skipSTACK(3);
2026   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(3,&all_packages_lock, {
2027     var object pack = STACK_2;
2028     { /* test, if a package-name-conflict arises: */
2029       var object name = STACK_1;
2030       var object nicknamelistr = STACK_0;
2031       /* name loops over the names and all nicknames */
2032       while (1) { /* find package with this name: */
2033         pushSTACK(name); pushSTACK(nicknamelistr); /* save (MT) */
2034         var object found = find_package(name);
2035         nicknamelistr = popSTACK(); name = popSTACK(); /* restore */
2036         pack = STACK_2;
2037         if (!(nullp(found) || eq(found,pack))) {
2038         /* found, but another one than the given package: */
2039           pushSTACK(pack); /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot PACKAGE */
2040           pushSTACK(name); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
2041           error(package_error,
2042                 GETTEXT("~S: there is already a package named ~S"));
2043         }
2044         /* none or only the given package has the Name name ->
2045            no conflict with this (nick)name, continue: */
2046         if (atomp(nicknamelistr))
2047           break;
2048         name = Car(nicknamelistr); /* next nickname */
2049         nicknamelistr = Cdr(nicknamelistr); /* shorten remaining nicknamelist */
2050       }
2051     }
2052     /* There are no conflicts. */
2053     var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_2;
2054     var gcv_object_t *name_ = &STACK_1;
2055     var gcv_object_t *nicknamelistr_ = &STACK_0;
2056     WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex, {
2057       set_break_sem_2();
2058       ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_name = *name_;
2059       ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_nicknames = *nicknamelistr_;
2060       clr_break_sem_2();
2061     });
2062     pack = STACK_2; /* restore the pack */
2063     ensure_pack_shortest_name(pack);
2064     skipSTACK(3);
2065     VALUES1(pack); /* pack as value */
2066   });
2067 }
2069 LISPFUNNR(package_use_list,1) { /* (PACKAGE-USE-LIST package), CLTL p. 184 */
2070   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK()); /* argument as package */
2071   /* copy use-list for safety reasons */
2072   VALUES1(copy_list(ThePackage(pack)->pack_use_list));
2073 }
2075 LISPFUNNR(package_used_by_list,1)
2076 { /* (PACKAGE-USED-BY-LIST package), CLTL p. 184 */
2077   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK()); /* argument as package */
2078   /* copy used-by-list for safety reasons */
2079   VALUES1(copy_list(ThePackage(pack)->pack_used_by_list));
2080 }
2082 LISPFUNNR(package_shadowing_symbols,1)
2083 { /* (PACKAGE-SHADOWING-SYMBOLS package), CLTL p. 184 */
2084   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK()); /* argument as package */
2085   /* copy shadowing-list for safety reasons */
2086   VALUES1(copy_list(ThePackage(pack)->pack_shadowing_symbols));
2087 }
2089 /* (EXT:PACKAGE-CASE-SENSITIVE-P package) */
2090 LISPFUNNR(package_case_sensitive_p,1) {
2091   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2092   VALUES_IF(pack_casesensitivep(pack));
2093 }
2095 /* ((SETF EXT:PACKAGE-CASE-SENSITIVE-P) value package) */
2096 LISPFUNN(set_package_case_sensitive_p,2) {
2097   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2098   var bool value = !nullp(popSTACK());
2099   if (value) mark_pack_casesensitive(pack);
2100   else mark_pack_caseinsensitive(pack);
2101   VALUES_IF(value);
2102 }
2104 /* (EXT:PACKAGE-CASE-INVERTED-P package) */
2105 LISPFUNNR(package_case_inverted_p,1) {
2106   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2107   VALUES_IF(pack_caseinvertedp(pack));
2108 }
2110 /* ((SETF EXT:PACKAGE-CASE-INVERTED-P) value package) */
2111 LISPFUNN(set_package_case_inverted_p,2) {
2112   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2113   var bool value = !nullp(popSTACK());
2114   if (value) mark_pack_caseinverted(pack);
2115   else mark_pack_casepreserved(pack);
2116   VALUES_IF(value);
2117 }
2119 /* (SYS::PACKAGE-DOCUMENTATION package) */
2120 LISPFUNNR(package_documentation,1) {
2121   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2122   VALUES1(ThePackage(pack)->pack_docstring);
2123 }
2125 /* ((SETF SYS::PACKAGE-DOCUMENTATION) new-value package)
2126  documentation is either a doc-string or a list (doc-string impnotes-id) */
2127 LISPFUNN(set_package_documentation,2) {
2128   STACK_0 = test_package_arg(STACK_0);
2129   if (!listp(STACK_1)) STACK_1 = check_string(STACK_1);
2130   VALUES1(ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_docstring = STACK_1);
2131   skipSTACK(2);
2132 }
2134 LISPFUNNR(package_shortest_name,1)
2135 { /* (EXT:PACKAGE-SHORTEST-NAME package) */
2136   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2137   VALUES1(ThePackage(pack)->pack_shortest_name);
2138 }
2140 LISPFUNNR(package_lock,1)
2141 { /* (EXT:PACKAGE-LOCK package) */
2142   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2143   VALUES_IF(pack_locked_p(pack));
2144 }
2146 /* ((SETF EXT:PACKAGE-LOCK) lock package) */
2147 LISPFUNN(set_package_lock,2) {
2148   var bool unlock_p = nullp(STACK_1);
2149   var object pack = STACK_0;
2150   if (mconsp(pack)) {
2151     while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
2152       var object pa = test_package_arg(Car(STACK_0)); STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
2153       if (unlock_p) mark_pack_unlocked(pa);
2154       else          mark_pack_locked(pa);
2155     }
2156   } else if (nullp(pack)) { /* do nothing - package list was empty */
2157   } else {
2158     pack = test_package_arg(pack);
2159     if (unlock_p) mark_pack_unlocked(pack);
2160     else          mark_pack_locked(pack);
2161   }
2162   skipSTACK(2);
2163   VALUES_IF(!unlock_p);
2164 }
2166 /* barf when SYMBOL is an unaccessible special variable
2167    being modified from a non-home package.
2168    See compiler.lisp:set-check-lock.
2169    can trigger GC */
2170 #define SYM_VAL_LOCK(symbol,pack)                                       \
2171   (!nullp(pack) && !eq(pack,Symbol_value(S(packagestar))) /* non-home */ \
2172    && special_var_p(TheSymbol(symbol))  /* special */                   \
2173    && !externalp(symbol,pack) /* for IN-PACKAGE forms */                \
2174    && !accessiblep(symbol,Symbol_value(S(packagestar)))) /* accessible */
symbol_value_check_lock(object caller,object symbol)2175 global maygc void symbol_value_check_lock (object caller, object symbol) {
2176   var object pack = Symbol_package(symbol);
2177   if (SYM_VAL_LOCK(symbol,pack))
2178     check_pack_lock(caller,pack,symbol);
2179 }
2180 LISPFUNN(symbol_value_lock,1) { /* SYS::SYMBOL-VALUE-LOCK */
2181   var object symb = check_symbol(popSTACK());
2182   var object pack = Symbol_package(symb);
2183   VALUES_IF(SYM_VAL_LOCK(symb,pack) && pack_locked_p(pack));
2184 }
2186 /* (SYSTEM::CHECK-PACKAGE-LOCK caller package symbol)
2187    when FUNCTION is (P)SETQ, calls symbol_value_check_lock() */
2188 LISPFUNN(check_package_lock,3) {
2189   if (mconsp(STACK_1)) { /* package is actually a list of packages */
2190     var bool locked = true;
2191     var object list = STACK_1;
2192     /* for the package list to be "locked", _all_ members must be locked
2193        non-package members mean that the argument was a defmethod spec like
2194        (eql 1), which means unlocked: you can always redefine such methods */
2195     while (locked && mconsp(list)) {
2196       locked = (packagep(Car(list)) ? pack_locked_p(Car(list)) : false);
2197       list = Cdr(list);
2198     }
2199     if (locked) /* all packages are locked --> error */
2200       cerror_package_locked(STACK_2,STACK_1,STACK_0);
2201   } else if (packagep(STACK_1)) /* just one package - check it */
2202     check_pack_lock(STACK_2,STACK_1,STACK_0);
2203   skipSTACK(3);
2204   mv_count = 0;
2205 }
2207 LISPFUNNR(list_all_packages,0)
2208 { /* (LIST-ALL-PACKAGES) returns a list of all packages, CLTL p. 184 */
2209   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(0,&all_packages_lock, {
2210     VALUES1(reverse(O(all_packages))); /* (copy of the list, as a precaution) */
2211   });
2212 }
2214 /* UP: check the last argument &optional (pack *package*) of
2215  a LISP-function.
2216  test_optional_package_arg()
2217  > STACK_0: last argument
2218  < STACK_0: argument transformed into a package
2219  can trigger GC */
test_optional_package_arg(void)2220 local maygc void test_optional_package_arg (void) {
2221   var object pack = STACK_0;
2222   if (!boundp(pack)) {
2223     STACK_0 = get_current_package(); /* default is the value of *PACKAGE* */
2224   } else {
2225     STACK_0 = test_package_arg(pack);
2226   }
2227 }
2229 /* UP: Check of the arguments of INTERN and FIND-SYMBOL.
2230  test_intern_args()
2231  can trigger GC */
test_intern_args(void)2232 local maygc void test_intern_args (void) {
2233   STACK_1 = check_string(STACK_1); /* test string */
2234   test_optional_package_arg(); /* test package */
2235 }
2237 /* UP: Transforms a INTERN/FIND-SYMBOL - result into a keyword.
2238  intern_result(code)
2239  > code : flag as for intern and find_symbol
2240  < result : corresponding keyword */
intern_result(uintBWL code)2241 local object intern_result (uintBWL code) {
2242   switch (code) {
2243     case 0: { return NIL; }           /* 0 -> NIL */
2244     case 1: { return S(Kexternal); }  /* 1 -> :EXTERNAL */
2245     case 2: { return S(Kinherited); } /* 2 -> :INHERITED */
2246     case 3: { return S(Kinternal); }  /* 3 -> :INTERNAL */
2247     default: NOTREACHED;
2248   }
2249 }
2251 /* (INTERN string [package]) and its case-inverted variant */
do_intern(bool invert)2252 local maygc Values do_intern (bool invert) {
2253   test_intern_args(); /* test arguments */
2254   var object pack = popSTACK();
2255   var object string = popSTACK();
2256  #if !defined(VALUE1_EXTRA)
2257   var uintBWL code = intern(string,invert,pack,&value1); /* symbol to value1 */
2258  #else
2259   var object value;
2260   var uintBWL code = intern(string,invert,pack,&value); /* Symbol to value */
2261   value1 = value;
2262  #endif
2263   value2 = intern_result(code); mv_count=2; /* two values */
2264 }
2266 /* (INTERN string [package]), CLTL p. 184 */
2267 LISPFUN(intern,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2268   do_intern(false);
2269 }
2271 /* (CS-COMMON-LISP:INTERN string [package]) */
2272 LISPFUN(cs_intern,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2273   do_intern(true);
2274 }
2276 /* (FIND-SYMBOL string [package]) and its case-inverted variant */
do_find_symbol(bool invert)2277 local maygc Values do_find_symbol (bool invert) {
2278   test_intern_args(); /* test arguments */
2279   var object pack = popSTACK();
2280   var object string = popSTACK();
2281  #if !defined(VALUE1_EXTRA)
2282   var uintBWL code = find_symbol(string,invert,pack,&value1) & 3; /* symbol to value1 */
2283  #else
2284   var object value;
2285   var uintBWL code = find_symbol(string,invert,pack,&value) & 3; /* symbol to value */
2286   value1 = value;
2287  #endif
2288   value2 = intern_result(code); mv_count=2; /* two values */
2289 }
2291 /* (FIND-SYMBOL string [package]), CLTL p. 185 */
2292 LISPFUN(find_symbol,seclass_read,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2293 {
2294   do_find_symbol(false);
2295 }
2297 /* (CS-COMMON-LISP:FIND-SYMBOL string [package]) */
2298 LISPFUN(cs_find_symbol,seclass_read,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL)
2299 {
2300   do_find_symbol(true);
2301 }
2303 /* (UNINTERN symbol [package]), CLTL p. 185 */
2304 LISPFUN(unintern,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2305   /* test symbol: */
2306   STACK_1 = check_symbol(STACK_1);
2307   /* test package: */
2308   test_optional_package_arg();
2309   /* unintern: */
2310   var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_0;
2311   var gcv_object_t *sym_ = &STACK_1;
2312   WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,true,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
2313     VALUES1(unintern(sym_,pack_));
2314   });
2315   skipSTACK(2);
2316 }
2318 /* UP: Dispatcher of a function like EXPORT, UNEXPORT, IMPORT, SHADOWING-IMPORT
2319  or SHADOW. tests, if the first argument is a symbol-list, if
2320  the second argument (default: *PACKAGE*) is a package, and applies the
2321  subroutine to each of the symbols. Return 1 value T.
2322  apply_symbols(&fun);
2323  specification of the subroutine fun:
2324    fun(&sym,&pack);
2325    > sym: symbol (in STACK)
2326    > pack: package (in STACK)
2327    < pack: package, EQ to the old one
2328    can trigger GC
2329  < STACK: cleaned up
2330  can trigger GC */
2331 typedef maygc void sym_pack_function_t (const gcv_object_t* sym_, const gcv_object_t* pack_);
apply_symbols(sym_pack_function_t * fun)2332 local maygc Values apply_symbols (sym_pack_function_t* fun) {
2333   { /* test, if the first argument is a symbol-list or a symbol: */
2334     var object symarg = STACK_1;
2335     /* test for symbol: */
2336     if (symbolp(symarg))
2337       goto ok;
2338     if ((fun == &shadow || fun == &cs_shadow)
2339         && (stringp(symarg) || charp(symarg)))
2340       goto ok;
2341     /* test for symbol-list: */
2342     while (consp(symarg)) { /* symarg loops over STACK_1 */
2343       if (!(symbolp(Car(symarg))
2344             || ((fun == &shadow || fun == &cs_shadow)
2345                 && (stringp(Car(symarg)) || charp(Car(symarg))))))
2346         goto not_ok;
2347       symarg = Cdr(symarg);
2348     }
2349     if (!nullp(symarg))
2350       goto not_ok; /* list correctly finished? */
2351     goto ok; /* correct symbol-list */
2352   not_ok:
2353     pushSTACK(STACK_1); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
2354     error(error_condition,GETTEXT("~S: argument should be a symbol or a list of symbols, not ~S"));
2355   ok: ;
2356   }
2357   /* test package: */
2358   test_optional_package_arg();
2359   /* stack-layout: symarg, pack. */
2360   /* apply fun to all symbols: */
2361   if (matomp(STACK_1)) {
2362     if (nullp(STACK_1)) {
2363       /* ANSI CL 11.1.1. says
2364          "Where an operator takes an argument that is either a symbol or a list of
2365           symbols, an argument of nil is treated as an empty list of symbols." */
2366     } else {
2367       /* single symbol */
2368       /* stack-layout: sym, pack. */
2369       var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_0;
2370       var gcv_object_t *sym_ = &STACK_1;
2371       WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
2372         (*fun)(sym_,pack_);
2373       });
2374     }
2375     skipSTACK(2);
2376   } else {
2377     /* non-empty symbol-list */
2378     var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_0;
2379     var gcv_object_t *symlist_ = &STACK_1;
2380     WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
2381       pushSTACK(NIL);
2382       do {
2383         var object symlistr = *symlist_;
2384         *symlist_ = Cdr(symlistr);
2385         STACK_0 = Car(symlistr); /* symbol */
2386         /* stack-layout (single thread) : symlistr, pack, sym. */
2387         /* stack-layout (MT) : symlistr, pack, UNWIND_PROTECT frame ,sym. */
2388         (*fun)(&STACK_0,pack_);
2389       } while (!matomp(*symlist_));
2390       skipSTACK(1);
2391     });
2392     skipSTACK(2); /* pack & symlist */
2393   }
2394   /* finish: */
2395   VALUES1(T);
2396 }
2398 /* (EXPORT symbols [package]), CLTL p. 186 */
2399 LISPFUN(export,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2400   return_Values apply_symbols(&export);
2401 }
2403 /* (UNEXPORT symbols [package]), CLTL p. 186 */
2404 LISPFUN(unexport,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2405   return_Values apply_symbols(&unexport);
2406 }
2408 /* (IMPORT symbols [package]), CLTL p. 186 */
2409 LISPFUN(import,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2410   return_Values apply_symbols(&import);
2411 }
2413 /* (SHADOWING-IMPORT symbols [package]), CLTL p. 186 */
2414 LISPFUN(shadowing_import,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2415   return_Values apply_symbols(&shadowing_import);
2416 }
2418 /* (SHADOW symbols [package]), CLTL p. 186 */
2419 LISPFUN(shadow,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2420   return_Values apply_symbols(&shadow);
2421 }
2423 /* (CS-COMMON-LISP:SHADOW symbols [package]) */
2424 LISPFUN(cs_shadow,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2425   return_Values apply_symbols(&cs_shadow);
2426 }
2428 /* UP: Preparation of the arguments of USE-PACKAGE and UNUSE-PACKAGE.
2429  The first argument STACK_1 is turned into a (newly created)
2430  list of packages, the second argument STACK_0 is checked.
2431  can trigger GC */
prepare_use_package(void)2432 local maygc void prepare_use_package (void) {
2433   /* check second argument (package) : */
2434   test_optional_package_arg();
2435   { /* check first argument (package or package-list) : */
2436     var object packs_to_use = STACK_1;
2437     if (!listp(packs_to_use)) {
2438       /* packs_to_use not a list -> turn it into a one-element list: */
2439       pushSTACK(test_package_arg(packs_to_use)); /* single package */
2440       var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
2441       Car(new_cons) = popSTACK();
2442       STACK_1 = new_cons;
2443     } else { /* packs_to_use a list -> build up new package-list: */
2444       pushSTACK(NIL); /* start with NIL */
2445       while (mconsp(STACK_2)) {
2446         var object packlistr = STACK_2;
2447         STACK_2 = Cdr(packlistr);
2448         pushSTACK(test_package_arg(Car(packlistr))); /* next package */
2449         var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
2450         Car(new_cons) = popSTACK();
2451         Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_0;
2452         STACK_0 = new_cons;
2453       }
2454       var object packlist = popSTACK(); /* new package-list */
2455       STACK_1 = packlist;
2456     }
2457   }
2458 }
2460 /* (USE-PACKAGE packs-to-use [package]), CLTL p. 187 */
2461 LISPFUN(use_package,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2462   prepare_use_package();
2463   var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_0;
2464   var gcv_object_t *packlist_ = &STACK_1;
2465   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(2, &all_packages_lock, {
2466     WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
2467       use_package(*packlist_,*pack_);
2468     });
2469   });
2470   skipSTACK(2); VALUES1(T);
2471 }
2473 /* (UNUSE-PACKAGE packs-to-use [package]), CLTL p. 187 */
2474 LISPFUN(unuse_package,seclass_default,1,1,norest,nokey,0,NIL) {
2475   prepare_use_package();
2476   var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_0;
2477   var gcv_object_t *packlist_ = &STACK_1;
2478   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(2, &all_packages_lock, {
2479     WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
2480       unuse_package(*packlist_,*pack_);
2481     });
2482   });
2483   skipSTACK(2); VALUES1(T);
2484 }
2486 /* UP: Corrects a package(nick)name.
2487  > name: Desired package-name (simple-string)
2488  > nickname_p: is this a name or a nickname
2489  < result: not yet existing package-name
2490            or NIL if CONTINUE restart is selected
2491  can trigger GC */
correct_packname(object name,bool nickname_p)2492 local maygc object correct_packname (object name, bool nickname_p) {
2493   var object pack;
2494   pushSTACK(name);
2495   while (!nullp(pack=find_package(name))) {
2496     name = popSTACK();
2497     /* package with this name already exists */
2498     pushSTACK(NIL);             /* OPTIONS */
2499     pushSTACK(pack);            /* PACKAGE-ERROR slot package */
2500     pushSTACK(name); pushSTACK(TheSubr(subr_self)->name);
2501     /* fill OPTIONS */
2502     pushSTACK(S(continue));     /* restart name */
2503     pushSTACK(nickname_p ? CLSTEXT("discard this nickname")
2504               : CLSTEXT("return the existing package"));
2505     var object tmp = listof(2);
2506     pushSTACK(tmp);
2507     pushSTACK(S(readL));        /* restart name */
2508     pushSTACK(nickname_p ? CLSTEXT("input another nickname")
2509               : CLSTEXT("input another name"));
2510     pushSTACK(S(prompt_for_new_value)); /* interactive function */
2511     pushSTACK(NIL); /* place */
2512     tmp = listof(4);
2513     pushSTACK(tmp);
2514     tmp = listof(2); STACK_3 = tmp; /* options list */
2515     correctable_error(package_error,GETTEXT("~S: a package with name ~S already exists."));
2516     if (nullp(value1)) return NIL; /* continue */
2517     name = test_stringsymchar_arg(value1,false);
2518     pushSTACK(name);
2519   }
2520   return coerce_imm_ss(popSTACK());
2521 }
2523 /* UP for MAKE-PACKAGE and %IN-PACKAGE:
2524  Builds a new package and returns it as value.
2525  > STACK_4: name-argument
2526  > STACK_3: nicknames-argument
2527  > STACK_2: uselist-argument
2528  > STACK_1: case-sensitive-argument
2529  > STACK_0: case-inverted-argument
2530  removes the 5 STACK elements
2531  can trigger GC */
in_make_package(bool case_inverted)2532 local maygc void in_make_package (bool case_inverted) {
2533   /* transform name into simple-string and
2534      nicknames into a new simple-string-list: */
2535   test_names_args();
2536   var object new_name = correct_packname(STACK_4,false);
2537   if (nullp(new_name)) {     /* CONTINUE: re-use the existing package */
2538     VALUES1(find_package(STACK_4));
2539     skipSTACK(5);
2540     return;
2541   } else                     /* corrected: replace */
2542     STACK_4 = new_name;
2543   /* check nicknames and maybe adjust: */
2544   pushSTACK(STACK_3);
2545   while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
2546     var object correct_nick = correct_packname(Car(STACK_0),true);
2547     Car(STACK_0) = correct_nick;
2548     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
2549   }
2550   skipSTACK(1);
2551   STACK_3 = deleteq(STACK_3,NIL);
2553   pushSTACK(STACK_3); pushSTACK(S(Ktest)); pushSTACK(L(string_eq));
2554   funcall(L(delete_duplicates),3);
2555   STACK_3 = value1;
2556   /* create package: */
2557   STACK_4 = make_package(STACK_4,STACK_3,
2558                          boundp(STACK_1) ? !nullp(STACK_1) : case_inverted,
2559                          boundp(STACK_0) ? !nullp(STACK_0) : case_inverted);
2560   /* stack-layout: pack, nicknames, uselist, case-sensitive, case-inverted. */
2561   /* use default value for use-argument: */
2562   if (!boundp(STACK_2))
2563     STACK_2 = O(use_default);
2564   /* execute (USE-PACKAGE uselist newpackage) : */
2565   pushSTACK(STACK_2); /* uselist */
2566   pushSTACK(STACK_(4+1)); /* package */
2567   funcall(L(use_package),2);
2568   skipSTACK(4);
2569   VALUES1(popSTACK()); /* package as value */
2570 }
2572 /* (MAKE-PACKAGE name [:NICKNAMES nicknames] [:USE uselist]
2573                       [:CASE-SENSITIVE sensitivep] [:CASE-INVERTED invertedp]),
2574  CLTL p. 183 */
2575 LISPFUN(make_package,seclass_default,1,0,norest,key,4,
2576         (kw(nicknames),kw(use),kw(case_sensitive),kw(case_inverted)) ) {
2577   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(5,&all_packages_lock, {
2578     in_make_package(false);
2579   });
2580 }
2582 /* (CS-COMMON-LISP:MAKE-PACKAGE name [:NICKNAMES nicknames] [:USE uselist]
2583                                      [:CASE-SENSITIVE sensitivep] [:CASE-INVERTED invertedp]) */
2584 LISPFUN(cs_make_package,seclass_default,1,0,norest,key,4,
2585         (kw(nicknames),kw(use),kw(case_sensitive),kw(case_inverted)) ) {
2586   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(5,&all_packages_lock, {
2587     in_make_package(true);
2588   });
2589 }
2591 /* (SYSTEM::%IN-PACKAGE name [:NICKNAMES nicknames] [:USE uselist]
2592                         [:CASE-SENSITIVE sensitivep] [:CASE-INVERTED invertedp])
2593  is like (IN-PACKAGE name [:NICKNAMES nicknames] [:USE uselist]), CLTL p. 183,
2594  except that *PACKAGE* is not modified. */
2595 LISPFUN(pin_package,seclass_default,1,0,norest,key,4,
2596         (kw(nicknames),kw(use),kw(case_sensitive),kw(case_inverted)) ) {
2597   /* check name and turn into string: */
2598   STACK_4 = test_stringsymchar_arg(STACK_4,false);
2599   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(5,&all_packages_lock, {
2600     /* find package with this name: */
2601     var object temppack = find_package(STACK_4);
2602     if (nullp(temppack)) { /* package not found, must create a new one */
2603       in_make_package(false);
2604     } else { /* package found */
2605       STACK_4 = temppack; /* save pack */
2606       var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_4;
2607       WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(5,true,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex, {
2608         /* stack-layout: pack, nicknames, uselist, case-sensitive, case-inverted. */
2609         if (boundp(STACK_1)) { /* check the case-sensitivity: */
2610           var bool value = !nullp(STACK_1);
2611           if (!!pack_casesensitivep(*pack_) != value) {
2612             pushSTACK(*pack_); pushSTACK(*pack_);
2613             STACK_1 = CLSTEXT("One should not change the case sensitiveness of ~S.");
2614             funcall(S(warn),2);
2615           }
2616           if (value) mark_pack_casesensitive(*pack_);
2617           else mark_pack_caseinsensitive(*pack_);
2618         }
2619         if (boundp(STACK_0)) { /* check the case-invertedness: */
2620           var bool value = !nullp(STACK_0);
2621           if (!!pack_caseinvertedp(*pack_) != value) {
2622             pushSTACK(*pack_); pushSTACK(*pack_);
2623             STACK_1 = CLSTEXT("One should not change the case inversion of ~S.");
2624             funcall(S(warn),2);
2625           }
2626           if (value) mark_pack_caseinverted(*pack_);
2627           else mark_pack_casepreserved(*pack_);
2628         }
2629         /* adjust the nicknames: */
2630         if (boundp(STACK_3)) {
2631           /* install nicknames with RENAME-PACKAGE: */
2632           pushSTACK(*pack_); /* pack */
2633           pushSTACK(ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_name); /* (package-name pack) */
2634           pushSTACK(STACK_(3+2)); /* nicknames */
2635           /* (RENAME-PACKAGE pack (package-name pack) nicknames) */
2636           funcall(L(rename_package),3);
2637         }
2638         /* adjust the use-list: */
2639         if (boundp(STACK_2)) {
2640           /* extend use-list with USE-PACKAGE
2641              and shorten with UNUSE-PACKAGE: */
2642           STACK_1 = STACK_2; /* use-list as 1. argument for USE-PACKAGE */
2643           STACK_0 = STACK_4; /* pack as 2. argument for USE-PACKAGE */
2644           prepare_use_package(); /* check arguments STACK_1, STACK_0 */
2645           /* stack-layout: pack, nicknames, -, new use-list, pack. */
2646           { /* execute USE-PACKAGE (with copied use-list): */
2647             var object temp = reverse(STACK_1);
2648             use_package(temp,STACK_4);
2649           }
2650           /* All packages, that are still listed in the use-list of pack,
2651              but which do not occur in the uselist located in STACK_1,
2652              are removed with unuse_1package: */
2653           { /* traverse use-list of pack */
2654             pushSTACK(NIL);
2655             var gcv_object_t *qpack_ = &STACK_0;
2656             STACK_1 = ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_use_list;
2657             while (mconsp(STACK_1)) {
2658               *qpack_ = Car(STACK_1);
2659               /* search in uselist: */
2660               if (nullp(memq(*qpack_,STACK_2))) {
2661                 /* not found in uselist */
2662                 WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*qpack_)->pack_mutex, {
2663                   unuse_1package(*pack_,*qpack_);
2664                 });
2665               }
2666               STACK_1 = Cdr(STACK_1);
2667             }
2668             skipSTACK(1);
2669           }
2670         }
2671         /* the use-list is adjusted correctly. */
2672         skipSTACK(4); /* forget uselist, nicknames etc. */
2673         VALUES1(popSTACK());
2674       });
2675     }
2676   });
2677 }
2679 local one_sym_function_t delete_package_aux;
2680 /* (DELETE-PACKAGE package), CLTL2 p. 265-266 */
2681 LISPFUNN(delete_package,1) {
2682   var object pack = popSTACK();
2683   if (packagep(pack)) {
2684     if (pack_deletedp(pack)) {
2685       VALUES1(NIL); return; /* already deleted -> 1 value NIL */
2686     }
2687   } else if (stringp(pack))
2688   string: { /* string -> find package with this name: */
2689     pushSTACK(pack);
2690     var object found = find_package(pack);
2691     pack = popSTACK();
2692     if (nullp(found)) {
2693       /* raise Continuable Error: */
2694       pushSTACK(NIL); /* "Ignore." */
2695       pushSTACK(S(package_error)); /* PACKAGE-ERROR */
2696       pushSTACK(S(Kpackage)); /* :PACKAGE */
2697       pushSTACK(pack); /* package-name */
2698       pushSTACK(NIL); /* "~S: A package with name ~S does not exist." */
2699       pushSTACK(S(delete_package));
2700       pushSTACK(pack);
2701       STACK_6 = CLSTEXT("Ignore.");
2702       STACK_2 = CLSTEXT("~S: There is no package with name ~S.");
2703       /* (SYS::CERROR-OF-TYPE "..." 'PACKAGE-ERROR :PACKAGE pack "..."
2704                               'DELETE-PACKAGE pack) */
2705       funcall(L(cerror_of_type),7);
2706       VALUES1(NIL);
2707       return;
2708     }
2709     pack = found;
2710   } else if (symbolp(pack)) { /* symbol -> string */
2711     pack = Symbol_name(pack); goto string; /* use printname, no case-invert */
2712   } else if (charp(pack)) { /* character -> string */
2713     var object new_string = allocate_string(1);
2714     TheSnstring(new_string)->data[0] = char_code(pack);
2715     pack = new_string;
2716     goto string;
2717   } else
2718     pack = test_package_arg(pack); /* report error */
2719   pushSTACK(pack);
2720   if (!nullp(ThePackage(pack)->pack_used_by_list)) {
2721     /* raise Continuable Error: */
2722     pushSTACK(NIL); /* "~*Delete ~S anyway." */
2723     pushSTACK(S(package_error)); /* PACKAGE-ERROR */
2724     pushSTACK(S(Kpackage)); /* :PACKAGE */
2725     pushSTACK(pack); /* package */
2726     pushSTACK(NIL); /* "~S: ~S is used by ~{~S~^, ~}." */
2727     pushSTACK(S(delete_package));
2728     pushSTACK(pack);
2729     pushSTACK(ThePackage(pack)->pack_used_by_list);
2730     STACK_7 = CLSTEXT("~*Delete ~S anyway.");
2731     STACK_3 = CLSTEXT("~S: ~S is used by ~{~S~^, ~}.");
2732     /* (SYS::CERROR-OF-TYPE "..." 'PACKAGE-ERROR :PACKAGE pack "..."
2733                             'DELETE-PACKAGE pack used-by-list) */
2734     funcall(L(cerror_of_type),8);
2735   }
2736   var gcv_object_t *pack_ = &STACK_0;
2737   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(0, &all_packages_lock, {
2738     WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,true,&ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_mutex,{
2739       /* in MT build package may have been deleted while we were wating */
2740       if (!pack_deletedp(*pack_)) {
2741         /* execute (DOLIST (p used-py-list) (UNUSE-PACKAGE pack p)) : */
2742         set_break_sem_3();
2743         pushSTACK(NIL);
2744         var gcv_object_t *qpack_ = &STACK_0;
2745         while (mconsp(ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_used_by_list)) {
2746           STACK_0 = Car(ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_used_by_list);
2747           WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*qpack_)->pack_mutex,{
2748             unuse_1package(*qpack_,*pack_);
2749           });
2750         }
2751         skipSTACK(1);
2752         clr_break_sem_3();
2753         /* execute (UNUSE-PACKAGE (package-use-list pack) pack) : */
2754         unuse_package(ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_use_list,*pack_);
2755         /* apply delete_package_aux to the symbols present in pack:  */
2756         map_symtab_c(&delete_package_aux,pack_,
2757                      ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_external_symbols);
2758         map_symtab_c(&delete_package_aux,pack_,
2759                      ThePackage(*pack_)->pack_internal_symbols);
2760         /* remove pack from the list of all packages and mark as deleted: */
2761         set_break_sem_2();
2762         O(all_packages) = deleteq(O(all_packages),*pack_);
2763         mark_pack_deleted(*pack_);
2764         clr_break_sem_2();
2765         VALUES1(T);
2766       } else
2767         VALUES1(NIL);
2768     });
2769   });
2770   skipSTACK(1);
2771 }
2773 /* UP: Auxiliary function for DELETE-PACKAGE:
2774  Remove the argument (a present symbol) from pack.
2775  can trigger GC */
delete_package_aux(void * data,object sym)2776 local maygc void delete_package_aux (void* data, object sym) {
2777   var gcv_object_t* localptr = (gcv_object_t*)data; /* pointer to pack */
2778   pushSTACK(sym); unintern(&STACK_0,localptr);
2779 #if defined(MULTITHREAD)
2780   /* clear per thread symvalues if any.
2781      FIXME: The symvalue cell pointed from clisp_thread_t will remain
2782      as a memory leak !!! It is possible with exhaustive scan of all
2783      symbols to "compact" the threads symvalues cells. */
2784   clear_per_thread_symvalues(STACK_0);
2785 #endif
2786   skipSTACK(1);
2787 }
2789 /* (FIND-ALL-SYMBOLS name) and its case-inverted variant */
do_find_all_symbols(bool invert)2790 local maygc Values do_find_all_symbols (bool invert) {
2791   STACK_0 = test_stringsymchar_arg(STACK_0,invert); /* name as string */
2792   pushSTACK(NIL); /* (so far empty) symbol-list */
2793   pushSTACK(O(all_packages));  /* traverse list of all packages */
2794   while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
2795     var object pack = Car(STACK_0); /* next package */
2796     /* search in its internal and external symbols: */
2797     var object sym;
2798     if (package_lookup(STACK_2,invert,pack,&sym,)) {
2799       /* found: symbol sym is present in package pack,
2800          cons with (pushnew sym STACK_1 :test #'eq) on the symbol-list:
2801          Search, if the found symbol sym occurs in STACK_1: */
2802       if (nullp(memq(sym,STACK_1))) { /* not found, must cons: */
2803         pushSTACK(sym);
2804         {
2805           var object new_cons = allocate_cons();
2806           Car(new_cons) = popSTACK();
2807           Cdr(new_cons) = STACK_1;
2808           STACK_1 = new_cons;
2809         }
2810       }
2811     }
2812     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
2813   }
2814   skipSTACK(1);
2815   VALUES1(popSTACK()); /* symbol-list as value */
2816   skipSTACK(1);
2817 }
2819 /* (FIND-ALL-SYMBOLS name), CLTL p. 187 */
2820 LISPFUNNR(find_all_symbols,1)
2821 {
2822   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(1, &all_packages_lock,{
2823     do_find_all_symbols(false);
2824   });
2825 }
2828 LISPFUNNR(cs_find_all_symbols,1)
2829 {
2830   WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(1, &all_packages_lock,{
2831     do_find_all_symbols(true);
2832   });
2833 }
2835 local one_sym_function_t map_symbols_aux;
2836 /* (SYSTEM::MAP-SYMBOLS fun pack)
2837  applies the function fun to all accessible symbols in pack. Value NIL. */
2838 LISPFUNN(map_symbols,2) {
2839   /* check second argument: */
2840   STACK_0 = test_package_arg(STACK_0);
2841   /* apply fun to all internal symbols: */
2842   map_symtab(STACK_1,ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_internal_symbols);
2843   /* apply fun to all external symbols: */
2844   map_symtab(STACK_1,ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_external_symbols);
2845   /* apply fun to all inherited symbols: */
2846   pushSTACK(ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_use_list); /* traverse use-list */
2847   while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
2848     var object usedpack = Car(STACK_0); /* next package from the use-list */
2849     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
2850     map_symtab_c(&map_symbols_aux,&STACK_1,
2851                  ThePackage(usedpack)->pack_external_symbols);
2852   }
2853   skipSTACK(3);
2854   VALUES1(NIL);
2855 }
2857 /* UP: Auxiliary function for map_symbols:
2858  Test, if the argument is not shadowed in the given package, and
2859  then apply the given function.
2860  can trigger GC */
map_symbols_aux(void * data,object sym)2861 local maygc void map_symbols_aux (void* data, object sym) {
2862   var gcv_object_t* localptr = (gcv_object_t*)data;
2863   /* Pointer to local variables of map_symbols:
2864      *(localptr STACKop 1) = fun,
2865      *(localptr STACKop 0) = pack.
2866      The symbol STACK_0 is shadowed, if and only if a different
2867      symbol of the same name is located in the
2868      shadowing-list of pack. */
2869   var object shadowingsym;
2870   if (!(shadowing_lookup(Symbol_name(sym),false,*(localptr STACKop 0),&shadowingsym)
2871         && !eq(shadowingsym,sym))) {
2872     pushSTACK(sym); funcall(*(localptr STACKop 1),1);
2873   } else {
2874     /* symbol is shadowed in pack -> do not call function */
2875   }
2876 }
2879    applies the function fun to all external symbols in pack. Value NIL. */
2880 LISPFUNN(map_external_symbols,2) {
2881   /* check second argument: */
2882   var object pack = test_package_arg(popSTACK());
2883   /* apply fun to all external symbols: */
2884   map_symtab(popSTACK(),ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols);
2885   VALUES1(NIL);
2886 }
2889  applies the function fun to all symbols present in any package. */
2890 LISPFUNN(map_all_symbols,1)
2891 {
2892 #ifdef MULTITHREAD
2893   {
2894     pushSTACK(NIL);
2895     var gcv_object_t *ap_ = &STACK_0;
2896     WITH_OS_MUTEX_LOCK(0,&all_packages_lock, {
2897       *ap_ = copy_list(O(all_packages));  /* traverse copy of package-list */
2898     });
2899   }
2900 #else
2901   pushSTACK(O(all_packages)); /* traverse package-list */
2902 #endif
2903   while (mconsp(STACK_0)) {
2904     var object pack = Car(STACK_0); /* next package */
2905     STACK_0 = Cdr(STACK_0);
2906     pushSTACK(pack); /* save */
2907     /* apply fun to all internal symbols: */
2908       map_symtab(STACK_2,ThePackage(pack)->pack_internal_symbols);
2909       pack = popSTACK();
2910       /* apply fun to all external symbols: */
2911       map_symtab(STACK_1,ThePackage(pack)->pack_external_symbols);
2912   }
2913   skipSTACK(2);
2914   VALUES1(NIL);
2915 }
2917 /* UP: Subroutine for EXT:RE-EXPORT.
2918  Exports a single symbol from TO-PACK. */
export_symbol_from(void * data,object sym)2919 local void export_symbol_from (void *data, object sym) {
2920   var gcv_object_t* pack_ = (gcv_object_t*)data; /* points into the STACK */
2921   pushSTACK(sym);
2922   export(&STACK_0,pack_);
2923   skipSTACK(1);
2924 }
2927  export all external symbols in FROM-PACK from TO-PACK */
2928 LISPFUNN(re_export,2) {
2929   STACK_1 = test_package_arg(STACK_1); /* FROM-PACK */
2930   STACK_0 = test_package_arg(STACK_0); /* TO-PACK */
2931   /* TO-PACK must be already using FROM-PACK */
2932   var object pack_u_l = ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_use_list;
2933   if (nullp(memq(STACK_1,ThePackage(STACK_0)->pack_use_list))) {
2934     pushSTACK(STACK_0); /* TO-PACK: PACKAGE slot of PACKAGE-ERROR */
2935     pushSTACK(STACK_2); /* FROM-PACK */
2936     pushSTACK(STACK_1); /* TO-PACK */
2937     pushSTACK(S(re_export));
2938     error(package_error,GETTEXT("~S: ~S is not using ~S"));
2939   }
2940   var gcv_object_t *from_pack_ = &STACK_1;
2941   var gcv_object_t *to_pack_ = &STACK_0;
2942   WITH_LISP_MUTEX_LOCK(0,false,&ThePackage(*to_pack_)->pack_mutex, {
2943     map_symtab_c(&export_symbol_from,to_pack_,
2944                  ThePackage(*from_pack_)->pack_external_symbols);
2945   });
2946   VALUES1(NIL);
2947   skipSTACK(2);
2948 }
2950 /* Auxiliary functions for WITH-PACKAGE-ITERATOR, CLtL2 p. 275, and LOOP:
2951  (SYSTEM::PACKAGE-ITERATOR package flags) returns an internal state
2952  for iterating through the package.
2953  (SYSTEM::PACKAGE-ITERATE internal-state) iterates through a package by
2954  one, thereby changes the internal-state and returns: three values
2955    T, symbol, accessibility of the next symbols resp. 1 value NIL at the end.
2956  PIS = Package Iterator State */
2957 #define PIS_SIZE   6
2958 #define PIS_ENTRY  0
2959 #define PIS_INDEX  1
2960 #define PIS_SYMTAB 2
2961 #define PIS_INHPKG 3
2962 #define PIS_PACK   4
2963 #define PIS_FLAGS  5
2964 #define PIS(state,field)  TheSvector(state)->data[PIS_##field]
2966 LISPFUNN(package_iterator,2) {
2967   STACK_1 = test_package_arg(STACK_1); /* check package-argument */
2968   /* An internal state consists of a vector
2969        #(entry index symtab inh-packages package flags locked)
2970      locked is the currently MT-locked package
2971      flags is a sub-list of (:INTERNAL :EXTERNAL :INHERITED) ,
2972      package is the original package,
2973      inh-packages is a sub-list of (package-use-list package) ,
2974      symtab is a symbol-table or NIL,
2975      index is an Index in symtab,
2976      entry is the rest of an entry in symtab. */
2977   var object state = allocate_vector(PIS_SIZE);
2978   /* PIS(state,SYMTAB) = NIL; */ /* invalid */
2979   PIS(state,INHPKG) = ThePackage(STACK_1)->pack_use_list;
2980   PIS(state,PACK) = STACK_1;
2981   PIS(state,FLAGS) = STACK_0;
2982   VALUES1(state); skipSTACK(2); /* state as value */
2983 }
2985 LISPFUNN(package_iterate,1) {
2986   var object state = STACK_0; /* internal state */
2987   /* hopefully a PIS-vector */
2988   if (simple_vector_p(state) && (Svector_length(state) == PIS_SIZE)) {
2989     /* state = #(entry index symtab inh-packages package flags) */
2990     var object symtab = PIS(state,SYMTAB);
2991     if (simple_vector_p(symtab)) {
2992       if (false) {
2993        search1:
2994         PIS(state,SYMTAB) = symtab;
2995         PIS(state,INDEX) = Symtab_size(PIS(state,SYMTAB));
2996         PIS(state,ENTRY) = NIL;
2997       }
2998      search2: {
2999         var object entry = PIS(state,ENTRY);
3000        search3: /* continue search within entry: */
3001         if (consp(entry)) {
3002           PIS(state,ENTRY) = Cdr(entry);
3003           value2 = Car(entry); goto found;
3004         } else if (!nullp(entry)) {
3005           PIS(state,ENTRY) = NIL;
3006           value2 = entry; goto found;
3007         }
3008         if (false) {
3009          found:
3010           /* Found a symbol value.
3011              Verify that is it accessible in pack and, if :INHERITED
3012              is requested,
3013              1. not hidden by a different symbol (which must be on the
3014                 shadowing-list of pack),
3015              2. itself not already present in pack (because in this case
3016                 the accessibility would be :INTERNAL or :EXTERNAL). */
3017           if (!(eq(Car(PIS(state,FLAGS)),S(Kinherited))
3018                 && (shadowing_lookup(Symbol_name(value2),false,
3019                                      PIS(state,PACK),NULL)
3020                     || symtab_find(value2,
3021                                    ThePackage(PIS(state,PACK))->
3022                                    pack_internal_symbols)
3023                     || symtab_find(value2,
3024                                    ThePackage(PIS(state,PACK))->
3025                                    pack_external_symbols)))) {
3026             /* Symbol value2 is really accessible. */
3027             value1 = T; value3 = Car(PIS(state,FLAGS));
3028             mv_count=3; skipSTACK(1); return;
3029           }
3030           goto search2;
3031         }
3032         { /* entry became =NIL -> go to next Index */
3033           var uintL index = posfixnum_to_V(PIS(state,INDEX));
3034           if (index > 0) {
3035             PIS(state,INDEX) = fixnum_inc(PIS(state,INDEX),-1);
3036             index--;
3037             /* check index as a precaution */
3038             entry = (index < (uintL)posfixnum_to_V(Symtab_size(symtab))
3039                      ? (object)TheSvector(Symtab_table(symtab))->data[index]
3040                      : NIL);
3041             goto search3;
3042           }
3043         }
3044       }
3045       /* index became =0 -> go to next table */
3046       if (eq(Car(PIS(state,FLAGS)),S(Kinherited))) {
3047        search4:
3048         if (mconsp(PIS(state,INHPKG))) {
3049           /* go to next element of the list inh-packages */
3050           symtab = ThePackage(Car(PIS(state,INHPKG)))->pack_external_symbols;
3051           PIS(state,INHPKG) = Cdr(PIS(state,INHPKG));
3052           goto search1;
3053         }
3054       }
3055      search5: /* go to next element of flags */
3056       PIS(state,FLAGS) = Cdr(PIS(state,FLAGS));
3057     }
3058     var object flags = PIS(state,FLAGS);
3059     if (consp(flags)) {
3060       var object flag = Car(flags);
3061       if (eq(flag,S(Kinternal))) { /* :INTERNAL */
3062         symtab = ThePackage(PIS(state,PACK))->pack_internal_symbols;
3063         goto search1;
3064       } else if (eq(flag,S(Kexternal))) { /* :EXTERNAL */
3065         symtab = ThePackage(PIS(state,PACK))->pack_external_symbols;
3066         goto search1;
3067       }
3068       else if (eq(flag,S(Kinherited))) /* :INHERITED */
3069         goto search4;
3070       goto search5; /* skip invalid flag */
3071     }
3072   }
3073   VALUES1(NIL); skipSTACK(1);
3074 }
3076 /* UP: initialize the package list
3077  init_packages();
3078  can trigger GC */
init_packages(void)3079 global maygc void init_packages (void) {
3080   O(all_packages) = NIL; /* ALL_PACKAGES := NIL */
3081   { /* #<PACKAGE CS-COMMON-LISP-USER>: */
3082     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CS-COMMON-LISP-USER")));
3083     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CS-CL-USER")));
3084     /* Provide nickname "CS-USER" for similarity with package "COMMON-LISP-USER". */
3085     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CS-USER")));
3086     var object nicks = listof(2); /* ("CS-CL-USER" "CS-USER") */
3087     O(modern_user_package) = make_package(popSTACK(),nicks,true,true); /* "CS-COMMON-LISP-USER" */
3088   }
3089   { /* #<PACKAGE CS-COMMON-LISP>: */
3090     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CS-COMMON-LISP")));
3091     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CS-CL")));
3092     /* Provide nickname "CS-LISP" for similarity with package "COMMON-LISP". */
3093     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CS-LISP")));
3094     var object nicks = listof(2); /* ("CS-CL" "CS-LISP") */
3095     make_package(popSTACK(),nicks,true,true); /* "CS-COMMON-LISP" */
3096   }
3097   /* #<PACKAGE CHARSET>: */
3098   pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CHARSET")));
3099   O(charset_package) = make_package(popSTACK(),NIL,false,false); /* "CHARSET",() */
3100   /* #<PACKAGE KEYWORD>: */
3101   pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("KEYWORD")));
3102   O(keyword_package) = make_package(popSTACK(),NIL,false,false); /* "KEYWORD" */
3103   { /* #<PACKAGE SYSTEM>: */
3104     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("SYSTEM")));
3105     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("SYS")));
3106     var object nicks = listof(1); /* ("SYS") */
3107     make_package(popSTACK(),nicks,false,false); /* "SYSTEM" */
3108   }
3109   { /* #<PACKAGE COMMON-LISP-USER>: */
3110     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("COMMON-LISP-USER")));
3111     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CL-USER")));
3112     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("USER")));
3113     var object nicks = listof(2); /* ("CL-USER" "USER") */
3114     make_package(popSTACK(),nicks,false,false); /* "COMMON-LISP-USER" */
3115   }
3116   { /* #<PACKAGE COMMON-LISP>: */
3117     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("COMMON-LISP")));
3118     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("LISP")));
3119     pushSTACK(coerce_imm_ss(ascii_to_string("CL")));
3120     var object nicks = listof(2); /* ("LISP" "CL") */
3121     O(default_package) = make_package(popSTACK(),nicks,false,false); /* "COMMON-LISP" */
3122   }
3123   /* Created all basic packages.
3124      Now append all further packages to the end of O(all_packages). */
3125   nreverse(O(all_packages));
3126  #define LISPPACK  LISPPACK_B
3127   #include "constpack.c"
3128  #undef LISPPACK
3129   nreverse(O(all_packages));
3130 }