2# %CopyrightBegin%
4# Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2018. All Rights Reserved.
6# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16# limitations under the License.
18# %CopyrightEnd%
22# IMPORTANT! All atoms defined here *need* to be in 7-bit ascii!
24# File format:
26# Lines starting with '#' are ignored.
28# <atom-decl> ::= "atom" <atom>+
29# <atom> ::= <atom-name> |
30#            "'" <printname> "'" |
31#            <C-name> "=" "'" <printname> "'"
32# <atom-name> ::= [a-z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
33# <C-name> ::=  [A-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
34# <printname> ::= .*
36# (although some characters may poison the Perl parser)
40# Frequently used atoms.
42atom false true
43atom Underscore='_'
44atom Noname='nonode@nohost'
45atom EOT='$end_of_table'
46atom Empty=''
49# Used in the Beam emulator loop. (Smaller literals usually means tighter code.)
51atom infinity timeout normal call return
52atom throw error exit
53atom undefined
56# Used in beam_emu.c.
58atom nocatch
59atom undefined_function
60atom undefined_lambda
62# Secret internal atom that can never be found by string lookup
63# and should never leak out to be seen by the user.
64atom ErtsSecretAtom='3RT$'
66# All other atoms.  Try to keep the order alphabetic.
68atom DOWN='DOWN'
69atom UP='UP'
70atom EXIT='EXIT'
71atom abort
72atom abs_path
73atom absoluteURI
74atom ac
75atom active
76atom active_tasks
77atom active_tasks_all
78atom alive
79atom all
80atom all_but_first
81atom all_names
82atom alloc_info
83atom alloc_sizes
84atom allocated
85atom allocated_areas
86atom allocator
87atom allocator_sizes
88atom alloc_util_allocators
89atom allow_passive_connect
90atom already_loaded
91atom amd64
92atom anchored
93atom and
94atom andalso
95atom andthen
96atom any
97atom anycrlf
98atom apply
99atom args
100atom arg0
101atom arity
102atom asn1
103atom async
104atom asynchronous
105atom atom
106atom atom_used
107atom attributes
108atom auto_connect
109atom await_exit
110atom await_microstate_accounting_modifications
111atom await_port_send_result
112atom await_proc_exit
113atom await_result
114atom await_sched_wall_time_modifications
115atom awaiting_load
116atom awaiting_unload
117atom backtrace backtrace_depth
118atom badarg badarith badarity badfile badfun badkey badmap badmatch badsig
119atom bag
120atom band
121atom big
122atom bif_handle_signals_return
123atom bif_return_trap
124atom binary
125atom binary_copy_trap
126atom binary_find_trap
127atom binary_longest_prefix_trap
128atom binary_longest_suffix_trap
129atom binary_to_list_continue
130atom binary_to_term_trap
131atom block
132atom block_normal
133atom blocked
134atom blocked_normal
135atom bm
136atom bnot
137atom bor
138atom bxor
139atom break_ignored
140atom breakpoint
141atom bsl
142atom bsr
143atom bsr_anycrlf
144atom bsr_unicode
145atom build_type
146atom busy
147atom busy_dist_port
148atom busy_port
149atom call
150atom call_count
151atom call_time
152atom caller
153atom capture
154atom case_clause
155atom caseless
156atom catchlevel
157atom cd
158atom cdr
159atom cflags
161atom characters_to_binary_int
162atom characters_to_list_int
163atom clear
164atom clock_service
165atom close
166atom closed
167atom code
168atom command
169atom commandv
170atom compact
171atom compat_rel
172atom compile
173atom complete
174atom compressed
175atom config_h
176atom convert_time_unit
177atom connect
178atom connected
179atom connection_closed
180atom const
181atom context_switches
182atom control
183atom copy
184atom copy_literals
185atom counters
186atom count
187atom cpu
188atom cpu_timestamp
189atom cr
190atom crlf
191atom creation
192atom current_function
193atom current_location
194atom current_stacktrace
195atom data
196atom debug_flags
197atom decimals
198atom default
199atom delay_trap
200atom dictionary
201atom dirty_bif_exception
202atom dirty_bif_result
203atom dirty_bif_trap
204atom dirty_cpu
205atom dirty_cpu_schedulers_online
206atom dirty_execution
207atom dirty_io
208atom dirty_nif_exception
209atom dirty_nif_finalizer
210atom disable_trace
211atom disabled
212atom discard
213atom display_items
214atom dist
215atom dist_cmd
216atom dist_ctrl_put_data
217atom dist_data
218atom Div='/'
219atom div
220atom dmonitor_node
221atom DollarDollar='$$'
222atom DollarUnderscore='$_'
223atom dollar_endonly
224atom dotall
225atom driver
226atom driver_options
227atom dsend_continue_trap
228atom duplicate_bag
229atom duplicated
230atom dupnames
231atom einval
232atom elib_malloc
233atom emulator
234atom enable_trace
235atom enabled
236atom endian
237atom env
238atom eof
239atom eol
240atom Eq='=:='
241atom Eqeq='=='
242atom erl_tracer
243atom erlang
244atom erl_signal_server
245atom error_handler
246atom error_logger
247atom erts_code_purger
248atom erts_debug
249atom erts_dflags
250atom erts_internal
251atom ets
253atom exact_reductions
254atom exception_from
255atom exception_trace
256atom exclusive
257atom exit_status
258atom exited
259atom existing
260atom existing_processes
261atom existing_ports
262atom existing
263atom exiting
264atom exports
265atom extended
266atom external
267atom extra
268atom false
269atom fcgi
270atom fd
271atom first
272atom firstline
273atom flags
274atom flush
275atom flush_monitor_messages
276atom force
277atom format_cpu_topology
278atom free
279atom fullsweep_after
280atom functions
281atom function_clause
282atom garbage_collect
283atom garbage_collecting
284atom garbage_collection
285atom garbage_collection_info
286atom gc_major_end
287atom gc_major_start
288atom gc_max_heap_size
289atom gc_minor_end
290atom gc_minor_start
291atom Ge='>='
292atom generational
293atom get_all_trap
294atom get_seq_token
295atom get_tcw
296atom gather_gc_info_result
297atom gather_io_bytes
298atom gather_microstate_accounting_result
299atom gather_sched_wall_time_result
300atom gather_system_check_result
301atom getting_linked
302atom getting_unlinked
303atom global
304atom Gt='>'
305atom grun
306atom group_leader
307atom handle
308atom have_dt_utag
309atom heap_block_size
310atom heap_size
311atom heap_sizes
312atom heap_type
313atom heart_port
314atom heir
315atom hidden
316atom hide
317atom high
318atom hipe_architecture
319atom http httph https http_response http_request http_header http_eoh http_error http_bin httph_bin
320atom id
321atom if_clause
322atom ignore
323atom in
324atom in_exiting
325atom inactive
326atom incomplete
327atom inconsistent
328atom index
329atom infinity
330atom info
331atom info_msg
332atom info_trap
333atom inherit
334atom init
335atom initial_call
336atom input
337atom internal
338atom internal_error
339atom instruction_counts
340atom invalid
341atom is_constant
342atom is_seq_trace
343atom iterator
344atom io
345atom keypos
346atom kill
347atom killed
348atom kill_ports
349atom known
350atom label
351atom large_heap
352atom last_calls
353atom latin1
354atom ldflags
355atom Le='=<'
356atom lf
357atom line
358atom line_delimiter
359atom line_length
360atom linked_in_driver
361atom links
362atom list
363atom list_to_binary_continue
364atom little
365atom loaded
366atom load_cancelled
367atom load_failure
368atom local
369atom logger
370atom long_gc
371atom long_schedule
372atom low
373atom Lt='<'
374atom machine
375atom magic_ref
376atom major
377atom match
378atom match_limit
379atom match_limit_recursion
380atom match_spec
381atom match_spec_result
382atom max
383atom maximum
384atom max_heap_size
385atom mbuf_size
386atom md5
387atom memory
388atom memory_internal
389atom memory_types
390atom message
391atom message_queue_data
392atom message_queue_len
393atom messages
394atom merge_trap
395atom meta
396atom meta_match_spec
397atom micro_seconds
398atom microsecond
399atom microstate_accounting
400atom milli_seconds
401atom millisecond
402atom min
403atom min_heap_size
404atom min_bin_vheap_size
405atom minor
406atom minor_version
407atom Minus='-'
408atom module
409atom module_info
410atom monitored_by
411atom monitor
412atom monitor_nodes
413atom monitors
414atom monotonic
415atom monotonic_timestamp
416atom more
417atom multi_scheduling
418atom multiline
419atom nano_seconds
420atom nanosecond
421atom name
422atom named_table
423atom namelist
424atom native
425atom native_addresses
426atom need_gc
427atom Neq='=/='
428atom Neqeq='/='
429atom net_kernel
430atom net_kernel_terminated
431atom never_utf
432atom new
433atom new_index
434atom new_processes
435atom new_ports
436atom new_uniq
437atom newline
438atom no
439atom nomatch
440atom none
441atom no_auto_capture
442atom noconnect
443atom noconnection
444atom node
445atom node_type
446atom nodedown
447atom nodedown_reason
448atom nodeup
449atom noeol
450atom noproc
451atom normal
452atom nosuspend
453atom no_float
454atom no_integer
455atom no_network
456atom no_start_optimize
457atom not_suspended
458atom not
459atom not_a_list
460atom not_loaded
461atom not_loaded_by_this_process
462atom not_pending
463atom not_purged
464atom notalive
465atom notbol
466atom noteol
467atom notempty
468atom notempty_atstart
469atom notify
470atom notsup
471atom nouse_stdio
472atom off_heap
473atom offset
474atom ok
475atom old_heap_block_size
476atom old_heap_size
477atom on_heap
478atom on_load
479atom open
480atom open_error
481atom opt
482atom or
483atom ordered_set
484atom orelse
485atom os_pid
486atom os_type
487atom os_version
488atom out
489atom out_exited
490atom out_exiting
491atom output
492atom overlapped_io
493atom owner
494atom packet
495atom packet_size
496atom parallelism
497atom Plus='+'
498atom pause
499atom pending
500atom pending_driver
501atom pending_process
502atom pending_purge_lambda
503atom pending_reload
504atom permanent
505atom pid
506atom port
507atom ports
508atom port_count
509atom port_limit
510atom port_op
511atom positive
512atom prepare
513atom prepare_on_load
514atom print
515atom priority
516atom private
517atom process
518atom processes
519atom processes_used
520atom process_count
521atom process_display
522atom process_limit
523atom process_dump
524atom procs
525atom proc_sig
526atom profile
527atom protected
528atom protection
529atom ptab_list_continue
530atom public
531atom purify
532atom quantify
533atom queue_size
534atom raw
535atom re
536atom re_pattern
537atom re_run_trap
538atom read_concurrency
539atom ready_input
540atom ready_output
541atom reason
542atom receive
543atom recent_size
544atom reductions
545atom refc
546atom register
547atom registered_name
548atom reload
549atom rem
550atom report_errors
551atom reset
552atom reset_seq_trace
553atom restart
554atom return_from
555atom return_to
556atom return_trace
557atom run_queue
558atom run_queue_lengths
559atom run_queue_lengths_all
560atom runnable
561atom runnable_ports
562atom runnable_procs
563atom running
564atom running_ports
565atom running_procs
566atom runtime
567atom safe
568atom save_calls
569atom sbct
570atom scheduler
571atom scheduler_id
572atom scheduler_wall_time
573atom scheduler_wall_time_all
574atom schedulers_online
575atom scheme
576atom scientific
577atom scope
578atom second
579atom seconds
580atom send
581atom send_to_non_existing_process
582atom sensitive
583atom sequential_tracer
584atom sequential_trace_token
585atom serial
586atom set
587atom set_cpu_topology
588atom set_on_first_link
589atom set_on_first_spawn
590atom set_on_link
591atom set_on_spawn
592atom set_seq_token
593atom set_tcw
594atom set_tcw_fake
595atom sighup
596atom sigterm
597atom sigusr1
598atom sigusr2
599atom sigill
600atom sigchld
601atom sigabrt
602atom sigalrm
603atom sigstop
604atom sigint
605atom sigsegv
606atom sigtstp
607atom sigquit
608atom silent
609atom size
610atom spawn_executable
611atom spawn_driver
612atom spawned
613atom ssl_tls
614atom stack_size
615atom start
616atom status
617atom stderr_to_stdout
618atom stop
619atom stream
620atom strict_monotonic
621atom strict_monotonic_timestamp
622atom sunrm
623atom suspend
624atom suspended
625atom suspending
626atom system
627atom system_flag_scheduler_wall_time
628atom system_limit
629atom system_version
630atom system_architecture
631atom table
632atom term_to_binary_trap
633atom this
634atom thread_pool_size
635atom threads
636atom time_offset
637atom timeout
638atom timeout_value
639atom Times='*'
640atom timestamp
641atom total
642atom total_active_tasks
643atom total_active_tasks_all
644atom total_heap_size
645atom total_run_queue_lengths
646atom total_run_queue_lengths_all
647atom tpkt
648atom trace traced
649atom trace_control_word
650atom trace_status
651atom tracer
652atom trap_exit
653atom trim
654atom trim_all
655atom try_clause
656atom true
657atom type
658atom ucompile
659atom ucp
660atom undef
661atom ungreedy
662atom unicode
663atom unregister
664atom urun
665atom use_stdio
666atom used
667atom utf8
668atom unblock
669atom unblock_normal
670atom uniq
671atom unless_suspending
672atom unloaded
673atom unloaded_only
674atom unload_cancelled
675atom value
676atom version
677atom visible
678atom wait_release_literal_area_switch
679atom waiting
680atom wall_clock
681atom warning
682atom warning_msg
683atom wordsize
684atom write_concurrency
685atom xor
686atom x86
687atom yes
688atom yield
689atom nifs