2%% %CopyrightBegin%
4%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2017. All Rights Reserved.
6%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
10%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16%% limitations under the License.
18%% %CopyrightEnd%
20-define(APPLICATION,      reltool).
24-type file()             :: file:filename().
25-type dir()              :: file:filename().
26%% app      - Include all modules in app file
27%% ebin     - Include all modules on ebin directory
28%% derived  - Include only those modules that others are dependent on
29-type mod_cond()         :: all | app | ebin | derived | none.
30-type incl_cond()        :: include | exclude | derived.
31-type debug_info()       :: keep | strip.
32-type app_file()         :: keep | strip | all.
33-type re_regexp()        :: string(). % re:regexp()
34-type regexps()          :: [re_regexp()] |
35			    {add, [re_regexp()]} |
36			    {del, [re_regexp()]} .
37-type incl_sys_filters() :: regexps().
38-type excl_sys_filters() :: regexps().
39-type incl_app_filters() :: regexps().
40-type excl_app_filters() :: regexps().
41-type incl_archive_filters() :: regexps().
42-type excl_archive_filters() :: regexps().
43-type archive_opt()      :: term(). % zip:create()
44-type root_dir()         :: dir().
45-type lib_dir()          :: dir().
46-type profile()          :: development | embedded | standalone.
47-type relocatable()      :: boolean().
48-type escript_file()     :: file().
49-type escript_app_name() :: app_name().
50-type mod_name()         :: atom().
51-type app_name()         :: atom().
52-type app_vsn()          :: string(). % e.g. "4.7"
53-type app_label()        :: string(). % e.g. "mnesia" or "mnesia-4.7"
54-type app_type()         :: permanent | transient | temporary | load | none.
55-type incl_app()         :: app_name().
56-type emu_name()         :: string().
57-type rel_name()         :: string().
58-type rel_vsn()          :: string().
59-type boot_rel()         :: rel_name().
60-type rel_app()          :: app_name()
61                          | {app_name(), app_type()}
62                          | {app_name(), [incl_app()]}
63                          | {app_name(), app_type(), [incl_app()]}.
64-type rel_opt()          :: {load_dot_erlang, boolean()}.
65-type mod()              :: {incl_cond, incl_cond()}
66                          | {debug_info, debug_info()}.
67-type app()              :: {vsn, app_vsn()}
68			  | {lib_dir, lib_dir()}
69                          | {mod, mod_name(), [mod()]}
70                          | {mod_cond, mod_cond()}
71                          | {incl_cond, incl_cond()}
72                          | {app_file, app_file()}
73                          | {debug_info, debug_info()}
74                          | {incl_app_filters, incl_app_filters()}
75                          | {excl_app_filters, excl_app_filters()}
76                          | {incl_archive_filters, incl_archive_filters()}
77                          | {excl_archive_filters, excl_archive_filters()}.
78-type escript()          :: {incl_cond, incl_cond()}.
79-type sys()              :: {mod_cond, mod_cond()}
80                          | {incl_cond, incl_cond()}
81                          | {debug_info, debug_info()}
82                          | {app_file, app_file()}
83                          | {profile, profile()}
84			  | {excl_lib, excl_lib()}
85                          | {incl_sys_filters, incl_sys_filters()}
86                          | {excl_sys_filters, excl_sys_filters()}
87                          | {incl_app_filters, incl_app_filters()}
88                          | {excl_app_filters, excl_app_filters()}
89                          | {incl_archive_filters, incl_archive_filters()}
90                          | {excl_archive_filters, excl_archive_filters()}
91                          | {archive_opts, [archive_opt()]}
92                          | {root_dir, root_dir()}
93                          | {lib_dirs, [lib_dir()]}
94                          | {boot_rel, boot_rel()}
95                          | {rel, rel_name(), rel_vsn(), [rel_app()]}
96                          | {rel, rel_name(), rel_vsn(),
97                             [rel_app()], [rel_opt()]}
98                          | {relocatable, relocatable()}
99                          | {erts, app()}
100                          | {escript, escript_file(), [escript()]}
101                          | {app, app_name(), [app()]}.
102-type config()           :: {sys, [sys()]}.
103-type option()           :: {wx_debug, term()}
104			  | {trap_exit, boolean()}
105			  | config()
106			  | {config, config() | file()}.
107-type options()          :: [option()].
108-type server_pid()       :: pid().
109-type window_pid()       :: pid().
110-type server()           :: server_pid() | options().
111-type rel_file()         :: term().
112-type script_file()      :: term().
113-type reason()           :: string().
115-type base_dir()         :: dir().
116-type base_file()        :: file().
117-type top_dir()          :: file().
118-type top_file()         :: file().
119-type target_spec()      :: [target_spec()]
120                          | {create_dir, base_dir(), [target_spec()]}
121                          | {create_dir, base_dir(), top_dir(), [target_spec()]}
122                          | {archive, base_file(), [archive_opt()], [target_spec()]}
123                          | {copy_file, base_file()}
124                          | {copy_file, base_file(), top_file()}
125                          | {write_file, base_file(), binary()}
126                          | {strip_beam_file, base_file()}.
127-type target_dir()       :: dir().
128-type incl_defaults()    :: boolean().
129-type incl_derived()     :: boolean().
130-type status()           :: missing | ok.
131-type excl_lib()         :: otp_root.
134        {
135          sys_debug 	  :: term(),
136          wx_debug  	  :: term(),
137          trap_exit 	  :: boolean()
138	}).
140%% Types '$1','$2' and '_' are needed for match specs to ets:select
142        { %% Static
143          name        :: '$1' | mod_name(),
144          app_name    :: '_'  | app_name(),
145          incl_cond   :: '_'  | incl_cond() | undefined,
146          debug_info  :: '_'  | debug_info() | undefined,
147          is_app_mod  :: '_'  | boolean() | undefined,
148          is_ebin_mod :: '_'  | boolean() | undefined,
149          uses_mods   :: '$2' | [mod_name()] | undefined,
150          exists      :: '_'  | boolean() | undefined,
151          %% Dynamic
152          status = ok       :: '_' | status(),
153          used_by_mods = [] :: '_' | [mod_name()],
154          is_pre_included   :: '_' | boolean() | undefined,
155          is_included       :: '_' | boolean() | undefined
156	}).
159        {
160          description  = ""        :: '_' | string(),
161          id           = ""        :: '_' | string(),
162          vsn          = ""        :: '_' | app_vsn(),
163          modules      = []        :: '_' | [mod_name()],
164          maxP         = infinity  :: '_' | integer() | infinity,
165          maxT         = infinity  :: '_' | integer() | infinity,
166          registered   = []        :: '_' | [atom()],
167          incl_apps    = []        :: '_' | '$3' | [app_name()],
168          applications = []        :: '_' | '$2' | [app_name()],
169          env          = []        :: '_' | [{atom(), term()}],
170          mod          = undefined :: '_' | {mod_name(), [term()]} | undefined,
171          start_phases = undefined :: '_' | [{atom(), term()}] | undefined,
172          runtime_dependencies = [] :: '_' | [string()]
173	}).
175-record(regexp, {source, compiled}).
177%% Types '$1','$2' and '_' are needed for match specs to ets:select
179        { %% Static info
180          name             :: '_' | app_name(),
181          is_escript       :: '_' | boolean() | {inlined, escript_app_name()},
182          use_selected_vsn :: '_' | vsn | dir | undefined,
183          active_dir       :: '_' | dir() | undefined,
184          sorted_dirs      :: '_' | [dir()],
185          vsn              :: '_' | app_vsn() | undefined,
186          label            :: '_' | app_label() | undefined,
187          info             :: '_' | #app_info{} | undefined,
188          mods             :: '_' | [#mod{}],
190          %% Static source cond
191          mod_cond  :: '_' | mod_cond()  | undefined,
192          incl_cond :: '_' | incl_cond() | undefined,
194          %% Static target cond
195          debug_info            :: '_' | debug_info() | undefined,
196          app_file              :: '_' | app_file() | undefined,
197          app_type              :: '_' | app_type() | undefined,
198          incl_app_filters      :: '_' | [#regexp{}] | undefined,
199          excl_app_filters      :: '_' | [#regexp{}] | undefined,
200          incl_archive_filters  :: '_' | [#regexp{}] | undefined,
201          excl_archive_filters  :: '_' | [#regexp{}] | undefined,
202          archive_opts          :: '_' | [archive_opt()] | undefined,
204          %% Dynamic
205          status          :: '_' | status(),
206          uses_mods       :: '_' | [mod_name()] | undefined,
207          used_by_mods    :: '_' | [mod_name()] | undefined,
208          uses_apps       :: '_' | [app_name()] | undefined,
209          used_by_apps    :: '_' | [app_name()] | undefined,
210          is_pre_included :: '_' | '$2' | boolean() | undefined,
211          is_included     :: '_' | '$1' | boolean() | undefined,
212          rels            :: '_' | [rel_name()] | undefined
213	}).
216        {
217          name           :: app_name(),
218          app_type       :: app_type() | undefined,
219          incl_apps      :: [incl_app()] | undefined
220        }).
223        {
224          name     :: rel_name(),
225          vsn      :: rel_vsn(),
226          rel_apps :: [#rel_app{}],
227          load_dot_erlang = true :: boolean()
228	}).
231        { %% Sources
232          root_dir  :: dir(),
233          lib_dirs  :: [dir()],
234          escripts  :: [file()],
235          mod_cond  :: mod_cond(),
236          incl_cond :: incl_cond(),
237          apps      :: [#app{}] | undefined,
239          %% Target cond
240          boot_rel 	       :: boot_rel(),
241          rels     	       :: [#rel{}],
242          emu_name 	       :: emu_name(),
243          profile  	       :: profile(),
244	  excl_lib             :: excl_lib() | undefined,
245          incl_sys_filters     :: [#regexp{}],
246          excl_sys_filters     :: [#regexp{}],
247          incl_app_filters     :: [#regexp{}],
248          excl_app_filters     :: [#regexp{}],
249          incl_archive_filters :: [#regexp{}],
250          excl_archive_filters :: [#regexp{}],
251          archive_opts         :: [archive_opt()],
252          relocatable          :: boolean(),
253          rel_app_type         :: app_type(),
254          embedded_app_type    :: app_type() | undefined,
255          app_file             :: app_file(),
256          debug_info           :: debug_info()
257	}).
259-define(ERR_IMAGE,    0).
260-define(WARN_IMAGE,   1).
261-define(QUEST_IMAGE,  2).
262-define(TICK_IMAGE,   3).
263-define(CROSS_IMAGE,  4).
264-define(SOURCE_IMAGE, 5).
266-define(KEYSEARCH(Key, Pos, List),
267        reltool_utils:safe_keysearch(Key, Pos, List, ?MODULE, ?LINE)).
269-define(DEFAULT_LIBS,              []).
270-define(DEFAULT_APPS,              []).
271-define(DEFAULT_INCL_COND,         derived).
272-define(DEFAULT_MOD_COND,          all).
273-define(DEFAULT_REL_NAME,          "start_clean").
274-define(DEFAULT_EMU_NAME,          "beam").
275-define(DEFAULT_PROFILE,           development).
276-define(DEFAULT_RELOCATABLE,       true).
277-define(DEFAULT_REL_APP_TYPE,      permanent).
278-define(DEFAULT_EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE, undefined).
279-define(DEFAULT_APP_FILE,          keep).
280-define(DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO,        keep).
283-define(DEFAULT_EXCL_ARCHIVE_FILTERS, ["^include\$", "^priv\$"]).
284-define(DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_OPTS,         []).
286-define(DEFAULT_INCL_SYS_FILTERS,    [".*"]).
287-define(DEFAULT_EXCL_SYS_FILTERS,    []).
288-define(DEFAULT_INCL_APP_FILTERS,    [".*"]).
289-define(DEFAULT_EXCL_APP_FILTERS,    []).
291-define(EMBEDDED_INCL_SYS_FILTERS,   ["^bin",
292				      "^erts",
293				      "^lib",
294				      "^releases"]).
296	["^bin/(erlc|dialyzer|typer)(|\\.exe)\$",
297	 "^erts.*/bin/(erlc|dialyzer|typer)(|\\.exe)\$",
298	 "^erts.*/bin/.*(debug|pdb)"]).
299-define(EMBEDDED_INCL_APP_FILTERS,    ["^ebin",
300				       "^include",
301				       "^priv"]).
302-define(EMBEDDED_EXCL_APP_FILTERS,    []).
303-define(EMBEDDED_APP_TYPE,            load).
305-define(STANDALONE_INCL_SYS_FILTERS,  ["^bin/(erl|epmd)(|\\.exe|\\.ini)\$",
306				       "^bin/start(|_clean).boot\$",
307				       "^bin/no_dot_erlang\\.boot\$",
308				       "^erts.*/bin",
309				       "^lib\$"]).
311	["^erts.*/bin/(erlc|dialyzer|typer)(|\\.exe)\$",
312	 "^erts.*/bin/(start|escript|to_erl|run_erl)(|\\.exe)\$",
313	 "^erts.*/bin/.*(debug|pdb)"]).
314-define(STANDALONE_INCL_APP_FILTERS,  ["^ebin",
315				       "^priv"]).
316-define(STANDALONE_EXCL_APP_FILTERS,  ["^ebin/.*\\.appup\$"]).