1#!/usr/bin/env escript
2%% -*- erlang -*-
3%% %CopyrightBegin%
5%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2011-2016. All Rights Reserved.
7%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
11%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17%% limitations under the License.
19%% %CopyrightEnd%
21%%% <script> [-I<dir>]... [-o<dir>] [-module Module] [File]
23%%% Use EDoc and the layout module 'docgen_otp_specs' to create an XML file
24%%% containing Dialyzer types and specifications (-type, -spec).
26%%% Options:
28%%%  "-o<dir>" The output directory for the created file.
29%%%            Default is ".".
30%%%  "-I<dir>" Directory to be searched when including a file.
31%%%  "-module Module"
32%%%            Module name to use when there is no File argument.
33%%%            A empty specifications file will be created.
34%%%            Exactly one of -module Module and File must be given.
36%%% The name of the generated file is "specs_<module>.xml". Its exact
37%%% format is not further described here.
39main(Args) ->
40    case catch parse(Args, [], ".", no_module) of
41        {ok, FileSpec, InclFs, Dir} ->
42            call_edoc(FileSpec, InclFs, Dir);
43        {error, Msg} ->
44            io:format("~s\n", [Msg]),
45            usage()
46    end.
48parse(["-o"++Dir | Opts], InclFs, _, Module) ->
49    parse(Opts, InclFs, Dir, Module);
50parse(["-I"++I | Opts], InclFs, Dir, Module) ->
51    Is = filelib:wildcard(I),
52    parse(Opts, Is ++ InclFs, Dir, Module);
53parse(["-module", Module | Opts], InclFs, Dir, _) ->
54    parse(Opts, InclFs, Dir, Module);
55parse([File], InclFs, Dir, no_module) ->
56    {ok, {file, File}, lists:reverse(InclFs), Dir};
57parse([_], _, _, _) ->
58    {error, io_lib:format("Cannot have both -module option and file", [])};
59parse([], _, _, no_module) ->
60    {error, io_lib:format("Missing -module option or file", [])};
61parse([], InclFs, Dir, Module) ->
62    {ok, {module, Module}, lists:reverse(InclFs), Dir};
63parse(Args, _, _, _) ->
64    {error, io_lib:format("Bad arguments: ~p", [Args])}.
66usage() ->
67    io:format("usage:  ~s [-I<include_dir>]... [-o<out_dir>] "
68              "[-module <module>] [file]\n", [escript:script_name()]),
69    halt(1).
71call_edoc(FileSpec, InclFs, Dir) ->
72    ReadOpts = [{includes, InclFs}, {preprocess, true}],
73    ExtractOpts = [{report_missing_type, false}],
74    LayoutOpts = [{pretty_printer, erl_pp}, {layout, docgen_otp_specs}],
75    File = case FileSpec of
76               {file, File0} -> File0;
77               {module, Module0} -> Module0
78           end,
79    try
80        Fs = case FileSpec of
81                 {file, _} ->
82                     read_file(File, ReadOpts);
83                 {module, Module} ->
84                     [{attribute,erl_anno:new(0),module,list_to_atom(Module)}]
85             end,
86        Doc = extract(File, Fs, ExtractOpts),
87        Text = edoc:layout(Doc, LayoutOpts),
88        ok = write_text(Text, File, Dir),
89        rename(Dir, File)
90    catch
91        E:R:ST ->
92            io:format("EDoc could not process file '~s'\n", [File]),
93            io:format("~p:~p ~p\n", [E,R,ST]),
94            clean_up(Dir),
95            halt(3)
96    end.
98read_file(File, Opts) ->
99    edoc:read_source(File, Opts).
101extract(File, Forms, Opts) ->
102    Env = edoc_lib:get_doc_env([], [], [{app_default,"specs:/"}]),
103    {_Module, Doc} = edoc_extract:source(Forms, File, Env, Opts),
104    Doc.
106write_text(Text, File, Dir) ->
107    Base = filename:basename(File, ".erl"),
108    OutFile = filename:join(Dir, Base) ++ ".specs",
109    case file:write_file(OutFile, Text) of
110        ok ->
111            ok;
112        {error, R} ->
113            R1 = file:format_error(R),
114            io:format("could not write file '~s': ~s\n", [OutFile, R1]),
115            halt(2)
116    end.
118rename(Dir, F) ->
119    Mod = filename:basename(F, ".erl"),
120    Old = filename:join(Dir, Mod ++ ".specs"),
121    New = filename:join(Dir, "specs_" ++ Mod ++ ".xml"),
122    case file:rename(Old, New) of
123        ok ->
124            ok;
125        {error, R} ->
126            R1 = file:format_error(R),
127            io:format("could not rename file '~s': ~s\n", [New, R1]),
128            halt(2)
129    end.
131clean_up(Dir) ->
132    _ = [file:delete(filename:join(Dir, F)) ||
133            F <- ["packages-frame.html",
134                  "overview-summary.html",
135                  "modules-frame.html",
136                  "index.html", "erlang.png", "edoc-info"]],
137    ok.