1 { Copyright (C) <2010> <Andrew Haines> itolitlstypes.pas
3   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4   under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
5   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
6   option) any later version.
8   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10   FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License
11   for more details.
13   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
14   along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
16 }
17 {
18   See the file COPYING.modifiedLGPL, included in this distribution,
19   for details about the copyright.
20 }
21 unit ITOLITLSTypes;
23 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
26 interface
28 uses ChmBase;
30 type
32   TSig = array[0..3] of char;
33   TITOLITLSHeader = record
34    Sig: Array [0..1] of TSig; //  ITLO/ITLS
35    Version: DWord; // = 1
36    HeaderSectionTableOffset: DWord;
37    HeaderSectionEntryCount: DWord;
38    PostHeaderTableSize: DWord;
39    GUID: TGuid; // {0A9007C1-4076-11D3-8789-0000F8105754}
40   end;
42   TITOLITLSHeaderSectionEntry = record
43     OffSet: QWord; // From Start of ITLO/ITLS
44     Length: QWord;
45   end;
47   TChunkDirInfo = record
48     TopAOLIChunkIndex: QWord; // -1 if none
49     FirstAOLLChunkIndex,
50     LastAOLLChunkIndex: QWord;
51     Unknown0: QWord; // 0
52     ChunkSize: DWord; // = $2000 if list $200 if Index
53     QuickRefDensity: DWord; // = 2
54     Unknown1: DWord; // = 0
55     DirDepth: DWord; // 1 there is no index, 2 if there is one level of AOLI 3 if two index levels etc
56     Unknown2: QWord; // 0
57     DirEntryCount: QWord; // Number Of Directory Entries
58   end;
60   TITSFHeaderV4= record
61     ITSFsig: array [0..3] of char;
62     Version: LongWord;
63     HeaderLength: LongWord;
64     Unknown_1: LongWord;
65     Section0Offset: QWord;
66     TimeStamp: LongWord; //bigendian
67     LanguageID: LongWord;
68   end;
70   TCAOLRec = record
71     Sig: TSig; // CAOL
72     Version: DWord; // 2
73     CAOLSize: DWord; // includes ITSF section = $50
74     CompilerID: array [0..1] of char; // = "HH"
75     Unknown: Word; // 0
76     Unknown1: DWord; // $43ED or 0
77     DirChunkSize: DWord; // $2000
78     DirIndexChunkSize: DWord; // $200
79     Unknown2,       // $100000
80     Unknown3: DWord;// $20000
81     Unknown4,
82     Unknown5,
83     Unknown6: DWord; // = 0
84     ITSFHeader: TITSFHeaderV4;
85   end;
87   TITOLITLSPostHeader = record
88     Version: DWord; // 2
89     CAOLOffset: DWord; // usually $98 (is from start of PostHeader)
90     ListChunkInfo,
91     IndexChunkInfo: TChunkDirInfo;
92     Unknown3: DWord; // = $100000
93     Unknown4: Dword; // =  $20000
94     Unknown5: QWord; // 0
96   end;
98   THeaderSection0 = TITSPHeaderPrefix;
100   TIFCMRec = record
101     SIG: TSig; // = IFCM
102     Version: DWord; // = 1
103     ChunkSize: DWord; // = $2000
104     UnKnown: DWord; // = $100000
105     Unknown1: DWord; // = -1
106     Unknown2: DWord; // = -1
107     ChunkCount: Dword;//
108     Unknown3: DWord; // = 0
109   end;
111   TAOLLChunkHeader = record
112     Sig: TSig; // = AOLL
113     QuickRefSize: DWord;
114     ChunkIndex: QWord; // must be correct in the order written
115     PrevChunkIndex: QWord;
116     NextChunkIndex: QWord;
117     FirstEntryIndex: QWord;
118     Unknown0,       // = 1
119     Unknown1: DWord;// = 0
120     // entries
121   end;
123   TAOLIChunkHeader = record
124    Sig: TSig; // = AOLI
125    QuickRefSize: DWord;//    Length of quickref area at end of directory chunk
126    ChunkIndex: QWord;//    Directory chunk number
127    // entries
128   end;
130   const
131     ITOLITLSGuid: TGuid = '{0A9007C1-4076-11D3-8789-0000F8105754}';
133   type
134   TLZXv3ControlData = record
135     Sig: TSig;
136     Version: DWord;
137     ResetInterval: Dword;
138     WindowSize: DWord;
139     CacheSize: Dword;
140     Unknown1,
141     Unknown2: DWord; // 0
142   end;
144   TLZXv3ResetTable = record
145     Version: Dword;
146     EntryCount: DWord;
147     EntrySize: DWord;
148     EntryStart: DWord;
149     UnCompressedSize,
150     CompressedSize: QWord;
151     BlockSize: QWord; // $8000
152   end;
155 implementation
157 end.