1 {
2     pas2jni - JNI bridge generator for Pascal.
4     Copyright (c) 2013 by Yury Sidorov.
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18     Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  ****************************************************************************}
22 unit ppuparser;
24 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
26 interface
28 uses
29   Classes, SysUtils, def;
31 type
32   TCheckItemResult = (crDefault, crInclude, crExclude);
33   TOnCheckItem = function (const ItemName: string): TCheckItemResult of object;
35   { TPPUParser }
36   TPPUParser = class
37   private
38     FOnCheckItem: TOnCheckItem;
39     FDefaultSearchPathAdded: boolean;
FindUnitnull40     function FindUnit(const AName: string): string;
ReadUnitnull41     function ReadUnit(const AName: string): string;
InternalParsenull42     function InternalParse(const AUnitName: string): TUnitDef;
43     procedure AddSearchPath(const ASearchPath: string);
ReadProcessOutputnull44     function ReadProcessOutput(const AExeName, AParams: string; var AOutput, AError: string): integer;
45     procedure AddDefaultSearchPath(const ACPU, AOS: string);
46   public
47     SearchPath: TStringList;
48     Units: TDef;
49     OnExceptionProc: TProcDef;
51     constructor Create(const ASearchPath: string);
52     destructor Destroy; override;
53     procedure Parse(const AUnitName: string);
54     property OnCheckItem: TOnCheckItem read FOnCheckItem write FOnCheckItem;
55   end;
57 var
58   ppudumpprog: string;
60 implementation
62 uses process, pipes, fpjson, jsonparser, jsonscanner;
64 const
65   OnExceptionProcName = 'JNI_OnException';
67 type
68   TCharSet = set of char;
WordPositionnull70 function WordPosition(const N: Integer; const S: string;
71   const WordDelims: TCharSet): Integer;
72 var
73   Count, I: Integer;
74 begin
75   Count := 0;
76   I := 1;
77   Result := 0;
78   while (I <= Length(S)) and (Count <> N) do
79   begin
80     { skip over delimiters }
81     while (I <= Length(S)) and (S[I] in WordDelims) do
82       Inc(I);
83     { if we're not beyond end of S, we're at the start of a word }
84     if I <= Length(S) then
85       Inc(Count);
86     { if not finished, find the end of the current word }
87     if Count <> N then
88       while (I <= Length(S)) and not (S[I] in WordDelims) do
89         Inc(I)
90     else
91       Result := I;
92   end;
93 end;
ExtractWordnull95 function ExtractWord(N: Integer; const S: string;
96   const WordDelims: TCharSet): string;
97 var
98   I: Integer;
99   Len: Integer;
100 begin
101   Len := 0;
102   I := WordPosition(N, S, WordDelims);
103   if I <> 0 then
104     { find the end of the current word }
105     while (I <= Length(S)) and not (S[I] in WordDelims) do
106     begin
107       { add the I'th character to result }
108       Inc(Len);
109       SetLength(Result, Len);
110       Result[Len] := S[I];
111       Inc(I);
112     end;
113   SetLength(Result, Len);
114 end;
116 { TPPUParser }
118 constructor TPPUParser.Create(const ASearchPath: string);
119 begin
120   SearchPath:=TStringList.Create;
121   AddSearchPath(ASearchPath);
122   Units:=TDef.Create;
123 end;
125 destructor TPPUParser.Destroy;
126 begin
127   Units.Free;
128   SearchPath.Free;
129   inherited Destroy;
130 end;
132 procedure TPPUParser.Parse(const AUnitName: string);
133 begin
134   InternalParse(AUnitName);
135 end;
FindUnitnull137 function TPPUParser.FindUnit(const AName: string): string;
138 var
139   i: integer;
140   fn: string;
141 begin
142   fn:=ChangeFileExt(LowerCase(AName), '.ppu');
143   if FileExists(fn) then begin
144     Result:=fn;
145     exit;
146   end;
147   for i:=0 to SearchPath.Count - 1 do begin
148     Result:=IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(SearchPath[i]) + fn;
149     if FileExists(Result) then
150       exit;
151   end;
152   raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unable to find PPU file for unit "%s".', [AName]);
153 end;
TPPUParser.ReadUnitnull155 function TPPUParser.ReadUnit(const AName: string): string;
156 var
157   s, un, err: ansistring;
158   ec: integer;
159 begin
160   un:=FindUnit(AName);
161   if ppudumpprog = '' then begin
162     ppudumpprog:='ppudump';
163     // Check for ppudump in the same folder as pas2jni
164     s:=ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0));
165     if s <> '' then begin
166       s:=s + ppudumpprog + ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(0));
167       if FileExists(s) then
168         ppudumpprog:=s;
169     end;
170   end;
171   ec:=ReadProcessOutput(ppudumpprog, '-Fj' + LineEnding + un, s, err);
172   err:=Trim(err);
173   if (Copy(s, 1, 1) <> '[') and ((ec = 0) or (err = '')) then begin
174     ec:=-1;
175     err:='Output of ppudump is not in JSON format.' + LineEnding + 'Probably old version of ppudump has been used.';
176   end;
177   if ec <> 0 then begin
178     if err = '' then
179       if Length(s) < 300 then
180         err:=s;
181     raise Exception.CreateFmt('Error reading contents of unit "%s" using "%s".'+LineEnding+'Error code: %d'+LineEnding+'%s', [un, ppudumpprog, ec, err]);
182   end;
183   Result:=s;
184 {$ifopt D+}
185 //  Lines.SaveToFile(AName + '-dump.txt');
186 {$endif}
187 end;
InternalParsenull189 function TPPUParser.InternalParse(const AUnitName: string): TUnitDef;
190 var
191   junit: TJSONObject;
192   deref: array of TUnitDef;
193   CurUnit: TUnitDef;
194   IsSystemUnit: boolean;
195   AMainUnit: boolean;
196   CurObjName: string;
_GetRefnull198   function _GetRef(Ref: TJSONObject; ExpectedClass: TDefClass = nil): TDef;
199   var
200     j: integer;
201     u: TUnitDef;
202   begin
203     Result:=nil;
204     if Ref = nil then
205       exit;
206     u:=CurUnit;
207     j:=Ref.Get('Unit', -1);
208     if j >= 0 then begin
209       u:=deref[j];
210       if u.DefType = dtNone then begin
211         // Reading unit
212         u:=InternalParse(LowerCase(u.Name));
213         if u = nil then
214           exit;
215         if u.CPU <> CurUnit.CPU then
216           raise Exception.CreateFmt('Invalid target CPU of unit "%s": %s', [u.Name, u.CPU]);
217         if u.OS <> CurUnit.OS then
218           raise Exception.CreateFmt('Invalid target OS of unit "%s": %s', [u.Name, u.OS]);
219         if u.PPUVer <> CurUnit.PPUVer then
220           raise Exception.CreateFmt('Invalid PPU version of unit "%s": %s', [u.Name, u.PPUVer]);
221         deref[j].Free;
222         deref[j]:=u;
223       end;
224     end;
226     j:=Ref.Integers['Id'];
227     Result:=u.FindDef(j);
228     if Result = nil then begin
229       if ExpectedClass <> nil then
230         Result:=ExpectedClass.Create(u, dtNone)
231       else
232         Result:=TDef.Create(u, dtNone);
233       Result.DefId:=j;
234     end;
236     if (ExpectedClass <> nil) and (Result <> nil) then
237       if (Result.DefType <> dtNone) and not (Result is ExpectedClass) then
238         raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unexpected class. Expected: %s, got: %s', [ExpectedClass.ClassName, Result.ClassName]);
239   end;
241   procedure _ReadDefs(CurDef: TDef; jobj: TJSONObject; const ItemsName: string);
242   var
243     i, j: integer;
244     jt, s: string;
245     d: TDef;
246     it: TJSONObject;
247     jarr, arr: TJSONArray;
248     ct: TClassType;
249   begin
250     jarr:=jobj.Get(ItemsName, TJSONArray(nil));
251     if jarr = nil then
252       exit;
253     with jarr do
254       for i:=0 to Count - 1 do begin
255         it:=Objects[i];
256         CurObjName:=it.Get('Name', '');
257         jt:=it.Strings['Type'];
258         if jt = 'obj' then begin
259           s:=it.Strings['ObjType'];
260           if s = 'class' then
261             ct:=ctClass
262           else
263           if s = 'interface' then
264             ct:=ctInterface
265           else
266           if s = 'object' then
267             ct:=ctObject
268           else
269             continue;
270           d:=TClassDef.Create(CurDef, dtClass);
271           TClassDef(d).CType:=ct;
272           if ct = ctInterface then
273             TClassDef(d).IID:=it.Get('IID', '');
274         end
275         else
276         if jt = 'rec' then begin
277           if IsSystemUnit and (CompareText(CurObjName, 'tguid') = 0) then begin
278             d:=TTypeDef.Create(CurDef, dtType);
279             TTypeDef(d).BasicType:=btGuid;
280           end
281           else begin
282             d:=TClassDef.Create(CurDef, dtClass);
283             TClassDef(d).CType:=ctRecord;
284           end;
285         end
286         else
287         if jt = 'proc' then
288           d:=TProcDef.Create(CurDef, dtProc)
289         else
290         if jt = 'proctype' then begin
291           d:=TProcDef.Create(CurDef, dtProcType);
292           TProcDef(d).ProcType:=ptProcedure;
293         end
294         else
295         if jt = 'param' then begin
296           d:=TVarDef.Create(CurDef, dtParam);
297           TVarDef(d).VarOpt:=[voRead];
298         end
299         else
300         if jt = 'prop' then begin
301           d:=TVarDef.Create(CurDef, dtProp);
302           TVarDef(d).VarOpt:=[];
303         end
304         else
305         if jt = 'field' then
306           d:=TVarDef.Create(CurDef, dtField)
307         else
308         if jt = 'var' then
309           d:=TVarDef.Create(CurDef, dtVar)
310         else
311         if jt = 'ord' then begin
312           d:=TTypeDef.Create(CurDef, dtType);
313           with TTypeDef(d) do begin
314             s:=it.Strings['OrdType'];
315             j:=it.Get('Size', 0);
316             if s = 'void' then
317               BasicType:=btVoid
318             else
319             if s = 'uint' then begin
320               case j of
321                 1: BasicType:=btByte;
322                 2: BasicType:=btWord;
323                 4: BasicType:=btLongWord;
324                 else BasicType:=btInt64;
325               end;
326             end
327             else
328             if s = 'sint' then begin
329               case j of
330                 1: BasicType:=btShortInt;
331                 2: BasicType:=btSmallInt;
332                 4: BasicType:=btLongInt;
333                 else BasicType:=btInt64;
334               end;
335             end
336             else
337             if (s = 'pasbool') or (s = 'bool') then
338               BasicType:=btBoolean
339             else
340             if s = 'char' then begin
341               if j = 1 then
342                 BasicType:=btChar
343               else
344                 BasicType:=btWideChar;
345             end
346             else
347             if s = 'currency' then
348               BasicType:=btDouble;
349           end;
350         end
351         else
352         if jt = 'float' then begin
353           d:=TTypeDef.Create(CurDef, dtType);
354           with TTypeDef(d) do
355             if it.Strings['FloatType'] = 'single' then
356               BasicType:=btSingle
357             else
358               BasicType:=btDouble;
359         end
360         else
361         if jt = 'string' then begin
362           d:=TTypeDef.Create(CurDef, dtType);
363           s:=it.Strings['StrType'];
364           with TTypeDef(d) do
365             if (s = 'wide') or (s = 'unicode') or (s = 'long') then
366               BasicType:=btWideString
367             else
368               BasicType:=btString;
369           if not (IsSystemUnit and (CompareText(CurObjName, 'rawbytestring') = 0)) then
370             CurObjName:=s + 'string';
371         end
372         else
373         if jt = 'enum' then begin
374           d:=TTypeDef.Create(CurDef, dtEnum);
375           TTypeDef(d).BasicType:=btEnum;
376         end
377         else
378         if jt = 'set' then
379           d:=TSetDef.Create(CurDef, dtSet)
380         else
381         if jt = 'ptr' then begin
382           d:=TPointerDef.Create(CurDef, dtPointer);
383         end
384         else
385         if jt = 'const' then
386           d:=TConstDef.Create(CurDef, dtConst)
387         else
388         if jt = 'array' then
389           d:=TArrayDef.Create(CurDef, dtArray)
390         else
391         if jt = 'classref' then
392           d:=TClassRefDef.Create(CurDef, dtClassRef)
393         else
394           continue;
396         if (CurObjName = '') and not (d.DefType in [dtEnum, dtArray]) then begin
397           d.Free;
398           continue;
399         end;
401         // Common def attributes
402         d.Name:=CurObjName;
403         d.DefId:=it.Get('Id', -1);
404         d.SymId:=it.Get('SymId', -1);
405         s:=it.Get('Visibility', '');
406         d.IsPrivate:=(s <> '') and (s <> 'public') and (s <> 'published');
407         if Copy(d.Name, 1, 1) = '$' then
408           d.IsPrivate:=True;
410         // Specific def attributes
411         case d.DefType of
412           dtClass:
413             with TClassDef(d) do begin
414               if CType <> ctRecord then
415                 AncestorClass:=TClassDef(_GetRef(it.Get('Ancestor', TJSONObject(nil)), TClassDef));
416               if CType in [ctObject, ctRecord] then
417                 Size:=it.Integers['Size'];
418               arr:=it.Get('Options', TJSONArray(nil));
419               if arr <> nil then
420                 for j:=0 to arr.Count - 1 do begin
421                   s:=arr.Strings[j];
422                   if s = 'abstract_methods' then
423                     HasAbstractMethods:=True;
424                 end;
425               _ReadDefs(d, it, 'Fields');
426             end;
427           dtProc, dtProcType:
428             with TProcDef(d) do begin
429               arr:=it.Get('Options', TJSONArray(nil));
430               if arr <> nil then
431                 for j:=0 to arr.Count - 1 do begin
432                   s:=arr.Strings[j];
433                   if s = 'procedure' then
434                     ProcType:=ptProcedure
435                   else
436                   if s = 'function' then
437                     ProcType:=ptFunction
438                   else
439                   if s = 'constructor' then begin
440                     ProcType:=ptConstructor;
441                     if CompareText(Name, 'create') = 0 then
442                       Name:='Create'; // fix char case for standard constructors
443                   end
444                   else
445                   if s = 'destructor' then
446                     ProcType:=ptDestructor
447                   else
448                   if s = 'overriding' then begin
449                     ProcType:=ptDestructor;
450                     ProcOpt:=ProcOpt + [poOverride];
451                     if ProcType <> ptConstructor then
452                       IsPrivate:=True;
453                   end
454                   else
455                   if s = 'overload' then
456                     ProcOpt:=ProcOpt + [poOverload]
457                   else
458                   if s = 'abstract' then
459                     TClassDef(Parent).HasAbstractMethods:=True
460                   else
461                   if s = 'classmethod' then
462                     ProcOpt:=ProcOpt + [poClassMethod];
463                 end;
465                 ReturnType:=_GetRef(it.Get('RetType', TJSONObject(nil)));
466                 if (DefType = dtProcType) and not ( (ReturnType is TTypeDef) and (TTypeDef(ReturnType).BasicType = btVoid) ) then
467                   ProcType:=ptFunction;
ifnull468                 if it.Get('MethodPtr', False) then
469                   ProcOpt:=ProcOpt + [poMethodPtr];
andnull471                 if IsSystemUnit and (ProcType = ptFunction) and (Name = 'int') then
472                   Name:='Int';
474               _ReadDefs(d, it, 'Params');
476               for j:=0 to d.Count - 1 do
477                 with d[j] do begin
478                   if DefType <> dtParam then
479                     continue;
480                   s:=Name;
481                   Name:=Format('p%d', [j + 1]);
482                   AliasName:=s;
483                 end;
484               // Check for user exception handler proc
485               if AMainUnit and (Parent = CurUnit) and (OnExceptionProc = nil) and (AnsiCompareText(Name, OnExceptionProcName) = 0) then
486                 OnExceptionProc:=TProcDef(d);
487             end;
488           dtVar, dtField, dtParam:
489             with TVarDef(d) do begin
490               VarType:=_GetRef(it.Objects['VarType']);
491               s:=it.Get('Spez', '');
492               if s = 'out' then
493                 VarOpt:=[voWrite, voOut]
494               else
495               if s = 'var' then
496                 VarOpt:=[voRead, voWrite, voVar]
497               else
498               if s = 'const' then
499                 VarOpt:=[voRead, voConst];
500             end;
501           dtProp:
502             with TVarDef(d) do begin
503               VarType:=_GetRef(it.Objects['PropType']);
504               if it.Get('Getter', TJSONObject(nil)) <> nil then
505                 VarOpt:=VarOpt + [voRead];
506               if it.Get('Setter', TJSONObject(nil)) <> nil then
507                 VarOpt:=VarOpt + [voWrite];
509               _ReadDefs(d, it, 'Params');
510             end;
511           dtEnum:
512             _ReadDefs(d, it, 'Elements');
513           dtSet:
514             with TSetDef(d) do begin
515               Size:=it.Integers['Size'];
516               Base:=it.Integers['Base'];
517               ElMax:=it.Integers['Max'];
518               ElType:=TTypeDef(_GetRef(it.Objects['ElType'], TTypeDef));
519               if (ElType <> nil) and (ElType.Name = '') then
520                 ElType.Name:=CurObjName + 'El';
521             end;
522           dtConst:
523             with TConstDef(d) do begin
524               VarType:=_GetRef(it.Get('TypeRef', TJSONObject(nil)));
525               s:=it.Strings['ValType'];
526               if s = 'int' then
527                 Value:=IntToStr(it.Int64s['Value'])
528               else
529               if s = 'float' then begin
530                 Str(it.Floats['Value'], s);
531                 Value:=s;
532               end
533               else
534               if s = 'string' then begin
535                 s:=it.Strings['Value'];
536                 s:=StringReplace(s, '\', '\\', [rfReplaceAll]);
537                 s:=StringReplace(s, '"', '\"', [rfReplaceAll]);
538                 s:=StringReplace(s, #9, '\t', [rfReplaceAll]);
539                 s:=StringReplace(s, #10, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
540                 s:=StringReplace(s, #13, '\r', [rfReplaceAll]);
541                 Value:='"' + s + '"';
542               end
543               else
544                 FreeAndNil(d);
545             end;
546           dtPointer:
547             with TPointerDef(d) do begin
548               PtrType:=_GetRef(it.Get('Ptr', TJSONObject(nil)));;
549               if AMainUnit and (Parent = CurUnit) and (CompareText(Name, 'TJavaObject') = 0) then
550                 DefType:=dtJniObject;
551             end;
552           dtArray:
553             with TArrayDef(d) do begin
554               _ReadDefs(d, it, 'Types');
555               RangeLow:=it.Get('Low', -1);
556               RangeHigh:=it.Get('High', -1);
557               RangeType:=_GetRef(it.Get('RangeType', TJSONObject(nil)));
558               ElType:=_GetRef(it.Get('ElType', TJSONObject(nil)));
559             end;
560           dtClassRef:
561             with TClassRefDef(d) do begin
562               ClassRef:=_GetRef(it.Get('Ref', TJSONObject(nil)));;
563             end;
564           dtNone, dtUnit, dtType, dtJniObject, dtJniEnv:
565             ;  // no action
566         end;
567       end;
568   end;
570 var
571   i, j: integer;
572   s: string;
573   chkres: TCheckItemResult;
574   jp: TJSONParser;
575   jdata: TJSONData;
576 begin
577   Result:=nil;
578   for i:=0 to Units.Count - 1 do
579     if CompareText(Units[i].Name, AUnitName) = 0 then begin
580       Result:=TUnitDef(Units[i]);
581       exit;
582     end;
584   chkres:=FOnCheckItem(AUnitName);
585   if chkres = crExclude then
586     exit;
588   AMainUnit:=chkres = crInclude;
590   if not AMainUnit and ( (CompareText(AUnitName, 'windows') = 0) or (CompareText(AUnitName, 'unix') = 0) ) then
591     exit;
593   s:=ReadUnit(AUnitName);
594   try
595     jdata:=nil;
596     try
597       jp:=TJSONParser.Create(s, [joUTF8]);
598       try
599         s:='';
600         jdata:=jp.Parse;
601         junit:=TJSONObject(jdata.Items[0]);
602       finally
603         jp.Free;
604       end;
606       IsSystemUnit:=CompareText(AUnitName, 'system') = 0;
608       Result:=TUnitDef.Create(nil, dtUnit);
609       Units.Add(Result);
610       Result.Name:=junit.Strings['Name'];
611       Result.PPUVer:=junit.Integers['Version'];
612       Result.CPU:=junit.Strings['TargetCPU'];
613       Result.OS:=junit.Strings['TargetOS'];
614       j:=Length(Result.CPU);
615       if AnsiLowerCase(Copy(Result.OS, Length(Result.OS) - j, j + 1)) =  AnsiLowerCase('-' + Result.CPU) then
616         Result.OS:=Copy(Result.OS, 1, Length(Result.OS) - j - 1);
617       Result.IntfCRC:=junit.Strings['InterfaceCRC'];
619       if IsSystemUnit then
620         Result.IsUsed:=True;
622       if not FDefaultSearchPathAdded then begin
623         FDefaultSearchPathAdded:=True;
624         AddDefaultSearchPath(AnsiLowerCase(Result.CPU), AnsiLowerCase(Result.OS));
625       end;
627       if junit.Find('Units') <> nil then
628         with junit.Arrays['Units'] do begin
629           SetLength(deref, Count);
630           for i:=0 to Count - 1 do begin
631             deref[i]:=TUnitDef.Create(nil, dtNone);
632             deref[i].Name:=Strings[i];
633           end;
634         end;
636       CurUnit:=Result;
637       _ReadDefs(CurUnit, junit, 'Interface');
639       Result.ResolveDefs;
641       if CompareText(AUnitName, 'jni') = 0 then begin
642         for i:=0 to Result.Count - 1 do
643           with Result[i] do
644             if CompareText(Name, 'PJNIEnv') = 0 then
645               DefType:=dtJniEnv;
646       end;
648       if AMainUnit then
649         Result.IsUsed:=True;
651       SetLength(Result.UsedUnits, Length(deref));
652       j:=0;
653       for i:=0 to High(deref) do
654         if deref[i].DefType = dtNone then
655           deref[i].Free
656         else begin
657           Result.UsedUnits[j]:=deref[i];
658           Inc(j);
659         end;
660       SetLength(Result.UsedUnits, j);
661     finally
662       jdata.Free;
663     end;
664   except
665     if CurObjName <> '' then
666       CurObjName:=Format('; Object: "%s"', [CurObjName]);
667     raise Exception.CreateFmt('%s' + LineEnding + 'Unit: "%s"%s', [Exception(ExceptObject).Message, AUnitName, CurObjName]);
668   end;
669 end;
671 procedure TPPUParser.AddSearchPath(const ASearchPath: string);
672 var
673   i, j: integer;
674   s, d: string;
675   sr: TSearchRec;
676   sl: TStringList;
677 begin
678   sl:=TStringList.Create;
679   try
680     sl.Delimiter:=';';
681     sl.DelimitedText:=ASearchPath;
682     i:=0;
683     while i < sl.Count do begin
684       s:=sl[i];
685       if (Pos('*', s) > 0) or (Pos('?', s) > 0) then begin
686         d:=ExtractFilePath(s);
687         j:=FindFirst(s, faDirectory, sr);
688         while j = 0 do begin
689           if (sr.Name <> '.') and (sr.Name <> '..') then
690             sl.Add(d + sr.Name);
691           j:=FindNext(sr);
692         end;
693         FindClose(sr);
694         sl.Delete(i);
695       end
696       else
697         Inc(i);
698     end;
699     SearchPath.AddStrings(sl);
700   finally
701     sl.Free;
702   end;
703 end;
TPPUParser.ReadProcessOutputnull705 function TPPUParser.ReadProcessOutput(const AExeName, AParams: string; var AOutput, AError: string): integer;
707   procedure _ReadOutput(o: TInputPipeStream; var s: string; var idx: integer);
708   var
709     i: integer;
710   begin
711     with o do
712       while NumBytesAvailable > 0 do begin
713         i:=NumBytesAvailable;
714         if idx + i > Length(s) then
715           SetLength(s, idx + i*10 + idx div 10);
716         ReadBuffer(s[idx + 1], i);
717         Inc(idx, i);
718       end;
719   end;
721 var
722   p: TProcess;
723   oidx, eidx: integer;
724 begin
725   AOutput:='';
726   AError:='';
727   oidx:=0;
728   eidx:=0;
729   p:=TProcess.Create(nil);
730   try
731     p.Executable:=AExeName;
732     p.Parameters.Text:=AParams;
733     p.Options:=[poUsePipes, poNoConsole];
734     p.ShowWindow:=swoHIDE;
735     p.StartupOptions:=[suoUseShowWindow];
736     try
737       p.Execute;
738     except
739       raise Exception.CreateFmt('Unable to run "%s".'+LineEnding+'%s', [p.Executable, Exception(ExceptObject).Message]);
740     end;
741     repeat
742       if p.Output.NumBytesAvailable = 0 then
743         TThread.Yield;
744       _ReadOutput(p.Output, AOutput, oidx);
745       _ReadOutput(p.Stderr, AError, eidx);
746     until not p.Running and (p.Output.NumBytesAvailable = 0) and (p.Stderr.NumBytesAvailable = 0);
747     SetLength(AOutput, oidx);
748     SetLength(AError, eidx);
749     Result:=p.ExitStatus;
750   finally
751     p.Free;
752   end;
753 end;
755 procedure TPPUParser.AddDefaultSearchPath(const ACPU, AOS: string);
756 var
757   fpc, s, e: string;
758   sl: TStringList;
759   i, j: integer;
760 begin
761   try
762     fpc:=ExtractFilePath(ppudumpprog) + 'fpc' + ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(0));
763     if not FileExists(fpc) then
764       exit;
765     // Find the compiler binary
766     if ReadProcessOutput(fpc, '-P' + ACPU + LineEnding + '-T' + AOS + LineEnding + '-PB', s, e) <> 0 then
767       exit;
768     fpc:=Trim(s);
769     // Get units path from the compiler output
770     ReadProcessOutput(fpc, '-P' + ACPU + LineEnding + '-T' + AOS + LineEnding + '-vt' + LineEnding + '.', s, e);
771     sl:=TStringList.Create;
772     try
773       sl.Text:=s;
774       s:='';
775       for i:=0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin
776         s:=sl[i];
777         j:=Pos(':', s);
778         if j > 0 then begin
779           s:=Trim(Copy(s, j + 1, MaxInt));
780           s:=ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(s);
781           if (Copy(s, Length(s) - 3, 4) = DirectorySeparator + 'rtl') and DirectoryExists(s) then begin
782             AddSearchPath(ExtractFilePath(s) + '*');
783             exit;
784           end;
785         end;
786       end;
787     finally
788       sl.Free;
789     end;
790   except
791     // Ignore exceptions
792   end;
793 end;
795 end.