2    *********************************************************************
3    Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Ishenin,
4    member of the Free Pascal Development Team
6    See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution,
7    for details about the copyright.
9    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12    *********************************************************************
15{$ifndef VER2_4}
17  EEncodingError = class(Exception);
19  { TEncoding }
21  TEncoding = class
22  strict private
23    type
24      TStandardEncoding = (
25        seAnsi,
26        seAscii,
27        seUnicode,
28        seBigEndianUnicode,
29        seUTF7,
30        seUTF8);
31    var
32      FStandardEncodings: array[TStandardEncoding] of TEncoding; static;
33      FSystemEncodings: array of TEncoding; static;
34    Class Var
35      FLock : TRTLCriticalSection;
36    class function GetANSI: TEncoding; static;
37    class function GetASCII: TEncoding; static;
38    class function GetBigEndianUnicode: TEncoding; static;
39    class function GetDefault: TEncoding; static;
40    class function GetSystemEncoding: TEncoding; static;
41    class function GetUnicode: TEncoding; static;
42    class function GetUTF7: TEncoding; static;
43    class function GetUTF8: TEncoding; static;
45    class constructor Create;
46    class destructor Destroy;
47  strict protected
48    FIsSingleByte: Boolean;
49    FMaxCharSize: Integer;
50    class procedure FreeEncodings;
51    function GetByteCount(Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
52    function GetBytes(Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer; Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
53    function GetCharCount(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
54    function GetChars(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer; Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload; virtual; abstract;
55    function GetAnsiBytes(Chars: PChar; CharCount: Integer): TBytes; virtual; abstract;
56    function GetAnsiString(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): string; virtual; abstract;
57    function GetCodePage: Cardinal; virtual; abstract;
58    function GetEncodingName: UnicodeString; virtual; abstract;
59  public
60    function Clone: TEncoding; virtual;
61    class function Convert(Source, Destination: TEncoding; const Bytes: TBytes): TBytes; overload;
62    class function Convert(Source, Destination: TEncoding; const Bytes: TBytes; StartIndex, Count: Integer): TBytes; overload;
63    class function IsStandardEncoding(AEncoding: TEncoding): Boolean; static;
64    class function GetBufferEncoding(const Buffer: TBytes; var AEncoding: TEncoding): Integer; overload; static;
65    class function GetBufferEncoding(const Buffer: TBytes; var AEncoding: TEncoding;
66      ADefaultEncoding: TEncoding): Integer; overload; static;
67    function GetByteCount(const Chars: TUnicodeCharArray): Integer; overload;
68    function GetByteCount(const Chars: TUnicodeCharArray; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload;
69    function GetByteCount(const S: UnicodeString): Integer; overload;
70    function GetByteCount(const S: UnicodeString; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload;
71    function GetBytes(const Chars: TUnicodeCharArray): TBytes; overload;
72    function GetBytes(const Chars: TUnicodeCharArray; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer): TBytes; overload;
73    function GetBytes(const Chars: TUnicodeCharArray; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer;
74      const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
75    function GetBytes(const S: UnicodeString): TBytes; overload;
76    function GetBytes(const S: UnicodeString; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer;
77      const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
78    function GetCharCount(const Bytes: TBytes): Integer; overload;
79    function GetCharCount(const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex, ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload;
80    function GetChars(const Bytes: TBytes): TUnicodeCharArray; overload;
81    function GetChars(const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex, ByteCount: Integer): TUnicodeCharArray; overload;
82    function GetChars(const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex, ByteCount: Integer;
83      const Chars: TUnicodeCharArray; CharIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
84    class function GetEncoding(CodePage: Integer): TEncoding; overload; static;
85    class function GetEncoding(const EncodingName: UnicodeString): TEncoding; overload; static;
86    function GetMaxByteCount(CharCount: Integer): Integer; virtual; abstract;
87    function GetMaxCharCount(ByteCount: Integer): Integer; virtual; abstract;
88    function GetPreamble: TBytes; virtual; abstract;
89    function GetString(const Bytes: TBytes): UnicodeString; overload;
90    function GetString(const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex, ByteCount: Integer): UnicodeString; overload;
91    function GetAnsiBytes(const S: string): TBytes; overload;
92    function GetAnsiBytes(const S: string; CharIndex, CharCount: Integer): TBytes; overload;
93    function GetAnsiString(const Bytes: TBytes): string; overload;
94    function GetAnsiString(const Bytes: TBytes; ByteIndex, ByteCount: Integer): string; overload;
96    property CodePage: Cardinal read GetCodePage;
97    property EncodingName: UnicodeString read GetEncodingName;
98    property IsSingleByte: Boolean read FIsSingleByte;
100    class property ANSI: TEncoding read GetANSI;
101    class property ASCII: TEncoding read GetASCII;
102    class property BigEndianUnicode: TEncoding read GetBigEndianUnicode;
103    class property Default: TEncoding read GetDefault;
104    class property SystemEncoding: TEncoding read GetSystemEncoding;
105    class property Unicode: TEncoding read GetUnicode;
106    class property UTF7: TEncoding read GetUTF7;
107    class property UTF8: TEncoding read GetUTF8;
108  end;
110  { TMBCSEncoding }
112  TMBCSEncoding = class(TEncoding)
113  strict private
114    FCodePage: Integer;
115    FMBToWCharFlags: Integer;
116    FWCharToMBFlags: Integer;
117  strict protected
118    function GetByteCount(Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
119    function GetBytes(Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer; Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
120    function GetCharCount(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
121    function GetChars(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer; Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
122    function GetAnsiBytes(Chars: PChar; CharCount: Integer): TBytes; override;
123    function GetAnsiString(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): string; override;
124    function GetCodePage: Cardinal; override;
125    function GetEncodingName: UnicodeString; override;
126  public
127    constructor Create; overload; virtual;
128    constructor Create(ACodePage: Integer); overload; virtual;
129    constructor Create(ACodePage, MBToWCharFlags, WCharToMBFlags: Integer); overload; virtual;
130    function Clone: TEncoding; override;
131    function GetMaxByteCount(CharCount: Integer): Integer; override;
132    function GetMaxCharCount(ByteCount: Integer): Integer; override;
133    function GetPreamble: TBytes; override;
134  end;
136  { TUTF7Encoding }
138  TUTF7Encoding = class(TMBCSEncoding)
139  public
140    constructor Create; override;
141    function Clone: TEncoding; override;
142    function GetMaxByteCount(CharCount: Integer): Integer; override;
143    function GetMaxCharCount(ByteCount: Integer): Integer; override;
144  end;
146  { TUTF8Encoding }
148  TUTF8Encoding = class(TUTF7Encoding)
149  public
150    constructor Create; override;
151    function Clone: TEncoding; override;
152    function GetMaxByteCount(CharCount: Integer): Integer; override;
153    function GetMaxCharCount(ByteCount: Integer): Integer; override;
154    function GetPreamble: TBytes; override;
155  end;
157  { TUnicodeEncoding }
159  TUnicodeEncoding = class(TEncoding)
160  strict protected
161    function GetByteCount(Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
162    function GetBytes(Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer; Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
163    function GetCharCount(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
164    function GetChars(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer; Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
165    function GetAnsiBytes(Chars: PChar; CharCount: Integer): TBytes; override;
166    function GetAnsiString(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): string; override;
167    function GetCodePage: Cardinal; override;
168    function GetEncodingName: UnicodeString; override;
169  public
170    constructor Create; virtual;
171    function Clone: TEncoding; override;
172    function GetMaxByteCount(CharCount: Integer): Integer; override;
173    function GetMaxCharCount(ByteCount: Integer): Integer; override;
174    function GetPreamble: TBytes; override;
175  end;
177  { TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding }
179  TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding = class(TUnicodeEncoding)
180  strict protected
181    procedure Swap(var B: TBytes);
182    function GetBytes(Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer; Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
183    function GetChars(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer; Chars: PUnicodeChar; CharCount: Integer): Integer; overload; override;
184    function GetAnsiBytes(Chars: PChar; CharCount: Integer): TBytes; override;
185    function GetAnsiString(Bytes: PByte; ByteCount: Integer): string; override;
186    function GetCodePage: Cardinal; override;
187    function GetEncodingName: UnicodeString; override;
188  public
189    function Clone: TEncoding; override;
190    function GetPreamble: TBytes; override;
191  end;
192{$endif VER2_4}