2;; srfi-42 - eager comprehension
4;;  This is a port of Sebastian Egner's reference implementation to Gauche.
5;;  Ported by Alex Shinn.
9; Eager Comprehensions in [outer..inner|expr]-Convention
10; ======================================================
12; sebastian.egner@philips.com, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 26-Dec-2007
13; Scheme R5RS (incl. macros), SRFI-23 (error).
15; Loading the implementation into Scheme48 0.57:
16;   ,open srfi-23
17;   ,load ec.scm
19; Loading the implementation into PLT/DrScheme 317:
20;   ; File > Open ... "ec.scm", click Execute
22; Loading the implementation into SCM 5d7:
23;   (require 'macro) (require 'record)
24;   (load "ec.scm")
26; Implementation comments:
27;   * All local (not exported) identifiers are named ec-<something>.
28;   * This implementation focuses on portability, performance,
29;     readability, and simplicity roughly in this order. Design
30;     decisions related to performance are taken for Scheme48.
31;   * Alternative implementations, Comments and Warnings are
32;     mentioned after the definition with a heading.
34(define-module srfi-42
35  (use util.match)
36  (use gauche.generator)
37  (export-all))
38(select-module srfi-42)
40(autoload gauche.uvector uvector->list)
44;; Gauche treats :foo forms as keywords, which are not valid as
45;; identifiers or macros so we can't port this directly.  However, all
46;; of the (:keyword ...) forms must be within one of the enclosing *-ec
47;; forms, so we can hack it by making all of those forms replace the
48;; keywords with appropriately renamed identifiers.
52;; The hygienic syntax version.  Only replaces top-level qualifiers, so
53;; nested (:keyword ...) forms fail.  Recursively replacing them is
54;; possible but much trickier syntax so I haven't gotten around to it
55;; yet.  Using this version, the SRFI-42 examples.scm tests fail first
56;; on the following form:
58; (my-check
59;  (list-ec (:parallel (:range i 1 10) (:list x '(a b c))) (list i x))
60;  => '((1 a) (2 b) (3 c)) )
62; (define-syntax %replace-keywords
63;   (syntax-rules ()
64;     ((_ syn (collect ...))
65;      (syn collect ...))
66;     ((_ syn (collect ...) x y ...)
67;      (%replace-one-keyword x syn (collect ...) y ...))))
69; (define-syntax %replace-one-keyword
70;   (syntax-rules ()
71;     ((_ (: x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
72;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ... (srfi-42- x ...)) y ...))
73;     ((_ (:list x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
74;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ... (srfi-42-list x ...)) y ...))
75;     ((_ (:string x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
76;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ... (srfi-42-string x ...)) y ...))
77;     ((_ (:vector x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
78;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ... (srfi-42-vector x ...)) y ...))
79;     ((_ (:integers x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
80;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ... (srfi-42-integers x ...)) y ...))
81;     ((_ (:range x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
82;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ... (srfi-42-range x ...)) y ...))
83;     ((_ (:real-range x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
84;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ... (srfi-42-real-range x ...)) y ...))
85;     ((_ (:char-range x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
86;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-char-range x ...)) y ...))
87;     ((_ (:port x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
88;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-port x ...)) y ...))
89;     ((_ (:dispatched x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
90;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-dispatched x ...)) y ...))
91;     ((_ (:do x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
92;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-do x ...)) y ...))
93;     ((_ (:let x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
94;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-let x ...)) y ...))
95;     ((_ (:parallel x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
96;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-parallel x ...)) y ...))
97;     ((_ (:while x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
98;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-while x ...)) y ...))
99;     ((_ (:until x ...) syn (c ...) y ...)
100;      (%replace-keywords syn (c ...  (srfi-42-until x ...)) y ...))
101;     ((_ x syn (c ...) y ...) (%replace-keywords syn (c ... x) y ...))))
105;; The low-level macro version.  Non-hygienic, so works so long as you
106;; don't try to redefine the meaning of the :qualifiers (which you can't
107;; do in Gauche anyway) or try to use syntax which expands into a
108;; (:qualifier ...) form inside of a *-ec (which would be ugly and poor
109;; style).
111;; use the same signature as the hygienic version for compatibility, we
112;; ignore the middle "collector" arg
113(define-macro (%replace-keywords syn _ . args)
114  (define (rename symbol)               ; bandage for hygiene
115    ((with-module gauche.internal make-identifier)
116     symbol (current-module) '()))
117  (define (rewrite x)
118    (if (pair? x)
119      (if (keyword? (car x))
120        (cons
121         (case (car x)
122           ((:)            (rename 'srfi-42-))
123           ((:list)        (rename 'srfi-42-list))
124           ((:string)      (rename 'srfi-42-string))
125           ((:vector)      (rename 'srfi-42-vector))
126           ((:uvector)     (rename 'srfi-42-uvector))
127           ((:integers)    (rename 'srfi-42-integers))
128           ((:range)       (rename 'srfi-42-range))
129           ((:real-range)  (rename 'srfi-42-real-range))
130           ((:char-range)  (rename 'srfi-42-char-range))
131           ((:port)        (rename 'srfi-42-port))
132           ((:generator)   (rename 'srfi-42-generator))
133           ((:collection)  (rename 'srfi-42-collection))
134           ((:dispatched)  (rename 'srfi-42-dispatched))
135           ((:do)          (rename 'srfi-42-do))
136           ((:let)         (rename 'srfi-42-let))
137           ((:parallel)    (rename 'srfi-42-parallel))
138           ((:while)       (rename 'srfi-42-while))
139           ((:until)       (rename 'srfi-42-until))
140           (else (car x)))
141         (rewrite (cdr x)))
142        (cons (rewrite (car x)) (rewrite (cdr x))))
143      x))
144  `(,syn ,@(map rewrite args)))
147; ==========================================================================
148; The fundamental comprehension do-ec
149; ==========================================================================
151; All eager comprehensions are reduced into do-ec and
152; all generators are reduced to :do.
154; We use the following short names for syntactic variables
155;   q    - qualifier
156;   cc   - current continuation, thing to call at the end;
157;          the CPS is (m (cc ...) arg ...) -> (cc ... expr ...)
158;   cmd  - an expression being evaluated for its side-effects
159;   expr - an expression
160;   gen  - a generator of an eager comprehension
161;   ob   - outer binding
162;   oc   - outer command
163;   lb   - loop binding
164;   ne1? - not-end1? (before the payload)
165;   ib   - inner binding
166;   ic   - inner command
167;   ne2? - not-end2? (after the payload)
168;   ls   - loop step
169;   etc  - more arguments of mixed type
172; (do-ec q ... cmd)
173;   handles nested, if/not/and/or, begin, :let, and calls generator
174;   macros in CPS to transform them into fully decorated :do.
175;   The code generation for a :do is delegated to do-ec:do.
177; (define-syntax do-ec
178;   (syntax-rules ()
179;     ((_ expr ...)
180;      (%do-ec (%replace-keywords expr) ...))))
182(define-syntax do-ec
183  (syntax-rules ()
184    ((do-ec expr ...)
185     (%replace-keywords %do-ec () expr ...))))
187(define-syntax %do-ec
188  ;;(syntax-rules (nested if not and or begin :do let)
189  (syntax-rules (nested if not and or begin srfi-42-do let)
191    ; explicit nesting -> implicit nesting
192    ((do-ec (nested q ...) etc ...)
193     (do-ec q ... etc ...) )
195    ; implicit nesting -> fold do-ec
196    ((do-ec q1 q2 etc1 etc ...)
197     (do-ec q1 (do-ec q2 etc1 etc ...)) )
199    ; no qualifiers at all -> evaluate cmd once
200    ((do-ec cmd)
201     (begin cmd (if #f #f)) )
203; now (do-ec q cmd) remains
205    ; filter -> make conditional
206    ((do-ec (if test) cmd)
207     (if test (do-ec cmd)) )
208    ((do-ec (not test) cmd)
209     (if (not test) (do-ec cmd)) )
210    ((do-ec (and test ...) cmd)
211     (if (and test ...) (do-ec cmd)) )
212    ((do-ec (or test ...) cmd)
213     (if (or test ...) (do-ec cmd)) )
215    ; begin -> make a sequence
216    ((do-ec (begin etc ...) cmd)
217     (begin etc ... (do-ec cmd)) )
219    ; fully decorated :do-generator -> delegate to do-ec:do
220    ((do-ec (srfi-42-do olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss) cmd)
221     (do-ec:do cmd (srfi-42-do olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss)) )
223; anything else -> call generator-macro in CPS; reentry at (*)
225    ((do-ec (g arg1 arg ...) cmd)
226     (g (do-ec:do cmd) arg1 arg ...) )))
229; (do-ec:do cmd (:do olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss)
230;   generates code for a single fully decorated :do-generator
231;   with cmd as payload, taking care of special cases.
233(define-syntax do-ec:do
234  ;;(syntax-rules (:do let)
235  (syntax-rules (srfi-42-do let)
237    ; reentry point (*) -> generate code
238    ((do-ec:do cmd
239               (srfi-42-do (let obs oc ...)
240                    lbs
241                    ne1?
242                    (let ibs ic ...)
243                    ne2?
244                    (ls ...) ))
245     (ec-simplify
246       (let obs
247         oc ...
248         (let loop lbs
249           (ec-simplify
250             (if ne1?
251                 (ec-simplify
252                   (let ibs
253                      ic ...
254                      cmd
255                      (ec-simplify
256                        (if ne2?
257                            (loop ls ...) )))))))))) ))
260; (ec-simplify <expression>)
261;   generates potentially more efficient code for <expression>.
262;   The macro handles if, (begin <command>*), and (let () <command>*)
263;   and takes care of special cases.
265(define-syntax ec-simplify
266  (syntax-rules (if not let begin)
268; one- and two-sided if
270    ; literal <test>
271    ((ec-simplify (if #t consequent))
272     consequent )
273    ((ec-simplify (if #f consequent))
274     (if #f #f) )
275    ((ec-simplify (if #t consequent alternate))
276     consequent )
277    ((ec-simplify (if #f consequent alternate))
278     alternate )
280    ; (not (not <test>))
281    ((ec-simplify (if (not (not test)) consequent))
282     (ec-simplify (if test consequent)) )
283    ((ec-simplify (if (not (not test)) consequent alternate))
284     (ec-simplify (if test consequent alternate)) )
286; (let () <command>*)
288    ; empty <binding spec>*
289    ((ec-simplify (let () command ...))
290     (ec-simplify (begin command ...)) )
292; begin
294    ; flatten use helper (ec-simplify 1 done to-do)
295    ((ec-simplify (begin command ...))
296     (ec-simplify 1 () (command ...)) )
297    ((ec-simplify 1 done ((begin to-do1 ...) to-do2 ...))
298     (ec-simplify 1 done (to-do1 ... to-do2 ...)) )
299    ((ec-simplify 1 (done ...) (to-do1 to-do ...))
300     (ec-simplify 1 (done ... to-do1) (to-do ...)) )
302    ; exit helper
303    ((ec-simplify 1 () ())
304     (if #f #f) )
305    ((ec-simplify 1 (command) ())
306     command )
307    ((ec-simplify 1 (command1 command ...) ())
308     (begin command1 command ...) )
310; anything else
312    ((ec-simplify expression)
313     expression )))
316; ==========================================================================
317; The special generators :do, :let, :parallel, :while, and :until
318; ==========================================================================
320(define-syntax srfi-42-do
321  (er-macro-transformer
322   (^[f r c]
323     (match f
324       ;; full decorated -> continue with cc, reentry at (*)
325       [(_ (cc ...) olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss)
326        `(,@cc (,(r'srfi-42-do) ,olet ,lbs ,ne1? ,ilet ,ne2? ,lss))]
327       ;; short form -> fill in default values
328       [(_ cc lbs ne1? lss)
329        (quasirename r
330          `(srfi-42-do ,cc (let ()) ,lbs ,ne1? (let ()) #t ,lss))]))))
332(define-syntax srfi-42-let
333  (er-macro-transformer
334   (^[f r c]
335     (define (index.? x) (c (r'index) x))
336     (match f
337       [(_ cc var ((? index.?) i) expression)
338        (quasirename r
339          `(srfi-42-do ,cc (let ((,var ,expression) (,i 0)))
340                       () #t (let ()) #f ()))]
341       [(_ cc var expression)
342        (quasirename r
343          `(srfi-42-do ,cc (let ((,var ,expression)))
344                       () #t (let ()) #f ()) )]))))
346(define-syntax srfi-42-parallel
347  ;;(syntax-rules (:do)
348  (syntax-rules ()
349    ((_ cc)
350     cc )
351    ((_ cc (g arg1 arg ...) gen ...)
352     (g (srfi-42-parallel-1 cc (gen ...)) arg1 arg ...) )))
354; (:parallel-1 cc (to-do ...) result [ next ] )
355;    iterates over to-do by converting the first generator into
356;    the :do-generator next and merging next into result.
358(define-syntax srfi-42-parallel-1  ; used as
359  ;;(syntax-rules (:do let)
360  (syntax-rules (srfi-42-do let)
362    ; process next element of to-do, reentry at (**)
363    ((_ cc ((g arg1 arg ...) gen ...) result)
364     (g (srfi-42-parallel-1 cc (gen ...) result) arg1 arg ...) )
366    ; reentry point (**) -> merge next into result
367    ((_
368       cc
369       gens
370       (srfi-42-do (let (ob1 ...) oc1 ...)
371            (lb1 ...)
372            ne1?1
373            (let (ib1 ...) ic1 ...)
374            ne2?1
375            (ls1 ...) )
376       (srfi-42-do (let (ob2 ...) oc2 ...)
377            (lb2 ...)
378            ne1?2
379            (let (ib2 ...) ic2 ...)
380            ne2?2
381            (ls2 ...) ))
382     (srfi-42-parallel-1
383       cc
384       gens
385       (srfi-42-do (let (ob1 ... ob2 ...) oc1 ... oc2 ...)
386            (lb1 ... lb2 ...)
387            (and ne1?1 ne1?2)
388            (let (ib1 ... ib2 ...) ic1 ... ic2 ...)
389            (and ne2?1 ne2?2)
390            (ls1 ... ls2 ...) )))
392    ; no more gens -> continue with cc, reentry at (*)
393    ((_ (cc ...) () result)
394     (cc ... result) )))
396; (:while-1 cc test (:do ...))
397;    modifies the fully decorated :do-generator such that it
398;    runs while test is a true value.
399;       The original implementation just replaced ne1? by
400;    (and ne1? test) as follows:
402;      (define-syntax :while-1
403;        (syntax-rules (:do)
404;          ((:while-1 cc test (:do olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss))
405;           (:do cc olet lbs (and ne1? test) ilet ne2? lss) )))
407; Bug #1:
408;    Unfortunately, this code is wrong because ne1? may depend
409;    in the inner bindings introduced in ilet, but ne1? is evaluated
410;    outside of the inner bindings. (Refer to the specification of
411;    :do to see the structure.)
412;       The problem manifests itself (as sunnan@handgranat.org
413;    observed, 25-Apr-2005) when the :list-generator is modified:
415;      (do-ec (:while (:list x '(1 2)) (= x 1)) (display x)).
417;    In order to generate proper code, we introduce temporary
418;    variables saving the values of the inner bindings. The inner
419;    bindings are executed in a new ne1?, which also evaluates ne1?
420;    outside the scope of the inner bindings, then the inner commands
421;    are executed (possibly changing the variables), and then the
422;    values of the inner bindings are saved and (and ne1? test) is
423;    returned. In the new ilet, the inner variables are bound and
424;    initialized and their values are restored. So we construct:
426;     (let (ob .. (ib-tmp #f) ...)
427;       oc ...
428;       (let loop (lb ...)
429;         (if (let (ne1?-value ne1?)
430;               (let ((ib-var ib-rhs) ...)
431;                 ic ...
432;                 (set! ib-tmp ib-var) ...)
433;               (and ne1?-value test))
434;             (let ((ib-var ib-tmp) ...)
435;               /payload/
436;               (if ne2?
437;                   (loop ls ...) )))))
439; Bug #2:
440;    Unfortunately, the above expansion is still incorrect (as Jens-Axel
441;    Soegaard pointed out, 4-Jun-2007) because ib-rhs are evaluated even
442;    if ne1?-value is #f, indicating that the loop has ended.
443;       The problem manifests itself in the following example:
445;      (do-ec (:while (:list x '(1)) #t) (display x))
447;    Which iterates :list beyond exhausting the list '(1).
449;    For the fix, we follow Jens-Axel's approach of guarding the evaluation
450;    of ib-rhs with a check on ne1?-value.
452(define-syntax srfi-42-while
453  (syntax-rules ()
454    ((_ cc (g arg1 arg ...) test)
455     (g (srfi-42-while-1 cc test) arg1 arg ...) )))
457(define-syntax srfi-42-while-1
458  (syntax-rules (srfi-42-do let)
459    ((srfi-42-while-1 cc test (srfi-42-do olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss))
460     (srfi-42-while-2 cc test () () () (srfi-42-do olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss)))))
462(define-syntax srfi-42-while-2
463  (syntax-rules (srfi-42-do let)
464    ((srfi-42-while-2 cc
465                      test
466                      (ib-let     ...)
467                      (ib-save    ...)
468                      (ib-restore ...)
469                      (srfi-42-do olet
470                                  lbs
471                                  ne1?
472                                  (let ((ib-var ib-rhs) ib ...) ic ...)
473                                  ne2?
474                                  lss))
475     (srfi-42-while-2 cc
476                      test
477                      (ib-let     ... (ib-tmp #f))
478                      (ib-save    ... (ib-var ib-rhs))
479                      (ib-restore ... (ib-var ib-tmp))
480                      (srfi-42-do olet
481                                  lbs
482                                  ne1?
483                                  (let (ib ...) ic ... (set! ib-tmp ib-var))
484                                  ne2?
485                                  lss)))
486    ((srfi-42-while-2 cc
487                      test
488                      (ib-let     ...)
489                      (ib-save    ...)
490                      (ib-restore ...)
491                      (srfi-42-do (let (ob ...) oc ...) lbs ne1?
492                                  (let () ic ...) ne2? lss))
493     (srfi-42-do cc
494                 (let (ob ... ib-let ...) oc ...)
495                 lbs
496                 (let ((ne1?-value ne1?))
497                   (and ne1?-value
498                        (let (ib-save ...)
499                          ic ...
500                          test)))
501                 (let (ib-restore ...))
502                 ne2?
503                 lss))))
505(define-syntax srfi-42-until
506  (syntax-rules ()
507    ((_ cc (g arg1 arg ...) test)
508     (g (srfi-42-until-1 cc test) arg1 arg ...) )))
510(define-syntax srfi-42-until-1
511  ;;(syntax-rules (:do)
512  (syntax-rules (srfi-42-do)
513    ((_ cc test (srfi-42-do olet lbs ne1? ilet ne2? lss))
514     (srfi-42-do cc olet lbs ne1? ilet (and ne2? (not test)) lss) )))
517; ==========================================================================
518; The typed generators :list :string :vector etc.
519; ==========================================================================
521(define-syntax srfi-42-list
522  (syntax-rules (index)
523    ((_ cc var (index i) arg ...)
524     (srfi-42-parallel cc (srfi-42-list var arg ...) (srfi-42-integers i)) )
525    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2 arg ...)
526     (srfi-42-list cc var (append arg1 arg2 arg ...)) )
527    ((_ cc var arg)
528     (srfi-42-do cc
529          (let ())
530          ((t arg))
531          (not (null? t))
532          (let ((var (car t))))
533          #t
534          ((cdr t)) ))
535    ((_ x ...) #t)))
538(define-syntax srfi-42-string
539  (syntax-rules (index)
540    ((_ cc var (index i) arg)
541     (srfi-42-do cc
542          (let ((str arg) (len 0))
543            (set! len (string-length str)))
544          ((i 0))
545          (< i len)
546          (let ((var (string-ref str i))))
547          #t
548          ((+ i 1)) ))
549    ((_ cc var (index i) arg1 arg2 arg ...)
550     (srfi-42-string cc var (index i) (string-append arg1 arg2 arg ...)) )
551    ((_ cc var arg1 arg ...)
552     (srfi-42-string cc var (index i) arg1 arg ...) )))
554; Alternative: An implementation in the style of :vector can also
555;   be used for :string. However, it is less interesting as the
556;   overhead of string-append is much less than for 'vector-append'.
558(define-syntax srfi-42-vector
559  (syntax-rules ()
560    [(_ . args) (srfi-42-*vector vector-length vector-ref . args)]))
562(define-syntax srfi-42-uvector
563  (syntax-rules ()
564    [(_ . args) (srfi-42-*vector uvector-length uvector-ref . args)]))
566(define-syntax srfi-42-*vector
567  (syntax-rules (index)
568    ((_ *len *ref cc var arg)
569     (srfi-42-*vector *len *ref cc var (index i) arg) )
570    ((_ *len *ref cc var (index i) arg)
571     (srfi-42-do cc
572          (let ((vec arg) (len 0))
573            (set! len (*len vec)))
574          ((i 0))
575          (< i len)
576          (let ((var (*ref vec i))))
577          #t
578          ((+ i 1)) ))
580    ((_ *len *ref cc var (index i) arg1 arg2 arg ...)
581     (srfi-42-parallel cc
582                       (srfi-42-*vector *len *ref cc var arg1 arg2 arg ...)
583                       (srfi-42-integers i)) )
584    ((_ *len *ref cc var arg1 arg2 arg ...)
585     (srfi-42-do cc
586          (let ((vec #f)
587                (len 0)
588                (vecs (ec-:vector-filter *len (list arg1 arg2 arg ...))) ))
589          ((k 0))
590          (if (< k len)
591              #t
592              (if (null? vecs)
593                  #f
594                  (begin (set! vec (car vecs))
595                         (set! vecs (cdr vecs))
596                         (set! len (*len vec))
597                         (set! k 0)
598                         #t )))
599          (let ((var (*ref vec k))))
600          #t
601          ((+ k 1)) ))))
603(define (ec-:vector-filter *len vecs)
604  (if (null? vecs)
605      '()
606      (if (zero? (*len (car vecs)))
607          (ec-:vector-filter *len (cdr vecs))
608          (cons (car vecs) (ec-:vector-filter *len (cdr vecs))) )))
610; Alternative: A simpler implementation for :vector uses vector->list
611;   append and :list in the multi-argument case. Please refer to the
612;   'design.scm' for more details.
615(define-syntax srfi-42-integers
616  (syntax-rules (index)
617    ((_ cc var (index i))
618     (srfi-42-do cc ((var 0) (i 0)) #t ((+ var 1) (+ i 1))) )
619    ((_ cc var)
620     (srfi-42-do cc ((var 0)) #t ((+ var 1))) )))
623(define-syntax srfi-42-range
624  (syntax-rules (index)
626    ; handle index variable and add optional args
627    ((_ cc var (index i) arg1 arg ...)
628     (srfi-42-parallel cc (srfi-42-range var arg1 arg ...) (srfi-42-integers i)) )
629    ((_ cc var arg1)
630     (srfi-42-range cc var 0 arg1 1) )
631    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2)
632     (srfi-42-range cc var arg1 arg2 1) )
634; special cases (partially evaluated by hand from general case)
636    ((_ cc var 0 arg2 1)
637     (srfi-42-do cc
638          (let ((b arg2))
639            (if (not (and (integer? b) (exact? b)))
640                (error
641                   "arguments of :range are not exact integer "
642                   "(use :real-range?)" 0 b 1 )))
643          ((var 0))
644          (< var b)
645          (let ())
646          #t
647          ((+ var 1)) ))
649    ((_ cc var 0 arg2 -1)
650     (srfi-42-do cc
651          (let ((b arg2))
652            (if (not (and (integer? b) (exact? b)))
653                (error
654                   "arguments of :range are not exact integer "
655                   "(use :real-range?)" 0 b 1 )))
656          ((var 0))
657          (> var b)
658          (let ())
659          #t
660          ((- var 1)) ))
662    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2 1)
663     (srfi-42-do cc
664          (let ((a arg1) (b arg2))
665            (if (not (and (integer? a) (exact? a)
666                          (integer? b) (exact? b) ))
667                (error
668                   "arguments of :range are not exact integer "
669                   "(use :real-range?)" a b 1 )) )
670          ((var a))
671          (< var b)
672          (let ())
673          #t
674          ((+ var 1)) ))
676    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2 -1)
677     (srfi-42-do cc
678          (let ((a arg1) (b arg2) (s -1) (stop 0))
679            (if (not (and (integer? a) (exact? a)
680                          (integer? b) (exact? b) ))
681                (error
682                   "arguments of :range are not exact integer "
683                   "(use :real-range?)" a b -1 )) )
684          ((var a))
685          (> var b)
686          (let ())
687          #t
688          ((- var 1)) ))
690; the general case
692    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2 arg3)
693     (srfi-42-do cc
694          (let ((a arg1) (b arg2) (s arg3) (stop 0))
695            (if (not (and (integer? a) (exact? a)
696                          (integer? b) (exact? b)
697                          (integer? s) (exact? s) ))
698                (error
699                   "arguments of :range are not exact integer "
700                   "(use :real-range?)" a b s ))
701            (if (zero? s)
702                (error "step size must not be zero in :range") )
703            (set! stop (+ a (* (max 0 (ceiling (/ (- b a) s))) s))))
704          ((var a))
705          (not (= var stop))
706          (let ())
707          #t
708          ((+ var s)) ))))
710; Comment: The macro :range inserts some code to make sure the values
711;   are exact integers. This overhead has proven very helpful for
712;   saving users from themselves.
715(define-syntax srfi-42-real-range
716  (syntax-rules (index)
718    ; add optional args and index variable
719    ((_ cc var arg1)
720     (srfi-42-real-range cc var (index i) 0 arg1 1) )
721    ((_ cc var (index i) arg1)
722     (srfi-42-real-range cc var (index i) 0 arg1 1) )
723    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2)
724     (srfi-42-real-range cc var (index i) arg1 arg2 1) )
725    ((_ cc var (index i) arg1 arg2)
726     (srfi-42-real-range cc var (index i) arg1 arg2 1) )
727    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2 arg3)
728     (srfi-42-real-range cc var (index i) arg1 arg2 arg3) )
730    ; the fully qualified case
731    ((_ cc var (index i) arg1 arg2 arg3)
732     (srfi-42-do cc
733          (let ((a arg1) (b arg2) (s arg3) (istop 0))
734            (if (not (and (real? a) (real? b) (real? s)))
735                (error "arguments of :real-range are not real" a b s) )
736            (if (and (exact? a) (or (not (exact? b)) (not (exact? s))))
737                (set! a (exact->inexact a)) )
738            (set! istop (/ (- b a) s)) )
739          ((i 0))
740          (< i istop)
741          (let ((var (+ a (* s i)))))
742          #t
743          ((+ i 1)) ))))
745; Comment: The macro :real-range adapts the exactness of the start
746;   value in case any of the other values is inexact. This is a
747;   precaution to avoid (list-ec (: x 0 3.0) x) => '(0 1.0 2.0).
750(define-syntax srfi-42-char-range
751  (syntax-rules (index)
752    ((_ cc var (index i) arg1 arg2)
753     (srfi-42-parallel cc (srfi-42-char-range var arg1 arg2) (srfi-42-integers i)) )
754    ((_ cc var arg1 arg2)
755     (srfi-42-do cc
756          (let ((imax (char->integer arg2))))
757          ((i (char->integer arg1)))
758          (<= i imax)
759          (let ((var (integer->char i))))
760          #t
761          ((+ i 1)) ))))
763; Warning: There is no R5RS-way to implement the :char-range generator
764;   because the integers obtained by char->integer are not necessarily
765;   consecutive. We simply assume this anyhow for illustration.
768(define-syntax srfi-42-port
769  (syntax-rules (index)
770    [(_ cc var (index i) arg1 arg ...)
771     (srfi-42-parallel cc (srfi-42-port var arg1 arg ...) (srfi-42-integers i))]
772    [(_ cc var arg)
773     (srfi-42-port cc var arg read)]
774    [(_ cc var arg1 arg2)
775     (srfi-42-do cc
776          (let ((port arg1) (read-proc arg2)))
777          ((var (read-proc port)))
778          (not (eof-object? var))
779          (let ())
780          #t
781          ((read-proc port)) )]))
783;; Gauche extension
784(define-syntax srfi-42-generator
785  (syntax-rules (index)
786    [(_ cc var (index i) expr)
787     (srfi-42-parallel cc (srfi-42-generator var expr) (srfi-42-integers i))]
788    [(_ cc var expr)
789     (srfi-42-do cc
790          (let ([gen expr]))
791          ([var (gen)])
792          (not (eof-object? var))
793          (let ())
794          #t
795          [(gen)])]))
797;; Gauche extension
798(define-syntax srfi-42-collection
799  (syntax-rules (index)
800    [(_ cc var (index i) expr)
801     (srfi-42-parallel cc (srfi-42-collection var expr) (srfi-42-integers i))]
802    [(_ cc var expr)
803     (srfi-42-do cc
804          (let ([gen (x->generator expr)]))
805          ([var (gen)])
806          (not (eof-object? var))
807          (let ())
808          #t
809          [(gen)])]))
811; ==========================================================================
812; The typed generator :dispatched and utilities for constructing dispatchers
813; ==========================================================================
815(define-syntax srfi-42-dispatched
816  (syntax-rules (index)
817    ((_ cc var (index i) dispatch arg1 arg ...)
818     (srfi-42-parallel cc
819                (srfi-42-integers i)
820                (srfi-42-dispatched var dispatch arg1 arg ...) ))
821    ((_ cc var dispatch arg1 arg ...)
822     (srfi-42-do cc
823          (let ((d dispatch)
824                (args (list arg1 arg ...))
825                (g #f)
826                (empty (list #f)) )
827            (set! g (d args))
828            (if (not (procedure? g))
829                (error "unrecognized arguments in dispatching"
830                       args
831                       (d '()) )))
832          ((var (g empty)))
833          (not (eq? var empty))
834          (let ())
835          #t
836          ((g empty)) ))))
838; Comment: The unique object empty is created as a newly allocated
839;   non-empty list. It is compared using eq? which distinguishes
840;   the object from any other object, according to R5RS 6.1.
843(define-syntax srfi-42-generator-proc
844  ;;(syntax-rules (:do let)
845  (syntax-rules (srfi-42-do let)
847    ; call g with a variable, reentry at (**)
848    ((_ (g arg ...))
849     (g (srfi-42-generator-proc var) var arg ...) )
851    ; reentry point (**) -> make the code from a single :do
852    ((_
853       var
854       (srfi-42-do (let obs oc ...)
855            ((lv li) ...)
856            ne1?
857            (let ((i v) ...) ic ...)
858            ne2?
859            (ls ...)) )
860     (ec-simplify
861      (let obs
862          oc ...
863          (let ((lv li) ... (ne2 #t))
864            (ec-simplify
865             (let ((i #f) ...) ; v not yet valid
866               (lambda (empty)
867                 (if (and ne1? ne2)
868                     (ec-simplify
869                      (begin
870                        (set! i v) ...
871                        ic ...
872                        (let ((value var))
873                          (ec-simplify
874                           (if ne2?
875                               (ec-simplify
876                                (begin (set! lv ls) ...) )
877                               (set! ne2 #f) ))
878                          value )))
879                     empty ))))))))
881    ; silence warnings of some macro expanders
882    ((_ var)
883     (error "illegal macro call") )))
886(define (dispatch-union d1 d2)
887  (lambda (args)
888    (let ((g1 (d1 args)) (g2 (d2 args)))
889      (if g1
890          (if g2
891              (if (null? args)
892                  (append (if (list? g1) g1 (list g1))
893                          (if (list? g2) g2 (list g2)) )
894                  (error "dispatching conflict" args (d1 '()) (d2 '())) )
895              g1 )
896          (if g2 g2 #f) ))))
899; ==========================================================================
900; The dispatching generator :
901; ==========================================================================
903(define (make-initial-:-dispatch)
904  (lambda (args)
905    (case (length args)
906      [(0) 'SRFI42]
907      [(1) (let ([a1 (car args)])
908             (cond
909              [(list? a1)
910               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-list a1))]
911              [(string? a1)
912               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-string a1))]
913              [(vector? a1)
914               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-vector a1))]
915              [(uvector? a1)
916               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-uvector a1))]
917              [(and (integer? a1) (exact? a1))
918               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-range a1))]
919              [(real? a1)
920               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-real-range a1))]
921              [(input-port? a1)
922               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-port a1))]
923              [(is-a? a1 <collection>)
924               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-collection a1))]
925              [(applicable? a1)
926               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-generator a1))]
927              [else #f]))]
928      [(2) (let ([a1 (car args)] [a2 (cadr args)])
929             (cond
930              [(and (list? a1) (list? a2))
931               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-list a1 a2)) ]
932              [(and (string? a1) (string? a1))
933               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-string a1 a2)) ]
934              [(and (vector? a1) (vector? a2))
935               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-vector a1 a2)) ]
936              [(and (uvector? a1) (uvector? a2))
937               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-uvector a1 a2)) ]
938              [(and (integer? a1) (exact? a1) (integer? a2) (exact? a2))
939               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-range a1 a2)) ]
940              [(and (real? a1) (real? a2))
941               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-real-range a1 a2)) ]
942              [(and (char? a1) (char? a2))
943               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-char-range a1 a2)) ]
944              [(and (input-port? a1) (procedure? a2))
945               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-port a1 a2)) ]
946              [else #f]))]
947      [(3) (let ([a1 (car args)] [a2 (cadr args)] [a3 (caddr args)])
948             (cond
949              [(and (list? a1) (list? a2) (list? a3))
950               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-list a1 a2 a3)) ]
951              [(and (string? a1) (string? a1) (string? a3))
952               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-string a1 a2 a3)) ]
953              [(and (vector? a1) (vector? a2) (vector? a3))
954               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-vector a1 a2 a3)) ]
955              [(and (uvector? a1) (uvector? a2) (uvector? a3))
956               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-uvector a1 a2 a3)) ]
957              [(and (integer? a1) (exact? a1)
958                    (integer? a2) (exact? a2)
959                    (integer? a3) (exact? a3))
960               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-range a1 a2 a3)) ]
961              [(and (real? a1) (real? a2) (real? a3))
962               (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-real-range a1 a2 a3)) ]
963              [else #f]))]
964      [else (cond
965             [(every list? args)
966              (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-list (apply append args))) ]
967             [(every string? args)
968              (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-string (apply string-append args)))]
969             [(every vector? args)
970              (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-vector (apply vector-append args)))]
971             [(every uvector? args)
972              (srfi-42-generator-proc (srfi-42-list (apply append (map uvector->list args))))]
973             [else #f])])))
975(define srfi-42--dispatch
976  (make-initial-:-dispatch) )
978(define (srfi-42--dispatch-ref)
979  srfi-42--dispatch )
981(define (srfi-42--dispatch-set! dispatch)
982  (if (not (procedure? dispatch))
983      (error "not a procedure" dispatch) )
984  (set! srfi-42--dispatch dispatch) )
986(define-syntax srfi-42-
987  (syntax-rules (index)
988    ((_ cc var (index i) arg1 arg ...)
989     (srfi-42-dispatched cc var (index i) srfi-42--dispatch arg1 arg ...) )
990    ((_ cc var arg1 arg ...)
991     (srfi-42-dispatched cc var srfi-42--dispatch arg1 arg ...) )))
994; ==========================================================================
995; The utility comprehensions fold-ec, fold3-ec
996; ==========================================================================
998(define-syntax fold3-ec
999  (syntax-rules (nested)
1000    ((fold3-ec x0 (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc2 etc3 etc ...)
1001     (fold3-ec x0 (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc2 etc3 etc ...) )
1002    ((fold3-ec x0 q1 q2 etc1 etc2 etc3 etc ...)
1003     (fold3-ec x0 (nested q1 q2) etc1 etc2 etc3 etc ...) )
1004    ((fold3-ec x0 expression f1 f2)
1005     (fold3-ec x0 (nested) expression f1 f2) )
1007    ((fold3-ec x0 qualifier expression f1 f2)
1008     (let ((result #f) (empty #t))
1009       (do-ec qualifier
1010              (let ((value expression)) ; don't duplicate
1011                (if empty
1012                    (begin (set! result (f1 value))
1013                           (set! empty #f) )
1014                    (set! result (f2 value result)) )))
1015       (if empty x0 result) ))))
1018(define-syntax fold-ec
1019  (syntax-rules (nested)
1020    ((fold-ec x0 (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc2 etc ...)
1021     (fold-ec x0 (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc2 etc ...) )
1022    ((fold-ec x0 q1 q2 etc1 etc2 etc ...)
1023     (fold-ec x0 (nested q1 q2) etc1 etc2 etc ...) )
1024    ((fold-ec x0 expression f2)
1025     (fold-ec x0 (nested) expression f2) )
1027    ((fold-ec x0 qualifier expression f2)
1028     (let ((result x0))
1029       (do-ec qualifier (set! result (f2 expression result)))
1030       result ))))
1033; ==========================================================================
1034; The comprehensions list-ec string-ec vector-ec etc.
1035; ==========================================================================
1037(define-syntax list-ec
1038  (syntax-rules ()
1039    ((list-ec etc1 etc ...)
1040     (reverse (fold-ec '() etc1 etc ... cons)) )))
1042; Alternative: Reverse can safely be replaced by reverse! if you have it.
1044; Alternative: It is possible to construct the result in the correct order
1045;   using set-cdr! to add at the tail. This removes the overhead of copying
1046;   at the end, at the cost of more book-keeping.
1049(define-syntax append-ec
1050  (syntax-rules ()
1051    ((append-ec etc1 etc ...)
1052     (apply append (list-ec etc1 etc ...)) )))
1054(define-syntax string-ec
1055  (syntax-rules ()
1056    ((string-ec etc1 etc ...)
1057     (list->string (list-ec etc1 etc ...)) )))
1059; Alternative: For very long strings, the intermediate list may be a
1060;   problem. A more space-aware implementation collect the characters
1061;   in an intermediate list and when this list becomes too large it is
1062;   converted into an intermediate string. At the end, the intermediate
1063;   strings are concatenated with string-append.
1066(define-syntax string-append-ec
1067  (syntax-rules ()
1068    ((string-append-ec etc1 etc ...)
1069     (apply string-append (list-ec etc1 etc ...)) )))
1071(define-syntax vector-ec
1072  (syntax-rules ()
1073    ((vector-ec etc1 etc ...)
1074     (list->vector (list-ec etc1 etc ...)) )))
1076; Comment: A similar approach as for string-ec can be used for vector-ec.
1077;   However, the space overhead for the intermediate list is much lower
1078;   than for string-ec and as there is no vector-append, the intermediate
1079;   vectors must be copied explicitly.
1081(define-syntax vector-of-length-ec
1082  (syntax-rules (nested)
1083    ((vector-of-length-ec k (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc ...)
1084     (vector-of-length-ec k (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc ...) )
1085    ((vector-of-length-ec k q1 q2             etc1 etc ...)
1086     (vector-of-length-ec k (nested q1 q2)    etc1 etc ...) )
1087    ((vector-of-length-ec k expression)
1088     (vector-of-length-ec k (nested) expression) )
1090    ((vector-of-length-ec k qualifier expression)
1091     (let ((len k))
1092       (let ((vec (make-vector len))
1093             (i 0) )
1094         (do-ec qualifier
1095                (if (< i len)
1096                    (begin (vector-set! vec i expression)
1097                           (set! i (+ i 1)) )
1098                    (error "vector is too short for the comprehension") ))
1099         (if (= i len)
1100             vec
1101             (error "vector is too long for the comprehension") ))))))
1104(define-syntax sum-ec
1105  (syntax-rules ()
1106    ((sum-ec etc1 etc ...)
1107     (fold-ec (+) etc1 etc ... +) )))
1109(define-syntax product-ec
1110  (syntax-rules ()
1111    ((product-ec etc1 etc ...)
1112     (fold-ec (*) etc1 etc ... *) )))
1114(define-syntax min-ec
1115  (syntax-rules ()
1116    ((min-ec etc1 etc ...)
1117     (fold3-ec (min) etc1 etc ... min min) )))
1119(define-syntax max-ec
1120  (syntax-rules ()
1121    ((max-ec etc1 etc ...)
1122     (fold3-ec (max) etc1 etc ... max max) )))
1124(define-syntax last-ec
1125  (syntax-rules (nested)
1126    ((last-ec default (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc ...)
1127     (last-ec default (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc ...) )
1128    ((last-ec default q1 q2             etc1 etc ...)
1129     (last-ec default (nested q1 q2)    etc1 etc ...) )
1130    ((last-ec default expression)
1131     (last-ec default (nested) expression) )
1133    ((last-ec default qualifier expression)
1134     (let ((result default))
1135       (do-ec qualifier (set! result expression))
1136       result ))))
1139; ==========================================================================
1140; The fundamental early-stopping comprehension first-ec
1141; ==========================================================================
1143(define-syntax first-ec
1144  (syntax-rules ()
1145    ((first-ec expr ...)
1146     (%replace-keywords %first-ec () expr ...))))
1148(define-syntax %first-ec
1149  (syntax-rules (nested)
1150    ((%first-ec default (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc ...)
1151     (%first-ec default (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc ...) )
1152    ((%first-ec default q1 q2             etc1 etc ...)
1153     (%first-ec default (nested q1 q2)    etc1 etc ...) )
1154    ((%first-ec default expression)
1155     (%first-ec default (nested) expression) )
1157    ((%first-ec default qualifier expression)
1158     (let ((result default) (stop #f))
1159       (ec-guarded-do-ec
1160         stop
1161         (nested qualifier)
1162         (begin (set! result expression)
1163                (set! stop #t) ))
1164       result ))))
1166; (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q ...) cmd)
1167;   constructs (do-ec q ... cmd) where the generators gen in q ... are
1168;   replaced by (:until gen stop).
1170(define-syntax ec-guarded-do-ec
1171  (syntax-rules ()
1172    ((ec-guarded-do-ec expr ...)
1173     (%replace-keywords %ec-guarded-do-ec () expr ...))))
1175(define-syntax %ec-guarded-do-ec
1176  (syntax-rules (nested if not and or begin)
1178    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested (nested q1 ...) q2 ...) cmd)
1179     (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q1 ... q2 ...) cmd) )
1181    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested (if test) q ...) cmd)
1182     (if test (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q ...) cmd)) )
1183    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested (not test) q ...) cmd)
1184     (if (not test) (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q ...) cmd)) )
1185    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested (and test ...) q ...) cmd)
1186     (if (and test ...) (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q ...) cmd)) )
1187    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested (or test ...) q ...) cmd)
1188     (if (or test ...) (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q ...) cmd)) )
1190    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested (begin etc ...) q ...) cmd)
1191     (begin etc ... (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q ...) cmd)) )
1193    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested gen q ...) cmd)
1194     (do-ec
1195       (srfi-42-until gen stop)
1196       (ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested q ...) cmd) ))
1198    ((ec-guarded-do-ec stop (nested) cmd)
1199     (do-ec cmd) )))
1201; Alternative: Instead of modifying the generator with :until, it is
1202;   possible to use call-with-current-continuation:
1204;   (define-syntax first-ec
1205;     ...same as above...
1206;     ((first-ec default qualifier expression)
1207;      (call-with-current-continuation
1208;       (lambda (cc)
1209;        (do-ec qualifier (cc expression))
1210;        default ))) ))
1212;   This is much simpler but not necessarily as efficient.
1215; ==========================================================================
1216; The early-stopping comprehensions any?-ec every?-ec
1217; ==========================================================================
1219(define-syntax any?-ec
1220  (syntax-rules (nested)
1221    ((any?-ec (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc ...)
1222     (any?-ec (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc ...) )
1223    ((any?-ec q1 q2             etc1 etc ...)
1224     (any?-ec (nested q1 q2)    etc1 etc ...) )
1225    ((any?-ec expression)
1226     (any?-ec (nested) expression) )
1228    ((any?-ec qualifier expression)
1229     (first-ec #f qualifier (if expression) #t) )))
1231(define-syntax every?-ec
1232  (syntax-rules (nested)
1233    ((every?-ec (nested q1 ...) q etc1 etc ...)
1234     (every?-ec (nested q1 ... q) etc1 etc ...) )
1235    ((every?-ec q1 q2             etc1 etc ...)
1236     (every?-ec (nested q1 q2)    etc1 etc ...) )
1237    ((every?-ec expression)
1238     (every?-ec (nested) expression) )
1240    ((every?-ec qualifier expression)
1241     (first-ec #t qualifier (if (not expression)) #f) )))