2;;; compile-1.scm - The compiler: Pass 1
4;;;   Copyright (c) 2004-2020  Shiro Kawai  <shiro@acm.org>
6;;;   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
7;;;   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
8;;;   are met:
10;;;   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
11;;;      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
13;;;   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
14;;;      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
15;;;      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
17;;;   3. Neither the name of the authors nor the names of its contributors
18;;;      may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
19;;;      software without specific prior written permission.
35;; Pass 1
37;;   Converts S-expr to IForm.  Macros are expanded.  Variable references
38;;   are resolved and converted to either $lref or $gref.  The constant
39;;   variable references (defined by define-constant) are converted to
40;;   its values at this stage.
42;; Common entry to handle procedure call
43;; proc is IForm.  args is [Sexpr].
44(define-inline (pass1/call program proc args cenv)
45  (cond
46   [(has-tag? proc $LAMBDA)        ; immediate lambda
47    (expand-inlined-procedure program proc (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) args))]
48   [(null? args) ($call program proc '())] ; fast path
49   [(> (length args) MAX_LITERAL_ARG_COUNT)
50    (errorf "Too many arguments in the call of `~,,,,40s...'" program)]
51   [else (let1 cenv (cenv-sans-name cenv)
52           ($call program proc (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) args)))]))
54;; Check if the head of the list is a variable, and if so, lookup it.
55;; Note that we need to detect the case ((with-module foo bar) arg ...)
56;; NB: This isn't a proper fix, for we cannot deal with the situation
57;; like nested or aliased with-modules.  The Right Thing is to run
58;; `pass1 for syntax' on (car PROGRAM) and check the result to see if
59;; we need to treat PROGRAM as a special form or an ordinary procedure.
60;; It would be a large change, so this is a compromise...
61(define-inline (pass1/lookup-head head cenv)
62  (or (and (identifier? head)
63           (cenv-lookup-syntax cenv head))
64      (and (pair? head)
65           (module-qualified-variable? head cenv)
66           (let1 mod (ensure-module (cadr head) 'with-module #f)
67             (cenv-lookup-syntax (cenv-swap-module cenv mod) (caddr head))))))
70;; pass1 :: Sexpr, Cenv -> IForm
72;;  The Pass 1 entry point.
73;;  This is one of the most frequently called routine.  It is critical to
74;;  make sure all internal functions are inlined, in case you
75;;  change something.
76(define (pass1 program cenv)
78  ;; Handle a global call.  PROGRAM's car is resolved to an identifier, ID.
79  ;; We know PROGRAM is a call to global procedure, macro, or syntax.
80  (define (pass1/global-call id)
81    (receive (gval type) (global-call-type id cenv)
82      (if gval
83        (case type
84          [(macro)  (pass1 (call-macro-expander gval program cenv) cenv)]
85          [(syntax) (call-syntax-handler gval program cenv)]
86          [(inline) (or (pass1/expand-inliner program id gval cenv)
87                        (pass1/call program ($gref id) (cdr program) cenv))])
88        (pass1/call program ($gref id) (cdr program) cenv))))
90  ;; main body of pass1
91  (cond
92   [(pair? program)                    ; (op . args)
93    (unless (list? program)
94      (error "proper list required for function application or macro use:" program))
95    (cond
96     [(pass1/lookup-head (car program) cenv)
97      => (^h (cond
98              [(wrapped-identifier? h) (pass1/global-call h)]
99              [(lvar? h) (pass1/call program ($lref h) (cdr program) cenv)]
100              [(macro? h) ;; local macro
101               (pass1 (call-macro-expander h program cenv) cenv)]
102              [(syntax? h);; locally rebound syntax
103               (call-syntax-handler h program cenv)]
104              [else (error "[internal] unknown resolution of head:" h)]))]
105     [(pass1/detect-constant-setter-call (car program) cenv)
106      => (^[setter]
107           (or (pass1/expand-inliner program `(setter ,(car program))
108                                     setter cenv)
109               (and-let* ([info (~ setter'info)]
110                          [binfo (pair-attribute-get info 'bind-info #f)]
111                          [mod (find-module (car binfo))]
112                          [name (cadr binfo)])
113                 (pass1/call program
114                             (pass1 (make-identifier name mod '()) cenv)
115                             (cdr program) cenv))
116               (pass1/call program (pass1 (car program) (cenv-sans-name cenv))
117                           (cdr program) cenv)))]
118     [else (pass1/call program (pass1 (car program) (cenv-sans-name cenv))
119                       (cdr program) cenv)])]
120   [(identifier? program)               ; variable reference
121    (let1 r (cenv-lookup-variable cenv program)
122      (cond [(lvar? r) ($lref r)]
123            [(wrapped-identifier? r)
124             (or (and-let* ([const (find-const-binding r)]) ($const const))
125                 ($gref r))]
126            [else (error "[internal] cenv-lookup returned weird obj:" r)]))]
127   [else ($const program)]))
129;; If op is (setter <var>), check if <var> has inlinable binding and
130;; its setter is locked; if so, returns the setter.
131;; There are a bunch of hoops to go through to satisfy the condition.
132(define (pass1/detect-constant-setter-call op cenv)
133  (and (pair? op) (pair? (cdr op)) (null? (cddr op))
134       (not (vm-compiler-flag-is-set? SCM_COMPILE_NOINLINE_SETTERS))
135       (global-identifier=? (car op) setter.)
136       (and-let* ([var (cadr op)]
137                  [ (identifier? var) ] ;ok, <var> is variable
138                  [hd (pass1/lookup-head var cenv)]
139                  [ (wrapped-identifier? hd) ]
140                  [gloc (id->bound-gloc hd)] ; <var> has inlinable binding
141                  [val (gloc-ref gloc)]
142                  [ (procedure? val) ])
143         (procedure-locked-setter val)))) ;and has locked setter
145;; Expand inlinable procedure.  Returns Maybe IForm
146;; NAME is a variable, used for the error message.
147;; PROC is <procedure>.
148;; NB: This may return #f if inlining is abandoned.
149(define (pass1/expand-inliner src name proc cenv)
150  ;; TODO: for inline asm, check validity of opcode.
151  (let ([inliner (%procedure-inliner proc)]
152        [args (cdr src)])
153    (match inliner
154      [#f #f]                          ;no inliner, fallback case
155      [(? integer?)                    ;VM insn
156       (let ([nargs (length args)]
157             [opt?  (slot-ref proc 'optional)])
158         (unless (argcount-ok? args (slot-ref proc 'required) opt?)
159           (errorf "wrong number of arguments: ~a requires ~a, but got ~a"
160                   (if (identifier? name) (identifier->symbol name) name)
161                   (slot-ref proc 'required) nargs))
162         ;; We might get away with this limit by transforming inline calls
163         ;; to apply or something.  Maybe in future.
164         (when (> nargs MAX_LITERAL_ARG_COUNT)
165           (errorf "Too many arguments in the call of `~,,,,40s...'" src))
166         ($asm src (if opt? `(,inliner ,nargs) `(,inliner))
167               (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) args)))]
168      [(? vector?)                     ;inlinable lambda
169       (expand-inlined-procedure src
170                                 (unpack-iform inliner)
171                                 (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) args))]
172      [(? macro?)
173       (let1 expanded (call-macro-expander inliner src cenv)
174         (if (eq? src expanded)    ;no expansion
175           #f
176           (pass1 expanded cenv)))]
177      [(? procedure?)
178       ;; Call procedural inliner: Src, [IForm] -> IForm
179       ;; The second arg is IForms of arguments.
180       (let1 iform (inliner src (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) args))
181         (if (undefined? iform)         ;no expansion
182           #f
183           iform))]
184      [_ (errorf "[internal] Invalid inliner attached to ~s: ~s"
185                 proc inliner)]
186      )))
188;; Returns #t iff exp is the form (with-module module VARIABLE)
189;; We need to check the global value of with-module, for it might
190;; be redefined.  We assume this function is called infrequently,
191;; thus we can afford the time.
192(define (module-qualified-variable? expr cenv)
193  (match expr
194    [((? identifier? wm) mod (? identifier? v))
195     (and-let* ([var (cenv-lookup-syntax cenv wm)]
196                [ (identifier? var) ])
197       (global-identifier=? var with-module.))]
198    [_ #f]))
201;; pass1/body - Compiling body with internal definitions.
203;; For the letrec* semantics, we need to build the internal frame
204;; as we go though the body, since internal macro definition need to
205;; capture the internal environment.
207;;    (let ((x 1))
208;;      (define x 2)
209;;      (define-syntax foo
210;;        (syntax-rules ()
211;;          [(_ v) (define v x)]))   ;; must refer to inner x
212;;      (foo y)
213;;      y)   => 2
215;; To avoid unnecessary allocation, we adopt somewhat convoluted strategy
216;; that delays frame allocation until needed, and once allocated, we
217;; "grow" the frame as new definition appears.  This is an exception of
218;; the general principle that cenv is immutable.
220;; pass1/body :: [Sexpr], Cenv -> IForm
221(define (pass1/body exprs cenv)
222  ;; First, we pair up each expr with dummy source info '().  Some of expr
223  ;; may be an 'include' form and expanded into the content of the file,
224  ;; in which case we keep the source file info in each cdr of the pair.
225  (pass1/body-rec (map list exprs) #f #f cenv))
227;; If we find internal (syntax) definition, we extend cenv with
228;; two frames, one for local macros and one for local variables,
229;; so that the internal macros can capture the correct scope of
230;; identifiers.
231;; For the local variables, we insert dummy binding
232;;    (<name> :rec <init-expr> . <src>)
233;; as the placeholder.  Once we find the boundary of definitions and
234;; expressions, we re-evaluate <init-expr> and replace the frame entry with
235;;    (<name> . <lvar>)
236(define (pass1/body-rec exprs mframe vframe cenv)
237  (match exprs
238    [(((op . args) . src) . rest)
239     (or (and-let* ([ (or (not vframe) (not (assq op vframe))) ]
240                    [head (pass1/lookup-head op cenv)])
241           (unless (list? args)
242             (error "proper list required for function application \
243                     or macro use:" (caar exprs)))
244           (cond
245            [(lvar? head) (pass1/body-finish exprs mframe vframe cenv)]
246            [(macro? head)  ; locally defined macro
247             (pass1/body-macro-expand-rec head exprs mframe vframe cenv)]
248            [(syntax? head) ; when (let-syntax ((xif if)) (xif ...)) etc.
249             (pass1/body-finish exprs mframe vframe cenv)]
250            [(and (pair? head) (eq? (car head) :rec))
251             (pass1/body-finish exprs mframe vframe cenv)]
252            [(not (wrapped-identifier? head))
253             (error "[internal] pass1/body" head)]
254            [(or (global-identifier=? head define.)
255                 (global-identifier=? head define-inline.)
256                 (global-identifier=? head r5rs-define.))
257             (let1 def (match args
258                         [((name . formals) . body)
259                          `(,name :rec (,lambda. ,formals ,@body) . ,src)]
260                         [(var init) `(,var :rec ,init . ,src)]
261                         [(var)
262                          (if (global-identifier=? head r5rs-define.)
263                            (error "define without expression is not allowed in R7RS" (caar exprs))
264                            `(,var :rec ,(undefined) . ,src))]
265                         [_ (error "malformed internal define:" (caar exprs))])
266               (if (not mframe)
267                 (let* ([cenv (cenv-extend cenv '() SYNTAX)]
268                        [mframe (car (cenv-frames cenv))]
269                        [cenv (cenv-extend cenv `(,def) LEXICAL)]
270                        [vframe (car (cenv-frames cenv))])
271                   (pass1/body-rec rest mframe vframe cenv))
272                 (begin
273                   (push! (cdr vframe) def)
274                   (pass1/body-rec rest mframe vframe cenv))))]
275            [(global-identifier=? head define-syntax.) ; internal syntax definition
276             (match args
277               [(name trans-spec)
278                (if (not mframe)
279                 (let* ([cenv (cenv-extend cenv `((,name)) SYNTAX)]
280                        [mframe (car (cenv-frames cenv))]
281                        [cenv (cenv-extend cenv `() LEXICAL)]
282                        [vframe (car (cenv-frames cenv))]
283                        [trans (pass1/eval-macro-rhs
284                                'define-syntax trans-spec
285                                (cenv-add-name cenv (variable-name name)))])
286                   (assq-set! (cdr mframe) name trans)
287                   (pass1/body-rec rest mframe vframe cenv))
288                 (begin
289                   (push! (cdr mframe) `(,name))
290                   (let1 trans (pass1/eval-macro-rhs
291                                'define-syntax trans-spec
292                                (cenv-add-name cenv (variable-name name)))
293                     (assq-set! (cdr mframe) name trans)
294                     (pass1/body-rec rest mframe vframe cenv))))]
295               [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed internal define-syntax:"
296                         `(,op ,@args))])]
297            [(global-identifier=? head begin.) ;intersperse forms
298             (pass1/body-rec (append (imap (cut cons <> src) args) rest)
299                             mframe vframe cenv)]
300            [(global-identifier=? head include.)
301             (let1 sexpr&srcs (pass1/expand-include args cenv #f)
302               (pass1/body-rec (append sexpr&srcs rest) mframe vframe cenv))]
303            [(global-identifier=? head include-ci.)
304             (let1 sexpr&srcs (pass1/expand-include args cenv #t)
305               (pass1/body-rec (append sexpr&srcs rest) mframe vframe cenv))]
306            [(wrapped-identifier? head)
307             (or (and-let* ([gloc (id->bound-gloc head)]
308                            [gval (gloc-ref gloc)]
309                            [ (macro? gval) ])
310                   (pass1/body-macro-expand-rec gval exprs mframe vframe cenv))
311                 (pass1/body-finish exprs mframe vframe cenv))]
312            [else (error "[internal] pass1/body" head)]))
313         (pass1/body-finish exprs mframe vframe cenv))]
314    [_ (pass1/body-finish exprs mframe vframe cenv)]))
316(define (pass1/body-macro-expand-rec mac exprs mframe vframe cenv)
317  (pass1/body-rec
318   (acons (call-macro-expander mac (caar exprs) cenv)
319          (cdar exprs) ;src
320          (cdr exprs)) ;rest
321   mframe vframe cenv))
323;; Finishing internal definitions.  If we have internal defs, we wrap
324;; the rest by letrec.
325(define (pass1/body-finish exprs mframe vframe cenv)
326  (if (not mframe)
327    (pass1/body-rest exprs cenv)
328    ;; Replace dummy bindings to the real one
329    (let* ([intdefs. (reverse (cdr vframe))]
330           [vars  (map car intdefs.)]
331           [lvars (imap make-lvar+ vars)])
332      (set-cdr! vframe (%map-cons vars lvars))
333      ($let #f 'rec* lvars
334            (imap2 (cut pass1/body-init <> <> cenv) lvars (map cddr intdefs.))
335            (pass1/body-rest exprs cenv)))))
337(define (pass1/body-init lvar init&src newenv)
338  (let1 e (if (null? (cdr init&src))
339            (cenv-add-name newenv (lvar-name lvar))
340            (cenv-add-name/source newenv (lvar-name lvar) (cdr init&src)))
341    (rlet1 iexpr (pass1 (car init&src) e)
342      (lvar-initval-set! lvar iexpr))))
344(define (pass1/body-rest exprs cenv)
345  (match exprs
346    [() ($seq '())]
347    [(expr&src) (pass1/body-1 expr&src cenv)]
348    [_ (let1 stmtenv (cenv-sans-name cenv)
349         ($seq (let loop ([exprs exprs] [r '()])
350                 (if (null? (cdr exprs))
351                   (reverse (cons (pass1/body-1 (car exprs) cenv) r))
352                   (loop (cdr exprs)
353                         (cons (pass1/body-1 (car exprs) stmtenv) r))))))]))
355(define (pass1/body-1 expr&src cenv)
356  (let1 src (cdr expr&src)
357    (if (string? src)
358      (pass1 (car expr&src) (cenv-swap-source cenv src))
359      (pass1 (car expr&src) cenv))))
362;; Pass1 utilities
365;; get symbol or id, and returns identiier.
366(define (ensure-identifier sym-or-id cenv)
367  (if (symbol? sym-or-id)
368    (make-identifier sym-or-id (cenv-module cenv) (cenv-frames cenv))
369    sym-or-id))
371;; Does the given argument list satisfy procedure's reqargs/optarg?
372(define (argcount-ok? args reqargs optarg?)
373  (let1 nargs (length args)
374    (or (and (not optarg?) (= nargs reqargs))
375        (and optarg? (>= nargs reqargs)))))
377;; signal an error if the form is not on the toplevel
378(define-inline (check-toplevel form cenv)
379  (unless (cenv-toplevel? cenv)
380    (error "syntax-error: the form can appear only in the toplevel:" form)))
382;; returns a module specified by THING.
383(define (ensure-module thing name create?)
384  (let1 mod (cond [(identifier? thing) (find-module (identifier->symbol thing))]
385                  [(module? thing) thing]
386                  [else
387                   (errorf "~a requires a module name or a module, but got: ~s"
388                           name thing)])
389    (or mod
390        (if create?
391          (make-module (identifier->symbol thing))
392          (errorf "~a: no such module: ~s" name thing)))))
394;; IFORM must be a $LAMBDA node.  This expands the application of IFORM
395;; on IARGS (list of IForm) into a mere $LET node.
396;; The nodes within IFORM will be reused in the resulting $LET structure,
397;; so be careful not to share substructures of IFORM accidentally.
398(define (expand-inlined-procedure src iform iargs)
399  (let ([lvars ($lambda-lvars iform)]
400        [args  (adjust-arglist ($lambda-reqargs iform) ($lambda-optarg iform)
401                               iargs ($lambda-name iform))])
402    (for-each (^[lv a] (lvar-initval-set! lv a)) lvars args)
403    ($let src 'let lvars args ($lambda-body iform))))
405;; Adjust argument list according to reqargs and optarg count.
406;; Used in procedure inlining and local call optimization.
407(define (adjust-arglist reqargs optarg iargs name)
408  (unless (argcount-ok? iargs reqargs (> optarg 0))
409    (errorf "wrong number of arguments: ~a requires ~a, but got ~a"
410            name reqargs (length iargs)))
411  (if (zero? optarg)
412    iargs
413    (receive (reqs opts) (split-at iargs reqargs)
414      (append! reqs (list (if (null? opts) ($const '()) ($list #f opts)))))))
417;; Pass1 syntaxes
420(define-macro (define-pass1-syntax formals module . body)
421  (let ([mod (ecase module
422               [(:null) 'null]
423               [(:gauche) 'gauche]
424               [(:internal) 'gauche.internal])]
425        ;; a trick to assign comprehensive name to body:
426        [name (string->symbol #"syntax/~(car formals)")])
427    `(let ((,name (^ ,(cdr formals) ,@body))
428           (m (find-module ',mod)))
429       (%insert-syntax-binding m ',(car formals)
430                               (make-syntax ',(car formals) m ,name)))))
432(define (global-id id) (make-identifier id (find-module 'gauche) '()))
433(define (global-id% id) (make-identifier id (find-module 'gauche.internal) '()))
435(define define.         (global-id 'define))
436(define define-inline.  (global-id 'define-inline))
437(define define-syntax.  (global-id 'define-syntax))
438(define lambda.         (global-id 'lambda))
439(define r5rs-define.    (make-identifier 'define (find-module 'null) '()))
440(define r5rs-lambda.    (make-identifier 'lambda (find-module 'null) '()))
441(define setter.         (global-id 'setter))
442(define lazy.           (global-id 'lazy))
443(define eager.          (global-id 'eager))
444(define values.         (global-id 'values))
445(define begin.          (global-id 'begin))
446(define let.            (global-id 'let))
447(define include.        (global-id 'include))
448(define include-ci.     (global-id 'include-ci))
449(define else.           (global-id 'else))
450(define =>.             (global-id '=>))
451(define current-module. (global-id 'current-module))
452(define with-module.    (global-id 'with-module))
453(define quasiquote.     (global-id 'quasiquote))
454(define unquote.        (global-id 'unquote))
455(define unquote-splicing. (global-id 'unquote-splicing))
456(define let-optionals*. (global-id 'let-optionals*))
457(define let-keywords*.  (global-id 'let-keywords*))
459(define make-case-lambda. (global-id% 'make-case-lambda))
460(define %make-er-transformer.          (global-id% '%make-er-transformer))
461(define %make-er-transformer/toplevel. (global-id% '%make-er-transformer/toplevel))
462(define %with-inline-transformer.      (global-id% '%with-inline-transformer))
464;; Returns an IForm for (values) - useful for define-pass1-syntax that does
465;; compile-time things and returns nothing.  The delay trick is to create
466;; iform only once.  The module to call pass1 doesn't matter, for we directly
467;; use identifier for gauche#values.
468(define $values0 (let1 iform (delay (pass1 `(,values.) (make-bottom-cenv)))
469                   (^[] (force iform))))
471;; Definitions ........................................
473;; Note on constant binding and inlinable binding:
474;;   define-constant and define-inline both create a binding that
475;;   is not supposed to be altered, but they have slightly different
476;;   semantics.   Define-constant binds a global variable to a value that
477;;   is computable at compile time, and serializable to a precompiled
478;;   file.  When the compiler sees a global variable reference with
479;;   a constant binding, it replaces the reference to the value itself
480;;   at pass 1.  Define-inline can bind a variable to a value that is
481;;   calculated at runtime.  The compiler does not replace the variable
482;;   references with values, but it freely rearranges the references within
483;;   the source code.  If an inlinable binding is used at the head position,
484;;   the compiler looks at its value, and if it is known to be bound to
485;;   an inlinable procedure, the procedure's body is inlined.
487(define-pass1-syntax (define form cenv) :null
488  (pass1/define form form '() #f (cenv-module cenv) cenv))
490(define-pass1-syntax (define form cenv) :gauche
491  (pass1/define form form '() #t (cenv-module cenv) cenv))
493(define-pass1-syntax (define-constant form cenv) :gauche
494  (pass1/define form form '(const) #t (cenv-module cenv) cenv))
496(define-pass1-syntax (define-in-module form cenv) :gauche
497  (match form
498    [(_ module . rest)
499     (pass1/define `(_ . ,rest) form '() #t
500                   (ensure-module module 'define-in-module #f)
501                   cenv)]
502    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-in-module:" form)]))
504(define (pass1/define form oform flags extended? module cenv)
505  (check-toplevel oform cenv)
506  (match form
507    [(_ (name . args) body ...)
508     (pass1/define `(define ,name
509                      ,(with-original-source
510                        `(,(if extended? lambda. r5rs-lambda.) ,args ,@body)
511                        oform))
512                   oform flags extended? module cenv)]
514    [(_ name)
515     (if extended?
516       ;; Gauche's define allows R6RS-style (define <name>).
517       (pass1/define `(define ,name ,(undefined))
518                     oform flags #t module cenv)
519       ;; R7RS define doesn't allow it.
520       (error "define without an expression is not allowed in R7RS (it is in R6RS):" oform))]
521    [(_ name expr)
522     (unless (identifier? name) (error "syntax-error:" oform))
523     (let1 cenv (cenv-add-name cenv (variable-name name))
524       ;; Hygiene alert
525       ;; If NAME is an identifier, it is inserted by macro expander; we
526       ;; can't simply place it in $define, since it would insert a toplevel
527       ;; definition into the toplevel of macro-definition environment---
528       ;; we don't want a mere macro call would modify different module.
529       ;; We rename it to uninterned symbol, so, even the binding itself
530       ;; is into the macro-definiting module, it won't be visible from
531       ;; other code except the code generated in the same macro expansion.
532       ;; A trick - we directly modify the identifier, so that other forms
533       ;; referring to the same (eq?) identifier can keep referring it.
534       (let1 id (if (wrapped-identifier? name)
535                  (%rename-toplevel-identifier! name)
536                  (make-identifier name module '()))
537         ;; Insert dummy binding at compile time, if we don't have one yet.
538         ;; This matters when we compile multiple modules at once, and
539         ;; one need to import from another with qualifiers.
540         (unless (vm-compiler-flag-is-set? SCM_COMPILE_LEGACY_DEFINE)
541           (%insert-binding module (unwrap-syntax name)
542                            (%uninitialized) '(fresh)))
543         ($define oform flags id (pass1 expr cenv))))]
544    [_ (error "syntax-error:" oform)]))
546(define (%rename-toplevel-identifier! identifier)
547  (slot-set! identifier 'name (gensym #"~(identifier->symbol identifier)."))
548  identifier)
550;; Inlinable procedure.
551;;   Inlinable procedure has both properties of a macro and a procedure.
552;;   It is a bit tricky since the inliner information has to exist
553;;   both in compile time and execution time.
555;;   Processing define-inline involves two actions.
556;;   (1) Process the lambda node to be inlined.  A packed IForm should be
557;;       attached, and if the lambda node closes environment, some code
558;;       transformation is required.
559;;   (2) Bind the resulting node to the global name, and mark the binding
560;;       'inlinable'.
562;;   These two are functionally orthogonal.  Especially, not all expressions
563;;   can yield inlinable lambda node as (1).   However, to make procedure
564;;   inlining work effectively, both of these actions are required; that's
565;;   why we process them together.
567;;   Steps:
568;;   1. Canonicalize the form to (define-inline NAME EXPR).
569;;   2. See if EXPR ultimately returns $LAMBDA node.  If so, does the
570;;      node closes local environment?  (pass1/check-inlinable-lambda)
571;;   3. If EXPR does not yield a closure, we just create 'inlinable'
572;;      binding (by pass1/make-inlinable-binding)
573;;      but do not do anything further.
574;;   4. If EXPR directly yields a closure without an environment,
575;;      process the closure (pass1/mark-closure-inlinable!) and
576;;      then make inlinable binding.
577;;   5. If EXPR creates a local environment, we have to transform
578;;      the closed variables into global variables.   See the comment
579;;      of subst-lvars above for the details of transformation.
582(define-pass1-syntax (define-inline form cenv) :gauche
583  (check-toplevel form cenv)
584  (match form
585    [(_ (name . args) . body)
586     (pass1/define-inline form name `(,lambda. ,args ,@body) cenv)]
587    [(_ name expr)
588     (unless (identifier? name) (error "syntax-error:" form))
589     (pass1/define-inline form name expr cenv)]
590    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-inline:" form)]))
592(define (pass1/define-inline form name expr cenv)
593  (let1 iform (pass1 expr (cenv-add-name cenv (variable-name name)))
594    (receive (closure closed) (pass1/check-inlinable-lambda iform)
595      (cond
596       [(and (not closure) (not closed)) ; too complex to inline
597        (pass1/make-inlinable-binding form name iform cenv)]
598       [(null? closed)               ; no closed env
599        (pass1/mark-closure-inlinable! closure name cenv)
600        (pass1/make-inlinable-binding form name closure cenv)]
601       [else ; inlinable lambda has closed env.
602        ;; See the comment in subst-lvars above on the transformation.
603        ;; closed :: [(lvar . init-iform)]
604        ;; gvars :: [(identifier . iform)]
605        ;; subs :: [(lvar . iform)]  ; iform being $const or $gref
606        (receive (gvars subs)
607            (pass1/define-inline-classify-env name closed cenv)
608          (let1 defs (pass1/define-inline-gen-closed-env gvars cenv)
609            ($lambda-body-set! closure
610                               (subst-lvars ($lambda-body closure) subs))
611            (pass1/mark-closure-inlinable! closure name cenv)
612            ($seq `(,@defs
613                     ,(pass1/make-inlinable-binding form name closure cenv)))))]
614       ))))
616;; If IFORM generates a closure with local environment, returns
617;; the closure itself ($lambda node) and the environment
618;; ((lvar . init) ...).
619;; Typical case is ($let ... ($lambda ...)).  In such case this
620;; procedure effectively strips $let nodes.
621;; If IFORM has more complicated structure, we just return (values #f #f)
622;; to give up inlining.
623(define (pass1/check-inlinable-lambda iform)
624  (cond [(has-tag? iform $LAMBDA) (values iform '())]
625        [(has-tag? iform $LET)
626         (receive (closure closed)
627             (pass1/check-inlinable-lambda ($let-body iform))
628           (if (and (not closure) (not closed))
629             (values #f #f) ; giveup
630             (let loop ([lvars (reverse ($let-lvars iform))]
631                        [inits (reverse ($let-inits iform))]
632                        [closed closed])
633               (if (null? lvars)
634                 (values closure closed)
635                 (loop (cdr lvars) (cdr inits)
636                       (acons (car lvars) (car inits) closed))))))]
637        [else (values #f #f)]))
639(define (pass1/define-inline-classify-env name lv&inits cenv)
640  (define gvars '())
641  (define subs '())
642  (let loop ([lv&inits lv&inits])
643    (match lv&inits
644      [() (values (reverse gvars) (reverse subs))]
645      [((and (lv . (? $const?)) p) . lv&inits)
646       (push! subs p) (loop lv&inits)]
647      [((lv . init) . lv&inits)
648       (let1 gvar (make-identifier (gensym #"~|name|$~(lvar-name lv).")
649                                   (cenv-module cenv) '())
650         (push! subs `(,lv . ,($gref gvar)))
651         (push! gvars `(,gvar . ,(subst-lvars init subs)))
652         (loop lv&inits))])))
654;; gvars :: [(identifier . iform)]
655(define (pass1/define-inline-gen-closed-env gvars cenv)
656  (imap (^[gv] ($define #f '(inlinable) (car gv) (cdr gv))) gvars))
658;; set up $LAMBDA node (closure) to be inlinable.  If NAME is given,
659;; this also inserts the binding to the current compiling environment
660;; so that inlining is effective for the rest of the compilation.
661(define (pass1/mark-closure-inlinable! closure name cenv)
662  (let* ([module  (cenv-module cenv)]
663         ;; Dummy-proc is only a placeholder to record the inliner info
664         ;; to be used during compilation of the current compiler unit.
665         ;; Its body doesn't matter, but we need to make sure every dummy-proc
666         ;; is a different instance.  If we make it a constant procedure,
667         ;; Gauche's compiler optimizes it to refer to the singleton instance.
668         [dummy-proc (^ _ name)]
669         [packed (pack-iform closure)])
670    ($lambda-flag-set! closure packed)
671    (when name
672      ;; record inliner function for compiler.  this is used only when
673      ;; the procedure needs to be inlined in the same compiler unit.
674      (%insert-binding module (unwrap-syntax name) dummy-proc)
675      (set! (%procedure-inliner dummy-proc) (pass1/inliner-procedure packed)))))
677(define (pass1/make-inlinable-binding form name iform cenv)
678  ;; See the comment in pass1/define about renaming the toplevel identifier.
679  (let1 id (if (wrapped-identifier? name)
680             (%rename-toplevel-identifier! name)
681             (make-identifier name (cenv-module cenv) '()))
682    ($define form '(inlinable) id iform)))
684(define (pass1/inliner-procedure inline-info)
685  (unless (vector? inline-info)
686    (error "[internal] pass1/inliner-procedure got invalid info" inline-info))
687  (^[form cenv]
688    (expand-inlined-procedure form (unpack-iform inline-info)
689                              (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) (cdr form)))))
691;; Toplevel macro definitions
693(define-pass1-syntax (define-macro form cenv) :gauche
694  (check-toplevel form cenv)
695  (match form
696    [(_ (name . formals) body ...)
697     (pass1/define-macro form name `(,lambda. ,formals ,@body) cenv)]
698    [(_ name expr)
699     (pass1/define-macro form name expr cenv)]
700    [_ (error "syntax-error:" form)]))
702(define (pass1/define-macro src name expr cenv)
703  (unless (identifier? name) (error "syntax-error:" src))
704  ;; TODO: macro autoload
705  (let* ([proc (eval expr (cenv-module cenv))]
706         [trans (%make-macro-transformer name
707                                         (^[form env] (apply proc (cdr form)))
708                                         expr #f)]
709         ;; See the "Hygiene alert" in pass1/define.
710         [id (if (wrapped-identifier? name)
711               (%rename-toplevel-identifier! name)
712               (make-identifier name (cenv-module cenv) '()))])
713    (%insert-syntax-binding (identifier-module id)
714                            (unwrap-syntax name)
715                            trans)
716    ($const-undef)))
718(define-pass1-syntax (define-syntax form cenv) :null
719  (check-toplevel form cenv)
720  ;; Temporary: we use the old compiler's syntax-rules implementation
721  ;; for the time being.
722  (match form
723    [(_ name expr)
724     (let* ([cenv (cenv-add-name cenv (variable-name name))]
725            [trans (pass1/eval-macro-rhs 'define-syntax expr cenv)]
726            ;; See the "Hygiene alert" in pass1/define.
727            [id (if (wrapped-identifier? name)
728                  (%rename-toplevel-identifier! name)
729                  (make-identifier name (cenv-module cenv) '()))])
730       (%insert-syntax-binding (identifier-module id)
731                               (unwrap-syntax name)
732                               trans)
733       ($const-undef))]
734    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-syntax:" form)]))
736;; Experimental
737(define-pass1-syntax (define-hybrid-syntax form cenv) :gauche
738  (pass1-define-hybrid-syntax form cenv))
739(define-pass1-syntax (define-inline/syntax form cenv) :gauche ;deprecated
740  (pass1-define-hybrid-syntax form cenv))
742(define (pass1-define-hybrid-syntax form cenv)
743  (check-toplevel form cenv)
744  (match form
745    [(_ name expr macro-expr)
746     (let* ([cenv (cenv-add-name cenv (variable-name name))]
747            [xformer (pass1/eval-macro-rhs 'define-hybrid-syntax
748                                           macro-expr cenv)]
749            [body (pass1/call expr ($gref %with-inline-transformer.)
750                              (list expr xformer) cenv)])
751       (pass1/make-inlinable-binding form name body cenv))]
752    [_ (error "syntax-error: define-hybrid-syntax")]))
754;; Returns either <syntax> or <macro>
755(define (pass1/eval-macro-rhs who expr cenv)
756  (rlet1 transformer ((make-toplevel-closure (compile expr cenv)))
757    (unless (or (is-a? transformer <syntax>)
758                (is-a? transformer <macro>))
759      (errorf "syntax-error: rhs expression of ~a ~s \
760               doesn't yield a syntactic transformer: ~s"
761              who expr transformer))))
764 (define-cproc make-toplevel-closure (code::<compiled-code>)
765  (return (Scm_MakeClosure (SCM_OBJ code) NULL)))
766 )
768;; Macros ...........................................
770(define-pass1-syntax (er-macro-transformer form cenv) :gauche
771  (match form
772    [(_ xformer)
773     ;; We need to capture the current CENV as the macro definition
774     ;; environment.  There's a catch, though---if we're AOT compiling
775     ;; a macro, the captured CENV must be serializable to a file,
776     ;; which isn't generally the case.
777     ;; So, if we're compiling toplevel, we call a special API that takes
778     ;; the current module and cenv-exp-name, and reconstruct the cenv
779     ;; at runtime.
780     ;; If cenv has local environment, we don't bother that, for the macro
781     ;; will be fully expanded during AOT compilation.  HOWEVER - we can't
782     ;; embed cenv as a vector literal (e.g. `',cenv) since quoting will
783     ;; strip all identifier information in cenv.  The right thing would be
784     ;; to make cenv as a record.  For now, we take advantage that unquoted
785     ;; vector evaluates to itself, and insert cenv without quoting.  This
786     ;; has to change if we prohibit unquoted vector literals.
787     (if (cenv-toplevel? cenv)
788       (pass1 `(,%make-er-transformer/toplevel. ,xformer
789                                                ,(cenv-module cenv)
790                                                ',(cenv-exp-name cenv))
791              cenv)
792       (pass1 `(,%make-er-transformer. ,xformer ,cenv #f) cenv))]
793    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed er-macro-transformer:" form)]))
795(define-pass1-syntax (eri-macro-transformer form cenv) :gauche
796  (match form
797    [(_ xformer)
798     ;; See the comment above in er-macro-transformer
799     (if (cenv-toplevel? cenv)
800       (pass1 `(,%make-er-transformer/toplevel. ,xformer
801                                                ,(cenv-module cenv)
802                                                ',(cenv-exp-name cenv)
803                                                #t)
804              cenv)
805       (pass1 `(,%make-er-transformer. ,xformer ,cenv #t) cenv))]
806    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed eri-macro-transformer:" form)]))
808(define-pass1-syntax (%macroexpand form cenv) :gauche
809  (match form
810    [(_ expr) ($const (%internal-macro-expand expr cenv #f))]
811    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed %macroexpand:" form)]))
813(define-pass1-syntax (%macroexpand-1 form cenv) :gauche
814  (match form
815    [(_ expr) ($const (%internal-macro-expand expr cenv #t))]
816    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed %macroexpand-1:" form)]))
818(define (%internal-macro-expand expr cenv once?)
819  (define (xpand expr)
820    (match expr
821      [((? identifier? op) . args)
822       (let1 var (cenv-lookup-syntax cenv op)
823         (cond [(macro? var) (call-macro-expander var expr cenv)]
824               [(wrapped-identifier? var)
825                (if-let1 gval (and-let* ([gloc (id->bound-gloc var)]
826                                         [gval (gloc-ref gloc)]
827                                         [ (macro? gval) ])
828                                gval)
829                  (call-macro-expander gval expr cenv)
830                  expr)]
831               [else expr]))]
832      [((? macro? op) . args) (call-macro-expander op expr cenv)]
833      [_ expr]))
834  (if once?
835    (xpand expr)
836    (let loop ([expr expr])
837      (let1 e2 (xpand expr)
838        (if (eq? e2 expr)
839          expr
840          (loop e2))))))
842(define-pass1-syntax (... form cenv) :null
843  (error "invalid syntax:" form))
845(define-pass1-syntax (let-syntax form cenv) :null
846  (match form
847    [(_ ((name trans-spec) ...) body ...)
848     (let* ([trans (map (^[n x] (pass1/eval-macro-rhs
849                                 'let-syntax x
850                                 (cenv-add-name cenv (variable-name n))))
851                        name trans-spec)]
852            [newenv (cenv-extend cenv (%map-cons name trans) SYNTAX)])
853       (pass1/body body newenv))]
854    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed let-syntax:" form)]))
856(define-pass1-syntax (letrec-syntax form cenv) :null
857  (match form
858    [(_ ((name trans-spec) ...) body ...)
859     (let* ([newenv (cenv-extend cenv (%map-cons name trans-spec) SYNTAX)]
860            [trans (map (^[n x] (pass1/eval-macro-rhs
861                                 'letrec-syntax x
862                                 (cenv-add-name newenv (variable-name n))))
863                        name trans-spec)])
864       (for-each set-cdr! (cdar (cenv-frames newenv)) trans)
865       (pass1/body body newenv))]
866    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed letrec-syntax:" form)]))
868(define-pass1-syntax (syntax-rules form cenv) :null
869  (match form
870    [(_ (literal ...) rule ...)
871     ($const (compile-syntax-rules (cenv-exp-name cenv) form #t literal rule
872                                   (cenv-module cenv)
873                                   (cenv-frames cenv)))]
874    [(_ (? variable-or-keyword? elli) (literal ...) rule ...)
875     ;; NB: We allow keyword for ellipsis, so that something like ::: can be
876     ;; used.
877     ($const (compile-syntax-rules (cenv-exp-name cenv) form elli literal rule
878                                   (cenv-module cenv)
879                                   (cenv-frames cenv)))]
880    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed syntax-rules:" form)]))
882;; If family ........................................
884(define-pass1-syntax (if form cenv) :null
885  (match form
886    [(_ test then else)
887     ($if form (pass1 test (cenv-sans-name cenv))
888          (pass1 then cenv) (pass1 else cenv))]
889    [(_ test then)
890     ($if form (pass1 test (cenv-sans-name cenv))
891          (pass1 then cenv) ($const-undef))]
892    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed if:" form)]))
894(define-pass1-syntax (and form cenv) :null
895  (define (rec exprs)
896    (match exprs
897      [() `#(,$CONST #t)]
898      [(expr) (pass1 expr cenv)]
899      [(expr . more)
900       ($if #f (pass1 expr (cenv-sans-name cenv)) (rec more) ($it))]
901      [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed and:" form)]))
902  (rec (cdr form)))
904(define-pass1-syntax (or form cenv) :null
905  (define (rec exprs)
906    (match exprs
907      [() ($const-f)]
908      [(expr) (pass1 expr cenv)]
909      [(expr . more)
910       ($if #f (pass1 expr (cenv-sans-name cenv)) ($it) (rec more))]
911      [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed or:" form)]))
912  (rec (cdr form)))
914(define-pass1-syntax (when form cenv) :gauche
915  (match form
916    [(_ test expr1 expr2 ...)
917     (let1 cenv (cenv-sans-name cenv)
918       ($if form (pass1 test cenv)
919            ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) (cons expr1 expr2)))
920            ($const-undef)))]
921    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed when:" form)]))
923(define-pass1-syntax (unless form cenv) :gauche
924  (match form
925    [(_ test expr1 expr2 ...)
926     (let1 cenv (cenv-sans-name cenv)
927       ($if form (pass1 test cenv)
928            ($const-undef)
929            ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) (cons expr1 expr2)))))]
930    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed unless:" form)]))
932(define-pass1-syntax (else form cenv) :null
933  (error "invalid syntax:" form))
934(define-pass1-syntax (=> form cenv) :null
935  (error "invalid syntax:" form))
937(define-pass1-syntax (cond form cenv) :null
938  (define (process-clauses cls)
939    (match cls
940      [() ($const-undef)]
941      ;; (else . exprs)
942      [(([? (cut global-eq? <> else. cenv)] exprs ...) . rest)
943       (unless (null? rest)
944         (error "syntax-error: 'else' clause followed by more clauses:" form))
945       ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) exprs))]
946      ;; (test => proc)
947      [((test [? (cut global-eq? <> =>. cenv)] proc) . rest)
948       (let ([test (pass1 test cenv)]
949             [tmp (make-lvar 'tmp)])
950         (lvar-initval-set! tmp test)
951         ($let (car cls) 'let
952               (list tmp)
953               (list test)
954               ($if (car cls)
955                    ($lref tmp)
956                    ($call (car cls)
957                           (pass1 proc (cenv-sans-name cenv))
958                           (list ($lref tmp)))
959                    (process-clauses rest))))]
960      ;; (generator guard => proc) -- SRFI-61 'general cond clause'
961      [((generator guard [? (cut global-eq? <> =>. cenv)] receiver) . rest)
962       (let1 tmp (make-lvar 'tmp)
963         ($receive (car cls) 0 1 (list tmp)
964                   (pass1 generator cenv)
965                   ($if (car cls)
966                        ($asm #f
967                              `(,APPLY 2)
968                              (list (pass1 guard (cenv-sans-name cenv))
969                                    ($lref tmp)))
970                        ($asm #f
971                              `(,APPLY 2)
972                              (list (pass1 receiver (cenv-sans-name cenv))
973                                    ($lref tmp)))
974                        (process-clauses rest))))]
975      [((test) . rest)                  ; (test)
976       ($if (car cls) (pass1 test (cenv-sans-name cenv))
977            ($it)
978            (process-clauses rest))]
979      [((test exprs ...) . rest)          ; (test . exprs)
980       ($if (car cls) (pass1 test (cenv-sans-name cenv))
981            ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) exprs))
982            (process-clauses rest))]
983      [_ (error "syntax-error: bad clause in cond:" form)]))
985  (match form
986    [(_) (error "syntax-error: at least one clause is required for cond:" form)]
987    [(_ clause ...) (process-clauses clause)]
988    [else (error "syntax-error: malformed cond:" form)]))
990(define-pass1-syntax (case form cenv) :null
991  (define (process-clauses tmpvar cls)
992    (match cls
993      [() ($const-undef)]
994      [(([? (cut global-eq? <> else. cenv)] exprs ...) . rest)
995       (unless (null? rest)
996         (error "syntax-error: 'else' clause followed by more clauses:" form))
997       (match exprs
998         ;; (else => proc) -- SRFI-87 case clause
999         [((? (cut global-eq? <> =>. cenv)) proc)
1000          ($call (car cls)
1001                 (pass1 proc (cenv-sans-name cenv))
1002                 (list ($lref tmpvar)))]
1003         ;; (else . exprs)
1004         [_ ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) exprs))])]
1005      [((elts exprs ...) . rest)
1006       (let ([nelts (length elts)]
1007             [elts  (map unwrap-syntax elts)])
1008         ($if (car cls)
1009              (case nelts
1010                [(0)  ($const-f)]
1011                [(1)  (if (symbol? (car elts))
1012                        ($eq? #f  ($lref tmpvar) ($const (car elts)))
1013                        ($eqv? #f ($lref tmpvar) ($const (car elts))))]
1014                [else ($memv #f ($lref tmpvar) ($const elts))])
1015              (match exprs
1016                ;; (elts => proc) -- SRFI-87 case clause
1017                [((? (cut global-eq? <> =>. cenv)) proc)
1018                 ($call (car cls)
1019                        (pass1 proc (cenv-sans-name cenv))
1020                        (list ($lref tmpvar)))]
1021                ;; (elts . exprs)
1022                [_ ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) exprs))])
1023              (process-clauses tmpvar (cdr cls))))]
1024      [_ (error "syntax-error: bad clause in case:" form)]))
1026  (match form
1027    [(_)
1028     (error "syntax-error: at least one clause is required for case:" form)]
1029    [(_ expr clause ...)
1030     (let* ([etree (pass1 expr cenv)]
1031            [tmp (make-lvar 'tmp)])
1032       (lvar-initval-set! tmp etree)
1033       ($let form 'let
1034             (list tmp)
1035             (list etree)
1036             (process-clauses tmp clause)))]
1037    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed case:" form)]))
1039(define-pass1-syntax (and-let* form cenv) :gauche
1040  (define (process-binds binds body cenv)
1041    (match binds
1042      [() (pass1/body body cenv)]
1043      [((exp) . more)
1044       (if (and (null? more) (null? body))
1045         (pass1 exp (cenv-sans-name cenv))
1046         ($if form (pass1 exp (cenv-sans-name cenv))
1047              (process-binds more body cenv)
1048              ($it)))]
1049      [([? identifier? var] . more)
1050       (if (and (null? more) (null? body))
1051         (pass1 var (cenv-sans-name cenv))
1052         ($if form (pass1 var (cenv-sans-name cenv))
1053              (process-binds more body cenv)
1054              ($it)))]
1055      [(([? identifier? var] init) . more)
1056       (if (and (null? more) (null? body))
1057         (pass1 init (cenv-add-name cenv var))
1058         (let* ([lvar (make-lvar var)]
1059                [newenv (cenv-extend cenv `((,var . ,lvar)) LEXICAL)]
1060                [itree (pass1 init (cenv-add-name cenv var))])
1061           (lvar-initval-set! lvar itree)
1062           ($let form 'let
1063                 (list lvar)
1064                 (list itree)
1065                 ($if form ($lref lvar)
1066                      (process-binds more body newenv)
1067                      ($it)))))]
1068      [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed and-let*:" form)]))
1070  (match form
1071    [(_ ()) ($const #t)]                ;special base case
1072    [(_ binds . body) (process-binds binds body cenv)]
1073    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed and-let*:" form)]))
1075;; Quote and quasiquote ................................
1077(define (pass1/quote obj)
1078  ($const ($ unwrap-syntax obj
1079             $ not $ vm-compiler-flag-is-set? SCM_COMPILE_MUTABLE_LITERALS)))
1081(define-pass1-syntax (quote form cenv) :null
1082  (match form
1083    [(_ obj) (pass1/quote obj)]
1084    [else (error "syntax-error: malformed quote:" form)]))
1086(define-pass1-syntax (quasiquote form cenv) :null
1087  (match form
1088    [(_ obj) (quasi-expand obj cenv)]
1089    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed quasiquote:" form)]))
1091(define-pass1-syntax (unquote form cenv) :null
1092  (error "unquote appeared outside quasiquote:" form))
1094(define-pass1-syntax (unquote-splicing form cenv) :null
1095  (error "unquote-splicing appeared outside quasiquote:" form))
1097;; We need these to be bound so that scheme.base can export them
1098;; as specified in R7RS.
1099(define-pass1-syntax (_ form cenv) :null
1100  ($const-undef))
1102(define-pass1-syntax (... form cenv) :null
1103  ($const-undef))
1105;; quasiquote expander
1107(define (quasi-expand obj cenv)
1108  ;; We want to avoid unnecessary allocation as much as possible.
1109  ;; Current code generates constants not only the obvious constant
1110  ;; case, e.g. `(a b c), but also folds constant variable references,
1111  ;; e.g. (define-constant x 3) then `(,x) generate a constant list '(3).
1112  ;; This extends as far as the pass-1 constant folding goes, so `(,(+ x 1))
1113  ;; also becomes '(4).
1114  ;; NB: The current code allocates lots of intermediate $const node.
1115  (define (quasiquote? v)       (global-eq? v quasiquote. cenv))
1116  (define (unquote? v)          (global-eq? v unquote. cenv))
1117  (define (unquote-splicing? v) (global-eq? v unquote-splicing. cenv))
1118  (define (unquote*? v) (or (unquote? v) (unquote-splicing? v)))
1120  ;; In the context where there's no outer list to which we intersperse to.
1121  (define (quasi obj level)
1122    (match obj
1123      [((? quasiquote?) x)
1124       (let1 xx (quasi x (+ level 1))
1125         (if ($const? xx)
1126           ($const (list 'quasiquote ($const-value xx)))
1127           ($list obj (list ($const 'quasiquote) xx))))]
1128      [((? unquote?) x)
1129       (if (zero? level)
1130         (pass1 x cenv)
1131         (let1 xx (quasi x (- level 1))
1132           (if ($const? xx)
1133             ($const (list 'unquote ($const-value xx)))
1134             ($list obj (list ($const 'unquote) xx)))))]
1135      [((? unquote*? op) . xs) ;valid unquote is already handled
1136       (if (zero? level)
1137         (errorf "invalid ~a form in this context: ~s" op obj)
1138         (let1 xx (quasi* xs (- level 1))
1139           (if ($const? xx)
1140             ($const (cons op ($const-value xx)))
1141             ($cons obj ($const op) xx))))]
1142      [(? pair?)       (quasi* obj level)]
1143      [(? vector?)     (quasi-vector obj level)]
1144      [(? wrapped-identifier?) ($const (unwrap-syntax obj))]
1145      [() ($const-nil)]
1146      [_  ($const obj)]))
1148  ;; In the spliceable context.  objs is always a list.
1149  (define (quasi* objs level)
1150    ;; NB: we already excluded toplevel quasiquote and unquote
1151    (match objs
1152      [(((? unquote*? op) . xs) . ys)
1153       (let1 yy (quasi* ys level)
1154         (if (zero? level)
1155           ((if (unquote? op) build build@)
1156            (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) xs) yy)
1157           (let1 xx (quasi* xs (- level 1))
1158             (if (and ($const? xx) ($const? yy))
1159               ($const (acons op ($const-value xx) ($const-value yy)))
1160               ($cons objs ($cons (car objs) ($const op) xx) yy)))))]
1161      [((? unquote*?) . _) ;`(... . ,xs) `(... . ,@xs)
1162       (quasi objs level)]
1163      [((? vector? x) . ys) (quasi-cons objs quasi-vector x ys level)]
1164      [(x . ys)             (quasi-cons objs quasi x ys level)]
1165      [_                    (quasi objs level)]))
1167  ;; iforms :: [IForm]
1168  ;; rest   :: IForm
1169  (define (build iforms rest)
1170    (match iforms
1171      [() rest]
1172      [(x . xs) (let1 xx (build xs rest)
1173                  (if (and ($const? x) ($const? xx))
1174                    ($const (cons ($const-value x) ($const-value xx)))
1175                    ($cons #f x xx)))]))
1177  (define (build@ iforms rest)
1178    (match iforms
1179      [() rest]
1180      [(x . xs) (let1 xx (build@ xs rest)
1181                  (if ($const? xx)
1182                    (cond [(null? ($const-value xx)) x]
1183                          [($const? x) ($const (append ($const-value x)
1184                                                       ($const-value xx)))]
1185                          [else ($append #f x xx)])
1186                    ($append #f x xx)))]))
1188  (define (quasi-cons src quasi-car x ys level)
1189    (let ([xx (quasi-car x level)]
1190          [yy (quasi* ys level)])
1191      (if (and ($const? xx) ($const? yy))
1192        ($const (cons ($const-value xx) ($const-value yy)))
1193        ($cons src xx yy))))
1195  (define (quasi-vector obj level)
1196    (if (vector-has-splicing? obj)
1197      ($list->vector obj (quasi* (vector->list obj) level))
1198      (let* ([need-construct? #f]
1199             [elts (map (^[elt] (rlet1 ee (quasi elt level)
1200                                  (unless ($const? ee)
1201                                    (set! need-construct? #t))))
1202                        (vector->list obj))])
1203        (if need-construct?
1204          ($vector obj elts)
1205          ($const (list->vector (map (^[e] ($const-value e)) elts)))))))
1207  (define (vector-has-splicing? obj)
1208    (let loop ((i 0))
1209      (cond [(= i (vector-length obj)) #f]
1210            [(and (pair? (vector-ref obj i))
1211                  (unquote-splicing? (car (vector-ref obj i))))]
1212            [else (loop (+ i 1))])))
1214  (quasi obj 0))
1217;; Lambda family (binding constructs) ...................
1219(define-pass1-syntax (lambda form cenv) :null ;RnRS lambda
1220  (match form
1221    [(_ formals . body)
1222     (receive (reqs rest)
1223         (let loop ((xs formals) (ys '()))
1224           (cond [(null? xs) (values (reverse ys) #f)]
1225                 [(identifier? xs) (values (reverse ys) xs)]
1226                 [(pair? xs)
1227                  (unless (identifier? (car xs))
1228                    (error "Invalid formal parameter:" (car xs)))
1229                  (loop (cdr xs) (cons (car xs) ys))]
1230                 [else (error "Invalid formal parameter:" formals)]))
1231       (pass1/vanilla-lambda (add-arg-info form formals)
1232                             (if rest (append reqs (list rest)) reqs)
1233                             (length reqs)
1234                             (if rest 1 0)
1235                             body cenv))]
1236    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed lambda:" form)]))
1238(define-pass1-syntax (lambda form cenv) :gauche ;Extended lambda
1239  (match form
1240    [(_ formals . body)
1241     (receive (args nreqs nopts kargs) (parse-extended-lambda-args formals)
1242       (if (null? kargs)
1243         (pass1/vanilla-lambda (add-arg-info form formals)
1244                               args nreqs nopts body cenv)
1245         ;; Convert extended lambda into vanilla lambda
1246         (let1 restarg (gensym "rest")
1247           (pass1/vanilla-lambda (add-arg-info form formals)
1248                                 (append args (list restarg))
1249                                 nreqs 1
1250                                 (pass1/extended-lambda-body form cenv restarg
1251                                                             kargs body)
1252                                 cenv))))]
1253    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed lambda:" form)]))
1255;; Add formals list as 'arg-info attributes of the source form
1256(define (add-arg-info form formals)
1257  (rlet1 xform (if (extended-pair? form)
1258                 form
1259                 (extended-cons (car form) (cdr form)))
1260    (pair-attribute-set! xform 'arg-info formals)))
1262(define (pass1/vanilla-lambda form formals nreqs nopts body cenv) ; R7RS lambda
1263  (let* ([lvars (imap make-lvar+ formals)]
1264         [intform ($lambda form (cenv-exp-name cenv) nreqs nopts lvars #f #f)]
1265         [newenv (cenv-extend/proc cenv (%map-cons formals lvars)
1266                                   LEXICAL intform)])
1267    (vector-set! intform 6 (pass1/body body newenv))
1268    intform))
1270(define-pass1-syntax (receive form cenv) :gauche
1271  (match form
1272    [(_ formals expr body ...)
1273     (receive (args nreqs nopts kargs) (parse-extended-lambda-args formals)
1274       (unless (null? kargs)
1275         (error "syntax-error: extended lambda list isn't allowed in receive:"
1276                form))
1277       (let* ([lvars (imap make-lvar+ args)]
1278              [newenv (cenv-extend cenv (%map-cons args lvars) LEXICAL)])
1279         ($receive form nreqs nopts lvars (pass1 expr cenv)
1280                   (pass1/body body newenv))))]
1281    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed receive:" form)]))
1283;; Returns <list of args>, <# of reqargs>, <has optarg?>, <kargs>
1284;; <kargs> is like (:optional (x #f) (y #f) :rest k) etc.
1285(define (parse-extended-lambda-args formals)
1286  (let loop ([formals formals] [args '()] [n 0])
1287    (match formals
1288      [()      (values (reverse args) n 0 '())]
1289      [((? keyword-like?) . _) (values (reverse args) n 1 formals)]
1290      [(x . y) (loop (cdr formals) (cons (car formals) args) (+ n 1))]
1291      [x       (values (reverse (cons x args)) n 1 '())])))
1293;; Handles extended lambda list.  garg is a gensymed var that receives
1294;; restarg.
1295(define (pass1/extended-lambda-body form cenv garg kargs body)
1296  (define (collect-args xs r)
1297    (match xs
1298      [() (values (reverse r) '())]
1299      [((? keyword-like?) . _) (values (reverse r) xs)]
1300      [(var . rest) (collect-args rest (cons var r))]))
1301  (define (parse-kargs c xs os ks r a)
1302    (match xs
1303      [() (expand-opt os ks r a)]
1304      [(k . xs)
1305       (cond
1306        [(global-keyword-eq? k :optional c)
1307         (unless (null? os) (too-many :optional))
1308         (receive (os xs) (collect-args xs '()) (parse-kargs c xs os ks r a))]
1309        [(global-keyword-eq? k :key c)
1310         (unless (null? ks) (too-many :key))
1311         (receive (ks xs) (collect-args xs '()) (parse-kargs c xs os ks r a))]
1312        [(global-keyword-eq? k :rest c)
1313         (when r (too-many :rest))
1314         (receive (rs xs) (collect-args xs '())
1315           (match rs
1316             [(r) (parse-kargs c xs os ks r a)]
1317             [_ (error ":rest keyword in the extended lambda list must be \
1318                        followed by exactly one argument:" kargs)]))]
1319        [(global-keyword-eq? k :allow-other-keys c)
1320         (when a (too-many :allow-other-keys))
1321         (receive (a xs) (collect-args xs '())
1322           (match a
1323             [()   (parse-kargs c xs os ks r #t)]
1324             [(av) (parse-kargs c xs os ks r av)]
1325             [_ (error ":allow-other-keys keyword in the extended lambda list \
1326                        can be followed by zero or one argument:" kargs)]))]
1327        [else (error "invalid extended lambda list:" kargs)])]))
1328  (define (too-many key)
1329    (errorf "too many ~s keywords in the extended lambda list: ~s" key kargs))
1330  (define (expand-opt os ks r a)
1331    (if (null? os)
1332      (if r
1333        `((,let. ((,r ,garg)) ,@(expand-key ks garg a)))
1334        (expand-key ks garg a))
1335      (let ([binds (map (match-lambda
1336                          [[? identifier? o] o]
1337                          [(o init) `(,o ,init)]
1338                          [_ (error "illegal optional argument spec in " kargs)])
1339                        os)]
1340            [rest (or r (gensym))])
1341        `((,let-optionals*. ,garg ,(append binds rest)
1342           ,@(if (and (not r) (null? ks) (not a))
1343               ;; TODO: better error message!
1344               `((unless (null? ,rest)
1345                   (error "too many arguments for" ',form))
1346                 (let () ,@(expand-key ks rest a)))
1347               (expand-key ks rest a)))))))
1348  (define (expand-key ks garg a)
1349    (if (null? ks)
1350      (if a
1351        ;; The case when we have :allow-other-keys without :key.
1352        ;; We don't deal with specific keyword arguments, but expecting
1353        ;; the user provides some.  Using let-keywords* checks the
1354        ;; argument list is even.
1355        `((,let-keywords*. ,garg ,(if (boolean? a) (gensym) a) ,@body))
1356        body)
1357      (let1 args (map (match-lambda
1358                        [[? identifier? o] o]
1359                        [(([? keyword-like? key] o) init)
1360                         (let1 k (unwrap-syntax-1 key)
1361                           `(,o ,k ,init))]
1362                        [(o init) `(,o ,init)]
1363                        [_ (error "illegal keyword argument spec in " kargs)])
1364                      ks)
1365        `((,let-keywords*. ,garg
1366           ,(if a (append args a) args)
1367           ,@body)))))
1369  (parse-kargs cenv kargs '() '() #f #f))
1371;; case-lambda (srfi-16)
1372;;   we recognize it here so that we can do aggressive inlining.
1373(define-pass1-syntax (case-lambda form cenv) :gauche
1374  (match form
1375    [(_ (formals . body)) ; special case
1376     (pass1 `(,lambda. ,formals ,@body) cenv)]
1377    [(_) (error "syntax-error: malformed case-lambda:" form)]
1378    [(_ (formals . body) ...)
1379     (receive (min-req max-req) (find-argcount-minmax formals)
1380       (pass1 `(,make-case-lambda.
1381                ,min-req ,max-req ',formals
1382                (list ,@(map (^(f b) `(,lambda. ,f ,@b)) formals body))
1383                ',(cenv-exp-name cenv))
1384              cenv))]
1385    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed case-lambda:" form)]))
1387(define (find-argcount-minmax formals)
1388  (define (length. xs k)
1389    (if (pair? xs) (length. (cdr xs) (+ k 1)) k))
1390  (let loop ([formals formals] [min-req #f] [max-req 0])
1391    (if (null? formals)
1392      (values min-req max-req)
1393      (let1 k (length. (car formals) 0)
1394        (loop (cdr formals) (if min-req (min min-req k) k) (max max-req k))))))
1396(define-pass1-syntax (let form cenv) :null
1397  (match form
1398    [(_ () body ...)
1399     (pass1/body body cenv)]
1400    [(_ ((var expr) ...) body ...)
1401     (let* ([lvars (imap make-lvar+ var)]
1402            [newenv (cenv-extend cenv (%map-cons var lvars) LEXICAL)])
1403       ($let form 'let lvars
1404             (map (^[init lvar]
1405                    (rlet1 iexpr
1406                        (pass1 init (cenv-add-name cenv (lvar-name lvar)))
1407                      (lvar-initval-set! lvar iexpr)))
1408                  expr lvars)
1409             (pass1/body body newenv)))]
1410    [(_ name ((var expr) ...) body ...)
1411     (unless (identifier? name) (error "bad name for named let:" name))
1412     ;; Named let.  (let name ((var exp) ...) body ...)
1413     ;;
1414     ;;  We don't use the textbook expansion here
1415     ;;    ((letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) body ...))) name) exp ...)
1416     ;;
1417     ;;  Instead, we use the following expansion, except that we cheat
1418     ;;  environment during expanding {exp ...} so that the binding of
1419     ;;  name doesn't interfere with exp ....
1420     ;;
1421     ;;    (letrec ((name (lambda (var ...) body ...))) (name {exp ...}))
1422     ;;
1423     ;;  The reason is that this form can be more easily spotted by
1424     ;;  our simple-minded closure optimizer in Pass 2.
1425     (let ([lvar (make-lvar name)]
1426           [args (imap make-lvar+ var)]
1427           [argenv (cenv-sans-name cenv)])
1428       (let* ([env1 (cenv-extend cenv `((,name . ,lvar)) LEXICAL)]
1429              [env2 (cenv-extend/name env1 (%map-cons var args) LEXICAL name)]
1430              [lmda ($lambda form name (length args) 0 args
1431                             (pass1/body body env2))])
1432         (lvar-initval-set! lvar lmda)
1433         ($let form 'rec
1434               (list lvar)
1435               (list lmda)
1436               ($call #f ($lref lvar)
1437                      (imap (cut pass1 <> argenv) expr)))))]
1438    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed let:" form)]))
1440(define-pass1-syntax (let* form cenv) :null
1441  (match form
1442    [(_ ((var expr) ...) body ...)
1443     (let loop ([vars var] [inits expr] [cenv cenv])
1444       (if (null? vars)
1445         (pass1/body body cenv)
1446         (let* ([lv (make-lvar (car vars))]
1447                [newenv (cenv-extend cenv `((,(car vars) . ,lv)) LEXICAL)]
1448                [iexpr (pass1 (car inits) (cenv-add-name cenv (car vars)))])
1449           (lvar-initval-set! lv iexpr)
1450           ($let #f 'let (list lv) (list iexpr)
1451                 (loop (cdr vars) (cdr inits) newenv)))))]
1452    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed let*:" form)]))
1454(define-pass1-syntax (letrec form cenv) :null
1455  (pass1/letrec form cenv "letrec" 'rec))
1457(define-pass1-syntax (letrec* form cenv) :gauche
1458  (pass1/letrec form cenv "letrec*" 'rec*))
1460(define (pass1/letrec form cenv name type)
1461  (match form
1462    [(_ () body ...)
1463     (pass1/body body cenv)]
1464    [(_ ((var expr) ...) body ...)
1465     (let* ([lvars (imap make-lvar+ var)]
1466            [newenv (cenv-extend cenv (%map-cons var lvars) LEXICAL)])
1467       ($let form type lvars
1468             (map (^[lv init]
1469                    (rlet1 iexpr
1470                        (pass1 init (cenv-add-name newenv (lvar-name lv)))
1471                      (lvar-initval-set! lv iexpr)))
1472                  lvars expr)
1473             (pass1/body body newenv)))]
1474    [else (errorf "syntax-error: malformed ~a: ~s" name form)]))
1476(define-pass1-syntax (do form cenv) :null
1477  (match form
1478    [(_ ((var init . update) ...) (test expr ...) body ...)
1479     (let* ([tmp  (make-lvar 'do-proc)]
1480            [args (imap make-lvar+ var)]
1481            [newenv (cenv-extend/proc cenv (%map-cons var args)
1482                                      LEXICAL 'do-proc)]
1483            [clo ($lambda
1484                  form 'do-body (length var) 0 args
1485                  ($if #f
1486                       (pass1 test newenv)
1487                       (if (null? expr)
1488                         ($it)
1489                         ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> newenv) expr)))
1490                       ($seq
1491                        (list
1492                         (pass1/body body newenv)
1493                         ($call form
1494                                ($lref tmp)
1495                                (map (match-lambda*
1496                                       [(() arg)   ($lref arg)]
1497                                       [((expr) _) (pass1 expr newenv)]
1498                                       [_ (error "bad update expr in do:" form)])
1499                                     update args)))))
1500                  #f)])
1501       (lvar-initval-set! tmp clo)
1502       ($let form 'rec
1503             (list tmp)
1504             (list clo)
1505             ($call form
1506                    ($lref tmp)
1507                    (map (cute pass1 <> (cenv-sans-name cenv)) init))))]
1508    [else (error "syntax-error: malformed do:" form)]))
1510;; Set! ......................................................
1512(define-pass1-syntax (set! form cenv) :null
1513  (match form
1514    [(_ (op . args) expr)
1515     ;; srfi-17.  We recurse to pass1 on expanded form, for (setter op) might
1516     ;; have a chance of optimization.
1517     (pass1 (with-original-source `((,setter. ,op) ,@args ,expr) form) cenv)]
1518    [(_ name expr)
1519     (unless (identifier? name)
1520       (error "syntax-error: malformed set!:" form))
1521     (let ([var (cenv-lookup-variable cenv name)]
1522           [val (pass1 expr cenv)])
1523       (if (lvar? var)
1524         ($lset var val)
1525         ($gset (ensure-identifier var cenv) val)))]
1526    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed set!:" form)]))
1528;; Begin .....................................................
1530(define-pass1-syntax (begin form cenv) :null
1531  ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) (cdr form))))
1533;; Lazy & Delay ..............................................
1535(define-pass1-syntax (lazy form cenv) :gauche
1536  (match form
1537    [(_ expr) ($asm form `(,PROMISE)
1538                    (list (pass1 `(,lambda. () ,expr) cenv)))]
1539    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed lazy:" form)]))
1541(define-pass1-syntax (delay form cenv) :null
1542  (match form
1543    [(_ expr) (pass1 `(,lazy. (,eager. ,expr)) cenv)]
1544    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed delay:" form)]))
1546;; Module related ............................................
1548(define-pass1-syntax (define-module form cenv) :gauche
1549  (check-toplevel form cenv)
1550  (match form
1551    [(_ name body ...)
1552     (let* ([mod (ensure-module name 'define-module #t)]
1553            [newenv (make-bottom-cenv mod)])
1554       ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> newenv) body)))]
1555    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-module:" form)]))
1557(define-pass1-syntax (with-module form cenv) :gauche
1558  (match form
1559    [(_ name body ...)
1560     (let* ([mod (ensure-module name 'with-module #f)]
1561            [newenv (cenv-swap-module cenv mod)])
1562       ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> newenv) body)))]
1563    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed with-module:" form)]))
1565(define-pass1-syntax (select-module form cenv) :gauche
1566  (check-toplevel form cenv)
1567  (match form
1568    [(_ module)
1569     ;; This is the only construct that changes VM's current module.
1570     ;; We also modifies CENV's module, so that select-module has an
1571     ;; effect in the middle of sequence of expressions like
1572     ;;  (begin ... (select-module foo) ...)
1573     ;; It is yet debatable that how select-module should interact with EVAL.
1574     (let1 m (ensure-module module 'select-module #f)
1575       (vm-set-current-module m)
1576       (cenv-module-set! cenv m)
1577       ($values0))]
1578    [else (error "syntax-error: malformed select-module:" form)]))
1580(define-pass1-syntax (current-module form cenv) :gauche
1581  (unless (null? (cdr form))
1582    (error "syntax-error: malformed current-module:" form))
1583  ($const (cenv-module cenv)))
1585(define-pass1-syntax (export form cenv) :gauche
1586  (%export-symbols (cenv-module cenv) (cdr form))
1587  ($values0))
1589(define-pass1-syntax (export-all form cenv) :gauche
1590  (unless (null? (cdr form))
1591    (error "syntax-error: malformed export-all:" form))
1592  (%export-all (cenv-module cenv))
1593  ($values0))
1595(define-pass1-syntax (import form cenv) :gauche
1596  (define (ensure m) (or (find-module m) (error "unknown module" m)))
1597  (define (symbol-but-not-keyword? x)
1598    (and (symbol? x) (not (keyword? x))))
1599  (dolist [f (cdr form)]
1600    (match f
1601      [((? symbol-but-not-keyword? a) (? symbol-but-not-keyword? b) . r)
1602       ;;likely to be an r7rs-style import
1603       (error "This import form looks like R7RS `import', as opposed to \
1604               Gauche `import'.  If you're in REPL, type (use scheme.base) \
1605               then (select-module r7rs.user) to enter the R7RS namespace.")]
1606      [(m . r) (process-import (cenv-module cenv) (ensure m) r)]
1607      [m       (process-import (cenv-module cenv) (ensure m) '())]))
1608  ($values0))
1610(define (process-import current imported args)
1611  (let loop ([imported imported]
1612             [args args]
1613             [prefix #f])
1614    (match args
1615      [() (%import-module current imported prefix)]
1616      [(':prefix p . rest)
1617       (loop imported rest (if prefix (string->symbol #"~|p|~prefix") p))]
1618      [(':only (ss ...) . rest)
1619       (let1 m (%make-wrapper-module imported prefix)
1620         (process-import:mapsym
1621          :only (unwrap-syntax ss) #f prefix
1622          (^[sym orig-sym] (unless (%alias-binding m orig-sym imported orig-sym)
1623                             (errorf "during processing :only clause: \
1624                                      binding of ~a isn't exported from ~a"
1625                                     orig-sym imported))))
1626         (%extend-module m '())
1627         (loop m rest #f))]
1628      [(':except (ss ...) . rest)
1629       (let1 m (%make-wrapper-module imported prefix)
1630         (process-import:mapsym
1631          :except (unwrap-syntax ss) #f prefix
1632          (^[sym orig-sym] (%hide-binding m orig-sym)))
1633         (loop m rest #f))]
1634      [(':rename ((ss ds) ...) . rest)
1635       (let* ([ss (unwrap-syntax ss)]
1636              [ds (unwrap-syntax ds)]
1637              [m0 (if prefix (%make-wrapper-module imported prefix) imported)]
1638              [m (%make-wrapper-module imported #f)])
1639         (process-import:mapsym
1640          :rename ds ss prefix
1641          (^[sym orig-sym] (unless (%alias-binding m sym imported orig-sym)
1642                             (errorf "during processing :rename clause: \
1643                                      binding of ~a isn't exported from ~a"
1644                                     orig-sym imported))))
1645         (dolist [s ss] (unless (find-binding m s #t) (%hide-binding m s)))
1646         (%extend-module m (list m0))
1647         (loop m rest #f))]
1648      [(other . rest) (error "invalid import spec:" args)])))
1650;; Common work to process new bindings in a trampoline module.
1651;; Calls PROCESS with each symbols in SYMS and OLD-SYMS, but
1652;; symbols in OLD-SYMS are prefix-stripped.  OLD-SYMS can be #f
1653;; then we assume it is the same as SYMS.
1654(define (process-import:mapsym who syms old-syms prefix process)
1655  (define (check s)
1656    (unless (symbol? s)
1657      (errorf "~a option of import must take list of symbols, but got: ~s"
1658              who s)))
1659  (for-each (^[sym osym]
1660              (check sym) (check osym)
1661              (process sym (process-import:strip-prefix who osym prefix)))
1662            syms (or old-syms syms)))
1664(define (process-import:strip-prefix who sym prefix)
1665  (if prefix
1666    (rlet1 sans (symbol-sans-prefix sym prefix)
1667      (unless sans (errorf "~a specifies nonexistent symbol: ~a" who sym)))
1668    sym))
1670(define-pass1-syntax (extend form cenv) :gauche
1671  (%extend-module (cenv-module cenv)
1672                  (imap (^[m] (or (find-module m)
1673                                  (begin
1674                                    (%require (module-name->path m))
1675                                    (find-module m))
1676                                  (error "undefined module" m)))
1677                        (cdr form)))
1678  ($values0))
1680(define-pass1-syntax (require form cenv) :gauche
1681  (match form
1682    [(_ feature) (%require feature) ($values0)]
1683    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed require:" form)]))
1685;; Include .............................................
1687(define-pass1-syntax (include form cenv) :gauche
1688  ($seq (map (^p (pass1 (car p) (cenv-swap-source cenv (cdr p))))
1689             (pass1/expand-include (cdr form) cenv #f))))
1691(define-pass1-syntax (include-ci form cenv) :gauche
1692  ($seq (map (^p (pass1 (car p) (cenv-swap-source cenv (cdr p))))
1693             (pass1/expand-include (cdr form) cenv #t))))
1695;; Returns  ((Sexpr . Filename) ...)
1696(define (pass1/expand-include args cenv case-fold?)
1697  (define (do-include filename)
1698    (unless (string? filename)
1699      (error "include requires literal string, but got:" filename))
1700    (let1 iport (pass1/open-include-file filename (cenv-source-path cenv))
1701      (port-case-fold-set! iport case-fold?)
1702      (pass1/report-include iport #t)
1703      (unwind-protect
1704          ;; This could be written simpler using port->sexp-list, but it would
1705          ;; trigger autoload and reenters to the compiler.
1706          (let loop ([r (read iport)] [forms '()])
1707            (if (eof-object? r)
1708              `((,begin. ,@(reverse forms)) . ,(port-name iport))
1709              (loop (read iport) (cons r forms))))
1710        (pass1/report-include iport #f)
1711        (close-input-port iport))))
1712  (map do-include args))
1714;; If filename is relative, we try to resolve it with the source file.
1715;; whenever possible.
1716(define (pass1/open-include-file path includer-path)
1717  (let1 search-paths (if includer-path
1718                       (cons (sys-dirname includer-path) *load-path*)
1719                       *load-path*)
1720    ;; find-load-file returns either (<found-path> <rest-of-search-paths>)
1721    ;; or (<pseudo-path> <rest-of-search-paths> <thunk-to-open-content>)
1722    ;; see libeval.scm for the details.
1723    (if-let1 path&rest (find-load-file path search-paths
1724                                       (cons "" *load-suffixes*)
1725                                       :allow-archive #t
1726                                       :relative-dot-path #t)
1727      (if (pair? (cddr path&rest)) ; archive hook is in effect.
1728        ((caddr path&rest) (car path&rest))
1729        (open-input-file (car path&rest) :encoding #t))
1730      (error "include file is not readable: " path))))
1732;; Report including.
1733(define (pass1/report-include iport open?)
1734  (when (vm-compiler-flag-is-set? SCM_COMPILE_INCLUDE_VERBOSE)
1735    (format (current-error-port) ";;~a including ~s\n"
1736            (if open? "Begin" "End") (port-name iport))))
1738;; Class stuff ........................................
1740;; KLUDGES.  They should be implemented as macros, but the
1741;; current compiler doesn't preserve macro definitions.
1742;; These syntax handler merely expands the given form to
1743;; the call to internal procedures of objlib.scm, which
1744;; returns the macro expanded form.
1746(define-pass1-syntax (define-generic form cenv) :gauche
1747  (match form
1748    [(_ name . opts)
1749     (check-toplevel form cenv)
1750     (pass1 (with-module gauche.object (%expand-define-generic name opts)) cenv)]
1751    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-generic:" form)]))
1753(define-pass1-syntax (define-method form cenv) :gauche
1754  (define (parse name rest quals)
1755    (match rest
1756      [((? keyword? q) . rest)
1757       (parse name rest (cons q quals))]
1758      [(specs . body)
1759       (pass1 (with-module gauche.object
1760                (%expand-define-method name quals specs body))
1761              cenv)]
1762      [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-method (empty body):" form)]))
1763  ;; Should we limit define-method only at the toplevel?  Doing so
1764  ;; is consistent with toplevel define and define-syntax.  Allowing
1765  ;; define-method in non-toplevel is rather CL-ish and not like Scheme.
1766  ;; (check-toplevel form cenv)
1767  (match form
1768    [(_ name . rest)
1769     (parse name rest '())]
1770    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-method:" form)]))
1772(define-pass1-syntax (define-class form cenv) :gauche
1773  (match form
1774    [(_ name supers slots . options)
1775     (check-toplevel form cenv)
1776     (pass1 (with-module gauche.object
1777              (%expand-define-class name supers slots options))
1778            cenv)]
1779    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed define-class:" form)]))
1781;; Black magic ........................................
1783(define-pass1-syntax (eval-when form cenv) :gauche
1784  (match form
1785    [(_ (w ...) expr ...)
1786     ;; check
1787     (let ([wlist
1788            (let loop ((w w) (r '()))
1789              (cond [(null? w) r]
1790                    [(memq (car w) '(:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute))
1791                     (if (memq (car w) r)
1792                       (loop (cdr w) r)
1793                       (loop (cdr w) (cons (car w) r)))]
1794                    [else
1795                     (error "eval-when: situation must be a list of \
1796                             :compile-toplevel, :load-toplevel or :execute, \
1797                             but got:" (car w))]))]
1798           [situ (vm-eval-situation)])
1799       (when (and (eqv? situ SCM_VM_COMPILING)
1800                  (memq :compile-toplevel wlist)
1801                  (cenv-toplevel? cenv))
1802         (dolist [e expr] (eval e (cenv-module cenv))))
1803       (if (or (and (eqv? situ SCM_VM_LOADING)
1804                    (memq :load-toplevel wlist)
1805                    (cenv-toplevel? cenv))
1806               (and (eqv? situ SCM_VM_EXECUTING)
1807                    (memq :execute wlist)))
1808         ($seq (imap (cut pass1 <> cenv) expr))
1809         ($const-undef)))]
1810    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed eval-when:" form)]))
1813(define-pass1-syntax (with-meta form cenv) :gauche
1814  (match form
1815    [(_ (meta ...) expr)
1816     (let1 exp (pass1 expr cenv)
1817       exp)]
1818    [_ (error "syntax-error: malformed with-meta:" form)]))