1! { dg-do run }
2! { dg-options "-fno-backtrace -fbounds-check -fno-realloc-lhs" }
3! { dg-shouldfail "Fortran runtime error: Incorrect extent in return array in MATMUL intrinsic for dimension 1: is 4, should be 3" }
4program main
5  real, dimension(3,2) :: a
6  real, dimension(3,2) :: b
7  real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ret
8  allocate (ret(3,3))
9  a = 1.0
10  b = 2.3
11  ret = matmul(a,transpose(b))  ! This is OK
12  deallocate(ret)
13  allocate(ret(4,3))
14  ret = matmul(a,transpose(b))  ! This should throw an error.
15end program main
16! { dg-output "Fortran runtime error: Array bound mismatch for dimension 1 of array.*" }