1! { dg-do compile }
3! PR 63674: [F03] procedure pointer and non/pure procedure
5! Contributed by Valery Weber <valeryweber@hotmail.com>
7program prog
8  interface
9    integer function nf()
10    end function
11    pure integer function pf()
12    end function
13    subroutine ns()
14    end subroutine
15    pure subroutine ps()
16    end subroutine
17  end interface
18  type :: t
19    procedure(nf), nopass, pointer :: nf => NULL()  ! non-pure function
20    procedure(pf), nopass, pointer :: pf => NULL()  ! pure function
21    procedure(ns), nopass, pointer :: ns => NULL()  ! non-pure subroutine
22    procedure(ps), nopass, pointer :: ps => NULL()  ! pure subroutine
23  end type
25  pure integer function eval(a)
26    type(t), intent(in) :: a
27    eval = a%pf()
28    eval = a%nf()   ! { dg-error "Reference to impure function" }
29    call a%ps()
30    call a%ns()     ! { dg-error "is not PURE" }
31  end function