1! { dg-do run }
2! Tests the fix for PR38602, a regression caused by a modification
3! to the nulling of INTENT_OUT dummies with allocatable components
4! that caused a segfault with optional arguments.
6! Contributed by David Kinniburgh <davidkinniburgh@yahoo.co.uk>
8program test_iso
9  type ivs
10     character(LEN=1), dimension(:), allocatable :: chars
11  end type ivs
12  type(ivs) :: v_str
13  integer :: i
14  call foo(v_str, i)
15  if (v_str%chars(1) .ne. "a") STOP 1
16  if (i .ne. 0) STOP 2
17  call foo(flag = i)
18  if (i .ne. 1) STOP 3
20  subroutine foo (arg, flag)
21    type(ivs), optional, intent(out) :: arg
22    integer :: flag
23    if (present(arg)) then
24      arg = ivs([(char(i+96), i = 1,10)])
25      flag = 0
26    else
27      flag = 1
28    end if
29  end subroutine