1! { dg-do  run }
2! PR 88658 - make sure the types for min1, max1, amax0 and amin0 are
3! correct when simplified
5program main
6  real :: RVCOMP
7  character (len=12) :: line
8  integer :: n
10  RVCOMP = MAX1(2.3, 3.1, 4.4) / 5
11  if (rvcomp /= 0.) stop 1
12  rvcomp = min1(2.3, 3.1, 5.1) / 5
13  if (rvcomp /= 0.) stop 2
14  write (unit=line, fmt='(F12.5)') amax0(42, 21, 7)
15  if (line /= '    42.00000') stop 3
16  write (unit=line, fmt='(F12.5)') amin0(42,21,7)
17  if (line /= '     7.00000') stop 4
18end program main