1! { dg-do compile }
2! Tests the fix for a further regression caused by the
3! fix for PR28788 and posted as PR28908. The problem was
4! caused by the patch preventing interface derived types
5! from associating with identical derived types in the
6! containing namespaces.
8! Contributed by HJ Lu  <hjl@lucon.org>
10module bar
11  implicit none
12  public
13  type domain_ptr
14    type(domain), POINTER  :: ptr
15  end type domain_ptr
16  type domain
17    TYPE(domain_ptr) , DIMENSION( : ) , POINTER         :: parents
18    TYPE(domain_ptr) , DIMENSION( : ) , POINTER         :: nests
19  end type domain
20end module bar
22module foo
24  recursive subroutine integrate (grid)
25    use bar
26    implicit none
27    type(domain), POINTER  :: grid
28    interface
29      subroutine solve_interface (grid)
30        use bar
31        TYPE (domain) grid
32      end subroutine solve_interface
33    end interface
34  end subroutine integrate
35end module foo