1! { dg-do run }
3! Tests the fix for PR82275.
4! Associating a name with a reduced-dimension section of a
5! multidimensional array precluded subsequent use of the name
6! with the appropriately reduced dimensionality and instead
7! required use of the (invalid) full set of original dimensions.
9! Contributed by Damian Rouson  <damian@sourceryinstitute.org>
11  type component
12   integer :: i
13  end type
14  type container
15    class(component), allocatable :: component_array(:,:)
16  end type
17  type(container) bag
18  type(component) section_copy
19  allocate(bag%component_array, source = reshape ([component(10), component (100)], [1,2]))
20  select type(associate_name=>bag%component_array(1,:))
21    type is (component)
22      section_copy = associate_name(2)  ! gfortran rejected valid
23!      section_copy = associate_name(1,1)! gfortran accepted invalid
24  end select
25  if (section_copy%i .ne. 100) stop 1