1 // escape.cc -- Go escape analysis (based on Go compiler algorithm).
3 // Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
4 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
5 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
7 #include "go-system.h"
9 #include <limits>
10 #include <stack>
11 #include <sstream>
13 #include "gogo.h"
14 #include "types.h"
15 #include "expressions.h"
16 #include "statements.h"
17 #include "escape.h"
18 #include "lex.h"
19 #include "ast-dump.h"
20 #include "go-optimize.h"
21 #include "go-diagnostics.h"
22 #include "go-sha1.h"
24 // class Node.
26 // Return the node's type, if it makes sense for it to have one.
28 Type*
type() const29 Node::type() const
30 {
31   if (this->object() != NULL
32       && this->object()->is_variable())
33     return this->object()->var_value()->type();
34   else if (this->object() != NULL
35 	   && this->object()->is_function())
36     return this->object()->func_value()->type();
37   else if (this->expr() != NULL)
38     return this->expr()->type();
39   else if (this->is_indirect())
40     {
41       if (this->child()->type()->deref()->is_void_type())
42         // This is a void*. The referred type can be actually any type,
43         // which may also be pointer. We model it as another void*, so
44         // we don't lose pointer-ness.
45         return this->child()->type();
46       else
47         return this->child()->type()->deref();
48     }
49   else if (this->statement() != NULL
50            && this->statement()->temporary_statement() != NULL)
51     return this->statement()->temporary_statement()->type();
52   else
53     return NULL;
54 }
56 // A helper for reporting; return this node's location.
58 Location
location() const59 Node::location() const
60 {
61   if (this->object() != NULL && !this->object()->is_sink())
62     return this->object()->location();
63   else if (this->expr() != NULL)
64     return this->expr()->location();
65   else if (this->statement() != NULL)
66     return this->statement()->location();
67   else if (this->is_indirect())
68     return this->child()->location();
69   else
70     return Linemap::unknown_location();
71 }
73 // A helper for reporting; return the location where the underlying
74 // object is defined.
76 Location
definition_location() const77 Node::definition_location() const
78 {
79   if (this->object() != NULL && !this->object()->is_sink())
80     {
81       Named_object* no = this->object();
82       if (no->is_variable() || no->is_result_variable())
83         return no->location();
84     }
85   else if (this->expr() != NULL)
86     {
87       Var_expression* ve = this->expr()->var_expression();
88       if (ve != NULL)
89         {
90           Named_object* no = ve->named_object();
91           if (no->is_variable() || no->is_result_variable())
92             return no->location();
93         }
94       Enclosed_var_expression* eve = this->expr()->enclosed_var_expression();
95       if (eve != NULL)
96         {
97           Named_object* no = eve->variable();
98           if (no->is_variable() || no->is_result_variable())
99             return no->location();
100         }
101     }
102   return this->location();
103 }
105 // To match the cmd/gc debug output, strip away the packed prefixes on functions
106 // and variable/expressions.
108 std::string
strip_packed_prefix(Gogo * gogo,const std::string & s)109 strip_packed_prefix(Gogo* gogo, const std::string& s)
110 {
111   std::string packed_prefix = "." + gogo->pkgpath() + ".";
112   std::string fmt = s;
113   for (size_t pos = fmt.find(packed_prefix);
114        pos != std::string::npos;
115        pos = fmt.find(packed_prefix))
116     fmt.erase(pos, packed_prefix.length());
117   return fmt;
118 }
120 // A helper for debugging; return this node's AST formatted string.
121 // This is an implementation of gc's Nconv with obj.FmtShort.
123 std::string
ast_format(Gogo * gogo) const124 Node::ast_format(Gogo* gogo) const
125 {
126   std::ostringstream ss;
127   if (this->is_sink())
128     ss << ".sink";
129   else if (this->object() != NULL)
130     {
131       Named_object* no = this->object();
132       if (no->is_function() && no->func_value()->enclosing() != NULL)
133 	return "func literal";
134       ss << no->message_name();
135     }
136   else if (this->expr() != NULL)
137     {
138       Expression* e = this->expr();
139       bool is_call = e->call_expression() != NULL;
140       if (is_call)
141 	e->call_expression()->fn();
142       Func_expression* fe = e->func_expression();;
144       bool is_closure = fe != NULL && fe->closure() != NULL;
145       if (is_closure)
146 	{
147 	  if (is_call)
148 	    return "(func literal)()";
149 	  return "func literal";
150 	}
151       Ast_dump_context::dump_to_stream(this->expr(), &ss);
152     }
153   else if (this->statement() != NULL)
154     {
155       Statement* s = this->statement();
156       Goto_unnamed_statement* unnamed = s->goto_unnamed_statement();
157       if (unnamed != NULL)
158 	{
159 	  Statement* derived = unnamed->unnamed_label()->derived_from();
160 	  if (derived != NULL)
161 	    {
162 	      switch (derived->classification())
163 		{
164 		case Statement::STATEMENT_FOR:
165 		case Statement::STATEMENT_FOR_RANGE:
166 		  return "for loop";
167 		  break;
169 		case Statement::STATEMENT_SWITCH:
170 		  return "switch";
171 		  break;
173 		case Statement::STATEMENT_TYPE_SWITCH:
174 		  return "type switch";
175 		  break;
177 		default:
178 		  break;
179 		}
180 	    }
181 	}
182       Temporary_statement* tmp = s->temporary_statement();
183       if (tmp != NULL)
184         {
185           // Temporary's format can never match gc's output, and
186           // temporaries are inserted differently anyway. We just
187           // print something convenient.
188           ss << "tmp." << (uintptr_t) tmp;
189           if (tmp->init() != NULL)
190             {
191               ss << " [ = ";
192               Ast_dump_context::dump_to_stream(tmp->init(), &ss);
193               ss << " ]";
194             }
195         }
196       else
197         Ast_dump_context::dump_to_stream(s, &ss);
198     }
199   else if (this->is_indirect())
200     return "*(" + this->child()->ast_format(gogo) + ")";
202   std::string s = strip_packed_prefix(gogo, ss.str());
204   // trim trailing space
205   return s.substr(0, s.find_last_not_of(' ') + 1);
206 }
208 // A helper for debugging; return this node's detailed format string.
209 // This is an implementation of gc's Jconv with obj.FmtShort.
211 std::string
details()212 Node::details()
213 {
214   std::stringstream details;
216   if (!this->is_sink())
217     details << " l(" << Linemap::location_to_line(this->location()) << ")";
219   bool is_varargs = false;
220   bool is_address_taken = false;
221   bool is_in_heap = false;
222   bool is_assigned = false;
223   std::string class_name;
225   Expression* e = this->expr();
226   Named_object* node_object = NULL;
227   if (this->object() != NULL)
228     node_object = this->object();
229   else if (e != NULL && e->var_expression() != NULL)
230     node_object = e->var_expression()->named_object();
232   if (node_object)
233     {
234       // TODO(cmang): For named variables and functions, we want to output
235       // the function depth.
236       if (node_object->is_variable())
237 	{
238 	  Variable* var = node_object->var_value();
239 	  is_varargs = var->is_varargs_parameter();
240 	  is_address_taken = (var->is_address_taken()
241 			      || var->is_non_escaping_address_taken());
242 	  is_in_heap = var->is_in_heap();
243 	  is_assigned = var->init() != NULL;
245 	  if (var->is_global())
246 	    class_name = "PEXTERN";
247 	  else if (var->is_parameter())
248 	    class_name = "PPARAM";
249 	  else if (var->is_closure())
250 	    class_name = "PPARAMREF";
251 	  else
252 	    class_name = "PAUTO";
253 	}
254       else if (node_object->is_result_variable())
255 	class_name = "PPARAMOUT";
256       else if (node_object->is_function()
257 	       || node_object->is_function_declaration())
258 	class_name = "PFUNC";
259     }
260   else if (e != NULL && e->enclosed_var_expression() != NULL)
261     {
262       Named_object* enclosed = e->enclosed_var_expression()->variable();
263       if (enclosed->is_variable())
264 	{
265 	  Variable* var = enclosed->var_value();
266 	  is_address_taken = (var->is_address_taken()
267 			      || var->is_non_escaping_address_taken());
268 	}
269       else
270 	{
271 	  Result_variable* var = enclosed->result_var_value();
272 	  is_address_taken = (var->is_address_taken()
273 			      || var->is_non_escaping_address_taken());
274 	}
275       class_name = "PPARAMREF";
276     }
278   if (!class_name.empty())
279     {
280       details << " class(" << class_name;
281       if (is_in_heap)
282 	details << ",heap";
283       details << ")";
284     }
286   switch ((this->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK))
287     {
288     case Node::ESCAPE_UNKNOWN:
289       break;
291     case Node::ESCAPE_HEAP:
292       details << " esc(h)";
293       break;
295     case Node::ESCAPE_NONE:
296       details << " esc(no)";
297       break;
299     case Node::ESCAPE_NEVER:
300       details << " esc(N)";
301       break;
303     default:
304       details << " esc(" << this->encoding() << ")";
305       break;
306     }
308   if (this->state_ != NULL && this->state_->loop_depth != 0)
309     details << " ld(" << this->state_->loop_depth << ")";
311   if (is_varargs)
312     details << " isddd(1)";
313   if (is_address_taken)
314     details << " addrtaken";
315   if (is_assigned)
316     details << " assigned";
318   return details.str();
319 }
321 std::string
op_format() const322 Node::op_format() const
323 {
324   std::stringstream op;
325   Ast_dump_context adc(&op, false);
326   if (this->expr() != NULL)
327     {
328       Expression* e = this->expr();
329       switch (e->classification())
330 	{
331 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_UNARY:
332 	  adc.dump_operator(e->unary_expression()->op());
333 	  break;
335 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_BINARY:
336 	  adc.dump_operator(e->binary_expression()->op());
337 	  break;
339 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_CALL:
340 	  op << "function call";
341 	  break;
343 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_FUNC_REFERENCE:
344 	  if (e->func_expression()->is_runtime_function())
345 	    {
346 	      switch (e->func_expression()->runtime_code())
347 		{
348 		case Runtime::GOPANIC:
349 		  op << "panic";
350 		  break;
352 		case Runtime::GROWSLICE:
353 		  op << "append";
354 		  break;
356 		case Runtime::SLICECOPY:
357 		case Runtime::SLICESTRINGCOPY:
358 		case Runtime::TYPEDSLICECOPY:
359 		  op << "copy";
360 		  break;
362 		case Runtime::MAKECHAN:
363 		case Runtime::MAKECHAN64:
364 		case Runtime::MAKEMAP:
365 		case Runtime::MAKESLICE:
366 		case Runtime::MAKESLICE64:
367 		  op << "make";
368 		  break;
370 		case Runtime::DEFERPROC:
371 		  op << "defer";
372 		  break;
374 		case Runtime::GORECOVER:
375 		  op << "recover";
376 		  break;
378 		case Runtime::CLOSE:
379 		  op << "close";
380 		  break;
382 		default:
383 		  break;
384 		}
385 	    }
386 	  break;
388 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_ALLOCATION:
389 	  op << "new";
390 	  break;
392 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_RECEIVE:
393 	  op << "<-";
394 	  break;
396 	default:
397 	  break;
398 	}
399     }
401   if (this->statement() != NULL)
402     {
403       switch (this->statement()->classification())
404 	{
405 	case Statement::STATEMENT_DEFER:
406 	  op << "defer";
407 	  break;
409 	case Statement::STATEMENT_RETURN:
410 	  op << "return";
411 	  break;
413 	default:
414 	  break;
415 	}
416     }
417   if (this->is_indirect())
418     op << "*";
419   return op.str();
420 }
422 // Return this node's state, creating it if has not been initialized.
424 Node::Escape_state*
state(Escape_context * context,Named_object * fn)425 Node::state(Escape_context* context, Named_object* fn)
426 {
427   if (this->state_ == NULL)
428     {
429       if (this->expr() != NULL && this->expr()->var_expression() != NULL)
430 	{
431 	  // Tie state of variable references to underlying variables.
432 	  Named_object* var_no = this->expr()->var_expression()->named_object();
433 	  Node* var_node = Node::make_node(var_no);
434 	  this->state_ = var_node->state(context, fn);
435 	}
436       else
437 	{
438 	  this->state_ = new Node::Escape_state;
439 	  if (fn == NULL)
440 	    fn = context->current_function();
442 	  this->state_->fn = fn;
443 	}
444     }
445   go_assert(this->state_ != NULL);
446   return this->state_;
447 }
~Node()449 Node::~Node()
450 {
451   if (this->state_ != NULL)
452     {
453       if (this->expr() == NULL || this->expr()->var_expression() == NULL)
454         // Var expression Node is excluded since it shares state with the
455         // underlying var Node.
456         delete this->state_;
457     }
458 }
460 int
encoding()461 Node::encoding()
462 {
463   if (this->expr() != NULL
464       && this->expr()->var_expression() != NULL)
465     {
466       // Get the underlying object's encoding.
467       Named_object* no = this->expr()->var_expression()->named_object();
468       int enc = Node::make_node(no)->encoding();
469       this->encoding_ = enc;
470     }
471   return this->encoding_;
472 }
474 void
set_encoding(int enc)475 Node::set_encoding(int enc)
476 {
477   this->encoding_ = enc;
478   if (this->expr() != NULL)
479     {
480       if (this->expr()->var_expression() != NULL)
481         {
482           // Set underlying object as well.
483           Named_object* no = this->expr()->var_expression()->named_object();
484           Node::make_node(no)->set_encoding(enc);
485         }
486       else if (this->expr()->func_expression() != NULL)
487         {
488           // Propagate the escape state to the underlying
489           // closure (heap expression).
490           Expression* closure = this->expr()->func_expression()->closure();
491           if (closure != NULL)
492             Node::make_node(closure)->set_encoding(enc);
493         }
494     }
495 }
497 bool
is_big(Escape_context * context) const498 Node::is_big(Escape_context* context) const
499 {
500   Type* t = this->type();
501   if (t == NULL
502       || t->is_call_multiple_result_type()
503       || t->is_sink_type()
504       || t->is_void_type()
505       || t->is_abstract())
506     return false;
508   int64_t size;
509   bool ok = t->backend_type_size(context->gogo(), &size);
510   bool big = ok && (size < 0 || size > 10 * 1024 * 1024);
512   if (this->expr() != NULL)
513     {
514       if (this->expr()->allocation_expression() != NULL)
515 	{
516 	  ok = t->deref()->backend_type_size(context->gogo(), &size);
517 	  big = big || size <= 0 || size >= (1 << 16);
518 	}
519       else if (this->expr()->call_expression() != NULL)
520 	{
521 	  Call_expression* call = this->expr()->call_expression();
522 	  Func_expression* fn = call->fn()->func_expression();
523 	  if (fn != NULL
524 	      && fn->is_runtime_function()
525 	      && (fn->runtime_code() == Runtime::MAKESLICE
526 		  || fn->runtime_code() == Runtime::MAKESLICE64))
527 	    {
528 	      // Second argument is length.
529 	      Expression_list::iterator p = call->args()->begin();
530 	      ++p;
532               Expression* e = *p;
533               if (e->temporary_reference_expression() != NULL)
534                 {
535                   Temporary_reference_expression* tre = e->temporary_reference_expression();
536                   if (tre->statement() != NULL && tre->statement()->init() != NULL)
537                     e = tre->statement()->init();
538                 }
540 	      Numeric_constant nc;
541 	      unsigned long v;
542 	      if (e->numeric_constant_value(&nc)
543 		  && nc.to_unsigned_long(&v) == Numeric_constant::NC_UL_VALID)
544 		big = big || v >= (1 << 16);
545 	    }
546 	}
547     }
549   return big;
550 }
552 bool
is_sink() const553 Node::is_sink() const
554 {
555   if (this->object() != NULL
556       && this->object()->is_sink())
557     return true;
558   else if (this->expr() != NULL
559 	   && this->expr()->is_sink_expression())
560     return true;
561   return false;
562 }
564 std::map<Named_object*, Node*> Node::objects;
565 std::map<Expression*, Node*> Node::expressions;
566 std::map<Statement*, Node*> Node::statements;
567 std::vector<Node*> Node::indirects;
569 // Make a object node or return a cached node for this object.
571 Node*
make_node(Named_object * no)572 Node::make_node(Named_object* no)
573 {
574   if (Node::objects.find(no) != Node::objects.end())
575     return Node::objects[no];
577   Node* n = new Node(no);
578   std::pair<Named_object*, Node*> val(no, n);
579   Node::objects.insert(val);
580   return n;
581 }
583 // Make an expression node or return a cached node for this expression.
585 Node*
make_node(Expression * e)586 Node::make_node(Expression* e)
587 {
588   if (Node::expressions.find(e) != Node::expressions.end())
589     return Node::expressions[e];
591   Node* n = new Node(e);
592   std::pair<Expression*, Node*> val(e, n);
593   Node::expressions.insert(val);
594   return n;
595 }
597 // Make a statement node or return a cached node for this statement.
599 Node*
make_node(Statement * s)600 Node::make_node(Statement* s)
601 {
602   if (Node::statements.find(s) != Node::statements.end())
603     return Node::statements[s];
605   Node* n = new Node(s);
606   std::pair<Statement*, Node*> val(s, n);
607   Node::statements.insert(val);
608   return n;
609 }
611 // Make an indirect node with given child.
613 Node*
make_indirect_node(Node * child)614 Node::make_indirect_node(Node* child)
615 {
616   Node* n = new Node(child);
617   Node::indirects.push_back(n);
618   return n;
619 }
621 // Returns the maximum of an exisiting escape value
622 // (and its additional parameter flow flags) and a new escape type.
624 int
max_encoding(int e,int etype)625 Node::max_encoding(int e, int etype)
626 {
627   if ((e & ESCAPE_MASK) > etype)
628     return e;
629   if (etype == Node::ESCAPE_NONE || etype == Node::ESCAPE_RETURN)
630     return (e & ~ESCAPE_MASK) | etype;
631   return etype;
632 }
634 // Return a modified encoding for an input parameter that flows into an
635 // output parameter.
637 int
note_inout_flows(int e,int index,Level level)638 Node::note_inout_flows(int e, int index, Level level)
639 {
640   // Flow+level is encoded in two bits.
641   // 00 = not flow, xx = level+1 for 0 <= level <= maxEncodedLevel.
642   // 16 bits for Esc allows 6x2bits or 4x3bits or 3x4bits if additional
643   // information would be useful.
644   if (level.value() <= 0 && level.suffix_value() > 0)
645     return Node::max_encoding(e|ESCAPE_CONTENT_ESCAPES, Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
646   if (level.value() < 0)
647     return Node::ESCAPE_HEAP;
648   if (level.value() >  ESCAPE_MAX_ENCODED_LEVEL)
649     level = Level::From(ESCAPE_MAX_ENCODED_LEVEL);
651   int encoded = level.value() + 1;
653   int old = (e >> shift) & ESCAPE_BITS_MASK_FOR_TAG;
654   if (old == 0
655       || (encoded != 0 && encoded < old))
656     old = encoded;
658   int encoded_flow = old << shift;
659   if (((encoded_flow >> shift) & ESCAPE_BITS_MASK_FOR_TAG) != old)
660     {
661       // Failed to encode.  Put this on the heap.
662       return Node::ESCAPE_HEAP;
663     }
665   return (e & ~(ESCAPE_BITS_MASK_FOR_TAG << shift)) | encoded_flow;
666 }
668 // Class Escape_context.
Escape_context(Gogo * gogo,bool recursive)670 Escape_context::Escape_context(Gogo* gogo, bool recursive)
671   : gogo_(gogo), current_function_(NULL), recursive_(recursive),
672     sink_(Node::make_node(Named_object::make_sink())), loop_depth_(0),
673     flood_id_(0), pdepth_(0)
674 {
675   // The sink always escapes to heap and strictly lives outside of the
676   // current function i.e. loop_depth == -1.
677   Node::Escape_state* state = this->sink_->state(this, NULL);
678   state->loop_depth = -1;
679 }
681 std::string
debug_function_name(Named_object * fn)682 debug_function_name(Named_object* fn)
683 {
684   if (fn == NULL)
685     return "<S>";
687   if (!fn->is_function())
688     return Gogo::unpack_hidden_name(fn->name());
690   std::string fnname = Gogo::unpack_hidden_name(fn->name());
691   if (fn->func_value()->is_method())
692     {
693       // Methods in gc compiler are named "T.m" or "(*T).m" where
694       // T is the receiver type. Add the receiver here.
695       Type* rt = fn->func_value()->type()->receiver()->type();
696       switch (rt->classification())
697 	{
698 	case Type::TYPE_NAMED:
699 	  fnname = rt->named_type()->name() + "." + fnname;
700 	  break;
702 	case Type::TYPE_POINTER:
703 	  {
704 	    Named_type* nt = rt->points_to()->named_type();
705 	    if (nt != NULL)
706 	      fnname = "(*" + nt->name() + ")." + fnname;
707 	    break;
708 	  }
710 	default:
711 	  break;
712 	}
713     }
715   return fnname;
716 }
718 // Return the name of the current function.
720 std::string
current_function_name() const721 Escape_context::current_function_name() const
722 {
723   return debug_function_name(this->current_function_);
724 }
726 // Initialize the dummy return values for this Node N using the results
727 // in FNTYPE.
729 void
init_retvals(Node * n,Function_type * fntype)730 Escape_context::init_retvals(Node* n, Function_type* fntype)
731 {
732   if (fntype == NULL || fntype->results() == NULL)
733     return;
735   Node::Escape_state* state = n->state(this, NULL);
736   state->retvals.clear();
737   Location loc = n->location();
739   int i = 0;
740   char buf[50];
741   for (Typed_identifier_list::const_iterator p = fntype->results()->begin();
742        p != fntype->results()->end();
743        ++p, ++i)
744     {
745       snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, ".out%d", i);
746       Variable* dummy_var = new Variable(p->type(), NULL, false, false,
747 					 false, loc);
748       dummy_var->set_is_used();
749       Named_object* dummy_no =
750 	Named_object::make_variable(buf, NULL, dummy_var);
751       Node* dummy_node = Node::make_node(dummy_no);
752       // Initialize the state of the dummy output node.
753       Node::Escape_state* dummy_node_state = dummy_node->state(this, NULL);
754       dummy_node_state->loop_depth = this->loop_depth_;
756       // Add dummy node to the retvals of n.
757       state->retvals.push_back(dummy_node);
758     }
759 }
762 // Apply an indirection to N and return the result.
764 Node*
add_dereference(Node * n)765 Escape_context::add_dereference(Node* n)
766 {
767   Expression* e = n->expr();
768   Location loc = n->location();
769   Node* ind;
770   if (e != NULL
771       && e->type()->points_to() != NULL
772       && !e->type()->points_to()->is_void_type())
773     {
774       // We don't dereference void*, which can be actually any pointer type.
775       Expression* deref_expr = Expression::make_unary(OPERATOR_MULT, e, loc);
776       ind = Node::make_node(deref_expr);
777     }
778   else
779     // The gc compiler simply makes an OIND node. We can't do it
780     // for non-pointer type because that will result in a type error.
781     // Instead, we model this by making a node with a special flavor.
782     ind = Node::make_indirect_node(n);
784   // Initialize the state.
785   Node::Escape_state* state = ind->state(this, NULL);
786   state->loop_depth = n->state(this, NULL)->loop_depth;
787   return ind;
788 }
790 void
track(Node * n)791 Escape_context::track(Node* n)
792 {
793   n->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
794   // Initialize this node's state if it hasn't been encountered
795   // before.
796   Node::Escape_state* state = n->state(this, NULL);
797   state->loop_depth = this->loop_depth_;
799   this->noesc_.push_back(n);
800 }
802 // Return the string representation of an escapement encoding.
804 std::string
make_tag(int encoding)805 Escape_note::make_tag(int encoding)
806 {
807   char buf[50];
808   snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "esc:0x%x", encoding);
809   return buf;
810 }
812 // Return the escapement encoding for a string tag.
814 int
parse_tag(std::string * tag)815 Escape_note::parse_tag(std::string* tag)
816 {
817   if (tag == NULL || tag->substr(0, 4) != "esc:")
818     return Node::ESCAPE_UNKNOWN;
819   int encoding = (int)strtol(tag->substr(4).c_str(), NULL, 0);
820   if (encoding == 0)
821     return Node::ESCAPE_UNKNOWN;
822   return encoding;
823 }
826 // The -fgo-optimize-alloc flag activates this escape analysis.
828 Go_optimize optimize_allocation_flag("allocs", true);
830 // A helper function to compute whether a function name has a
831 // matching hash value.
833 static bool
escape_hash_match(std::string suffix,std::string name)834 escape_hash_match(std::string suffix, std::string name)
835 {
836   if (suffix.empty())
837     return true;
838   if (suffix.at(0) == '-')
839     return !escape_hash_match(suffix.substr(1), name);
841   const char* p = name.c_str();
842   Go_sha1_helper* sha1_helper = go_create_sha1_helper();
843   sha1_helper->process_bytes(p, strlen(p));
844   std::string s = sha1_helper->finish();
845   delete sha1_helper;
847   int j = suffix.size() - 1;
848   for (int i = s.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
849     {
850       char c = s.at(i);
851       for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++, j--, c>>=1)
852         {
853           if (j < 0)
854             return true;
855           char bit = suffix.at(j) - '0';
856           if ((c&1) != bit)
857             return false;
858         }
859     }
860   return false;
861 }
863 // Analyze the program flow for escape information.
865 void
analyze_escape()866 Gogo::analyze_escape()
867 {
868   if (saw_errors())
869     return;
871   if (!optimize_allocation_flag.is_enabled()
872       && !this->compiling_runtime())
873     // We always run escape analysis when compiling runtime.
874     return;
876   // Discover strongly connected groups of functions to analyze for escape
877   // information in this package.
878   this->discover_analysis_sets();
880   if (!this->debug_escape_hash().empty())
881     std::cerr << "debug-escape-hash " << this->debug_escape_hash() << "\n";
883   for (std::vector<Analysis_set>::iterator p = this->analysis_sets_.begin();
884        p != this->analysis_sets_.end();
885        ++p)
886     {
887       std::vector<Named_object*> stack = p->first;
889       if (!this->debug_escape_hash().empty())
890         {
891           bool match = false;
892           for (std::vector<Named_object*>::const_iterator fn = stack.begin();
893                fn != stack.end();
894                ++fn)
895             match = match || escape_hash_match(this->debug_escape_hash(), (*fn)->message_name());
896           if (!match)
897             {
898               // Escape analysis won't run on these functions, but still
899               // need to tag them, so the caller knows.
900               for (std::vector<Named_object*>::iterator fn = stack.begin();
901                    fn != stack.end();
902                    ++fn)
903                 if ((*fn)->is_function())
904                   {
905                     Function_type* fntype = (*fn)->func_value()->type();
906                     fntype->set_is_tagged();
908                     std::cerr << "debug-escape-hash disables " << debug_function_name(*fn) << "\n";
909                   }
911               continue;
912             }
913           for (std::vector<Named_object*>::const_iterator fn = stack.begin();
914                fn != stack.end();
915                ++fn)
916             if ((*fn)->is_function())
917               std::cerr << "debug-escape-hash triggers " << debug_function_name(*fn) << "\n";
918         }
920       Escape_context* context = new Escape_context(this, p->second);
922       // Analyze the flow of each function; build the connection graph.
923       // This is the assign phase.
924       for (std::vector<Named_object*>::reverse_iterator fn = stack.rbegin();
925            fn != stack.rend();
926            ++fn)
927 	{
928 	  context->set_current_function(*fn);
929 	  this->assign_connectivity(context, *fn);
930 	}
932       // Propagate levels across each dst.  This is the flood phase.
933       std::set<Node*> dsts = context->dsts();
934       Unordered_map(Node*, int) escapes;
935       for (std::set<Node*>::iterator n = dsts.begin();
936            n != dsts.end();
937            ++n)
938         {
939           escapes[*n] = (*n)->encoding();
940           this->propagate_escape(context, *n);
941         }
942       for (;;)
943         {
944           // Reflood if the roots' escape states increase. Run until fix point.
945           // This is rare.
946           bool done = true;
947           for (std::set<Node*>::iterator n = dsts.begin();
948                n != dsts.end();
949                ++n)
950             {
951               if ((*n)->object() == NULL
952                   && ((*n)->expr() == NULL
953                       || ((*n)->expr()->var_expression() == NULL
954                           && (*n)->expr()->enclosed_var_expression() == NULL
955                           && (*n)->expr()->func_expression() == NULL)))
956                 continue;
957               if (escapes[*n] != (*n)->encoding())
958                 {
959                   done = false;
960                   if (this->debug_escape_level() > 2)
961                     go_inform((*n)->location(), "Reflooding %s %s",
962                               debug_function_name((*n)->state(context, NULL)->fn).c_str(),
963                               (*n)->ast_format(this).c_str());
964                   escapes[*n] = (*n)->encoding();
965                   this->propagate_escape(context, *n);
966                 }
967             }
968           if (done)
969             break;
970         }
972       // Tag each exported function's parameters with escape information.
973       for (std::vector<Named_object*>::iterator fn = stack.begin();
974            fn != stack.end();
975            ++fn)
976         this->tag_function(context, *fn);
978       if (this->debug_escape_level() != 0)
979 	{
980 	  std::vector<Node*> noesc = context->non_escaping_nodes();
981 	  for (std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator n = noesc.begin();
982 	       n != noesc.end();
983 	       ++n)
984 	    {
985 	      Node::Escape_state* state = (*n)->state(context, NULL);
986 	      if ((*n)->encoding() == Node::ESCAPE_NONE)
987 		go_inform((*n)->location(), "%s %s does not escape",
988 			  strip_packed_prefix(this, debug_function_name(state->fn)).c_str(),
989 			  (*n)->ast_format(this).c_str());
990 	    }
991 	}
992       delete context;
993     }
994 }
996 // Traverse the program, discovering the functions that are roots of strongly
997 // connected components.  The goal of this phase to produce a set of functions
998 // that must be analyzed in order.
1000 class Escape_analysis_discover : public Traverse
1001 {
1002  public:
Escape_analysis_discover(Gogo * gogo)1003   Escape_analysis_discover(Gogo* gogo)
1004     : Traverse(traverse_functions | traverse_func_declarations),
1005       gogo_(gogo), component_ids_()
1006   { }
1008   int
1009   function(Named_object*);
1011   int
1012   function_declaration(Named_object*);
1014   int
1015   visit(Named_object*);
1017   int
1018   visit_code(Named_object*, int);
1020  private:
1021   // A counter used to generate the ID for the function node in the graph.
1022   static int id;
1024   // Type used to map functions to an ID in a graph of connected components.
1025   typedef Unordered_map(Named_object*, int) Component_ids;
1027   // The Go IR.
1028   Gogo* gogo_;
1029   // The list of functions encountered during connected component discovery.
1030   Component_ids component_ids_;
1031   // The stack of functions that this component consists of.
1032   std::stack<Named_object*> stack_;
1033 };
1035 int Escape_analysis_discover::id = 0;
1037 // Visit each function.
1039 int
function(Named_object * fn)1040 Escape_analysis_discover::function(Named_object* fn)
1041 {
1042   this->visit(fn);
1043   return TRAVERSE_CONTINUE;
1044 }
1046 int
function_declaration(Named_object * fn)1047 Escape_analysis_discover::function_declaration(Named_object* fn)
1048 {
1049   this->visit(fn);
1050   return TRAVERSE_CONTINUE;
1051 }
1053 // Visit a function FN, adding it to the current stack of functions
1054 // in this connected component.  If this is the root of the component,
1055 // create a set of functions to be analyzed later.
1056 //
1057 // Finding these sets is finding strongly connected components
1058 // in the static call graph.  The algorithm for doing that is taken
1059 // from Sedgewick, Algorithms, Second Edition, p. 482, with two
1060 // adaptations.
1061 //
1062 // First, a closure (fn->func_value()->enclosing() == NULL) cannot be the
1063 // root of a connected component.  Refusing to use it as a root
1064 // forces it into the component of the function in which it appears.
1065 // This is more convenient for escape analysis.
1066 //
1067 // Second, each function becomes two virtual nodes in the graph,
1068 // with numbers n and n+1. We record the function's node number as n
1069 // but search from node n+1. If the search tells us that the component
1070 // number (min) is n+1, we know that this is a trivial component: one function
1071 // plus its closures. If the search tells us that the component number is
1072 // n, then there was a path from node n+1 back to node n, meaning that
1073 // the function set is mutually recursive. The escape analysis can be
1074 // more precise when analyzing a single non-recursive function than
1075 // when analyzing a set of mutually recursive functions.
1077 int
visit(Named_object * fn)1078 Escape_analysis_discover::visit(Named_object* fn)
1079 {
1080   Component_ids::const_iterator p = this->component_ids_.find(fn);
1081   if (p != this->component_ids_.end())
1082     // Already visited.
1083     return p->second;
1085   this->id++;
1086   int id = this->id;
1087   this->component_ids_[fn] = id;
1088   this->id++;
1089   int min = this->id;
1091   this->stack_.push(fn);
1092   min = this->visit_code(fn, min);
1093   if ((min == id || min == id + 1)
1094       && ((fn->is_function() && fn->func_value()->enclosing() == NULL)
1095           || fn->is_function_declaration()))
1096     {
1097       bool recursive = min == id;
1098       std::vector<Named_object*> group;
1100       for (; !this->stack_.empty(); this->stack_.pop())
1101 	{
1102 	  Named_object* n = this->stack_.top();
1103 	  if (n == fn)
1104 	    {
1105 	      this->stack_.pop();
1106 	      break;
1107 	    }
1109 	  group.push_back(n);
1110 	  this->component_ids_[n] = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
1111 	}
1112       group.push_back(fn);
1113       this->component_ids_[fn] = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
1115       std::reverse(group.begin(), group.end());
1116       this->gogo_->add_analysis_set(group, recursive);
1117     }
1119   return min;
1120 }
1122 // Helper class for discovery step.  Traverse expressions looking for
1123 // function calls and closures to visit during the discovery step.
1125 class Escape_discover_expr : public Traverse
1126 {
1127  public:
Escape_discover_expr(Escape_analysis_discover * ead,int min)1128   Escape_discover_expr(Escape_analysis_discover* ead, int min)
1129     : Traverse(traverse_expressions),
1130       ead_(ead), min_(min)
1131   { }
1133   int
min()1134   min()
1135   { return this->min_; }
1137   int
1138   expression(Expression** pexpr);
1140  private:
1141   // The original discovery analysis.
1142   Escape_analysis_discover* ead_;
1143   // The minimum component ID in this group.
1144   int min_;
1145 };
1147 // Visit any calls or closures found when discovering expressions.
1149 int
expression(Expression ** pexpr)1150 Escape_discover_expr::expression(Expression** pexpr)
1151 {
1152   Expression* e = *pexpr;
1153   Named_object* fn = NULL;
1154   if (e->call_expression() != NULL
1155       && e->call_expression()->fn()->func_expression() != NULL)
1156     {
1157       // Method call or function call.
1158       fn = e->call_expression()->fn()->func_expression()->named_object();
1159     }
1160   else if (e->func_expression() != NULL
1161            && e->func_expression()->closure() != NULL)
1162     {
1163       // Closure.
1164       fn = e->func_expression()->named_object();
1165     }
1167   if (fn != NULL)
1168     this->min_ = std::min(this->min_, this->ead_->visit(fn));
1169   return TRAVERSE_CONTINUE;
1170 }
1172 // Visit the body of each function, returns ID of the minimum connected
1173 // component found in the body.
1175 int
visit_code(Named_object * fn,int min)1176 Escape_analysis_discover::visit_code(Named_object* fn, int min)
1177 {
1178   if (!fn->is_function())
1179     return min;
1181   Escape_discover_expr ede(this, min);
1182   fn->func_value()->traverse(&ede);
1183   return ede.min();
1184 }
1186 // Discover strongly connected groups of functions to analyze.
1188 void
discover_analysis_sets()1189 Gogo::discover_analysis_sets()
1190 {
1191   Escape_analysis_discover ead(this);
1192   this->traverse(&ead);
1193 }
1195 // Traverse all label and goto statements and mark the underlying label
1196 // as looping or not looping.
1198 class Escape_analysis_loop : public Traverse
1199 {
1200  public:
Escape_analysis_loop()1201   Escape_analysis_loop()
1202     : Traverse(traverse_statements)
1203   { }
1205   int
1206   statement(Block*, size_t*, Statement*);
1207 };
1209 int
statement(Block *,size_t *,Statement * s)1210 Escape_analysis_loop::statement(Block*, size_t*, Statement* s)
1211 {
1212   if (s->label_statement() != NULL)
1213     s->label_statement()->label()->set_nonlooping();
1214   else if (s->goto_statement() != NULL)
1215     {
1216       if (s->goto_statement()->label()->nonlooping())
1217         s->goto_statement()->label()->set_looping();
1218     }
1219   return TRAVERSE_CONTINUE;
1220 }
1222 // Traversal class used to look at all interesting statements within a function
1223 // in order to build a connectivity graph between all nodes within a context's
1224 // scope.
1226 class Escape_analysis_assign : public Traverse
1227 {
1228 public:
Escape_analysis_assign(Escape_context * context,Named_object * fn)1229   Escape_analysis_assign(Escape_context* context, Named_object* fn)
1230     : Traverse(traverse_statements
1231 	       | traverse_expressions),
1232       context_(context), fn_(fn)
1233   { }
1235   // Model statements within a function as assignments and flows between nodes.
1236   int
1237   statement(Block*, size_t*, Statement*);
1239   // Model expressions within a function as assignments and flows between nodes.
1240   int
1241   expression(Expression**);
1243   // Model calls within a function as assignments and flows between arguments
1244   // and results.
1245   void
1246   call(Call_expression* call);
1248   // Model the assignment of DST to SRC.
1249   void
1250   assign(Node* dst, Node* src);
1252   // Model the assignment of DST to dereference of SRC.
1253   void
1254   assign_deref(Node* dst, Node* src);
1256   // Model the input-to-output assignment flow of one of a function call's
1257   // arguments, where the flow is encoding in NOTE.
1258   int
1259   assign_from_note(std::string* note, const std::vector<Node*>& dsts,
1260 		   Node* src);
1262   // Record the flow of SRC to DST in DST.
1263   void
1264   flows(Node* dst, Node* src);
1266 private:
1267   // The escape context for this set of functions.
1268   Escape_context* context_;
1269   // The current function being analyzed.
1270   Named_object* fn_;
1271 };
1273 // Helper function to detect self assignment like the following.
1274 //
1275 // func (b *Buffer) Foo() {
1276 //   n, m := ...
1277 //   b.buf = b.buf[n:m]
1278 // }
1280 static bool
is_self_assignment(Expression * lhs,Expression * rhs)1281 is_self_assignment(Expression* lhs, Expression* rhs)
1282 {
1283   Unary_expression* lue =
1284     (lhs->field_reference_expression() != NULL
1285      ? lhs->field_reference_expression()->expr()->unary_expression()
1286      : lhs->unary_expression());
1287   Var_expression* lve =
1288     (lue != NULL && lue->op() == OPERATOR_MULT ? lue->operand()->var_expression() : NULL);
1289   Array_index_expression* raie = rhs->array_index_expression();
1290   String_index_expression* rsie = rhs->string_index_expression();
1291   Expression* rarray =
1292     (raie != NULL && raie->end() != NULL && raie->array()->type()->is_slice_type()
1293      ? raie->array()
1294      : (rsie != NULL && rsie->type()->is_string_type() ? rsie->string() : NULL));
1295   Unary_expression* rue =
1296     (rarray != NULL && rarray->field_reference_expression() != NULL
1297      ? rarray->field_reference_expression()->expr()->unary_expression()
1298      : (rarray != NULL ? rarray->unary_expression() : NULL));
1299   Var_expression* rve =
1300     (rue != NULL && rue->op() == OPERATOR_MULT ? rue->operand()->var_expression() : NULL);
1301   return lve != NULL && rve != NULL
1302          && lve->named_object() == rve->named_object();
1303 }
1305 // Model statements within a function as assignments and flows between nodes.
1307 int
statement(Block *,size_t *,Statement * s)1308 Escape_analysis_assign::statement(Block*, size_t*, Statement* s)
1309 {
1310   // Adjust the loop depth as we enter/exit blocks related to for statements.
1311   bool is_for_statement = (s->is_block_statement()
1312                            && s->block_statement()->is_lowered_for_statement());
1313   if (is_for_statement)
1314     this->context_->increase_loop_depth();
1316   s->traverse_contents(this);
1318   if (is_for_statement)
1319     this->context_->decrease_loop_depth();
1321   Gogo* gogo = this->context_->gogo();
1322   int debug_level = gogo->debug_escape_level();
1323   if (debug_level > 1
1324       && s->unnamed_label_statement() == NULL
1325       && s->expression_statement() == NULL
1326       && !s->is_block_statement())
1327     {
1328       Node* n = Node::make_node(s);
1329       std::string fn_name = this->context_->current_function_name();
1330       go_inform(s->location(), "[%d] %s esc: %s",
1331 	        this->context_->loop_depth(), fn_name.c_str(),
1332 	        n->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1333     }
1335   switch (s->classification())
1336     {
1338       {
1339 	Named_object* var = s->variable_declaration_statement()->var();
1340 	Node* var_node = Node::make_node(var);
1341 	Node::Escape_state* state = var_node->state(this->context_, NULL);
1342 	state->loop_depth = this->context_->loop_depth();
1344 	// Set the loop depth for this declaration.
1345 	if (var->is_variable()
1346 	    && var->var_value()->init() != NULL)
1347 	  {
1348 	    Node* init_node = Node::make_node(var->var_value()->init());
1349 	    this->assign(var_node, init_node);
1350 	  }
1351       }
1352       break;
1354     case Statement::STATEMENT_TEMPORARY:
1355       {
1356         Expression* init = s->temporary_statement()->init();
1357         if (init != NULL)
1358           this->assign(Node::make_node(s), Node::make_node(init));
1359       }
1360       break;
1362     case Statement::STATEMENT_LABEL:
1363       {
1364 	Label_statement* label_stmt = s->label_statement();
1365 	if (label_stmt->label()->looping())
1366 	  this->context_->increase_loop_depth();
1368 	if (debug_level > 1)
1369 	  {
1370 	    std::string label_type = (label_stmt->label()->looping()
1371 				      ? "looping"
1372 				      : "nonlooping");
1373 	    go_inform(s->location(), "%s %s label",
1374 		      label_stmt->label()->name().c_str(),
1375 		      label_type.c_str());
1376 	  }
1377       }
1378       break;
1380     case Statement::STATEMENT_SWITCH:
1381     case Statement::STATEMENT_TYPE_SWITCH:
1382       // Want to model the assignment of each case variable to the switched upon
1383       // variable.  This should be lowered into assignment statements; nothing
1384       // to here if that's the case.
1385       break;
1387     case Statement::STATEMENT_ASSIGNMENT:
1388       {
1389 	Assignment_statement* assn = s->assignment_statement();
1390         Expression* lhs = assn->lhs();
1391         Expression* rhs = assn->rhs();
1392         Node* lhs_node = Node::make_node(lhs);
1393         Node* rhs_node = Node::make_node(rhs);
1395         // Filter out the following special case.
1396         //
1397         // func (b *Buffer) Foo() {
1398         //   n, m := ...
1399         //   b.buf = b.buf[n:m]
1400         // }
1401         //
1402         // This assignment is a no-op for escape analysis,
1403         // it does not store any new pointers into b that were not already there.
1404         // However, without this special case b will escape.
1405         if (is_self_assignment(lhs, rhs))
1406           {
1407             if (debug_level != 0)
1408               go_inform(s->location(), "%s ignoring self-assignment to %s",
1409                         strip_packed_prefix(gogo, this->context_->current_function_name()).c_str(),
1410                         lhs_node->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1411             break;
1412           }
1414         this->assign(lhs_node, rhs_node);
1415       }
1416       break;
1418     case Statement::STATEMENT_SEND:
1419       {
1420 	Node* sent_node = Node::make_node(s->send_statement()->val());
1421 	this->assign(this->context_->sink(), sent_node);
1422       }
1423       break;
1425     case Statement::STATEMENT_DEFER:
1426       if (this->context_->loop_depth() == 1)
1427         {
1428           // Defer statement may need to allocate a thunk. When it is
1429           // not inside a loop, this can be stack allocated, as it
1430           // runs before the function finishes.
1431           Node* n = Node::make_node(s);
1432           n->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
1433           break;
1434         }
1435       // fallthrough
1437     case Statement::STATEMENT_GO:
1438       {
1439 	// Defer f(x) or go f(x).
1440 	// Both f and x escape to the heap.
1441 	Thunk_statement* thunk = s->thunk_statement();
1442 	if (thunk->call()->call_expression() == NULL)
1443 	  break;
1445 	Call_expression* call = thunk->call()->call_expression();
1446 	Node* func_node = Node::make_node(call->fn());
1447 	this->assign(this->context_->sink(), func_node);
1448 	if (call->args() != NULL)
1449 	  {
1450 	    for (Expression_list::const_iterator p = call->args()->begin();
1451 		 p != call->args()->end();
1452 		 ++p)
1453 	      {
1454 		Node* arg_node = Node::make_node(*p);
1455 		this->assign(this->context_->sink(), arg_node);
1456 	      }
1457 	  }
1458       }
1459       break;
1461     default:
1462       break;
1463     }
1465 }
1467 // Helper function to emit moved-to-heap diagnostics.
1469 static void
move_to_heap(Gogo * gogo,Expression * expr)1470 move_to_heap(Gogo* gogo, Expression *expr)
1471 {
1472   Named_object* no;
1473   if (expr->var_expression() != NULL)
1474     no = expr->var_expression()->named_object();
1475   else if (expr->enclosed_var_expression() != NULL)
1476     no = expr->enclosed_var_expression()->variable();
1477   else
1478     return;
1480   if ((no->is_variable()
1481        && !no->var_value()->is_global())
1482       || no->is_result_variable())
1483     {
1484       Node* n = Node::make_node(expr);
1485       if (gogo->debug_escape_level() != 0)
1486         go_inform(n->definition_location(),
1487                   "moved to heap: %s",
1488                   n->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1489       if (gogo->compiling_runtime() && gogo->package_name() == "runtime")
1490         go_error_at(expr->location(),
1491                     "%s escapes to heap, not allowed in runtime",
1492                     n->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1493     }
1494 }
1496 // Model expressions within a function as assignments and flows between nodes.
1498 int
expression(Expression ** pexpr)1499 Escape_analysis_assign::expression(Expression** pexpr)
1500 {
1501   Gogo* gogo = this->context_->gogo();
1502   int debug_level = gogo->debug_escape_level();
1504   // Big stuff escapes unconditionally.
1505   Node* n = Node::make_node(*pexpr);
1506   if ((n->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK) != int(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP)
1507       && n->is_big(this->context_))
1508     {
1509       if (debug_level > 1)
1510 	go_inform((*pexpr)->location(), "%s too large for stack",
1511                   n->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1512       move_to_heap(gogo, *pexpr);
1513       n->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
1514       (*pexpr)->address_taken(true);
1515       this->assign(this->context_->sink(), n);
1516     }
1518   if ((*pexpr)->func_expression() == NULL)
1519     (*pexpr)->traverse_subexpressions(this);
1521   if (debug_level > 1)
1522     {
1523       Node* n = Node::make_node(*pexpr);
1524       std::string fn_name = this->context_->current_function_name();
1525       go_inform((*pexpr)->location(), "[%d] %s esc: %s",
1526 		this->context_->loop_depth(), fn_name.c_str(),
1527 		n->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1528     }
1530   switch ((*pexpr)->classification())
1531     {
1532     case Expression::EXPRESSION_CALL:
1533       {
1534 	Call_expression* call = (*pexpr)->call_expression();
1535         if (call->is_builtin())
1536           {
1537             Builtin_call_expression* bce = call->builtin_call_expression();
1538             switch (bce->code())
1539               {
1540               case Builtin_call_expression::BUILTIN_PANIC:
1541                 {
1542                   // Argument could leak through recover.
1543                   Node* panic_arg = Node::make_node(call->args()->front());
1544                   this->assign(this->context_->sink(), panic_arg);
1545                 }
1546                 break;
1548               case Builtin_call_expression::BUILTIN_APPEND:
1549                 {
1550                   // The contents being appended leak.
1551                   if (call->is_varargs())
1552                     {
1553                       // append(slice1, slice2...) -- slice2 itself does not escape, but contents do
1554                       Node* appended = Node::make_node(call->args()->back());
1555                       this->assign_deref(this->context_->sink(), appended);
1556                       if (debug_level > 2)
1557                         go_inform((*pexpr)->location(),
1558                                   "special treatment of append(slice1, slice2...)");
1559                     }
1560                   else
1561                     {
1562                       for (Expression_list::const_iterator pa =
1563                              call->args()->begin() + 1;
1564                            pa != call->args()->end();
1565                            ++pa)
1566                         {
1567                           Node* arg = Node::make_node(*pa);
1568                           this->assign(this->context_->sink(), arg);
1569                         }
1570                     }
1572                   // The content of the original slice leaks as well.
1573                   Node* appendee = Node::make_node(call->args()->front());
1574                   this->assign_deref(this->context_->sink(), appendee);
1575                 }
1576                 break;
1578               case Builtin_call_expression::BUILTIN_COPY:
1579                 {
1580                   // Lose track of the copied content.
1581                   Node* copied = Node::make_node(call->args()->back());
1582                   this->assign_deref(this->context_->sink(), copied);
1583                 }
1584                 break;
1586               default:
1587                 break;
1588               }
1589             break;
1590           }
1591 	Func_expression* fe = call->fn()->func_expression();
1592 	if (fe != NULL && fe->is_runtime_function())
1593 	  {
1594 	    switch (fe->runtime_code())
1595 	      {
1596 	      case Runtime::MAKECHAN:
1597 	      case Runtime::MAKECHAN64:
1598 	      case Runtime::MAKEMAP:
1599 	      case Runtime::MAKESLICE:
1600 	      case Runtime::MAKESLICE64:
1601                 this->context_->track(n);
1602 		break;
1604               case Runtime::MAPASSIGN:
1605                 {
1606                   // Map key escapes. The last argument is the address
1607                   // of the key.
1608                   Node* key_node = Node::make_node(call->args()->back());
1609                   this->assign_deref(this->context_->sink(), key_node);
1610                 }
1611                 break;
1613               case Runtime::SELECTSEND:
1614                 {
1615                   // Send to a channel, lose track. The last argument is
1616                   // the address of the value to send.
1617                   Node* arg_node = Node::make_node(call->args()->back());
1618                   this->assign_deref(this->context_->sink(), arg_node);
1619                 }
1620                 break;
1622               case Runtime::IFACEE2T2:
1623               case Runtime::IFACEI2T2:
1624                 {
1625                   // x, ok = v.(T), where T is non-pointer non-interface,
1626                   // is lowered to
1627                   // ok = IFACEI2T2(type, v, (void*)&tmp_x)
1628                   // Here v flows to tmp_x.
1629                   // Note: other IFACEX2Y2 returns the conversion result.
1630                   // Those are handled in ::assign.
1631                   Node* src_node = Node::make_node(call->args()->at(1));
1632                   Node* dst_node;
1633                   Expression* arg2 = call->args()->at(2);
1634                   // Try to pull tmp_x out of the arg2 expression, and let v
1635                   // flows into it, instead of simply dereference arg2,
1636                   // which looks like dereference of an arbitrary pointer
1637                   // and causes v immediately escape.
1638                   // The expression form matches statement.cc,
1639                   // Tuple_type_guard_assignment_statement::lower_to_object_type.
1640                   Unary_expression* ue =
1641                     (arg2->conversion_expression() != NULL
1642                      ? arg2->conversion_expression()->expr()->unary_expression()
1643                      : arg2->unary_expression());
1644                   if (ue != NULL && ue->op() == OPERATOR_AND)
1645                     {
1646                       if (!ue->operand()->type()->has_pointer())
1647                         // Don't bother flowing non-pointer.
1648                         break;
1649                       dst_node = Node::make_node(ue->operand());
1650                     }
1651                   else
1652                     dst_node = this->context_->add_dereference(Node::make_node(arg2));
1653                   this->assign(dst_node, src_node);
1654                 }
1655                 break;
1657 	      default:
1658 		break;
1659 	      }
1660 	  }
1661         else
1662           this->call(call);
1663       }
1664       break;
1666     case Expression::EXPRESSION_ALLOCATION:
1667       // This is Runtime::NEW.
1668       this->context_->track(n);
1669       break;
1671     case Expression::EXPRESSION_STRING_CONCAT:
1672       this->context_->track(n);
1673       break;
1675     case Expression::EXPRESSION_CONVERSION:
1676       {
1677 	Type_conversion_expression* tce = (*pexpr)->conversion_expression();
1678         Type* ft = tce->expr()->type();
1679         Type* tt = tce->type();
1680         if ((ft->is_string_type() && tt->is_slice_type())
1681             || (ft->is_slice_type() && tt->is_string_type())
1682             || (ft->integer_type() != NULL && tt->is_string_type()))
1683           {
1684             // string([]byte), string([]rune), []byte(string), []rune(string), string(rune)
1685             this->context_->track(n);
1686             break;
1687           }
1688 	Node* tce_node = Node::make_node(tce);
1689 	Node* converted = Node::make_node(tce->expr());
1690 	this->context_->track(tce_node);
1692 	this->assign(tce_node, converted);
1693       }
1694       break;
1697     case Expression::EXPRESSION_SLICE_CONSTRUCTION:
1698       {
1699 	Node* array_node = Node::make_node(*pexpr);
1700 	if ((*pexpr)->slice_literal() != NULL)
1701 	  this->context_->track(array_node);
1703 	Expression_list* vals = ((*pexpr)->slice_literal() != NULL
1704 				 ? (*pexpr)->slice_literal()->vals()
1705 				 : (*pexpr)->array_literal()->vals());
1707 	if (vals != NULL)
1708 	  {
1709 	    // Connect the array to its values.
1710 	    for (Expression_list::const_iterator p = vals->begin();
1711 		 p != vals->end();
1712 		 ++p)
1713 	      if ((*p) != NULL)
1714 		this->assign(array_node, Node::make_node(*p));
1715 	  }
1716       }
1717       break;
1720       {
1721 	Node* struct_node = Node::make_node(*pexpr);
1722 	Expression_list* vals = (*pexpr)->struct_literal()->vals();
1723 	if (vals != NULL)
1724 	  {
1725 	    // Connect the struct to its values.
1726 	    for (Expression_list::const_iterator p = vals->begin();
1727 		 p != vals->end();
1728 		 ++p)
1729 	      {
1730 		if ((*p) != NULL)
1731 		  this->assign(struct_node, Node::make_node(*p));
1732 	      }
1733 	  }
1734       }
1735       break;
1737     case Expression::EXPRESSION_HEAP:
1738       {
1739 	Node* pointer_node = Node::make_node(*pexpr);
1740 	Node* lit_node = Node::make_node((*pexpr)->heap_expression()->expr());
1741 	this->context_->track(pointer_node);
1743 	// Connect pointer node to literal node; if the pointer node escapes, so
1744 	// does the literal node.
1745 	this->assign(pointer_node, lit_node);
1746       }
1747       break;
1749     case Expression::EXPRESSION_BOUND_METHOD:
1750       {
1751 	Node* bound_node = Node::make_node(*pexpr);
1752 	this->context_->track(bound_node);
1754 	Expression* obj = (*pexpr)->bound_method_expression()->first_argument();
1755 	Node* obj_node = Node::make_node(obj);
1757 	// A bound method implies the receiver will be used outside of the
1758 	// lifetime of the method in some way.  We lose track of the receiver.
1759 	this->assign(this->context_->sink(), obj_node);
1760       }
1761       break;
1763     case Expression::EXPRESSION_MAP_CONSTRUCTION:
1764       {
1765 	Map_construction_expression* mce = (*pexpr)->map_literal();
1766 	Node* map_node = Node::make_node(mce);
1767 	this->context_->track(map_node);
1769 	// All keys and values escape to memory.
1770 	if (mce->vals() != NULL)
1771 	  {
1772 	    for (Expression_list::const_iterator p = mce->vals()->begin();
1773 		 p != mce->vals()->end();
1774 		 ++p)
1775 	      {
1776 		if ((*p) != NULL)
1777 		  this->assign(this->context_->sink(), Node::make_node(*p));
1778 	      }
1779 	  }
1780       }
1781       break;
1783     case Expression::EXPRESSION_FUNC_REFERENCE:
1784       {
1785 	Func_expression* fe = (*pexpr)->func_expression();
1786 	if (fe->closure() != NULL)
1787 	  {
1788 	    // Connect captured variables to the closure.
1789 	    Node* closure_node = Node::make_node(fe);
1790 	    this->context_->track(closure_node);
1792 	    // A closure expression already exists as the heap expression:
1793 	    // &struct{f func_code, v []*Variable}{...}.
1794 	    // Link closure to the addresses of the variables enclosed.
1795 	    Heap_expression* he = fe->closure()->heap_expression();
1796 	    Struct_construction_expression* sce = he->expr()->struct_literal();
1798 	    // First field is function code, other fields are variable
1799 	    // references.
1800 	    Expression_list::const_iterator p = sce->vals()->begin();
1801 	    ++p;
1802 	    for (; p != sce->vals()->end(); ++p)
1803 	      {
1804 		Node* enclosed_node = Node::make_node(*p);
1805 		this->context_->track(enclosed_node);
1806 		this->assign(closure_node, enclosed_node);
1807 	      }
1808 	  }
1809       }
1810       break;
1812     case Expression::EXPRESSION_UNARY:
1813       {
1814 	if ((*pexpr)->unary_expression()->op() != OPERATOR_AND)
1815 	  break;
1817 	Node* addr_node = Node::make_node(*pexpr);
1818 	this->context_->track(addr_node);
1820 	Expression* operand = (*pexpr)->unary_expression()->operand();
1821 	Named_object* var = NULL;
1822 	if (operand->var_expression() != NULL)
1823 	  var = operand->var_expression()->named_object();
1824 	else if (operand->enclosed_var_expression() != NULL)
1825 	  var = operand->enclosed_var_expression()->variable();
1827 	if (var == NULL)
1828 	  break;
1830 	if (var->is_variable()
1831 	    && !var->var_value()->is_parameter())
1832 	  {
1833 	    // For &x, use the loop depth of x if known.
1834 	    Node::Escape_state* addr_state =
1835 	      addr_node->state(this->context_, NULL);
1836 	    Node* operand_node = Node::make_node(operand);
1837 	    Node::Escape_state* operand_state =
1838 	      operand_node->state(this->context_, NULL);
1839 	    if (operand_state->loop_depth != 0)
1840 	      addr_state->loop_depth = operand_state->loop_depth;
1841 	  }
1842 	else if ((var->is_variable()
1843 		  && var->var_value()->is_parameter())
1844 		 || var->is_result_variable())
1845 	  {
1846 	    Node::Escape_state* addr_state =
1847 	      addr_node->state(this->context_, NULL);
1848 	    addr_state->loop_depth = 1;
1849 	  }
1850       }
1851       break;
1853     case Expression::EXPRESSION_ARRAY_INDEX:
1854       {
1855         Array_index_expression* aie = (*pexpr)->array_index_expression();
1856         if (aie->end() != NULL && !aie->array()->type()->is_slice_type())
1857           {
1858             // Slicing an array.
1859             Expression* addr = Expression::make_unary(OPERATOR_AND, aie->array(),
1860                                                       aie->location());
1861             Node* addr_node = Node::make_node(addr);
1862             n->set_child(addr_node);
1863             this->context_->track(addr_node);
1864           }
1865       }
1866       break;
1868     default:
1869       break;
1870     }
1872 }
1874 // Model calls within a function as assignments and flows between arguments
1875 // and results.
1877 void
call(Call_expression * call)1878 Escape_analysis_assign::call(Call_expression* call)
1879 {
1880   Gogo* gogo = this->context_->gogo();
1881   int debug_level = gogo->debug_escape_level();
1883   Func_expression* fn = call->fn()->func_expression();
1884   Function_type* fntype = call->get_function_type();
1885   bool indirect = false;
1887   // Interface method calls or closure calls are indirect calls.
1888   if (fntype == NULL
1889       || (fntype->is_method()
1890 	  && fntype->receiver()->type()->interface_type() != NULL)
1891       || fn == NULL
1892       || (fn->named_object()->is_function()
1893 	  && fn->named_object()->func_value()->enclosing() != NULL))
1894     indirect = true;
1896   Node* call_node = Node::make_node(call);
1897   std::vector<Node*> arg_nodes;
1898   if (call->fn()->interface_field_reference_expression() != NULL)
1899     {
1900       Interface_field_reference_expression* ifre =
1901 	call->fn()->interface_field_reference_expression();
1902       Node* field_node = Node::make_node(ifre->expr());
1903       arg_nodes.push_back(field_node);
1904     }
1906   if (call->args() != NULL)
1907     {
1908       for (Expression_list::const_iterator p = call->args()->begin();
1909 	   p != call->args()->end();
1910 	   ++p)
1911 	arg_nodes.push_back(Node::make_node(*p));
1912     }
1914   if (indirect)
1915     {
1916       // We don't know what happens to the parameters through indirect calls.
1917       // Be conservative and assume they all flow to theSink.
1918       for (std::vector<Node*>::iterator p = arg_nodes.begin();
1919            p != arg_nodes.end();
1920            ++p)
1921 	{
1922 	  if (debug_level > 2)
1923 	    go_inform(call->location(),
1924 		      "esccall:: indirect call <- %s, untracked",
1925 		      (*p)->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1926 	  this->assign(this->context_->sink(), *p);
1927 	}
1929       this->context_->init_retvals(call_node, fntype);
1931       // It could be a closure call that returns captured variable.
1932       // Model this by flowing the func expression to result.
1933       // See issue #14409.
1934       Node* fn_node = Node::make_node(call->fn());
1935       std::vector<Node*> retvals = call_node->state(this->context_, NULL)->retvals;
1936       for (std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator p = retvals.begin();
1937            p != retvals.end();
1938            ++p)
1939         this->assign_deref(*p, fn_node);
1941       return;
1942     }
1944   // If FN is an untagged function.
1945   if (fn != NULL
1946       && fn->named_object()->is_function()
1947       && !fntype->is_tagged())
1948     {
1949       if (debug_level > 2)
1950 	go_inform(call->location(), "esccall:: %s in recursive group",
1951 		  call_node->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
1953       Function* f = fn->named_object()->func_value();
1954       const Bindings* callee_bindings = f->block()->bindings();
1955       Function::Results* results = f->result_variables();
1956       if (results != NULL)
1957 	{
1958 	  // Setup output list on this call node.
1959 	  Node::Escape_state* state = call_node->state(this->context_, NULL);
1960 	  for (Function::Results::const_iterator p1 = results->begin();
1961 	       p1 != results->end();
1962 	       ++p1)
1963 	    {
1964 	      Node* result_node = Node::make_node(*p1);
1965 	      state->retvals.push_back(result_node);
1966 	    }
1967 	}
1969       std::vector<Node*>::iterator p = arg_nodes.begin();
1970       if (fntype->is_method())
1971 	{
1972 	  std::string rcvr_name = fntype->receiver()->name();
1973 	  if (rcvr_name.empty() || Gogo::is_sink_name(rcvr_name)
1974               || !fntype->receiver()->type()->has_pointer())
1975 	    ;
1976 	  else
1977 	    {
1978 	      Named_object* rcvr_no =
1979 		callee_bindings->lookup_local(fntype->receiver()->name());
1980 	      go_assert(rcvr_no != NULL);
1981 	      Node* rcvr_node = Node::make_node(rcvr_no);
1982               if (fntype->receiver()->type()->points_to() == NULL
1983                   && (*p)->expr()->type()->points_to() != NULL)
1984                 // This is a call to a value method that has been lowered into a call
1985                 // to a pointer method.  Gccgo generates a pointer method for all
1986                 // method calls and takes the address of the value passed as the
1987                 // receiver then immediately dereferences it within the function.
1988                 // In this case, the receiver address does not escape; its content
1989                 // flows to the call.
1990                 this->assign_deref(rcvr_node, *p);
1991               else
1992                 this->assign(rcvr_node, *p);
1993 	    }
1994 	  ++p;
1995 	}
1997       const Typed_identifier_list* til = fntype->parameters();
1998       if (til != NULL)
1999 	{
2000 	  for (Typed_identifier_list::const_iterator p1 = til->begin();
2001 	       p1 != til->end();
2002 	       ++p1, ++p)
2003 	    {
2004 	      if (p1->name().empty() || Gogo::is_sink_name(p1->name()))
2005 		continue;
2007 	      Named_object* param_no =
2008 		callee_bindings->lookup_local(p1->name());
2009 	      go_assert(param_no != NULL);
2010 	      Expression* arg = (*p)->expr();
2011 	      if (arg->var_expression() != NULL
2012 		  && arg->var_expression()->named_object() == param_no)
2013 		continue;
2015 	      Node* param_node = Node::make_node(param_no);
2016 	      this->assign(param_node, *p);
2017 	    }
2019 	  for (; p != arg_nodes.end(); ++p)
2020 	    {
2021 	      if (debug_level > 2)
2022 		go_inform(call->location(), "esccall:: ... <- %s, untracked",
2023 			  (*p)->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2024 	      this->assign(this->context_->sink(), *p);
2025 	    }
2026 	}
2028       return;
2029     }
2031   if (debug_level > 2)
2032     go_inform(call->location(), "esccall:: %s not recursive",
2033 	      call_node->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2035   Node::Escape_state* call_state = call_node->state(this->context_, NULL);
2036   if (!call_state->retvals.empty())
2037     go_error_at(Linemap::unknown_location(),
2038 		"esc already decorated call %s",
2039 		call_node->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2040   this->context_->init_retvals(call_node, fntype);
2042   // Receiver.
2043   std::vector<Node*>::iterator p = arg_nodes.begin();
2044   if (fntype->is_method()
2045       && p != arg_nodes.end())
2046     {
2047       // First argument to call will be the receiver.
2048       std::string* note = fntype->receiver()->note();
2049       if (fntype->receiver()->type()->points_to() == NULL
2050           && (*p)->expr()->type()->points_to() != NULL)
2051         // This is a call to a value method that has been lowered into a call
2052         // to a pointer method.  Gccgo generates a pointer method for all
2053         // method calls and takes the address of the value passed as the
2054         // receiver then immediately dereferences it within the function.
2055         // In this case, the receiver address does not escape; its content
2056         // flows to the call.
2057         this->assign_from_note(note, call_state->retvals,
2058                                this->context_->add_dereference(*p));
2059       else
2060 	{
2061 	  if (!Type::are_identical(fntype->receiver()->type(),
2062 			       (*p)->expr()->type(), true, NULL))
2063 	    {
2064 	      // This will be converted later, preemptively track it instead
2065 	      // of its conversion expression which will show up in a later pass.
2066 	      this->context_->track(*p);
2067 	    }
2068 	  this->assign_from_note(note, call_state->retvals, *p);
2069 	}
2070       p++;
2071     }
2073   const Typed_identifier_list* til = fntype->parameters();
2074   if (til != NULL)
2075     {
2076       for (Typed_identifier_list::const_iterator pn = til->begin();
2077 	   pn != til->end() && p != arg_nodes.end();
2078 	   ++pn, ++p)
2079 	{
2080 	  if (!Type::are_identical(pn->type(), (*p)->expr()->type(),
2081 				   true, NULL))
2082 	    {
2083 	      // This will be converted later, preemptively track it instead
2084 	      // of its conversion expression which will show up in a later pass.
2085 	      this->context_->track(*p);
2086 	    }
2088 	  Type* t = pn->type();
2089 	  if (t != NULL
2090 	      && t->has_pointer())
2091 	    {
2092 	      std::string* note = pn->note();
2093 	      int enc = this->assign_from_note(note, call_state->retvals, *p);
2094 	      if (enc == Node::ESCAPE_NONE
2095 		  && !call->is_deferred()
2096 		  && !call->is_concurrent())
2097 		{
2098                   // TODO(cmang): Mark the argument as strictly non-escaping?
2099                   // In the gc compiler this is for limiting the lifetime of
2100                   // temporaries. We probably don't need this?
2101 		}
2102 	    }
2103 	}
2105       for (; p != arg_nodes.end(); ++p)
2106 	{
2107 	  if (debug_level > 2)
2108 	    go_inform(call->location(), "esccall:: ... <- %s, untracked",
2109                       (*p)->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2110 	  this->assign(this->context_->sink(), *p);
2111 	}
2112     }
2113 }
2115 // Model the assignment of DST to SRC.
2116 // Assert that SRC somehow gets assigned to DST.
2117 // DST might need to be examined for evaluations that happen inside of it.
2118 // For example, in [DST]*f(x) = [SRC]y, we lose track of the indirection and
2119 // DST becomes the sink in our model.
2121 void
assign(Node * dst,Node * src)2122 Escape_analysis_assign::assign(Node* dst, Node* src)
2123 {
2124   Gogo* gogo = this->context_->gogo();
2125   int debug_level = gogo->debug_escape_level();
2126   if (debug_level > 1)
2127     go_inform(dst->location(), "[%d] %s escassign: %s(%s)[%s] = %s(%s)[%s]",
2128 	      this->context_->loop_depth(),
2129 	      strip_packed_prefix(gogo, this->context_->current_function_name()).c_str(),
2130 	      dst->ast_format(gogo).c_str(), dst->details().c_str(),
2131 	      dst->op_format().c_str(),
2132 	      src->ast_format(gogo).c_str(), src->details().c_str(),
2133 	      src->op_format().c_str());
2135   if (dst->is_indirect())
2136     // Lose track of the dereference.
2137     dst = this->context_->sink();
2138   else if (dst->expr() != NULL)
2139     {
2140       // Analyze the lhs of the assignment.
2141       // Replace DST with this->context_->sink() if we can't track it.
2142       Expression* e = dst->expr();
2143       switch (e->classification())
2144         {
2145 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_VAR_REFERENCE:
2146 	  {
2147 	    // If DST is a global variable, we have no way to track it.
2148 	    Named_object* var = e->var_expression()->named_object();
2149 	    if (var->is_variable() && var->var_value()->is_global())
2150 	      dst = this->context_->sink();
2151 	  }
2152 	  break;
2154 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_FIELD_REFERENCE:
2155 	  {
2156 	    Expression* strct = e->field_reference_expression()->expr();
2157 	    if (strct->heap_expression() != NULL)
2158 	      {
2159 		// When accessing the field of a struct reference, we lose
2160 		// track of the indirection.
2161 		dst = this->context_->sink();
2162 		break;
2163 	      }
2165 	    // Treat DST.x = SRC as if it were DST = SRC.
2166 	    Node* struct_node = Node::make_node(strct);
2167 	    this->assign(struct_node, src);
2168 	    return;
2169 	  }
2171 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_ARRAY_INDEX:
2172 	  {
2173 	    Array_index_expression* are = e->array_index_expression();
2174 	    if (!are->array()->type()->is_slice_type())
2175 	      {
2176 		// Treat DST[i] = SRC as if it were DST = SRC if DST if a fixed
2177 		// array.
2178 		Node* array_node = Node::make_node(are->array());
2179 		this->assign(array_node, src);
2180 		return;
2181 	      }
2183 	    // Lose track of the slice dereference.
2184 	    dst = this->context_->sink();
2185 	  }
2186 	  break;
2188 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_UNARY:
2189 	  // Lose track of the dereference.
2190 	  if (e->unary_expression()->op() == OPERATOR_MULT)
2191 	    dst = this->context_->sink();
2192 	  break;
2194 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_MAP_INDEX:
2195 	  {
2196 	    // Lose track of the map's key and value.
2197 	    Expression* index = e->map_index_expression()->index();
2198 	    Node* index_node = Node::make_node(index);
2199 	    this->assign(this->context_->sink(), index_node);
2201 	    dst = this->context_->sink();
2202 	  }
2203 	  break;
2205         case Expression::EXPRESSION_TEMPORARY_REFERENCE:
2206           {
2207             // Temporary is tracked through the underlying Temporary_statement.
2208             Statement* t = dst->expr()->temporary_reference_expression()->statement();
2209             dst = Node::make_node(t);
2210           }
2211           break;
2213 	default:
2214 	  // TODO(cmang): Add debugging info here: only a few expressions
2215 	  // should leave DST unmodified.
2216 	  break;
2217         }
2218     }
2220   if (src->object() != NULL)
2221     this->flows(dst, src);
2222   else if (src->is_indirect())
2223     this->flows(dst, src);
2224   else if (src->expr() != NULL)
2225     {
2226       Expression* e = src->expr();
2227       switch (e->classification())
2228         {
2229 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_VAR_REFERENCE:
2230         case Expression::EXPRESSION_ENCLOSED_VAR_REFERENCE:
2231 	  // DST = var
2232 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_HEAP:
2233 	  // DST = &T{...}.
2236 	  // DST = [...]T{...}.
2238 	  // DST = map[T]V{...}.
2240 	  // DST = T{...}.
2241 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_ALLOCATION:
2242 	  // DST = new(T).
2243 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_BOUND_METHOD:
2244 	  // DST = x.M.
2245         case Expression::EXPRESSION_STRING_CONCAT:
2246           // DST = str1 + str2
2247 	  this->flows(dst, src);
2248 	  break;
2251 	  {
2252 	    Expression* underlying = e->unsafe_conversion_expression()->expr();
2253 	    Node* underlying_node = Node::make_node(underlying);
2254 	    this->assign(dst, underlying_node);
2255 	  }
2256 	  break;
2258 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_CALL:
2259 	  {
2260 	    Call_expression* call = e->call_expression();
2261             if (call->is_builtin())
2262               {
2263                 Builtin_call_expression* bce = call->builtin_call_expression();
2264                 if (bce->code() == Builtin_call_expression::BUILTIN_APPEND)
2265                   {
2266                     // Append returns the first argument.
2267                     // The subsequent arguments are already leaked because
2268                     // they are operands to append.
2269                     Node* appendee = Node::make_node(call->args()->front());
2270                     this->assign(dst, appendee);
2271                   }
2272                 break;
2273               }
2274 	    Func_expression* fe = call->fn()->func_expression();
2275 	    if (fe != NULL && fe->is_runtime_function())
2276 	      {
2277 		switch (fe->runtime_code())
2278 		  {
2279 		  case Runtime::MAKECHAN:
2280 		  case Runtime::MAKECHAN64:
2281 		  case Runtime::MAKEMAP:
2282 		  case Runtime::MAKESLICE:
2283 		  case Runtime::MAKESLICE64:
2284 		    // DST = make(...).
2285                     this->flows(dst, src);
2286                     break;
2288 		  default:
2289 		    break;
2290 		  }
2291 		break;
2292 	      }
2293 	    else if (fe != NULL
2294 		     && fe->named_object()->is_function()
2295 		     && fe->named_object()->func_value()->is_method()
2296 		     && (call->is_deferred()
2297 			 || call->is_concurrent()))
2298 	      {
2299 		// For a method call thunk, lose track of the call and treat it
2300 		// as if DST = RECEIVER.
2301 		Node* rcvr_node = Node::make_node(call->args()->front());
2302 		this->assign(dst, rcvr_node);
2303 		break;
2304 	      }
2306             // Result flows to dst.
2307             Node* call_node = Node::make_node(e);
2308             Node::Escape_state* call_state = call_node->state(this->context_, NULL);
2309             std::vector<Node*> retvals = call_state->retvals;
2310             for (std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator p = retvals.begin();
2311                  p != retvals.end();
2312                  ++p)
2313               this->flows(dst, *p);
2314 	  }
2315 	  break;
2317         case Expression::EXPRESSION_CALL_RESULT:
2318           {
2319             Call_result_expression* cre = e->call_result_expression();
2320             Call_expression* call = cre->call()->call_expression();
2321             if (call->is_builtin())
2322               break;
2323             if (call->fn()->func_expression() != NULL
2324                 && call->fn()->func_expression()->is_runtime_function())
2325               {
2326                 switch (call->fn()->func_expression()->runtime_code())
2327                   {
2328                   case Runtime::IFACEE2E2:
2329                   case Runtime::IFACEI2E2:
2330                   case Runtime::IFACEE2I2:
2331                   case Runtime::IFACEI2I2:
2332                   case Runtime::IFACEE2T2P:
2333                   case Runtime::IFACEI2T2P:
2334                     {
2335                       // x, ok = v.(T), where T is a pointer or interface,
2336                       // is lowered to
2337                       // x, ok = IFACEI2E2(v), or
2338                       // x, ok = IFACEI2I2(type, v)
2339                       // The last arg flows to the first result.
2340                       // Note: IFACEX2T2 has different signature, handled by
2341                       // ::expression.
2342                       if (cre->index() != 0)
2343                         break;
2344                       Node* arg_node = Node::make_node(call->args()->back());
2345                       this->assign(dst, arg_node);
2346                     }
2347                     break;
2349                   default:
2350                     break;
2351                   }
2352                 break;
2353               }
2355             Node* call_node = Node::make_node(call);
2356             Node* ret_node = call_node->state(context_, NULL)->retvals[cre->index()];
2357             this->assign(dst, ret_node);
2358           }
2359           break;
2361 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_FUNC_REFERENCE:
2362 	  if (e->func_expression()->closure() != NULL)
2363             this->flows(dst, src);
2364 	  break;
2366         case Expression::EXPRESSION_CONVERSION:
2367           {
2368             Type_conversion_expression* tce = e->conversion_expression();
2369             Type* ft = tce->expr()->type();
2370             Type* tt = tce->type();
2371             if ((ft->is_string_type() && tt->is_slice_type())
2372                 || (ft->is_slice_type() && tt->is_string_type())
2373                 || (ft->integer_type() != NULL && tt->is_string_type()))
2374               {
2375                 // string([]byte), string([]rune), []byte(string), []rune(string), string(rune)
2376                 this->flows(dst, src);
2377                 break;
2378               }
2379             // Conversion preserves input value.
2380             Expression* underlying = tce->expr();
2381             this->assign(dst, Node::make_node(underlying));
2382           }
2383           break;
2385 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_FIELD_REFERENCE:
2386 	  {
2387 	    // A non-pointer can't escape from a struct.
2388 	    if (!e->type()->has_pointer())
2389 	      break;
2390 	  }
2391 	  // Fall through.
2393 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_TYPE_GUARD:
2394 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_ARRAY_INDEX:
2395 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_STRING_INDEX:
2396 	  {
2397 	    Expression* left = NULL;
2398 	    if (e->field_reference_expression() != NULL)
2399 	      {
2400 		left = e->field_reference_expression()->expr();
2401 		if (left->unary_expression() != NULL
2402 		    && left->unary_expression()->op() == OPERATOR_MULT)
2403 		  {
2404 		    // DST = (*x).f
2405 		    this->flows(dst, src);
2406 		    break;
2407 		  }
2408 	      }
2409 	    else if (e->type_guard_expression() != NULL)
2410 	      left = e->type_guard_expression()->expr();
2411 	    else if (e->array_index_expression() != NULL)
2412 	      {
2413 		Array_index_expression* aie = e->array_index_expression();
2414 		if (aie->end() != NULL)
2415                   // slicing
2416                   if (aie->array()->type()->is_slice_type())
2417                     left = aie->array();
2418                   else
2419                     {
2420                       // slicing an array
2421                       // The gc compiler has an implicit address operator.
2422                       go_assert(src->child() != NULL);
2423                       this->assign(dst, src->child());
2424                       break;
2425                     }
2426 		else if (!aie->array()->type()->is_slice_type())
2427 		  {
2428 		    // Indexing an array preserves the input value.
2429 		    Node* array_node = Node::make_node(aie->array());
2430 		    this->assign(dst, array_node);
2431 		    break;
2432 		  }
2433 		else
2434 		  {
2435 		    this->flows(dst, src);
2436 		    break;
2437 		  }
2438 	      }
2439 	    else if (e->string_index_expression() != NULL)
2440 	      {
2441 		String_index_expression* sie = e->string_index_expression();
2442 		if (e->type()->is_string_type())
2443                   // slicing
2444 		  left = sie->string();
2445 		else
2446 		  {
2447 		    this->flows(dst, src);
2448 		    break;
2449 		  }
2450 	      }
2451 	    go_assert(left != NULL);
2453 	    // Conversions, field access, and slicing all preserve the input
2454 	    // value.
2455 	    Node* left_node = Node::make_node(left);
2456 	    this->assign(dst, left_node);
2457 	  }
2458 	  break;
2460 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_BINARY:
2461 	  {
2462 	    switch (e->binary_expression()->op())
2463 	      {
2464 	      case OPERATOR_PLUS:
2465 	      case OPERATOR_MINUS:
2466 	      case OPERATOR_XOR:
2467               case OPERATOR_OR:
2468 	      case OPERATOR_MULT:
2469 	      case OPERATOR_DIV:
2470 	      case OPERATOR_MOD:
2471 	      case OPERATOR_LSHIFT:
2472 	      case OPERATOR_RSHIFT:
2473 	      case OPERATOR_AND:
2474 	      case OPERATOR_BITCLEAR:
2475 		{
2476 		  Node* left = Node::make_node(e->binary_expression()->left());
2477 		  this->assign(dst, left);
2478 		  Node* right = Node::make_node(e->binary_expression()->right());
2479 		  this->assign(dst, right);
2480 		}
2481 		break;
2483 	      default:
2484 		break;
2485 	      }
2486 	  }
2487 	  break;
2489 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_UNARY:
2490 	  {
2491 	    switch (e->unary_expression()->op())
2492 	      {
2493 	      case OPERATOR_PLUS:
2494 	      case OPERATOR_MINUS:
2495 	      case OPERATOR_XOR:
2496 		{
2497 		    Node* op_node =
2498 		      Node::make_node(e->unary_expression()->operand());
2499 		    this->assign(dst, op_node);
2500 		}
2501 		break;
2503 	      case OPERATOR_MULT:
2504 		// DST = *x
2505 	      case OPERATOR_AND:
2506 		// DST = &x
2507 		this->flows(dst, src);
2508 		break;
2510 	      default:
2511 		break;
2512 	      }
2513 	  }
2514 	  break;
2517 	  {
2518 	    Statement* temp = e->temporary_reference_expression()->statement();
2519             this->assign(dst, Node::make_node(temp));
2520 	  }
2521 	  break;
2523 	default:
2524 	  // TODO(cmang): Add debug info here; this should not be reachable.
2525 	  // For now, just to be conservative, we'll just say dst flows to src.
2526 	  break;
2527 	}
2528     }
2529   else if (src->statement() != NULL && src->statement()->temporary_statement() != NULL)
2530     this->flows(dst, src);
2531 }
2533 // Model the assignment of DST to an indirection of SRC.
2535 void
assign_deref(Node * dst,Node * src)2536 Escape_analysis_assign::assign_deref(Node* dst, Node* src)
2537 {
2538   if (src->expr() != NULL)
2539     {
2540       switch (src->expr()->classification())
2541         {
2542 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_BOOLEAN:
2543 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_STRING:
2544 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_INTEGER:
2545 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_FLOAT:
2546 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_COMPLEX:
2547 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_NIL:
2548 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_IOTA:
2549 	  // No need to try indirections on literal values
2550 	  // or numeric constants.
2551 	  return;
2553 	default:
2554 	  break;
2555         }
2556     }
2558   this->assign(dst, this->context_->add_dereference(src));
2559 }
2561 // Model the input-to-output assignment flow of one of a function call's
2562 // arguments, where the flow is encoded in NOTE.
2564 int
assign_from_note(std::string * note,const std::vector<Node * > & dsts,Node * src)2565 Escape_analysis_assign::assign_from_note(std::string* note,
2566 					 const std::vector<Node*>& dsts,
2567 					 Node* src)
2568 {
2569   int enc = Escape_note::parse_tag(note);
2570   if (src->expr() != NULL)
2571     {
2572       switch (src->expr()->classification())
2573         {
2574 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_BOOLEAN:
2575 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_STRING:
2576 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_INTEGER:
2577 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_FLOAT:
2578 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_COMPLEX:
2579 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_NIL:
2580 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_IOTA:
2581 	  // There probably isn't a note for a literal value.  Literal values
2582 	  // usually don't escape unless we lost track of the value some how.
2583 	  return enc;
2585 	default:
2586 	  break;
2587         }
2588     }
2590   if (this->context_->gogo()->debug_escape_level() > 2)
2591     go_inform(src->location(), "assignfromtag:: src=%s em=%s",
2592               src->ast_format(context_->gogo()).c_str(),
2593 	      Escape_note::make_tag(enc).c_str());
2595   if (enc == Node::ESCAPE_UNKNOWN)
2596     {
2597       // Lost track of the value.
2598       this->assign(this->context_->sink(), src);
2599       return enc;
2600     }
2601   else if (enc == Node::ESCAPE_NONE)
2602     return enc;
2604   // If the content inside a parameter (reached via indirection) escapes to
2605   // the heap, mark it.
2606   if ((enc & ESCAPE_CONTENT_ESCAPES) != 0)
2607     this->assign(this->context_->sink(), this->context_->add_dereference(src));
2609   int save_enc = enc;
2610   enc >>= ESCAPE_RETURN_BITS;
2611   for (std::vector<Node*>::const_iterator p = dsts.begin();
2612        enc != 0 && p != dsts.end();
2613        ++p)
2614     {
2615       // Prefer the lowest-level path to the reference (for escape purposes).
2616       // Two-bit encoding (for example. 1, 3, and 4 bits are other options)
2617       //  01 = 0-level
2618       //  10 = 1-level, (content escapes),
2619       //  11 = 2-level, (content of content escapes).
2620       int bits = enc & ESCAPE_BITS_MASK_FOR_TAG;
2621       if (bits > 0)
2622 	{
2623 	  Node* n = src;
2624 	  for (int i = 0; i < bits - 1; ++i)
2625 	    {
2626 	      // Encode level > 0 as indirections.
2627 	      n = this->context_->add_dereference(n);
2628 	    }
2629 	  this->assign(*p, n);
2630 	}
2631       enc >>= ESCAPE_BITS_PER_OUTPUT_IN_TAG;
2632     }
2634   // If there are too many outputs to fit in the tag, that is handled on the
2635   // encoding end as ESCAPE_HEAP, so there is no need to check here.
2636   return save_enc;
2637 }
2639 // Record the flow of SRC to DST in DST.
2641 void
flows(Node * dst,Node * src)2642 Escape_analysis_assign::flows(Node* dst, Node* src)
2643 {
2644   // Don't bother capturing the flow from scalars.
2645   if (src->type() != NULL && !src->type()->has_pointer())
2646     return;
2648   // Don't confuse a blank identifier with the sink.
2649   if (dst->is_sink() && dst != this->context_->sink())
2650     return;
2652   Node::Escape_state* dst_state = dst->state(this->context_, NULL);
2653   Node::Escape_state* src_state = src->state(this->context_, NULL);
2654   if (dst == src
2655       || dst_state == src_state
2656       || dst_state->flows.find(src) != dst_state->flows.end())
2657     return;
2659   Gogo* gogo = this->context_->gogo();
2660   if (gogo->debug_escape_level() > 2)
2661     go_inform(Linemap::unknown_location(), "flows:: %s <- %s",
2662               dst->ast_format(gogo).c_str(), src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2664   if (dst_state->flows.empty())
2665     this->context_->add_dst(dst);
2667   dst_state->flows.insert(src);
2668 }
2670 // Build a connectivity graph between nodes in the function being analyzed.
2672 void
assign_connectivity(Escape_context * context,Named_object * fn)2673 Gogo::assign_connectivity(Escape_context* context, Named_object* fn)
2674 {
2675   // Must be defined outside of this package.
2676   if (!fn->is_function())
2677     return;
2679   int save_depth = context->loop_depth();
2680   context->set_loop_depth(1);
2682   Escape_analysis_assign ea(context, fn);
2683   Function::Results* res = fn->func_value()->result_variables();
2684   if (res != NULL)
2685     {
2686       for (Function::Results::const_iterator p = res->begin();
2687 	   p != res->end();
2688 	   ++p)
2689 	{
2690 	  Node* res_node = Node::make_node(*p);
2691 	  Node::Escape_state* res_state = res_node->state(context, fn);
2692           res_state->fn = fn;
2693 	  res_state->loop_depth = 0;
2695 	  // If this set of functions is recursive, we lose track of the return values.
2696 	  // Just say that the result flows to the sink.
2697 	  if (context->recursive())
2698 	    ea.flows(context->sink(), res_node);
2699 	}
2700     }
2702   const Bindings* callee_bindings = fn->func_value()->block()->bindings();
2703   Function_type* fntype = fn->func_value()->type();
2704   Typed_identifier_list* params = (fntype->parameters() != NULL
2705 				   ? fntype->parameters()->copy()
2706 				   : new Typed_identifier_list);
2707   if (fntype->receiver() != NULL)
2708     params->push_back(*fntype->receiver());
2710   for (Typed_identifier_list::const_iterator p = params->begin();
2711        p != params->end();
2712        ++p)
2713     {
2714       if (p->name().empty() || Gogo::is_sink_name(p->name()))
2715 	continue;
2717       Named_object* param_no = callee_bindings->lookup_local(p->name());
2718       go_assert(param_no != NULL);
2719       Node* param_node = Node::make_node(param_no);
2720       Node::Escape_state* param_state = param_node->state(context, fn);
2721       param_state->fn = fn;
2722       param_state->loop_depth = 1;
2724       if (!p->type()->has_pointer())
2725         continue;
2727       // External function?  Parameters must escape unless //go:noescape is set.
2728       // TODO(cmang): Implement //go:noescape directive.
2729       if (fn->package() != NULL)
2730 	param_node->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
2731       else
2732         {
2733           param_node->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
2734           context->track(param_node);
2735         }
2736     }
2738   Escape_analysis_loop el;
2739   fn->func_value()->traverse(&el);
2741   fn->func_value()->traverse(&ea);
2742   context->set_loop_depth(save_depth);
2743 }
2745 class Escape_analysis_flood
2746 {
2747  public:
Escape_analysis_flood(Escape_context * context)2748   Escape_analysis_flood(Escape_context* context)
2749     : context_(context)
2750   { }
2752   // Use the escape information in dst to update the escape information in src
2753   // and src's upstream.
2754   void
2755   flood(Level, Node* dst, Node* src, int);
2757  private:
2758   // The escape context for the group of functions being flooded.
2759   Escape_context* context_;
2760 };
2762 // Whenever we hit a dereference node, the level goes up by one, and whenever
2763 // we hit an address-of, the level goes down by one. as long as we're on a
2764 // level > 0 finding an address-of just means we're following the upstream
2765 // of a dereference, so this address doesn't leak (yet).
2766 // If level == 0, it means the /value/ of this node can reach the root of this
2767 // flood so if this node is an address-of, its argument should be marked as
2768 // escaping iff its current function and loop depth are different from the
2769 // flood's root.
2770 // Once an object has been moved to the heap, all of its upstream should be
2771 // considered escaping to the global scope.
2772 // This is an implementation of gc/esc.go:escwalkBody.
2774 void
flood(Level level,Node * dst,Node * src,int extra_loop_depth)2775 Escape_analysis_flood::flood(Level level, Node* dst, Node* src,
2776 			     int extra_loop_depth)
2777 {
2778   // No need to flood src if it is a literal.
2779   if (src->expr() != NULL)
2780     {
2781       switch (src->expr()->classification())
2782         {
2783 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_BOOLEAN:
2784 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_STRING:
2785 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_INTEGER:
2786 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_FLOAT:
2787 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_COMPLEX:
2788 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_NIL:
2789 	case Expression::EXPRESSION_IOTA:
2790 	  return;
2792 	default:
2793 	  break;
2794         }
2795     }
2797   Node::Escape_state* src_state = src->state(this->context_, NULL);
2798   if (src_state->flood_id == this->context_->flood_id())
2799     {
2800       // Esclevels are vectors, do not compare as integers,
2801       // and must use "min" of old and new to guarantee
2802       // convergence.
2803       level = level.min(src_state->level);
2804       if (level == src_state->level)
2805 	{
2806 	  // Have we been here already with an extraloopdepth,
2807 	  // or is the extraloopdepth provided no improvement on
2808 	  // what's already been seen?
2809 	  if (src_state->max_extra_loop_depth >= extra_loop_depth
2810 	      || src_state->loop_depth >= extra_loop_depth)
2811 	    return;
2812 	  src_state->max_extra_loop_depth = extra_loop_depth;
2813 	}
2814     }
2815   else
2816     src_state->max_extra_loop_depth = -1;
2818   src_state->flood_id = this->context_->flood_id();
2819   src_state->level = level;
2820   int mod_loop_depth = std::max(extra_loop_depth, src_state->loop_depth);
2822   Gogo* gogo = this->context_->gogo();
2823   int debug_level = gogo->debug_escape_level();
2824   if (debug_level > 1)
2825     go_inform(Linemap::unknown_location(),
2826 	      "escwalk: level:{%d %d} depth:%d "
2827 	      "op=%s %s(%s) "
2828 	      "scope:%s[%d] "
2829 	      "extraloopdepth=%d",
2830 	      level.value(), level.suffix_value(), this->context_->pdepth(),
2831 	      src->op_format().c_str(),
2832 	      src->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
2833 	      src->details().c_str(),
2834 	      debug_function_name(src_state->fn).c_str(),
2835 	      src_state->loop_depth,
2836 	      extra_loop_depth);
2838   this->context_->increase_pdepth();
2840   // Input parameter flowing into output parameter?
2841   Named_object* src_no = NULL;
2842   if (src->expr() != NULL && src->expr()->var_expression() != NULL)
2843     src_no = src->expr()->var_expression()->named_object();
2844   else
2845     src_no = src->object();
2846   bool src_is_param = (src_no != NULL
2847 		       && src_no->is_variable()
2848 		       && src_no->var_value()->is_parameter());
2850   Named_object* dst_no = NULL;
2851   if (dst->expr() != NULL && dst->expr()->var_expression() != NULL)
2852     dst_no = dst->expr()->var_expression()->named_object();
2853   else
2854     dst_no = dst->object();
2855   bool dst_is_result = dst_no != NULL && dst_no->is_result_variable();
2856   Node::Escape_state* dst_state = dst->state(this->context_, NULL);
2858   if (src_is_param
2859       && dst_is_result
2860       && src_state->fn == dst_state->fn
2861       && (src->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK) < int(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP)
2862       && dst->encoding() != Node::ESCAPE_HEAP)
2863     {
2864       // This case handles:
2865       // 1. return in
2866       // 2. return &in
2867       // 3. tmp := in; return &tmp
2868       // 4. return *in
2869       if (debug_level != 0)
2870 	{
2871 	  if (debug_level == 1)
2872 	    go_inform(src->definition_location(),
2873 		      "leaking param: %s to result %s level=%d",
2874 		      src->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
2875 		      dst->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
2876 		      level.value());
2877 	  else
2878 	    go_inform(src->definition_location(),
2879 		      "leaking param: %s to result %s level={%d %d}",
2880 		      src->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
2881 		      dst->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
2882 		      level.value(), level.suffix_value());
2883 	}
2885       if ((src->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK) != Node::ESCAPE_RETURN)
2886 	{
2887 	  int enc =
2888 	    Node::ESCAPE_RETURN | (src->encoding() & ESCAPE_CONTENT_ESCAPES);
2889 	  src->set_encoding(enc);
2890 	}
2892       int enc = Node::note_inout_flows(src->encoding(),
2893 				       dst_no->result_var_value()->index(),
2894 				       level);
2895       src->set_encoding(enc);
2897       // In gc/esc.go:escwalkBody, this is a goto to the label for recursively
2898       // flooding the connection graph.  Inlined here for convenience.
2899       level = level.copy();
2900       for (std::set<Node*>::const_iterator p = src_state->flows.begin();
2901 	   p != src_state->flows.end();
2902 	   ++p)
2903 	this->flood(level, dst, *p, extra_loop_depth);
2904       return;
2905     }
2907   // If parameter content escape to heap, set ESCAPE_CONTENT_ESCAPES.
2908   // Note minor confusion around escape from pointer-to-struct vs
2909   // escape from struct.
2910   if (src_is_param
2911       && dst->encoding() == Node::ESCAPE_HEAP
2912       && (src->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK) < int(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP)
2913       && level.value() > 0)
2914     {
2915       int enc =
2916 	Node::max_encoding((src->encoding() | ESCAPE_CONTENT_ESCAPES),
2917 			   Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
2918       src->set_encoding(enc);
2919       if (debug_level != 0)
2920 	go_inform(src->definition_location(), "mark escaped content: %s",
2921 		  src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2922     }
2924   // A src object leaks if its value or address is assigned to a dst object
2925   // in a different scope (at a different loop depth).
2926   bool src_leaks = (level.value() <= 0
2927 		    && level.suffix_value() <= 0
2928 		    && dst_state->loop_depth < mod_loop_depth);
2929   src_leaks = src_leaks || (level.value() <= 0
2930               && (dst->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK) == Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
2931   // old src encoding, used to prevent duplicate error messages
2932   int osrcesc = src->encoding();
2934   if (src_is_param
2935       && (src_leaks || dst_state->loop_depth < 0)
2936       && (src->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK) < int(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP))
2937     {
2938       if (level.suffix_value() > 0)
2939 	{
2940 	  int enc =
2941 	    Node::max_encoding((src->encoding() | ESCAPE_CONTENT_ESCAPES),
2942 			       Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
2943 	  src->set_encoding(enc);
2944 	  if (debug_level != 0 && osrcesc != src->encoding())
2945 	    go_inform(src->definition_location(), "leaking param content: %s",
2946 		      src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2947 	}
2948       else
2949 	{
2950 	  if (debug_level != 0)
2951 	    go_inform(src->definition_location(), "leaking param: %s",
2952                       src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2953 	  src->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
2954 	}
2955     }
2956   else if (src->expr() != NULL)
2957     {
2958       Expression* e = src->expr();
2959       if (e->enclosed_var_expression() != NULL)
2960 	{
2961 	  if (src_leaks && debug_level != 0)
2962 	    go_inform(src->location(), "leaking closure reference %s",
2963 		      src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
2965 	  Node* enclosed_node =
2966 	    Node::make_node(e->enclosed_var_expression()->variable());
2967 	  this->flood(level, dst, enclosed_node, -1);
2968 	}
2969       else if (e->heap_expression() != NULL
2970 	  || (e->unary_expression() != NULL
2971 	      && e->unary_expression()->op() == OPERATOR_AND))
2972 	{
2973 	  // Pointer literals and address-of expressions.
2974 	  Expression* underlying;
2975 	  if (e->heap_expression())
2976 	    underlying = e->heap_expression()->expr();
2977 	  else
2978 	    underlying = e->unary_expression()->operand();
2979 	  Node* underlying_node = Node::make_node(underlying);
2981 	  // If the address leaks, the underyling object must be moved
2982 	  // to the heap.
2983 	  underlying->address_taken(src_leaks);
2984 	  if (src_leaks)
2985 	    {
2986 	      src->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
2987               if (osrcesc != src->encoding())
2988                 {
2989                   move_to_heap(gogo, underlying);
2990                   if (debug_level > 1)
2991                     go_inform(src->location(),
2992                               "%s escapes to heap, level={%d %d}, "
2993                               "dst.eld=%d, src.eld=%d",
2994                               src->ast_format(gogo).c_str(), level.value(),
2995                               level.suffix_value(), dst_state->loop_depth,
2996                               mod_loop_depth);
2997                   else if (debug_level > 0)
2998                     go_inform(src->location(), "%s escapes to heap",
2999                               src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
3000                 }
3002 	      this->flood(level.decrease(), dst,
3003 			  underlying_node, mod_loop_depth);
3004 	      extra_loop_depth = mod_loop_depth;
3005 	    }
3006 	  else
3007 	    {
3008 	      // Decrease the level each time we take the address of the object.
3009 	      this->flood(level.decrease(), dst, underlying_node, -1);
3010 	    }
3011 	}
3012       else if (e->slice_literal() != NULL)
3013 	{
3014 	  Slice_construction_expression* slice = e->slice_literal();
3015 	  if (slice->vals() != NULL)
3016 	    {
3017 	      for (Expression_list::const_iterator p = slice->vals()->begin();
3018 		   p != slice->vals()->end();
3019 		   ++p)
3020 		{
3021 		  if ((*p) != NULL)
3022 		    this->flood(level.decrease(), dst, Node::make_node(*p), -1);
3023 		}
3024 	    }
3025 	  if (src_leaks)
3026 	    {
3027 	      src->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
3028 	      if (debug_level != 0 && osrcesc != src->encoding())
3029 		go_inform(src->location(), "%s escapes to heap",
3030 			  src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
3031 	      extra_loop_depth = mod_loop_depth;
3032 	    }
3033 	}
3034       else if (e->call_expression() != NULL)
3035 	{
3036 	  Call_expression* call = e->call_expression();
3037           if (call->is_builtin())
3038             {
3039               Builtin_call_expression* bce = call->builtin_call_expression();
3040               if (bce->code() == Builtin_call_expression::BUILTIN_APPEND)
3041                 {
3042                   // Propagate escape information to appendee.
3043                   Expression* appendee = call->args()->front();
3044                   this->flood(level, dst, Node::make_node(appendee), -1);
3045                 }
3046             }
3047           else if (call->fn()->func_expression() != NULL
3048                    && call->fn()->func_expression()->is_runtime_function())
3049             {
3050               switch (call->fn()->func_expression()->runtime_code())
3051                 {
3052                 case Runtime::MAKECHAN:
3053 		case Runtime::MAKECHAN64:
3054                 case Runtime::MAKEMAP:
3055                 case Runtime::MAKESLICE:
3056                 case Runtime::MAKESLICE64:
3057                   if (src_leaks)
3058                     {
3059                       src->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
3060                       if (debug_level != 0 && osrcesc != src->encoding())
3061                         go_inform(src->location(), "%s escapes to heap",
3062                                   src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
3063                       extra_loop_depth = mod_loop_depth;
3064                     }
3065                   break;
3067                 default:
3068                   break;
3069                 }
3070             }
3071           else if (src_state->retvals.size() > 0)
3072             {
3073               // In this case a link went directly to a call, but should really go
3074               // to the dummy .outN outputs that were created for the call that
3075               // themselves link to the inputs with levels adjusted.
3076               // See e.g. #10466.
3077               // This can only happen with functions returning a single result.
3078               go_assert(src_state->retvals.size() == 1);
3079               if (debug_level > 2)
3080                 go_inform(src->location(), "[%d] dst %s escwalk replace src: %s with %s",
3081                           this->context_->loop_depth(),
3082                           dst->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
3083                           src->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
3084                           src_state->retvals[0]->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
3085               src = src_state->retvals[0];
3086               src_state = src->state(this->context_, NULL);
3087             }
3088 	}
3089       else if (e->allocation_expression() != NULL && src_leaks)
3090 	{
3091 	  // Calls to Runtime::NEW get lowered into an allocation expression.
3092 	  src->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
3093 	  if (debug_level != 0 && osrcesc != src->encoding())
3094 	    go_inform(src->location(), "%s escapes to heap",
3095                       src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
3096           extra_loop_depth = mod_loop_depth;
3097 	}
3098       else if ((e->map_literal() != NULL
3099                || e->string_concat_expression() != NULL
3100                || (e->func_expression() != NULL && e->func_expression()->closure() != NULL)
3101                || e->bound_method_expression() != NULL)
3102                && src_leaks)
3103         {
3104           src->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
3105           if (debug_level != 0 && osrcesc != src->encoding())
3106             go_inform(src->location(), "%s escapes to heap",
3107                       src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
3108           extra_loop_depth = mod_loop_depth;
3109         }
3110       else if (e->conversion_expression() != NULL && src_leaks)
3111         {
3112           Type_conversion_expression* tce = e->conversion_expression();
3113           Type* ft = tce->expr()->type();
3114           Type* tt = tce->type();
3115           if ((ft->is_string_type() && tt->is_slice_type())
3116               || (ft->is_slice_type() && tt->is_string_type())
3117               || (ft->integer_type() != NULL && tt->is_string_type()))
3118             {
3119               // string([]byte), string([]rune), []byte(string), []rune(string), string(rune)
3120               src->set_encoding(Node::ESCAPE_HEAP);
3121               if (debug_level != 0 && osrcesc != src->encoding())
3122                 go_inform(src->location(), "%s escapes to heap",
3123                           src->ast_format(gogo).c_str());
3124               extra_loop_depth = mod_loop_depth;
3125             }
3126         }
3127       else if (e->array_index_expression() != NULL
3128                && !e->array_index_expression()->array()->type()->is_slice_type())
3129         {
3130           Array_index_expression* aie = e->array_index_expression();
3131           if (aie->end() != NULL)
3132             {
3133               // Slicing an array.
3134               // Flow its implicit address-of node to DST.
3135               this->flood(level, dst, src->child(), -1);
3136             }
3137           else
3138             {
3139               // Indexing an array.
3140               // An array element flowing to DST behaves like the array
3141               // flowing to DST.
3142               Expression* underlying = e->array_index_expression()->array();
3143               Node* underlying_node = Node::make_node(underlying);
3144               this->flood(level, dst, underlying_node, -1);
3145             }
3146         }
3147       else if ((e->field_reference_expression() != NULL
3148 		&& e->field_reference_expression()->expr()->unary_expression() == NULL)
3149 	       || e->type_guard_expression() != NULL
3150 	       || (e->array_index_expression() != NULL
3151 		   && e->array_index_expression()->end() != NULL)
3152 	       || (e->string_index_expression() != NULL
3153 		   && e->type()->is_string_type()))
3154 	{
3155 	  Expression* underlying;
3156 	  if (e->field_reference_expression() != NULL)
3157 	    underlying = e->field_reference_expression()->expr();
3158 	  else if (e->type_guard_expression() != NULL)
3159 	    underlying = e->type_guard_expression()->expr();
3160 	  else if (e->array_index_expression() != NULL)
3161 	    underlying = e->array_index_expression()->array();
3162 	  else
3163 	    underlying = e->string_index_expression()->string();
3165 	  Node* underlying_node = Node::make_node(underlying);
3166 	  this->flood(level, dst, underlying_node, -1);
3167 	}
3168       else if ((e->field_reference_expression() != NULL
3169 		&& e->field_reference_expression()->expr()->unary_expression() != NULL)
3170 	       || e->array_index_expression() != NULL
3171 	       || e->map_index_expression() != NULL
3172 	       || (e->unary_expression() != NULL
3173 		   && e->unary_expression()->op() == OPERATOR_MULT))
3174 	{
3175 	  Expression* underlying;
3176 	  if (e->field_reference_expression() != NULL)
3177 	    {
3178 	      underlying = e->field_reference_expression()->expr();
3179 	      underlying = underlying->unary_expression()->operand();
3180 	    }
3181 	  else if (e->array_index_expression() != NULL)
3182 	    underlying = e->array_index_expression()->array();
3183 	  else if (e->map_index_expression() != NULL)
3184 	    underlying = e->map_index_expression()->map();
3185 	  else
3186 	    underlying = e->unary_expression()->operand();
3188 	  // Increase the level for a dereference.
3189 	  Node* underlying_node = Node::make_node(underlying);
3190 	  this->flood(level.increase(), dst, underlying_node, -1);
3191 	}
3192       else if (e->temporary_reference_expression() != NULL)
3193         {
3194           Statement* t = e->temporary_reference_expression()->statement();
3195           this->flood(level, dst, Node::make_node(t), -1);
3196         }
3197     }
3198   else if (src->is_indirect())
3199     // Increase the level for a dereference.
3200     this->flood(level.increase(), dst, src->child(), -1);
3202   level = level.copy();
3203   for (std::set<Node*>::const_iterator p = src_state->flows.begin();
3204        p != src_state->flows.end();
3205        ++p)
3206     this->flood(level, dst, *p, extra_loop_depth);
3208   this->context_->decrease_pdepth();
3209 }
3211 // Propagate escape information across the nodes modeled in this Analysis_set.
3212 // This is an implementation of gc/esc.go:escflood.
3214 void
propagate_escape(Escape_context * context,Node * dst)3215 Gogo::propagate_escape(Escape_context* context, Node* dst)
3216 {
3217   if (dst->object() == NULL
3218       && (dst->expr() == NULL
3219           || (dst->expr()->var_expression() == NULL
3220               && dst->expr()->enclosed_var_expression() == NULL
3221               && dst->expr()->func_expression() == NULL)))
3222     return;
3224   Node::Escape_state* state = dst->state(context, NULL);
3225   Gogo* gogo = context->gogo();
3226   if (gogo->debug_escape_level() > 1)
3227     go_inform(Linemap::unknown_location(), "escflood:%d: dst %s scope:%s[%d]",
3228 	      context->flood_id(), dst->ast_format(gogo).c_str(),
3229 	      debug_function_name(state->fn).c_str(),
3230 	      state->loop_depth);
3232   Escape_analysis_flood eaf(context);
3233   for (std::set<Node*>::const_iterator p = state->flows.begin();
3234        p != state->flows.end();
3235        ++p)
3236     {
3237       context->increase_flood_id();
3238       eaf.flood(Level::From(0), dst, *p, -1);
3239     }
3240 }
3242 class Escape_analysis_tag
3243 {
3244  public:
Escape_analysis_tag(Escape_context * context)3245   Escape_analysis_tag(Escape_context* context)
3246     : context_(context)
3247   { }
3249   // Add notes to the function's type about the escape information of its
3250   // input parameters.
3251   void
3252   tag(Named_object* fn);
3254  private:
3255   Escape_context* context_;
3256 };
3258 void
tag(Named_object * fn)3259 Escape_analysis_tag::tag(Named_object* fn)
3260 {
3261   // External functions are assumed unsafe
3262   // unless //go:noescape is given before the declaration.
3263   if (fn->package() != NULL)
3264     return;
3266   if (fn->is_function_declaration())
3267     {
3268       Function_declaration* fdcl = fn->func_declaration_value();
3269       if ((fdcl->pragmas() & GOPRAGMA_NOESCAPE) != 0)
3270         {
3271           Function_type* fntype = fdcl->type();
3272           if (fntype->parameters() != NULL)
3273             {
3274               const Typed_identifier_list* til = fntype->parameters();
3275               int i = 0;
3276               for (Typed_identifier_list::const_iterator p = til->begin();
3277                    p != til->end();
3278                    ++p, ++i)
3279                 if (p->type()->has_pointer())
3280                   fntype->add_parameter_note(i, Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
3281             }
3282         }
3283     }
3285   if (!fn->is_function())
3286     return;
3288   Function_type* fntype = fn->func_value()->type();
3289   Bindings* bindings = fn->func_value()->block()->bindings();
3291   if (fntype->is_method()
3292       && !fntype->receiver()->name().empty()
3293       && !Gogo::is_sink_name(fntype->receiver()->name()))
3294     {
3295       Named_object* rcvr_no = bindings->lookup(fntype->receiver()->name());
3296       go_assert(rcvr_no != NULL);
3297       Node* rcvr_node = Node::make_node(rcvr_no);
3298       switch ((rcvr_node->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK))
3299 	{
3300 	case Node::ESCAPE_NONE: // not touched by flood
3301 	case Node::ESCAPE_RETURN:
3302 	  if (fntype->receiver()->type()->has_pointer())
3303 	    // Don't bother tagging for scalars.
3304 	    fntype->add_receiver_note(rcvr_node->encoding());
3305 	  break;
3307 	case Node::ESCAPE_HEAP: // flooded, moved to heap.
3308 	  break;
3310 	default:
3311 	  break;
3312 	}
3313     }
3315   int i = 0;
3316   if (fntype->parameters() != NULL)
3317     {
3318       const Typed_identifier_list* til = fntype->parameters();
3319       for (Typed_identifier_list::const_iterator p = til->begin();
3320 	   p != til->end();
3321 	   ++p, ++i)
3322 	{
3323 	  if (p->name().empty() || Gogo::is_sink_name(p->name()))
3324             {
3325               // Parameter not used in the function body, does not escape.
3326               if (p->type()->has_pointer())
3327                 fntype->add_parameter_note(i, Node::ESCAPE_NONE);
3328               continue;
3329             }
3331 	  Named_object* param_no = bindings->lookup(p->name());
3332 	  go_assert(param_no != NULL);
3333 	  Node* param_node = Node::make_node(param_no);
3334 	  switch ((param_node->encoding() & ESCAPE_MASK))
3335 	    {
3336 	    case Node::ESCAPE_NONE: // not touched by flood
3337 	    case Node::ESCAPE_RETURN:
3338 	      if (p->type()->has_pointer())
3339 		// Don't bother tagging for scalars.
3340 		fntype->add_parameter_note(i, param_node->encoding());
3341 	      break;
3343 	    case Node::ESCAPE_HEAP: // flooded, moved to heap.
3344 	      break;
3346 	    default:
3347 	      break;
3348 	    }
3349 	}
3350     }
3351   fntype->set_is_tagged();
3352 }
3354 // Tag each top-level function with escape information that will be used to
3355 // retain analysis results across imports.
3357 void
tag_function(Escape_context * context,Named_object * fn)3358 Gogo::tag_function(Escape_context* context, Named_object* fn)
3359 {
3360   Escape_analysis_tag eat(context);
3361   eat.tag(fn);
3362 }
3364 // Reclaim memory of escape analysis Nodes.
3366 void
reclaim_escape_nodes()3367 Gogo::reclaim_escape_nodes()
3368 {
3369   Node::reclaim_nodes();
3370 }
3372 void
reclaim_nodes()3373 Node::reclaim_nodes()
3374 {
3375   for (std::map<Named_object*, Node*>::iterator p = Node::objects.begin();
3376        p != Node::objects.end();
3377        ++p)
3378     delete p->second;
3379   Node::objects.clear();
3381   for (std::map<Expression*, Node*>::iterator p = Node::expressions.begin();
3382        p != Node::expressions.end();
3383        ++p)
3384     delete p->second;
3385   Node::expressions.clear();
3387   for (std::map<Statement*, Node*>::iterator p = Node::statements.begin();
3388        p != Node::statements.end();
3389        ++p)
3390     delete p->second;
3391   Node::statements.clear();
3393   for (std::vector<Node*>::iterator p = Node::indirects.begin();
3394        p != Node::indirects.end();
3395        ++p)
3396     delete *p;
3397   Node::indirects.clear();
3398 }