1! { dg-do run }
2! Test the fix for PR25746, in which dependency checking was not being
3! done for elemental subroutines and therefore for interface assignments.
5! This test is based on
6! http://home.comcast.net/~kmbtib/Fortran_stuff/elem_assign.f90
7! as reported by Harald Anlauf <anlauf@gmx.de> in the PR.
9module elem_assign
10   implicit none
11   type mytype
12      integer x
13   end type mytype
14   interface assignment(=)
15      module procedure myassign
16   end interface assignment(=)
17   contains
18      elemental subroutine myassign(x,y)
19         type(mytype), intent(out) :: x
20         type(mytype), intent(in) :: y
21! Multiply the components by 2 to verify that this is being called.
22         x%x = y%x*2
23      end subroutine myassign
24end module elem_assign
26program test
27   use elem_assign
28   implicit none
29   type(mytype) :: y(6), x(6) = (/mytype(1),mytype(20),mytype(300),&
30                                  mytype(4000),mytype(50000),&
31                                  mytype(1000000)/)
32   type(mytype) :: z(2, 3)
33! The original case - dependency between lhs and rhs.
34   x = x((/2,3,1,4,5,6/))
35   if (any(x%x .ne. (/40, 600, 2, 8000, 100000, 2000000/))) STOP 1
36! Slightly more elborate case with non-trivial array ref on lhs.
37   x(4:1:-1) = x((/1,3,2,4/))
38   if (any(x%x .ne. (/16000, 1200, 4, 80, 100000, 2000000/))) STOP 2
39! Check that no-dependence case works....
40   y = x
41   if (any(y%x .ne. (/32000, 2400, 8, 160, 200000, 4000000/))) STOP 3
42! ...and now a case that caused headaches during the preparation of the patch
43   x(2:5) = x(1:4)
44   if (any(x%x .ne. (/16000, 32000, 2400, 8, 160, 2000000/))) STOP 4
45! Check offsets are done correctly in multi-dimensional cases
46   z = reshape (x, (/2,3/))
47   z(:, 3:2:-1) = z(:, 1:2)
48   y = reshape (z, (/6/))
49   if (any(y%x .ne. (/ 64000, 128000, 19200, 64, 128000, 256000/))) STOP 5
50end program test