1! { dg-do run }
2! This test the fix of PR18283, where assignments of scalar,
3! character pointer components of derived types caused an ICE.
4! It also checks that the array counterparts remain operational.
5! Contributed by Paul Thomas  pault@gcc.gnu.org
7program char_pointer_comp_assign
8  implicit none
9  type :: dt
10     character (len=4), pointer :: scalar
11     character (len=4), pointer :: array(:)
12  end type dt
13  type (dt) :: a
14  character (len=4), target :: scalar_t ="abcd"
15  character (len=4), target :: array_t(2) = (/"abcd","efgh"/)
17! Do assignments first
18  allocate (a%scalar, a%array(2))
19  a%scalar = scalar_t
20  if (a%scalar /= "abcd") STOP 1
21  a%array = array_t
22  if (any(a%array /= (/"abcd","efgh"/))) STOP 2
23  deallocate (a%scalar, a%array)
25! Now do pointer assignments.
26  a%scalar => scalar_t
27  if (a%scalar /= "abcd") STOP 3
28  a%array => array_t
29  if (any(a%array /= (/"abcd","efgh"/))) STOP 4
31end program char_pointer_comp_assign