1! { dg-do compile }
2! Test errors in findloc.
3program main
4  integer, dimension(4) :: a
5  logical, dimension(3) :: msk
6  a = [2,4,6,8]
7  print *,findloc(a) ! { dg-error "Missing actual argument" }
8  print *,findloc(a,value=.true.) ! { dg-error "must be in type conformance to argument" }
9  print *,findloc(a,23,dim=6) ! { dg-error "is not a valid dimension index" }
10  print *,findloc(a,-42,dim=2.0) ! { dg-error "must be INTEGER" }
11  print *,findloc(a,6,msk) ! { dg-error "Different shape for arguments 'array' and 'mask'" }
12  print *,findloc(a,6,kind=98) ! { dg-error "Invalid kind for INTEGER" }
13end program main