2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
7{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
9module IfaceSyn (
10        module IfaceType,
12        IfaceDecl(..), IfaceFamTyConFlav(..), IfaceClassOp(..), IfaceAT(..),
13        IfaceConDecl(..), IfaceConDecls(..), IfaceEqSpec,
14        IfaceExpr(..), IfaceAlt, IfaceLetBndr(..), IfaceJoinInfo(..),
15        IfaceBinding(..), IfaceConAlt(..),
16        IfaceIdInfo(..), IfaceIdDetails(..), IfaceUnfolding(..),
17        IfaceInfoItem(..), IfaceRule(..), IfaceAnnotation(..), IfaceAnnTarget,
18        IfaceClsInst(..), IfaceFamInst(..), IfaceTickish(..),
19        IfaceClassBody(..),
20        IfaceBang(..),
21        IfaceSrcBang(..), SrcUnpackedness(..), SrcStrictness(..),
22        IfaceAxBranch(..),
23        IfaceTyConParent(..),
24        IfaceCompleteMatch(..),
26        -- * Binding names
27        IfaceTopBndr,
28        putIfaceTopBndr, getIfaceTopBndr,
30        -- Misc
31        ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs, visibleIfConDecls,
32        ifaceDeclFingerprints,
34        -- Free Names
35        freeNamesIfDecl, freeNamesIfRule, freeNamesIfFamInst,
37        -- Pretty printing
38        pprIfaceExpr,
39        pprIfaceDecl,
40        AltPpr(..), ShowSub(..), ShowHowMuch(..), showToIface, showToHeader
41    ) where
43#include "HsVersions.h"
45import GhcPrelude
47import IfaceType
48import BinFingerprint
49import CoreSyn( IsOrphan, isOrphan )
50import DynFlags( gopt, GeneralFlag (Opt_PrintAxiomIncomps) )
51import Demand
52import Class
53import FieldLabel
54import NameSet
55import CoAxiom ( BranchIndex )
56import Name
57import CostCentre
58import Literal
59import ForeignCall
60import Annotations( AnnPayload, AnnTarget )
61import BasicTypes
62import Outputable
63import Module
64import SrcLoc
65import Fingerprint
66import Binary
67import BooleanFormula ( BooleanFormula, pprBooleanFormula, isTrue )
68import Var( VarBndr(..), binderVar )
69import TyCon ( Role (..), Injectivity(..), tyConBndrVisArgFlag )
70import Util( dropList, filterByList, notNull, unzipWith )
71import DataCon (SrcStrictness(..), SrcUnpackedness(..))
72import Lexeme (isLexSym)
73import TysWiredIn ( constraintKindTyConName )
74import Util (seqList)
76import Control.Monad
77import System.IO.Unsafe
78import Control.DeepSeq
80infixl 3 &&&
84*                                                                      *
85                    Declarations
86*                                                                      *
90-- | A binding top-level 'Name' in an interface file (e.g. the name of an
91-- 'IfaceDecl').
92type IfaceTopBndr = Name
93  -- It's convenient to have a Name in the IfaceSyn, although in each
94  -- case the namespace is implied by the context. However, having an
95  -- Name makes things like ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs and ifaceDeclFingerprints
96  -- very convenient. Moreover, having the key of the binder means that
97  -- we can encode known-key things cleverly in the symbol table. See Note
98  -- [Symbol table representation of Names]
99  --
100  -- We don't serialise the namespace onto the disk though; rather we
101  -- drop it when serialising and add it back in when deserialising.
103getIfaceTopBndr :: BinHandle -> IO IfaceTopBndr
104getIfaceTopBndr bh = get bh
106putIfaceTopBndr :: BinHandle -> IfaceTopBndr -> IO ()
107putIfaceTopBndr bh name =
108    case getUserData bh of
109      UserData{ ud_put_binding_name = put_binding_name } ->
110          --pprTrace "putIfaceTopBndr" (ppr name) $
111          put_binding_name bh name
113data IfaceDecl
114  = IfaceId { ifName      :: IfaceTopBndr,
115              ifType      :: IfaceType,
116              ifIdDetails :: IfaceIdDetails,
117              ifIdInfo    :: IfaceIdInfo }
119  | IfaceData { ifName       :: IfaceTopBndr,   -- Type constructor
120                ifBinders    :: [IfaceTyConBinder],
121                ifResKind    :: IfaceType,      -- Result kind of type constructor
122                ifCType      :: Maybe CType,    -- C type for CAPI FFI
123                ifRoles      :: [Role],         -- Roles
124                ifCtxt       :: IfaceContext,   -- The "stupid theta"
125                ifCons       :: IfaceConDecls,  -- Includes new/data/data family info
126                ifGadtSyntax :: Bool,           -- True <=> declared using
127                                                -- GADT syntax
128                ifParent     :: IfaceTyConParent -- The axiom, for a newtype,
129                                                 -- or data/newtype family instance
130    }
132  | IfaceSynonym { ifName    :: IfaceTopBndr,      -- Type constructor
133                   ifRoles   :: [Role],            -- Roles
134                   ifBinders :: [IfaceTyConBinder],
135                   ifResKind :: IfaceKind,         -- Kind of the *result*
136                   ifSynRhs  :: IfaceType }
138  | IfaceFamily  { ifName    :: IfaceTopBndr,      -- Type constructor
139                   ifResVar  :: Maybe IfLclName,   -- Result variable name, used
140                                                   -- only for pretty-printing
141                                                   -- with --show-iface
142                   ifBinders :: [IfaceTyConBinder],
143                   ifResKind :: IfaceKind,         -- Kind of the *tycon*
144                   ifFamFlav :: IfaceFamTyConFlav,
145                   ifFamInj  :: Injectivity }      -- injectivity information
147  | IfaceClass { ifName    :: IfaceTopBndr,             -- Name of the class TyCon
148                 ifRoles   :: [Role],                   -- Roles
149                 ifBinders :: [IfaceTyConBinder],
150                 ifFDs     :: [FunDep IfLclName],       -- Functional dependencies
151                 ifBody    :: IfaceClassBody            -- Methods, superclasses, ATs
152    }
154  | IfaceAxiom { ifName       :: IfaceTopBndr,        -- Axiom name
155                 ifTyCon      :: IfaceTyCon,     -- LHS TyCon
156                 ifRole       :: Role,           -- Role of axiom
157                 ifAxBranches :: [IfaceAxBranch] -- Branches
158    }
160  | IfacePatSyn { ifName          :: IfaceTopBndr,           -- Name of the pattern synonym
161                  ifPatIsInfix    :: Bool,
162                  ifPatMatcher    :: (IfExtName, Bool),
163                  ifPatBuilder    :: Maybe (IfExtName, Bool),
164                  -- Everything below is redundant,
165                  -- but needed to implement pprIfaceDecl
166                  ifPatUnivBndrs  :: [IfaceForAllBndr],
167                  ifPatExBndrs    :: [IfaceForAllBndr],
168                  ifPatProvCtxt   :: IfaceContext,
169                  ifPatReqCtxt    :: IfaceContext,
170                  ifPatArgs       :: [IfaceType],
171                  ifPatTy         :: IfaceType,
172                  ifFieldLabels   :: [FieldLabel] }
174-- See also 'ClassBody'
175data IfaceClassBody
176  -- Abstract classes don't specify their body; they only occur in @hs-boot@ and
177  -- @hsig@ files.
178  = IfAbstractClass
179  | IfConcreteClass {
180     ifClassCtxt :: IfaceContext,             -- Super classes
181     ifATs       :: [IfaceAT],                -- Associated type families
182     ifSigs      :: [IfaceClassOp],           -- Method signatures
183     ifMinDef    :: BooleanFormula IfLclName  -- Minimal complete definition
184    }
186data IfaceTyConParent
187  = IfNoParent
188  | IfDataInstance
189       IfExtName     -- Axiom name
190       IfaceTyCon    -- Family TyCon (pretty-printing only, not used in TcIface)
191                     -- see Note [Pretty printing via IfaceSyn] in PprTyThing
192       IfaceAppArgs  -- Arguments of the family TyCon
194data IfaceFamTyConFlav
195  = IfaceDataFamilyTyCon                      -- Data family
196  | IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon
197  | IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Maybe (IfExtName, [IfaceAxBranch]))
198    -- ^ Name of associated axiom and branches for pretty printing purposes,
199    -- or 'Nothing' for an empty closed family without an axiom
200    -- See Note [Pretty printing via IfaceSyn] in PprTyThing
201  | IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
202  | IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon -- for pretty printing purposes only
204data IfaceClassOp
205  = IfaceClassOp IfaceTopBndr
206                 IfaceType                         -- Class op type
207                 (Maybe (DefMethSpec IfaceType))   -- Default method
208                 -- The types of both the class op itself,
209                 -- and the default method, are *not* quantified
210                 -- over the class variables
212data IfaceAT = IfaceAT  -- See Class.ClassATItem
213                  IfaceDecl          -- The associated type declaration
214                  (Maybe IfaceType)  -- Default associated type instance, if any
217-- This is just like CoAxBranch
218data IfaceAxBranch = IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars    :: [IfaceTvBndr]
219                                   , ifaxbEtaTyVars :: [IfaceTvBndr]
220                                   , ifaxbCoVars    :: [IfaceIdBndr]
221                                   , ifaxbLHS       :: IfaceAppArgs
222                                   , ifaxbRoles     :: [Role]
223                                   , ifaxbRHS       :: IfaceType
224                                   , ifaxbIncomps   :: [BranchIndex] }
225                                     -- See Note [Storing compatibility] in CoAxiom
227data IfaceConDecls
228  = IfAbstractTyCon     -- c.f TyCon.AbstractTyCon
229  | IfDataTyCon [IfaceConDecl] -- Data type decls
230  | IfNewTyCon  IfaceConDecl   -- Newtype decls
232-- For IfDataTyCon and IfNewTyCon we store:
233--  * the data constructor(s);
234-- The field labels are stored individually in the IfaceConDecl
235-- (there is some redundancy here, because a field label may occur
236-- in multiple IfaceConDecls and represent the same field label)
238data IfaceConDecl
239  = IfCon {
240        ifConName    :: IfaceTopBndr,                -- Constructor name
241        ifConWrapper :: Bool,                   -- True <=> has a wrapper
242        ifConInfix   :: Bool,                   -- True <=> declared infix
244        -- The universal type variables are precisely those
245        -- of the type constructor of this data constructor
246        -- This is *easy* to guarantee when creating the IfCon
247        -- but it's not so easy for the original TyCon/DataCon
248        -- So this guarantee holds for IfaceConDecl, but *not* for DataCon
250        ifConExTCvs   :: [IfaceBndr],  -- Existential ty/covars
251        ifConUserTvBinders :: [IfaceForAllBndr],
252          -- The tyvars, in the order the user wrote them
253          -- INVARIANT: the set of tyvars in ifConUserTvBinders is exactly the
254          --            set of tyvars (*not* covars) of ifConExTCvs, unioned
255          --            with the set of ifBinders (from the parent IfaceDecl)
256          --            whose tyvars do not appear in ifConEqSpec
257          -- See Note [DataCon user type variable binders] in DataCon
258        ifConEqSpec  :: IfaceEqSpec,        -- Equality constraints
259        ifConCtxt    :: IfaceContext,       -- Non-stupid context
260        ifConArgTys  :: [IfaceType],        -- Arg types
261        ifConFields  :: [FieldLabel],  -- ...ditto... (field labels)
262        ifConStricts :: [IfaceBang],
263          -- Empty (meaning all lazy),
264          -- or 1-1 corresp with arg tys
265          -- See Note [Bangs on imported data constructors] in MkId
266        ifConSrcStricts :: [IfaceSrcBang] } -- empty meaning no src stricts
268type IfaceEqSpec = [(IfLclName,IfaceType)]
270-- | This corresponds to an HsImplBang; that is, the final
271-- implementation decision about the data constructor arg
272data IfaceBang
273  = IfNoBang | IfStrict | IfUnpack | IfUnpackCo IfaceCoercion
275-- | This corresponds to HsSrcBang
276data IfaceSrcBang
277  = IfSrcBang SrcUnpackedness SrcStrictness
279data IfaceClsInst
280  = IfaceClsInst { ifInstCls  :: IfExtName,                -- See comments with
281                   ifInstTys  :: [Maybe IfaceTyCon],       -- the defn of ClsInst
282                   ifDFun     :: IfExtName,                -- The dfun
283                   ifOFlag    :: OverlapFlag,              -- Overlap flag
284                   ifInstOrph :: IsOrphan }                -- See Note [Orphans] in InstEnv
285        -- There's always a separate IfaceDecl for the DFun, which gives
286        -- its IdInfo with its full type and version number.
287        -- The instance declarations taken together have a version number,
288        -- and we don't want that to wobble gratuitously
289        -- If this instance decl is *used*, we'll record a usage on the dfun;
290        -- and if the head does not change it won't be used if it wasn't before
292-- The ifFamInstTys field of IfaceFamInst contains a list of the rough
293-- match types
294data IfaceFamInst
295  = IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstFam      :: IfExtName            -- Family name
296                 , ifFamInstTys      :: [Maybe IfaceTyCon]   -- See above
297                 , ifFamInstAxiom    :: IfExtName            -- The axiom
298                 , ifFamInstOrph     :: IsOrphan             -- Just like IfaceClsInst
299                 }
301data IfaceRule
302  = IfaceRule {
303        ifRuleName   :: RuleName,
304        ifActivation :: Activation,
305        ifRuleBndrs  :: [IfaceBndr],    -- Tyvars and term vars
306        ifRuleHead   :: IfExtName,      -- Head of lhs
307        ifRuleArgs   :: [IfaceExpr],    -- Args of LHS
308        ifRuleRhs    :: IfaceExpr,
309        ifRuleAuto   :: Bool,
310        ifRuleOrph   :: IsOrphan   -- Just like IfaceClsInst
311    }
313data IfaceAnnotation
314  = IfaceAnnotation {
315        ifAnnotatedTarget :: IfaceAnnTarget,
316        ifAnnotatedValue  :: AnnPayload
317  }
319type IfaceAnnTarget = AnnTarget OccName
321data IfaceCompleteMatch = IfaceCompleteMatch [IfExtName] IfExtName
323instance Outputable IfaceCompleteMatch where
324  ppr (IfaceCompleteMatch cls ty) = text "COMPLETE" <> colon <+> ppr cls
325                                                    <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty
330-- Here's a tricky case:
331--   * Compile with -O module A, and B which imports A.f
332--   * Change function f in A, and recompile without -O
333--   * When we read in old A.hi we read in its IdInfo (as a thunk)
334--      (In earlier GHCs we used to drop IdInfo immediately on reading,
335--       but we do not do that now.  Instead it's discarded when the
336--       ModIface is read into the various decl pools.)
337--   * The version comparison sees that new (=NoInfo) differs from old (=HasInfo *)
338--      and so gives a new version.
340data IfaceIdInfo
341  = NoInfo                      -- When writing interface file without -O
342  | HasInfo [IfaceInfoItem]     -- Has info, and here it is
344data IfaceInfoItem
345  = HsArity         Arity
346  | HsStrictness    StrictSig
347  | HsInline        InlinePragma
348  | HsUnfold        Bool             -- True <=> isStrongLoopBreaker is true
349                    IfaceUnfolding   -- See Note [Expose recursive functions]
350  | HsNoCafRefs
351  | HsLevity                         -- Present <=> never levity polymorphic
353-- NB: Specialisations and rules come in separately and are
354-- only later attached to the Id.  Partial reason: some are orphans.
356data IfaceUnfolding
357  = IfCoreUnfold Bool IfaceExpr -- True <=> INLINABLE, False <=> regular unfolding
358                                -- Possibly could eliminate the Bool here, the information
359                                -- is also in the InlinePragma.
361  | IfCompulsory IfaceExpr      -- Only used for default methods, in fact
363  | IfInlineRule Arity          -- INLINE pragmas
364                 Bool           -- OK to inline even if *un*-saturated
365                 Bool           -- OK to inline even if context is boring
366                 IfaceExpr
368  | IfDFunUnfold [IfaceBndr] [IfaceExpr]
371-- We only serialise the IdDetails of top-level Ids, and even then
372-- we only need a very limited selection.  Notably, none of the
373-- implicit ones are needed here, because they are not put it
374-- interface files
376data IfaceIdDetails
377  = IfVanillaId
378  | IfRecSelId (Either IfaceTyCon IfaceDecl) Bool
379  | IfDFunId
382Note [Versioning of instances]
384See [https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/commentary/compiler/recompilation-avoidance#instances]
388*                                                                      *
389                Functions over declarations
390*                                                                      *
394visibleIfConDecls :: IfaceConDecls -> [IfaceConDecl]
395visibleIfConDecls IfAbstractTyCon  = []
396visibleIfConDecls (IfDataTyCon cs) = cs
397visibleIfConDecls (IfNewTyCon c)   = [c]
399ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs :: IfaceDecl -> [OccName]
400--  *Excludes* the 'main' name, but *includes* the implicitly-bound names
401-- Deeply revolting, because it has to predict what gets bound,
402-- especially the question of whether there's a wrapper for a datacon
403-- See Note [Implicit TyThings] in HscTypes
405-- N.B. the set of names returned here *must* match the set of
406-- TyThings returned by HscTypes.implicitTyThings, in the sense that
407-- TyThing.getOccName should define a bijection between the two lists.
408-- This invariant is used in LoadIface.loadDecl (see note [Tricky iface loop])
409-- The order of the list does not matter.
411ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceData {ifName = tc_name, ifCons = cons })
412  = case cons of
413      IfAbstractTyCon -> []
414      IfNewTyCon  cd  -> mkNewTyCoOcc (occName tc_name) : ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs cd
415      IfDataTyCon cds -> concatMap ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs cds
417ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceClass { ifBody = IfAbstractClass })
418  = []
420ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceClass { ifName = cls_tc_name
421                                   , ifBody = IfConcreteClass {
422                                        ifClassCtxt = sc_ctxt,
423                                        ifSigs      = sigs,
424                                        ifATs       = ats
425                                     }})
426  = --   (possibly) newtype coercion
427    co_occs ++
428    --    data constructor (DataCon namespace)
429    --    data worker (Id namespace)
430    --    no wrapper (class dictionaries never have a wrapper)
431    [dc_occ, dcww_occ] ++
432    -- associated types
433    [occName (ifName at) | IfaceAT at _ <- ats ] ++
434    -- superclass selectors
435    [mkSuperDictSelOcc n cls_tc_occ | n <- [1..n_ctxt]] ++
436    -- operation selectors
437    [occName op | IfaceClassOp op  _ _ <- sigs]
438  where
439    cls_tc_occ = occName cls_tc_name
440    n_ctxt = length sc_ctxt
441    n_sigs = length sigs
442    co_occs | is_newtype = [mkNewTyCoOcc cls_tc_occ]
443            | otherwise  = []
444    dcww_occ = mkDataConWorkerOcc dc_occ
445    dc_occ = mkClassDataConOcc cls_tc_occ
446    is_newtype = n_sigs + n_ctxt == 1 -- Sigh (keep this synced with buildClass)
448ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs _ = []
450ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs :: IfaceConDecl -> [OccName]
451ifaceConDeclImplicitBndrs (IfCon {
452        ifConWrapper = has_wrapper, ifConName = con_name })
453  = [occName con_name, work_occ] ++ wrap_occs
454  where
455    con_occ = occName con_name
456    work_occ  = mkDataConWorkerOcc con_occ                   -- Id namespace
457    wrap_occs | has_wrapper = [mkDataConWrapperOcc con_occ]  -- Id namespace
458              | otherwise   = []
460-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
461-- The fingerprints of an IfaceDecl
463       -- We better give each name bound by the declaration a
464       -- different fingerprint!  So we calculate the fingerprint of
465       -- each binder by combining the fingerprint of the whole
466       -- declaration with the name of the binder. (#5614, #7215)
467ifaceDeclFingerprints :: Fingerprint -> IfaceDecl -> [(OccName,Fingerprint)]
468ifaceDeclFingerprints hash decl
469  = (getOccName decl, hash) :
470    [ (occ, computeFingerprint' (hash,occ))
471    | occ <- ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs decl ]
472  where
473     computeFingerprint' =
474       unsafeDupablePerformIO
475        . computeFingerprint (panic "ifaceDeclFingerprints")
479*                                                                      *
480                Expressions
481*                                                                      *
485data IfaceExpr
486  = IfaceLcl    IfLclName
487  | IfaceExt    IfExtName
488  | IfaceType   IfaceType
489  | IfaceCo     IfaceCoercion
490  | IfaceTuple  TupleSort [IfaceExpr]   -- Saturated; type arguments omitted
491  | IfaceLam    IfaceLamBndr IfaceExpr
492  | IfaceApp    IfaceExpr IfaceExpr
493  | IfaceCase   IfaceExpr IfLclName [IfaceAlt]
494  | IfaceECase  IfaceExpr IfaceType     -- See Note [Empty case alternatives]
495  | IfaceLet    IfaceBinding  IfaceExpr
496  | IfaceCast   IfaceExpr IfaceCoercion
497  | IfaceLit    Literal
498  | IfaceFCall  ForeignCall IfaceType
499  | IfaceTick   IfaceTickish IfaceExpr    -- from Tick tickish E
501data IfaceTickish
502  = IfaceHpcTick Module Int                -- from HpcTick x
503  | IfaceSCC     CostCentre Bool Bool      -- from ProfNote
504  | IfaceSource  RealSrcSpan String        -- from SourceNote
505  -- no breakpoints: we never export these into interface files
507type IfaceAlt = (IfaceConAlt, [IfLclName], IfaceExpr)
508        -- Note: IfLclName, not IfaceBndr (and same with the case binder)
509        -- We reconstruct the kind/type of the thing from the context
510        -- thus saving bulk in interface files
512data IfaceConAlt = IfaceDefault
513                 | IfaceDataAlt IfExtName
514                 | IfaceLitAlt Literal
516data IfaceBinding
517  = IfaceNonRec IfaceLetBndr IfaceExpr
518  | IfaceRec    [(IfaceLetBndr, IfaceExpr)]
520-- IfaceLetBndr is like IfaceIdBndr, but has IdInfo too
521-- It's used for *non-top-level* let/rec binders
522-- See Note [IdInfo on nested let-bindings]
523data IfaceLetBndr = IfLetBndr IfLclName IfaceType IfaceIdInfo IfaceJoinInfo
525data IfaceJoinInfo = IfaceNotJoinPoint
526                   | IfaceJoinPoint JoinArity
529Note [Empty case alternatives]
531In IfaceSyn an IfaceCase does not record the types of the alternatives,
532unlike CorSyn Case.  But we need this type if the alternatives are empty.
533Hence IfaceECase.  See Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn.
535Note [Expose recursive functions]
537For supercompilation we want to put *all* unfoldings in the interface
538file, even for functions that are recursive (or big).  So we need to
539know when an unfolding belongs to a loop-breaker so that we can refrain
540from inlining it (except during supercompilation).
542Note [IdInfo on nested let-bindings]
544Occasionally we want to preserve IdInfo on nested let bindings. The one
545that came up was a NOINLINE pragma on a let-binding inside an INLINE
546function.  The user (Duncan Coutts) really wanted the NOINLINE control
547to cross the separate compilation boundary.
549In general we retain all info that is left by CoreTidy.tidyLetBndr, since
550that is what is seen by importing module with --make
552Note [Displaying axiom incompatibilities]
554With -fprint-axiom-incomps we display which closed type family equations
555are incompatible with which. This information is sometimes necessary
556because GHC doesn't try equations in order: any equation can be used when
557all preceding equations that are incompatible with it do not apply.
559For example, the last "a && a = a" equation in Data.Type.Bool.&& is
560actually compatible with all previous equations, and can reduce at any
563This is displayed as:
564Prelude> :i Data.Type.Equality.==
565type family (==) (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Bool
566  where
567    {- #0 -} (==) (f a) (g b) = (f == g) && (a == b)
568    {- #1 -} (==) a a = 'True
569          -- incompatible with: #0
570    {- #2 -} (==) _1 _2 = 'False
571          -- incompatible with: #1, #0
572The comment after an equation refers to all previous equations (0-indexed)
573that are incompatible with it.
576*                                                                      *
577              Printing IfaceDecl
578*                                                                      *
582pprAxBranch :: SDoc -> BranchIndex -> IfaceAxBranch -> SDoc
583-- The TyCon might be local (just an OccName), or this might
584-- be a branch for an imported TyCon, so it would be an ExtName
585-- So it's easier to take an SDoc here
587-- This function is used
588--    to print interface files,
589--    in debug messages
590--    in :info F for GHCi, which goes via toConToIfaceDecl on the family tycon
591-- For user error messages we use Coercion.pprCoAxiom and friends
592pprAxBranch pp_tc idx (IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars = tvs
593                                     , ifaxbCoVars = _cvs
594                                     , ifaxbLHS = pat_tys
595                                     , ifaxbRHS = rhs
596                                     , ifaxbIncomps = incomps })
597  = WARN( not (null _cvs), pp_tc $$ ppr _cvs )
598    hang ppr_binders 2 (hang pp_lhs 2 (equals <+> ppr rhs))
599    $+$
600    nest 4 maybe_incomps
601  where
602    -- See Note [Printing foralls in type family instances] in IfaceType
603    ppr_binders = maybe_index <+>
604      pprUserIfaceForAll (map (mkIfaceForAllTvBndr Specified) tvs)
605    pp_lhs = hang pp_tc 2 (pprParendIfaceAppArgs pat_tys)
607    -- See Note [Displaying axiom incompatibilities]
608    maybe_index
609      = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
610        ppWhen (gopt Opt_PrintAxiomIncomps dflags) $
611          text "{-" <+> (text "#" <> ppr idx) <+> text "-}"
612    maybe_incomps
613      = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
614        ppWhen (gopt Opt_PrintAxiomIncomps dflags && notNull incomps) $
615          text "--" <+> text "incompatible with:"
616          <+> pprWithCommas (\incomp -> text "#" <> ppr incomp) incomps
618instance Outputable IfaceAnnotation where
619  ppr (IfaceAnnotation target value) = ppr target <+> colon <+> ppr value
621instance NamedThing IfaceClassOp where
622  getName (IfaceClassOp n _ _) = n
624instance HasOccName IfaceClassOp where
625  occName = getOccName
627instance NamedThing IfaceConDecl where
628  getName = ifConName
630instance HasOccName IfaceConDecl where
631  occName = getOccName
633instance NamedThing IfaceDecl where
634  getName = ifName
636instance HasOccName IfaceDecl where
637  occName = getOccName
639instance Outputable IfaceDecl where
640  ppr = pprIfaceDecl showToIface
643Note [Minimal complete definition] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
644The minimal complete definition should only be included if a complete
645class definition is shown. Since the minimal complete definition is
646anonymous we can't reuse the same mechanism that is used for the
647filtering of method signatures. Instead we just check if anything at all is
648filtered and hide it in that case.
651data ShowSub
652  = ShowSub
653      { ss_how_much :: ShowHowMuch
654      , ss_forall :: ShowForAllFlag }
656-- See Note [Printing IfaceDecl binders]
657-- The alternative pretty printer referred to in the note.
658newtype AltPpr = AltPpr (Maybe (OccName -> SDoc))
660data ShowHowMuch
661  = ShowHeader AltPpr -- ^Header information only, not rhs
662  | ShowSome [OccName] AltPpr
663  -- ^ Show only some sub-components. Specifically,
664  --
665  -- [@[]@] Print all sub-components.
666  -- [@(n:ns)@] Print sub-component @n@ with @ShowSub = ns@;
667  -- elide other sub-components to @...@
668  -- May 14: the list is max 1 element long at the moment
669  | ShowIface
670  -- ^Everything including GHC-internal information (used in --show-iface)
673Note [Printing IfaceDecl binders]
675The binders in an IfaceDecl are just OccNames, so we don't know what module they
676come from.  But when we pretty-print a TyThing by converting to an IfaceDecl
677(see PprTyThing), the TyThing may come from some other module so we really need
678the module qualifier.  We solve this by passing in a pretty-printer for the
681When printing an interface file (--show-iface), we want to print
682everything unqualified, so we can just print the OccName directly.
685instance Outputable ShowHowMuch where
686  ppr (ShowHeader _)    = text "ShowHeader"
687  ppr ShowIface         = text "ShowIface"
688  ppr (ShowSome occs _) = text "ShowSome" <+> ppr occs
690showToHeader :: ShowSub
691showToHeader = ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowHeader $ AltPpr Nothing
692                       , ss_forall = ShowForAllWhen }
694showToIface :: ShowSub
695showToIface = ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowIface
696                      , ss_forall = ShowForAllWhen }
698ppShowIface :: ShowSub -> SDoc -> SDoc
699ppShowIface (ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowIface }) doc = doc
700ppShowIface _                                     _   = Outputable.empty
702-- show if all sub-components or the complete interface is shown
703ppShowAllSubs :: ShowSub -> SDoc -> SDoc -- Note [Minimal complete definition]
704ppShowAllSubs (ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowSome [] _ }) doc = doc
705ppShowAllSubs (ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowIface })     doc = doc
706ppShowAllSubs _                                         _   = Outputable.empty
708ppShowRhs :: ShowSub -> SDoc -> SDoc
709ppShowRhs (ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowHeader _ }) _   = Outputable.empty
710ppShowRhs _                                        doc = doc
712showSub :: HasOccName n => ShowSub -> n -> Bool
713showSub (ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowHeader _ })     _     = False
714showSub (ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowSome (n:_) _ }) thing = n == occName thing
715showSub (ShowSub { ss_how_much = _ })              _     = True
717ppr_trim :: [Maybe SDoc] -> [SDoc]
718-- Collapse a group of Nothings to a single "..."
719ppr_trim xs
720  = snd (foldr go (False, []) xs)
721  where
722    go (Just doc) (_,     so_far) = (False, doc : so_far)
723    go Nothing    (True,  so_far) = (True, so_far)
724    go Nothing    (False, so_far) = (True, text "..." : so_far)
726isIfaceDataInstance :: IfaceTyConParent -> Bool
727isIfaceDataInstance IfNoParent = False
728isIfaceDataInstance _          = True
730pprClassRoles :: ShowSub -> IfaceTopBndr -> [IfaceTyConBinder] -> [Role] -> SDoc
731pprClassRoles ss clas binders roles =
732    pprRoles (== Nominal)
733             (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName clas))
734             binders
735             roles
737pprClassStandaloneKindSig :: ShowSub -> IfaceTopBndr -> IfaceKind -> SDoc
738pprClassStandaloneKindSig ss clas =
739  pprStandaloneKindSig (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName clas))
741constraintIfaceKind :: IfaceKind
742constraintIfaceKind =
743  IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTyCon constraintKindTyConName (IfaceTyConInfo NotPromoted IfaceNormalTyCon)) IA_Nil
745pprIfaceDecl :: ShowSub -> IfaceDecl -> SDoc
746-- NB: pprIfaceDecl is also used for pretty-printing TyThings in GHCi
747--     See Note [Pretty-printing TyThings] in PprTyThing
748pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceData { ifName = tycon, ifCType = ctype,
749                             ifCtxt = context, ifResKind = kind,
750                             ifRoles = roles, ifCons = condecls,
751                             ifParent = parent,
752                             ifGadtSyntax = gadt,
753                             ifBinders = binders })
755  | gadt      = vcat [ pp_roles
756                     , pp_ki_sig
757                     , pp_nd <+> pp_lhs <+> pp_kind <+> pp_where
758                     , nest 2 (vcat pp_cons)
759                     , nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
760  | otherwise = vcat [ pp_roles
761                     , pp_ki_sig
762                     , hang (pp_nd <+> pp_lhs) 2 (add_bars pp_cons)
763                     , nest 2 $ ppShowIface ss pp_extra ]
764  where
765    is_data_instance = isIfaceDataInstance parent
766    -- See Note [Printing foralls in type family instances] in IfaceType
767    pp_data_inst_forall :: SDoc
768    pp_data_inst_forall = pprUserIfaceForAll forall_bndrs
770    forall_bndrs :: [IfaceForAllBndr]
771    forall_bndrs = [Bndr (binderVar tc_bndr) Specified | tc_bndr <- binders]
773    cons       = visibleIfConDecls condecls
774    pp_where   = ppWhen (gadt && not (null cons)) $ text "where"
775    pp_cons    = ppr_trim (map show_con cons) :: [SDoc]
776    pp_kind    = ppUnless (if ki_sig_printable
777                              then isIfaceTauType kind
778                                      -- Even in the presence of a standalone kind signature, a non-tau
779                                      -- result kind annotation cannot be discarded as it determines the arity.
780                                      -- See Note [Arity inference in kcDeclHeader_sig] in TcHsType
781                              else isIfaceLiftedTypeKind kind)
782                          (dcolon <+> ppr kind)
784    pp_lhs = case parent of
785               IfNoParent -> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig context ss tycon binders
786               IfDataInstance{}
787                          -> text "instance" <+> pp_data_inst_forall
788                                             <+> pprIfaceTyConParent parent
790    pp_roles
791      | is_data_instance = empty
792      | otherwise        = pprRoles (== Representational) name_doc binders roles
793            -- Don't display roles for data family instances (yet)
794            -- See discussion on #8672.
796    ki_sig_printable =
797      -- If we print a standalone kind signature for a data instance, we leak
798      -- the internal constructor name:
799      --
800      --    type T15827.R:Dka :: forall k. k -> *
801      --    data instance forall k (a :: k). D a = MkD (Proxy a)
802      --
803      -- This T15827.R:Dka is a compiler-generated type constructor for the
804      -- data instance.
805      not is_data_instance
807    pp_ki_sig = ppWhen ki_sig_printable $
808                pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders kind)
810    -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
811    suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig ki_sig_printable
813    name_doc = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tycon)
815    add_bars []     = Outputable.empty
816    add_bars (c:cs) = sep ((equals <+> c) : map (vbar <+>) cs)
818    ok_con dc = showSub ss dc || any (showSub ss . flSelector) (ifConFields dc)
820    show_con dc
821      | ok_con dc = Just $ pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt tycon binders parent dc
822      | otherwise = Nothing
824    pp_nd = case condecls of
825              IfAbstractTyCon{} -> text "data"
826              IfDataTyCon{}     -> text "data"
827              IfNewTyCon{}      -> text "newtype"
829    pp_extra = vcat [pprCType ctype]
831pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifName  = clas
832                            , ifRoles = roles
833                            , ifFDs    = fds
834                            , ifBinders = binders
835                            , ifBody = IfAbstractClass })
836  = vcat [ pprClassRoles ss clas binders roles
837         , pprClassStandaloneKindSig ss clas (mkIfaceTyConKind binders constraintIfaceKind)
838         , text "class" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss clas binders <+> pprFundeps fds ]
839  where
840    -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
841    suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
843pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceClass { ifName  = clas
844                            , ifRoles = roles
845                            , ifFDs    = fds
846                            , ifBinders = binders
847                            , ifBody = IfConcreteClass {
848                                ifATs = ats,
849                                ifSigs = sigs,
850                                ifClassCtxt = context,
851                                ifMinDef = minDef
852                              }})
853  = vcat [ pprClassRoles ss clas binders roles
854         , pprClassStandaloneKindSig ss clas (mkIfaceTyConKind binders constraintIfaceKind)
855         , text "class" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig context ss clas binders <+> pprFundeps fds <+> pp_where
856         , nest 2 (vcat [ vcat asocs, vcat dsigs
857                        , ppShowAllSubs ss (pprMinDef minDef)])]
858    where
859      pp_where = ppShowRhs ss $ ppUnless (null sigs && null ats) (text "where")
861      asocs = ppr_trim $ map maybeShowAssoc ats
862      dsigs = ppr_trim $ map maybeShowSig sigs
864      maybeShowAssoc :: IfaceAT -> Maybe SDoc
865      maybeShowAssoc asc@(IfaceAT d _)
866        | showSub ss d = Just $ pprIfaceAT ss asc
867        | otherwise    = Nothing
869      maybeShowSig :: IfaceClassOp -> Maybe SDoc
870      maybeShowSig sg
871        | showSub ss sg = Just $  pprIfaceClassOp ss sg
872        | otherwise     = Nothing
874      pprMinDef :: BooleanFormula IfLclName -> SDoc
875      pprMinDef minDef = ppUnless (isTrue minDef) $ -- hide empty definitions
876        text "{-# MINIMAL" <+>
877        pprBooleanFormula
878          (\_ def -> cparen (isLexSym def) (ppr def)) 0 minDef <+>
879        text "#-}"
881      -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
882      suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
884pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceSynonym { ifName    = tc
885                              , ifBinders = binders
886                              , ifSynRhs  = mono_ty
887                              , ifResKind = res_kind})
888  = vcat [ pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders res_kind)
889         , hang (text "type" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss tc binders <+> equals)
890           2 (sep [ pprIfaceForAll tvs, pprIfaceContextArr theta, ppr tau
891                  , ppUnless (isIfaceLiftedTypeKind res_kind) (dcolon <+> ppr res_kind) ])
892         ]
893  where
894    (tvs, theta, tau) = splitIfaceSigmaTy mono_ty
895    name_doc = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tc)
897    -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
898    suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
900pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceFamily { ifName = tycon
901                             , ifFamFlav = rhs, ifBinders = binders
902                             , ifResKind = res_kind
903                             , ifResVar = res_var, ifFamInj = inj })
904  | IfaceDataFamilyTyCon <- rhs
905  = vcat [ pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders res_kind)
906         , text "data family" <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss tycon binders
907         ]
909  | otherwise
910  = vcat [ pprStandaloneKindSig name_doc (mkIfaceTyConKind binders res_kind)
911         , hang (text "type family"
912                   <+> pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_bndr_sig [] ss tycon binders
913                   <+> ppShowRhs ss (pp_where rhs))
914              2 (pp_inj res_var inj <+> ppShowRhs ss (pp_rhs rhs))
915           $$
916           nest 2 (ppShowRhs ss (pp_branches rhs))
917         ]
918  where
919    name_doc = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tycon)
921    pp_where (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon {}) = text "where"
922    pp_where _                              = empty
924    pp_inj Nothing    _   = empty
925    pp_inj (Just res) inj
926       | Injective injectivity <- inj = hsep [ equals, ppr res
927                                             , pp_inj_cond res injectivity]
928       | otherwise = hsep [ equals, ppr res ]
930    pp_inj_cond res inj = case filterByList inj binders of
931       []  -> empty
932       tvs -> hsep [vbar, ppr res, text "->", interppSP (map ifTyConBinderName tvs)]
934    pp_rhs IfaceDataFamilyTyCon
935      = ppShowIface ss (text "data")
936    pp_rhs IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon
937      = ppShowIface ss (text "open")
938    pp_rhs IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
939      = ppShowIface ss (text "closed, abstract")
940    pp_rhs (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon {})
941      = empty  -- see pp_branches
942    pp_rhs IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon
943      = ppShowIface ss (text "built-in")
945    pp_branches (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just (ax, brs)))
946      = vcat (unzipWith (pprAxBranch
947                     (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr
948                       (ss_how_much ss)
949                       (occName tycon))
950                  ) $ zip [0..] brs)
951        $$ ppShowIface ss (text "axiom" <+> ppr ax)
952    pp_branches _ = Outputable.empty
954    -- See Note [Suppressing binder signatures] in IfaceType
955    suppress_bndr_sig = SuppressBndrSig True
957pprIfaceDecl _ (IfacePatSyn { ifName = name,
958                              ifPatUnivBndrs = univ_bndrs, ifPatExBndrs = ex_bndrs,
959                              ifPatProvCtxt = prov_ctxt, ifPatReqCtxt = req_ctxt,
960                              ifPatArgs = arg_tys,
961                              ifPatTy = pat_ty} )
962  = sdocWithDynFlags mk_msg
963  where
964    mk_msg dflags
965      = hang (text "pattern" <+> pprPrefixOcc name)
966           2 (dcolon <+> sep [univ_msg
967                             , pprIfaceContextArr req_ctxt
968                             , ppWhen insert_empty_ctxt $ parens empty <+> darrow
969                             , ex_msg
970                             , pprIfaceContextArr prov_ctxt
971                             , pprIfaceType $ foldr (IfaceFunTy VisArg) pat_ty arg_tys ])
972      where
973        univ_msg = pprUserIfaceForAll univ_bndrs
974        ex_msg   = pprUserIfaceForAll ex_bndrs
976        insert_empty_ctxt = null req_ctxt
977            && not (null prov_ctxt && isEmpty dflags ex_msg)
979pprIfaceDecl ss (IfaceId { ifName = var, ifType = ty,
980                              ifIdDetails = details, ifIdInfo = info })
981  = vcat [ hang (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName var) <+> dcolon)
982              2 (pprIfaceSigmaType (ss_forall ss) ty)
983         , ppShowIface ss (ppr details)
984         , ppShowIface ss (ppr info) ]
986pprIfaceDecl _ (IfaceAxiom { ifName = name, ifTyCon = tycon
987                           , ifAxBranches = branches })
988  = hang (text "axiom" <+> ppr name <+> dcolon)
989       2 (vcat $ unzipWith (pprAxBranch (ppr tycon)) $ zip [0..] branches)
991pprCType :: Maybe CType -> SDoc
992pprCType Nothing      = Outputable.empty
993pprCType (Just cType) = text "C type:" <+> ppr cType
995-- if, for each role, suppress_if role is True, then suppress the role
996-- output
997pprRoles :: (Role -> Bool) -> SDoc -> [IfaceTyConBinder]
998         -> [Role] -> SDoc
999pprRoles suppress_if tyCon bndrs roles
1000  = sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
1001      let froles = suppressIfaceInvisibles dflags bndrs roles
1002      in ppUnless (all suppress_if froles || null froles) $
1003         text "type role" <+> tyCon <+> hsep (map ppr froles)
1005pprStandaloneKindSig :: SDoc -> IfaceType -> SDoc
1006pprStandaloneKindSig tyCon ty = text "type" <+> tyCon <+> text "::" <+> ppr ty
1008pprInfixIfDeclBndr :: ShowHowMuch -> OccName -> SDoc
1009pprInfixIfDeclBndr (ShowSome _ (AltPpr (Just ppr_bndr))) name
1010  = pprInfixVar (isSymOcc name) (ppr_bndr name)
1011pprInfixIfDeclBndr _ name
1012  = pprInfixVar (isSymOcc name) (ppr name)
1014pprPrefixIfDeclBndr :: ShowHowMuch -> OccName -> SDoc
1015pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ShowHeader (AltPpr (Just ppr_bndr))) name
1016  = parenSymOcc name (ppr_bndr name)
1017pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ShowSome _ (AltPpr (Just ppr_bndr))) name
1018  = parenSymOcc name (ppr_bndr name)
1019pprPrefixIfDeclBndr _ name
1020  = parenSymOcc name (ppr name)
1022instance Outputable IfaceClassOp where
1023   ppr = pprIfaceClassOp showToIface
1025pprIfaceClassOp :: ShowSub -> IfaceClassOp -> SDoc
1026pprIfaceClassOp ss (IfaceClassOp n ty dm)
1027  = pp_sig n ty $$ generic_dm
1028  where
1029   generic_dm | Just (GenericDM dm_ty) <- dm
1030              =  text "default" <+> pp_sig n dm_ty
1031              | otherwise
1032              = empty
1033   pp_sig n ty
1034     = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName n)
1035     <+> dcolon
1036     <+> pprIfaceSigmaType ShowForAllWhen ty
1038instance Outputable IfaceAT where
1039   ppr = pprIfaceAT showToIface
1041pprIfaceAT :: ShowSub -> IfaceAT -> SDoc
1042pprIfaceAT ss (IfaceAT d mb_def)
1043  = vcat [ pprIfaceDecl ss d
1044         , case mb_def of
1045              Nothing  -> Outputable.empty
1046              Just rhs -> nest 2 $
1047                          text "Default:" <+> ppr rhs ]
1049instance Outputable IfaceTyConParent where
1050  ppr p = pprIfaceTyConParent p
1052pprIfaceTyConParent :: IfaceTyConParent -> SDoc
1053pprIfaceTyConParent IfNoParent
1054  = Outputable.empty
1055pprIfaceTyConParent (IfDataInstance _ tc tys)
1056  = pprIfaceTypeApp topPrec tc tys
1058pprIfaceDeclHead :: SuppressBndrSig
1059                 -> IfaceContext -> ShowSub -> Name
1060                 -> [IfaceTyConBinder]   -- of the tycon, for invisible-suppression
1061                 -> SDoc
1062pprIfaceDeclHead suppress_sig context ss tc_occ bndrs
1063  = sdocWithDynFlags $ \ dflags ->
1064    sep [ pprIfaceContextArr context
1065        , pprPrefixIfDeclBndr (ss_how_much ss) (occName tc_occ)
1066          <+> pprIfaceTyConBinders suppress_sig
1067                (suppressIfaceInvisibles dflags bndrs bndrs) ]
1069pprIfaceConDecl :: ShowSub -> Bool
1070                -> IfaceTopBndr
1071                -> [IfaceTyConBinder]
1072                -> IfaceTyConParent
1073                -> IfaceConDecl -> SDoc
1074pprIfaceConDecl ss gadt_style tycon tc_binders parent
1075        (IfCon { ifConName = name, ifConInfix = is_infix,
1076                 ifConUserTvBinders = user_tvbs,
1077                 ifConEqSpec = eq_spec, ifConCtxt = ctxt, ifConArgTys = arg_tys,
1078                 ifConStricts = stricts, ifConFields = fields })
1079  | gadt_style = pp_prefix_con <+> dcolon <+> ppr_gadt_ty
1080  | otherwise  = ppr_ex_quant pp_h98_con
1081  where
1082    pp_h98_con
1083      | not (null fields) = pp_prefix_con <+> pp_field_args
1084      | is_infix
1085      , [ty1, ty2] <- pp_args
1086      = sep [ ty1
1087            , pprInfixIfDeclBndr how_much (occName name)
1088            , ty2]
1089      | otherwise = pp_prefix_con <+> sep pp_args
1091    how_much = ss_how_much ss
1092    tys_w_strs :: [(IfaceBang, IfaceType)]
1093    tys_w_strs = zip stricts arg_tys
1094    pp_prefix_con = pprPrefixIfDeclBndr how_much (occName name)
1096    -- If we're pretty-printing a H98-style declaration with existential
1097    -- quantification, then user_tvbs will always consist of the universal
1098    -- tyvar binders followed by the existential tyvar binders. So to recover
1099    -- the visibilities of the existential tyvar binders, we can simply drop
1100    -- the universal tyvar binders from user_tvbs.
1101    ex_tvbs = dropList tc_binders user_tvbs
1102    ppr_ex_quant = pprIfaceForAllPartMust ex_tvbs ctxt
1103    pp_gadt_res_ty = mk_user_con_res_ty eq_spec
1104    ppr_gadt_ty = pprIfaceForAllPart user_tvbs ctxt pp_tau
1106        -- A bit gruesome this, but we can't form the full con_tau, and ppr it,
1107        -- because we don't have a Name for the tycon, only an OccName
1108    pp_tau | null fields
1109           = case pp_args ++ [pp_gadt_res_ty] of
1110                (t:ts) -> fsep (t : map (arrow <+>) ts)
1111                []     -> panic "pp_con_taus"
1112           | otherwise
1113           = sep [pp_field_args, arrow <+> pp_gadt_res_ty]
1115    ppr_bang IfNoBang = whenPprDebug $ char '_'
1116    ppr_bang IfStrict = char '!'
1117    ppr_bang IfUnpack = text "{-# UNPACK #-}"
1118    ppr_bang (IfUnpackCo co) = text "! {-# UNPACK #-}" <>
1119                               pprParendIfaceCoercion co
1121    pprFieldArgTy, pprArgTy :: (IfaceBang, IfaceType) -> SDoc
1122    -- If using record syntax, the only reason one would need to parenthesize
1123    -- a compound field type is if it's preceded by a bang pattern.
1124    pprFieldArgTy (bang, ty) = ppr_arg_ty (bang_prec bang) bang ty
1125    -- If not using record syntax, a compound field type might need to be
1126    -- parenthesized if one of the following holds:
1127    --
1128    -- 1. We're using Haskell98 syntax.
1129    -- 2. The field type is preceded with a bang pattern.
1130    pprArgTy (bang, ty) = ppr_arg_ty (max gadt_prec (bang_prec bang)) bang ty
1132    ppr_arg_ty :: PprPrec -> IfaceBang -> IfaceType -> SDoc
1133    ppr_arg_ty prec bang ty = ppr_bang bang <> pprPrecIfaceType prec ty
1135    -- If we're displaying the fields GADT-style, e.g.,
1136    --
1137    --   data Foo a where
1138    --     MkFoo :: (Int -> Int) -> Maybe a -> Foo
1139    --
1140    -- Then we use `funPrec`, since that will ensure `Int -> Int` gets the
1141    -- parentheses that it requires, but simple compound types like `Maybe a`
1142    -- (which don't require parentheses in a function argument position) won't
1143    -- get them, assuming that there are no bang patterns (see bang_prec).
1144    --
1145    -- If we're displaying the fields Haskell98-style, e.g.,
1146    --
1147    --   data Foo a = MkFoo (Int -> Int) (Maybe a)
1148    --
1149    -- Then not only must we parenthesize `Int -> Int`, we must also
1150    -- parenthesize compound fields like (Maybe a). Therefore, we pick
1151    -- `appPrec`, which has higher precedence than `funPrec`.
1152    gadt_prec :: PprPrec
1153    gadt_prec
1154      | gadt_style = funPrec
1155      | otherwise  = appPrec
1157    -- The presence of bang patterns or UNPACK annotations requires
1158    -- surrounding the type with parentheses, if needed (#13699)
1159    bang_prec :: IfaceBang -> PprPrec
1160    bang_prec IfNoBang     = topPrec
1161    bang_prec IfStrict     = appPrec
1162    bang_prec IfUnpack     = appPrec
1163    bang_prec IfUnpackCo{} = appPrec
1165    pp_args :: [SDoc] -- No records, e.g., `  Maybe a  ->  Int -> ...` or
1166                      --                   `!(Maybe a) -> !Int -> ...`
1167    pp_args = map pprArgTy tys_w_strs
1169    pp_field_args :: SDoc -- Records, e.g., { x ::   Maybe a,  y ::  Int } or
1170                          --                { x :: !(Maybe a), y :: !Int }
1171    pp_field_args = braces $ sep $ punctuate comma $ ppr_trim $
1172                    zipWith maybe_show_label fields tys_w_strs
1174    maybe_show_label :: FieldLabel -> (IfaceBang, IfaceType) -> Maybe SDoc
1175    maybe_show_label lbl bty
1176      | showSub ss sel = Just (pprPrefixIfDeclBndr how_much occ
1177                                <+> dcolon <+> pprFieldArgTy bty)
1178      | otherwise      = Nothing
1179      where
1180        sel = flSelector lbl
1181        occ = mkVarOccFS (flLabel lbl)
1183    mk_user_con_res_ty :: IfaceEqSpec -> SDoc
1184    -- See Note [Result type of a data family GADT]
1185    mk_user_con_res_ty eq_spec
1186      | IfDataInstance _ tc tys <- parent
1187      = pprIfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc (substIfaceAppArgs gadt_subst tys))
1188      | otherwise
1189      = ppr_tc_app gadt_subst
1190      where
1191        gadt_subst = mkIfaceTySubst eq_spec
1193    -- When pretty-printing a GADT return type, we:
1194    --
1195    -- 1. Take the data tycon binders, extract their variable names and
1196    --    visibilities, and construct suitable arguments from them. (This is
1197    --    the role of mk_tc_app_args.)
1198    -- 2. Apply the GADT substitution constructed from the eq_spec.
1199    --    (See Note [Result type of a data family GADT].)
1200    -- 3. Pretty-print the data type constructor applied to its arguments.
1201    --    This process will omit any invisible arguments, such as coercion
1202    --    variables, if necessary. (See Note
1203    --    [VarBndrs, TyCoVarBinders, TyConBinders, and visibility] in TyCoRep.)
1204    ppr_tc_app gadt_subst =
1205      pprPrefixIfDeclBndr how_much (occName tycon)
1206      <+> pprParendIfaceAppArgs
1207            (substIfaceAppArgs gadt_subst (mk_tc_app_args tc_binders))
1209    mk_tc_app_args :: [IfaceTyConBinder] -> IfaceAppArgs
1210    mk_tc_app_args [] = IA_Nil
1211    mk_tc_app_args (Bndr bndr vis:tc_bndrs) =
1212      IA_Arg (IfaceTyVar (ifaceBndrName bndr)) (tyConBndrVisArgFlag vis)
1213             (mk_tc_app_args tc_bndrs)
1215instance Outputable IfaceRule where
1216  ppr (IfaceRule { ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act, ifRuleBndrs = bndrs,
1217                   ifRuleHead = fn, ifRuleArgs = args, ifRuleRhs = rhs,
1218                   ifRuleOrph = orph })
1219    = sep [ hsep [ pprRuleName name
1220                 , if isOrphan orph then text "[orphan]" else Outputable.empty
1221                 , ppr act
1222                 , pp_foralls ]
1223          , nest 2 (sep [ppr fn <+> sep (map pprParendIfaceExpr args),
1224                        text "=" <+> ppr rhs]) ]
1225    where
1226      pp_foralls = ppUnless (null bndrs) $ forAllLit <+> pprIfaceBndrs bndrs <> dot
1228instance Outputable IfaceClsInst where
1229  ppr (IfaceClsInst { ifDFun = dfun_id, ifOFlag = flag
1230                    , ifInstCls = cls, ifInstTys = mb_tcs
1231                    , ifInstOrph = orph })
1232    = hang (text "instance" <+> ppr flag
1233              <+> (if isOrphan orph then text "[orphan]" else Outputable.empty)
1234              <+> ppr cls <+> brackets (pprWithCommas ppr_rough mb_tcs))
1235         2 (equals <+> ppr dfun_id)
1237instance Outputable IfaceFamInst where
1238  ppr (IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstFam = fam, ifFamInstTys = mb_tcs
1239                    , ifFamInstAxiom = tycon_ax, ifFamInstOrph = orph })
1240    = hang (text "family instance"
1241              <+> (if isOrphan orph then text "[orphan]" else Outputable.empty)
1242              <+> ppr fam <+> pprWithCommas (brackets . ppr_rough) mb_tcs)
1243         2 (equals <+> ppr tycon_ax)
1245ppr_rough :: Maybe IfaceTyCon -> SDoc
1246ppr_rough Nothing   = dot
1247ppr_rough (Just tc) = ppr tc
1250Note [Result type of a data family GADT]
1253   data family T a
1254   data instance T (p,q) where
1255      T1 :: T (Int, Maybe c)
1256      T2 :: T (Bool, q)
1258The IfaceDecl actually looks like
1260   data TPr p q where
1261      T1 :: forall p q. forall c. (p~Int,q~Maybe c) => TPr p q
1262      T2 :: forall p q. (p~Bool) => TPr p q
1264To reconstruct the result types for T1 and T2 that we
1265want to pretty print, we substitute the eq-spec
1266[p->Int, q->Maybe c] in the arg pattern (p,q) to give
1267   T (Int, Maybe c)
1268Remember that in IfaceSyn, the TyCon and DataCon share the same
1269universal type variables.
1271----------------------------- Printing IfaceExpr ------------------------------------
1274instance Outputable IfaceExpr where
1275    ppr e = pprIfaceExpr noParens e
1277noParens :: SDoc -> SDoc
1278noParens pp = pp
1280pprParendIfaceExpr :: IfaceExpr -> SDoc
1281pprParendIfaceExpr = pprIfaceExpr parens
1283-- | Pretty Print an IfaceExpre
1285-- The first argument should be a function that adds parens in context that need
1286-- an atomic value (e.g. function args)
1287pprIfaceExpr :: (SDoc -> SDoc) -> IfaceExpr -> SDoc
1289pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceLcl v)       = ppr v
1290pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceExt v)       = ppr v
1291pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceLit l)       = ppr l
1292pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceFCall cc ty) = braces (ppr cc <+> ppr ty)
1293pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceType ty)     = char '@' <+> pprParendIfaceType ty
1294pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceCo co)       = text "@~" <+> pprParendIfaceCoercion co
1296pprIfaceExpr add_par app@(IfaceApp _ _) = add_par (pprIfaceApp app [])
1297pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceTuple c as)  = tupleParens c (pprWithCommas ppr as)
1299pprIfaceExpr add_par i@(IfaceLam _ _)
1300  = add_par (sep [char '\\' <+> sep (map pprIfaceLamBndr bndrs) <+> arrow,
1301                  pprIfaceExpr noParens body])
1302  where
1303    (bndrs,body) = collect [] i
1304    collect bs (IfaceLam b e) = collect (b:bs) e
1305    collect bs e              = (reverse bs, e)
1307pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceECase scrut ty)
1308  = add_par (sep [ text "case" <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens scrut
1309                 , text "ret_ty" <+> pprParendIfaceType ty
1310                 , text "of {}" ])
1312pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceCase scrut bndr [(con, bs, rhs)])
1313  = add_par (sep [text "case"
1314                        <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens scrut <+> text "of"
1315                        <+> ppr bndr <+> char '{' <+> ppr_con_bs con bs <+> arrow,
1316                  pprIfaceExpr noParens rhs <+> char '}'])
1318pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceCase scrut bndr alts)
1319  = add_par (sep [text "case"
1320                        <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens scrut <+> text "of"
1321                        <+> ppr bndr <+> char '{',
1322                  nest 2 (sep (map ppr_alt alts)) <+> char '}'])
1324pprIfaceExpr _       (IfaceCast expr co)
1325  = sep [pprParendIfaceExpr expr,
1326         nest 2 (text "`cast`"),
1327         pprParendIfaceCoercion co]
1329pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec b rhs) body)
1330  = add_par (sep [text "let {",
1331                  nest 2 (ppr_bind (b, rhs)),
1332                  text "} in",
1333                  pprIfaceExpr noParens body])
1335pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceLet (IfaceRec pairs) body)
1336  = add_par (sep [text "letrec {",
1337                  nest 2 (sep (map ppr_bind pairs)),
1338                  text "} in",
1339                  pprIfaceExpr noParens body])
1341pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceTick tickish e)
1342  = add_par (pprIfaceTickish tickish <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens e)
1344ppr_alt :: (IfaceConAlt, [IfLclName], IfaceExpr) -> SDoc
1345ppr_alt (con, bs, rhs) = sep [ppr_con_bs con bs,
1346                         arrow <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens rhs]
1348ppr_con_bs :: IfaceConAlt -> [IfLclName] -> SDoc
1349ppr_con_bs con bs = ppr con <+> hsep (map ppr bs)
1351ppr_bind :: (IfaceLetBndr, IfaceExpr) -> SDoc
1352ppr_bind (IfLetBndr b ty info ji, rhs)
1353  = sep [hang (ppr b <+> dcolon <+> ppr ty) 2 (ppr ji <+> ppr info),
1354         equals <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens rhs]
1357pprIfaceTickish :: IfaceTickish -> SDoc
1358pprIfaceTickish (IfaceHpcTick m ix)
1359  = braces (text "tick" <+> ppr m <+> ppr ix)
1360pprIfaceTickish (IfaceSCC cc tick scope)
1361  = braces (pprCostCentreCore cc <+> ppr tick <+> ppr scope)
1362pprIfaceTickish (IfaceSource src _names)
1363  = braces (pprUserRealSpan True src)
1366pprIfaceApp :: IfaceExpr -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
1367pprIfaceApp (IfaceApp fun arg) args = pprIfaceApp fun $
1368                                          nest 2 (pprParendIfaceExpr arg) : args
1369pprIfaceApp fun                args = sep (pprParendIfaceExpr fun : args)
1372instance Outputable IfaceConAlt where
1373    ppr IfaceDefault      = text "DEFAULT"
1374    ppr (IfaceLitAlt l)   = ppr l
1375    ppr (IfaceDataAlt d)  = ppr d
1378instance Outputable IfaceIdDetails where
1379  ppr IfVanillaId       = Outputable.empty
1380  ppr (IfRecSelId tc b) = text "RecSel" <+> ppr tc
1381                          <+> if b
1382                                then text "<naughty>"
1383                                else Outputable.empty
1384  ppr IfDFunId          = text "DFunId"
1386instance Outputable IfaceIdInfo where
1387  ppr NoInfo       = Outputable.empty
1388  ppr (HasInfo is) = text "{-" <+> pprWithCommas ppr is
1389                     <+> text "-}"
1391instance Outputable IfaceInfoItem where
1392  ppr (HsUnfold lb unf)     = text "Unfolding"
1393                              <> ppWhen lb (text "(loop-breaker)")
1394                              <> colon <+> ppr unf
1395  ppr (HsInline prag)       = text "Inline:" <+> ppr prag
1396  ppr (HsArity arity)       = text "Arity:" <+> int arity
1397  ppr (HsStrictness str) = text "Strictness:" <+> pprIfaceStrictSig str
1398  ppr HsNoCafRefs           = text "HasNoCafRefs"
1399  ppr HsLevity              = text "Never levity-polymorphic"
1401instance Outputable IfaceJoinInfo where
1402  ppr IfaceNotJoinPoint   = empty
1403  ppr (IfaceJoinPoint ar) = angleBrackets (text "join" <+> ppr ar)
1405instance Outputable IfaceUnfolding where
1406  ppr (IfCompulsory e)     = text "<compulsory>" <+> parens (ppr e)
1407  ppr (IfCoreUnfold s e)   = (if s
1408                                then text "<stable>"
1409                                else Outputable.empty)
1410                              <+> parens (ppr e)
1411  ppr (IfInlineRule a uok bok e) = sep [text "InlineRule"
1412                                            <+> ppr (a,uok,bok),
1413                                        pprParendIfaceExpr e]
1414  ppr (IfDFunUnfold bs es) = hang (text "DFun:" <+> sep (map ppr bs) <> dot)
1415                                2 (sep (map pprParendIfaceExpr es))
1419*                                                                      *
1420              Finding the Names in IfaceSyn
1421*                                                                      *
1424This is used for dependency analysis in MkIface, so that we
1425fingerprint a declaration before the things that depend on it.  It
1426is specific to interface-file fingerprinting in the sense that we
1427don't collect *all* Names: for example, the DFun of an instance is
1428recorded textually rather than by its fingerprint when
1429fingerprinting the instance, so DFuns are not dependencies.
1432freeNamesIfDecl :: IfaceDecl -> NameSet
1433freeNamesIfDecl (IfaceId { ifType = t, ifIdDetails = d, ifIdInfo = i})
1434  = freeNamesIfType t &&&
1435    freeNamesIfIdInfo i &&&
1436    freeNamesIfIdDetails d
1438freeNamesIfDecl (IfaceData { ifBinders = bndrs, ifResKind = res_k
1439                           , ifParent = p, ifCtxt = ctxt, ifCons = cons })
1440  = freeNamesIfVarBndrs bndrs &&&
1441    freeNamesIfType res_k &&&
1442    freeNamesIfaceTyConParent p &&&
1443    freeNamesIfContext ctxt &&&
1444    freeNamesIfConDecls cons
1446freeNamesIfDecl (IfaceSynonym { ifBinders = bndrs, ifResKind = res_k
1447                              , ifSynRhs = rhs })
1448  = freeNamesIfVarBndrs bndrs &&&
1449    freeNamesIfKind res_k &&&
1450    freeNamesIfType rhs
1452freeNamesIfDecl (IfaceFamily { ifBinders = bndrs, ifResKind = res_k
1453                             , ifFamFlav = flav })
1454  = freeNamesIfVarBndrs bndrs &&&
1455    freeNamesIfKind res_k &&&
1456    freeNamesIfFamFlav flav
1458freeNamesIfDecl (IfaceClass{ ifBinders = bndrs, ifBody = cls_body })
1459  = freeNamesIfVarBndrs bndrs &&&
1460    freeNamesIfClassBody cls_body
1462freeNamesIfDecl (IfaceAxiom { ifTyCon = tc, ifAxBranches = branches })
1463  = freeNamesIfTc tc &&&
1464    fnList freeNamesIfAxBranch branches
1466freeNamesIfDecl (IfacePatSyn { ifPatMatcher = (matcher, _)
1467                             , ifPatBuilder = mb_builder
1468                             , ifPatUnivBndrs = univ_bndrs
1469                             , ifPatExBndrs = ex_bndrs
1470                             , ifPatProvCtxt = prov_ctxt
1471                             , ifPatReqCtxt = req_ctxt
1472                             , ifPatArgs = args
1473                             , ifPatTy = pat_ty
1474                             , ifFieldLabels = lbls })
1475  = unitNameSet matcher &&&
1476    maybe emptyNameSet (unitNameSet . fst) mb_builder &&&
1477    freeNamesIfVarBndrs univ_bndrs &&&
1478    freeNamesIfVarBndrs ex_bndrs &&&
1479    freeNamesIfContext prov_ctxt &&&
1480    freeNamesIfContext req_ctxt &&&
1481    fnList freeNamesIfType args &&&
1482    freeNamesIfType pat_ty &&&
1483    mkNameSet (map flSelector lbls)
1485freeNamesIfClassBody :: IfaceClassBody -> NameSet
1486freeNamesIfClassBody IfAbstractClass
1487  = emptyNameSet
1488freeNamesIfClassBody (IfConcreteClass{ ifClassCtxt = ctxt, ifATs = ats, ifSigs = sigs })
1489  = freeNamesIfContext ctxt  &&&
1490    fnList freeNamesIfAT ats &&&
1491    fnList freeNamesIfClsSig sigs
1493freeNamesIfAxBranch :: IfaceAxBranch -> NameSet
1494freeNamesIfAxBranch (IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars   = tyvars
1495                                   , ifaxbCoVars   = covars
1496                                   , ifaxbLHS      = lhs
1497                                   , ifaxbRHS      = rhs })
1498  = fnList freeNamesIfTvBndr tyvars &&&
1499    fnList freeNamesIfIdBndr covars &&&
1500    freeNamesIfAppArgs lhs &&&
1501    freeNamesIfType rhs
1503freeNamesIfIdDetails :: IfaceIdDetails -> NameSet
1504freeNamesIfIdDetails (IfRecSelId tc _) =
1505  either freeNamesIfTc freeNamesIfDecl tc
1506freeNamesIfIdDetails _                 = emptyNameSet
1508-- All other changes are handled via the version info on the tycon
1509freeNamesIfFamFlav :: IfaceFamTyConFlav -> NameSet
1510freeNamesIfFamFlav IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon             = emptyNameSet
1511freeNamesIfFamFlav IfaceDataFamilyTyCon                = emptyNameSet
1512freeNamesIfFamFlav (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just (ax, br)))
1513  = unitNameSet ax &&& fnList freeNamesIfAxBranch br
1514freeNamesIfFamFlav (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing) = emptyNameSet
1515freeNamesIfFamFlav IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon   = emptyNameSet
1516freeNamesIfFamFlav IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon             = emptyNameSet
1518freeNamesIfContext :: IfaceContext -> NameSet
1519freeNamesIfContext = fnList freeNamesIfType
1521freeNamesIfAT :: IfaceAT -> NameSet
1522freeNamesIfAT (IfaceAT decl mb_def)
1523  = freeNamesIfDecl decl &&&
1524    case mb_def of
1525      Nothing  -> emptyNameSet
1526      Just rhs -> freeNamesIfType rhs
1528freeNamesIfClsSig :: IfaceClassOp -> NameSet
1529freeNamesIfClsSig (IfaceClassOp _n ty dm) = freeNamesIfType ty &&& freeNamesDM dm
1531freeNamesDM :: Maybe (DefMethSpec IfaceType) -> NameSet
1532freeNamesDM (Just (GenericDM ty)) = freeNamesIfType ty
1533freeNamesDM _                     = emptyNameSet
1535freeNamesIfConDecls :: IfaceConDecls -> NameSet
1536freeNamesIfConDecls (IfDataTyCon c) = fnList freeNamesIfConDecl c
1537freeNamesIfConDecls (IfNewTyCon  c) = freeNamesIfConDecl c
1538freeNamesIfConDecls _                   = emptyNameSet
1540freeNamesIfConDecl :: IfaceConDecl -> NameSet
1541freeNamesIfConDecl (IfCon { ifConExTCvs  = ex_tvs, ifConCtxt = ctxt
1542                          , ifConArgTys  = arg_tys
1543                          , ifConFields  = flds
1544                          , ifConEqSpec  = eq_spec
1545                          , ifConStricts = bangs })
1546  = fnList freeNamesIfBndr ex_tvs &&&
1547    freeNamesIfContext ctxt &&&
1548    fnList freeNamesIfType arg_tys &&&
1549    mkNameSet (map flSelector flds) &&&
1550    fnList freeNamesIfType (map snd eq_spec) &&& -- equality constraints
1551    fnList freeNamesIfBang bangs
1553freeNamesIfBang :: IfaceBang -> NameSet
1554freeNamesIfBang (IfUnpackCo co) = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1555freeNamesIfBang _               = emptyNameSet
1557freeNamesIfKind :: IfaceType -> NameSet
1558freeNamesIfKind = freeNamesIfType
1560freeNamesIfAppArgs :: IfaceAppArgs -> NameSet
1561freeNamesIfAppArgs (IA_Arg t _ ts) = freeNamesIfType t &&& freeNamesIfAppArgs ts
1562freeNamesIfAppArgs IA_Nil          = emptyNameSet
1564freeNamesIfType :: IfaceType -> NameSet
1565freeNamesIfType (IfaceFreeTyVar _)    = emptyNameSet
1566freeNamesIfType (IfaceTyVar _)        = emptyNameSet
1567freeNamesIfType (IfaceAppTy s t)      = freeNamesIfType s &&& freeNamesIfAppArgs t
1568freeNamesIfType (IfaceTyConApp tc ts) = freeNamesIfTc tc &&& freeNamesIfAppArgs ts
1569freeNamesIfType (IfaceTupleTy _ _ ts) = freeNamesIfAppArgs ts
1570freeNamesIfType (IfaceLitTy _)        = emptyNameSet
1571freeNamesIfType (IfaceForAllTy tv t)  = freeNamesIfVarBndr tv &&& freeNamesIfType t
1572freeNamesIfType (IfaceFunTy _ s t)    = freeNamesIfType s &&& freeNamesIfType t
1573freeNamesIfType (IfaceCastTy t c)     = freeNamesIfType t &&& freeNamesIfCoercion c
1574freeNamesIfType (IfaceCoercionTy c)   = freeNamesIfCoercion c
1576freeNamesIfMCoercion :: IfaceMCoercion -> NameSet
1577freeNamesIfMCoercion IfaceMRefl    = emptyNameSet
1578freeNamesIfMCoercion (IfaceMCo co) = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1580freeNamesIfCoercion :: IfaceCoercion -> NameSet
1581freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceReflCo t) = freeNamesIfType t
1582freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceGReflCo _ t mco)
1583  = freeNamesIfType t &&& freeNamesIfMCoercion mco
1584freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceFunCo _ c1 c2)
1585  = freeNamesIfCoercion c1 &&& freeNamesIfCoercion c2
1586freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceTyConAppCo _ tc cos)
1587  = freeNamesIfTc tc &&& fnList freeNamesIfCoercion cos
1588freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceAppCo c1 c2)
1589  = freeNamesIfCoercion c1 &&& freeNamesIfCoercion c2
1590freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceForAllCo _ kind_co co)
1591  = freeNamesIfCoercion kind_co &&& freeNamesIfCoercion co
1592freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceFreeCoVar _) = emptyNameSet
1593freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceCoVarCo _)   = emptyNameSet
1594freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceHoleCo _)    = emptyNameSet
1595freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceAxiomInstCo ax _ cos)
1596  = unitNameSet ax &&& fnList freeNamesIfCoercion cos
1597freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceUnivCo p _ t1 t2)
1598  = freeNamesIfProv p &&& freeNamesIfType t1 &&& freeNamesIfType t2
1599freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceSymCo c)
1600  = freeNamesIfCoercion c
1601freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceTransCo c1 c2)
1602  = freeNamesIfCoercion c1 &&& freeNamesIfCoercion c2
1603freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceNthCo _ co)
1604  = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1605freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceLRCo _ co)
1606  = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1607freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceInstCo co co2)
1608  = freeNamesIfCoercion co &&& freeNamesIfCoercion co2
1609freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceKindCo c)
1610  = freeNamesIfCoercion c
1611freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceSubCo co)
1612  = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1613freeNamesIfCoercion (IfaceAxiomRuleCo _ax cos)
1614  -- the axiom is just a string, so we don't count it as a name.
1615  = fnList freeNamesIfCoercion cos
1617freeNamesIfProv :: IfaceUnivCoProv -> NameSet
1618freeNamesIfProv IfaceUnsafeCoerceProv    = emptyNameSet
1619freeNamesIfProv (IfacePhantomProv co)    = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1620freeNamesIfProv (IfaceProofIrrelProv co) = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1621freeNamesIfProv (IfacePluginProv _)      = emptyNameSet
1623freeNamesIfVarBndr :: VarBndr IfaceBndr vis -> NameSet
1624freeNamesIfVarBndr (Bndr bndr _) = freeNamesIfBndr bndr
1626freeNamesIfVarBndrs :: [VarBndr IfaceBndr vis] -> NameSet
1627freeNamesIfVarBndrs = fnList freeNamesIfVarBndr
1629freeNamesIfBndr :: IfaceBndr -> NameSet
1630freeNamesIfBndr (IfaceIdBndr b) = freeNamesIfIdBndr b
1631freeNamesIfBndr (IfaceTvBndr b) = freeNamesIfTvBndr b
1633freeNamesIfBndrs :: [IfaceBndr] -> NameSet
1634freeNamesIfBndrs = fnList freeNamesIfBndr
1636freeNamesIfLetBndr :: IfaceLetBndr -> NameSet
1637-- Remember IfaceLetBndr is used only for *nested* bindings
1638-- The IdInfo can contain an unfolding (in the case of
1639-- local INLINE pragmas), so look there too
1640freeNamesIfLetBndr (IfLetBndr _name ty info _ji) = freeNamesIfType ty
1641                                                 &&& freeNamesIfIdInfo info
1643freeNamesIfTvBndr :: IfaceTvBndr -> NameSet
1644freeNamesIfTvBndr (_fs,k) = freeNamesIfKind k
1645    -- kinds can have Names inside, because of promotion
1647freeNamesIfIdBndr :: IfaceIdBndr -> NameSet
1648freeNamesIfIdBndr (_fs,k) = freeNamesIfKind k
1650freeNamesIfIdInfo :: IfaceIdInfo -> NameSet
1651freeNamesIfIdInfo NoInfo      = emptyNameSet
1652freeNamesIfIdInfo (HasInfo i) = fnList freeNamesItem i
1654freeNamesItem :: IfaceInfoItem -> NameSet
1655freeNamesItem (HsUnfold _ u) = freeNamesIfUnfold u
1656freeNamesItem _              = emptyNameSet
1658freeNamesIfUnfold :: IfaceUnfolding -> NameSet
1659freeNamesIfUnfold (IfCoreUnfold _ e)     = freeNamesIfExpr e
1660freeNamesIfUnfold (IfCompulsory e)       = freeNamesIfExpr e
1661freeNamesIfUnfold (IfInlineRule _ _ _ e) = freeNamesIfExpr e
1662freeNamesIfUnfold (IfDFunUnfold bs es)   = freeNamesIfBndrs bs &&& fnList freeNamesIfExpr es
1664freeNamesIfExpr :: IfaceExpr -> NameSet
1665freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceExt v)          = unitNameSet v
1666freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceFCall _ ty)     = freeNamesIfType ty
1667freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceType ty)        = freeNamesIfType ty
1668freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceCo co)          = freeNamesIfCoercion co
1669freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceTuple _ as)     = fnList freeNamesIfExpr as
1670freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceLam (b,_) body) = freeNamesIfBndr b &&& freeNamesIfExpr body
1671freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceApp f a)        = freeNamesIfExpr f &&& freeNamesIfExpr a
1672freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceCast e co)      = freeNamesIfExpr e &&& freeNamesIfCoercion co
1673freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceTick _ e)       = freeNamesIfExpr e
1674freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceECase e ty)     = freeNamesIfExpr e &&& freeNamesIfType ty
1675freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceCase s _ alts)
1676  = freeNamesIfExpr s &&& fnList fn_alt alts &&& fn_cons alts
1677  where
1678    fn_alt (_con,_bs,r) = freeNamesIfExpr r
1680    -- Depend on the data constructors.  Just one will do!
1681    -- Note [Tracking data constructors]
1682    fn_cons []                            = emptyNameSet
1683    fn_cons ((IfaceDefault    ,_,_) : xs) = fn_cons xs
1684    fn_cons ((IfaceDataAlt con,_,_) : _ ) = unitNameSet con
1685    fn_cons (_                      : _ ) = emptyNameSet
1687freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceNonRec bndr rhs) body)
1688  = freeNamesIfLetBndr bndr &&& freeNamesIfExpr rhs &&& freeNamesIfExpr body
1690freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceLet (IfaceRec as) x)
1691  = fnList fn_pair as &&& freeNamesIfExpr x
1692  where
1693    fn_pair (bndr, rhs) = freeNamesIfLetBndr bndr &&& freeNamesIfExpr rhs
1695freeNamesIfExpr _ = emptyNameSet
1697freeNamesIfTc :: IfaceTyCon -> NameSet
1698freeNamesIfTc tc = unitNameSet (ifaceTyConName tc)
1699-- ToDo: shouldn't we include IfaceIntTc & co.?
1701freeNamesIfRule :: IfaceRule -> NameSet
1702freeNamesIfRule (IfaceRule { ifRuleBndrs = bs, ifRuleHead = f
1703                           , ifRuleArgs = es, ifRuleRhs = rhs })
1704  = unitNameSet f &&&
1705    fnList freeNamesIfBndr bs &&&
1706    fnList freeNamesIfExpr es &&&
1707    freeNamesIfExpr rhs
1709freeNamesIfFamInst :: IfaceFamInst -> NameSet
1710freeNamesIfFamInst (IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstFam = famName
1711                                 , ifFamInstAxiom = axName })
1712  = unitNameSet famName &&&
1713    unitNameSet axName
1715freeNamesIfaceTyConParent :: IfaceTyConParent -> NameSet
1716freeNamesIfaceTyConParent IfNoParent = emptyNameSet
1717freeNamesIfaceTyConParent (IfDataInstance ax tc tys)
1718  = unitNameSet ax &&& freeNamesIfTc tc &&& freeNamesIfAppArgs tys
1720-- helpers
1721(&&&) :: NameSet -> NameSet -> NameSet
1722(&&&) = unionNameSet
1724fnList :: (a -> NameSet) -> [a] -> NameSet
1725fnList f = foldr (&&&) emptyNameSet . map f
1728Note [Tracking data constructors]
1730In a case expression
1731   case e of { C a -> ...; ... }
1732You might think that we don't need to include the datacon C
1733in the free names, because its type will probably show up in
1734the free names of 'e'.  But in rare circumstances this may
1735not happen.   Here's the one that bit me:
1737   module DynFlags where
1738     import {-# SOURCE #-} Packages( PackageState )
1739     data DynFlags = DF ... PackageState ...
1741   module Packages where
1742     import DynFlags
1743     data PackageState = PS ...
1744     lookupModule (df :: DynFlags)
1745        = case df of
1746              DF ...p... -> case p of
1747                               PS ... -> ...
1749Now, lookupModule depends on DynFlags, but the transitive dependency
1750on the *locally-defined* type PackageState is not visible. We need
1751to take account of the use of the data constructor PS in the pattern match.
1755*                                                                      *
1756                Binary instances
1757*                                                                      *
1760Note that there is a bit of subtlety here when we encode names. While
1761IfaceTopBndrs is really just a synonym for Name, we need to take care to
1762encode them with {get,put}IfaceTopBndr. The difference becomes important when
1763we go to fingerprint an IfaceDecl. See Note [Fingerprinting IfaceDecls] for
1768instance Binary IfaceDecl where
1769    put_ bh (IfaceId name ty details idinfo) = do
1770        putByte bh 0
1771        putIfaceTopBndr bh name
1772        lazyPut bh (ty, details, idinfo)
1773        -- See Note [Lazy deserialization of IfaceId]
1775    put_ bh (IfaceData a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9) = do
1776        putByte bh 2
1777        putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
1778        put_ bh a2
1779        put_ bh a3
1780        put_ bh a4
1781        put_ bh a5
1782        put_ bh a6
1783        put_ bh a7
1784        put_ bh a8
1785        put_ bh a9
1787    put_ bh (IfaceSynonym a1 a2 a3 a4 a5) = do
1788        putByte bh 3
1789        putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
1790        put_ bh a2
1791        put_ bh a3
1792        put_ bh a4
1793        put_ bh a5
1795    put_ bh (IfaceFamily a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6) = do
1796        putByte bh 4
1797        putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
1798        put_ bh a2
1799        put_ bh a3
1800        put_ bh a4
1801        put_ bh a5
1802        put_ bh a6
1804    -- NB: Written in a funny way to avoid an interface change
1805    put_ bh (IfaceClass {
1806                ifName    = a2,
1807                ifRoles   = a3,
1808                ifBinders = a4,
1809                ifFDs     = a5,
1810                ifBody = IfConcreteClass {
1811                    ifClassCtxt = a1,
1812                    ifATs  = a6,
1813                    ifSigs = a7,
1814                    ifMinDef  = a8
1815                }}) = do
1816        putByte bh 5
1817        put_ bh a1
1818        putIfaceTopBndr bh a2
1819        put_ bh a3
1820        put_ bh a4
1821        put_ bh a5
1822        put_ bh a6
1823        put_ bh a7
1824        put_ bh a8
1826    put_ bh (IfaceAxiom a1 a2 a3 a4) = do
1827        putByte bh 6
1828        putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
1829        put_ bh a2
1830        put_ bh a3
1831        put_ bh a4
1833    put_ bh (IfacePatSyn a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11) = do
1834        putByte bh 7
1835        putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
1836        put_ bh a2
1837        put_ bh a3
1838        put_ bh a4
1839        put_ bh a5
1840        put_ bh a6
1841        put_ bh a7
1842        put_ bh a8
1843        put_ bh a9
1844        put_ bh a10
1845        put_ bh a11
1847    put_ bh (IfaceClass {
1848                ifName    = a1,
1849                ifRoles   = a2,
1850                ifBinders = a3,
1851                ifFDs     = a4,
1852                ifBody = IfAbstractClass }) = do
1853        putByte bh 8
1854        putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
1855        put_ bh a2
1856        put_ bh a3
1857        put_ bh a4
1859    get bh = do
1860        h <- getByte bh
1861        case h of
1862            0 -> do name    <- get bh
1863                    ~(ty, details, idinfo) <- lazyGet bh
1864                    -- See Note [Lazy deserialization of IfaceId]
1865                    return (IfaceId name ty details idinfo)
1866            1 -> error "Binary.get(TyClDecl): ForeignType"
1867            2 -> do a1  <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1868                    a2  <- get bh
1869                    a3  <- get bh
1870                    a4  <- get bh
1871                    a5  <- get bh
1872                    a6  <- get bh
1873                    a7  <- get bh
1874                    a8  <- get bh
1875                    a9  <- get bh
1876                    return (IfaceData a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9)
1877            3 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1878                    a2 <- get bh
1879                    a3 <- get bh
1880                    a4 <- get bh
1881                    a5 <- get bh
1882                    return (IfaceSynonym a1 a2 a3 a4 a5)
1883            4 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1884                    a2 <- get bh
1885                    a3 <- get bh
1886                    a4 <- get bh
1887                    a5 <- get bh
1888                    a6 <- get bh
1889                    return (IfaceFamily a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6)
1890            5 -> do a1 <- get bh
1891                    a2 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1892                    a3 <- get bh
1893                    a4 <- get bh
1894                    a5 <- get bh
1895                    a6 <- get bh
1896                    a7 <- get bh
1897                    a8 <- get bh
1898                    return (IfaceClass {
1899                        ifName    = a2,
1900                        ifRoles   = a3,
1901                        ifBinders = a4,
1902                        ifFDs     = a5,
1903                        ifBody = IfConcreteClass {
1904                            ifClassCtxt = a1,
1905                            ifATs  = a6,
1906                            ifSigs = a7,
1907                            ifMinDef  = a8
1908                        }})
1909            6 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1910                    a2 <- get bh
1911                    a3 <- get bh
1912                    a4 <- get bh
1913                    return (IfaceAxiom a1 a2 a3 a4)
1914            7 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1915                    a2 <- get bh
1916                    a3 <- get bh
1917                    a4 <- get bh
1918                    a5 <- get bh
1919                    a6 <- get bh
1920                    a7 <- get bh
1921                    a8 <- get bh
1922                    a9 <- get bh
1923                    a10 <- get bh
1924                    a11 <- get bh
1925                    return (IfacePatSyn a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11)
1926            8 -> do a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1927                    a2 <- get bh
1928                    a3 <- get bh
1929                    a4 <- get bh
1930                    return (IfaceClass {
1931                        ifName    = a1,
1932                        ifRoles   = a2,
1933                        ifBinders = a3,
1934                        ifFDs     = a4,
1935                        ifBody = IfAbstractClass })
1936            _ -> panic (unwords ["Unknown IfaceDecl tag:", show h])
1938{- Note [Lazy deserialization of IfaceId]
1940The use of lazyPut and lazyGet in the IfaceId Binary instance is
1941purely for performance reasons, to avoid deserializing details about
1942identifiers that will never be used. It's not involved in tying the
1943knot in the type checker. It saved ~1% of the total build time of GHC.
1945When we read an interface file, we extend the PTE, a mapping of Names
1946to TyThings, with the declarations we have read. The extension of the
1947PTE is strict in the Names, but not in the TyThings themselves.
1948LoadIface.loadDecl calculates the list of (Name, TyThing) bindings to
1949add to the PTE. For an IfaceId, there's just one binding to add; and
1950the ty, details, and idinfo fields of an IfaceId are used only in the
1951TyThing. So by reading those fields lazily we may be able to save the
1952work of ever having to deserialize them (into IfaceType, etc.).
1954For IfaceData and IfaceClass, loadDecl creates extra implicit bindings
1955(the constructors and field selectors of the data declaration, or the
1956methods of the class), whose Names depend on more than just the Name
1957of the type constructor or class itself. So deserializing them lazily
1958would be more involved. Similar comments apply to the other
1959constructors of IfaceDecl with the additional point that they probably
1960represent a small proportion of all declarations.
1963instance Binary IfaceFamTyConFlav where
1964    put_ bh IfaceDataFamilyTyCon              = putByte bh 0
1965    put_ bh IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon           = putByte bh 1
1966    put_ bh (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb)    = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh mb
1967    put_ bh IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = putByte bh 3
1968    put_ _ IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon
1969        = pprPanic "Cannot serialize IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon, used for pretty-printing only" Outputable.empty
1971    get bh = do { h <- getByte bh
1972                ; case h of
1973                    0 -> return IfaceDataFamilyTyCon
1974                    1 -> return IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon
1975                    2 -> do { mb <- get bh
1976                            ; return (IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb) }
1977                    3 -> return IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
1978                    _ -> pprPanic "Binary.get(IfaceFamTyConFlav): Invalid tag"
1979                                  (ppr (fromIntegral h :: Int)) }
1981instance Binary IfaceClassOp where
1982    put_ bh (IfaceClassOp n ty def) = do
1983        putIfaceTopBndr bh n
1984        put_ bh ty
1985        put_ bh def
1986    get bh = do
1987        n   <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
1988        ty  <- get bh
1989        def <- get bh
1990        return (IfaceClassOp n ty def)
1992instance Binary IfaceAT where
1993    put_ bh (IfaceAT dec defs) = do
1994        put_ bh dec
1995        put_ bh defs
1996    get bh = do
1997        dec  <- get bh
1998        defs <- get bh
1999        return (IfaceAT dec defs)
2001instance Binary IfaceAxBranch where
2002    put_ bh (IfaceAxBranch a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7) = do
2003        put_ bh a1
2004        put_ bh a2
2005        put_ bh a3
2006        put_ bh a4
2007        put_ bh a5
2008        put_ bh a6
2009        put_ bh a7
2010    get bh = do
2011        a1 <- get bh
2012        a2 <- get bh
2013        a3 <- get bh
2014        a4 <- get bh
2015        a5 <- get bh
2016        a6 <- get bh
2017        a7 <- get bh
2018        return (IfaceAxBranch a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7)
2020instance Binary IfaceConDecls where
2021    put_ bh IfAbstractTyCon  = putByte bh 0
2022    put_ bh (IfDataTyCon cs) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh cs
2023    put_ bh (IfNewTyCon c)   = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh c
2024    get bh = do
2025        h <- getByte bh
2026        case h of
2027            0 -> return IfAbstractTyCon
2028            1 -> liftM IfDataTyCon (get bh)
2029            2 -> liftM IfNewTyCon (get bh)
2030            _ -> error "Binary(IfaceConDecls).get: Invalid IfaceConDecls"
2032instance Binary IfaceConDecl where
2033    put_ bh (IfCon a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11) = do
2034        putIfaceTopBndr bh a1
2035        put_ bh a2
2036        put_ bh a3
2037        put_ bh a4
2038        put_ bh a5
2039        put_ bh a6
2040        put_ bh a7
2041        put_ bh a8
2042        put_ bh (length a9)
2043        mapM_ (put_ bh) a9
2044        put_ bh a10
2045        put_ bh a11
2046    get bh = do
2047        a1 <- getIfaceTopBndr bh
2048        a2 <- get bh
2049        a3 <- get bh
2050        a4 <- get bh
2051        a5 <- get bh
2052        a6 <- get bh
2053        a7 <- get bh
2054        a8 <- get bh
2055        n_fields <- get bh
2056        a9 <- replicateM n_fields (get bh)
2057        a10 <- get bh
2058        a11 <- get bh
2059        return (IfCon a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10 a11)
2061instance Binary IfaceBang where
2062    put_ bh IfNoBang        = putByte bh 0
2063    put_ bh IfStrict        = putByte bh 1
2064    put_ bh IfUnpack        = putByte bh 2
2065    put_ bh (IfUnpackCo co) = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh co
2067    get bh = do
2068            h <- getByte bh
2069            case h of
2070              0 -> do return IfNoBang
2071              1 -> do return IfStrict
2072              2 -> do return IfUnpack
2073              _ -> do { a <- get bh; return (IfUnpackCo a) }
2075instance Binary IfaceSrcBang where
2076    put_ bh (IfSrcBang a1 a2) =
2077      do put_ bh a1
2078         put_ bh a2
2080    get bh =
2081      do a1 <- get bh
2082         a2 <- get bh
2083         return (IfSrcBang a1 a2)
2085instance Binary IfaceClsInst where
2086    put_ bh (IfaceClsInst cls tys dfun flag orph) = do
2087        put_ bh cls
2088        put_ bh tys
2089        put_ bh dfun
2090        put_ bh flag
2091        put_ bh orph
2092    get bh = do
2093        cls  <- get bh
2094        tys  <- get bh
2095        dfun <- get bh
2096        flag <- get bh
2097        orph <- get bh
2098        return (IfaceClsInst cls tys dfun flag orph)
2100instance Binary IfaceFamInst where
2101    put_ bh (IfaceFamInst fam tys name orph) = do
2102        put_ bh fam
2103        put_ bh tys
2104        put_ bh name
2105        put_ bh orph
2106    get bh = do
2107        fam      <- get bh
2108        tys      <- get bh
2109        name     <- get bh
2110        orph     <- get bh
2111        return (IfaceFamInst fam tys name orph)
2113instance Binary IfaceRule where
2114    put_ bh (IfaceRule a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8) = do
2115        put_ bh a1
2116        put_ bh a2
2117        put_ bh a3
2118        put_ bh a4
2119        put_ bh a5
2120        put_ bh a6
2121        put_ bh a7
2122        put_ bh a8
2123    get bh = do
2124        a1 <- get bh
2125        a2 <- get bh
2126        a3 <- get bh
2127        a4 <- get bh
2128        a5 <- get bh
2129        a6 <- get bh
2130        a7 <- get bh
2131        a8 <- get bh
2132        return (IfaceRule a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8)
2134instance Binary IfaceAnnotation where
2135    put_ bh (IfaceAnnotation a1 a2) = do
2136        put_ bh a1
2137        put_ bh a2
2138    get bh = do
2139        a1 <- get bh
2140        a2 <- get bh
2141        return (IfaceAnnotation a1 a2)
2143instance Binary IfaceIdDetails where
2144    put_ bh IfVanillaId      = putByte bh 0
2145    put_ bh (IfRecSelId a b) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh a >> put_ bh b
2146    put_ bh IfDFunId         = putByte bh 2
2147    get bh = do
2148        h <- getByte bh
2149        case h of
2150            0 -> return IfVanillaId
2151            1 -> do { a <- get bh; b <- get bh; return (IfRecSelId a b) }
2152            _ -> return IfDFunId
2154instance Binary IfaceIdInfo where
2155    put_ bh NoInfo      = putByte bh 0
2156    put_ bh (HasInfo i) = putByte bh 1 >> lazyPut bh i -- NB lazyPut
2158    get bh = do
2159        h <- getByte bh
2160        case h of
2161            0 -> return NoInfo
2162            _ -> liftM HasInfo $ lazyGet bh    -- NB lazyGet
2164instance Binary IfaceInfoItem where
2165    put_ bh (HsArity aa)          = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh aa
2166    put_ bh (HsStrictness ab)     = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh ab
2167    put_ bh (HsUnfold lb ad)      = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh lb >> put_ bh ad
2168    put_ bh (HsInline ad)         = putByte bh 3 >> put_ bh ad
2169    put_ bh HsNoCafRefs           = putByte bh 4
2170    put_ bh HsLevity              = putByte bh 5
2171    get bh = do
2172        h <- getByte bh
2173        case h of
2174            0 -> liftM HsArity $ get bh
2175            1 -> liftM HsStrictness $ get bh
2176            2 -> do lb <- get bh
2177                    ad <- get bh
2178                    return (HsUnfold lb ad)
2179            3 -> liftM HsInline $ get bh
2180            4 -> return HsNoCafRefs
2181            _ -> return HsLevity
2183instance Binary IfaceUnfolding where
2184    put_ bh (IfCoreUnfold s e) = do
2185        putByte bh 0
2186        put_ bh s
2187        put_ bh e
2188    put_ bh (IfInlineRule a b c d) = do
2189        putByte bh 1
2190        put_ bh a
2191        put_ bh b
2192        put_ bh c
2193        put_ bh d
2194    put_ bh (IfDFunUnfold as bs) = do
2195        putByte bh 2
2196        put_ bh as
2197        put_ bh bs
2198    put_ bh (IfCompulsory e) = do
2199        putByte bh 3
2200        put_ bh e
2201    get bh = do
2202        h <- getByte bh
2203        case h of
2204            0 -> do s <- get bh
2205                    e <- get bh
2206                    return (IfCoreUnfold s e)
2207            1 -> do a <- get bh
2208                    b <- get bh
2209                    c <- get bh
2210                    d <- get bh
2211                    return (IfInlineRule a b c d)
2212            2 -> do as <- get bh
2213                    bs <- get bh
2214                    return (IfDFunUnfold as bs)
2215            _ -> do e <- get bh
2216                    return (IfCompulsory e)
2219instance Binary IfaceExpr where
2220    put_ bh (IfaceLcl aa) = do
2221        putByte bh 0
2222        put_ bh aa
2223    put_ bh (IfaceType ab) = do
2224        putByte bh 1
2225        put_ bh ab
2226    put_ bh (IfaceCo ab) = do
2227        putByte bh 2
2228        put_ bh ab
2229    put_ bh (IfaceTuple ac ad) = do
2230        putByte bh 3
2231        put_ bh ac
2232        put_ bh ad
2233    put_ bh (IfaceLam (ae, os) af) = do
2234        putByte bh 4
2235        put_ bh ae
2236        put_ bh os
2237        put_ bh af
2238    put_ bh (IfaceApp ag ah) = do
2239        putByte bh 5
2240        put_ bh ag
2241        put_ bh ah
2242    put_ bh (IfaceCase ai aj ak) = do
2243        putByte bh 6
2244        put_ bh ai
2245        put_ bh aj
2246        put_ bh ak
2247    put_ bh (IfaceLet al am) = do
2248        putByte bh 7
2249        put_ bh al
2250        put_ bh am
2251    put_ bh (IfaceTick an ao) = do
2252        putByte bh 8
2253        put_ bh an
2254        put_ bh ao
2255    put_ bh (IfaceLit ap) = do
2256        putByte bh 9
2257        put_ bh ap
2258    put_ bh (IfaceFCall as at) = do
2259        putByte bh 10
2260        put_ bh as
2261        put_ bh at
2262    put_ bh (IfaceExt aa) = do
2263        putByte bh 11
2264        put_ bh aa
2265    put_ bh (IfaceCast ie ico) = do
2266        putByte bh 12
2267        put_ bh ie
2268        put_ bh ico
2269    put_ bh (IfaceECase a b) = do
2270        putByte bh 13
2271        put_ bh a
2272        put_ bh b
2273    get bh = do
2274        h <- getByte bh
2275        case h of
2276            0 -> do aa <- get bh
2277                    return (IfaceLcl aa)
2278            1 -> do ab <- get bh
2279                    return (IfaceType ab)
2280            2 -> do ab <- get bh
2281                    return (IfaceCo ab)
2282            3 -> do ac <- get bh
2283                    ad <- get bh
2284                    return (IfaceTuple ac ad)
2285            4 -> do ae <- get bh
2286                    os <- get bh
2287                    af <- get bh
2288                    return (IfaceLam (ae, os) af)
2289            5 -> do ag <- get bh
2290                    ah <- get bh
2291                    return (IfaceApp ag ah)
2292            6 -> do ai <- get bh
2293                    aj <- get bh
2294                    ak <- get bh
2295                    return (IfaceCase ai aj ak)
2296            7 -> do al <- get bh
2297                    am <- get bh
2298                    return (IfaceLet al am)
2299            8 -> do an <- get bh
2300                    ao <- get bh
2301                    return (IfaceTick an ao)
2302            9 -> do ap <- get bh
2303                    return (IfaceLit ap)
2304            10 -> do as <- get bh
2305                     at <- get bh
2306                     return (IfaceFCall as at)
2307            11 -> do aa <- get bh
2308                     return (IfaceExt aa)
2309            12 -> do ie <- get bh
2310                     ico <- get bh
2311                     return (IfaceCast ie ico)
2312            13 -> do a <- get bh
2313                     b <- get bh
2314                     return (IfaceECase a b)
2315            _ -> panic ("get IfaceExpr " ++ show h)
2317instance Binary IfaceTickish where
2318    put_ bh (IfaceHpcTick m ix) = do
2319        putByte bh 0
2320        put_ bh m
2321        put_ bh ix
2322    put_ bh (IfaceSCC cc tick push) = do
2323        putByte bh 1
2324        put_ bh cc
2325        put_ bh tick
2326        put_ bh push
2327    put_ bh (IfaceSource src name) = do
2328        putByte bh 2
2329        put_ bh (srcSpanFile src)
2330        put_ bh (srcSpanStartLine src)
2331        put_ bh (srcSpanStartCol src)
2332        put_ bh (srcSpanEndLine src)
2333        put_ bh (srcSpanEndCol src)
2334        put_ bh name
2336    get bh = do
2337        h <- getByte bh
2338        case h of
2339            0 -> do m <- get bh
2340                    ix <- get bh
2341                    return (IfaceHpcTick m ix)
2342            1 -> do cc <- get bh
2343                    tick <- get bh
2344                    push <- get bh
2345                    return (IfaceSCC cc tick push)
2346            2 -> do file <- get bh
2347                    sl <- get bh
2348                    sc <- get bh
2349                    el <- get bh
2350                    ec <- get bh
2351                    let start = mkRealSrcLoc file sl sc
2352                        end = mkRealSrcLoc file el ec
2353                    name <- get bh
2354                    return (IfaceSource (mkRealSrcSpan start end) name)
2355            _ -> panic ("get IfaceTickish " ++ show h)
2357instance Binary IfaceConAlt where
2358    put_ bh IfaceDefault      = putByte bh 0
2359    put_ bh (IfaceDataAlt aa) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh aa
2360    put_ bh (IfaceLitAlt ac)  = putByte bh 2 >> put_ bh ac
2361    get bh = do
2362        h <- getByte bh
2363        case h of
2364            0 -> return IfaceDefault
2365            1 -> liftM IfaceDataAlt $ get bh
2366            _ -> liftM IfaceLitAlt  $ get bh
2368instance Binary IfaceBinding where
2369    put_ bh (IfaceNonRec aa ab) = putByte bh 0 >> put_ bh aa >> put_ bh ab
2370    put_ bh (IfaceRec ac)       = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh ac
2371    get bh = do
2372        h <- getByte bh
2373        case h of
2374            0 -> do { aa <- get bh; ab <- get bh; return (IfaceNonRec aa ab) }
2375            _ -> do { ac <- get bh; return (IfaceRec ac) }
2377instance Binary IfaceLetBndr where
2378    put_ bh (IfLetBndr a b c d) = do
2379            put_ bh a
2380            put_ bh b
2381            put_ bh c
2382            put_ bh d
2383    get bh = do a <- get bh
2384                b <- get bh
2385                c <- get bh
2386                d <- get bh
2387                return (IfLetBndr a b c d)
2389instance Binary IfaceJoinInfo where
2390    put_ bh IfaceNotJoinPoint = putByte bh 0
2391    put_ bh (IfaceJoinPoint ar) = do
2392        putByte bh 1
2393        put_ bh ar
2394    get bh = do
2395        h <- getByte bh
2396        case h of
2397            0 -> return IfaceNotJoinPoint
2398            _ -> liftM IfaceJoinPoint $ get bh
2400instance Binary IfaceTyConParent where
2401    put_ bh IfNoParent = putByte bh 0
2402    put_ bh (IfDataInstance ax pr ty) = do
2403        putByte bh 1
2404        put_ bh ax
2405        put_ bh pr
2406        put_ bh ty
2407    get bh = do
2408        h <- getByte bh
2409        case h of
2410            0 -> return IfNoParent
2411            _ -> do
2412                ax <- get bh
2413                pr <- get bh
2414                ty <- get bh
2415                return $ IfDataInstance ax pr ty
2417instance Binary IfaceCompleteMatch where
2418  put_ bh (IfaceCompleteMatch cs ts) = put_ bh cs >> put_ bh ts
2419  get bh = IfaceCompleteMatch <$> get bh <*> get bh
2424*                                                                      *
2425                NFData instances
2426   See Note [Avoiding space leaks in toIface*] in ToIface
2427*                                                                      *
2431instance NFData IfaceDecl where
2432  rnf = \case
2433    IfaceId f1 f2 f3 f4 ->
2434      rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` rnf f4
2436    IfaceData f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 ->
2437      f1 `seq` seqList f2 `seq` f3 `seq` f4 `seq` f5 `seq`
2438      rnf f6 `seq` rnf f7 `seq` rnf f8 `seq` rnf f9
2440    IfaceSynonym f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 ->
2441      rnf f1 `seq` f2 `seq` seqList f3 `seq` rnf f4 `seq` rnf f5
2443    IfaceFamily f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 ->
2444      rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` seqList f3 `seq` rnf f4 `seq` rnf f5 `seq` f6 `seq` ()
2446    IfaceClass f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 ->
2447      rnf f1 `seq` f2 `seq` seqList f3 `seq` rnf f4 `seq` rnf f5
2449    IfaceAxiom nm tycon role ax ->
2450      rnf nm `seq`
2451      rnf tycon `seq`
2452      role `seq`
2453      rnf ax
2455    IfacePatSyn f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 ->
2456      rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` rnf f4 `seq` f5 `seq` f6 `seq`
2457      rnf f7 `seq` rnf f8 `seq` rnf f9 `seq` rnf f10 `seq` f11 `seq` ()
2459instance NFData IfaceAxBranch where
2460  rnf (IfaceAxBranch f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7) =
2461    rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` rnf f4 `seq` f5 `seq` rnf f6 `seq` rnf f7
2463instance NFData IfaceClassBody where
2464  rnf = \case
2465    IfAbstractClass -> ()
2466    IfConcreteClass f1 f2 f3 f4 -> rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` f4 `seq` ()
2468instance NFData IfaceAT where
2469  rnf (IfaceAT f1 f2) = rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2
2471instance NFData IfaceClassOp where
2472  rnf (IfaceClassOp f1 f2 f3) = rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` f3 `seq` ()
2474instance NFData IfaceTyConParent where
2475  rnf = \case
2476    IfNoParent -> ()
2477    IfDataInstance f1 f2 f3 -> rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3
2479instance NFData IfaceConDecls where
2480  rnf = \case
2481    IfAbstractTyCon -> ()
2482    IfDataTyCon f1 -> rnf f1
2483    IfNewTyCon f1 -> rnf f1
2485instance NFData IfaceConDecl where
2486  rnf (IfCon f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11) =
2487    rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` rnf f4 `seq` f5 `seq` rnf f6 `seq`
2488    rnf f7 `seq` rnf f8 `seq` f9 `seq` rnf f10 `seq` rnf f11
2490instance NFData IfaceSrcBang where
2491  rnf (IfSrcBang f1 f2) = f1 `seq` f2 `seq` ()
2493instance NFData IfaceBang where
2494  rnf x = x `seq` ()
2496instance NFData IfaceIdDetails where
2497  rnf = \case
2498    IfVanillaId -> ()
2499    IfRecSelId (Left tycon) b -> rnf tycon `seq` rnf b
2500    IfRecSelId (Right decl) b -> rnf decl `seq` rnf b
2501    IfDFunId -> ()
2503instance NFData IfaceIdInfo where
2504  rnf = \case
2505    NoInfo -> ()
2506    HasInfo f1 -> rnf f1
2508instance NFData IfaceInfoItem where
2509  rnf = \case
2510    HsArity a -> rnf a
2511    HsStrictness str -> seqStrictSig str
2512    HsInline p -> p `seq` () -- TODO: seq further?
2513    HsUnfold b unf -> rnf b `seq` rnf unf
2514    HsNoCafRefs -> ()
2515    HsLevity -> ()
2517instance NFData IfaceUnfolding where
2518  rnf = \case
2519    IfCoreUnfold inlinable expr ->
2520      rnf inlinable `seq` rnf expr
2521    IfCompulsory expr ->
2522      rnf expr
2523    IfInlineRule arity b1 b2 e ->
2524      rnf arity `seq` rnf b1 `seq` rnf b2 `seq` rnf e
2525    IfDFunUnfold bndrs exprs ->
2526      rnf bndrs `seq` rnf exprs
2528instance NFData IfaceExpr where
2529  rnf = \case
2530    IfaceLcl nm -> rnf nm
2531    IfaceExt nm -> rnf nm
2532    IfaceType ty -> rnf ty
2533    IfaceCo co -> rnf co
2534    IfaceTuple sort exprs -> sort `seq` rnf exprs
2535    IfaceLam bndr expr -> rnf bndr `seq` rnf expr
2536    IfaceApp e1 e2 -> rnf e1 `seq` rnf e2
2537    IfaceCase e nm alts -> rnf e `seq` nm `seq` rnf alts
2538    IfaceECase e ty -> rnf e `seq` rnf ty
2539    IfaceLet bind e -> rnf bind `seq` rnf e
2540    IfaceCast e co -> rnf e `seq` rnf co
2541    IfaceLit l -> l `seq` () -- FIXME
2542    IfaceFCall fc ty -> fc `seq` rnf ty
2543    IfaceTick tick e -> rnf tick `seq` rnf e
2545instance NFData IfaceBinding where
2546  rnf = \case
2547    IfaceNonRec bndr e -> rnf bndr `seq` rnf e
2548    IfaceRec binds -> rnf binds
2550instance NFData IfaceLetBndr where
2551  rnf (IfLetBndr nm ty id_info join_info) =
2552    rnf nm `seq` rnf ty `seq` rnf id_info `seq` rnf join_info
2554instance NFData IfaceFamTyConFlav where
2555  rnf = \case
2556    IfaceDataFamilyTyCon -> ()
2557    IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon -> ()
2558    IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon f1 -> rnf f1
2559    IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon -> ()
2560    IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon -> ()
2562instance NFData IfaceJoinInfo where
2563  rnf x = x `seq` ()
2565instance NFData IfaceTickish where
2566  rnf = \case
2567    IfaceHpcTick m i -> rnf m `seq` rnf i
2568    IfaceSCC cc b1 b2 -> cc `seq` rnf b1 `seq` rnf b2
2569    IfaceSource src str -> src `seq` rnf str
2571instance NFData IfaceConAlt where
2572  rnf = \case
2573    IfaceDefault -> ()
2574    IfaceDataAlt nm -> rnf nm
2575    IfaceLitAlt lit -> lit `seq` ()
2577instance NFData IfaceCompleteMatch where
2578  rnf (IfaceCompleteMatch f1 f2) = rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2
2580instance NFData IfaceRule where
2581  rnf (IfaceRule f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8) =
2582    rnf f1 `seq` f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` rnf f4 `seq` rnf f5 `seq` rnf f6 `seq` rnf f7 `seq` f8 `seq` ()
2584instance NFData IfaceFamInst where
2585  rnf (IfaceFamInst f1 f2 f3 f4) =
2586    rnf f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` f4 `seq` ()
2588instance NFData IfaceClsInst where
2589  rnf (IfaceClsInst f1 f2 f3 f4 f5) =
2590    f1 `seq` rnf f2 `seq` rnf f3 `seq` f4 `seq` f5 `seq` ()
2592instance NFData IfaceAnnotation where
2593  rnf (IfaceAnnotation f1 f2) = f1 `seq` f2 `seq` ()