2(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
3(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
6The @TyCon@ datatype
9{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleInstances, LambdaCase #-}
11module TyCon(
12        -- * Main TyCon data types
13        TyCon,
14        AlgTyConRhs(..), visibleDataCons,
15        AlgTyConFlav(..), isNoParent,
16        FamTyConFlav(..), Role(..), Injectivity(..),
17        RuntimeRepInfo(..), TyConFlavour(..),
19        -- * TyConBinder
20        TyConBinder, TyConBndrVis(..), TyConTyCoBinder,
21        mkNamedTyConBinder, mkNamedTyConBinders,
22        mkRequiredTyConBinder,
23        mkAnonTyConBinder, mkAnonTyConBinders,
24        tyConBinderArgFlag, tyConBndrVisArgFlag, isNamedTyConBinder,
25        isVisibleTyConBinder, isInvisibleTyConBinder,
27        -- ** Field labels
28        tyConFieldLabels, lookupTyConFieldLabel,
30        -- ** Constructing TyCons
31        mkAlgTyCon,
32        mkClassTyCon,
33        mkFunTyCon,
34        mkPrimTyCon,
35        mkKindTyCon,
36        mkLiftedPrimTyCon,
37        mkTupleTyCon,
38        mkSumTyCon,
39        mkDataTyConRhs,
40        mkSynonymTyCon,
41        mkFamilyTyCon,
42        mkPromotedDataCon,
43        mkTcTyCon,
44        noTcTyConScopedTyVars,
46        -- ** Predicates on TyCons
47        isAlgTyCon, isVanillaAlgTyCon,
48        isClassTyCon, isFamInstTyCon,
49        isFunTyCon,
50        isPrimTyCon,
51        isTupleTyCon, isUnboxedTupleTyCon, isBoxedTupleTyCon,
52        isUnboxedSumTyCon, isPromotedTupleTyCon,
53        isTypeSynonymTyCon,
54        mustBeSaturated,
55        isPromotedDataCon, isPromotedDataCon_maybe,
56        isKindTyCon, isLiftedTypeKindTyConName,
57        isTauTyCon, isFamFreeTyCon,
59        isDataTyCon, isProductTyCon, isDataProductTyCon_maybe,
60        isDataSumTyCon_maybe,
61        isEnumerationTyCon,
62        isNewTyCon, isAbstractTyCon,
63        isFamilyTyCon, isOpenFamilyTyCon,
64        isTypeFamilyTyCon, isDataFamilyTyCon,
65        isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon, isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe,
66        tyConInjectivityInfo,
67        isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe,
68        isUnliftedTyCon,
69        isGadtSyntaxTyCon, isInjectiveTyCon, isGenerativeTyCon, isGenInjAlgRhs,
70        isTyConAssoc, tyConAssoc_maybe, tyConFlavourAssoc_maybe,
71        isImplicitTyCon,
72        isTyConWithSrcDataCons,
73        isTcTyCon, setTcTyConKind,
74        isTcLevPoly,
76        -- ** Extracting information out of TyCons
77        tyConName,
78        tyConSkolem,
79        tyConKind,
80        tyConUnique,
81        tyConTyVars, tyConVisibleTyVars,
82        tyConCType, tyConCType_maybe,
83        tyConDataCons, tyConDataCons_maybe,
84        tyConSingleDataCon_maybe, tyConSingleDataCon,
85        tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe,
86        tyConFamilySize,
87        tyConStupidTheta,
88        tyConArity,
89        tyConRoles,
90        tyConFlavour,
91        tyConTuple_maybe, tyConClass_maybe, tyConATs,
92        tyConFamInst_maybe, tyConFamInstSig_maybe, tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe,
93        tyConFamilyResVar_maybe,
94        synTyConDefn_maybe, synTyConRhs_maybe,
95        famTyConFlav_maybe, famTcResVar,
96        algTyConRhs,
97        newTyConRhs, newTyConEtadArity, newTyConEtadRhs,
98        unwrapNewTyCon_maybe, unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe,
99        newTyConDataCon_maybe,
100        algTcFields,
101        tyConRuntimeRepInfo,
102        tyConBinders, tyConResKind, tyConTyVarBinders,
103        tcTyConScopedTyVars, tcTyConIsPoly,
104        mkTyConTagMap,
106        -- ** Manipulating TyCons
107        expandSynTyCon_maybe,
108        newTyConCo, newTyConCo_maybe,
109        pprPromotionQuote, mkTyConKind,
111        -- ** Predicated on TyConFlavours
112        tcFlavourIsOpen,
114        -- * Runtime type representation
115        TyConRepName, tyConRepName_maybe,
116        mkPrelTyConRepName,
117        tyConRepModOcc,
119        -- * Primitive representations of Types
120        PrimRep(..), PrimElemRep(..),
121        isVoidRep, isGcPtrRep,
122        primRepSizeB,
123        primElemRepSizeB,
124        primRepIsFloat,
125        primRepsCompatible,
126        primRepCompatible,
128        -- * Recursion breaking
129        RecTcChecker, initRecTc, defaultRecTcMaxBound,
130        setRecTcMaxBound, checkRecTc
132) where
134#include "HsVersions.h"
136import GhcPrelude
138import {-# SOURCE #-} TyCoRep    ( Kind, Type, PredType, mkForAllTy, mkFunTy )
139import {-# SOURCE #-} TyCoPpr    ( pprType )
140import {-# SOURCE #-} TysWiredIn ( runtimeRepTyCon, constraintKind
141                                 , vecCountTyCon, vecElemTyCon, liftedTypeKind )
142import {-# SOURCE #-} DataCon    ( DataCon, dataConExTyCoVars, dataConFieldLabels
143                                 , dataConTyCon, dataConFullSig
144                                 , isUnboxedSumCon )
146import Binary
147import Var
148import VarSet
149import Class
150import BasicTypes
151import DynFlags
152import ForeignCall
153import Name
154import NameEnv
155import CoAxiom
156import PrelNames
157import Maybes
158import Outputable
159import FastStringEnv
160import FieldLabel
161import Constants
162import Util
163import Unique( tyConRepNameUnique, dataConTyRepNameUnique )
164import UniqSet
165import Module
167import qualified Data.Data as Data
171        Notes about type families
174Note [Type synonym families]
176* Type synonym families, also known as "type functions", map directly
177  onto the type functions in FC:
179        type family F a :: *
180        type instance F Int = Bool
181        ..etc...
183* Reply "yes" to isTypeFamilyTyCon, and isFamilyTyCon
185* From the user's point of view (F Int) and Bool are simply
186  equivalent types.
188* A Haskell 98 type synonym is a degenerate form of a type synonym
189  family.
191* Type functions can't appear in the LHS of a type function:
192        type instance F (F Int) = ...   -- BAD!
194* Translation of type family decl:
195        type family F a :: *
196  translates to
197    a FamilyTyCon 'F', whose FamTyConFlav is OpenSynFamilyTyCon
199        type family G a :: * where
200          G Int = Bool
201          G Bool = Char
202          G a = ()
203  translates to
204    a FamilyTyCon 'G', whose FamTyConFlav is ClosedSynFamilyTyCon, with the
205    appropriate CoAxiom representing the equations
207We also support injective type families -- see Note [Injective type families]
209Note [Data type families]
211See also Note [Wrappers for data instance tycons] in MkId.hs
213* Data type families are declared thus
214        data family T a :: *
215        data instance T Int = T1 | T2 Bool
217  Here T is the "family TyCon".
219* Reply "yes" to isDataFamilyTyCon, and isFamilyTyCon
221* The user does not see any "equivalent types" as he did with type
222  synonym families.  He just sees constructors with types
223        T1 :: T Int
224        T2 :: Bool -> T Int
226* Here's the FC version of the above declarations:
228        data T a
229        data R:TInt = T1 | T2 Bool
230        axiom ax_ti : T Int ~R R:TInt
232  Note that this is a *representational* coercion
233  The R:TInt is the "representation TyCons".
234  It has an AlgTyConFlav of
235        DataFamInstTyCon T [Int] ax_ti
237* The axiom ax_ti may be eta-reduced; see
238  Note [Eta reduction for data families] in FamInstEnv
240* Data family instances may have a different arity than the data family.
241  See Note [Arity of data families] in FamInstEnv
243* The data constructor T2 has a wrapper (which is what the
244  source-level "T2" invokes):
246        $WT2 :: Bool -> T Int
247        $WT2 b = T2 b `cast` sym ax_ti
249* A data instance can declare a fully-fledged GADT:
251        data instance T (a,b) where
252          X1 :: T (Int,Bool)
253          X2 :: a -> b -> T (a,b)
255  Here's the FC version of the above declaration:
257        data R:TPair a b where
258          X1 :: R:TPair Int Bool
259          X2 :: a -> b -> R:TPair a b
260        axiom ax_pr :: T (a,b)  ~R  R:TPair a b
262        $WX1 :: forall a b. a -> b -> T (a,b)
263        $WX1 a b (x::a) (y::b) = X2 a b x y `cast` sym (ax_pr a b)
265  The R:TPair are the "representation TyCons".
266  We have a bit of work to do, to unpick the result types of the
267  data instance declaration for T (a,b), to get the result type in the
268  representation; e.g.  T (a,b) --> R:TPair a b
270  The representation TyCon R:TList, has an AlgTyConFlav of
272        DataFamInstTyCon T [(a,b)] ax_pr
274* Notice that T is NOT translated to a FC type function; it just
275  becomes a "data type" with no constructors, which can be coerced
276  into R:TInt, R:TPair by the axioms.  These axioms
277  axioms come into play when (and *only* when) you
278        - use a data constructor
279        - do pattern matching
280  Rather like newtype, in fact
282  As a result
284  - T behaves just like a data type so far as decomposition is concerned
286  - (T Int) is not implicitly converted to R:TInt during type inference.
287    Indeed the latter type is unknown to the programmer.
289  - There *is* an instance for (T Int) in the type-family instance
290    environment, but it is only used for overlap checking
292  - It's fine to have T in the LHS of a type function:
293    type instance F (T a) = [a]
295  It was this last point that confused me!  The big thing is that you
296  should not think of a data family T as a *type function* at all, not
297  even an injective one!  We can't allow even injective type functions
298  on the LHS of a type function:
299        type family injective G a :: *
300        type instance F (G Int) = Bool
301  is no good, even if G is injective, because consider
302        type instance G Int = Bool
303        type instance F Bool = Char
305  So a data type family is not an injective type function. It's just a
306  data type with some axioms that connect it to other data types.
308* The tyConTyVars of the representation tycon are the tyvars that the
309  user wrote in the patterns. This is important in TcDeriv, where we
310  bring these tyvars into scope before type-checking the deriving
311  clause. This fact is arranged for in TcInstDecls.tcDataFamInstDecl.
313Note [Associated families and their parent class]
315*Associated* families are just like *non-associated* families, except
316that they have a famTcParent field of (Just cls_tc), which identifies the
317parent class.
319However there is an important sharing relationship between
320  * the tyConTyVars of the parent Class
321  * the tyConTyVars of the associated TyCon
323   class C a b where
324     data T p a
325     type F a q b
327Here the 'a' and 'b' are shared with the 'Class'; that is, they have
328the same Unique.
330This is important. In an instance declaration we expect
331  * all the shared variables to be instantiated the same way
332  * the non-shared variables of the associated type should not
333    be instantiated at all
335  instance C [x] (Tree y) where
336     data T p [x] = T1 x | T2 p
337     type F [x] q (Tree y) = (x,y,q)
339Note [TyCon Role signatures]
341Every tycon has a role signature, assigning a role to each of the tyConTyVars
342(or of equal length to the tyConArity, if there are no tyConTyVars). An
343example demonstrates these best: say we have a tycon T, with parameters a at
344nominal, b at representational, and c at phantom. Then, to prove
345representational equality between T a1 b1 c1 and T a2 b2 c2, we need to have
346nominal equality between a1 and a2, representational equality between b1 and
347b2, and nothing in particular (i.e., phantom equality) between c1 and c2. This
348might happen, say, with the following declaration:
350  data T a b c where
351    MkT :: b -> T Int b c
353Data and class tycons have their roles inferred (see inferRoles in TcTyDecls),
354as do vanilla synonym tycons. Family tycons have all parameters at role N,
355though it is conceivable that we could relax this restriction. (->)'s and
356tuples' parameters are at role R. Each primitive tycon declares its roles;
357it's worth noting that (~#)'s parameters are at role N. Promoted data
358constructors' type arguments are at role R. All kind arguments are at role
361Note [Unboxed tuple RuntimeRep vars]
363The contents of an unboxed tuple may have any representation. Accordingly,
364the kind of the unboxed tuple constructor is runtime-representation
367Type constructor (2 kind arguments)
368   (#,#) :: forall (q :: RuntimeRep) (r :: RuntimeRep).
369                   TYPE q -> TYPE r -> TYPE (TupleRep [q, r])
370Data constructor (4 type arguments)
371   (#,#) :: forall (q :: RuntimeRep) (r :: RuntimeRep)
372                   (a :: TYPE q) (b :: TYPE r). a -> b -> (# a, b #)
374These extra tyvars (q and r) cause some delicate processing around tuples,
375where we need to manually insert RuntimeRep arguments.
376The same situation happens with unboxed sums: each alternative
377has its own RuntimeRep.
378For boxed tuples, there is no levity polymorphism, and therefore
379we add RuntimeReps only for the unboxed version.
381Type constructor (no kind arguments)
382   (,) :: Type -> Type -> Type
383Data constructor (2 type arguments)
384   (,) :: forall a b. a -> b -> (a, b)
387Note [Injective type families]
389We allow injectivity annotations for type families (both open and closed):
391  type family F (a :: k) (b :: k) = r | r -> a
392  type family G a b = res | res -> a b where ...
394Injectivity information is stored in the `famTcInj` field of `FamilyTyCon`.
395`famTcInj` maybe stores a list of Bools, where each entry corresponds to a
396single element of `tyConTyVars` (both lists should have identical length). If no
397injectivity annotation was provided `famTcInj` is Nothing. From this follows an
398invariant that if `famTcInj` is a Just then at least one element in the list
399must be True.
401See also:
402 * [Injectivity annotation] in GHC.Hs.Decls
403 * [Renaming injectivity annotation] in RnSource
404 * [Verifying injectivity annotation] in FamInstEnv
405 * [Type inference for type families with injectivity] in TcInteract
408*                                                                      *
409                    TyConBinder, TyConTyCoBinder
410*                                                                      *
414type TyConBinder = VarBndr TyVar TyConBndrVis
416-- In the whole definition of @data TyCon@, only @PromotedDataCon@ will really
417-- contain CoVar.
418type TyConTyCoBinder = VarBndr TyCoVar TyConBndrVis
420data TyConBndrVis
421  = NamedTCB ArgFlag
422  | AnonTCB  AnonArgFlag
424instance Outputable TyConBndrVis where
425  ppr (NamedTCB flag) = text "NamedTCB" <> ppr flag
426  ppr (AnonTCB af)    = text "AnonTCB"  <> ppr af
428mkAnonTyConBinder :: AnonArgFlag -> TyVar -> TyConBinder
429mkAnonTyConBinder af tv = ASSERT( isTyVar tv)
430                          Bndr tv (AnonTCB af)
432mkAnonTyConBinders :: AnonArgFlag -> [TyVar] -> [TyConBinder]
433mkAnonTyConBinders af tvs = map (mkAnonTyConBinder af) tvs
435mkNamedTyConBinder :: ArgFlag -> TyVar -> TyConBinder
436-- The odd argument order supports currying
437mkNamedTyConBinder vis tv = ASSERT( isTyVar tv )
438                            Bndr tv (NamedTCB vis)
440mkNamedTyConBinders :: ArgFlag -> [TyVar] -> [TyConBinder]
441-- The odd argument order supports currying
442mkNamedTyConBinders vis tvs = map (mkNamedTyConBinder vis) tvs
444-- | Make a Required TyConBinder. It chooses between NamedTCB and
445-- AnonTCB based on whether the tv is mentioned in the dependent set
446mkRequiredTyConBinder :: TyCoVarSet  -- these are used dependently
447                      -> TyVar
448                      -> TyConBinder
449mkRequiredTyConBinder dep_set tv
450  | tv `elemVarSet` dep_set = mkNamedTyConBinder Required tv
451  | otherwise               = mkAnonTyConBinder  VisArg   tv
453tyConBinderArgFlag :: TyConBinder -> ArgFlag
454tyConBinderArgFlag (Bndr _ vis) = tyConBndrVisArgFlag vis
456tyConBndrVisArgFlag :: TyConBndrVis -> ArgFlag
457tyConBndrVisArgFlag (NamedTCB vis)     = vis
458tyConBndrVisArgFlag (AnonTCB VisArg)   = Required
459tyConBndrVisArgFlag (AnonTCB InvisArg) = Inferred    -- See Note [AnonTCB InvisArg]
461isNamedTyConBinder :: TyConBinder -> Bool
462-- Identifies kind variables
463-- E.g. data T k (a:k) = blah
464-- Here 'k' is a NamedTCB, a variable used in the kind of other binders
465isNamedTyConBinder (Bndr _ (NamedTCB {})) = True
466isNamedTyConBinder _                      = False
468isVisibleTyConBinder :: VarBndr tv TyConBndrVis -> Bool
469-- Works for IfaceTyConBinder too
470isVisibleTyConBinder (Bndr _ tcb_vis) = isVisibleTcbVis tcb_vis
472isVisibleTcbVis :: TyConBndrVis -> Bool
473isVisibleTcbVis (NamedTCB vis)     = isVisibleArgFlag vis
474isVisibleTcbVis (AnonTCB VisArg)   = True
475isVisibleTcbVis (AnonTCB InvisArg) = False
477isInvisibleTyConBinder :: VarBndr tv TyConBndrVis -> Bool
478-- Works for IfaceTyConBinder too
479isInvisibleTyConBinder tcb = not (isVisibleTyConBinder tcb)
481-- Build the 'tyConKind' from the binders and the result kind.
482-- Keep in sync with 'mkTyConKind' in iface/IfaceType.
483mkTyConKind :: [TyConBinder] -> Kind -> Kind
484mkTyConKind bndrs res_kind = foldr mk res_kind bndrs
485  where
486    mk :: TyConBinder -> Kind -> Kind
487    mk (Bndr tv (AnonTCB af))   k = mkFunTy af (varType tv) k
488    mk (Bndr tv (NamedTCB vis)) k = mkForAllTy tv vis k
490tyConTyVarBinders :: [TyConBinder]   -- From the TyCon
491                  -> [TyVarBinder]   -- Suitable for the foralls of a term function
492-- See Note [Building TyVarBinders from TyConBinders]
493tyConTyVarBinders tc_bndrs
494 = map mk_binder tc_bndrs
495 where
496   mk_binder (Bndr tv tc_vis) = mkTyVarBinder vis tv
497      where
498        vis = case tc_vis of
499                AnonTCB VisArg    -> Specified
500                AnonTCB InvisArg  -> Inferred   -- See Note [AnonTCB InvisArg]
501                NamedTCB Required -> Specified
502                NamedTCB vis      -> vis
504-- Returns only tyvars, as covars are always inferred
505tyConVisibleTyVars :: TyCon -> [TyVar]
506tyConVisibleTyVars tc
507  = [ tv | Bndr tv vis <- tyConBinders tc
508         , isVisibleTcbVis vis ]
510{- Note [AnonTCB InvisArg]
512It's pretty rare to have an (AnonTCB InvisArg) binder.  The
513only way it can occur is through equality constraints in kinds. These
514can arise in one of two ways:
516* In a PromotedDataCon whose kind has an equality constraint:
518    'MkT :: forall a b. (a~b) => blah
520  See Note [Constraints in kinds] in TyCoRep, and
521  Note [Promoted data constructors] in this module.
522* In a data type whose kind has an equality constraint, as in the
523  following example from #12102:
525    data T :: forall a. (IsTypeLit a ~ 'True) => a -> Type
527When mapping an (AnonTCB InvisArg) to an ArgFlag, in
528tyConBndrVisArgFlag, we use "Inferred" to mean "the user cannot
529specify this arguments, even with visible type/kind application;
530instead the type checker must fill it in.
532We map (AnonTCB VisArg) to Required, of course: the user must
533provide it. It would be utterly wrong to do this for constraint
534arguments, which is why AnonTCB must have the AnonArgFlag in
535the first place.
537Note [Building TyVarBinders from TyConBinders]
539We sometimes need to build the quantified type of a value from
540the TyConBinders of a type or class.  For that we need not
541TyConBinders but TyVarBinders (used in forall-type)  E.g:
543 *  From   data T a = MkT (Maybe a)
544    we are going to make a data constructor with type
545           MkT :: forall a. Maybe a -> T a
546    See the TyCoVarBinders passed to buildDataCon
548 * From    class C a where { op :: a -> Maybe a }
549   we are going to make a default method
550           $dmop :: forall a. C a => a -> Maybe a
551   See the TyCoVarBinders passed to mkSigmaTy in mkDefaultMethodType
553Both of these are user-callable.  (NB: default methods are not callable
554directly by the user but rather via the code generated by 'deriving',
555which uses visible type application; see mkDefMethBind.)
557Since they are user-callable we must get their type-argument visibility
558information right; and that info is in the TyConBinders.
559Here is an example:
561  data App a b = MkApp (a b) -- App :: forall {k}. (k->*) -> k -> *
563The TyCon has
565  tyConTyBinders = [ Named (Bndr (k :: *) Inferred), Anon (k->*), Anon k ]
567The TyConBinders for App line up with App's kind, given above.
569But the DataCon MkApp has the type
570  MkApp :: forall {k} (a:k->*) (b:k). a b -> App k a b
572That is, its TyCoVarBinders should be
574  dataConUnivTyVarBinders = [ Bndr (k:*)    Inferred
575                            , Bndr (a:k->*) Specified
576                            , Bndr (b:k)    Specified ]
578So tyConTyVarBinders converts TyCon's TyConBinders into TyVarBinders:
579  - variable names from the TyConBinders
580  - but changing Anon/Required to Specified
582The last part about Required->Specified comes from this:
583  data T k (a:k) b = MkT (a b)
584Here k is Required in T's kind, but we don't have Required binders in
585the TyCoBinders for a term (see Note [No Required TyCoBinder in terms]
586in TyCoRep), so we change it to Specified when making MkT's TyCoBinders
590{- Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
592All TyCons have this group of fields
593  tyConBinders   :: [TyConBinder/TyConTyCoBinder]
594  tyConResKind   :: Kind
595  tyConTyVars    :: [TyVar]   -- Cached = binderVars tyConBinders
596                              --   NB: Currently (Aug 2018), TyCons that own this
597                              --   field really only contain TyVars. So it is
598                              --   [TyVar] instead of [TyCoVar].
599  tyConKind      :: Kind      -- Cached = mkTyConKind tyConBinders tyConResKind
600  tyConArity     :: Arity     -- Cached = length tyConBinders
602They fit together like so:
604* tyConBinders gives the telescope of type/coercion variables on the LHS of the
605  type declaration.  For example:
607    type App a (b :: k) = a b
609  tyConBinders = [ Bndr (k::*)   (NamedTCB Inferred)
610                 , Bndr (a:k->*) AnonTCB
611                 , Bndr (b:k)    AnonTCB ]
613  Note that that are three binders here, including the
614  kind variable k.
616* See Note [VarBndrs, TyCoVarBinders, TyConBinders, and visibility] in TyCoRep
617  for what the visibility flag means.
619* Each TyConBinder tyConBinders has a TyVar (sometimes it is TyCoVar), and
620  that TyVar may scope over some other part of the TyCon's definition. Eg
621      type T a = a -> a
622  we have
623      tyConBinders = [ Bndr (a:*) AnonTCB ]
624      synTcRhs     = a -> a
625  So the 'a' scopes over the synTcRhs
627* From the tyConBinders and tyConResKind we can get the tyConKind
628  E.g for our App example:
629      App :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> *
631  We get a 'forall' in the kind for each NamedTCB, and an arrow
632  for each AnonTCB
634  tyConKind is the full kind of the TyCon, not just the result kind
636* For type families, tyConArity is the arguments this TyCon must be
637  applied to, to be considered saturated.  Here we mean "applied to in
638  the actual Type", not surface syntax; i.e. including implicit kind
639  variables.  So it's just (length tyConBinders)
641* For an algebraic data type, or data instance, the tyConResKind is
642  always (TYPE r); that is, the tyConBinders are enough to saturate
643  the type constructor.  I'm not quite sure why we have this invariant,
644  but it's enforced by etaExpandAlgTyCon
647instance OutputableBndr tv => Outputable (VarBndr tv TyConBndrVis) where
648  ppr (Bndr v bi) = ppr_bi bi <+> parens (pprBndr LetBind v)
649    where
650      ppr_bi (AnonTCB VisArg)     = text "anon-vis"
651      ppr_bi (AnonTCB InvisArg)   = text "anon-invis"
652      ppr_bi (NamedTCB Required)  = text "req"
653      ppr_bi (NamedTCB Specified) = text "spec"
654      ppr_bi (NamedTCB Inferred)  = text "inf"
656instance Binary TyConBndrVis where
657  put_ bh (AnonTCB af)   = do { putByte bh 0; put_ bh af }
658  put_ bh (NamedTCB vis) = do { putByte bh 1; put_ bh vis }
660  get bh = do { h <- getByte bh
661              ; case h of
662                  0 -> do { af  <- get bh; return (AnonTCB af) }
663                  _ -> do { vis <- get bh; return (NamedTCB vis) } }
666{- *********************************************************************
667*                                                                      *
668               The TyCon type
669*                                                                      *
674-- | TyCons represent type constructors. Type constructors are introduced by
675-- things such as:
677-- 1) Data declarations: @data Foo = ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor of
678--    kind @*@
680-- 2) Type synonyms: @type Foo = ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
682-- 3) Newtypes: @newtype Foo a = MkFoo ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
683--    of kind @* -> *@
685-- 4) Class declarations: @class Foo where@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
686--    of kind @*@
688-- This data type also encodes a number of primitive, built in type constructors
689-- such as those for function and tuple types.
691-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
692-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in coreSyn/CoreLint.hs
693data TyCon
694  = -- | The function type constructor, @(->)@
695    FunTyCon {
696        tyConUnique :: Unique,   -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
697                                 -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
698                                 -- tyConName field.
700        tyConName   :: Name,     -- ^ Name of the constructor
702        -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
703        tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
704        tyConResKind :: Kind,             -- ^ Result kind
705        tyConKind    :: Kind,             -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
706        tyConArity   :: Arity,            -- ^ Arity
708        tcRepName :: TyConRepName
709    }
711  -- | Algebraic data types, from
712  --     - @data@ declarations
713  --     - @newtype@ declarations
714  --     - data instance declarations
715  --     - type instance declarations
716  --     - the TyCon generated by a class declaration
717  --     - boxed tuples
718  --     - unboxed tuples
719  --     - constraint tuples
720  -- All these constructors are lifted and boxed except unboxed tuples
721  -- which should have an 'UnboxedAlgTyCon' parent.
722  -- Data/newtype/type /families/ are handled by 'FamilyTyCon'.
723  -- See 'AlgTyConRhs' for more information.
724  | AlgTyCon {
725        tyConUnique  :: Unique,  -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
726                                 -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
727                                 -- tyConName field.
729        tyConName    :: Name,    -- ^ Name of the constructor
731        -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
732        tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
733        tyConTyVars  :: [TyVar],          -- ^ TyVar binders
734        tyConResKind :: Kind,             -- ^ Result kind
735        tyConKind    :: Kind,             -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
736        tyConArity   :: Arity,            -- ^ Arity
738              -- The tyConTyVars scope over:
739              --
740              -- 1. The 'algTcStupidTheta'
741              -- 2. The cached types in algTyConRhs.NewTyCon
742              -- 3. The family instance types if present
743              --
744              -- Note that it does /not/ scope over the data
745              -- constructors.
747        tcRoles      :: [Role],  -- ^ The role for each type variable
748                                 -- This list has length = tyConArity
749                                 -- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
751        tyConCType   :: Maybe CType,-- ^ The C type that should be used
752                                    -- for this type when using the FFI
753                                    -- and CAPI
755        algTcGadtSyntax  :: Bool,   -- ^ Was the data type declared with GADT
756                                    -- syntax?  If so, that doesn't mean it's a
757                                    -- true GADT; only that the "where" form
758                                    -- was used.  This field is used only to
759                                    -- guide pretty-printing
761        algTcStupidTheta :: [PredType], -- ^ The \"stupid theta\" for the data
762                                        -- type (always empty for GADTs).  A
763                                        -- \"stupid theta\" is the context to
764                                        -- the left of an algebraic type
765                                        -- declaration, e.g. @Eq a@ in the
766                                        -- declaration @data Eq a => T a ...@.
768        algTcRhs    :: AlgTyConRhs, -- ^ Contains information about the
769                                    -- data constructors of the algebraic type
771        algTcFields :: FieldLabelEnv, -- ^ Maps a label to information
772                                      -- about the field
774        algTcParent :: AlgTyConFlav -- ^ Gives the class or family declaration
775                                       -- 'TyCon' for derived 'TyCon's representing
776                                       -- class or family instances, respectively.
778    }
780  -- | Represents type synonyms
781  | SynonymTyCon {
782        tyConUnique  :: Unique,  -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
783                                 -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
784                                 -- tyConName field.
786        tyConName    :: Name,    -- ^ Name of the constructor
788        -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
789        tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
790        tyConTyVars  :: [TyVar],          -- ^ TyVar binders
791        tyConResKind :: Kind,             -- ^ Result kind
792        tyConKind    :: Kind,             -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
793        tyConArity   :: Arity,            -- ^ Arity
794             -- tyConTyVars scope over: synTcRhs
796        tcRoles      :: [Role],  -- ^ The role for each type variable
797                                 -- This list has length = tyConArity
798                                 -- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
800        synTcRhs     :: Type,    -- ^ Contains information about the expansion
801                                 -- of the synonym
803        synIsTau     :: Bool,   -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not
804                                 --          have any foralls, after expanding any
805                                 --          nested synonyms
806        synIsFamFree  :: Bool    -- True <=> the RHS of this synonym does not mention
807                                 --          any type synonym families (data families
808                                 --          are fine), again after expanding any
809                                 --          nested synonyms
810    }
812  -- | Represents families (both type and data)
813  -- Argument roles are all Nominal
814  | FamilyTyCon {
815        tyConUnique  :: Unique,  -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
816                                 -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
817                                 -- tyConName field.
819        tyConName    :: Name,    -- ^ Name of the constructor
821        -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
822        tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
823        tyConTyVars  :: [TyVar],          -- ^ TyVar binders
824        tyConResKind :: Kind,             -- ^ Result kind
825        tyConKind    :: Kind,             -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
826        tyConArity   :: Arity,            -- ^ Arity
827            -- tyConTyVars connect an associated family TyCon
828            -- with its parent class; see TcValidity.checkConsistentFamInst
830        famTcResVar  :: Maybe Name,   -- ^ Name of result type variable, used
831                                      -- for pretty-printing with --show-iface
832                                      -- and for reifying TyCon in Template
833                                      -- Haskell
835        famTcFlav    :: FamTyConFlav, -- ^ Type family flavour: open, closed,
836                                      -- abstract, built-in. See comments for
837                                      -- FamTyConFlav
839        famTcParent  :: Maybe TyCon,  -- ^ For *associated* type/data families
840                                      -- The class tycon in which the family is declared
841                                      -- See Note [Associated families and their parent class]
843        famTcInj     :: Injectivity   -- ^ is this a type family injective in
844                                      -- its type variables? Nothing if no
845                                      -- injectivity annotation was given
846    }
848  -- | Primitive types; cannot be defined in Haskell. This includes
849  -- the usual suspects (such as @Int#@) as well as foreign-imported
850  -- types and kinds (@*@, @#@, and @?@)
851  | PrimTyCon {
852        tyConUnique   :: Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
853                                 -- identical to Unique of Name stored in
854                                 -- tyConName field.
856        tyConName     :: Name,   -- ^ Name of the constructor
858        -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
859        tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
860        tyConResKind :: Kind,             -- ^ Result kind
861        tyConKind    :: Kind,             -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
862        tyConArity   :: Arity,            -- ^ Arity
864        tcRoles       :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
865                                 -- This list has length = tyConArity
866                                 -- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
868        isUnlifted   :: Bool,    -- ^ Most primitive tycons are unlifted (may
869                                 -- not contain bottom) but other are lifted,
870                                 -- e.g. @RealWorld@
871                                 -- Only relevant if tyConKind = *
873        primRepName :: Maybe TyConRepName   -- Only relevant for kind TyCons
874                                            -- i.e, *, #, ?
875    }
877  -- | Represents promoted data constructor.
878  | PromotedDataCon {          -- See Note [Promoted data constructors]
879        tyConUnique  :: Unique,     -- ^ Same Unique as the data constructor
880        tyConName    :: Name,       -- ^ Same Name as the data constructor
882        -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
883        tyConBinders :: [TyConTyCoBinder], -- ^ Full binders
884        tyConResKind :: Kind,             -- ^ Result kind
885        tyConKind    :: Kind,             -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
886        tyConArity   :: Arity,            -- ^ Arity
888        tcRoles       :: [Role],    -- ^ Roles: N for kind vars, R for type vars
889        dataCon       :: DataCon,   -- ^ Corresponding data constructor
890        tcRepName     :: TyConRepName,
891        promDcRepInfo :: RuntimeRepInfo  -- ^ See comments with 'RuntimeRepInfo'
892    }
894  -- | These exist only during type-checking. See Note [How TcTyCons work]
895  -- in TcTyClsDecls
896  | TcTyCon {
897        tyConUnique :: Unique,
898        tyConName   :: Name,
900        -- See Note [The binders/kind/arity fields of a TyCon]
901        tyConBinders :: [TyConBinder], -- ^ Full binders
902        tyConTyVars  :: [TyVar],       -- ^ TyVar binders
903        tyConResKind :: Kind,          -- ^ Result kind
904        tyConKind    :: Kind,          -- ^ Kind of this TyCon
905        tyConArity   :: Arity,         -- ^ Arity
907          -- NB: the TyConArity of a TcTyCon must match
908          -- the number of Required (positional, user-specified)
909          -- arguments to the type constructor; see the use
910          -- of tyConArity in generaliseTcTyCon
912        tcTyConScopedTyVars :: [(Name,TyVar)],
913          -- ^ Scoped tyvars over the tycon's body
914          -- See Note [Scoped tyvars in a TcTyCon]
916        tcTyConIsPoly     :: Bool, -- ^ Is this TcTyCon already generalized?
918        tcTyConFlavour :: TyConFlavour
919                           -- ^ What sort of 'TyCon' this represents.
920      }
921{- Note [Scoped tyvars in a TcTyCon]
924The tcTyConScopedTyVars field records the lexicial-binding connection
925between the original, user-specified Name (i.e. thing in scope) and
926the TcTyVar that the Name is bound to.
928Order *does* matter; the tcTyConScopedTyvars list consists of
929     specified_tvs ++ required_tvs
932   * specified ones first
933   * required_tvs the same as tyConTyVars
934   * tyConArity = length required_tvs
936See also Note [How TcTyCons work] in TcTyClsDecls
939-- | Represents right-hand-sides of 'TyCon's for algebraic types
940data AlgTyConRhs
942    -- | Says that we know nothing about this data type, except that
943    -- it's represented by a pointer.  Used when we export a data type
944    -- abstractly into an .hi file.
945  = AbstractTyCon
947    -- | Information about those 'TyCon's derived from a @data@
948    -- declaration. This includes data types with no constructors at
949    -- all.
950  | DataTyCon {
951        data_cons :: [DataCon],
952                          -- ^ The data type constructors; can be empty if the
953                          --   user declares the type to have no constructors
954                          --
955                          -- INVARIANT: Kept in order of increasing 'DataCon'
956                          -- tag (see the tag assignment in mkTyConTagMap)
957        data_cons_size :: Int,
958                          -- ^ Cached value: length data_cons
959        is_enum :: Bool   -- ^ Cached value: is this an enumeration type?
960                          --   See Note [Enumeration types]
961    }
963  | TupleTyCon {                   -- A boxed, unboxed, or constraint tuple
964        data_con :: DataCon,       -- NB: it can be an *unboxed* tuple
965        tup_sort :: TupleSort      -- ^ Is this a boxed, unboxed or constraint
966                                   -- tuple?
967    }
969  -- | An unboxed sum type.
970  | SumTyCon {
971        data_cons :: [DataCon],
972        data_cons_size :: Int  -- ^ Cached value: length data_cons
973    }
975  -- | Information about those 'TyCon's derived from a @newtype@ declaration
976  | NewTyCon {
977        data_con :: DataCon,    -- ^ The unique constructor for the @newtype@.
978                                --   It has no existentials
980        nt_rhs :: Type,         -- ^ Cached value: the argument type of the
981                                -- constructor, which is just the representation
982                                -- type of the 'TyCon' (remember that @newtype@s
983                                -- do not exist at runtime so need a different
984                                -- representation type).
985                                --
986                                -- The free 'TyVar's of this type are the
987                                -- 'tyConTyVars' from the corresponding 'TyCon'
989        nt_etad_rhs :: ([TyVar], Type),
990                        -- ^ Same as the 'nt_rhs', but this time eta-reduced.
991                        -- Hence the list of 'TyVar's in this field may be
992                        -- shorter than the declared arity of the 'TyCon'.
994                        -- See Note [Newtype eta]
995        nt_co :: CoAxiom Unbranched,
996                             -- The axiom coercion that creates the @newtype@
997                             -- from the representation 'Type'.
999                             -- See Note [Newtype coercions]
1000                             -- Invariant: arity = #tvs in nt_etad_rhs;
1001                             -- See Note [Newtype eta]
1002                             -- Watch out!  If any newtypes become transparent
1003                             -- again check #1072.
1004        nt_lev_poly :: Bool
1005                        -- 'True' if the newtype can be levity polymorphic when
1006                        -- fully applied to its arguments, 'False' otherwise.
1007                        -- This can only ever be 'True' with UnliftedNewtypes.
1008                        --
1009                        -- Invariant: nt_lev_poly nt = isTypeLevPoly (nt_rhs nt)
1010                        --
1011                        -- This is cached to make it cheaper to check if a
1012                        -- variable binding is levity polymorphic, as used by
1013                        -- isTcLevPoly.
1014    }
1016mkSumTyConRhs :: [DataCon] -> AlgTyConRhs
1017mkSumTyConRhs data_cons = SumTyCon data_cons (length data_cons)
1019mkDataTyConRhs :: [DataCon] -> AlgTyConRhs
1020mkDataTyConRhs cons
1021  = DataTyCon {
1022        data_cons = cons,
1023        data_cons_size = length cons,
1024        is_enum = not (null cons) && all is_enum_con cons
1025                  -- See Note [Enumeration types] in TyCon
1026    }
1027  where
1028    is_enum_con con
1029       | (_univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, _res)
1030           <- dataConFullSig con
1031       = null ex_tvs && null eq_spec && null theta && null arg_tys
1033-- | Some promoted datacons signify extra info relevant to GHC. For example,
1034-- the @IntRep@ constructor of @RuntimeRep@ corresponds to the 'IntRep'
1035-- constructor of 'PrimRep'. This data structure allows us to store this
1036-- information right in the 'TyCon'. The other approach would be to look
1037-- up things like @RuntimeRep@'s @PrimRep@ by known-key every time.
1038-- See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep] in RepType
1039data RuntimeRepInfo
1040  = NoRRI       -- ^ an ordinary promoted data con
1041  | RuntimeRep ([Type] -> [PrimRep])
1042      -- ^ A constructor of @RuntimeRep@. The argument to the function should
1043      -- be the list of arguments to the promoted datacon.
1044  | VecCount Int         -- ^ A constructor of @VecCount@
1045  | VecElem PrimElemRep  -- ^ A constructor of @VecElem@
1047-- | Extract those 'DataCon's that we are able to learn about.  Note
1048-- that visibility in this sense does not correspond to visibility in
1049-- the context of any particular user program!
1050visibleDataCons :: AlgTyConRhs -> [DataCon]
1051visibleDataCons (AbstractTyCon {})            = []
1052visibleDataCons (DataTyCon{ data_cons = cs }) = cs
1053visibleDataCons (NewTyCon{ data_con = c })    = [c]
1054visibleDataCons (TupleTyCon{ data_con = c })  = [c]
1055visibleDataCons (SumTyCon{ data_cons = cs })  = cs
1057-- ^ Both type classes as well as family instances imply implicit
1058-- type constructors.  These implicit type constructors refer to their parent
1059-- structure (ie, the class or family from which they derive) using a type of
1060-- the following form.
1061data AlgTyConFlav
1062  = -- | An ordinary type constructor has no parent.
1063    VanillaAlgTyCon
1064       TyConRepName
1066    -- | An unboxed type constructor. The TyConRepName is a Maybe since we
1067    -- currently don't allow unboxed sums to be Typeable since there are too
1068    -- many of them. See #13276.
1069  | UnboxedAlgTyCon
1070       (Maybe TyConRepName)
1072  -- | Type constructors representing a class dictionary.
1073  -- See Note [ATyCon for classes] in TyCoRep
1074  | ClassTyCon
1075        Class           -- INVARIANT: the classTyCon of this Class is the
1076                        -- current tycon
1077        TyConRepName
1079  -- | Type constructors representing an *instance* of a *data* family.
1080  -- Parameters:
1081  --
1082  --  1) The type family in question
1083  --
1084  --  2) Instance types; free variables are the 'tyConTyVars'
1085  --  of the current 'TyCon' (not the family one). INVARIANT:
1086  --  the number of types matches the arity of the family 'TyCon'
1087  --
1088  --  3) A 'CoTyCon' identifying the representation
1089  --  type with the type instance family
1090  | DataFamInstTyCon          -- See Note [Data type families]
1091        (CoAxiom Unbranched)  -- The coercion axiom.
1092               -- A *Representational* coercion,
1093               -- of kind   T ty1 ty2   ~R   R:T a b c
1094               -- where T is the family TyCon,
1095               -- and R:T is the representation TyCon (ie this one)
1096               -- and a,b,c are the tyConTyVars of this TyCon
1097               --
1098               -- BUT may be eta-reduced; see FamInstEnv
1099               --     Note [Eta reduction for data families]
1101          -- Cached fields of the CoAxiom, but adjusted to
1102          -- use the tyConTyVars of this TyCon
1103        TyCon   -- The family TyCon
1104        [Type]  -- Argument types (mentions the tyConTyVars of this TyCon)
1105                -- No shorter in length than the tyConTyVars of the family TyCon
1106                -- How could it be longer? See [Arity of data families] in FamInstEnv
1108        -- E.g.  data instance T [a] = ...
1109        -- gives a representation tycon:
1110        --      data R:TList a = ...
1111        --      axiom co a :: T [a] ~ R:TList a
1112        -- with R:TList's algTcParent = DataFamInstTyCon T [a] co
1114instance Outputable AlgTyConFlav where
1115    ppr (VanillaAlgTyCon {})        = text "Vanilla ADT"
1116    ppr (UnboxedAlgTyCon {})        = text "Unboxed ADT"
1117    ppr (ClassTyCon cls _)          = text "Class parent" <+> ppr cls
1118    ppr (DataFamInstTyCon _ tc tys) = text "Family parent (family instance)"
1119                                      <+> ppr tc <+> sep (map pprType tys)
1121-- | Checks the invariants of a 'AlgTyConFlav' given the appropriate type class
1122-- name, if any
1123okParent :: Name -> AlgTyConFlav -> Bool
1124okParent _       (VanillaAlgTyCon {})            = True
1125okParent _       (UnboxedAlgTyCon {})            = True
1126okParent tc_name (ClassTyCon cls _)              = tc_name == tyConName (classTyCon cls)
1127okParent _       (DataFamInstTyCon _ fam_tc tys) = tys `lengthAtLeast` tyConArity fam_tc
1129isNoParent :: AlgTyConFlav -> Bool
1130isNoParent (VanillaAlgTyCon {}) = True
1131isNoParent _                   = False
1135data Injectivity
1136  = NotInjective
1137  | Injective [Bool]   -- 1-1 with tyConTyVars (incl kind vars)
1138  deriving( Eq )
1140-- | Information pertaining to the expansion of a type synonym (@type@)
1141data FamTyConFlav
1142  = -- | Represents an open type family without a fixed right hand
1143    -- side.  Additional instances can appear at any time.
1144    --
1145    -- These are introduced by either a top level declaration:
1146    --
1147    -- > data family T a :: *
1148    --
1149    -- Or an associated data type declaration, within a class declaration:
1150    --
1151    -- > class C a b where
1152    -- >   data T b :: *
1153     DataFamilyTyCon
1154       TyConRepName
1156     -- | An open type synonym family  e.g. @type family F x y :: * -> *@
1157   | OpenSynFamilyTyCon
1159   -- | A closed type synonym family  e.g.
1160   -- @type family F x where { F Int = Bool }@
1161   | ClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Maybe (CoAxiom Branched))
1162     -- See Note [Closed type families]
1164   -- | A closed type synonym family declared in an hs-boot file with
1165   -- type family F a where ..
1166   | AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
1168   -- | Built-in type family used by the TypeNats solver
1169   | BuiltInSynFamTyCon BuiltInSynFamily
1171instance Outputable FamTyConFlav where
1172    ppr (DataFamilyTyCon n) = text "data family" <+> ppr n
1173    ppr OpenSynFamilyTyCon = text "open type family"
1174    ppr (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing) = text "closed type family"
1175    ppr (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just coax)) = text "closed type family" <+> ppr coax
1176    ppr AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = text "abstract closed type family"
1177    ppr (BuiltInSynFamTyCon _) = text "built-in type family"
1179{- Note [Closed type families]
1181* In an open type family you can add new instances later.  This is the
1182  usual case.
1184* In a closed type family you can only put equations where the family
1185  is defined.
1187A non-empty closed type family has a single axiom with multiple
1188branches, stored in the 'ClosedSynFamilyTyCon' constructor.  A closed
1189type family with no equations does not have an axiom, because there is
1190nothing for the axiom to prove!
1193Note [Promoted data constructors]
1195All data constructors can be promoted to become a type constructor,
1196via the PromotedDataCon alternative in TyCon.
1198* The TyCon promoted from a DataCon has the *same* Name and Unique as
1199  the DataCon.  Eg. If the data constructor Data.Maybe.Just(unique 78,
1200  say) is promoted to a TyCon whose name is Data.Maybe.Just(unique 78)
1202* We promote the *user* type of the DataCon.  Eg
1203     data T = MkT {-# UNPACK #-} !(Bool, Bool)
1204  The promoted kind is
1205     'MkT :: (Bool,Bool) -> T
1206  *not*
1207     'MkT :: Bool -> Bool -> T
1209* Similarly for GADTs:
1210     data G a where
1211       MkG :: forall b. b -> G [b]
1212  The promoted data constructor has kind
1213       'MkG :: forall b. b -> G [b]
1214  *not*
1215       'MkG :: forall a b. (a ~# [b]) => b -> G a
1217Note [Enumeration types]
1219We define datatypes with no constructors to *not* be
1220enumerations; this fixes trac #2578,  Otherwise we
1221end up generating an empty table for
1222  <mod>_<type>_closure_tbl
1223which is used by tagToEnum# to map Int# to constructors
1224in an enumeration. The empty table apparently upset
1225the linker.
1227Moreover, all the data constructor must be enumerations, meaning
1228they have type  (forall abc. T a b c).  GADTs are not enumerations.
1229For example consider
1230    data T a where
1231      T1 :: T Int
1232      T2 :: T Bool
1233      T3 :: T a
1234What would [T1 ..] be?  [T1,T3] :: T Int? Easiest thing is to exclude them.
1235See #4528.
1237Note [Newtype coercions]
1239The NewTyCon field nt_co is a CoAxiom which is used for coercing from
1240the representation type of the newtype, to the newtype itself. For
1243   newtype T a = MkT (a -> a)
1245the NewTyCon for T will contain nt_co = CoT where CoT t : T t ~ t -> t.
1247In the case that the right hand side is a type application
1248ending with the same type variables as the left hand side, we
1249"eta-contract" the coercion.  So if we had
1251   newtype S a = MkT [a]
1253then we would generate the arity 0 axiom CoS : S ~ [].  The
1254primary reason we do this is to make newtype deriving cleaner.
1256In the paper we'd write
1257        axiom CoT : (forall t. T t) ~ (forall t. [t])
1258and then when we used CoT at a particular type, s, we'd say
1259        CoT @ s
1260which encodes as (TyConApp instCoercionTyCon [TyConApp CoT [], s])
1262Note [Newtype eta]
1265        newtype Parser a = MkParser (IO a) deriving Monad
1266Are these two types equal (to Core)?
1267        Monad Parser
1268        Monad IO
1269which we need to make the derived instance for Monad Parser.
1271Well, yes.  But to see that easily we eta-reduce the RHS type of
1272Parser, in this case to ([], Froogle), so that even unsaturated applications
1273of Parser will work right.  This eta reduction is done when the type
1274constructor is built, and cached in NewTyCon.
1276Here's an example that I think showed up in practice
1277Source code:
1278        newtype T a = MkT [a]
1279        newtype Foo m = MkFoo (forall a. m a -> Int)
1281        w1 :: Foo []
1282        w1 = ...
1284        w2 :: Foo T
1285        w2 = MkFoo (\(MkT x) -> case w1 of MkFoo f -> f x)
1287After desugaring, and discarding the data constructors for the newtypes,
1288we get:
1289        w2 = w1 `cast` Foo CoT
1290so the coercion tycon CoT must have
1291        kind:    T ~ []
1292 and    arity:   0
1294This eta-reduction is implemented in BuildTyCl.mkNewTyConRhs.
1298*                                                                      *
1299                 TyConRepName
1300*                                                                      *
1301********************************************************************* -}
1303type TyConRepName = Name -- The Name of the top-level declaration
1304                         --    $tcMaybe :: Data.Typeable.Internal.TyCon
1305                         --    $tcMaybe = TyCon { tyConName = "Maybe", ... }
1307tyConRepName_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TyConRepName
1308tyConRepName_maybe (FunTyCon   { tcRepName = rep_nm })
1309  = Just rep_nm
1310tyConRepName_maybe (PrimTyCon  { primRepName = mb_rep_nm })
1311  = mb_rep_nm
1312tyConRepName_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcParent = parent })
1313  | VanillaAlgTyCon rep_nm <- parent = Just rep_nm
1314  | ClassTyCon _ rep_nm    <- parent = Just rep_nm
1315  | UnboxedAlgTyCon rep_nm <- parent = rep_nm
1316tyConRepName_maybe (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon rep_nm })
1317  = Just rep_nm
1318tyConRepName_maybe (PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc, tcRepName = rep_nm })
1319  | isUnboxedSumCon dc   -- see #13276
1320  = Nothing
1321  | otherwise
1322  = Just rep_nm
1323tyConRepName_maybe _ = Nothing
1325-- | Make a 'Name' for the 'Typeable' representation of the given wired-in type
1326mkPrelTyConRepName :: Name -> TyConRepName
1327-- See Note [Grand plan for Typeable] in 'TcTypeable' in TcTypeable.
1328mkPrelTyConRepName tc_name  -- Prelude tc_name is always External,
1329                            -- so nameModule will work
1330  = mkExternalName rep_uniq rep_mod rep_occ (nameSrcSpan tc_name)
1331  where
1332    name_occ  = nameOccName tc_name
1333    name_mod  = nameModule  tc_name
1334    name_uniq = nameUnique  tc_name
1335    rep_uniq | isTcOcc name_occ = tyConRepNameUnique   name_uniq
1336             | otherwise        = dataConTyRepNameUnique name_uniq
1337    (rep_mod, rep_occ) = tyConRepModOcc name_mod name_occ
1339-- | The name (and defining module) for the Typeable representation (TyCon) of a
1340-- type constructor.
1342-- See Note [Grand plan for Typeable] in 'TcTypeable' in TcTypeable.
1343tyConRepModOcc :: Module -> OccName -> (Module, OccName)
1344tyConRepModOcc tc_module tc_occ = (rep_module, mkTyConRepOcc tc_occ)
1345  where
1346    rep_module
1347      | tc_module == gHC_PRIM = gHC_TYPES
1348      | otherwise             = tc_module
1351{- *********************************************************************
1352*                                                                      *
1353                 PrimRep
1354*                                                                      *
1357Note [rep swamp]
1359GHC has a rich selection of types that represent "primitive types" of
1360one kind or another.  Each of them makes a different set of
1361distinctions, and mostly the differences are for good reasons,
1362although it's probably true that we could merge some of these.
1364Roughly in order of "includes more information":
1366 - A Width (cmm/CmmType) is simply a binary value with the specified
1367   number of bits.  It may represent a signed or unsigned integer, a
1368   floating-point value, or an address.
1370    data Width = W8 | W16 | W32 | W64  | W128
1372 - Size, which is used in the native code generator, is Width +
1373   floating point information.
1375   data Size = II8 | II16 | II32 | II64 | FF32 | FF64
1377   it is necessary because e.g. the instruction to move a 64-bit float
1378   on x86 (movsd) is different from the instruction to move a 64-bit
1379   integer (movq), so the mov instruction is parameterised by Size.
1381 - CmmType wraps Width with more information: GC ptr, float, or
1382   other value.
1384    data CmmType = CmmType CmmCat Width
1386    data CmmCat     -- "Category" (not exported)
1387       = GcPtrCat   -- GC pointer
1388       | BitsCat    -- Non-pointer
1389       | FloatCat   -- Float
1391   It is important to have GcPtr information in Cmm, since we generate
1392   info tables containing pointerhood for the GC from this.  As for
1393   why we have float (and not signed/unsigned) here, see Note [Signed
1394   vs unsigned].
1396 - ArgRep makes only the distinctions necessary for the call and
1397   return conventions of the STG machine.  It is essentially CmmType
1398   + void.
1400 - PrimRep makes a few more distinctions than ArgRep: it divides
1401   non-GC-pointers into signed/unsigned and addresses, information
1402   that is necessary for passing these values to foreign functions.
1404There's another tension here: whether the type encodes its size in
1405bytes, or whether its size depends on the machine word size.  Width
1406and CmmType have the size built-in, whereas ArgRep and PrimRep do not.
1408This means to turn an ArgRep/PrimRep into a CmmType requires DynFlags.
1410On the other hand, CmmType includes some "nonsense" values, such as
1411CmmType GcPtrCat W32 on a 64-bit machine.
1413The PrimRep type is closely related to the user-visible RuntimeRep type.
1414See Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep] in RepType.
1418-- | A 'PrimRep' is an abstraction of a type.  It contains information that
1419-- the code generator needs in order to pass arguments, return results,
1420-- and store values of this type. See also Note [RuntimeRep and PrimRep] in RepType
1421-- and Note [VoidRep] in RepType.
1422data PrimRep
1423  = VoidRep
1424  | LiftedRep
1425  | UnliftedRep   -- ^ Unlifted pointer
1426  | Int8Rep       -- ^ Signed, 8-bit value
1427  | Int16Rep      -- ^ Signed, 16-bit value
1428  | Int32Rep      -- ^ Signed, 32-bit value
1429  | Int64Rep      -- ^ Signed, 64 bit value (with 32-bit words only)
1430  | IntRep        -- ^ Signed, word-sized value
1431  | Word8Rep      -- ^ Unsigned, 8 bit value
1432  | Word16Rep     -- ^ Unsigned, 16 bit value
1433  | Word32Rep     -- ^ Unsigned, 32 bit value
1434  | Word64Rep     -- ^ Unsigned, 64 bit value (with 32-bit words only)
1435  | WordRep       -- ^ Unsigned, word-sized value
1436  | AddrRep       -- ^ A pointer, but /not/ to a Haskell value (use '(Un)liftedRep')
1437  | FloatRep
1438  | DoubleRep
1439  | VecRep Int PrimElemRep  -- ^ A vector
1440  deriving( Eq, Show )
1442instance Binary PrimRep where
1443  put_ bh VoidRep     = putByte bh 0
1444  put_ bh LiftedRep   = putByte bh 1
1445  put_ bh UnliftedRep = putByte bh 2
1446  put_ bh Int8Rep     = putByte bh 3
1447  put_ bh Int16Rep    = putByte bh 4
1448  put_ bh Int32Rep    = putByte bh 5
1449  put_ bh Int64Rep    = putByte bh 6
1450  put_ bh IntRep      = putByte bh 7
1451  put_ bh Word8Rep    = putByte bh 8
1452  put_ bh Word16Rep   = putByte bh 9
1453  put_ bh Word32Rep   = putByte bh 10
1454  put_ bh Word64Rep   = putByte bh 11
1455  put_ bh WordRep     = putByte bh 12
1456  put_ bh AddrRep     = putByte bh 13
1457  put_ bh FloatRep    = putByte bh 14
1458  put_ bh DoubleRep   = putByte bh 15
1459  put_ bh (VecRep n el) = putByte bh 16 >> put_ bh n >> put_ bh el
1460  get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
1461    0 -> pure VoidRep
1462    1 -> pure LiftedRep
1463    2 -> pure UnliftedRep
1464    3 -> pure Int8Rep
1465    4 -> pure Int16Rep
1466    5 -> pure Int32Rep
1467    6 -> pure Int64Rep
1468    7 -> pure IntRep
1469    8 -> pure Word8Rep
1470    9 -> pure Word16Rep
1471    10 -> pure Word32Rep
1472    11 -> pure Word64Rep
1473    12 -> pure WordRep
1474    13 -> pure AddrRep
1475    14 -> pure FloatRep
1476    15 -> pure DoubleRep
1477    16 -> VecRep <$> get bh <*> get bh
1478    _  -> panic "Decoding PrimRep, invalid byte."
1480data PrimElemRep
1481  = Int8ElemRep
1482  | Int16ElemRep
1483  | Int32ElemRep
1484  | Int64ElemRep
1485  | Word8ElemRep
1486  | Word16ElemRep
1487  | Word32ElemRep
1488  | Word64ElemRep
1489  | FloatElemRep
1490  | DoubleElemRep
1491   deriving( Eq, Show )
1493instance Binary PrimElemRep where
1494  put_ bh Int8ElemRep   = putByte bh 0
1495  put_ bh Int16ElemRep  = putByte bh 1
1496  put_ bh Int32ElemRep  = putByte bh 2
1497  put_ bh Int64ElemRep  = putByte bh 3
1498  put_ bh Word8ElemRep  = putByte bh 4
1499  put_ bh Word16ElemRep = putByte bh 5
1500  put_ bh Word32ElemRep = putByte bh 6
1501  put_ bh Word64ElemRep = putByte bh 7
1502  put_ bh FloatElemRep  = putByte bh 8
1503  put_ bh DoubleElemRep = putByte bh 9
1504  get bh = getByte bh >>= \case
1505    0 -> pure Int8ElemRep
1506    1 -> pure Int16ElemRep
1507    2 -> pure Int32ElemRep
1508    3 -> pure Int64ElemRep
1509    4 -> pure Word8ElemRep
1510    5 -> pure Word16ElemRep
1511    6 -> pure Word32ElemRep
1512    7 -> pure Word64ElemRep
1513    8 -> pure FloatElemRep
1514    9 -> pure DoubleElemRep
1515    _  -> panic "Decoding PrimElemRep, invalid byte."
1517instance Outputable PrimRep where
1518  ppr r = text (show r)
1520instance Outputable PrimElemRep where
1521  ppr r = text (show r)
1523isVoidRep :: PrimRep -> Bool
1524isVoidRep VoidRep = True
1525isVoidRep _other  = False
1527isGcPtrRep :: PrimRep -> Bool
1528isGcPtrRep LiftedRep   = True
1529isGcPtrRep UnliftedRep = True
1530isGcPtrRep _           = False
1532-- A PrimRep is compatible with another iff one can be coerced to the other.
1533-- See Note [bad unsafe coercion] in CoreLint for when are two types coercible.
1534primRepCompatible :: DynFlags -> PrimRep -> PrimRep -> Bool
1535primRepCompatible dflags rep1 rep2 =
1536    (isUnboxed rep1 == isUnboxed rep2) &&
1537    (primRepSizeB dflags rep1 == primRepSizeB dflags rep2) &&
1538    (primRepIsFloat rep1 == primRepIsFloat rep2)
1539  where
1540    isUnboxed = not . isGcPtrRep
1542-- More general version of `primRepCompatible` for types represented by zero or
1543-- more than one PrimReps.
1544primRepsCompatible :: DynFlags -> [PrimRep] -> [PrimRep] -> Bool
1545primRepsCompatible dflags reps1 reps2 =
1546    length reps1 == length reps2 &&
1547    and (zipWith (primRepCompatible dflags) reps1 reps2)
1549-- | The size of a 'PrimRep' in bytes.
1551-- This applies also when used in a constructor, where we allow packing the
1552-- fields. For instance, in @data Foo = Foo Float# Float#@ the two fields will
1553-- take only 8 bytes, which for 64-bit arch will be equal to 1 word.
1554-- See also mkVirtHeapOffsetsWithPadding for details of how data fields are
1555-- layed out.
1556primRepSizeB :: DynFlags -> PrimRep -> Int
1557primRepSizeB dflags IntRep           = wORD_SIZE dflags
1558primRepSizeB dflags WordRep          = wORD_SIZE dflags
1559primRepSizeB _      Int8Rep          = 1
1560primRepSizeB _      Int16Rep         = 2
1561primRepSizeB _      Int32Rep         = 4
1562primRepSizeB _      Int64Rep         = wORD64_SIZE
1563primRepSizeB _      Word8Rep         = 1
1564primRepSizeB _      Word16Rep        = 2
1565primRepSizeB _      Word32Rep        = 4
1566primRepSizeB _      Word64Rep        = wORD64_SIZE
1567primRepSizeB _      FloatRep         = fLOAT_SIZE
1568primRepSizeB dflags DoubleRep        = dOUBLE_SIZE dflags
1569primRepSizeB dflags AddrRep          = wORD_SIZE dflags
1570primRepSizeB dflags LiftedRep        = wORD_SIZE dflags
1571primRepSizeB dflags UnliftedRep      = wORD_SIZE dflags
1572primRepSizeB _      VoidRep          = 0
1573primRepSizeB _      (VecRep len rep) = len * primElemRepSizeB rep
1575primElemRepSizeB :: PrimElemRep -> Int
1576primElemRepSizeB Int8ElemRep   = 1
1577primElemRepSizeB Int16ElemRep  = 2
1578primElemRepSizeB Int32ElemRep  = 4
1579primElemRepSizeB Int64ElemRep  = 8
1580primElemRepSizeB Word8ElemRep  = 1
1581primElemRepSizeB Word16ElemRep = 2
1582primElemRepSizeB Word32ElemRep = 4
1583primElemRepSizeB Word64ElemRep = 8
1584primElemRepSizeB FloatElemRep  = 4
1585primElemRepSizeB DoubleElemRep = 8
1587-- | Return if Rep stands for floating type,
1588-- returns Nothing for vector types.
1589primRepIsFloat :: PrimRep -> Maybe Bool
1590primRepIsFloat  FloatRep     = Just True
1591primRepIsFloat  DoubleRep    = Just True
1592primRepIsFloat  (VecRep _ _) = Nothing
1593primRepIsFloat  _            = Just False
1598*                                                                      *
1599                             Field labels
1600*                                                                      *
1604-- | The labels for the fields of this particular 'TyCon'
1605tyConFieldLabels :: TyCon -> [FieldLabel]
1606tyConFieldLabels tc = dFsEnvElts $ tyConFieldLabelEnv tc
1608-- | The labels for the fields of this particular 'TyCon'
1609tyConFieldLabelEnv :: TyCon -> FieldLabelEnv
1610tyConFieldLabelEnv tc
1611  | isAlgTyCon tc = algTcFields tc
1612  | otherwise     = emptyDFsEnv
1614-- | Look up a field label belonging to this 'TyCon'
1615lookupTyConFieldLabel :: FieldLabelString -> TyCon -> Maybe FieldLabel
1616lookupTyConFieldLabel lbl tc = lookupDFsEnv (tyConFieldLabelEnv tc) lbl
1618-- | Make a map from strings to FieldLabels from all the data
1619-- constructors of this algebraic tycon
1620fieldsOfAlgTcRhs :: AlgTyConRhs -> FieldLabelEnv
1621fieldsOfAlgTcRhs rhs = mkDFsEnv [ (flLabel fl, fl)
1622                                | fl <- dataConsFields (visibleDataCons rhs) ]
1623  where
1624    -- Duplicates in this list will be removed by 'mkFsEnv'
1625    dataConsFields dcs = concatMap dataConFieldLabels dcs
1630*                                                                      *
1631\subsection{TyCon Construction}
1632*                                                                      *
1635Note: the TyCon constructors all take a Kind as one argument, even though
1636they could, in principle, work out their Kind from their other arguments.
1637But to do so they need functions from Types, and that makes a nasty
1638module mutual-recursion.  And they aren't called from many places.
1639So we compromise, and move their Kind calculation to the call site.
1642-- | Given the name of the function type constructor and it's kind, create the
1643-- corresponding 'TyCon'. It is recommended to use 'TyCoRep.funTyCon' if you want
1644-- this functionality
1645mkFunTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Name -> TyCon
1646mkFunTyCon name binders rep_nm
1647  = FunTyCon {
1648        tyConUnique  = nameUnique name,
1649        tyConName    = name,
1650        tyConBinders = binders,
1651        tyConResKind = liftedTypeKind,
1652        tyConKind    = mkTyConKind binders liftedTypeKind,
1653        tyConArity   = length binders,
1654        tcRepName    = rep_nm
1655    }
1657-- | This is the making of an algebraic 'TyCon'. Notably, you have to
1658-- pass in the generic (in the -XGenerics sense) information about the
1659-- type constructor - you can get hold of it easily (see Generics
1660-- module)
1661mkAlgTyCon :: Name
1662           -> [TyConBinder]  -- ^ Binders of the 'TyCon'
1663           -> Kind              -- ^ Result kind
1664           -> [Role]            -- ^ The roles for each TyVar
1665           -> Maybe CType       -- ^ The C type this type corresponds to
1666                                --   when using the CAPI FFI
1667           -> [PredType]        -- ^ Stupid theta: see 'algTcStupidTheta'
1668           -> AlgTyConRhs       -- ^ Information about data constructors
1669           -> AlgTyConFlav      -- ^ What flavour is it?
1670                                -- (e.g. vanilla, type family)
1671           -> Bool              -- ^ Was the 'TyCon' declared with GADT syntax?
1672           -> TyCon
1673mkAlgTyCon name binders res_kind roles cType stupid rhs parent gadt_syn
1674  = AlgTyCon {
1675        tyConName        = name,
1676        tyConUnique      = nameUnique name,
1677        tyConBinders     = binders,
1678        tyConResKind     = res_kind,
1679        tyConKind        = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
1680        tyConArity       = length binders,
1681        tyConTyVars      = binderVars binders,
1682        tcRoles          = roles,
1683        tyConCType       = cType,
1684        algTcStupidTheta = stupid,
1685        algTcRhs         = rhs,
1686        algTcFields      = fieldsOfAlgTcRhs rhs,
1687        algTcParent      = ASSERT2( okParent name parent, ppr name $$ ppr parent ) parent,
1688        algTcGadtSyntax  = gadt_syn
1689    }
1691-- | Simpler specialization of 'mkAlgTyCon' for classes
1692mkClassTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder]
1693             -> [Role] -> AlgTyConRhs -> Class
1694             -> Name -> TyCon
1695mkClassTyCon name binders roles rhs clas tc_rep_name
1696  = mkAlgTyCon name binders constraintKind roles Nothing [] rhs
1697               (ClassTyCon clas tc_rep_name)
1698               False
1700mkTupleTyCon :: Name
1701             -> [TyConBinder]
1702             -> Kind    -- ^ Result kind of the 'TyCon'
1703             -> Arity   -- ^ Arity of the tuple 'TyCon'
1704             -> DataCon
1705             -> TupleSort    -- ^ Whether the tuple is boxed or unboxed
1706             -> AlgTyConFlav
1707             -> TyCon
1708mkTupleTyCon name binders res_kind arity con sort parent
1709  = AlgTyCon {
1710        tyConUnique      = nameUnique name,
1711        tyConName        = name,
1712        tyConBinders     = binders,
1713        tyConTyVars      = binderVars binders,
1714        tyConResKind     = res_kind,
1715        tyConKind        = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
1716        tyConArity       = arity,
1717        tcRoles          = replicate arity Representational,
1718        tyConCType       = Nothing,
1719        algTcGadtSyntax  = False,
1720        algTcStupidTheta = [],
1721        algTcRhs         = TupleTyCon { data_con = con,
1722                                        tup_sort = sort },
1723        algTcFields      = emptyDFsEnv,
1724        algTcParent      = parent
1725    }
1727mkSumTyCon :: Name
1728             -> [TyConBinder]
1729             -> Kind    -- ^ Kind of the resulting 'TyCon'
1730             -> Arity   -- ^ Arity of the sum
1731             -> [TyVar] -- ^ 'TyVar's scoped over: see 'tyConTyVars'
1732             -> [DataCon]
1733             -> AlgTyConFlav
1734             -> TyCon
1735mkSumTyCon name binders res_kind arity tyvars cons parent
1736  = AlgTyCon {
1737        tyConUnique      = nameUnique name,
1738        tyConName        = name,
1739        tyConBinders     = binders,
1740        tyConTyVars      = tyvars,
1741        tyConResKind     = res_kind,
1742        tyConKind        = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
1743        tyConArity       = arity,
1744        tcRoles          = replicate arity Representational,
1745        tyConCType       = Nothing,
1746        algTcGadtSyntax  = False,
1747        algTcStupidTheta = [],
1748        algTcRhs         = mkSumTyConRhs cons,
1749        algTcFields      = emptyDFsEnv,
1750        algTcParent      = parent
1751    }
1753-- | Makes a tycon suitable for use during type-checking. It stores
1754-- a variety of details about the definition of the TyCon, but no
1755-- right-hand side. It lives only during the type-checking of a
1756-- mutually-recursive group of tycons; it is then zonked to a proper
1757-- TyCon in zonkTcTyCon.
1758-- See also Note [Kind checking recursive type and class declarations]
1759-- in TcTyClsDecls.
1760mkTcTyCon :: Name
1761          -> [TyConBinder]
1762          -> Kind                -- ^ /result/ kind only
1763          -> [(Name,TcTyVar)]    -- ^ Scoped type variables;
1764                                 -- see Note [How TcTyCons work] in TcTyClsDecls
1765          -> Bool                -- ^ Is this TcTyCon generalised already?
1766          -> TyConFlavour        -- ^ What sort of 'TyCon' this represents
1767          -> TyCon
1768mkTcTyCon name binders res_kind scoped_tvs poly flav
1769  = TcTyCon { tyConUnique  = getUnique name
1770            , tyConName    = name
1771            , tyConTyVars  = binderVars binders
1772            , tyConBinders = binders
1773            , tyConResKind = res_kind
1774            , tyConKind    = mkTyConKind binders res_kind
1775            , tyConArity   = length binders
1776            , tcTyConScopedTyVars = scoped_tvs
1777            , tcTyConIsPoly       = poly
1778            , tcTyConFlavour      = flav }
1780-- | No scoped type variables (to be used with mkTcTyCon).
1781noTcTyConScopedTyVars :: [(Name, TcTyVar)]
1782noTcTyConScopedTyVars = []
1784-- | Create an unlifted primitive 'TyCon', such as @Int#@.
1785mkPrimTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder]
1786            -> Kind   -- ^ /result/ kind, never levity-polymorphic
1787            -> [Role] -> TyCon
1788mkPrimTyCon name binders res_kind roles
1789  = mkPrimTyCon' name binders res_kind roles True (Just $ mkPrelTyConRepName name)
1791-- | Kind constructors
1792mkKindTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder]
1793            -> Kind  -- ^ /result/ kind
1794            -> [Role] -> Name -> TyCon
1795mkKindTyCon name binders res_kind roles rep_nm
1796  = tc
1797  where
1798    tc = mkPrimTyCon' name binders res_kind roles False (Just rep_nm)
1800-- | Create a lifted primitive 'TyCon' such as @RealWorld@
1801mkLiftedPrimTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder]
1802                  -> Kind   -- ^ /result/ kind
1803                  -> [Role] -> TyCon
1804mkLiftedPrimTyCon name binders res_kind roles
1805  = mkPrimTyCon' name binders res_kind roles False (Just rep_nm)
1806  where rep_nm = mkPrelTyConRepName name
1808mkPrimTyCon' :: Name -> [TyConBinder]
1809             -> Kind    -- ^ /result/ kind, never levity-polymorphic
1810                        -- (If you need a levity-polymorphic PrimTyCon, change
1811                        --  isTcLevPoly.)
1812             -> [Role]
1813             -> Bool -> Maybe TyConRepName -> TyCon
1814mkPrimTyCon' name binders res_kind roles is_unlifted rep_nm
1815  = PrimTyCon {
1816        tyConName    = name,
1817        tyConUnique  = nameUnique name,
1818        tyConBinders = binders,
1819        tyConResKind = res_kind,
1820        tyConKind    = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
1821        tyConArity   = length roles,
1822        tcRoles      = roles,
1823        isUnlifted   = is_unlifted,
1824        primRepName  = rep_nm
1825    }
1827-- | Create a type synonym 'TyCon'
1828mkSynonymTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Kind   -- ^ /result/ kind
1829               -> [Role] -> Type -> Bool -> Bool -> TyCon
1830mkSynonymTyCon name binders res_kind roles rhs is_tau is_fam_free
1831  = SynonymTyCon {
1832        tyConName    = name,
1833        tyConUnique  = nameUnique name,
1834        tyConBinders = binders,
1835        tyConResKind = res_kind,
1836        tyConKind    = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
1837        tyConArity   = length binders,
1838        tyConTyVars  = binderVars binders,
1839        tcRoles      = roles,
1840        synTcRhs     = rhs,
1841        synIsTau     = is_tau,
1842        synIsFamFree = is_fam_free
1843    }
1845-- | Create a type family 'TyCon'
1846mkFamilyTyCon :: Name -> [TyConBinder] -> Kind  -- ^ /result/ kind
1847              -> Maybe Name -> FamTyConFlav
1848              -> Maybe Class -> Injectivity -> TyCon
1849mkFamilyTyCon name binders res_kind resVar flav parent inj
1850  = FamilyTyCon
1851      { tyConUnique  = nameUnique name
1852      , tyConName    = name
1853      , tyConBinders = binders
1854      , tyConResKind = res_kind
1855      , tyConKind    = mkTyConKind binders res_kind
1856      , tyConArity   = length binders
1857      , tyConTyVars  = binderVars binders
1858      , famTcResVar  = resVar
1859      , famTcFlav    = flav
1860      , famTcParent  = classTyCon <$> parent
1861      , famTcInj     = inj
1862      }
1865-- | Create a promoted data constructor 'TyCon'
1866-- Somewhat dodgily, we give it the same Name
1867-- as the data constructor itself; when we pretty-print
1868-- the TyCon we add a quote; see the Outputable TyCon instance
1869mkPromotedDataCon :: DataCon -> Name -> TyConRepName
1870                  -> [TyConTyCoBinder] -> Kind -> [Role]
1871                  -> RuntimeRepInfo -> TyCon
1872mkPromotedDataCon con name rep_name binders res_kind roles rep_info
1873  = PromotedDataCon {
1874        tyConUnique   = nameUnique name,
1875        tyConName     = name,
1876        tyConArity    = length roles,
1877        tcRoles       = roles,
1878        tyConBinders  = binders,
1879        tyConResKind  = res_kind,
1880        tyConKind     = mkTyConKind binders res_kind,
1881        dataCon       = con,
1882        tcRepName     = rep_name,
1883        promDcRepInfo = rep_info
1884  }
1886isFunTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1887isFunTyCon (FunTyCon {}) = True
1888isFunTyCon _             = False
1890-- | Test if the 'TyCon' is algebraic but abstract (invisible data constructors)
1891isAbstractTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1892isAbstractTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = AbstractTyCon }) = True
1893isAbstractTyCon _ = False
1895-- | Does this 'TyCon' represent something that cannot be defined in Haskell?
1896isPrimTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1897isPrimTyCon (PrimTyCon {}) = True
1898isPrimTyCon _              = False
1900-- | Is this 'TyCon' unlifted (i.e. cannot contain bottom)? Note that this can
1901-- only be true for primitive and unboxed-tuple 'TyCon's
1902isUnliftedTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1903isUnliftedTyCon (PrimTyCon  {isUnlifted = is_unlifted})
1904  = is_unlifted
1905isUnliftedTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } )
1906  | TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } <- rhs
1907  = not (isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort))
1908isUnliftedTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs } )
1909  | SumTyCon {} <- rhs
1910  = True
1911isUnliftedTyCon _ = False
1913-- | Returns @True@ if the supplied 'TyCon' resulted from either a
1914-- @data@ or @newtype@ declaration
1915isAlgTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1916isAlgTyCon (AlgTyCon {})   = True
1917isAlgTyCon _               = False
1919-- | Returns @True@ for vanilla AlgTyCons -- that is, those created
1920-- with a @data@ or @newtype@ declaration.
1921isVanillaAlgTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1922isVanillaAlgTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcParent = VanillaAlgTyCon _ }) = True
1923isVanillaAlgTyCon _                                              = False
1925isDataTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1926-- ^ Returns @True@ for data types that are /definitely/ represented by
1927-- heap-allocated constructors.  These are scrutinised by Core-level
1928-- @case@ expressions, and they get info tables allocated for them.
1930-- Generally, the function will be true for all @data@ types and false
1931-- for @newtype@s, unboxed tuples, unboxed sums and type family
1932-- 'TyCon's. But it is not guaranteed to return @True@ in all cases
1933-- that it could.
1935-- NB: for a data type family, only the /instance/ 'TyCon's
1936--     get an info table.  The family declaration 'TyCon' does not
1937isDataTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs})
1938  = case rhs of
1939        TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort }
1940                           -> isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort)
1941        SumTyCon {}        -> False
1942        DataTyCon {}       -> True
1943        NewTyCon {}        -> False
1944        AbstractTyCon {}   -> False      -- We don't know, so return False
1945isDataTyCon _ = False
1947-- | 'isInjectiveTyCon' is true of 'TyCon's for which this property holds
1948-- (where X is the role passed in):
1949--   If (T a1 b1 c1) ~X (T a2 b2 c2), then (a1 ~X1 a2), (b1 ~X2 b2), and (c1 ~X3 c2)
1950-- (where X1, X2, and X3, are the roles given by tyConRolesX tc X)
1951-- See also Note [Decomposing equality] in TcCanonical
1952isInjectiveTyCon :: TyCon -> Role -> Bool
1953isInjectiveTyCon _                             Phantom          = False
1954isInjectiveTyCon (FunTyCon {})                 _                = True
1955isInjectiveTyCon (AlgTyCon {})                 Nominal          = True
1956isInjectiveTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs})   Representational
1957  = isGenInjAlgRhs rhs
1958isInjectiveTyCon (SynonymTyCon {})             _                = False
1959isInjectiveTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon _ })
1960                                               Nominal          = True
1961isInjectiveTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcInj = Injective inj }) Nominal = and inj
1962isInjectiveTyCon (FamilyTyCon {})              _                = False
1963isInjectiveTyCon (PrimTyCon {})                _                = True
1964isInjectiveTyCon (PromotedDataCon {})          _                = True
1965isInjectiveTyCon (TcTyCon {})                  _                = True
1966  -- Reply True for TcTyCon to minimise knock on type errors
1967  -- See Note [How TcTyCons work] item (1) in TcTyClsDecls
1969-- | 'isGenerativeTyCon' is true of 'TyCon's for which this property holds
1970-- (where X is the role passed in):
1971--   If (T tys ~X t), then (t's head ~X T).
1972-- See also Note [Decomposing equality] in TcCanonical
1973isGenerativeTyCon :: TyCon -> Role -> Bool
1974isGenerativeTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon _ }) Nominal = True
1975isGenerativeTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) _ = False
1976  -- in all other cases, injectivity implies generativity
1977isGenerativeTyCon tc               r = isInjectiveTyCon tc r
1979-- | Is this an 'AlgTyConRhs' of a 'TyCon' that is generative and injective
1980-- with respect to representational equality?
1981isGenInjAlgRhs :: AlgTyConRhs -> Bool
1982isGenInjAlgRhs (TupleTyCon {})          = True
1983isGenInjAlgRhs (SumTyCon {})            = True
1984isGenInjAlgRhs (DataTyCon {})           = True
1985isGenInjAlgRhs (AbstractTyCon {})       = False
1986isGenInjAlgRhs (NewTyCon {})            = False
1988-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a @newtype@
1989isNewTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
1990isNewTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon {}}) = True
1991isNewTyCon _                                   = False
1993-- | Take a 'TyCon' apart into the 'TyVar's it scopes over, the 'Type' it
1994-- expands into, and (possibly) a coercion from the representation type to the
1995-- @newtype@.
1996-- Returns @Nothing@ if this is not possible.
1997unwrapNewTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type, CoAxiom Unbranched)
1998unwrapNewTyCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs,
1999                                 algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co,
2000                                                       nt_rhs = rhs }})
2001                           = Just (tvs, rhs, co)
2002unwrapNewTyCon_maybe _     = Nothing
2004unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type, CoAxiom Unbranched)
2005unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co,
2006                                                           nt_etad_rhs = (tvs,rhs) }})
2007                           = Just (tvs, rhs, co)
2008unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe _ = Nothing
2010isProductTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2011-- True of datatypes or newtypes that have
2012--   one, non-existential, data constructor
2013-- See Note [Product types]
2014isProductTyCon tc@(AlgTyCon {})
2015  = case algTcRhs tc of
2016      TupleTyCon {} -> True
2017      DataTyCon{ data_cons = [data_con] }
2018                    -> null (dataConExTyCoVars data_con)
2019      NewTyCon {}   -> True
2020      _             -> False
2021isProductTyCon _ = False
2023isDataProductTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
2024-- True of datatypes (not newtypes) with
2025--   one, vanilla, data constructor
2026-- See Note [Product types]
2027isDataProductTyCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2028  = case rhs of
2029       DataTyCon { data_cons = [con] }
2030         | null (dataConExTyCoVars con)  -- non-existential
2031         -> Just con
2032       TupleTyCon { data_con = con }
2033         -> Just con
2034       _ -> Nothing
2035isDataProductTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
2037isDataSumTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe [DataCon]
2038isDataSumTyCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2039  = case rhs of
2040      DataTyCon { data_cons = cons }
2041        | cons `lengthExceeds` 1
2042        , all (null . dataConExTyCoVars) cons -- FIXME(osa): Why do we need this?
2043        -> Just cons
2044      SumTyCon { data_cons = cons }
2045        | all (null . dataConExTyCoVars) cons -- FIXME(osa): Why do we need this?
2046        -> Just cons
2047      _ -> Nothing
2048isDataSumTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
2050{- Note [Product types]
2052A product type is
2053 * A data type (not a newtype)
2054 * With one, boxed data constructor
2055 * That binds no existential type variables
2057The main point is that product types are amenable to unboxing for
2058  * Strict function calls; we can transform
2059        f (D a b) = e
2060    to
2061        fw a b = e
2062    via the worker/wrapper transformation.  (Question: couldn't this
2063    work for existentials too?)
2065  * CPR for function results; we can transform
2066        f x y = let ... in D a b
2067    to
2068        fw x y = let ... in (# a, b #)
2070Note that the data constructor /can/ have evidence arguments: equality
2071constraints, type classes etc.  So it can be GADT.  These evidence
2072arguments are simply value arguments, and should not get in the way.
2076-- | Is this a 'TyCon' representing a regular H98 type synonym (@type@)?
2077isTypeSynonymTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2078isTypeSynonymTyCon (SynonymTyCon {}) = True
2079isTypeSynonymTyCon _                 = False
2081isTauTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2082isTauTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsTau = is_tau }) = is_tau
2083isTauTyCon _                                    = True
2085isFamFreeTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2086isFamFreeTyCon (SynonymTyCon { synIsFamFree = fam_free }) = fam_free
2087isFamFreeTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav })         = isDataFamFlav flav
2088isFamFreeTyCon _                                          = True
2090-- As for newtypes, it is in some contexts important to distinguish between
2091-- closed synonyms and synonym families, as synonym families have no unique
2092-- right hand side to which a synonym family application can expand.
2095-- | True iff we can decompose (T a b c) into ((T a b) c)
2096--   I.e. is it injective and generative w.r.t nominal equality?
2097--   That is, if (T a b) ~N d e f, is it always the case that
2098--            (T ~N d), (a ~N e) and (b ~N f)?
2099-- Specifically NOT true of synonyms (open and otherwise)
2101-- It'd be unusual to call mustBeSaturated on a regular H98
2102-- type synonym, because you should probably have expanded it first
2103-- But regardless, it's not decomposable
2104mustBeSaturated :: TyCon -> Bool
2105mustBeSaturated = tcFlavourMustBeSaturated . tyConFlavour
2107-- | Is this an algebraic 'TyCon' declared with the GADT syntax?
2108isGadtSyntaxTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2109isGadtSyntaxTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcGadtSyntax = res }) = res
2110isGadtSyntaxTyCon _                                    = False
2112-- | Is this an algebraic 'TyCon' which is just an enumeration of values?
2113isEnumerationTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2114-- See Note [Enumeration types] in TyCon
2115isEnumerationTyCon (AlgTyCon { tyConArity = arity, algTcRhs = rhs })
2116  = case rhs of
2117       DataTyCon { is_enum = res } -> res
2118       TupleTyCon {}               -> arity == 0
2119       _                           -> False
2120isEnumerationTyCon _ = False
2122-- | Is this a 'TyCon', synonym or otherwise, that defines a family?
2123isFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2124isFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) = True
2125isFamilyTyCon _                = False
2127-- | Is this a 'TyCon', synonym or otherwise, that defines a family with
2128-- instances?
2129isOpenFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2130isOpenFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = flav })
2131  | OpenSynFamilyTyCon <- flav = True
2132  | DataFamilyTyCon {} <- flav = True
2133isOpenFamilyTyCon _            = False
2135-- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
2136isTypeFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2137isTypeFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav }) = not (isDataFamFlav flav)
2138isTypeFamilyTyCon _                                  = False
2140-- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
2141isDataFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2142isDataFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav }) = isDataFamFlav flav
2143isDataFamilyTyCon _                                  = False
2145-- | Is this an open type family TyCon?
2146isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2147isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = OpenSynFamilyTyCon }) = True
2148isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon _                                               = False
2150-- | Is this a non-empty closed type family? Returns 'Nothing' for
2151-- abstract or empty closed families.
2152isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Branched)
2154  (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = ClosedSynFamilyTyCon mb}) = mb
2155isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe _               = Nothing
2157-- | @'tyConInjectivityInfo' tc@ returns @'Injective' is@ is @tc@ is an
2158-- injective tycon (where @is@ states for which 'tyConBinders' @tc@ is
2159-- injective), or 'NotInjective' otherwise.
2160tyConInjectivityInfo :: TyCon -> Injectivity
2161tyConInjectivityInfo tc
2162  | FamilyTyCon { famTcInj = inj } <- tc
2163  = inj
2164  | isInjectiveTyCon tc Nominal
2165  = Injective (replicate (tyConArity tc) True)
2166  | otherwise
2167  = NotInjective
2169isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe BuiltInSynFamily
2171  (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops }) = Just ops
2172isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe _                          = Nothing
2174isDataFamFlav :: FamTyConFlav -> Bool
2175isDataFamFlav (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = True   -- Data family
2176isDataFamFlav _                    = False  -- Type synonym family
2178-- | Is this TyCon for an associated type?
2179isTyConAssoc :: TyCon -> Bool
2180isTyConAssoc = isJust . tyConAssoc_maybe
2182-- | Get the enclosing class TyCon (if there is one) for the given TyCon.
2183tyConAssoc_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TyCon
2184tyConAssoc_maybe = tyConFlavourAssoc_maybe . tyConFlavour
2186-- | Get the enclosing class TyCon (if there is one) for the given TyConFlavour
2187tyConFlavourAssoc_maybe :: TyConFlavour -> Maybe TyCon
2188tyConFlavourAssoc_maybe (DataFamilyFlavour mb_parent)     = mb_parent
2189tyConFlavourAssoc_maybe (OpenTypeFamilyFlavour mb_parent) = mb_parent
2190tyConFlavourAssoc_maybe _                                 = Nothing
2192-- The unit tycon didn't used to be classed as a tuple tycon
2193-- but I thought that was silly so I've undone it
2194-- If it can't be for some reason, it should be a AlgTyCon
2195isTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2196-- ^ Does this 'TyCon' represent a tuple?
2198-- NB: when compiling @Data.Tuple@, the tycons won't reply @True@ to
2199-- 'isTupleTyCon', because they are built as 'AlgTyCons'.  However they
2200-- get spat into the interface file as tuple tycons, so I don't think
2201-- it matters.
2202isTupleTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = TupleTyCon {} }) = True
2203isTupleTyCon _ = False
2205tyConTuple_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TupleSort
2206tyConTuple_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2207  | TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort} <- rhs = Just sort
2208tyConTuple_maybe _                       = Nothing
2210-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for an unboxed tuple?
2211isUnboxedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2212isUnboxedTupleTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2213  | TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } <- rhs
2214  = not (isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort))
2215isUnboxedTupleTyCon _ = False
2217-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for a boxed tuple?
2218isBoxedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2219isBoxedTupleTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2220  | TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort } <- rhs
2221  = isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort)
2222isBoxedTupleTyCon _ = False
2224-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for an unboxed sum?
2225isUnboxedSumTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2226isUnboxedSumTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2227  | SumTyCon {} <- rhs
2228  = True
2229isUnboxedSumTyCon _ = False
2231-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for a /promoted/ tuple?
2232isPromotedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2233isPromotedTupleTyCon tyCon
2234  | Just dataCon <- isPromotedDataCon_maybe tyCon
2235  , isTupleTyCon (dataConTyCon dataCon) = True
2236  | otherwise                           = False
2238-- | Is this a PromotedDataCon?
2239isPromotedDataCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2240isPromotedDataCon (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
2241isPromotedDataCon _                    = False
2243-- | Retrieves the promoted DataCon if this is a PromotedDataCon;
2244isPromotedDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
2245isPromotedDataCon_maybe (PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc }) = Just dc
2246isPromotedDataCon_maybe _ = Nothing
2248-- | Is this tycon really meant for use at the kind level? That is,
2249-- should it be permitted without -XDataKinds?
2250isKindTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2251isKindTyCon tc = getUnique tc `elementOfUniqSet` kindTyConKeys
2253-- | These TyCons should be allowed at the kind level, even without
2254-- -XDataKinds.
2255kindTyConKeys :: UniqSet Unique
2256kindTyConKeys = unionManyUniqSets
2257  ( mkUniqSet [ liftedTypeKindTyConKey, constraintKindTyConKey, tYPETyConKey ]
2258  : map (mkUniqSet . tycon_with_datacons) [ runtimeRepTyCon
2259                                          , vecCountTyCon, vecElemTyCon ] )
2260  where
2261    tycon_with_datacons tc = getUnique tc : map getUnique (tyConDataCons tc)
2263isLiftedTypeKindTyConName :: Name -> Bool
2264isLiftedTypeKindTyConName = (`hasKey` liftedTypeKindTyConKey)
2266-- | Identifies implicit tycons that, in particular, do not go into interface
2267-- files (because they are implicitly reconstructed when the interface is
2268-- read).
2270-- Note that:
2272-- * Associated families are implicit, as they are re-constructed from
2273--   the class declaration in which they reside, and
2275-- * Family instances are /not/ implicit as they represent the instance body
2276--   (similar to a @dfun@ does that for a class instance).
2278-- * Tuples are implicit iff they have a wired-in name
2279--   (namely: boxed and unboxed tuples are wired-in and implicit,
2280--            but constraint tuples are not)
2281isImplicitTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2282isImplicitTyCon (FunTyCon {})        = True
2283isImplicitTyCon (PrimTyCon {})       = True
2284isImplicitTyCon (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
2285isImplicitTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs, tyConName = name })
2286  | TupleTyCon {} <- rhs             = isWiredInName name
2287  | SumTyCon {} <- rhs               = True
2288  | otherwise                        = False
2289isImplicitTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcParent = parent }) = isJust parent
2290isImplicitTyCon (SynonymTyCon {})    = False
2291isImplicitTyCon (TcTyCon {})         = False
2293tyConCType_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe CType
2294tyConCType_maybe tc@(AlgTyCon {}) = tyConCType tc
2295tyConCType_maybe _ = Nothing
2297-- | Is this a TcTyCon? (That is, one only used during type-checking?)
2298isTcTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2299isTcTyCon (TcTyCon {}) = True
2300isTcTyCon _            = False
2302setTcTyConKind :: TyCon -> Kind -> TyCon
2303-- Update the Kind of a TcTyCon
2304-- The new kind is always a zonked version of its previous
2305-- kind, so we don't need to update any other fields.
2306-- See Note [The Purely Kinded Invariant] in TcHsType
2307setTcTyConKind tc@(TcTyCon {}) kind = tc { tyConKind = kind }
2308setTcTyConKind tc              _    = pprPanic "setTcTyConKind" (ppr tc)
2310-- | Could this TyCon ever be levity-polymorphic when fully applied?
2311-- True is safe. False means we're sure. Does only a quick check
2312-- based on the TyCon's category.
2313-- Precondition: The fully-applied TyCon has kind (TYPE blah)
2314isTcLevPoly :: TyCon -> Bool
2315isTcLevPoly FunTyCon{}           = False
2316isTcLevPoly (AlgTyCon { algTcParent = parent, algTcRhs = rhs })
2317  | UnboxedAlgTyCon _ <- parent
2318  = True
2319  | NewTyCon { nt_lev_poly = lev_poly } <- rhs
2320  = lev_poly -- Newtypes can be levity polymorphic with UnliftedNewtypes (#17360)
2321  | otherwise
2322  = False
2323isTcLevPoly SynonymTyCon{}       = True
2324isTcLevPoly FamilyTyCon{}        = True
2325isTcLevPoly PrimTyCon{}          = False
2326isTcLevPoly TcTyCon{}            = False
2327isTcLevPoly tc@PromotedDataCon{} = pprPanic "isTcLevPoly datacon" (ppr tc)
2331--      Expand type-constructor applications
2336        :: TyCon
2337        -> [tyco]                 -- ^ Arguments to 'TyCon'
2338        -> Maybe ([(TyVar,tyco)],
2339                  Type,
2340                  [tyco])         -- ^ Returns a 'TyVar' substitution, the body
2341                                  -- type of the synonym (not yet substituted)
2342                                  -- and any arguments remaining from the
2343                                  -- application
2345-- ^ Expand a type synonym application, if any
2346expandSynTyCon_maybe tc tys
2347  | SynonymTyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs, synTcRhs = rhs, tyConArity = arity } <- tc
2348  = case tys `listLengthCmp` arity of
2349        GT -> Just (tvs `zip` tys, rhs, drop arity tys)
2350        EQ -> Just (tvs `zip` tys, rhs, [])
2351        LT -> Nothing
2352   | otherwise
2353   = Nothing
2357-- | Check if the tycon actually refers to a proper `data` or `newtype`
2358--  with user defined constructors rather than one from a class or other
2359--  construction.
2361-- NB: This is only used in TcRnExports.checkPatSynParent to determine if an
2362-- exported tycon can have a pattern synonym bundled with it, e.g.,
2363-- module Foo (TyCon(.., PatSyn)) where
2364isTyConWithSrcDataCons :: TyCon -> Bool
2365isTyConWithSrcDataCons (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs, algTcParent = parent }) =
2366  case rhs of
2367    DataTyCon {}  -> isSrcParent
2368    NewTyCon {}   -> isSrcParent
2369    TupleTyCon {} -> isSrcParent
2370    _ -> False
2371  where
2372    isSrcParent = isNoParent parent
2373isTyConWithSrcDataCons (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = DataFamilyTyCon {} })
2374                         = True -- #14058
2375isTyConWithSrcDataCons _ = False
2378-- | As 'tyConDataCons_maybe', but returns the empty list of constructors if no
2379-- constructors could be found
2380tyConDataCons :: TyCon -> [DataCon]
2381-- It's convenient for tyConDataCons to return the
2382-- empty list for type synonyms etc
2383tyConDataCons tycon = tyConDataCons_maybe tycon `orElse` []
2385-- | Determine the 'DataCon's originating from the given 'TyCon', if the 'TyCon'
2386-- is the sort that can have any constructors (note: this does not include
2387-- abstract algebraic types)
2388tyConDataCons_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe [DataCon]
2389tyConDataCons_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs})
2390  = case rhs of
2391       DataTyCon { data_cons = cons } -> Just cons
2392       NewTyCon { data_con = con }    -> Just [con]
2393       TupleTyCon { data_con = con }  -> Just [con]
2394       SumTyCon { data_cons = cons }  -> Just cons
2395       _                              -> Nothing
2396tyConDataCons_maybe _ = Nothing
2398-- | If the given 'TyCon' has a /single/ data constructor, i.e. it is a @data@
2399-- type with one alternative, a tuple type or a @newtype@ then that constructor
2400-- is returned. If the 'TyCon' has more than one constructor, or represents a
2401-- primitive or function type constructor then @Nothing@ is returned. In any
2402-- other case, the function panics
2403tyConSingleDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
2404tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2405  = case rhs of
2406      DataTyCon { data_cons = [c] } -> Just c
2407      TupleTyCon { data_con = c }   -> Just c
2408      NewTyCon { data_con = c }     -> Just c
2409      _                             -> Nothing
2410tyConSingleDataCon_maybe _           = Nothing
2412tyConSingleDataCon :: TyCon -> DataCon
2413tyConSingleDataCon tc
2414  = case tyConSingleDataCon_maybe tc of
2415      Just c  -> c
2416      Nothing -> pprPanic "tyConDataCon" (ppr tc)
2418tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
2419-- Returns (Just con) for single-constructor
2420-- *algebraic* data types *not* newtypes
2421tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2422  = case rhs of
2423      DataTyCon { data_cons = [c] } -> Just c
2424      TupleTyCon { data_con = c }   -> Just c
2425      _                             -> Nothing
2426tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe _        = Nothing
2428-- | Determine the number of value constructors a 'TyCon' has. Panics if the
2429-- 'TyCon' is not algebraic or a tuple
2430tyConFamilySize  :: TyCon -> Int
2431tyConFamilySize tc@(AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
2432  = case rhs of
2433      DataTyCon { data_cons_size = size } -> size
2434      NewTyCon {}                    -> 1
2435      TupleTyCon {}                  -> 1
2436      SumTyCon { data_cons_size = size }  -> size
2437      _                              -> pprPanic "tyConFamilySize 1" (ppr tc)
2438tyConFamilySize tc = pprPanic "tyConFamilySize 2" (ppr tc)
2440-- | Extract an 'AlgTyConRhs' with information about data constructors from an
2441-- algebraic or tuple 'TyCon'. Panics for any other sort of 'TyCon'
2442algTyConRhs :: TyCon -> AlgTyConRhs
2443algTyConRhs (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs}) = rhs
2444algTyConRhs other = pprPanic "algTyConRhs" (ppr other)
2446-- | Extract type variable naming the result of injective type family
2447tyConFamilyResVar_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Name
2448tyConFamilyResVar_maybe (FamilyTyCon {famTcResVar = res}) = res
2449tyConFamilyResVar_maybe _                                 = Nothing
2451-- | Get the list of roles for the type parameters of a TyCon
2452tyConRoles :: TyCon -> [Role]
2453-- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
2454tyConRoles tc
2455  = case tc of
2456    { FunTyCon {}                         -> [Nominal, Nominal, Representational, Representational]
2457    ; AlgTyCon { tcRoles = roles }        -> roles
2458    ; SynonymTyCon { tcRoles = roles }    -> roles
2459    ; FamilyTyCon {}                      -> const_role Nominal
2460    ; PrimTyCon { tcRoles = roles }       -> roles
2461    ; PromotedDataCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
2462    ; TcTyCon {}                          -> const_role Nominal
2463    }
2464  where
2465    const_role r = replicate (tyConArity tc) r
2467-- | Extract the bound type variables and type expansion of a type synonym
2468-- 'TyCon'. Panics if the 'TyCon' is not a synonym
2469newTyConRhs :: TyCon -> ([TyVar], Type)
2470newTyConRhs (AlgTyCon {tyConTyVars = tvs, algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_rhs = rhs }})
2471    = (tvs, rhs)
2472newTyConRhs tycon = pprPanic "newTyConRhs" (ppr tycon)
2474-- | The number of type parameters that need to be passed to a newtype to
2475-- resolve it. May be less than in the definition if it can be eta-contracted.
2476newTyConEtadArity :: TyCon -> Int
2477newTyConEtadArity (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }})
2478        = length (fst tvs_rhs)
2479newTyConEtadArity tycon = pprPanic "newTyConEtadArity" (ppr tycon)
2481-- | Extract the bound type variables and type expansion of an eta-contracted
2482-- type synonym 'TyCon'.  Panics if the 'TyCon' is not a synonym
2483newTyConEtadRhs :: TyCon -> ([TyVar], Type)
2484newTyConEtadRhs (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }}) = tvs_rhs
2485newTyConEtadRhs tycon = pprPanic "newTyConEtadRhs" (ppr tycon)
2487-- | Extracts the @newtype@ coercion from such a 'TyCon', which can be used to
2488-- construct something with the @newtype@s type from its representation type
2489-- (right hand side). If the supplied 'TyCon' is not a @newtype@, returns
2490-- @Nothing@
2491newTyConCo_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Unbranched)
2492newTyConCo_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co }}) = Just co
2493newTyConCo_maybe _                                               = Nothing
2495newTyConCo :: TyCon -> CoAxiom Unbranched
2496newTyConCo tc = case newTyConCo_maybe tc of
2497                 Just co -> co
2498                 Nothing -> pprPanic "newTyConCo" (ppr tc)
2500newTyConDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
2501newTyConDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { data_con = con }}) = Just con
2502newTyConDataCon_maybe _ = Nothing
2504-- | Find the \"stupid theta\" of the 'TyCon'. A \"stupid theta\" is the context
2505-- to the left of an algebraic type declaration, e.g. @Eq a@ in the declaration
2506-- @data Eq a => T a ...@
2507tyConStupidTheta :: TyCon -> [PredType]
2508tyConStupidTheta (AlgTyCon {algTcStupidTheta = stupid}) = stupid
2509tyConStupidTheta (FunTyCon {}) = []
2510tyConStupidTheta tycon = pprPanic "tyConStupidTheta" (ppr tycon)
2512-- | Extract the 'TyVar's bound by a vanilla type synonym
2513-- and the corresponding (unsubstituted) right hand side.
2514synTyConDefn_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type)
2515synTyConDefn_maybe (SynonymTyCon {tyConTyVars = tyvars, synTcRhs = ty})
2516  = Just (tyvars, ty)
2517synTyConDefn_maybe _ = Nothing
2519-- | Extract the information pertaining to the right hand side of a type synonym
2520-- (@type@) declaration.
2521synTyConRhs_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Type
2522synTyConRhs_maybe (SynonymTyCon {synTcRhs = rhs}) = Just rhs
2523synTyConRhs_maybe _                               = Nothing
2525-- | Extract the flavour of a type family (with all the extra information that
2526-- it carries)
2527famTyConFlav_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe FamTyConFlav
2528famTyConFlav_maybe (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = flav}) = Just flav
2529famTyConFlav_maybe _                                = Nothing
2531-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a class instance?
2532isClassTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2533isClassTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = ClassTyCon {}}) = True
2534isClassTyCon _                                        = False
2536-- | If this 'TyCon' is that for a class instance, return the class it is for.
2537-- Otherwise returns @Nothing@
2538tyConClass_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Class
2539tyConClass_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = ClassTyCon clas _}) = Just clas
2540tyConClass_maybe _                                            = Nothing
2542-- | Return the associated types of the 'TyCon', if any
2543tyConATs :: TyCon -> [TyCon]
2544tyConATs (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = ClassTyCon clas _}) = classATs clas
2545tyConATs _                                            = []
2548-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a data family instance?
2549isFamInstTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
2550isFamInstTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = DataFamInstTyCon {} })
2551  = True
2552isFamInstTyCon _ = False
2554tyConFamInstSig_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type], CoAxiom Unbranched)
2555tyConFamInstSig_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = DataFamInstTyCon ax f ts })
2556  = Just (f, ts, ax)
2557tyConFamInstSig_maybe _ = Nothing
2559-- | If this 'TyCon' is that of a data family instance, return the family in question
2560-- and the instance types. Otherwise, return @Nothing@
2561tyConFamInst_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
2562tyConFamInst_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = DataFamInstTyCon _ f ts })
2563  = Just (f, ts)
2564tyConFamInst_maybe _ = Nothing
2566-- | If this 'TyCon' is that of a data family instance, return a 'TyCon' which
2567-- represents a coercion identifying the representation type with the type
2568-- instance family.  Otherwise, return @Nothing@
2569tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Unbranched)
2570tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = DataFamInstTyCon ax _ _ })
2571  = Just ax
2572tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe _ = Nothing
2574-- | Extract any 'RuntimeRepInfo' from this TyCon
2575tyConRuntimeRepInfo :: TyCon -> RuntimeRepInfo
2576tyConRuntimeRepInfo (PromotedDataCon { promDcRepInfo = rri }) = rri
2577tyConRuntimeRepInfo _                                         = NoRRI
2578  -- could panic in that second case. But Douglas Adams told me not to.
2581Note [Constructor tag allocation]
2583When typechecking we need to allocate constructor tags to constructors.
2584They are allocated based on the position in the data_cons field of TyCon,
2585with the first constructor getting fIRST_TAG.
2587We used to pay linear cost per constructor, with each constructor looking up
2588its relative index in the constructor list. That was quadratic and prohibitive
2589for large data types with more than 10k constructors.
2591The current strategy is to build a NameEnv with a mapping from costructor's
2592Name to ConTag and pass it down to buildDataCon for efficient lookup.
2594Relevant ticket: #14657
2597mkTyConTagMap :: TyCon -> NameEnv ConTag
2598mkTyConTagMap tycon =
2599  mkNameEnv $ map getName (tyConDataCons tycon) `zip` [fIRST_TAG..]
2600  -- See Note [Constructor tag allocation]
2604*                                                                      *
2605\subsection[TyCon-instances]{Instance declarations for @TyCon@}
2606*                                                                      *
2609@TyCon@s are compared by comparing their @Unique@s.
2612instance Eq TyCon where
2613    a == b = getUnique a == getUnique b
2614    a /= b = getUnique a /= getUnique b
2616instance Uniquable TyCon where
2617    getUnique tc = tyConUnique tc
2619instance Outputable TyCon where
2620  -- At the moment a promoted TyCon has the same Name as its
2621  -- corresponding TyCon, so we add the quote to distinguish it here
2622  ppr tc = pprPromotionQuote tc <> ppr (tyConName tc) <> pp_tc
2623    where
2624      pp_tc = getPprStyle $ \sty -> if ((debugStyle sty || dumpStyle sty) && isTcTyCon tc)
2625                                    then text "[tc]"
2626                                    else empty
2628-- | Paints a picture of what a 'TyCon' represents, in broad strokes.
2629-- This is used towards more informative error messages.
2630data TyConFlavour
2631  = ClassFlavour
2632  | TupleFlavour Boxity
2633  | SumFlavour
2634  | DataTypeFlavour
2635  | NewtypeFlavour
2636  | AbstractTypeFlavour
2637  | DataFamilyFlavour (Maybe TyCon)     -- Just tc <=> (tc == associated class)
2638  | OpenTypeFamilyFlavour (Maybe TyCon) -- Just tc <=> (tc == associated class)
2639  | ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour
2640  | TypeSynonymFlavour
2641  | BuiltInTypeFlavour -- ^ e.g., the @(->)@ 'TyCon'.
2642  | PromotedDataConFlavour
2643  deriving Eq
2645instance Outputable TyConFlavour where
2646  ppr = text . go
2647    where
2648      go ClassFlavour = "class"
2649      go (TupleFlavour boxed) | isBoxed boxed = "tuple"
2650                              | otherwise     = "unboxed tuple"
2651      go SumFlavour              = "unboxed sum"
2652      go DataTypeFlavour         = "data type"
2653      go NewtypeFlavour          = "newtype"
2654      go AbstractTypeFlavour     = "abstract type"
2655      go (DataFamilyFlavour (Just _))  = "associated data family"
2656      go (DataFamilyFlavour Nothing)   = "data family"
2657      go (OpenTypeFamilyFlavour (Just _)) = "associated type family"
2658      go (OpenTypeFamilyFlavour Nothing)  = "type family"
2659      go ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour = "type family"
2660      go TypeSynonymFlavour      = "type synonym"
2661      go BuiltInTypeFlavour      = "built-in type"
2662      go PromotedDataConFlavour  = "promoted data constructor"
2664tyConFlavour :: TyCon -> TyConFlavour
2665tyConFlavour (AlgTyCon { algTcParent = parent, algTcRhs = rhs })
2666  | ClassTyCon _ _ <- parent = ClassFlavour
2667  | otherwise = case rhs of
2668                  TupleTyCon { tup_sort = sort }
2669                                     -> TupleFlavour (tupleSortBoxity sort)
2670                  SumTyCon {}        -> SumFlavour
2671                  DataTyCon {}       -> DataTypeFlavour
2672                  NewTyCon {}        -> NewtypeFlavour
2673                  AbstractTyCon {}   -> AbstractTypeFlavour
2674tyConFlavour (FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav, famTcParent = parent })
2675  = case flav of
2676      DataFamilyTyCon{}            -> DataFamilyFlavour parent
2677      OpenSynFamilyTyCon           -> OpenTypeFamilyFlavour parent
2678      ClosedSynFamilyTyCon{}       -> ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour
2679      AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon -> ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour
2680      BuiltInSynFamTyCon{}         -> ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour
2681tyConFlavour (SynonymTyCon {})    = TypeSynonymFlavour
2682tyConFlavour (FunTyCon {})        = BuiltInTypeFlavour
2683tyConFlavour (PrimTyCon {})       = BuiltInTypeFlavour
2684tyConFlavour (PromotedDataCon {}) = PromotedDataConFlavour
2685tyConFlavour (TcTyCon { tcTyConFlavour = flav }) = flav
2687-- | Can this flavour of 'TyCon' appear unsaturated?
2688tcFlavourMustBeSaturated :: TyConFlavour -> Bool
2689tcFlavourMustBeSaturated ClassFlavour            = False
2690tcFlavourMustBeSaturated DataTypeFlavour         = False
2691tcFlavourMustBeSaturated NewtypeFlavour          = False
2692tcFlavourMustBeSaturated DataFamilyFlavour{}     = False
2693tcFlavourMustBeSaturated TupleFlavour{}          = False
2694tcFlavourMustBeSaturated SumFlavour              = False
2695tcFlavourMustBeSaturated AbstractTypeFlavour     = False
2696tcFlavourMustBeSaturated BuiltInTypeFlavour      = False
2697tcFlavourMustBeSaturated PromotedDataConFlavour  = False
2698tcFlavourMustBeSaturated TypeSynonymFlavour      = True
2699tcFlavourMustBeSaturated OpenTypeFamilyFlavour{} = True
2700tcFlavourMustBeSaturated ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour = True
2702-- | Is this flavour of 'TyCon' an open type family or a data family?
2703tcFlavourIsOpen :: TyConFlavour -> Bool
2704tcFlavourIsOpen DataFamilyFlavour{}     = True
2705tcFlavourIsOpen OpenTypeFamilyFlavour{} = True
2706tcFlavourIsOpen ClosedTypeFamilyFlavour = False
2707tcFlavourIsOpen ClassFlavour            = False
2708tcFlavourIsOpen DataTypeFlavour         = False
2709tcFlavourIsOpen NewtypeFlavour          = False
2710tcFlavourIsOpen TupleFlavour{}          = False
2711tcFlavourIsOpen SumFlavour              = False
2712tcFlavourIsOpen AbstractTypeFlavour     = False
2713tcFlavourIsOpen BuiltInTypeFlavour      = False
2714tcFlavourIsOpen PromotedDataConFlavour  = False
2715tcFlavourIsOpen TypeSynonymFlavour      = False
2717pprPromotionQuote :: TyCon -> SDoc
2718-- Promoted data constructors already have a tick in their OccName
2719pprPromotionQuote tc
2720  = case tc of
2721      PromotedDataCon {} -> char '\'' -- Always quote promoted DataCons in types
2722      _                  -> empty
2724instance NamedThing TyCon where
2725    getName = tyConName
2727instance Data.Data TyCon where
2728    -- don't traverse?
2729    toConstr _   = abstractConstr "TyCon"
2730    gunfold _ _  = error "gunfold"
2731    dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "TyCon"
2733instance Binary Injectivity where
2734    put_ bh NotInjective   = putByte bh 0
2735    put_ bh (Injective xs) = putByte bh 1 >> put_ bh xs
2737    get bh = do { h <- getByte bh
2738                ; case h of
2739                    0 -> return NotInjective
2740                    _ -> do { xs <- get bh
2741                            ; return (Injective xs) } }
2745*                                                                      *
2746           Walking over recursive TyCons
2747*                                                                      *
2750Note [Expanding newtypes and products]
2752When expanding a type to expose a data-type constructor, we need to be
2753careful about newtypes, lest we fall into an infinite loop. Here are
2754the key examples:
2756  newtype Id  x = MkId x
2757  newtype Fix f = MkFix (f (Fix f))
2758  newtype T     = MkT (T -> T)
2760  Type           Expansion
2761 --------------------------
2762  T              T -> T
2763  Fix Maybe      Maybe (Fix Maybe)
2764  Id (Id Int)    Int
2765  Fix Id         NO NO NO
2767Notice that
2768 * We can expand T, even though it's recursive.
2769 * We can expand Id (Id Int), even though the Id shows up
2770   twice at the outer level, because Id is non-recursive
2772So, when expanding, we keep track of when we've seen a recursive
2773newtype at outermost level; and bail out if we see it again.
2775We sometimes want to do the same for product types, so that the
2776strictness analyser doesn't unbox infinitely deeply.
2778More precisely, we keep a *count* of how many times we've seen it.
2779This is to account for
2780   data instance T (a,b) = MkT (T a) (T b)
2781Then (#10482) if we have a type like
2782        T (Int,(Int,(Int,(Int,Int))))
2783we can still unbox deeply enough during strictness analysis.
2784We have to treat T as potentially recursive, but it's still
2785good to be able to unwrap multiple layers.
2787The function that manages all this is checkRecTc.
2790data RecTcChecker = RC !Int (NameEnv Int)
2791  -- The upper bound, and the number of times
2792  -- we have encountered each TyCon
2794-- | Initialise a 'RecTcChecker' with 'defaultRecTcMaxBound'.
2795initRecTc :: RecTcChecker
2796initRecTc = RC defaultRecTcMaxBound emptyNameEnv
2798-- | The default upper bound (100) for the number of times a 'RecTcChecker' is
2799-- allowed to encounter each 'TyCon'.
2800defaultRecTcMaxBound :: Int
2801defaultRecTcMaxBound = 100
2802-- Should we have a flag for this?
2804-- | Change the upper bound for the number of times a 'RecTcChecker' is allowed
2805-- to encounter each 'TyCon'.
2806setRecTcMaxBound :: Int -> RecTcChecker -> RecTcChecker
2807setRecTcMaxBound new_bound (RC _old_bound rec_nts) = RC new_bound rec_nts
2809checkRecTc :: RecTcChecker -> TyCon -> Maybe RecTcChecker
2810-- Nothing      => Recursion detected
2811-- Just rec_tcs => Keep going
2812checkRecTc (RC bound rec_nts) tc
2813  = case lookupNameEnv rec_nts tc_name of
2814      Just n | n >= bound -> Nothing
2815             | otherwise  -> Just (RC bound (extendNameEnv rec_nts tc_name (n+1)))
2816      Nothing             -> Just (RC bound (extendNameEnv rec_nts tc_name 1))
2817  where
2818    tc_name = tyConName tc
2820-- | Returns whether or not this 'TyCon' is definite, or a hole
2821-- that may be filled in at some later point.  See Note [Skolem abstract data]
2822tyConSkolem :: TyCon -> Bool
2823tyConSkolem = isHoleName . tyConName
2825-- Note [Skolem abstract data]
2826-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2827-- Skolem abstract data arises from data declarations in an hsig file.
2829-- The best analogy is to interpret the types declared in signature files as
2830-- elaborating to universally quantified type variables; e.g.,
2832--    unit p where
2833--        signature H where
2834--            data T
2835--            data S
2836--        module M where
2837--            import H
2838--            f :: (T ~ S) => a -> b
2839--            f x = x
2841-- elaborates as (with some fake structural types):
2843--    p :: forall t s. { f :: forall a b. t ~ s => a -> b }
2844--    p = { f = \x -> x } -- ill-typed
2846-- It is clear that inside p, t ~ s is not provable (and
2847-- if we tried to write a function to cast t to s, that
2848-- would not work), but if we call p @Int @Int, clearly Int ~ Int
2849-- is provable.  The skolem variables are all distinct from
2850-- one another, but we can't make assumptions like "f is
2851-- inaccessible", because the skolem variables will get
2852-- instantiated eventually!
2854-- Skolem abstractness can apply to "non-abstract" data as well):
2856--    unit p where
2857--        signature H1 where
2858--            data T = MkT
2859--        signature H2 where
2860--            data T = MkT
2861--        module M where
2862--            import qualified H1
2863--            import qualified H2
2864--            f :: (H1.T ~ H2.T) => a -> b
2865--            f x = x
2867-- This is why the test is on the original name of the TyCon,
2868-- not whether it is abstract or not.