1{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
5-- |
6-- Module      :  Distribution.Simple.Bench
7-- Copyright   :  Johan Tibell 2011
8-- License     :  BSD3
10-- Maintainer  :  cabal-devel@haskell.org
11-- Portability :  portable
13-- This is the entry point into running the benchmarks in a built
14-- package. It performs the \"@.\/setup bench@\" action. It runs
15-- benchmarks designated in the package description.
17module Distribution.Simple.Bench
18    ( bench
19    ) where
21import Prelude ()
22import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
24import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName
25import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD
26import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths
27import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
28import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
29import qualified Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo as LBI
30import Distribution.Simple.Setup
31import Distribution.Simple.UserHooks
32import Distribution.Simple.Utils
33import Distribution.Pretty
35import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitFailure, exitSuccess )
36import System.Directory ( doesFileExist )
37import System.FilePath ( (</>), (<.>) )
39-- | Perform the \"@.\/setup bench@\" action.
40bench :: Args                    -- ^positional command-line arguments
41      -> PD.PackageDescription   -- ^information from the .cabal file
42      -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo      -- ^information from the configure step
43      -> BenchmarkFlags          -- ^flags sent to benchmark
44      -> IO ()
45bench args pkg_descr lbi flags = do
46    let verbosity         = fromFlag $ benchmarkVerbosity flags
47        benchmarkNames    = args
48        pkgBenchmarks     = PD.benchmarks pkg_descr
49        enabledBenchmarks = map fst (LBI.enabledBenchLBIs pkg_descr lbi)
51        -- Run the benchmark
52        doBench :: PD.Benchmark -> IO ExitCode
53        doBench bm =
54            case PD.benchmarkInterface bm of
55              PD.BenchmarkExeV10 _ _ -> do
56                  let cmd = LBI.buildDir lbi </> name </> name <.> exeExtension (LBI.hostPlatform lbi)
57                      options = map (benchOption pkg_descr lbi bm) $
58                                benchmarkOptions flags
59                  -- Check that the benchmark executable exists.
60                  exists <- doesFileExist cmd
61                  unless exists $ die' verbosity $
62                      "Error: Could not find benchmark program \""
63                      ++ cmd ++ "\". Did you build the package first?"
65                  notice verbosity $ startMessage name
66                  -- This will redirect the child process
67                  -- stdout/stderr to the parent process.
68                  exitcode <- rawSystemExitCode verbosity cmd options
69                  notice verbosity $ finishMessage name exitcode
70                  return exitcode
72              _ -> do
73                  notice verbosity $ "No support for running "
74                      ++ "benchmark " ++ name ++ " of type: "
75                      ++ prettyShow (PD.benchmarkType bm)
76                  exitFailure
77          where name = unUnqualComponentName $ PD.benchmarkName bm
79    unless (PD.hasBenchmarks pkg_descr) $ do
80        notice verbosity "Package has no benchmarks."
81        exitSuccess
83    when (PD.hasBenchmarks pkg_descr && null enabledBenchmarks) $
84        die' verbosity $ "No benchmarks enabled. Did you remember to configure with "
85              ++ "\'--enable-benchmarks\'?"
87    bmsToRun <- case benchmarkNames of
88            [] -> return enabledBenchmarks
89            names -> for names $ \bmName ->
90                let benchmarkMap = zip enabledNames enabledBenchmarks
91                    enabledNames = map PD.benchmarkName enabledBenchmarks
92                    allNames = map PD.benchmarkName pkgBenchmarks
93                in case lookup (mkUnqualComponentName bmName) benchmarkMap of
94                    Just t -> return t
95                    _ | mkUnqualComponentName bmName `elem` allNames ->
96                          die' verbosity $ "Package configured with benchmark "
97                                ++ bmName ++ " disabled."
98                      | otherwise -> die' verbosity $ "no such benchmark: " ++ bmName
100    let totalBenchmarks = length bmsToRun
101    notice verbosity $ "Running " ++ show totalBenchmarks ++ " benchmarks..."
102    exitcodes <- traverse doBench bmsToRun
103    let allOk = totalBenchmarks == length (filter (== ExitSuccess) exitcodes)
104    unless allOk exitFailure
105  where
106    startMessage name = "Benchmark " ++ name ++ ": RUNNING...\n"
107    finishMessage name exitcode = "Benchmark " ++ name ++ ": "
108                               ++ (case exitcode of
109                                        ExitSuccess -> "FINISH"
110                                        ExitFailure _ -> "ERROR")
113-- TODO: This is abusing the notion of a 'PathTemplate'.  The result isn't
114-- necessarily a path.
115benchOption :: PD.PackageDescription
116            -> LBI.LocalBuildInfo
117            -> PD.Benchmark
118            -> PathTemplate
119            -> String
120benchOption pkg_descr lbi bm template =
121    fromPathTemplate $ substPathTemplate env template
122  where
123    env = initialPathTemplateEnv
124          (PD.package pkg_descr) (LBI.localUnitId lbi)
125          (compilerInfo $ LBI.compiler lbi) (LBI.hostPlatform lbi) ++
126          [(BenchmarkNameVar, toPathTemplate $ unUnqualComponentName $ PD.benchmarkName bm)]