1-- Copyright (c) 2000 Galois Connections, Inc.
2-- All rights reserved.  This software is distributed as
3-- free software under the license in the file "LICENSE",
4-- which is included in the distribution.
6module Intersections
7    ( intersectRayWithObject,
8      quadratic
9    ) where
11import Data.Maybe(isJust)
13import Construct
14import Geometry
15import Interval
16import Misc
18-- This is factored into two bits.  The main function `intersections'
19-- intersects a line with an object.
20-- The wrapper call `intersectRayWithObject' coerces this to an intersection
21-- with a ray by clamping the result to start at 0.
23intersectRayWithObject ray p
24  = clampIntervals is
25  where is = intersections ray p
27clampIntervals (True, [], True) = (False, [(0, True, undefined)], True)
28clampIntervals empty@(False, [], False) = empty
29clampIntervals (True, is@((i, False, p) : is'), isOpen)
30  | i `near` 0 || i < 0
31  = clampIntervals (False, is', isOpen)
32  | otherwise
33  = (False, (0, True, undefined) : is, isOpen)
34clampIntervals ivals@(False, is@((i, True, p) : is'), isOpen)
35  | i `near` 0 || i < 0
36  -- can unify this with first case...
37  = clampIntervals (True, is', isOpen)
38  | otherwise
39  = ivals
41intersections ray (Union p q)
42  = unionIntervals is js
43  where is = intersections ray p
44	js = intersections ray q
46intersections ray (Intersect p q)
47  = intersectIntervals is js
48  where is = intersections ray p
49	js = intersections ray q
51intersections ray (Difference p q)
52  = differenceIntervals is (negateSurfaces js)
53  where is = intersections ray p
54	js = intersections ray q
56intersections ray (Transform m m' p)
57  = mapI (xform m) is
58  where is = intersections (m' `multMR` ray) p
59	xform m (i, b, (s, p0)) = (i, b, (transformSurface m s, p0))
61intersections ray (Box box p)
62  | intersectWithBox ray box = intersections ray p
63  | otherwise = emptyIList
65intersections ray p@(Plane s)
66  = intersectPlane ray s
68intersections ray p@(Sphere s)
69  = intersectSphere ray s
71intersections ray p@(Cube s)
72  = intersectCube ray s
74intersections ray p@(Cylinder s)
75  = intersectCylinder ray s
77intersections ray p@(Cone s)
78  = intersectCone ray s
80negateSurfaces :: IList (Surface, Texture a) -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
81negateSurfaces = mapI negSurf
82  where negSurf (i, b, (s,t)) = (i, b, (negateSurface s, t))
84negateSurface (Planar p0 v0 v1)
85  = Planar p0 v1 v0
86negateSurface (Spherical p0 v0 v1)
87  = Spherical p0 v1 v0
88negateSurface (Cylindrical p0 v0 v1)
89  = Cylindrical p0 v1 v0
90negateSurface (Conic p0 v0 v1)
91  = Conic p0 v1 v0
93transformSurface m (Planar p0 v0 v1)
94  = Planar p0' v0' v1'
95  where p0' = multMP m p0
96	v0' = multMV m v0
97	v1' = multMV m v1
99transformSurface m (Spherical p0 v0 v1)
100  = Spherical p0' v0' v1'
101  where p0' = multMP m p0
102	v0' = multMV m v0
103	v1' = multMV m v1
105-- ditto as above
106transformSurface m (Cylindrical p0 v0 v1)
107  = Cylindrical p0' v0' v1'
108  where p0' = multMP m p0
109	v0' = multMV m v0
110	v1' = multMV m v1
112transformSurface m (Conic p0 v0 v1)
113  = Conic p0' v0' v1'
114  where p0' = multMP m p0
115	v0' = multMV m v0
116	v1' = multMV m v1
119-- Plane
122intersectPlane :: Ray -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
123intersectPlane ray texture = intersectXZPlane PlaneFace ray 0.0 texture
125intersectXZPlane :: Face -> Ray -> Double -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
126intersectXZPlane n (r,v) yoffset texture
127  | b `near` 0
128  = -- the ray is parallel to the plane - it's either all in, or all out
129    if y `near` yoffset || y < yoffset then openIList else emptyIList
131    -- The line intersects the plane. Find t such that
132    -- (x + at, y + bt, z + ct) intersects the X-Z plane.
133    -- t may be negative (the ray starts within the halfspace),
134    -- but we'll catch that later when we clamp the intervals
136  | b < 0	-- the ray is pointing downwards
137  = (False, [mkEntry (t0, (Planar p0 v0 v1, (n, p0, texture)))], True)
139  | otherwise	-- the ray is pointing upwards
140  = (True,  [mkExit (t0, (Planar p0 v0 v1, (n, p0, texture)))],  False)
142  where t0 = (yoffset-y) / b
143	x0 = x + a * t0
144	z0 = z + c * t0
145	p0 = point x0 0 z0
146	v0 = vector 0 0 1
147	v1 = vector 1 0 0
149	x = xCoord r
150	y = yCoord r
151	z = zCoord r
152	a = xComponent v
153	b = yComponent v
154	c = zComponent v
158-- Sphere
161intersectSphere :: Ray -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
162intersectSphere ray@(r, v) texture
163  = -- Find t such that (x + ta, y + tb, z + tc) intersects the
164    -- unit sphere, that is, such that:
165    --   (x + ta)^2 + (y + tb)^2 + (z + tc)^2 = 1
166    -- This is a quadratic equation in t:
167    --   t^2(a^2 + b^2 + c^2) + 2t(xa + yb + zc) + (x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 1) = 0
168    let c1 = sq a + sq b + sq c
169	c2 = 2 * (x * a + y * b + z * c)
170	c3 = sq x + sq y + sq z - 1
171    in
172	case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
173        Nothing -> emptyIList
174        Just (t1, t2) -> entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
175    where x = xCoord r
176	  y = yCoord r
177	  z = zCoord r
178	  a = xComponent v
179	  b = yComponent v
180	  c = zComponent v
181	  g t = (t, (Spherical origin v1 v2, (SphereFace, p0, texture)))
182	      where origin = point 0 0 0
183		    x0 = x + t * a
184		    y0 = y + t * b
185		    z0 = z + t * c
186		    p0 = point  x0 y0 z0
187		    v0 = vector x0 y0 z0
188		    (v1, v2) = tangents v0
192-- Cube
195intersectCube :: Ray -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
196intersectCube ray@(r, v) texture
197  = -- The set of t such that (x + at, y + bt, z + ct) lies within
198    -- the unit cube satisfies:
199    --    0 <= x + at <= 1,  0 <= y + bt <= 1,  0 <= z + ct <= 1
200    -- The minimum and maximum such values of t give us the two
201    -- intersection points.
202    case intersectSlabIval (intersectCubeSlab face2 face3 x a)
203	(intersectSlabIval (intersectCubeSlab face5 face4 y b)
204			   (intersectCubeSlab face0 face1 z c)) of
205    Nothing -> emptyIList
206    Just (t1, t2) -> entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
207  where g ((n, v0, v1), t)
208	  = (t, (Planar p0 v0 v1, (n, p0, texture)))
209	  where p0 = offsetToPoint ray t
210	face0 = (CubeFront,  vectorY, vectorX)
211	face1 = (CubeBack,   vectorX, vectorY)
212	face2 = (CubeLeft,   vectorZ, vectorY)
213	face3 = (CubeRight,  vectorY, vectorZ)
214	face4 = (CubeTop,    vectorZ, vectorX)
215	face5 = (CubeBottom, vectorX, vectorZ)
216	vectorX = vector 1 0 0
217	vectorY = vector 0 1 0
218	vectorZ = vector 0 0 1
219	x = xCoord r
220	y = yCoord r
221	z = zCoord r
222	a = xComponent v
223	b = yComponent v
224	c = zComponent v
226intersectCubeSlab n m w d
227  | d `near` 0 = if (0 <= w) && (w <= 1)
228		 then Just ((n, -inf), (m, inf)) else Nothing
229  | d > 0      = Just ((n,  (-w)/d), (m, (1-w)/d))
230  | otherwise  = Just ((m, (1-w)/d), (n,  (-w)/d))
232intersectSlabIval Nothing Nothing  = Nothing
233intersectSlabIval Nothing (Just i) = Nothing
234intersectSlabIval (Just i) Nothing = Nothing
235intersectSlabIval (Just (nu1@(n1, u1), mv1@(m1, v1)))
236		  (Just (nu2@(n2, u2), mv2@(m2, v2)))
237  = checkInterval (nu, mv)
238  where nu = if u1 < u2 then nu2 else nu1
239	mv = if v1 < v2 then mv1 else mv2
240	checkInterval numv@(nu@(_, u), (m, v))
241	  -- rounding error may force us to push v out a bit
242	  | u `near` v = Just (nu, (m, u + epsilon))
243	  | u    <   v = Just numv
244	  | otherwise  = Nothing
248-- Cylinder
251intersectCylinder :: Ray -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
252intersectCylinder ray texture
253  = isectSide `intersectIntervals` isectTop `intersectIntervals` isectBottom
254  where isectSide   = intersectCylSide ray texture
255	isectTop    = intersectXZPlane CylinderTop ray 1.0 texture
256	isectBottom = complementIntervals $ negateSurfaces $
257		      intersectXZPlane CylinderBottom ray 0.0 texture
259intersectCylSide (r, v) texture
260  = -- The ray (x + ta, y + tb, z + tc) intersects the sides of the
261    -- cylinder if:
262    --    (x + ta)^2 + (z + tc)^2 = 1  and 0 <= y + tb <= 1.
263    if (sq a + sq c) `near` 0
264    then -- The ray is parallel to the Y-axis, and does not intersect
265	 -- the cylinder sides.  It's either all in, or all out
266	if (sqxy `near` 1.0 || sqxy < 1.0) then openIList else emptyIList
267   else -- Find values of t that solve the quadratic equation
268	--   (a^2 + c^2)t^2 + 2(ax + cz)t + x^2 + z^2 - 1 = 0
269        let c1 = sq a + sq c
270            c2 = 2 * (x * a + z * c)
271            c3 = sq x + sq z - 1
272	in
273	case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
274        Nothing -> emptyIList
275        Just (t1, t2) -> entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
277  where sqxy = sq x + sq y
278	g t = (t, (Cylindrical origin v1 v2, (CylinderSide, p0, texture)))
279	    where origin = point 0 0 0
280		  x0 = x + t * a
281		  y0 = y + t * b
282		  z0 = z + t * c
283		  p0 = point  x0 y0 z0
284		  v0 = vector x0 0 z0
285		  (v1, v2) = tangents v0
287	x = xCoord r
288	y = yCoord r
289	z = zCoord r
290	a = xComponent v
291	b = yComponent v
292	c = zComponent v
296-- Cone
299intersectCone :: Ray -> a -> IList (Surface, Texture a)
300intersectCone ray texture
301  = isectSide `intersectIntervals` isectTop `intersectIntervals` isectBottom
302  where isectSide   = intersectConeSide ray texture
303	isectTop    = intersectXZPlane ConeBase ray 1.0 texture
304	isectBottom = complementIntervals $ negateSurfaces $
305		      intersectXZPlane ConeBase ray 0.0 texture
307intersectConeSide (r, v) texture
308  = -- Find the points where the ray intersects the cond side.  At any points of
309    -- intersection, we must have:
310    --    (x + ta)^2 + (z + tc)^2 = (y + tb)^2
311    -- which is the following quadratic equation:
312    --    t^2(a^2-b^2+c^2) + 2t(xa-yb+cz) + (x^2-y^2+z^2) = 0
313    let c1 = sq a - sq b + sq c
314	c2 = 2 * (x * a - y * b + c * z)
315	c3 = sq x - sq y + sq z
316    in  case quadratic c1 c2 c3 of
317	Nothing -> emptyIList
318	Just (t1, t2) ->
319	    -- If either intersection strikes the middle, then the other
320	    -- can only be off by rounding error, so we make a tangent
321	    -- strike using the "good" value.
322	    -- If the intersections straddle the origin, then it's
323	    -- an exit/entry pair, otherwise it's an entry/exit pair.
324	    let y1 = y + t1 * b
325		y2 = y + t2 * b
326	    in  if y1 `near` 0                  then entryexit (g t1) (g t1)
327	        else if y2 `near` 0             then entryexit (g t2) (g t2)
328		else if (y1 < 0) `xor` (y2 < 0) then exitentry (g t1) (g t2)
329		else                                 entryexit (g t1) (g t2)
331  where g t = (t, (Conic origin v1 v2, (ConeSide, p0, texture)))
332	    where origin = point 0 0 0
333		  x0 = x + t * a
334		  y0 = y + t * b
335		  z0 = z + t * c
336		  p0 = point  x0 y0 z0
337		  v0 = normalize $ vector x0 (-y0) z0
338		  (v1, v2) = tangents v0
340	x = xCoord r
341	y = yCoord r
342	z = zCoord r
343	a = xComponent v
344	b = yComponent v
345	c = zComponent v
347	-- beyond me why this isn't defined in the prelude...
348	xor False b = b
349	xor True  b = not b
353-- Solving quadratics
356quadratic :: Double -> Double -> Double -> Maybe (Double, Double)
357quadratic a b c =
358  -- Solve the equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 by using the quadratic formula.
359  let d = sq b - 4 * a * c
360      d' = if d `near` 0 then 0 else d
361  in if d' < 0
362     then Nothing -- There are no real roots.
363     else
364	if a > 0 then Just (((-b) - sqrt d') / (2 * a),
365			    ((-b) + sqrt d') / (2 * a))
366		 else Just (((-b) + sqrt d') / (2 * a),
367			    ((-b) - sqrt d') / (2 * a))
370-- Bounding boxes
373data MaybeInterval = Interval !Double !Double
374		   | NoInterval
376isInterval (Interval _ _) = True
377isInterval _              = False
379intersectWithBox :: Ray -> Box -> Bool
380intersectWithBox (r, v) (B x1 x2 y1 y2 z1 z2)
381  = isInterval interval
382  where x_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (xCoord r) (xComponent v) (x1, x2)
383	y_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (yCoord r) (yComponent v) (y1, y2)
384	z_interval = intersectRayWithSlab (zCoord r) (zComponent v) (z1, z2)
385	interval = intersectInterval x_interval
386		   (intersectInterval y_interval z_interval)
388intersectInterval :: MaybeInterval -> MaybeInterval -> MaybeInterval
389intersectInterval NoInterval _ = NoInterval
390intersectInterval _ NoInterval = NoInterval
391intersectInterval (Interval a b) (Interval c d)
392  | b < c || d < a = NoInterval
393  | otherwise = Interval (a `max` c) (b `min` d)
395{-# INLINE intersectRayWithSlab #-}
396intersectRayWithSlab :: Double -> Double -> (Double,Double) -> MaybeInterval
397intersectRayWithSlab xCoord alpha (x1, x2)
398  | alpha == 0 = if xCoord < x1 || xCoord > x2 then NoInterval else infInterval
399  | alpha >  0 = Interval a b
400  | otherwise  = Interval b a
401  where a = (x1 - xCoord) / alpha
402	b = (x2 - xCoord) / alpha
404infInterval = Interval (-inf) inf