1! { dg-do compile }
2! Tests the fix for PR32962, in which the result of TRANSPOSE, when
3! an actual argument of an elemental intrinsic would receive the
4! wrong offset.
6! Contributed by Wirawan Purwanto <wirawan0@gmail.com>
8  real(kind=8), allocatable :: b(:,:)
9  real(kind=8) :: a(2,2), c(2,2)
10  i = 2
11  allocate (b(i,i))
12  a(1,1) = 2
13  a(2,1) = 3
14  a(1,2) = 7
15  a(2,2) = 11
16  call foo
17  call bar
18  if (any (c .ne. b)) call abort
20  subroutine foo
21    b = cos(transpose(a))
22  end subroutine
23  subroutine bar
24    c = transpose(a)
25    c = cos(c)
26  end subroutine
27end program