1// this file was generated by gomacro command: import _b "time"
2// DO NOT EDIT! Any change will be lost when the file is re-generated
4// +build !go1.11
6package imports
8import (
9	. "reflect"
10	"time"
13// reflection: allow interpreted code to import "time"
14func init() {
15	Packages["time"] = Package{
16	Binds: map[string]Value{
17		"ANSIC":	ValueOf(time.ANSIC),
18		"After":	ValueOf(time.After),
19		"AfterFunc":	ValueOf(time.AfterFunc),
20		"April":	ValueOf(time.April),
21		"August":	ValueOf(time.August),
22		"Date":	ValueOf(time.Date),
23		"December":	ValueOf(time.December),
24		"February":	ValueOf(time.February),
25		"FixedZone":	ValueOf(time.FixedZone),
26		"Friday":	ValueOf(time.Friday),
27		"Hour":	ValueOf(time.Hour),
28		"January":	ValueOf(time.January),
29		"July":	ValueOf(time.July),
30		"June":	ValueOf(time.June),
31		"Kitchen":	ValueOf(time.Kitchen),
32		"LoadLocation":	ValueOf(time.LoadLocation),
33		"Local":	ValueOf(&time.Local).Elem(),
34		"March":	ValueOf(time.March),
35		"May":	ValueOf(time.May),
36		"Microsecond":	ValueOf(time.Microsecond),
37		"Millisecond":	ValueOf(time.Millisecond),
38		"Minute":	ValueOf(time.Minute),
39		"Monday":	ValueOf(time.Monday),
40		"Nanosecond":	ValueOf(time.Nanosecond),
41		"NewTicker":	ValueOf(time.NewTicker),
42		"NewTimer":	ValueOf(time.NewTimer),
43		"November":	ValueOf(time.November),
44		"Now":	ValueOf(time.Now),
45		"October":	ValueOf(time.October),
46		"Parse":	ValueOf(time.Parse),
47		"ParseDuration":	ValueOf(time.ParseDuration),
48		"ParseInLocation":	ValueOf(time.ParseInLocation),
49		"RFC1123":	ValueOf(time.RFC1123),
50		"RFC1123Z":	ValueOf(time.RFC1123Z),
51		"RFC3339":	ValueOf(time.RFC3339),
52		"RFC3339Nano":	ValueOf(time.RFC3339Nano),
53		"RFC822":	ValueOf(time.RFC822),
54		"RFC822Z":	ValueOf(time.RFC822Z),
55		"RFC850":	ValueOf(time.RFC850),
56		"RubyDate":	ValueOf(time.RubyDate),
57		"Saturday":	ValueOf(time.Saturday),
58		"Second":	ValueOf(time.Second),
59		"September":	ValueOf(time.September),
60		"Since":	ValueOf(time.Since),
61		"Sleep":	ValueOf(time.Sleep),
62		"Stamp":	ValueOf(time.Stamp),
63		"StampMicro":	ValueOf(time.StampMicro),
64		"StampMilli":	ValueOf(time.StampMilli),
65		"StampNano":	ValueOf(time.StampNano),
66		"Sunday":	ValueOf(time.Sunday),
67		"Thursday":	ValueOf(time.Thursday),
68		"Tick":	ValueOf(time.Tick),
69		"Tuesday":	ValueOf(time.Tuesday),
70		"UTC":	ValueOf(&time.UTC).Elem(),
71		"Unix":	ValueOf(time.Unix),
72		"UnixDate":	ValueOf(time.UnixDate),
73		"Until":	ValueOf(time.Until),
74		"Wednesday":	ValueOf(time.Wednesday),
75	}, Types: map[string]Type{
76		"Duration":	TypeOf((*time.Duration)(nil)).Elem(),
77		"Location":	TypeOf((*time.Location)(nil)).Elem(),
78		"Month":	TypeOf((*time.Month)(nil)).Elem(),
79		"ParseError":	TypeOf((*time.ParseError)(nil)).Elem(),
80		"Ticker":	TypeOf((*time.Ticker)(nil)).Elem(),
81		"Time":	TypeOf((*time.Time)(nil)).Elem(),
82		"Timer":	TypeOf((*time.Timer)(nil)).Elem(),
83		"Weekday":	TypeOf((*time.Weekday)(nil)).Elem(),
84	}, Untypeds: map[string]string{
85		"ANSIC":	"string:Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006",
86		"Kitchen":	"string:3:04PM",
87		"RFC1123":	"string:Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 MST",
88		"RFC1123Z":	"string:Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700",
89		"RFC3339":	"string:2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00",
90		"RFC3339Nano":	"string:2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z07:00",
91		"RFC822":	"string:02 Jan 06 15:04 MST",
92		"RFC822Z":	"string:02 Jan 06 15:04 -0700",
93		"RFC850":	"string:Monday, 02-Jan-06 15:04:05 MST",
94		"RubyDate":	"string:Mon Jan 02 15:04:05 -0700 2006",
95		"Stamp":	"string:Jan _2 15:04:05",
96		"StampMicro":	"string:Jan _2 15:04:05.000000",
97		"StampMilli":	"string:Jan _2 15:04:05.000",
98		"StampNano":	"string:Jan _2 15:04:05.000000000",
99		"UnixDate":	"string:Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 MST 2006",
100	},
101	}