1* Permutation generator a la Langdon
2N  IS   6               $n$ (2, 3, ..., 15)
3t  IS   $255
4k  IS   $0
5kk IS   $1
6c  IS   $2
7d  IS   $3
8a  GREG 0
9ones GREG #1111111111111111&(1<<(4*N)-1)
11     LOC  #100
12     GREG @
13ElGordo OCTA #fedcba9876543210&(1<<(4*N)-1)
14Main LDOU a,ElGordo         $a\gets\.{\#...3210}$.
15     JMP  2F
161H   SRU  a,a,4*(16-N)
17     OR   a,a,t
192H   ADDU c,a,ones    Trace this location to see the perm!
21     SRU  t,a,4*(N-1)
22     SLU  a,a,4*(17-N)
23     PBNZ t,1B
24     SET  k,1
253H   SRU  d,a,60
26     SLU  a,a,4
27     CMP  c,d,k
28     SLU  kk,k,2
29     SLU  d,d,kk
30     OR   t,t,d
31     PBNZ c,1B
32     INCL k,1
33     PBNZ a,3B
34     TRAP 0,Halt,0