1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 using System;
19 using System.IO;
20 using Lucene.Net.Support;
21 using Lucene.Net.Util;
22 using TokenStream = Lucene.Net.Analysis.TokenStream;
23 using Lucene.Net.Documents;
24 using AlreadyClosedException = Lucene.Net.Store.AlreadyClosedException;
25 using BufferedIndexInput = Lucene.Net.Store.BufferedIndexInput;
26 using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
27 using IndexInput = Lucene.Net.Store.IndexInput;
29 namespace Lucene.Net.Index
30 {
32 	/// <summary> Class responsible for access to stored document fields.
33 	/// <p/>
34 	/// It uses &lt;segment&gt;.fdt and &lt;segment&gt;.fdx; files.
35 	///
36 	/// </summary>
37 	public sealed class FieldsReader : ICloneable, IDisposable
38 	{
39 		private readonly FieldInfos fieldInfos;
41 		// The main fieldStream, used only for cloning.
42 		private readonly IndexInput cloneableFieldsStream;
44 		// This is a clone of cloneableFieldsStream used for reading documents.
45 		// It should not be cloned outside of a synchronized context.
46 		private readonly IndexInput fieldsStream;
48 		private readonly IndexInput cloneableIndexStream;
49 		private readonly IndexInput indexStream;
50 		private readonly int numTotalDocs;
51 		private readonly int size;
52 		private bool closed;
53 		private readonly int format;
54 		private readonly int formatSize;
56 		// The docID offset where our docs begin in the index
57 		// file.  This will be 0 if we have our own private file.
58 		private readonly int docStoreOffset;
60 		private readonly CloseableThreadLocal<IndexInput> fieldsStreamTL = new CloseableThreadLocal<IndexInput>();
61 		private readonly bool isOriginal = false;
63 		/// <summary>Returns a cloned FieldsReader that shares open
64 		/// IndexInputs with the original one.  It is the caller's
65 		/// job not to close the original FieldsReader until all
66 		/// clones are called (eg, currently SegmentReader manages
67 		/// this logic).
68 		/// </summary>
Clone()69 		public System.Object Clone()
70 		{
71 			EnsureOpen();
72 			return new FieldsReader(fieldInfos, numTotalDocs, size, format, formatSize, docStoreOffset, cloneableFieldsStream, cloneableIndexStream);
73 		}
75 		// Used only by clone
FieldsReader(FieldInfos fieldInfos, int numTotalDocs, int size, int format, int formatSize, int docStoreOffset, IndexInput cloneableFieldsStream, IndexInput cloneableIndexStream)76 		private FieldsReader(FieldInfos fieldInfos, int numTotalDocs, int size, int format, int formatSize, int docStoreOffset, IndexInput cloneableFieldsStream, IndexInput cloneableIndexStream)
77 		{
78 			this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos;
79 			this.numTotalDocs = numTotalDocs;
80 			this.size = size;
81 			this.format = format;
82 			this.formatSize = formatSize;
83 			this.docStoreOffset = docStoreOffset;
84 			this.cloneableFieldsStream = cloneableFieldsStream;
85 			this.cloneableIndexStream = cloneableIndexStream;
86 			fieldsStream = (IndexInput) cloneableFieldsStream.Clone();
87 			indexStream = (IndexInput) cloneableIndexStream.Clone();
88 		}
FieldsReader(Directory d, String segment, FieldInfos fn)90 		public /*internal*/ FieldsReader(Directory d, String segment, FieldInfos fn):this(d, segment, fn, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, - 1, 0)
91 		{
92 		}
FieldsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fn, int readBufferSize)94 		internal FieldsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fn, int readBufferSize):this(d, segment, fn, readBufferSize, - 1, 0)
95 		{
96 		}
FieldsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fn, int readBufferSize, int docStoreOffset, int size)98 		internal FieldsReader(Directory d, System.String segment, FieldInfos fn, int readBufferSize, int docStoreOffset, int size)
99 		{
100 			bool success = false;
101 			isOriginal = true;
102 			try
103 			{
104 				fieldInfos = fn;
106 				cloneableFieldsStream = d.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.FIELDS_EXTENSION, readBufferSize);
107 				cloneableIndexStream = d.OpenInput(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION, readBufferSize);
109 				// First version of fdx did not include a format
110 				// header, but, the first int will always be 0 in that
111 				// case
112 				int firstInt = cloneableIndexStream.ReadInt();
113 				format = firstInt == 0 ? 0 : firstInt;
115 				if (format > FieldsWriter.FORMAT_CURRENT)
116 					throw new CorruptIndexException("Incompatible format version: " + format + " expected " + FieldsWriter.FORMAT_CURRENT + " or lower");
118 				formatSize = format > FieldsWriter.FORMAT ? 4 : 0;
120 				if (format < FieldsWriter.FORMAT_VERSION_UTF8_LENGTH_IN_BYTES)
121 					cloneableFieldsStream.SetModifiedUTF8StringsMode();
123 				fieldsStream = (IndexInput) cloneableFieldsStream.Clone();
125 				long indexSize = cloneableIndexStream.Length() - formatSize;
127 				if (docStoreOffset != - 1)
128 				{
129 					// We read only a slice out of this shared fields file
130 					this.docStoreOffset = docStoreOffset;
131 					this.size = size;
133 					// Verify the file is long enough to hold all of our
134 					// docs
135 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(((int)(indexSize / 8)) >= size + this.docStoreOffset, "indexSize=" + indexSize + " size=" + size + " docStoreOffset=" + docStoreOffset);
136 				}
137 				else
138 				{
139 					this.docStoreOffset = 0;
140 					this.size = (int) (indexSize >> 3);
141 				}
143 				indexStream = (IndexInput) cloneableIndexStream.Clone();
144 				numTotalDocs = (int) (indexSize >> 3);
145 				success = true;
146 			}
147 			finally
148 			{
149 				// With lock-less commits, it's entirely possible (and
150 				// fine) to hit a FileNotFound exception above. In
151 				// this case, we want to explicitly close any subset
152 				// of things that were opened so that we don't have to
153 				// wait for a GC to do so.
154 				if (!success)
155 				{
156 					Dispose();
157 				}
158 			}
159 		}
161 		/// <throws>  AlreadyClosedException if this FieldsReader is closed </throws>
EnsureOpen()162 		internal void  EnsureOpen()
163 		{
164 			if (closed)
165 			{
166 				throw new AlreadyClosedException("this FieldsReader is closed");
167 			}
168 		}
170 		/// <summary> Closes the underlying <see cref="Lucene.Net.Store.IndexInput" /> streams, including any ones associated with a
171 		/// lazy implementation of a Field.  This means that the Fields values will not be accessible.
172 		///
173 		/// </summary>
174 		/// <throws>  IOException </throws>
Dispose()175         public void Dispose()
176         {
177             // Move to protected method if class becomes unsealed
178             if (!closed)
179             {
180                 if (fieldsStream != null)
181                 {
182                     fieldsStream.Close();
183                 }
184                 if (isOriginal)
185                 {
186                     if (cloneableFieldsStream != null)
187                     {
188                         cloneableFieldsStream.Close();
189                     }
190                     if (cloneableIndexStream != null)
191                     {
192                         cloneableIndexStream.Close();
193                     }
194                 }
195                 if (indexStream != null)
196                 {
197                     indexStream.Close();
198                 }
199                 fieldsStreamTL.Close();
200                 closed = true;
201             }
202         }
Size()204 		public /*internal*/ int Size()
205 		{
206 			return size;
207 		}
SeekIndex(int docID)209 		private void  SeekIndex(int docID)
210 		{
211 			indexStream.Seek(formatSize + (docID + docStoreOffset) * 8L);
212 		}
CanReadRawDocs()214 		internal bool CanReadRawDocs()
215         {
216             // Disable reading raw docs in 2.x format, because of the removal of compressed
217             // fields in 3.0. We don't want rawDocs() to decode field bits to figure out
218             // if a field was compressed, hence we enforce ordinary (non-raw) stored field merges
219             // for <3.0 indexes.
220 			return format >= FieldsWriter.FORMAT_LUCENE_3_0_NO_COMPRESSED_FIELDS;
221 		}
Doc(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector)223 		public /*internal*/ Document Doc(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector)
224 		{
225 			SeekIndex(n);
226 			long position = indexStream.ReadLong();
227 			fieldsStream.Seek(position);
229 			var doc = new Document();
230 			int numFields = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
231 			for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++)
232 			{
233 				int fieldNumber = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
234 				FieldInfo fi = fieldInfos.FieldInfo(fieldNumber);
235 				FieldSelectorResult acceptField = fieldSelector == null?FieldSelectorResult.LOAD:fieldSelector.Accept(fi.name);
237 				byte bits = fieldsStream.ReadByte();
238 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(bits <= FieldsWriter.FIELD_IS_COMPRESSED + FieldsWriter.FIELD_IS_TOKENIZED + FieldsWriter.FIELD_IS_BINARY);
240 				bool compressed = (bits & FieldsWriter.FIELD_IS_COMPRESSED) != 0;
241 			    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(
242 			        (!compressed || (format < FieldsWriter.FORMAT_LUCENE_3_0_NO_COMPRESSED_FIELDS)),
243 			        "compressed fields are only allowed in indexes of version <= 2.9");
244 				bool tokenize = (bits & FieldsWriter.FIELD_IS_TOKENIZED) != 0;
245 				bool binary = (bits & FieldsWriter.FIELD_IS_BINARY) != 0;
246 				//TODO: Find an alternative approach here if this list continues to grow beyond the
247 				//list of 5 or 6 currently here.  See Lucene 762 for discussion
248 				if (acceptField.Equals(FieldSelectorResult.LOAD))
249 				{
250 					AddField(doc, fi, binary, compressed, tokenize);
251 				}
252 				else if (acceptField.Equals(FieldSelectorResult.LOAD_AND_BREAK))
253 				{
254 					AddField(doc, fi, binary, compressed, tokenize);
255 					break; //Get out of this loop
256 				}
257 				else if (acceptField.Equals(FieldSelectorResult.LAZY_LOAD))
258 				{
259 					AddFieldLazy(doc, fi, binary, compressed, tokenize);
260 				}
261 				else if (acceptField.Equals(FieldSelectorResult.SIZE))
262 				{
263 					SkipField(binary, compressed, AddFieldSize(doc, fi, binary, compressed));
264 				}
265 				else if (acceptField.Equals(FieldSelectorResult.SIZE_AND_BREAK))
266 				{
267 					AddFieldSize(doc, fi, binary, compressed);
268 					break;
269 				}
270 				else
271 				{
272 					SkipField(binary, compressed);
273 				}
274 			}
276 			return doc;
277 		}
279 		/// <summary>Returns the length in bytes of each raw document in a
280 		/// contiguous range of length numDocs starting with
281 		/// startDocID.  Returns the IndexInput (the fieldStream),
282 		/// already seeked to the starting point for startDocID.
283 		/// </summary>
RawDocs(int[] lengths, int startDocID, int numDocs)284 		internal IndexInput RawDocs(int[] lengths, int startDocID, int numDocs)
285 		{
286 			SeekIndex(startDocID);
287 			long startOffset = indexStream.ReadLong();
288 			long lastOffset = startOffset;
289 			int count = 0;
290 			while (count < numDocs)
291 			{
292 				long offset;
293 				int docID = docStoreOffset + startDocID + count + 1;
294 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(docID <= numTotalDocs);
295 				if (docID < numTotalDocs)
296 					offset = indexStream.ReadLong();
297 				else
298 					offset = fieldsStream.Length();
299 				lengths[count++] = (int) (offset - lastOffset);
300 				lastOffset = offset;
301 			}
303 			fieldsStream.Seek(startOffset);
305 			return fieldsStream;
306 		}
308 		/// <summary> Skip the field.  We still have to read some of the information about the field, but can skip past the actual content.
309 		/// This will have the most payoff on large fields.
310 		/// </summary>
SkipField(bool binary, bool compressed)311 		private void  SkipField(bool binary, bool compressed)
312 		{
313 			SkipField(binary, compressed, fieldsStream.ReadVInt());
314 		}
SkipField(bool binary, bool compressed, int toRead)316 		private void  SkipField(bool binary, bool compressed, int toRead)
317 		{
318 			if (format >= FieldsWriter.FORMAT_VERSION_UTF8_LENGTH_IN_BYTES || binary || compressed)
319 			{
320 				fieldsStream.Seek(fieldsStream.FilePointer + toRead);
321 			}
322 			else
323 			{
324 				// We need to skip chars.  This will slow us down, but still better
325 				fieldsStream.SkipChars(toRead);
326 			}
327 		}
AddFieldLazy(Document doc, FieldInfo fi, bool binary, bool compressed, bool tokenize)329 		private void  AddFieldLazy(Document doc, FieldInfo fi, bool binary, bool compressed, bool tokenize)
330 		{
331 			if (binary)
332 			{
333 				int toRead = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
334 				long pointer = fieldsStream.FilePointer;
335 				//was: doc.add(new Fieldable(fi.name, b, Fieldable.Store.YES));
336 				doc.Add(new LazyField(this, fi.name, Field.Store.YES, toRead, pointer, binary, compressed));
338 				//Need to move the pointer ahead by toRead positions
339 				fieldsStream.Seek(pointer + toRead);
340 			}
341 			else
342 			{
343 				const Field.Store store = Field.Store.YES;
344 				Field.Index index = FieldExtensions.ToIndex(fi.isIndexed, tokenize);
345 				Field.TermVector termVector = FieldExtensions.ToTermVector(fi.storeTermVector, fi.storeOffsetWithTermVector, fi.storePositionWithTermVector);
347 				AbstractField f;
348 				if (compressed)
349 				{
350 					int toRead = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
351 					long pointer = fieldsStream.FilePointer;
352 					f = new LazyField(this, fi.name, store, toRead, pointer, binary, compressed);
353 					//skip over the part that we aren't loading
354 					fieldsStream.Seek(pointer + toRead);
355 					f.OmitNorms = fi.omitNorms;
356 					f.OmitTermFreqAndPositions = fi.omitTermFreqAndPositions;
357 				}
358 				else
359 				{
360 					int length = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
361 					long pointer = fieldsStream.FilePointer;
362 					//Skip ahead of where we are by the length of what is stored
363                     if (format >= FieldsWriter.FORMAT_VERSION_UTF8_LENGTH_IN_BYTES)
364                     {
365                         fieldsStream.Seek(pointer + length);
366                     }
367                     else
368                     {
369                         fieldsStream.SkipChars(length);
370                     }
371 					f = new LazyField(this, fi.name, store, index, termVector, length, pointer, binary, compressed)
372 					    	{OmitNorms = fi.omitNorms, OmitTermFreqAndPositions = fi.omitTermFreqAndPositions};
373 				}
375 				doc.Add(f);
376 			}
377 		}
AddField(Document doc, FieldInfo fi, bool binary, bool compressed, bool tokenize)379 		private void AddField(Document doc, FieldInfo fi, bool binary, bool compressed, bool tokenize)
380 		{
381 			//we have a binary stored field, and it may be compressed
382 			if (binary)
383 			{
384 				int toRead = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
385 				var b = new byte[toRead];
386 				fieldsStream.ReadBytes(b, 0, b.Length);
387 				doc.Add(compressed ? new Field(fi.name, Uncompress(b), Field.Store.YES) : new Field(fi.name, b, Field.Store.YES));
388 			}
389 			else
390 			{
391 				const Field.Store store = Field.Store.YES;
392 				Field.Index index = FieldExtensions.ToIndex(fi.isIndexed, tokenize);
393 				Field.TermVector termVector = FieldExtensions.ToTermVector(fi.storeTermVector, fi.storeOffsetWithTermVector, fi.storePositionWithTermVector);
395 				AbstractField f;
396 				if (compressed)
397 				{
398 					int toRead = fieldsStream.ReadVInt();
400 					var b = new byte[toRead];
401 					fieldsStream.ReadBytes(b, 0, b.Length);
402 					f = new Field(fi.name, false, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetString(Uncompress(b)), store, index,
403 					              termVector) {OmitTermFreqAndPositions = fi.omitTermFreqAndPositions, OmitNorms = fi.omitNorms};
404 				}
405 				else
406 				{
407 					f = new Field(fi.name, false, fieldsStream.ReadString(), store, index, termVector)
408 					    	{OmitTermFreqAndPositions = fi.omitTermFreqAndPositions, OmitNorms = fi.omitNorms};
409 				}
411 				doc.Add(f);
412 			}
413 		}
415 		// Add the size of field as a byte[] containing the 4 bytes of the integer byte size (high order byte first; char = 2 bytes)
416 		// Read just the size -- caller must skip the field content to continue reading fields
417 		// Return the size in bytes or chars, depending on field type
AddFieldSize(Document doc, FieldInfo fi, bool binary, bool compressed)418 		private int AddFieldSize(Document doc, FieldInfo fi, bool binary, bool compressed)
419 		{
420 			int size = fieldsStream.ReadVInt(), bytesize = binary || compressed?size:2 * size;
421 			var sizebytes = new byte[4];
422 			sizebytes[0] = (byte) (Number.URShift(bytesize, 24));
423 			sizebytes[1] = (byte) (Number.URShift(bytesize, 16));
424 			sizebytes[2] = (byte) (Number.URShift(bytesize, 8));
425 			sizebytes[3] = (byte) bytesize;
426 			doc.Add(new Field(fi.name, sizebytes, Field.Store.YES));
427 			return size;
428 		}
430 		/// <summary> A Lazy implementation of Fieldable that differs loading of fields until asked for, instead of when the Document is
431 		/// loaded.
432 		/// </summary>
433 		[Serializable]
434 		private sealed class LazyField : AbstractField
435 		{
InitBlock(FieldsReader enclosingInstance)436 			private void  InitBlock(FieldsReader enclosingInstance)
437 			{
438 				this.Enclosing_Instance = enclosingInstance;
439 			}
441 			private FieldsReader Enclosing_Instance { get; set; }
443 			private int toRead;
444 			private long pointer;
445             [Obsolete("Only kept for backward-compatbility with <3.0 indexes. Will be removed in 4.0.")]
446 		    private readonly Boolean isCompressed;
LazyField(FieldsReader enclosingInstance, System.String name, Field.Store store, int toRead, long pointer, bool isBinary, bool isCompressed)448 			public LazyField(FieldsReader enclosingInstance, System.String name, Field.Store store, int toRead, long pointer, bool isBinary, bool isCompressed):base(name, store, Field.Index.NO, Field.TermVector.NO)
449 			{
450 				InitBlock(enclosingInstance);
451 				this.toRead = toRead;
452 				this.pointer = pointer;
453 				this.internalIsBinary = isBinary;
454 				if (isBinary)
455 					internalBinaryLength = toRead;
456 				lazy = true;
457 			    this.isCompressed = isCompressed;
458 			}
LazyField(FieldsReader enclosingInstance, System.String name, Field.Store store, Field.Index index, Field.TermVector termVector, int toRead, long pointer, bool isBinary, bool isCompressed)460 			public LazyField(FieldsReader enclosingInstance, System.String name, Field.Store store, Field.Index index, Field.TermVector termVector, int toRead, long pointer, bool isBinary, bool isCompressed):base(name, store, index, termVector)
461 			{
462 				InitBlock(enclosingInstance);
463 				this.toRead = toRead;
464 				this.pointer = pointer;
465 				this.internalIsBinary = isBinary;
466 				if (isBinary)
467 					internalBinaryLength = toRead;
468 				lazy = true;
469 			    this.isCompressed = isCompressed;
470 			}
GetFieldStream()472 			private IndexInput GetFieldStream()
473 			{
474 				IndexInput localFieldsStream = Enclosing_Instance.fieldsStreamTL.Get();
475 				if (localFieldsStream == null)
476 				{
477 					localFieldsStream = (IndexInput) Enclosing_Instance.cloneableFieldsStream.Clone();
478 					Enclosing_Instance.fieldsStreamTL.Set(localFieldsStream);
479 				}
480 				return localFieldsStream;
481 			}
483 		    /// <summary>The value of the field as a Reader, or null.  If null, the String value,
484 		    /// binary value, or TokenStream value is used.  Exactly one of StringValue(),
485 		    /// ReaderValue(), GetBinaryValue(), and TokenStreamValue() must be set.
486 		    /// </summary>
487 		    public override TextReader ReaderValue
488 		    {
489 		        get
490 		        {
491 		            Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
492 		            return null;
493 		        }
494 		    }
496 		    /// <summary>The value of the field as a TokenStream, or null.  If null, the Reader value,
497 		    /// String value, or binary value is used. Exactly one of StringValue(),
498 		    /// ReaderValue(), GetBinaryValue(), and TokenStreamValue() must be set.
499 		    /// </summary>
500 		    public override TokenStream TokenStreamValue
501 		    {
502 		        get
503 		        {
504 		            Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
505 		            return null;
506 		        }
507 		    }
509 		    /// <summary>The value of the field as a String, or null.  If null, the Reader value,
510 		    /// binary value, or TokenStream value is used.  Exactly one of StringValue(),
511 		    /// ReaderValue(), GetBinaryValue(), and TokenStreamValue() must be set.
512 		    /// </summary>
513 		    public override string StringValue
514 		    {
515 		        get
516 		        {
517 		            Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
518 		            if (internalIsBinary)
519 		                return null;
521 		        	if (fieldsData == null)
522 		        	{
523 		        		IndexInput localFieldsStream = GetFieldStream();
524 		        		try
525 		        		{
526 		        			localFieldsStream.Seek(pointer);
527 		        			if (isCompressed)
528 		        			{
529 		        				var b = new byte[toRead];
530 		        				localFieldsStream.ReadBytes(b, 0, b.Length);
531 		        				fieldsData =
532 		        					System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetString(Enclosing_Instance.Uncompress(b));
533 		        			}
534 		        			else
535 		        			{
536 		        				if (Enclosing_Instance.format >= FieldsWriter.FORMAT_VERSION_UTF8_LENGTH_IN_BYTES)
537 		        				{
538 		        					var bytes = new byte[toRead];
539 		        					localFieldsStream.ReadBytes(bytes, 0, toRead);
540 		        					fieldsData = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetString(bytes);
541 		        				}
542 		        				else
543 		        				{
544 		        					//read in chars b/c we already know the length we need to read
545 		        					var chars = new char[toRead];
546 		        					localFieldsStream.ReadChars(chars, 0, toRead);
547 		        					fieldsData = new System.String(chars);
548 		        				}
549 		        			}
550 		        		}
551 		        		catch (System.IO.IOException e)
552 		        		{
553 		        			throw new FieldReaderException(e);
554 		        		}
555 		        	}
556 		        	return (System.String) fieldsData;
557 		        }
558 		    }
560 		    public long Pointer
561 		    {
562 		        get
563 		        {
564 		            Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
565 		            return pointer;
566 		        }
567 		        set
568 		        {
569 		            Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
570 		            this.pointer = value;
571 		        }
572 		    }
574 		    public int ToRead
575 		    {
576 		        get
577 		        {
578 		            Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
579 		            return toRead;
580 		        }
581 		        set
582 		        {
583 		            Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
584 		            this.toRead = value;
585 		        }
586 		    }
GetBinaryValue(byte[] result)588 		    public override byte[] GetBinaryValue(byte[] result)
589 			{
590 				Enclosing_Instance.EnsureOpen();
592 				if (internalIsBinary)
593 				{
594 					if (fieldsData == null)
595 					{
596 						// Allocate new buffer if result is null or too small
597 						byte[] b;
598 						if (result == null || result.Length < toRead)
599 							b = new byte[toRead];
600 						else
601 							b = result;
603 						IndexInput localFieldsStream = GetFieldStream();
605 						// Throw this IOException since IndexReader.document does so anyway, so probably not that big of a change for people
606 						// since they are already handling this exception when getting the document
607 						try
608 						{
609 							localFieldsStream.Seek(pointer);
610 							localFieldsStream.ReadBytes(b, 0, toRead);
611 							fieldsData = isCompressed ? Enclosing_Instance.Uncompress(b) : b;
612 						}
613 						catch (IOException e)
614 						{
615 							throw new FieldReaderException(e);
616 						}
618 						internalbinaryOffset = 0;
619 						internalBinaryLength = toRead;
620 					}
622 					return (byte[]) fieldsData;
623 				}
624 		    	return null;
625 			}
626 		}
Uncompress(byte[] b)628 		private byte[] Uncompress(byte[] b)
629 		{
630 			try
631 			{
632 				return CompressionTools.Decompress(b);
633 			}
634 			catch (Exception e)
635 			{
636 				// this will happen if the field is not compressed
637 				throw new CorruptIndexException("field data are in wrong format: " + e, e);
638 			}
639 		}
640 	}
641 }