1 /*
2  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  *
11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  * limitations under the License.
16  */
18 using System;
19 using System.Collections.Generic;
20 using System.IO;
21 using Lucene.Net.Support;
22 using Analyzer = Lucene.Net.Analysis.Analyzer;
23 using Document = Lucene.Net.Documents.Document;
24 using IndexingChain = Lucene.Net.Index.DocumentsWriter.IndexingChain;
25 using AlreadyClosedException = Lucene.Net.Store.AlreadyClosedException;
26 using BufferedIndexInput = Lucene.Net.Store.BufferedIndexInput;
27 using Directory = Lucene.Net.Store.Directory;
28 using Lock = Lucene.Net.Store.Lock;
29 using LockObtainFailedException = Lucene.Net.Store.LockObtainFailedException;
30 using Constants = Lucene.Net.Util.Constants;
31 using Query = Lucene.Net.Search.Query;
32 using Similarity = Lucene.Net.Search.Similarity;
34 namespace Lucene.Net.Index
35 {
37 	/// <summary>An <c>IndexWriter</c> creates and maintains an index.
38 	/// <p/>The <c>create</c> argument to the
39     /// <see cref="IndexWriter(Directory, Analyzer, bool, MaxFieldLength)">constructor</see> determines
40 	/// whether a new index is created, or whether an existing index is
41 	/// opened.  Note that you can open an index with <c>create=true</c>
42 	/// even while readers are using the index.  The old readers will
43 	/// continue to search the "point in time" snapshot they had opened,
44 	/// and won't see the newly created index until they re-open.  There are
45 	/// also <see cref="IndexWriter(Directory, Analyzer, MaxFieldLength)">constructors</see>
46 	/// with no <c>create</c> argument which will create a new index
47 	/// if there is not already an index at the provided path and otherwise
48 	/// open the existing index.<p/>
49 	/// <p/>In either case, documents are added with <see cref="AddDocument(Document)" />
50 	/// and removed with <see cref="DeleteDocuments(Term)" /> or
51 	/// <see cref="DeleteDocuments(Query)" />. A document can be updated with
52 	/// <see cref="UpdateDocument(Term, Document)" /> (which just deletes
53 	/// and then adds the entire document). When finished adding, deleting
54 	/// and updating documents, <see cref="Close()" /> should be called.<p/>
55 	/// <a name="flush"></a>
56 	/// <p/>These changes are buffered in memory and periodically
57 	/// flushed to the <see cref="Directory" /> (during the above method
58 	/// calls).  A flush is triggered when there are enough
59 	/// buffered deletes (see <see cref="SetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms" />)
60 	/// or enough added documents since the last flush, whichever
61 	/// is sooner.  For the added documents, flushing is triggered
62 	/// either by RAM usage of the documents (see
63 	/// <see cref="SetRAMBufferSizeMB" />) or the number of added documents.
64 	/// The default is to flush when RAM usage hits 16 MB.  For
65 	/// best indexing speed you should flush by RAM usage with a
66 	/// large RAM buffer.  Note that flushing just moves the
67 	/// internal buffered state in IndexWriter into the index, but
68 	/// these changes are not visible to IndexReader until either
69 	/// <see cref="Commit()" /> or <see cref="Close()" /> is called.  A flush may
70 	/// also trigger one or more segment merges which by default
71 	/// run with a background thread so as not to block the
72 	/// addDocument calls (see <a href="#mergePolicy">below</a>
73 	/// for changing the <see cref="MergeScheduler" />).
74 	/// <p/>
75 	/// If an index will not have more documents added for a while and optimal search
76 	/// performance is desired, then either the full <see cref="Optimize()" />
77 	/// method or partial <see cref="Optimize(int)" /> method should be
78 	/// called before the index is closed.
79 	/// <p/>
80 	/// Opening an <c>IndexWriter</c> creates a lock file for the directory in use. Trying to open
81 	/// another <c>IndexWriter</c> on the same directory will lead to a
82 	/// <see cref="LockObtainFailedException" />. The <see cref="LockObtainFailedException" />
83 	/// is also thrown if an IndexReader on the same directory is used to delete documents
84 	/// from the index.<p/>
85 	/// </summary>
86 	/// <summary><a name="deletionPolicy"></a>
87 	/// <p/>Expert: <c>IndexWriter</c> allows an optional
88 	/// <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy" /> implementation to be
89 	/// specified.  You can use this to control when prior commits
90 	/// are deleted from the index.  The default policy is <see cref="KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy" />
91 	/// which removes all prior
92 	/// commits as soon as a new commit is done (this matches
93 	/// behavior before 2.2).  Creating your own policy can allow
94 	/// you to explicitly keep previous "point in time" commits
95 	/// alive in the index for some time, to allow readers to
96 	/// refresh to the new commit without having the old commit
97 	/// deleted out from under them.  This is necessary on
98 	/// filesystems like NFS that do not support "delete on last
99 	/// close" semantics, which Lucene's "point in time" search
100 	/// normally relies on. <p/>
101 	/// <a name="mergePolicy"></a> <p/>Expert:
102 	/// <c>IndexWriter</c> allows you to separately change
103 	/// the <see cref="MergePolicy" /> and the <see cref="MergeScheduler" />.
104 	/// The <see cref="MergePolicy" /> is invoked whenever there are
105 	/// changes to the segments in the index.  Its role is to
106 	/// select which merges to do, if any, and return a <see cref="Index.MergePolicy.MergeSpecification" />
107 	/// describing the merges.  It
108 	/// also selects merges to do for optimize().  (The default is
109 	/// <see cref="LogByteSizeMergePolicy" />.  Then, the <see cref="MergeScheduler" />
110 	/// is invoked with the requested merges and
111 	/// it decides when and how to run the merges.  The default is
112 	/// <see cref="ConcurrentMergeScheduler" />. <p/>
113 	/// <a name="OOME"></a><p/><b>NOTE</b>: if you hit an
114 	/// OutOfMemoryError then IndexWriter will quietly record this
115 	/// fact and block all future segment commits.  This is a
116 	/// defensive measure in case any internal state (buffered
117 	/// documents and deletions) were corrupted.  Any subsequent
118 	/// calls to <see cref="Commit()" /> will throw an
119 	/// IllegalStateException.  The only course of action is to
120 	/// call <see cref="Close()" />, which internally will call <see cref="Rollback()" />
121 	///, to undo any changes to the index since the
122 	/// last commit.  You can also just call <see cref="Rollback()" />
123 	/// directly.<p/>
124 	/// <a name="thread-safety"></a><p/><b>NOTE</b>:
125     /// <see cref="IndexWriter" /> instances are completely thread
126 	/// safe, meaning multiple threads can call any of its
127 	/// methods, concurrently.  If your application requires
128 	/// external synchronization, you should <b>not</b>
129 	/// synchronize on the <c>IndexWriter</c> instance as
130 	/// this may cause deadlock; use your own (non-Lucene) objects
131 	/// instead. <p/>
132 	/// <b>NOTE:</b> if you call
133 	/// <c>Thread.Interrupt()</c> on a thread that's within
134 	/// IndexWriter, IndexWriter will try to catch this (eg, if
135 	/// it's in a Wait() or Thread.Sleep()), and will then throw
136 	/// the unchecked exception <see cref="System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException"/>
137 	/// and <b>clear</b> the interrupt status on the thread<p/>
138 	/// </summary>
140     /*
141     * Clarification: Check Points (and commits)
142     * IndexWriter writes new index files to the directory without writing a new segments_N
143     * file which references these new files. It also means that the state of
144     * the in memory SegmentInfos object is different than the most recent
145     * segments_N file written to the directory.
146     *
147     * Each time the SegmentInfos is changed, and matches the (possibly
148     * modified) directory files, we have a new "check point".
149     * If the modified/new SegmentInfos is written to disk - as a new
150     * (generation of) segments_N file - this check point is also an
151     * IndexCommit.
152     *
153     * A new checkpoint always replaces the previous checkpoint and
154     * becomes the new "front" of the index. This allows the IndexFileDeleter
155     * to delete files that are referenced only by stale checkpoints.
156     * (files that were created since the last commit, but are no longer
157     * referenced by the "front" of the index). For this, IndexFileDeleter
158     * keeps track of the last non commit checkpoint.
159     */
160     public class IndexWriter : System.IDisposable
161 	{
InitBlock()162 		private void  InitBlock()
163 		{
164 			similarity = Search.Similarity.Default;
165 			mergePolicy = new LogByteSizeMergePolicy(this);
166 			readerPool = new ReaderPool(this);
167 		}
169 		/// <summary> Default value for the write lock timeout (1,000).</summary>
170 		/// <seealso cref="DefaultWriteLockTimeout">
171 		/// </seealso>
172 		public static long WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 1000;
174 		private long writeLockTimeout = WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT;
176 		/// <summary> Name of the write lock in the index.</summary>
177 		public const System.String WRITE_LOCK_NAME = "write.lock";
179 		/// <summary> Value to denote a flush trigger is disabled</summary>
180 		public const int DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH = - 1;
182 		/// <summary> Disabled by default (because IndexWriter flushes by RAM usage
183 		/// by default). Change using <see cref="SetMaxBufferedDocs(int)" />.
184 		/// </summary>
185 		public static readonly int DEFAULT_MAX_BUFFERED_DOCS = DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH;
187 		/// <summary> Default value is 16 MB (which means flush when buffered
188 		/// docs consume 16 MB RAM).  Change using <see cref="SetRAMBufferSizeMB" />.
189 		/// </summary>
190 		public const double DEFAULT_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_MB = 16.0;
192 		/// <summary> Disabled by default (because IndexWriter flushes by RAM usage
193 		/// by default). Change using <see cref="SetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms(int)" />.
194 		/// </summary>
197 		/// <summary> Default value is 10,000. Change using <see cref="SetMaxFieldLength(int)" />.</summary>
198 		public const int DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH = 10000;
200 		/// <summary> Default value is 128. Change using <see cref="TermIndexInterval" />.</summary>
201 		public const int DEFAULT_TERM_INDEX_INTERVAL = 128;
203 		/// <summary> Absolute hard maximum length for a term.  If a term
204 		/// arrives from the analyzer longer than this length, it
205 		/// is skipped and a message is printed to infoStream, if
206 		/// set (see <see cref="SetInfoStream" />).
207 		/// </summary>
208 		public static readonly int MAX_TERM_LENGTH;
210 		// The normal read buffer size defaults to 1024, but
211 		// increasing this during merging seems to yield
212 		// performance gains.  However we don't want to increase
213 		// it too much because there are quite a few
214 		// BufferedIndexInputs created during merging.  See
215 		// LUCENE-888 for details.
216 		private const int MERGE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
218 		// Used for printing messages
219 		private static System.Object MESSAGE_ID_LOCK = new System.Object();
220 		private static int MESSAGE_ID = 0;
221 		private int messageID = - 1;
222 		private volatile bool hitOOM;
224 		private Directory directory; // where this index resides
225 		private Analyzer analyzer; // how to analyze text
227 		private Similarity similarity; // how to normalize
229 		private volatile uint changeCount; // increments every time a change is completed
230 		private long lastCommitChangeCount; // last changeCount that was committed
232 		private SegmentInfos rollbackSegmentInfos; // segmentInfos we will fallback to if the commit fails
233 		private HashMap<SegmentInfo, int?> rollbackSegments;
235 		internal volatile SegmentInfos pendingCommit; // set when a commit is pending (after prepareCommit() & before commit())
236 		internal volatile uint pendingCommitChangeCount;
238 		private SegmentInfos localRollbackSegmentInfos; // segmentInfos we will fallback to if the commit fails
239 		private int localFlushedDocCount; // saved docWriter.getFlushedDocCount during local transaction
241 		private SegmentInfos segmentInfos = new SegmentInfos(); // the segments
242         private int optimizeMaxNumSegments;
244 		private DocumentsWriter docWriter;
245 		private IndexFileDeleter deleter;
247         private ISet<SegmentInfo> segmentsToOptimize = Lucene.Net.Support.Compatibility.SetFactory.CreateHashSet<SegmentInfo>(); // used by optimize to note those needing optimization
249 		private Lock writeLock;
251 		private int termIndexInterval = DEFAULT_TERM_INDEX_INTERVAL;
253 		private bool closed;
254 		private bool closing;
256 		// Holds all SegmentInfo instances currently involved in
257 		// merges
258         private HashSet<SegmentInfo> mergingSegments = new HashSet<SegmentInfo>();
260 		private MergePolicy mergePolicy;
261 		private MergeScheduler mergeScheduler = new ConcurrentMergeScheduler();
262         private LinkedList<MergePolicy.OneMerge> pendingMerges = new LinkedList<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
263 		private ISet<MergePolicy.OneMerge> runningMerges = Lucene.Net.Support.Compatibility.SetFactory.CreateHashSet<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
264 		private IList<MergePolicy.OneMerge> mergeExceptions = new List<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
265 		private long mergeGen;
266 		private bool stopMerges;
268 		private int flushCount;
269 		private int flushDeletesCount;
271 		// Used to only allow one addIndexes to proceed at once
272 		// TODO: use ReadWriteLock once we are on 5.0
273 		private int readCount; // count of how many threads are holding read lock
274 		private ThreadClass writeThread; // non-null if any thread holds write lock
275 		internal ReaderPool readerPool;
276 		private int upgradeCount;
278         private int readerTermsIndexDivisor = IndexReader.DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR;
280 		// This is a "write once" variable (like the organic dye
281 		// on a DVD-R that may or may not be heated by a laser and
282 		// then cooled to permanently record the event): it's
283 		// false, until getReader() is called for the first time,
284 		// at which point it's switched to true and never changes
285 		// back to false.  Once this is true, we hold open and
286 		// reuse SegmentReader instances internally for applying
287 		// deletes, doing merges, and reopening near real-time
288 		// readers.
289 		private volatile bool poolReaders;
291 		/// <summary> Expert: returns a readonly reader, covering all committed as well as
292 		/// un-committed changes to the index. This provides "near real-time"
293 		/// searching, in that changes made during an IndexWriter session can be
294 		/// quickly made available for searching without closing the writer nor
295 		/// calling <see cref="Commit()" />.
296 		///
297 		/// <p/>
298 		/// Note that this is functionally equivalent to calling {#commit} and then
299 		/// using <see cref="IndexReader.Open(Lucene.Net.Store.Directory, bool)" /> to open a new reader. But the turarnound
300 		/// time of this method should be faster since it avoids the potentially
301 		/// costly <see cref="Commit()" />.
302 		/// <p/>
303 		///
304         /// You must close the <see cref="IndexReader" /> returned by  this method once you are done using it.
305         ///
306 		/// <p/>
307 		/// It's <i>near</i> real-time because there is no hard
308 		/// guarantee on how quickly you can get a new reader after
309 		/// making changes with IndexWriter.  You'll have to
310 		/// experiment in your situation to determine if it's
311 		/// faster enough.  As this is a new and experimental
312 		/// feature, please report back on your findings so we can
313 		/// learn, improve and iterate.<p/>
314 		///
315 		/// <p/>The resulting reader suppports <see cref="IndexReader.Reopen()" />
316 		///, but that call will simply forward
317 		/// back to this method (though this may change in the
318 		/// future).<p/>
319 		///
320 		/// <p/>The very first time this method is called, this
321 		/// writer instance will make every effort to pool the
322 		/// readers that it opens for doing merges, applying
323 		/// deletes, etc.  This means additional resources (RAM,
324 		/// file descriptors, CPU time) will be consumed.<p/>
325 		///
326 		/// <p/>For lower latency on reopening a reader, you should call <see cref="MergedSegmentWarmer" />
327         /// to call <see cref="MergedSegmentWarmer" /> to
328 		/// pre-warm a newly merged segment before it's committed
329 		/// to the index. This is important for minimizing index-to-search
330         /// delay after a large merge.
331 		///
332 		/// <p/>If an addIndexes* call is running in another thread,
333 		/// then this reader will only search those segments from
334 		/// the foreign index that have been successfully copied
335 		/// over, so far<p/>.
336 		///
337 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: Once the writer is closed, any
338 		/// outstanding readers may continue to be used.  However,
339 		/// if you attempt to reopen any of those readers, you'll
340 		/// hit an <see cref="AlreadyClosedException" />.<p/>
341 		///
342 		/// <p/><b>NOTE:</b> This API is experimental and might
343 		/// change in incompatible ways in the next release.<p/>
344 		///
345 		/// </summary>
346 		/// <returns> IndexReader that covers entire index plus all
347 		/// changes made so far by this IndexWriter instance
348 		///
349 		/// </returns>
350 		/// <throws>  IOException </throws>
GetReader()351 		public virtual IndexReader GetReader()
352 		{
353             return GetReader(readerTermsIndexDivisor);
354 		}
356 		/// <summary>Expert: like <see cref="GetReader()" />, except you can
357 		/// specify which termInfosIndexDivisor should be used for
358 		/// any newly opened readers.
359 		/// </summary>
360 		/// <param name="termInfosIndexDivisor">Subsambles which indexed
361 		/// terms are loaded into RAM. This has the same effect as <see cref="IndexWriter.TermIndexInterval" />
362 		/// except that setting
363 		/// must be done at indexing time while this setting can be
364 		/// set per reader.  When set to N, then one in every
365 		/// N*termIndexInterval terms in the index is loaded into
366 		/// memory.  By setting this to a value > 1 you can reduce
367 		/// memory usage, at the expense of higher latency when
368 		/// loading a TermInfo.  The default value is 1.  Set this
369 		/// to -1 to skip loading the terms index entirely.
370 		/// </param>
GetReader(int termInfosIndexDivisor)371 		public virtual IndexReader GetReader(int termInfosIndexDivisor)
372 		{
373             EnsureOpen();
375 			if (infoStream != null)
376 			{
377 				Message("flush at getReader");
378 			}
380 			// Do this up front before flushing so that the readers
381 			// obtained during this flush are pooled, the first time
382 			// this method is called:
383 			poolReaders = true;
385 			// Prevent segmentInfos from changing while opening the
386 			// reader; in theory we could do similar retry logic,
387 			// just like we do when loading segments_N
388             IndexReader r;
389 			lock (this)
390 			{
391                 Flush(false, true, true);
392                 r = new ReadOnlyDirectoryReader(this, segmentInfos, termInfosIndexDivisor);
393 			}
394             MaybeMerge();
395             return r;
396 		}
398 		/// <summary>Holds shared SegmentReader instances. IndexWriter uses
399 		/// SegmentReaders for 1) applying deletes, 2) doing
400 		/// merges, 3) handing out a real-time reader.  This pool
401 		/// reuses instances of the SegmentReaders in all these
402 		/// places if it is in "near real-time mode" (getReader()
403 		/// has been called on this instance).
404 		/// </summary>
406 		internal class ReaderPool : IDisposable
407 		{
ReaderPool(IndexWriter enclosingInstance)408 			public ReaderPool(IndexWriter enclosingInstance)
409 			{
410 				InitBlock(enclosingInstance);
411 			}
InitBlock(IndexWriter enclosingInstance)412 			private void  InitBlock(IndexWriter enclosingInstance)
413 			{
414 				this.enclosingInstance = enclosingInstance;
415 			}
416 			private IndexWriter enclosingInstance;
417 			public IndexWriter Enclosing_Instance
418 			{
419 				get
420 				{
421 					return enclosingInstance;
422 				}
424 			}
426             private IDictionary<SegmentInfo, SegmentReader> readerMap = new HashMap<SegmentInfo, SegmentReader>();
428 			/// <summary>Forcefully clear changes for the specifed segments,
429 			/// and remove from the pool.   This is called on succesful merge.
430 			/// </summary>
Clear(SegmentInfos infos)431 			internal virtual void  Clear(SegmentInfos infos)
432 			{
433 				lock (this)
434 				{
435 					if (infos == null)
436 					{
437                         foreach(KeyValuePair<SegmentInfo, SegmentReader> ent in readerMap)
438 						{
439 							ent.Value.hasChanges = false;
440 						}
441 					}
442 					else
443 					{
444                         foreach(SegmentInfo info in infos)
445 						{
446 							if (readerMap.ContainsKey(info))
447 							{
448 								readerMap[info].hasChanges = false;
449 							}
450 						}
451 					}
452 				}
453 			}
455 			// used only by asserts
InfoIsLive(SegmentInfo info)456 			public virtual bool InfoIsLive(SegmentInfo info)
457 			{
458 				lock (this)
459 				{
460 					int idx = Enclosing_Instance.segmentInfos.IndexOf(info);
461 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(idx != -1);
462                     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Enclosing_Instance.segmentInfos[idx] == info);
463 					return true;
464 				}
465 			}
MapToLive(SegmentInfo info)467 			public virtual SegmentInfo MapToLive(SegmentInfo info)
468 			{
469 				lock (this)
470 				{
471 					int idx = Enclosing_Instance.segmentInfos.IndexOf(info);
472 					if (idx != - 1)
473 					{
474 						info = Enclosing_Instance.segmentInfos[idx];
475 					}
476 					return info;
477 				}
478 			}
480 			/// <summary> Release the segment reader (i.e. decRef it and close if there
481 			/// are no more references.
482 			/// </summary>
483 			/// <param name="sr">
484 			/// </param>
485 			/// <throws>  IOException </throws>
Release(SegmentReader sr)486 			public virtual void  Release(SegmentReader sr)
487 			{
488 				lock (this)
489 				{
490 					Release(sr, false);
491 				}
492 			}
494 		    /// <summary> Release the segment reader (i.e. decRef it and close if there
495 		    /// are no more references.
496 		    /// </summary>
497 		    /// <param name="sr">
498 		    /// </param>
499 		    /// <param name="drop"></param>
500 		    /// <throws>  IOException </throws>
Release(SegmentReader sr, bool drop)501 		    public virtual void  Release(SegmentReader sr, bool drop)
502 			{
503 				lock (this)
504 				{
506 					bool pooled = readerMap.ContainsKey(sr.SegmentInfo);
508                     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!pooled || readerMap[sr.SegmentInfo] == sr);
510                     // Drop caller's ref; for an external reader (not
511                     // pooled), this decRef will close it
512 					sr.DecRef();
514 					if (pooled && (drop || (!Enclosing_Instance.poolReaders && sr.RefCount == 1)))
515 					{
517                         // We invoke deleter.checkpoint below, so we must be
518                         // sync'd on IW if there are changes:
520                         // TODO: Java 1.5 has this, .NET can't.
521 						// System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!sr.hasChanges || Thread.holdsLock(enclosingInstance));
523                         // Discard (don't save) changes when we are dropping
524                         // the reader; this is used only on the sub-readers
525                         // after a successful merge.
526                         sr.hasChanges &= !drop;
528                         bool hasChanges = sr.hasChanges;
530 						// Drop our ref -- this will commit any pending
531 						// changes to the dir
532                         sr.Close();
534                         // We are the last ref to this reader; since we're
535                         // not pooling readers, we release it:
536                         readerMap.Remove(sr.SegmentInfo);
538                         if (hasChanges)
539                         {
540                             // Must checkpoint w/ deleter, because this
541                             // segment reader will have created new _X_N.del
542                             // file.
543                             enclosingInstance.deleter.Checkpoint(enclosingInstance.segmentInfos, false);
544                         }
545 					}
546 				}
547 			}
549             /// <summary>Remove all our references to readers, and commits
550             /// any pending changes.
551             /// </summary>
Dispose()552 		    public void Dispose()
553 		    {
554 		        Dispose(true);
555 		    }
Dispose(bool disposing)557             protected void Dispose(bool disposing)
558             {
559                 if (disposing)
560                 {
561                     // We invoke deleter.checkpoint below, so we must be
562                     // sync'd on IW:
563                     // TODO: assert Thread.holdsLock(IndexWriter.this);
564                     // TODO: Should this class have bool _isDisposed?
565                     lock (this)
566                     {
567                         //var toRemove = new List<SegmentInfo>();
568                         foreach (var ent in readerMap)
569                         {
570                             SegmentReader sr = ent.Value;
571                             if (sr.hasChanges)
572                             {
573                                 System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(InfoIsLive(sr.SegmentInfo));
574                                 sr.DoCommit(null);
575                                 // Must checkpoint w/ deleter, because this
576                                 // segment reader will have created new _X_N.del
577                                 // file.
578                                 enclosingInstance.deleter.Checkpoint(enclosingInstance.segmentInfos, false);
579                             }
581                             //toRemove.Add(ent.Key);
583                             // NOTE: it is allowed that this decRef does not
584                             // actually close the SR; this can happen when a
585                             // near real-time reader is kept open after the
586                             // IndexWriter instance is closed
587                             sr.DecRef();
588                         }
590                         //foreach (var key in toRemove)
591                         //    readerMap.Remove(key);
592                         readerMap.Clear();
593                     }
594                 }
595             }
597 			/// <summary> Commit all segment reader in the pool.</summary>
598 			/// <throws>  IOException </throws>
Commit()599 			internal virtual void  Commit()
600 			{
601                 // We invoke deleter.checkpoint below, so we must be
602                 // sync'd on IW:
603                 // TODO: assert Thread.holdsLock(IndexWriter.this);
604                 lock (this)
605 				{
606                     foreach(KeyValuePair<SegmentInfo,SegmentReader> ent in readerMap)
607 					{
608 						SegmentReader sr = ent.Value;
609 						if (sr.hasChanges)
610 						{
611 							System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(InfoIsLive(sr.SegmentInfo));
612 							sr.DoCommit(null);
613                             // Must checkpoint w/ deleter, because this
614                             // segment reader will have created new _X_N.del
615                             // file.
616                             enclosingInstance.deleter.Checkpoint(enclosingInstance.segmentInfos, false);
617 						}
618 					}
619 				}
620 			}
622 			/// <summary> Returns a ref to a clone.  NOTE: this clone is not
623 			/// enrolled in the pool, so you should simply close()
624 			/// it when you're done (ie, do not call release()).
625 			/// </summary>
GetReadOnlyClone(SegmentInfo info, bool doOpenStores, int termInfosIndexDivisor)626 			public virtual SegmentReader GetReadOnlyClone(SegmentInfo info, bool doOpenStores, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
627 			{
628 				lock (this)
629 				{
630 					SegmentReader sr = Get(info, doOpenStores, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, termInfosIndexDivisor);
631 					try
632 					{
633 						return (SegmentReader) sr.Clone(true);
634 					}
635 					finally
636 					{
637 						sr.DecRef();
638 					}
639 				}
640 			}
642 			/// <summary> Obtain a SegmentReader from the readerPool.  The reader
643 			/// must be returned by calling <see cref="Release(SegmentReader)" />
644 			/// </summary>
645 			/// <seealso cref="Release(SegmentReader)">
646 			/// </seealso>
647 			/// <param name="info">
648 			/// </param>
649 			/// <param name="doOpenStores">
650 			/// </param>
651 			/// <throws>  IOException </throws>
Get(SegmentInfo info, bool doOpenStores)652 			public virtual SegmentReader Get(SegmentInfo info, bool doOpenStores)
653 			{
654 				lock (this)
655 				{
656                     return Get(info, doOpenStores, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, enclosingInstance.readerTermsIndexDivisor);
657 				}
658 			}
659 			/// <summary> Obtain a SegmentReader from the readerPool.  The reader
660 			/// must be returned by calling <see cref="Release(SegmentReader)" />
661 			///
662 			/// </summary>
663 			/// <seealso cref="Release(SegmentReader)">
664 			/// </seealso>
665 			/// <param name="info">
666 			/// </param>
667 			/// <param name="doOpenStores">
668 			/// </param>
669 			/// <param name="readBufferSize">
670 			/// </param>
671 			/// <param name="termsIndexDivisor">
672 			/// </param>
673 			/// <throws>  IOException </throws>
Get(SegmentInfo info, bool doOpenStores, int readBufferSize, int termsIndexDivisor)674 			public virtual SegmentReader Get(SegmentInfo info, bool doOpenStores, int readBufferSize, int termsIndexDivisor)
675 			{
676 				lock (this)
677 				{
678 					if (Enclosing_Instance.poolReaders)
679 					{
680 						readBufferSize = BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE;
681 					}
683 					SegmentReader sr = readerMap[info];
684 					if (sr == null)
685 					{
686 						// TODO: we may want to avoid doing this while
687 						// synchronized
688 						// Returns a ref, which we xfer to readerMap:
689 						sr = SegmentReader.Get(false, info.dir, info, readBufferSize, doOpenStores, termsIndexDivisor);
690                         if (info.dir == enclosingInstance.directory)
691                         {
692                             // Only pool if reader is not external
693                             readerMap[info]=sr;
694                         }
695 					}
696 					else
697 					{
698 						if (doOpenStores)
699 						{
700 							sr.OpenDocStores();
701 						}
702 						if (termsIndexDivisor != - 1 && !sr.TermsIndexLoaded())
703 						{
704 							// If this reader was originally opened because we
705 							// needed to merge it, we didn't load the terms
706 							// index.  But now, if the caller wants the terms
707 							// index (eg because it's doing deletes, or an NRT
708 							// reader is being opened) we ask the reader to
709 							// load its terms index.
710 							sr.LoadTermsIndex(termsIndexDivisor);
711 						}
712 					}
714 					// Return a ref to our caller
715                     if (info.dir == enclosingInstance.directory)
716                     {
717                         // Only incRef if we pooled (reader is not external)
718                         sr.IncRef();
719                     }
720 					return sr;
721 				}
722 			}
724 			// Returns a ref
GetIfExists(SegmentInfo info)725 			public virtual SegmentReader GetIfExists(SegmentInfo info)
726 			{
727 				lock (this)
728 				{
729 					SegmentReader sr = readerMap[info];
730 					if (sr != null)
731 					{
732 						sr.IncRef();
733 					}
734 					return sr;
735 				}
736 			}
737 		}
739 		/// <summary> Obtain the number of deleted docs for a pooled reader.
740 		/// If the reader isn't being pooled, the segmentInfo's
741 		/// delCount is returned.
742 		/// </summary>
NumDeletedDocs(SegmentInfo info)743 		public virtual int NumDeletedDocs(SegmentInfo info)
744 		{
745 			SegmentReader reader = readerPool.GetIfExists(info);
746 			try
747 			{
748 				if (reader != null)
749 				{
750 					return reader.NumDeletedDocs;
751 				}
752 				else
753 				{
754 					return info.GetDelCount();
755 				}
756 			}
757 			finally
758 			{
759 				if (reader != null)
760 				{
761 					readerPool.Release(reader);
762 				}
763 			}
764 		}
AcquireWrite()766 		internal virtual void  AcquireWrite()
767 		{
768 			lock (this)
769 			{
770 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(writeThread != ThreadClass.Current());
771 				while (writeThread != null || readCount > 0)
772 					DoWait();
774 				// We could have been closed while we were waiting:
775 				EnsureOpen();
777 				writeThread = ThreadClass.Current();
778 			}
779 		}
ReleaseWrite()781 		internal virtual void  ReleaseWrite()
782 		{
783 			lock (this)
784 			{
785 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ThreadClass.Current() == writeThread);
786 				writeThread = null;
787 				System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
788 			}
789 		}
AcquireRead()791 		internal virtual void  AcquireRead()
792 		{
793 			lock (this)
794 			{
795 				ThreadClass current = ThreadClass.Current();
796 				while (writeThread != null && writeThread != current)
797 					DoWait();
799 				readCount++;
800 			}
801 		}
803 		// Allows one readLock to upgrade to a writeLock even if
804 		// there are other readLocks as long as all other
805 		// readLocks are also blocked in this method:
UpgradeReadToWrite()806 		internal virtual void  UpgradeReadToWrite()
807 		{
808 			lock (this)
809 			{
810 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(readCount > 0);
811 				upgradeCount++;
812 				while (readCount > upgradeCount || writeThread != null)
813 				{
814 					DoWait();
815 				}
817 				writeThread = ThreadClass.Current();
818 				readCount--;
819 				upgradeCount--;
820 			}
821 		}
ReleaseRead()823 		internal virtual void  ReleaseRead()
824 		{
825 			lock (this)
826 			{
827 				readCount--;
828 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(readCount >= 0);
829 				System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
830 			}
831 		}
IsOpen(bool includePendingClose)833 		internal bool IsOpen(bool includePendingClose)
834 		{
835 			lock (this)
836 			{
837 				return !(closed || (includePendingClose && closing));
838 			}
839 		}
841 		/// <summary> Used internally to throw an <see cref="AlreadyClosedException" />
842 		/// if this IndexWriter has been
843 		/// closed.
844 		/// </summary>
845 		/// <throws>  AlreadyClosedException if this IndexWriter is </throws>
EnsureOpen(bool includePendingClose)846 		protected internal void  EnsureOpen(bool includePendingClose)
847 		{
848 			lock (this)
849 			{
850 				if (!IsOpen(includePendingClose))
851 				{
852 					throw new AlreadyClosedException("this IndexWriter is closed");
853 				}
854 			}
855 		}
EnsureOpen()857 		protected internal void  EnsureOpen()
858 		{
859 			lock (this)
860 			{
861 				EnsureOpen(true);
862 			}
863 		}
865 		/// <summary> Prints a message to the infoStream (if non-null),
866 		/// prefixed with the identifying information for this
867 		/// writer and the thread that's calling it.
868 		/// </summary>
Message(System.String message)869 		public virtual void  Message(System.String message)
870 		{
871 			if (infoStream != null)
872                 infoStream.WriteLine("IW " + messageID + " [" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "; " + ThreadClass.Current().Name + "]: " + message);
873 		}
SetMessageID(System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream)875 		private void  SetMessageID(System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream)
876 		{
877 			lock (this)
878 			{
879 				if (infoStream != null && messageID == - 1)
880 				{
881 					lock (MESSAGE_ID_LOCK)
882 					{
883 						messageID = MESSAGE_ID++;
884 					}
885 				}
886 				this.infoStream = infoStream;
887 			}
888 		}
890 	    /// <summary> Casts current mergePolicy to LogMergePolicy, and throws
891 	    /// an exception if the mergePolicy is not a LogMergePolicy.
892 	    /// </summary>
893 	    private LogMergePolicy LogMergePolicy
894 	    {
895 	        get
896 	        {
897 	            if (mergePolicy is LogMergePolicy)
898 	                return (LogMergePolicy) mergePolicy;
900 	            throw new System.ArgumentException(
901 	                "this method can only be called when the merge policy is the default LogMergePolicy");
902 	        }
903 	    }
905 	    /// <summary><p/>Gets or sets the current setting of whether newly flushed
906 	    /// segments will use the compound file format.  Note that
907 	    /// this just returns the value previously set with
908 	    /// setUseCompoundFile(boolean), or the default value
909 	    /// (true).  You cannot use this to query the status of
910 	    /// previously flushed segments.<p/>
911 	    ///
912 	    /// <p/>Note that this method is a convenience method: it
913 	    /// just calls mergePolicy.getUseCompoundFile as long as
914 	    /// mergePolicy is an instance of <see cref="LogMergePolicy" />.
915 	    /// Otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.<p/>
916 	    ///
917 	    /// </summary>
918 	    public virtual bool UseCompoundFile
919 	    {
920 	        get { return LogMergePolicy.GetUseCompoundFile(); }
921 	        set
922 	        {
923 	            LogMergePolicy.SetUseCompoundFile(value);
924 	            LogMergePolicy.SetUseCompoundDocStore(value);
925 	        }
926 	    }
928 	    /// <summary>Expert: Set the Similarity implementation used by this IndexWriter.
929 		/// </summary>
SetSimilarity(Similarity similarity)930 		public virtual void  SetSimilarity(Similarity similarity)
931 		{
932 			EnsureOpen();
933 			this.similarity = similarity;
934 			docWriter.SetSimilarity(similarity);
935 		}
937 	    /// <summary>Expert: Return the Similarity implementation used by this IndexWriter.
938 	    ///
939 	    /// <p/>This defaults to the current value of <see cref="Search.Similarity.Default" />.
940 	    /// </summary>
941 	    public virtual Similarity Similarity
942 	    {
943 	        get
944 	        {
945 	            EnsureOpen();
946 	            return this.similarity;
947 	        }
948 	    }
951         /// <summary>Expert: Gets or sets the interval between indexed terms.  Large values cause less
952         /// memory to be used by IndexReader, but slow random-access to terms.  Small
953         /// values cause more memory to be used by an IndexReader, and speed
954         /// random-access to terms.
955         ///
956         /// This parameter determines the amount of computation required per query
957         /// term, regardless of the number of documents that contain that term.  In
958         /// particular, it is the maximum number of other terms that must be
959         /// scanned before a term is located and its frequency and position information
960         /// may be processed.  In a large index with user-entered query terms, query
961         /// processing time is likely to be dominated not by term lookup but rather
962         /// by the processing of frequency and positional data.  In a small index
963         /// or when many uncommon query terms are generated (e.g., by wildcard
964         /// queries) term lookup may become a dominant cost.
965         ///
966         /// In particular, <c>numUniqueTerms/interval</c> terms are read into
967         /// memory by an IndexReader, and, on average, <c>interval/2</c> terms
968         /// must be scanned for each random term access.
969         ///
970         /// </summary>
971         /// <seealso cref="DEFAULT_TERM_INDEX_INTERVAL">
972         /// </seealso>
973 	    public virtual int TermIndexInterval
974 	    {
975 	        get
976 	        {
977 	            // We pass false because this method is called by SegmentMerger while we are in the process of closing
978 	            EnsureOpen(false);
979 	            return termIndexInterval;
980 	        }
981 	        set
982 	        {
983 	            EnsureOpen();
984 	            this.termIndexInterval = value;
985 	        }
986 	    }
988 	    /// <summary> Constructs an IndexWriter for the index in <c>d</c>.
989 		/// Text will be analyzed with <c>a</c>.  If <c>create</c>
990 		/// is true, then a new, empty index will be created in
991 		/// <c>d</c>, replacing the index already there, if any.
992 		///
993 		/// </summary>
994 		/// <param name="d">the index directory
995 		/// </param>
996 		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
997 		/// </param>
998 		/// <param name="create"><c>true</c> to create the index or overwrite
999 		/// the existing one; <c>false</c> to append to the existing
1000 		/// index
1001 		/// </param>
1002 		/// <param name="mfl">Maximum field length in number of terms/tokens: LIMITED, UNLIMITED, or user-specified
1003 		/// via the MaxFieldLength constructor.
1004 		/// </param>
1005 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1006 		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
1007 		/// <summary>  has this index open (<c>write.lock</c> could not
1008 		/// be obtained)
1009 		/// </summary>
1010 		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be read/written to, or </throws>
1011 		/// <summary>  if it does not exist and <c>create</c> is
1012 		/// <c>false</c> or if there is any other low-level
1013 		/// IO error
1014 		/// </summary>
IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, MaxFieldLength mfl)1015 		public IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, MaxFieldLength mfl)
1016 		{
1017 			InitBlock();
1018 			Init(d, a, create, null, mfl.Limit, null, null);
1019 		}
1021 		/// <summary> Constructs an IndexWriter for the index in
1022 		/// <c>d</c>, first creating it if it does not
1023 		/// already exist.
1024 		///
1025 		/// </summary>
1026 		/// <param name="d">the index directory
1027 		/// </param>
1028 		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
1029 		/// </param>
1030 		/// <param name="mfl">Maximum field length in number of terms/tokens: LIMITED, UNLIMITED, or user-specified
1031 		/// via the MaxFieldLength constructor.
1032 		/// </param>
1033 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1034 		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
1035 		/// <summary>  has this index open (<c>write.lock</c> could not
1036 		/// be obtained)
1037 		/// </summary>
1038 		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be </throws>
1039 		/// <summary>  read/written to or if there is any other low-level
1040 		/// IO error
1041 		/// </summary>
IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, MaxFieldLength mfl)1042 		public IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, MaxFieldLength mfl)
1043 		{
1044 			InitBlock();
1045 			Init(d, a, null, mfl.Limit, null, null);
1046 		}
1048 		/// <summary> Expert: constructs an IndexWriter with a custom <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy" />
1049 		///, for the index in <c>d</c>,
1050 		/// first creating it if it does not already exist.  Text
1051 		/// will be analyzed with <c>a</c>.
1052 		///
1053 		/// </summary>
1054 		/// <param name="d">the index directory
1055 		/// </param>
1056 		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
1057 		/// </param>
1058 		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">see <a href="#deletionPolicy">above</a>
1059 		/// </param>
1060 		/// <param name="mfl">whether or not to limit field lengths
1061 		/// </param>
1062 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1063 		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
1064 		/// <summary>  has this index open (<c>write.lock</c> could not
1065 		/// be obtained)
1066 		/// </summary>
1067 		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be </throws>
1068 		/// <summary>  read/written to or if there is any other low-level
1069 		/// IO error
1070 		/// </summary>
IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl)1071 		public IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl)
1072 		{
1073 			InitBlock();
1074 			Init(d, a, deletionPolicy, mfl.Limit, null, null);
1075 		}
1077 		/// <summary> Expert: constructs an IndexWriter with a custom <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy" />
1078 		///, for the index in <c>d</c>.
1079 		/// Text will be analyzed with <c>a</c>.  If
1080 		/// <c>create</c> is true, then a new, empty index
1081 		/// will be created in <c>d</c>, replacing the index
1082 		/// already there, if any.
1083 		///
1084 		/// </summary>
1085 		/// <param name="d">the index directory
1086 		/// </param>
1087 		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
1088 		/// </param>
1089 		/// <param name="create"><c>true</c> to create the index or overwrite
1090 		/// the existing one; <c>false</c> to append to the existing
1091 		/// index
1092 		/// </param>
1093 		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">see <a href="#deletionPolicy">above</a>
1094 		/// </param>
1095 		/// <param name="mfl"><see cref="Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength" />, whether or not to limit field lengths.  Value is in number of terms/tokens
1096 		/// </param>
1097 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1098 		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
1099 		/// <summary>  has this index open (<c>write.lock</c> could not
1100 		/// be obtained)
1101 		/// </summary>
1102 		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be read/written to, or </throws>
1103 		/// <summary>  if it does not exist and <c>create</c> is
1104 		/// <c>false</c> or if there is any other low-level
1105 		/// IO error
1106 		/// </summary>
IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl)1107 		public IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl)
1108 		{
1109 			InitBlock();
1110 			Init(d, a, create, deletionPolicy, mfl.Limit, null, null);
1111 		}
1113 		/// <summary> Expert: constructs an IndexWriter with a custom <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy" />
1114 		/// and <see cref="IndexingChain" />,
1115 		/// for the index in <c>d</c>.
1116 		/// Text will be analyzed with <c>a</c>.  If
1117 		/// <c>create</c> is true, then a new, empty index
1118 		/// will be created in <c>d</c>, replacing the index
1119 		/// already there, if any.
1120 		///
1121 		/// </summary>
1122 		/// <param name="d">the index directory
1123 		/// </param>
1124 		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
1125 		/// </param>
1126 		/// <param name="create"><c>true</c> to create the index or overwrite
1127 		/// the existing one; <c>false</c> to append to the existing
1128 		/// index
1129 		/// </param>
1130 		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">see <a href="#deletionPolicy">above</a>
1131 		/// </param>
1132 		/// <param name="mfl">whether or not to limit field lengths, value is in number of terms/tokens.  See <see cref="Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength" />.
1133 		/// </param>
1134 		/// <param name="indexingChain">the <see cref="DocConsumer" /> chain to be used to
1135 		/// process documents
1136 		/// </param>
1137 		/// <param name="commit">which commit to open
1138 		/// </param>
1139 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1140 		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
1141 		/// <summary>  has this index open (<c>write.lock</c> could not
1142 		/// be obtained)
1143 		/// </summary>
1144 		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be read/written to, or </throws>
1145 		/// <summary>  if it does not exist and <c>create</c> is
1146 		/// <c>false</c> or if there is any other low-level
1147 		/// IO error
1148 		/// </summary>
IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)1149 		internal IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)
1150 		{
1151 			InitBlock();
1152 			Init(d, a, create, deletionPolicy, mfl.Limit, indexingChain, commit);
1153 		}
1155 		/// <summary> Expert: constructs an IndexWriter on specific commit
1156 		/// point, with a custom <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy" />, for
1157 		/// the index in <c>d</c>.  Text will be analyzed
1158 		/// with <c>a</c>.
1159 		///
1160 		/// <p/> This is only meaningful if you've used a <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy" />
1161 		/// in that past that keeps more than
1162 		/// just the last commit.
1163 		///
1164 		/// <p/>This operation is similar to <see cref="Rollback()" />,
1165 		/// except that method can only rollback what's been done
1166 		/// with the current instance of IndexWriter since its last
1167 		/// commit, whereas this method can rollback to an
1168 		/// arbitrary commit point from the past, assuming the
1169 		/// <see cref="IndexDeletionPolicy" /> has preserved past
1170 		/// commits.
1171 		///
1172 		/// </summary>
1173 		/// <param name="d">the index directory
1174 		/// </param>
1175 		/// <param name="a">the analyzer to use
1176 		/// </param>
1177 		/// <param name="deletionPolicy">see <a href="#deletionPolicy">above</a>
1178 		/// </param>
1179 		/// <param name="mfl">whether or not to limit field lengths, value is in number of terms/tokens.  See <see cref="Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength" />.
1180 		/// </param>
1181 		/// <param name="commit">which commit to open
1182 		/// </param>
1183 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1184 		/// <throws>  LockObtainFailedException if another writer </throws>
1185 		/// <summary>  has this index open (<c>write.lock</c> could not
1186 		/// be obtained)
1187 		/// </summary>
1188 		/// <throws>  IOException if the directory cannot be read/written to, or </throws>
1189 		/// <summary>  if it does not exist and <c>create</c> is
1190 		/// <c>false</c> or if there is any other low-level
1191 		/// IO error
1192 		/// </summary>
IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl, IndexCommit commit)1193 		public IndexWriter(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, MaxFieldLength mfl, IndexCommit commit)
1194 		{
1195 			InitBlock();
1196 			Init(d, a, false, deletionPolicy, mfl.Limit, null, commit);
1197 		}
Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, int maxFieldLength, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)1199 		private void  Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, int maxFieldLength, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)
1200 		{
1201 			if (IndexReader.IndexExists(d))
1202 			{
1203 				Init(d, a, false, deletionPolicy, maxFieldLength, indexingChain, commit);
1204 			}
1205 			else
1206 			{
1207 				Init(d, a, true, deletionPolicy, maxFieldLength, indexingChain, commit);
1208 			}
1209 		}
Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, int maxFieldLength, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)1211 		private void  Init(Directory d, Analyzer a, bool create, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, int maxFieldLength, IndexingChain indexingChain, IndexCommit commit)
1212 		{
1213 			directory = d;
1214 			analyzer = a;
1215 			SetMessageID(defaultInfoStream);
1216 			this.maxFieldLength = maxFieldLength;
1218 			if (indexingChain == null)
1219 				indexingChain = DocumentsWriter.DefaultIndexingChain;
1221 			if (create)
1222 			{
1223 				// Clear the write lock in case it's leftover:
1224 				directory.ClearLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME);
1225 			}
1227 			Lock writeLock = directory.MakeLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME);
1228 			if (!writeLock.Obtain(writeLockTimeout))
1229 			// obtain write lock
1230 			{
1231 				throw new LockObtainFailedException("Index locked for write: " + writeLock);
1232 			}
1233 			this.writeLock = writeLock; // save it
1235             bool success = false;
1236 			try
1237 			{
1238 				if (create)
1239 				{
1240 					// Try to read first.  This is to allow create
1241 					// against an index that's currently open for
1242 					// searching.  In this case we write the next
1243 					// segments_N file with no segments:
1244 					bool doCommit;
1245 					try
1246 					{
1247 						segmentInfos.Read(directory);
1248 						segmentInfos.Clear();
1249 						doCommit = false;
1250 					}
1251 					catch (System.IO.IOException)
1252 					{
1253 						// Likely this means it's a fresh directory
1254 						doCommit = true;
1255 					}
1257 					if (doCommit)
1258 					{
1259 						// Only commit if there is no segments file
1260                         // in this dir already.
1261 						segmentInfos.Commit(directory);
1262                         synced.UnionWith(segmentInfos.Files(directory, true));
1263 					}
1264 					else
1265 					{
1266 						// Record that we have a change (zero out all
1267 						// segments) pending:
1268 						changeCount++;
1269 					}
1270 				}
1271 				else
1272 				{
1273 					segmentInfos.Read(directory);
1275 					if (commit != null)
1276 					{
1277 						// Swap out all segments, but, keep metadata in
1278 						// SegmentInfos, like version & generation, to
1279 						// preserve write-once.  This is important if
1280 						// readers are open against the future commit
1281 						// points.
1282 						if (commit.Directory != directory)
1283 							throw new System.ArgumentException("IndexCommit's directory doesn't match my directory");
1284 						SegmentInfos oldInfos = new SegmentInfos();
1285 						oldInfos.Read(directory, commit.SegmentsFileName);
1286 						segmentInfos.Replace(oldInfos);
1287 						changeCount++;
1288 						if (infoStream != null)
1289 							Message("init: loaded commit \"" + commit.SegmentsFileName + "\"");
1290 					}
1292 					// We assume that this segments_N was previously
1293 					// properly sync'd:
1294                     synced.UnionWith(segmentInfos.Files(directory, true));
1295 				}
1297 				SetRollbackSegmentInfos(segmentInfos);
1299 				docWriter = new DocumentsWriter(directory, this, indexingChain);
1300 				docWriter.SetInfoStream(infoStream);
1301 				docWriter.SetMaxFieldLength(maxFieldLength);
1303 				// Default deleter (for backwards compatibility) is
1304 				// KeepOnlyLastCommitDeleter:
1305 				deleter = new IndexFileDeleter(directory, deletionPolicy == null?new KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy():deletionPolicy, segmentInfos, infoStream, docWriter, synced);
1307 				if (deleter.startingCommitDeleted)
1308 				// Deletion policy deleted the "head" commit point.
1309 				// We have to mark ourself as changed so that if we
1310 				// are closed w/o any further changes we write a new
1311 				// segments_N file.
1312 					changeCount++;
1314 				PushMaxBufferedDocs();
1316 				if (infoStream != null)
1317 				{
1318 					Message("init: create=" + create);
1319 					MessageState();
1320 				}
1322                 success = true;
1323 			}
1324 			finally
1325 			{
1326                 if (!success)
1327                 {
1328                     if (infoStream != null)
1329                     {
1330                         Message("init: hit exception on init; releasing write lock");
1331                     }
1332                     try
1333                     {
1334                         writeLock.Release();
1335                     }
1336                     catch (Exception)
1337                     {
1338                         // don't mask the original exception
1339                     }
1340                     writeLock = null;
1341                 }
1342 			}
1343 		}
SetRollbackSegmentInfos(SegmentInfos infos)1345 		private void  SetRollbackSegmentInfos(SegmentInfos infos)
1346 		{
1347 			lock (this)
1348 			{
1349 				rollbackSegmentInfos = (SegmentInfos) infos.Clone();
1350 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!rollbackSegmentInfos.HasExternalSegments(directory));
1351 				rollbackSegments = new HashMap<SegmentInfo, int?>();
1352 				int size = rollbackSegmentInfos.Count;
1353 				for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
1354 					rollbackSegments[rollbackSegmentInfos.Info(i)] = i;
1355 			}
1356 		}
1358 		/// <summary> Expert: set the merge policy used by this writer.</summary>
SetMergePolicy(MergePolicy mp)1359 		public virtual void  SetMergePolicy(MergePolicy mp)
1360 		{
1361 			EnsureOpen();
1362 			if (mp == null)
1363 				throw new System.NullReferenceException("MergePolicy must be non-null");
1365 			if (mergePolicy != mp)
1366 				mergePolicy.Close();
1367 			mergePolicy = mp;
1368 			PushMaxBufferedDocs();
1369 			if (infoStream != null)
1370 			{
1371 				Message("setMergePolicy " + mp);
1372 			}
1373 		}
1375 	    /// <summary> Expert: returns the current MergePolicy in use by this writer.</summary>
1376 	    /// <seealso cref="SetMergePolicy">
1377 	    /// </seealso>
1378 	    public virtual MergePolicy MergePolicy
1379 	    {
1380 	        get
1381 	        {
1382 	            EnsureOpen();
1383 	            return mergePolicy;
1384 	        }
1385 	    }
1387 	    /// <summary> Expert: set the merge scheduler used by this writer.</summary>
SetMergeScheduler(MergeScheduler mergeScheduler)1388 		public virtual void  SetMergeScheduler(MergeScheduler mergeScheduler)
1389 		{
1390 			lock (this)
1391 			{
1392 				EnsureOpen();
1393 				if (mergeScheduler == null)
1394 					throw new System.NullReferenceException("MergeScheduler must be non-null");
1396 				if (this.mergeScheduler != mergeScheduler)
1397 				{
1398 					FinishMerges(true);
1399 					this.mergeScheduler.Close();
1400 				}
1401 				this.mergeScheduler = mergeScheduler;
1402 				if (infoStream != null)
1403 				{
1404 					Message("setMergeScheduler " + mergeScheduler);
1405 				}
1406 			}
1407 		}
1409 	    /// <summary> Expert: returns the current MergePolicy in use by this
1410 	    /// writer.
1411 	    /// </summary>
1412 	    /// <seealso cref="SetMergePolicy">
1413 	    /// </seealso>
1414 	    public virtual MergeScheduler MergeScheduler
1415 	    {
1416 	        get
1417 	        {
1418 	            EnsureOpen();
1419 	            return mergeScheduler;
1420 	        }
1421 	    }
1423 	    /// <summary> <p/>Gets or sets the largest segment (measured by document
1424         /// count) that may be merged with other segments.
1425         /// <p/>
1426         /// Small values (e.g., less than 10,000) are best for
1427         /// interactive indexing, as this limits the length of
1428         /// pauses while indexing to a few seconds.  Larger values
1429         /// are best for batched indexing and speedier
1430         /// searches.
1431         /// <p/>
1432         /// The default value is <see cref="int.MaxValue" />.
1433         /// <p/>
1434         /// Note that this method is a convenience method: it
1435 	    /// just calls mergePolicy.getMaxMergeDocs as long as
1436 	    /// mergePolicy is an instance of <see cref="LogMergePolicy" />.
1437 	    /// Otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.<p/>
1438         ///
1439         /// The default merge policy (<see cref="LogByteSizeMergePolicy" />)
1440         /// also allows you to set this
1441         /// limit by net size (in MB) of the segment, using
1442         /// <see cref="LogByteSizeMergePolicy.MaxMergeMB" />.<p/>
1443 	    /// </summary>
1444 	    /// <seealso cref="MaxMergeDocs">
1445 	    /// </seealso>
1446 	    public virtual int MaxMergeDocs
1447 	    {
1448 	        get { return LogMergePolicy.MaxMergeDocs; }
1449 	        set { LogMergePolicy.MaxMergeDocs = value; }
1450 	    }
1452 	    /// <summary> The maximum number of terms that will be indexed for a single field in a
1453 		/// document.  This limits the amount of memory required for indexing, so that
1454 		/// collections with very large files will not crash the indexing process by
1455 		/// running out of memory.  This setting refers to the number of running terms,
1456 		/// not to the number of different terms.<p/>
1457 		/// <strong>Note:</strong> this silently truncates large documents, excluding from the
1458 		/// index all terms that occur further in the document.  If you know your source
1459 		/// documents are large, be sure to set this value high enough to accomodate
1460 		/// the expected size.  If you set it to Integer.MAX_VALUE, then the only limit
1461 		/// is your memory, but you should anticipate an OutOfMemoryError.<p/>
1462 		/// By default, no more than <see cref="DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH" /> terms
1463 		/// will be indexed for a field.
1464 		/// </summary>
SetMaxFieldLength(int maxFieldLength)1465 		public virtual void  SetMaxFieldLength(int maxFieldLength)
1466 		{
1467 			EnsureOpen();
1468 			this.maxFieldLength = maxFieldLength;
1469 			docWriter.SetMaxFieldLength(maxFieldLength);
1470 			if (infoStream != null)
1471 				Message("setMaxFieldLength " + maxFieldLength);
1472 		}
1474 		/// <summary> Returns the maximum number of terms that will be
1475 		/// indexed for a single field in a document.
1476 		/// </summary>
1477 		/// <seealso cref="SetMaxFieldLength">
1478 		/// </seealso>
1479         [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate")]
GetMaxFieldLength()1480         public virtual int GetMaxFieldLength()
1481 		{
1482 			EnsureOpen();
1483 			return maxFieldLength;
1484 		}
1486 	    /// Gets or sets the termsIndexDivisor passed to any readers that
1487 	    /// IndexWriter opens, for example when applying deletes
1488 	    /// or creating a near-real-time reader in
1489 	    /// <see cref="GetReader()"/>.  Default value is
1490 	    /// <see cref="IndexReader.DEFAULT_TERMS_INDEX_DIVISOR"/>.
1491 	    public int ReaderTermsIndexDivisor
1492 	    {
1493 	        get
1494 	        {
1495 	            EnsureOpen();
1496 	            return readerTermsIndexDivisor;
1497 	        }
1498 	        set
1499 	        {
1500 	            EnsureOpen();
1501 	            if (value <= 0)
1502 	            {
1503 	                throw new ArgumentException("divisor must be >= 1 (got " + value + ")");
1504 	            }
1505 	            readerTermsIndexDivisor = value;
1506 	            if (infoStream != null)
1507 	            {
1508 	                Message("setReaderTermsIndexDivisor " + readerTermsIndexDivisor);
1509 	            }
1510 	        }
1511 	    }
1513 	    /// <summary>Determines the minimal number of documents required
1514 		/// before the buffered in-memory documents are flushed as
1515 		/// a new Segment.  Large values generally gives faster
1516 		/// indexing.
1517 		///
1518 		/// <p/>When this is set, the writer will flush every
1519 		/// maxBufferedDocs added documents.  Pass in <see cref="DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH" />
1520 		/// to prevent triggering a flush due
1521 		/// to number of buffered documents.  Note that if flushing
1522 		/// by RAM usage is also enabled, then the flush will be
1523 		/// triggered by whichever comes first.<p/>
1524 		///
1525 		/// <p/>Disabled by default (writer flushes by RAM usage).<p/>
1526 		///
1527 		/// </summary>
1528 		/// <throws>  IllegalArgumentException if maxBufferedDocs is </throws>
1529 		/// <summary> enabled but smaller than 2, or it disables maxBufferedDocs
1530 		/// when ramBufferSize is already disabled
1531 		/// </summary>
1532 		/// <seealso cref="SetRAMBufferSizeMB">
1533 		/// </seealso>
SetMaxBufferedDocs(int maxBufferedDocs)1534 		public virtual void  SetMaxBufferedDocs(int maxBufferedDocs)
1535 		{
1536 			EnsureOpen();
1537 			if (maxBufferedDocs != DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH && maxBufferedDocs < 2)
1538 				throw new ArgumentException("maxBufferedDocs must at least be 2 when enabled");
1540 			if (maxBufferedDocs == DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH && (int)GetRAMBufferSizeMB() == DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH)
1541 				throw new ArgumentException("at least one of ramBufferSize and maxBufferedDocs must be enabled");
1543 			docWriter.MaxBufferedDocs = maxBufferedDocs;
1544 			PushMaxBufferedDocs();
1545 			if (infoStream != null)
1546 				Message("setMaxBufferedDocs " + maxBufferedDocs);
1547 		}
1549 		/// <summary> If we are flushing by doc count (not by RAM usage), and
1550 		/// using LogDocMergePolicy then push maxBufferedDocs down
1551 		/// as its minMergeDocs, to keep backwards compatibility.
1552 		/// </summary>
PushMaxBufferedDocs()1553 		private void  PushMaxBufferedDocs()
1554 		{
1555 			if (docWriter.MaxBufferedDocs != DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH)
1556 			{
1557 				MergePolicy mp = mergePolicy;
1558 				if (mp is LogDocMergePolicy)
1559 				{
1560 					LogDocMergePolicy lmp = (LogDocMergePolicy) mp;
1561 					int maxBufferedDocs = docWriter.MaxBufferedDocs;
1562 					if (lmp.MinMergeDocs != maxBufferedDocs)
1563 					{
1564 						if (infoStream != null)
1565 							Message("now push maxBufferedDocs " + maxBufferedDocs + " to LogDocMergePolicy");
1566 						lmp.MinMergeDocs = maxBufferedDocs;
1567 					}
1568 				}
1569 			}
1570 		}
1572 		/// <summary> Returns the number of buffered added documents that will
1573 		/// trigger a flush if enabled.
1574 		/// </summary>
1575 		/// <seealso cref="SetMaxBufferedDocs">
1576 		/// </seealso>
1577         [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate")]
GetMaxBufferedDocs()1578         public virtual int GetMaxBufferedDocs()
1579 		{
1580 			EnsureOpen();
1581 			return docWriter.MaxBufferedDocs;
1582 		}
1584 		/// <summary>Determines the amount of RAM that may be used for
1585 		/// buffering added documents and deletions before they are
1586 		/// flushed to the Directory.  Generally for faster
1587 		/// indexing performance it's best to flush by RAM usage
1588 		/// instead of document count and use as large a RAM buffer
1589 		/// as you can.
1590 		///
1591 		/// <p/>When this is set, the writer will flush whenever
1592 		/// buffered documents and deletions use this much RAM.
1593 		/// Pass in <see cref="DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH" /> to prevent
1594 		/// triggering a flush due to RAM usage.  Note that if
1595 		/// flushing by document count is also enabled, then the
1596 		/// flush will be triggered by whichever comes first.<p/>
1597 		///
1598 		/// <p/> <b>NOTE</b>: the account of RAM usage for pending
1599 		/// deletions is only approximate.  Specifically, if you
1600 		/// delete by Query, Lucene currently has no way to measure
1601 		/// the RAM usage if individual Queries so the accounting
1602 		/// will under-estimate and you should compensate by either
1603 		/// calling commit() periodically yourself, or by using
1604 		/// <see cref="SetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms" /> to flush by count
1605 		/// instead of RAM usage (each buffered delete Query counts
1606 		/// as one).
1607 		///
1608 		/// <p/>
1609 		/// <b>NOTE</b>: because IndexWriter uses <c>int</c>s when managing its
1610 		/// internal storage, the absolute maximum value for this setting is somewhat
1611 		/// less than 2048 MB. The precise limit depends on various factors, such as
1612 		/// how large your documents are, how many fields have norms, etc., so it's
1613 		/// best to set this value comfortably under 2048.
1614 		/// <p/>
1615 		///
1616 		/// <p/> The default value is <see cref="DEFAULT_RAM_BUFFER_SIZE_MB" />.<p/>
1617 		///
1618 		/// </summary>
1619 		/// <throws>  IllegalArgumentException if ramBufferSize is </throws>
1620 		/// <summary> enabled but non-positive, or it disables ramBufferSize
1621 		/// when maxBufferedDocs is already disabled
1622 		/// </summary>
SetRAMBufferSizeMB(double mb)1623 		public virtual void  SetRAMBufferSizeMB(double mb)
1624 		{
1625 			if (mb > 2048.0)
1626 			{
1627 				throw new System.ArgumentException("ramBufferSize " + mb + " is too large; should be comfortably less than 2048");
1628 			}
1629 			if (mb != DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH && mb <= 0.0)
1630 				throw new System.ArgumentException("ramBufferSize should be > 0.0 MB when enabled");
1631 			if (mb == DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH && GetMaxBufferedDocs() == DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH)
1632 				throw new System.ArgumentException("at least one of ramBufferSize and maxBufferedDocs must be enabled");
1633 			docWriter.SetRAMBufferSizeMB(mb);
1634 			if (infoStream != null)
1635 				Message("setRAMBufferSizeMB " + mb);
1636 		}
1638 		/// <summary> Returns the value set by <see cref="SetRAMBufferSizeMB" /> if enabled.</summary>
1639         [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate")]
GetRAMBufferSizeMB()1640         public virtual double GetRAMBufferSizeMB()
1641 		{
1642 			return docWriter.GetRAMBufferSizeMB();
1643 		}
1645 		/// <summary> <p/>Determines the minimal number of delete terms required before the buffered
1646 		/// in-memory delete terms are applied and flushed. If there are documents
1647 		/// buffered in memory at the time, they are merged and a new segment is
1648 		/// created.<p/>
1649 		/// <p/>Disabled by default (writer flushes by RAM usage).<p/>
1650 		///
1651 		/// </summary>
1652 		/// <throws>  IllegalArgumentException if maxBufferedDeleteTerms </throws>
1653 		/// <summary> is enabled but smaller than 1
1654 		/// </summary>
1655 		/// <seealso cref="SetRAMBufferSizeMB">
1656 		/// </seealso>
SetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms(int maxBufferedDeleteTerms)1657 		public virtual void  SetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms(int maxBufferedDeleteTerms)
1658 		{
1659 			EnsureOpen();
1660 			if (maxBufferedDeleteTerms != DISABLE_AUTO_FLUSH && maxBufferedDeleteTerms < 1)
1661 				throw new System.ArgumentException("maxBufferedDeleteTerms must at least be 1 when enabled");
1662 			docWriter.MaxBufferedDeleteTerms = maxBufferedDeleteTerms;
1663 			if (infoStream != null)
1664 				Message("setMaxBufferedDeleteTerms " + maxBufferedDeleteTerms);
1665 		}
1667 		/// <summary> Returns the number of buffered deleted terms that will
1668 		/// trigger a flush if enabled.
1669 		/// </summary>
1670 		/// <seealso cref="SetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms">
1671 		/// </seealso>
1672         [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1024:UsePropertiesWhereAppropriate")]
GetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms()1673         public virtual int GetMaxBufferedDeleteTerms()
1674 		{
1675 			EnsureOpen();
1676 			return docWriter.MaxBufferedDeleteTerms;
1677 		}
1679 	    /// <summary>Gets or sets the number of segments that are merged at
1680 	    /// once and also controls the total number of segments
1681 	    /// allowed to accumulate in the index.
1682 	    /// <p/>Determines how often segment indices are merged by addDocument().  With
1683 	    /// smaller values, less RAM is used while indexing, and searches on
1684 	    /// unoptimized indices are faster, but indexing speed is slower.  With larger
1685 	    /// values, more RAM is used during indexing, and while searches on unoptimized
1686 	    /// indices are slower, indexing is faster.  Thus larger values (> 10) are best
1687 	    /// for batch index creation, and smaller values (&lt; 10) for indices that are
1688 	    /// interactively maintained.
1689 	    ///
1690 	    /// <p/>Note that this method is a convenience method: it
1691 	    /// just calls mergePolicy.setMergeFactor as long as
1692 	    /// mergePolicy is an instance of <see cref="LogMergePolicy" />.
1693 	    /// Otherwise an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.<p/>
1694 	    ///
1695 	    /// <p/>This must never be less than 2.  The default value is 10.
1696 	    /// </summary>
1697 	    public virtual int MergeFactor
1698 	    {
1699 	        set { LogMergePolicy.MergeFactor = value; }
1700 	        get { return LogMergePolicy.MergeFactor; }
1701 	    }
1703 	    /// <summary>Gets or sets the default info stream.
1704 	    /// If non-null, this will be the default infoStream used
1705 	    /// by a newly instantiated IndexWriter.
1706 	    /// </summary>
1707 	    /// <seealso cref="SetInfoStream">
1708 	    /// </seealso>
1709 	    public static StreamWriter DefaultInfoStream
1710 	    {
1711 	        set { IndexWriter.defaultInfoStream = value; }
1712 	        get { return IndexWriter.defaultInfoStream; }
1713 	    }
1715 	    /// <summary>If non-null, information about merges, deletes and a
1716 		/// message when maxFieldLength is reached will be printed
1717 		/// to this.
1718 		/// </summary>
SetInfoStream(System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream)1719 		public virtual void  SetInfoStream(System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream)
1720 		{
1721 			EnsureOpen();
1722 			SetMessageID(infoStream);
1723 			docWriter.SetInfoStream(infoStream);
1724 			deleter.SetInfoStream(infoStream);
1725 			if (infoStream != null)
1726 				MessageState();
1727 		}
MessageState()1729 		private void  MessageState()
1730 		{
1731 		    Message("setInfoStream: dir=" + directory +
1732                     " mergePolicy=" + mergePolicy +
1733                     " mergeScheduler=" + mergeScheduler +
1734 		            " ramBufferSizeMB=" + docWriter.GetRAMBufferSizeMB() +
1735                     " maxBufferedDocs=" +  docWriter.MaxBufferedDocs +
1736                     " maxBuffereDeleteTerms=" + docWriter.MaxBufferedDeleteTerms +
1737 		            " maxFieldLength=" + maxFieldLength +
1738                     " index=" + SegString());
1739 		}
1741 	    /// <summary> Returns the current infoStream in use by this writer.</summary>
1742 	    /// <seealso cref="SetInfoStream">
1743 	    /// </seealso>
1744 	    public virtual StreamWriter InfoStream
1745 	    {
1746 	        get
1747 	        {
1748 	            EnsureOpen();
1749 	            return infoStream;
1750 	        }
1751 	    }
1753 	    /// <summary>Returns true if verbosing is enabled (i.e., infoStream != null). </summary>
1754 	    public virtual bool Verbose
1755 	    {
1756 	        get { return infoStream != null; }
1757 	    }
1759 	    /// <summary>Gets or sets allowed timeout when acquiring the write lock.</summary>
1760 	    public virtual long WriteLockTimeout
1761 	    {
1762 	        get
1763 	        {
1764 	            EnsureOpen();
1765 	            return writeLockTimeout;
1766 	        }
1767 	        set
1768 	        {
1769 	            EnsureOpen();
1770 	            this.writeLockTimeout = value;
1771 	        }
1772 	    }
1774 	    /// <summary> Gets or sets the default (for any instance of IndexWriter) maximum time to wait for a write lock (in
1775 	    /// milliseconds).
1776 	    /// </summary>
1777 	    public static long DefaultWriteLockTimeout
1778 	    {
1779 	        set { IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = value; }
1780 	        get { return IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_TIMEOUT; }
1781 	    }
1783 	    /// <summary> Commits all changes to an index and closes all
1784 		/// associated files.  Note that this may be a costly
1785 		/// operation, so, try to re-use a single writer instead of
1786 		/// closing and opening a new one.  See <see cref="Commit()" /> for
1787 		/// caveats about write caching done by some IO devices.
1788 		///
1789 		/// <p/> If an Exception is hit during close, eg due to disk
1790 		/// full or some other reason, then both the on-disk index
1791 		/// and the internal state of the IndexWriter instance will
1792 		/// be consistent.  However, the close will not be complete
1793 		/// even though part of it (flushing buffered documents)
1794 		/// may have succeeded, so the write lock will still be
1795 		/// held.<p/>
1796 		///
1797 		/// <p/> If you can correct the underlying cause (eg free up
1798 		/// some disk space) then you can call close() again.
1799 		/// Failing that, if you want to force the write lock to be
1800 		/// released (dangerous, because you may then lose buffered
1801 		/// docs in the IndexWriter instance) then you can do
1802 		/// something like this:<p/>
1803 		///
1804         /// <code>
1805 		/// try {
1806 		///     writer.close();
1807 		/// } finally {
1808 		///     if (IndexWriter.isLocked(directory)) {
1809 		///         IndexWriter.unlock(directory);
1810 		///     }
1811 		/// }
1812         /// </code>
1813 		///
1814 		/// after which, you must be certain not to use the writer
1815 		/// instance anymore.<p/>
1816 		///
1817 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
1818 		/// you should immediately close the writer, again.  See <a
1819 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
1820 		///
1821 		/// </summary>
1822 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1823 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
1824 		[Obsolete("Use Dispose() instead")]
Close()1825 		public void Close()
1826 		{
1827 		    Dispose(true);
1828 		}
1830         /// <summary> Commits all changes to an index and closes all
1831         /// associated files.  Note that this may be a costly
1832         /// operation, so, try to re-use a single writer instead of
1833         /// closing and opening a new one.  See <see cref="Commit()" /> for
1834         /// caveats about write caching done by some IO devices.
1835         ///
1836         /// <p/> If an Exception is hit during close, eg due to disk
1837         /// full or some other reason, then both the on-disk index
1838         /// and the internal state of the IndexWriter instance will
1839         /// be consistent.  However, the close will not be complete
1840         /// even though part of it (flushing buffered documents)
1841         /// may have succeeded, so the write lock will still be
1842         /// held.<p/>
1843         ///
1844         /// <p/> If you can correct the underlying cause (eg free up
1845         /// some disk space) then you can call close() again.
1846         /// Failing that, if you want to force the write lock to be
1847         /// released (dangerous, because you may then lose buffered
1848         /// docs in the IndexWriter instance) then you can do
1849         /// something like this:<p/>
1850         ///
1851         /// <code>
1852         /// try {
1853         ///     writer.close();
1854         /// } finally {
1855         ///     if (IndexWriter.isLocked(directory)) {
1856         ///         IndexWriter.unlock(directory);
1857         ///     }
1858         /// }
1859         /// </code>
1860         ///
1861         /// after which, you must be certain not to use the writer
1862         /// instance anymore.<p/>
1863         ///
1864         /// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
1865         /// you should immediately close the writer, again.  See <a
1866         /// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
1867         ///
1868         /// </summary>
1869         /// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
1870         /// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
Dispose()1871         public virtual void Dispose()
1872         {
1873             Dispose(true);
1874         }
1876         /// <summary> Closes the index with or without waiting for currently
1877         /// running merges to finish.  This is only meaningful when
1878         /// using a MergeScheduler that runs merges in background
1879         /// threads.
1880         ///
1881         /// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
1882         /// you should immediately close the writer, again.  See <a
1883         /// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
1884         ///
1885         /// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: it is dangerous to always call
1886         /// close(false), especially when IndexWriter is not open
1887         /// for very long, because this can result in "merge
1888         /// starvation" whereby long merges will never have a
1889         /// chance to finish.  This will cause too many segments in
1890         /// your index over time.<p/>
1891         ///
1892         /// </summary>
1893         /// <param name="waitForMerges">if true, this call will block
1894         /// until all merges complete; else, it will ask all
1895         /// running merges to abort, wait until those merges have
1896         /// finished (which should be at most a few seconds), and
1897         /// then return.
1898         /// </param>
Dispose(bool waitForMerges)1899         public virtual void Dispose(bool waitForMerges)
1900         {
1901             Dispose(true, waitForMerges);
1902         }
Dispose(bool disposing, bool waitForMerges)1904         protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing, bool waitForMerges)
1905         {
1906             if (disposing)
1907             {
1908                 // Ensure that only one thread actually gets to do the closing:
1909                 if (ShouldClose())
1910                 {
1911                     // If any methods have hit OutOfMemoryError, then abort
1912                     // on close, in case the internal state of IndexWriter
1913                     // or DocumentsWriter is corrupt
1914                     if (hitOOM)
1915                         RollbackInternal();
1916                     else
1917                         CloseInternal(waitForMerges);
1918                 }
1919             }
1920         }
1922 		/// <summary> Closes the index with or without waiting for currently
1923 		/// running merges to finish.  This is only meaningful when
1924 		/// using a MergeScheduler that runs merges in background
1925 		/// threads.
1926 		///
1927 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
1928 		/// you should immediately close the writer, again.  See <a
1929 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
1930 		///
1931 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: it is dangerous to always call
1932 		/// close(false), especially when IndexWriter is not open
1933 		/// for very long, because this can result in "merge
1934 		/// starvation" whereby long merges will never have a
1935 		/// chance to finish.  This will cause too many segments in
1936 		/// your index over time.<p/>
1937 		///
1938 		/// </summary>
1939 		/// <param name="waitForMerges">if true, this call will block
1940 		/// until all merges complete; else, it will ask all
1941 		/// running merges to abort, wait until those merges have
1942 		/// finished (which should be at most a few seconds), and
1943 		/// then return.
1944 		/// </param>
1945 		[Obsolete("Use Dispose(bool) instead")]
Close(bool waitForMerges)1946 		public virtual void Close(bool waitForMerges)
1947 		{
1948 		    Dispose(waitForMerges);
1949 		}
1951 		// Returns true if this thread should attempt to close, or
1952 		// false if IndexWriter is now closed; else, waits until
1953 		// another thread finishes closing
ShouldClose()1954 		private bool ShouldClose()
1955 		{
1956 			lock (this)
1957 			{
1958 				while (true)
1959 				{
1960 					if (!closed)
1961 					{
1962 						if (!closing)
1963 						{
1964 							closing = true;
1965 							return true;
1966 						}
1967 						else
1968 						{
1969 							// Another thread is presently trying to close;
1970 							// wait until it finishes one way (closes
1971 							// successfully) or another (fails to close)
1972 							DoWait();
1973 						}
1974 					}
1975 					else
1976 						return false;
1977 				}
1978 			}
1979 		}
CloseInternal(bool waitForMerges)1981 		private void CloseInternal(bool waitForMerges)
1982 		{
1984 			docWriter.PauseAllThreads();
1986 			try
1987 			{
1988 				if (infoStream != null)
1989 					Message("now flush at close");
1991 				docWriter.Dispose();
1993 				// Only allow a new merge to be triggered if we are
1994 				// going to wait for merges:
1995 				if (!hitOOM)
1996 				{
1997 					Flush(waitForMerges, true, true);
1998 				}
2000 				if (waitForMerges)
2001 				// Give merge scheduler last chance to run, in case
2002 				// any pending merges are waiting:
2003 					mergeScheduler.Merge(this);
2005 				mergePolicy.Close();
2007 				FinishMerges(waitForMerges);
2008 				stopMerges = true;
2010 				mergeScheduler.Close();
2012 				if (infoStream != null)
2013 					Message("now call final commit()");
2015 				if (!hitOOM)
2016 				{
2017 					Commit(0);
2018 				}
2020 				if (infoStream != null)
2021 					Message("at close: " + SegString());
2023 				lock (this)
2024 				{
2025 					readerPool.Dispose();
2026 					docWriter = null;
2027 					deleter.Dispose();
2028 				}
2030 				if (writeLock != null)
2031 				{
2032 					writeLock.Release(); // release write lock
2033 					writeLock = null;
2034 				}
2035 				lock (this)
2036 				{
2037 					closed = true;
2038 				}
2039 			}
2040 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
2041 			{
2042 				HandleOOM(oom, "closeInternal");
2043 			}
2044 			finally
2045 			{
2046 				lock (this)
2047 				{
2048 					closing = false;
2049 					System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
2050 					if (!closed)
2051 					{
2052 						if (docWriter != null)
2053 							docWriter.ResumeAllThreads();
2054 						if (infoStream != null)
2055 							Message("hit exception while closing");
2056 					}
2057 				}
2058 			}
2059 		}
2061 		/// <summary>Tells the docWriter to close its currently open shared
2062 		/// doc stores (stored fields &amp; vectors files).
2063 		/// Return value specifices whether new doc store files are compound or not.
2064 		/// </summary>
FlushDocStores()2065 		private bool FlushDocStores()
2066 		{
2067 			lock (this)
2068 			{
2069                 if (infoStream != null)
2070                 {
2071                     Message("flushDocStores segment=" + docWriter.DocStoreSegment);
2072                 }
2074 				bool useCompoundDocStore = false;
2075                 if (infoStream != null)
2076                 {
2077                     Message("closeDocStores segment=" + docWriter.DocStoreSegment);
2078                 }
2080 				System.String docStoreSegment;
2082 				bool success = false;
2083 				try
2084 				{
2085 					docStoreSegment = docWriter.CloseDocStore();
2086 					success = true;
2087 				}
2088 				finally
2089 				{
2090 					if (!success && infoStream != null)
2091 					{
2092 						Message("hit exception closing doc store segment");
2093 					}
2094 				}
2096                 if (infoStream != null)
2097                 {
2098                     Message("flushDocStores files=" + docWriter.ClosedFiles());
2099                 }
2101 				useCompoundDocStore = mergePolicy.UseCompoundDocStore(segmentInfos);
2103 				if (useCompoundDocStore && docStoreSegment != null && docWriter.ClosedFiles().Count != 0)
2104 				{
2105 					// Now build compound doc store file
2107 					if (infoStream != null)
2108 					{
2109 						Message("create compound file " + docStoreSegment + "." + IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_STORE_EXTENSION);
2110 					}
2112 					success = false;
2114 					int numSegments = segmentInfos.Count;
2115 					System.String compoundFileName = docStoreSegment + "." + IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_STORE_EXTENSION;
2117 					try
2118 					{
2119 						CompoundFileWriter cfsWriter = new CompoundFileWriter(directory, compoundFileName);
2120 						foreach(string file in docWriter.closedFiles)
2121 						{
2122 							cfsWriter.AddFile(file);
2123 						}
2125 						// Perform the merge
2126 						cfsWriter.Close();
2127 						success = true;
2128 					}
2129 					finally
2130 					{
2131 						if (!success)
2132 						{
2133 							if (infoStream != null)
2134 								Message("hit exception building compound file doc store for segment " + docStoreSegment);
2135 							deleter.DeleteFile(compoundFileName);
2136                             docWriter.Abort();
2137 						}
2138 					}
2140 					for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
2141 					{
2142 						SegmentInfo si = segmentInfos.Info(i);
2143 						if (si.DocStoreOffset != - 1 && si.DocStoreSegment.Equals(docStoreSegment))
2144 							si.DocStoreIsCompoundFile = true;
2145 					}
2147 					Checkpoint();
2149 					// In case the files we just merged into a CFS were
2150 					// not previously checkpointed:
2151 					deleter.DeleteNewFiles(docWriter.ClosedFiles());
2152 				}
2154 				return useCompoundDocStore;
2155 			}
2156 		}
2158 	    /// <summary>Returns the Directory used by this index. </summary>
2159 	    public virtual Directory Directory
2160 	    {
2161 	        get
2162 	        {
2163 	            // Pass false because the flush during closing calls getDirectory
2164 	            EnsureOpen(false);
2165 	            return directory;
2166 	        }
2167 	    }
2169 	    /// <summary>Returns the analyzer used by this index. </summary>
2170 	    public virtual Analyzer Analyzer
2171 	    {
2172 	        get
2173 	        {
2174 	            EnsureOpen();
2175 	            return analyzer;
2176 	        }
2177 	    }
2179 	    /// <summary>Returns total number of docs in this index, including
2180 	    /// docs not yet flushed (still in the RAM buffer),
2181 	    /// not counting deletions.
2182 	    /// </summary>
2183 	    /// <seealso cref="NumDocs">
2184 	    /// </seealso>
MaxDoc()2185 	    public virtual int MaxDoc()
2186 	    {
2187 	        lock (this)
2188 	        {
2189 	            int count;
2190 	            if (docWriter != null)
2191 	                count = docWriter.NumDocsInRAM;
2192 	            else
2193 	                count = 0;
2195 	            for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.Count; i++)
2196 	                count += segmentInfos.Info(i).docCount;
2197 	            return count;
2198 	        }
2199 	    }
2201 	    /// <summary>Returns total number of docs in this index, including
2202 		/// docs not yet flushed (still in the RAM buffer), and
2203 		/// including deletions.  <b>NOTE:</b> buffered deletions
2204 		/// are not counted.  If you really need these to be
2205 		/// counted you should call <see cref="Commit()" /> first.
2206 		/// </summary>
2207 		/// <seealso cref="NumDocs">
2208 		/// </seealso>
NumDocs()2209 		public virtual int NumDocs()
2210 		{
2211 			lock (this)
2212 			{
2213 				int count;
2214 				if (docWriter != null)
2215 					count = docWriter.NumDocsInRAM;
2216 				else
2217 					count = 0;
2219 				for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.Count; i++)
2220 				{
2221 					SegmentInfo info = segmentInfos.Info(i);
2222 					count += info.docCount - info.GetDelCount();
2223 				}
2224 				return count;
2225 			}
2226 		}
HasDeletions()2228 		public virtual bool HasDeletions()
2229 		{
2230 			lock (this)
2231 			{
2232 				EnsureOpen();
2233 				if (docWriter.HasDeletes())
2234 					return true;
2235 				for (int i = 0; i < segmentInfos.Count; i++)
2236 					if (segmentInfos.Info(i).HasDeletions())
2237 						return true;
2238 				return false;
2239 			}
2240 		}
2242 		/// <summary> The maximum number of terms that will be indexed for a single field in a
2243 		/// document.  This limits the amount of memory required for indexing, so that
2244 		/// collections with very large files will not crash the indexing process by
2245 		/// running out of memory.<p/>
2246 		/// Note that this effectively truncates large documents, excluding from the
2247 		/// index terms that occur further in the document.  If you know your source
2248 		/// documents are large, be sure to set this value high enough to accomodate
2249 		/// the expected size.  If you set it to Integer.MAX_VALUE, then the only limit
2250 		/// is your memory, but you should anticipate an OutOfMemoryError.<p/>
2251 		/// By default, no more than 10,000 terms will be indexed for a field.
2252 		///
2253 		/// </summary>
2254 		/// <seealso cref="MaxFieldLength">
2255 		/// </seealso>
2256 		private int maxFieldLength;
2258 		/// <summary> Adds a document to this index.  If the document contains more than
2259 		/// <see cref="SetMaxFieldLength(int)" /> terms for a given field, the remainder are
2260 		/// discarded.
2261 		///
2262 		/// <p/> Note that if an Exception is hit (for example disk full)
2263 		/// then the index will be consistent, but this document
2264 		/// may not have been added.  Furthermore, it's possible
2265 		/// the index will have one segment in non-compound format
2266 		/// even when using compound files (when a merge has
2267 		/// partially succeeded).<p/>
2268 		///
2269 		/// <p/> This method periodically flushes pending documents
2270 		/// to the Directory (see <a href="#flush">above</a>), and
2271 		/// also periodically triggers segment merges in the index
2272 		/// according to the <see cref="MergePolicy" /> in use.<p/>
2273 		///
2274 		/// <p/>Merges temporarily consume space in the
2275 		/// directory. The amount of space required is up to 1X the
2276 		/// size of all segments being merged, when no
2277 		/// readers/searchers are open against the index, and up to
2278 		/// 2X the size of all segments being merged when
2279 		/// readers/searchers are open against the index (see
2280 		/// <see cref="Optimize()" /> for details). The sequence of
2281 		/// primitive merge operations performed is governed by the
2282 		/// merge policy.
2283 		///
2284 		/// <p/>Note that each term in the document can be no longer
2285 		/// than 16383 characters, otherwise an
2286 		/// IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.<p/>
2287 		///
2288 		/// <p/>Note that it's possible to create an invalid Unicode
2289 		/// string in java if a UTF16 surrogate pair is malformed.
2290 		/// In this case, the invalid characters are silently
2291 		/// replaced with the Unicode replacement character
2292 		/// U+FFFD.<p/>
2293 		///
2294 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2295 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2296 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2297 		///
2298 		/// </summary>
2299 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2300 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
AddDocument(Document doc)2301 		public virtual void  AddDocument(Document doc)
2302 		{
2303 			AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
2304 		}
2306 		/// <summary> Adds a document to this index, using the provided analyzer instead of the
2307 		/// value of <see cref="Analyzer" />.  If the document contains more than
2308 		/// <see cref="SetMaxFieldLength(int)" /> terms for a given field, the remainder are
2309 		/// discarded.
2310 		///
2311 		/// <p/>See <see cref="AddDocument(Document)" /> for details on
2312 		/// index and IndexWriter state after an Exception, and
2313 		/// flushing/merging temporary free space requirements.<p/>
2314 		///
2315 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2316 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2317 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2318 		///
2319 		/// </summary>
2320 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2321 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
AddDocument(Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)2322 		public virtual void  AddDocument(Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)
2323 		{
2324 			EnsureOpen();
2325 			bool doFlush = false;
2326 			bool success = false;
2327 			try
2328 			{
2329 				try
2330 				{
2331 					doFlush = docWriter.AddDocument(doc, analyzer);
2332 					success = true;
2333 				}
2334 				finally
2335 				{
2336 					if (!success)
2337 					{
2339 						if (infoStream != null)
2340 							Message("hit exception adding document");
2342 						lock (this)
2343 						{
2344 							// If docWriter has some aborted files that were
2345 							// never incref'd, then we clean them up here
2346 							if (docWriter != null)
2347 							{
2348                                 ICollection<string> files = docWriter.AbortedFiles();
2349 								if (files != null)
2350 									deleter.DeleteNewFiles(files);
2351 							}
2352 						}
2353 					}
2354 				}
2355 				if (doFlush)
2356 					Flush(true, false, false);
2357 			}
2358 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
2359 			{
2360 				HandleOOM(oom, "addDocument");
2361 			}
2362 		}
2364 		/// <summary> Deletes the document(s) containing <c>term</c>.
2365 		///
2366 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2367 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2368 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2369 		///
2370 		/// </summary>
2371 		/// <param name="term">the term to identify the documents to be deleted
2372 		/// </param>
2373 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2374 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
DeleteDocuments(Term term)2375 		public virtual void  DeleteDocuments(Term term)
2376 		{
2377 			EnsureOpen();
2378 			try
2379 			{
2380 				bool doFlush = docWriter.BufferDeleteTerm(term);
2381 				if (doFlush)
2382 					Flush(true, false, false);
2383 			}
2384 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
2385 			{
2386 				HandleOOM(oom, "deleteDocuments(Term)");
2387 			}
2388 		}
2390 		/// <summary> Deletes the document(s) containing any of the
2391 		/// terms. All deletes are flushed at the same time.
2392 		///
2393 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2394 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2395 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2396 		///
2397 		/// </summary>
2398 		/// <param name="terms">array of terms to identify the documents
2399 		/// to be deleted
2400 		/// </param>
2401 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2402 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
DeleteDocuments(params Term[] terms)2403 		public virtual void  DeleteDocuments(params Term[] terms)
2404 		{
2405 			EnsureOpen();
2406 			try
2407 			{
2408 				bool doFlush = docWriter.BufferDeleteTerms(terms);
2409 				if (doFlush)
2410 					Flush(true, false, false);
2411 			}
2412 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
2413 			{
2414 				HandleOOM(oom, "deleteDocuments(params Term[])");
2415 			}
2416 		}
2418 		/// <summary> Deletes the document(s) matching the provided query.
2419 		///
2420 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2421 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2422 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2423 		///
2424 		/// </summary>
2425 		/// <param name="query">the query to identify the documents to be deleted
2426 		/// </param>
2427 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2428 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
DeleteDocuments(Query query)2429 		public virtual void  DeleteDocuments(Query query)
2430 		{
2431 			EnsureOpen();
2432 			bool doFlush = docWriter.BufferDeleteQuery(query);
2433 			if (doFlush)
2434 				Flush(true, false, false);
2435 		}
2437 		/// <summary> Deletes the document(s) matching any of the provided queries.
2438 		/// All deletes are flushed at the same time.
2439 		///
2440 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2441 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2442 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2443 		///
2444 		/// </summary>
2445 		/// <param name="queries">array of queries to identify the documents
2446 		/// to be deleted
2447 		/// </param>
2448 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2449 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
DeleteDocuments(params Query[] queries)2450 		public virtual void  DeleteDocuments(params Query[] queries)
2451 		{
2452 			EnsureOpen();
2453 			bool doFlush = docWriter.BufferDeleteQueries(queries);
2454 			if (doFlush)
2455 				Flush(true, false, false);
2456 		}
2458 		/// <summary> Updates a document by first deleting the document(s)
2459 		/// containing <c>term</c> and then adding the new
2460 		/// document.  The delete and then add are atomic as seen
2461 		/// by a reader on the same index (flush may happen only after
2462 		/// the add).
2463 		///
2464 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2465 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2466 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2467 		///
2468 		/// </summary>
2469 		/// <param name="term">the term to identify the document(s) to be
2470 		/// deleted
2471 		/// </param>
2472 		/// <param name="doc">the document to be added
2473 		/// </param>
2474 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2475 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
UpdateDocument(Term term, Document doc)2476 		public virtual void  UpdateDocument(Term term, Document doc)
2477 		{
2478 			EnsureOpen();
2479 			UpdateDocument(term, doc, Analyzer);
2480 		}
2482 		/// <summary> Updates a document by first deleting the document(s)
2483 		/// containing <c>term</c> and then adding the new
2484 		/// document.  The delete and then add are atomic as seen
2485 		/// by a reader on the same index (flush may happen only after
2486 		/// the add).
2487 		///
2488 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2489 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2490 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2491 		///
2492 		/// </summary>
2493 		/// <param name="term">the term to identify the document(s) to be
2494 		/// deleted
2495 		/// </param>
2496 		/// <param name="doc">the document to be added
2497 		/// </param>
2498 		/// <param name="analyzer">the analyzer to use when analyzing the document
2499 		/// </param>
2500 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2501 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
UpdateDocument(Term term, Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)2502 		public virtual void  UpdateDocument(Term term, Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)
2503 		{
2504 			EnsureOpen();
2505 			try
2506 			{
2507 				bool doFlush = false;
2508 				bool success = false;
2509 				try
2510 				{
2511 					doFlush = docWriter.UpdateDocument(term, doc, analyzer);
2512 					success = true;
2513 				}
2514 				finally
2515 				{
2516 					if (!success)
2517 					{
2519 						if (infoStream != null)
2520 							Message("hit exception updating document");
2522 						lock (this)
2523 						{
2524 							// If docWriter has some aborted files that were
2525 							// never incref'd, then we clean them up here
2526                             ICollection<string> files = docWriter.AbortedFiles();
2527 							if (files != null)
2528 								deleter.DeleteNewFiles(files);
2529 						}
2530 					}
2531 				}
2532 				if (doFlush)
2533 					Flush(true, false, false);
2534 			}
2535 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
2536 			{
2537 				HandleOOM(oom, "updateDocument");
2538 			}
2539 		}
2541 		// for test purpose
GetSegmentCount()2542 		internal int GetSegmentCount()
2543 		{
2544 			lock (this)
2545 			{
2546 				return segmentInfos.Count;
2547 			}
2548 		}
2550 		// for test purpose
GetNumBufferedDocuments()2551 		internal int GetNumBufferedDocuments()
2552 		{
2553 			lock (this)
2554 			{
2555 				return docWriter.NumDocsInRAM;
2556 			}
2557 		}
2559 		// for test purpose
GetDocCount(int i)2560 		public /*internal*/ int GetDocCount(int i)
2561 		{
2562 			lock (this)
2563 			{
2564 				if (i >= 0 && i < segmentInfos.Count)
2565 				{
2566 					return segmentInfos.Info(i).docCount;
2567 				}
2568 				else
2569 				{
2570 					return - 1;
2571 				}
2572 			}
2573 		}
2575 		// for test purpose
GetFlushCount()2576 		internal int GetFlushCount()
2577 		{
2578 			lock (this)
2579 			{
2580 				return flushCount;
2581 			}
2582 		}
2584 		// for test purpose
GetFlushDeletesCount()2585 		internal int GetFlushDeletesCount()
2586 		{
2587 			lock (this)
2588 			{
2589 				return flushDeletesCount;
2590 			}
2591 		}
NewSegmentName()2593 		internal System.String NewSegmentName()
2594 		{
2595 			// Cannot synchronize on IndexWriter because that causes
2596 			// deadlock
2597 			lock (segmentInfos)
2598 			{
2599 				// Important to increment changeCount so that the
2600 				// segmentInfos is written on close.  Otherwise we
2601 				// could close, re-open and re-return the same segment
2602 				// name that was previously returned which can cause
2603 				// problems at least with ConcurrentMergeScheduler.
2604 				changeCount++;
2605 				return "_" + Number.ToString(segmentInfos.counter++);
2606 			}
2607 		}
2609 		/// <summary>If non-null, information about merges will be printed to this.</summary>
2610 		private System.IO.StreamWriter infoStream = null;
2611 		private static System.IO.StreamWriter defaultInfoStream = null;
2613 		/// <summary> Requests an "optimize" operation on an index, priming the index
2614 		/// for the fastest available search. Traditionally this has meant
2615 		/// merging all segments into a single segment as is done in the
2616 		/// default merge policy, but individaul merge policies may implement
2617 		/// optimize in different ways.
2618 		///
2619 		/// <p/>It is recommended that this method be called upon completion of indexing.  In
2620 		/// environments with frequent updates, optimize is best done during low volume times, if at all.
2621 		///
2622 		/// <p/>
2623 		/// <p/>See http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/lucene/java-dev/47895 for more discussion. <p/>
2624 		///
2625 		/// <p/>Note that optimize requires 2X the index size free
2626 		/// space in your Directory (3X if you're using compound
2627         /// file format).  For example, if your index
2628 		/// size is 10 MB then you need 20 MB free for optimize to
2629         /// complete (30 MB if you're using compound fiel format).<p/>
2630 		///
2631 		/// <p/>If some but not all readers re-open while an
2632 		/// optimize is underway, this will cause > 2X temporary
2633 		/// space to be consumed as those new readers will then
2634 		/// hold open the partially optimized segments at that
2635 		/// time.  It is best not to re-open readers while optimize
2636 		/// is running.<p/>
2637 		///
2638 		/// <p/>The actual temporary usage could be much less than
2639 		/// these figures (it depends on many factors).<p/>
2640 		///
2641 		/// <p/>In general, once the optimize completes, the total size of the
2642 		/// index will be less than the size of the starting index.
2643 		/// It could be quite a bit smaller (if there were many
2644 		/// pending deletes) or just slightly smaller.<p/>
2645 		///
2646 		/// <p/>If an Exception is hit during optimize(), for example
2647 		/// due to disk full, the index will not be corrupt and no
2648 		/// documents will have been lost.  However, it may have
2649 		/// been partially optimized (some segments were merged but
2650 		/// not all), and it's possible that one of the segments in
2651 		/// the index will be in non-compound format even when
2652 		/// using compound file format.  This will occur when the
2653 		/// Exception is hit during conversion of the segment into
2654 		/// compound format.<p/>
2655 		///
2656 		/// <p/>This call will optimize those segments present in
2657 		/// the index when the call started.  If other threads are
2658 		/// still adding documents and flushing segments, those
2659 		/// newly created segments will not be optimized unless you
2660 		/// call optimize again.<p/>
2661 		///
2662 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2663 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2664 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2665 		///
2666 		/// </summary>
2667 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
2668 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
2669 		/// <seealso cref="Index.LogMergePolicy.FindMergesForOptimize">
2670 		/// </seealso>
Optimize()2671 		public virtual void  Optimize()
2672 		{
2673 			Optimize(true);
2674 		}
2676         /// <summary> Optimize the index down to &lt;= maxNumSegments.  If
2677 		/// maxNumSegments==1 then this is the same as <see cref="Optimize()" />
2678 		///.
2679 		///
2680 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2681 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2682 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2683 		///
2684 		/// </summary>
2685 		/// <param name="maxNumSegments">maximum number of segments left
2686 		/// in the index after optimization finishes
2687 		/// </param>
Optimize(int maxNumSegments)2688 		public virtual void  Optimize(int maxNumSegments)
2689 		{
2690 			Optimize(maxNumSegments, true);
2691 		}
2693 		/// <summary>Just like <see cref="Optimize()" />, except you can specify
2694 		/// whether the call should block until the optimize
2695 		/// completes.  This is only meaningful with a
2696 		/// <see cref="MergeScheduler" /> that is able to run merges in
2697 		/// background threads.
2698 		///
2699 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2700 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2701 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2702 		/// </summary>
Optimize(bool doWait)2703 		public virtual void  Optimize(bool doWait)
2704 		{
2705 			Optimize(1, doWait);
2706 		}
2708 		/// <summary>Just like <see cref="Optimize(int)" />, except you can
2709 		/// specify whether the call should block until the
2710 		/// optimize completes.  This is only meaningful with a
2711 		/// <see cref="MergeScheduler" /> that is able to run merges in
2712 		/// background threads.
2713 		///
2714 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2715 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2716 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2717 		/// </summary>
Optimize(int maxNumSegments, bool doWait)2718 		public virtual void  Optimize(int maxNumSegments, bool doWait)
2719 		{
2720 			EnsureOpen();
2722 			if (maxNumSegments < 1)
2723 				throw new System.ArgumentException("maxNumSegments must be >= 1; got " + maxNumSegments);
2725 			if (infoStream != null)
2726 				Message("optimize: index now " + SegString());
2728 			Flush(true, false, true);
2730 			lock (this)
2731 			{
2732 				ResetMergeExceptions();
2733                 segmentsToOptimize = Lucene.Net.Support.Compatibility.SetFactory.CreateHashSet<SegmentInfo>();
2734                 optimizeMaxNumSegments = maxNumSegments;
2735 				int numSegments = segmentInfos.Count;
2736 				for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
2737                     segmentsToOptimize.Add(segmentInfos.Info(i));
2739 				// Now mark all pending & running merges as optimize
2740 				// merge:
2741 				foreach(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in pendingMerges)
2742 				{
2743 					merge.optimize = true;
2744 					merge.maxNumSegmentsOptimize = maxNumSegments;
2745 				}
2747 				foreach(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in runningMerges)
2748 				{
2749 					merge.optimize = true;
2750 					merge.maxNumSegmentsOptimize = maxNumSegments;
2751 				}
2752 			}
2754 			MaybeMerge(maxNumSegments, true);
2756 			if (doWait)
2757 			{
2758 				lock (this)
2759 				{
2760 					while (true)
2761 					{
2763 						if (hitOOM)
2764 						{
2765 							throw new System.SystemException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot complete optimize");
2766 						}
2768 						if (mergeExceptions.Count > 0)
2769 						{
2770 							// Forward any exceptions in background merge
2771 							// threads to the current thread:
2772 							int size = mergeExceptions.Count;
2773 							for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
2774 							{
2775 								MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = mergeExceptions[i];
2776 								if (merge.optimize)
2777 								{
2778                                     System.IO.IOException err;
2779 									System.Exception t = merge.GetException();
2780                                     if (t != null)
2781 									    err = new System.IO.IOException("background merge hit exception: " + merge.SegString(directory), t);
2782                                     else
2783                                         err = new System.IO.IOException("background merge hit exception: " + merge.SegString(directory));
2784 									throw err;
2785 								}
2786 							}
2787 						}
2789 						if (OptimizeMergesPending())
2790 							DoWait();
2791 						else
2792 							break;
2793 					}
2794 				}
2796 				// If close is called while we are still
2797 				// running, throw an exception so the calling
2798 				// thread will know the optimize did not
2799 				// complete
2800 				EnsureOpen();
2801 			}
2803 			// NOTE: in the ConcurrentMergeScheduler case, when
2804 			// doWait is false, we can return immediately while
2805 			// background threads accomplish the optimization
2806 		}
2808 		/// <summary>Returns true if any merges in pendingMerges or
2809 		/// runningMerges are optimization merges.
2810 		/// </summary>
OptimizeMergesPending()2811 		private bool OptimizeMergesPending()
2812 		{
2813 			lock (this)
2814 			{
2815                 foreach (MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in pendingMerges)
2816                 {
2817                     if (merge.optimize) return true;
2818                 }
2820                 foreach(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in runningMerges)
2821                 {
2822                     if (merge.optimize) return true;
2823                 }
2825 				return false;
2826 			}
2827 		}
2829 		/// <summary>Just like <see cref="ExpungeDeletes()" />, except you can
2830 		/// specify whether the call should block until the
2831 		/// operation completes.  This is only meaningful with a
2832 		/// <see cref="MergeScheduler" /> that is able to run merges in
2833 		/// background threads.
2834 		///
2835 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2836 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2837 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2838 		/// </summary>
ExpungeDeletes(bool doWait)2839 		public virtual void  ExpungeDeletes(bool doWait)
2840 		{
2841 			EnsureOpen();
2843 			if (infoStream != null)
2844 				Message("expungeDeletes: index now " + SegString());
2846 			MergePolicy.MergeSpecification spec;
2848 			lock (this)
2849 			{
2850 				spec = mergePolicy.FindMergesToExpungeDeletes(segmentInfos);
2851 				if (spec != null)
2852 				{
2853 					int numMerges = spec.merges.Count;
2854 					for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
2855 						RegisterMerge(spec.merges[i]);
2856 				}
2857 			}
2859 			mergeScheduler.Merge(this);
2861 			if (spec != null && doWait)
2862 			{
2863 				int numMerges = spec.merges.Count;
2864 				lock (this)
2865 				{
2866 					bool running = true;
2867 					while (running)
2868 					{
2870 						if (hitOOM)
2871 						{
2872 							throw new System.SystemException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot complete expungeDeletes");
2873 						}
2875 						// Check each merge that MergePolicy asked us to
2876 						// do, to see if any of them are still running and
2877 						// if any of them have hit an exception.
2878 						running = false;
2879 						for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
2880 						{
2881 							MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = spec.merges[i];
2882 							if (pendingMerges.Contains(merge) || runningMerges.Contains(merge))
2883 								running = true;
2884 							System.Exception t = merge.GetException();
2885 							if (t != null)
2886 							{
2887 								System.IO.IOException ioe = new System.IO.IOException("background merge hit exception: " + merge.SegString(directory), t);
2888 								throw ioe;
2889 							}
2890 						}
2892 						// If any of our merges are still running, wait:
2893 						if (running)
2894 							DoWait();
2895 					}
2896 				}
2897 			}
2899 			// NOTE: in the ConcurrentMergeScheduler case, when
2900 			// doWait is false, we can return immediately while
2901 			// background threads accomplish the optimization
2902 		}
2905 		/// <summary>Expunges all deletes from the index.  When an index
2906 		/// has many document deletions (or updates to existing
2907 		/// documents), it's best to either call optimize or
2908 		/// expungeDeletes to remove all unused data in the index
2909 		/// associated with the deleted documents.  To see how
2910 		/// many deletions you have pending in your index, call
2911 		/// <see cref="IndexReader.NumDeletedDocs" />
2912 		/// This saves disk space and memory usage while
2913 		/// searching.  expungeDeletes should be somewhat faster
2914 		/// than optimize since it does not insist on reducing the
2915 		/// index to a single segment (though, this depends on the
2916 		/// <see cref="MergePolicy" />; see <see cref="Index.MergePolicy.FindMergesToExpungeDeletes" />.). Note that
2917 		/// this call does not first commit any buffered
2918 		/// documents, so you must do so yourself if necessary.
2919 		/// See also <seealso cref="ExpungeDeletes(bool)" />
2920 		///
2921 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2922 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2923 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2924 		/// </summary>
ExpungeDeletes()2925 		public virtual void  ExpungeDeletes()
2926 		{
2927 			ExpungeDeletes(true);
2928 		}
2930 		/// <summary> Expert: asks the mergePolicy whether any merges are
2931 		/// necessary now and if so, runs the requested merges and
2932 		/// then iterate (test again if merges are needed) until no
2933 		/// more merges are returned by the mergePolicy.
2934 		///
2935 		/// Explicit calls to maybeMerge() are usually not
2936 		/// necessary. The most common case is when merge policy
2937 		/// parameters have changed.
2938 		///
2939 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
2940 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
2941 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
2942 		/// </summary>
MaybeMerge()2943 		public void  MaybeMerge()
2944 		{
2945 			MaybeMerge(false);
2946 		}
MaybeMerge(bool optimize)2948 		private void  MaybeMerge(bool optimize)
2949 		{
2950 			MaybeMerge(1, optimize);
2951 		}
MaybeMerge(int maxNumSegmentsOptimize, bool optimize)2953 		private void  MaybeMerge(int maxNumSegmentsOptimize, bool optimize)
2954 		{
2955 			UpdatePendingMerges(maxNumSegmentsOptimize, optimize);
2956 			mergeScheduler.Merge(this);
2957 		}
UpdatePendingMerges(int maxNumSegmentsOptimize, bool optimize)2959 		private void  UpdatePendingMerges(int maxNumSegmentsOptimize, bool optimize)
2960 		{
2961 			lock (this)
2962 			{
2963 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!optimize || maxNumSegmentsOptimize > 0);
2965                 if (stopMerges)
2966                 {
2967                     return;
2968                 }
2970 				// Do not start new merges if we've hit OOME
2971 				if (hitOOM)
2972 				{
2973 					return ;
2974 				}
2976 				MergePolicy.MergeSpecification spec;
2977                 if (optimize)
2978                 {
2979                     spec = mergePolicy.FindMergesForOptimize(segmentInfos, maxNumSegmentsOptimize, segmentsToOptimize);
2981                     if (spec != null)
2982                     {
2983                         int numMerges = spec.merges.Count;
2984                         for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
2985                         {
2986                             MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = spec.merges[i];
2987                             merge.optimize = true;
2988                             merge.maxNumSegmentsOptimize = maxNumSegmentsOptimize;
2989                         }
2990                     }
2991                 }
2992                 else
2993                 {
2994                     spec = mergePolicy.FindMerges(segmentInfos);
2995                 }
2997 			    if (spec != null)
2998 				{
2999 					int numMerges = spec.merges.Count;
3000 					for (int i = 0; i < numMerges; i++)
3001 						RegisterMerge(spec.merges[i]);
3002 				}
3003 			}
3004 		}
3006 		/// <summary>Expert: the <see cref="MergeScheduler" /> calls this method
3007 		/// to retrieve the next merge requested by the
3008 		/// MergePolicy
3009 		/// </summary>
GetNextMerge()3010 		internal virtual MergePolicy.OneMerge GetNextMerge()
3011 		{
3012 			lock (this)
3013 			{
3014 				if (pendingMerges.Count == 0)
3015 					return null;
3016 				else
3017 				{
3018                     // Advance the merge from pending to running
3019                     MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = pendingMerges.First.Value;
3020                     pendingMerges.RemoveFirst();
3021                     runningMerges.Add(merge);
3022                     return merge;
3023 				}
3024 			}
3025 		}
3027 		/// <summary>Like getNextMerge() except only returns a merge if it's
3028 		/// external.
3029 		/// </summary>
GetNextExternalMerge()3030 		private MergePolicy.OneMerge GetNextExternalMerge()
3031 		{
3032 			lock (this)
3033 			{
3034 				if (pendingMerges.Count == 0)
3035 					return null;
3036 				else
3037 				{
3038                     var it = pendingMerges.GetEnumerator();
3039 					while (it.MoveNext())
3040 					{
3041                         MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = it.Current;
3042 						if (merge.isExternal)
3043 						{
3044 							// Advance the merge from pending to running
3045                             pendingMerges.Remove(merge);  // {{Aroush-2.9}} From Mike Garski: this is an O(n) op... is that an issue?
3046                             runningMerges.Add(merge);
3047 							return merge;
3048 						}
3049 					}
3051 					// All existing merges do not involve external segments
3052 					return null;
3053 				}
3054 			}
3055 		}
3057 		/*
3058 		* Begin a transaction.  During a transaction, any segment
3059 		* merges that happen (or ram segments flushed) will not
3060 		* write a new segments file and will not remove any files
3061 		* that were present at the start of the transaction.  You
3062 		* must make a matched (try/finally) call to
3063 		* commitTransaction() or rollbackTransaction() to finish
3064 		* the transaction.
3065 		*
3066 		* Note that buffered documents and delete terms are not handled
3067 		* within the transactions, so they must be flushed before the
3068 		* transaction is started.
3069 		*/
StartTransaction(bool haveReadLock)3070 		private void  StartTransaction(bool haveReadLock)
3071 		{
3072 			lock (this)
3073 			{
3075 				bool success = false;
3076 				try
3077 				{
3078 					if (infoStream != null)
3079 						Message("now start transaction");
3081 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(docWriter.GetNumBufferedDeleteTerms() == 0 ,
3082 						"calling startTransaction with buffered delete terms not supported: numBufferedDeleteTerms=" + docWriter.GetNumBufferedDeleteTerms());
3083 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(docWriter.NumDocsInRAM == 0 ,
3084 						"calling startTransaction with buffered documents not supported: numDocsInRAM=" + docWriter.NumDocsInRAM);
3086 					EnsureOpen();
3088 					// If a transaction is trying to roll back (because
3089 					// addIndexes hit an exception) then wait here until
3090 					// that's done:
3091 					lock (this)
3092 					{
3093 						while (stopMerges)
3094 							DoWait();
3095 					}
3096 					success = true;
3097 				}
3098 				finally
3099 				{
3100 					// Release the write lock if our caller held it, on
3101 					// hitting an exception
3102 					if (!success && haveReadLock)
3103 						ReleaseRead();
3104 				}
3106 				if (haveReadLock)
3107 				{
3108 					UpgradeReadToWrite();
3109 				}
3110 				else
3111 				{
3112 					AcquireWrite();
3113 				}
3115 				success = false;
3116 				try
3117 				{
3118 					localRollbackSegmentInfos = (SegmentInfos) segmentInfos.Clone();
3120 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!HasExternalSegments());
3122 					localFlushedDocCount = docWriter.GetFlushedDocCount();
3124                     // Remove the incRef we did in startTransaction:
3125 					deleter.IncRef(segmentInfos, false);
3127 					success = true;
3128 				}
3129 				finally
3130 				{
3131 					if (!success)
3132 						FinishAddIndexes();
3133 				}
3134 			}
3135 		}
3137 		/*
3138 		* Rolls back the transaction and restores state to where
3139 		* we were at the start.
3140 		*/
RollbackTransaction()3141 		private void  RollbackTransaction()
3142 		{
3143 			lock (this)
3144 			{
3146 				if (infoStream != null)
3147 					Message("now rollback transaction");
3149 				if (docWriter != null)
3150 				{
3151 					docWriter.SetFlushedDocCount(localFlushedDocCount);
3152 				}
3154 				// Must finish merges before rolling back segmentInfos
3155 				// so merges don't hit exceptions on trying to commit
3156 				// themselves, don't get files deleted out from under
3157 				// them, etc:
3158 				FinishMerges(false);
3160 				// Keep the same segmentInfos instance but replace all
3161 				// of its SegmentInfo instances.  This is so the next
3162 				// attempt to commit using this instance of IndexWriter
3163 				// will always write to a new generation ("write once").
3164 				segmentInfos.Clear();
3165 				segmentInfos.AddRange(localRollbackSegmentInfos);
3166 				localRollbackSegmentInfos = null;
3168 				// This must come after we rollback segmentInfos, so
3169 				// that if a commit() kicks off it does not see the
3170 				// segmentInfos with external segments
3171 				FinishAddIndexes();
3173 				// Ask deleter to locate unreferenced files we had
3174 				// created & remove them:
3175 				deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
3177                 // Remove the incRef we did in startTransaction:
3178 				deleter.DecRef(segmentInfos);
3180 				// Also ask deleter to remove any newly created files
3181 				// that were never incref'd; this "garbage" is created
3182 				// when a merge kicks off but aborts part way through
3183 				// before it had a chance to incRef the files it had
3184 				// partially created
3185 				deleter.Refresh();
3187 				System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
3189 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!HasExternalSegments());
3190 			}
3191 		}
3193 		/*
3194 		* Commits the transaction.  This will write the new
3195 		* segments file and remove and pending deletions we have
3196 		* accumulated during the transaction
3197 		*/
CommitTransaction()3198 		private void  CommitTransaction()
3199 		{
3200 			lock (this)
3201 			{
3203 				if (infoStream != null)
3204 					Message("now commit transaction");
3206 				// Give deleter a chance to remove files now:
3207 				Checkpoint();
3209 				// Remove the incRef we did in startTransaction.
3210                 deleter.DecRef(localRollbackSegmentInfos);
3212 				localRollbackSegmentInfos = null;
3214 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!HasExternalSegments());
3216 				FinishAddIndexes();
3217 			}
3218 		}
3220 		/// <summary> Close the <c>IndexWriter</c> without committing
3221 		/// any changes that have occurred since the last commit
3222 		/// (or since it was opened, if commit hasn't been called).
3223 		/// This removes any temporary files that had been created,
3224 		/// after which the state of the index will be the same as
3225 		/// it was when commit() was last called or when this
3226 		/// writer was first opened.  This also clears a previous
3227 		/// call to <see cref="PrepareCommit()" />.
3228 		/// </summary>
3229 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
Rollback()3230 		public virtual void  Rollback()
3231 		{
3232 			EnsureOpen();
3234 			// Ensure that only one thread actually gets to do the closing:
3235 			if (ShouldClose())
3236 				RollbackInternal();
3237 		}
RollbackInternal()3239 		private void  RollbackInternal()
3240 		{
3242 			bool success = false;
3244             if (infoStream != null)
3245             {
3246                 Message("rollback");
3247             }
3249 			docWriter.PauseAllThreads();
3251 			try
3252 			{
3253 				FinishMerges(false);
3255 				// Must pre-close these two, in case they increment
3256 				// changeCount so that we can then set it to false
3257 				// before calling closeInternal
3258 				mergePolicy.Close();
3259 				mergeScheduler.Close();
3261 				lock (this)
3262 				{
3264 					if (pendingCommit != null)
3265 					{
3266 						pendingCommit.RollbackCommit(directory);
3267 						deleter.DecRef(pendingCommit);
3268 						pendingCommit = null;
3269 						System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
3270 					}
3272 					// Keep the same segmentInfos instance but replace all
3273 					// of its SegmentInfo instances.  This is so the next
3274 					// attempt to commit using this instance of IndexWriter
3275 					// will always write to a new generation ("write
3276 					// once").
3277 					segmentInfos.Clear();
3278 					segmentInfos.AddRange(rollbackSegmentInfos);
3280 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!HasExternalSegments());
3282 					docWriter.Abort();
3284 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("rollback before checkpoint"));
3286 					// Ask deleter to locate unreferenced files & remove
3287 					// them:
3288 					deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
3289 					deleter.Refresh();
3290 				}
3292 				// Don't bother saving any changes in our segmentInfos
3293 				readerPool.Clear(null);
3295 				lastCommitChangeCount = changeCount;
3297 				success = true;
3298 			}
3299 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
3300 			{
3301 				HandleOOM(oom, "rollbackInternal");
3302 			}
3303 			finally
3304 			{
3305 				lock (this)
3306 				{
3307 					if (!success)
3308 					{
3309 						docWriter.ResumeAllThreads();
3310 						closing = false;
3311 						System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
3312 						if (infoStream != null)
3313 							Message("hit exception during rollback");
3314 					}
3315 				}
3316 			}
3318 			CloseInternal(false);
3319 		}
3321 		/// <summary> Delete all documents in the index.
3322 		///
3323 		/// <p/>This method will drop all buffered documents and will
3324 		/// remove all segments from the index. This change will not be
3325 		/// visible until a <see cref="Commit()" /> has been called. This method
3326 		/// can be rolled back using <see cref="Rollback()" />.<p/>
3327 		///
3328 		/// <p/>NOTE: this method is much faster than using deleteDocuments( new MatchAllDocsQuery() ).<p/>
3329 		///
3330 		/// <p/>NOTE: this method will forcefully abort all merges
3331 		/// in progress.  If other threads are running <see cref="Optimize()" />
3332 		/// or any of the addIndexes methods, they
3333 		/// will receive <see cref="Index.MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException" />s.
3334 		/// </summary>
DeleteAll()3335 		public virtual void  DeleteAll()
3336 		{
3337 			lock (this)
3338 			{
3339 				docWriter.PauseAllThreads();
3340 				try
3341 				{
3343 					// Abort any running merges
3344 					FinishMerges(false);
3346 					// Remove any buffered docs
3347 					docWriter.Abort();
3348 					docWriter.SetFlushedDocCount(0);
3350 					// Remove all segments
3351 					segmentInfos.Clear();
3353 					// Ask deleter to locate unreferenced files & remove them:
3354 					deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
3355 					deleter.Refresh();
3357 					// Don't bother saving any changes in our segmentInfos
3358 					readerPool.Clear(null);
3360 					// Mark that the index has changed
3361 					++changeCount;
3362 				}
3363 				catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
3364 				{
3365 					HandleOOM(oom, "deleteAll");
3366 				}
3367 				finally
3368 				{
3369 					docWriter.ResumeAllThreads();
3370 					if (infoStream != null)
3371 					{
3372 						Message("hit exception during deleteAll");
3373 					}
3374 				}
3375 			}
3376 		}
FinishMerges(bool waitForMerges)3378 		private void  FinishMerges(bool waitForMerges)
3379 		{
3380 			lock (this)
3381 			{
3382 				if (!waitForMerges)
3383 				{
3385 					stopMerges = true;
3387 					// Abort all pending & running merges:
3388 					foreach(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in pendingMerges)
3389 					{
3390 						if (infoStream != null)
3391 							Message("now abort pending merge " + merge.SegString(directory));
3392 						merge.Abort();
3393 						MergeFinish(merge);
3394 					}
3395 					pendingMerges.Clear();
3397 					foreach(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge in runningMerges)
3398 					{
3399 						if (infoStream != null)
3400 							Message("now abort running merge " + merge.SegString(directory));
3401 						merge.Abort();
3402 					}
3404 					// Ensure any running addIndexes finishes.  It's fine
3405 					// if a new one attempts to start because its merges
3406 					// will quickly see the stopMerges == true and abort.
3407 					AcquireRead();
3408 					ReleaseRead();
3410 					// These merges periodically check whether they have
3411 					// been aborted, and stop if so.  We wait here to make
3412 					// sure they all stop.  It should not take very long
3413 					// because the merge threads periodically check if
3414 					// they are aborted.
3415 					while (runningMerges.Count > 0)
3416 					{
3417 						if (infoStream != null)
3418 							Message("now wait for " + runningMerges.Count + " running merge to abort");
3419 						DoWait();
3420 					}
3422 					stopMerges = false;
3423 					System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
3425 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(0 == mergingSegments.Count);
3427 					if (infoStream != null)
3428 						Message("all running merges have aborted");
3429 				}
3430 				else
3431 				{
3432 					// waitForMerges() will ensure any running addIndexes finishes.
3433 					// It's fine if a new one attempts to start because from our
3434 					// caller above the call will see that we are in the
3435 					// process of closing, and will throw an
3436 					// AlreadyClosedException.
3437 					WaitForMerges();
3438 				}
3439 			}
3440 		}
3442 		/// <summary> Wait for any currently outstanding merges to finish.
3443 		///
3444 		/// <p/>It is guaranteed that any merges started prior to calling this method
3445 		/// will have completed once this method completes.<p/>
3446 		/// </summary>
WaitForMerges()3447 		public virtual void  WaitForMerges()
3448 		{
3449 			lock (this)
3450 			{
3451 				// Ensure any running addIndexes finishes.
3452 				AcquireRead();
3453 				ReleaseRead();
3455 				while (pendingMerges.Count > 0 || runningMerges.Count > 0)
3456 				{
3457 					DoWait();
3458 				}
3460 				// sanity check
3461 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(0 == mergingSegments.Count);
3462 			}
3463 		}
3465 		/*
3466 		* Called whenever the SegmentInfos has been updated and
3467 		* the index files referenced exist (correctly) in the
3468 		* index directory.
3469 		*/
Checkpoint()3470 		private void  Checkpoint()
3471 		{
3472 			lock (this)
3473 			{
3474 				changeCount++;
3475 				deleter.Checkpoint(segmentInfos, false);
3476 			}
3477 		}
FinishAddIndexes()3479 		private void  FinishAddIndexes()
3480 		{
3481 			ReleaseWrite();
3482 		}
BlockAddIndexes(bool includePendingClose)3484 		private void  BlockAddIndexes(bool includePendingClose)
3485 		{
3487 			AcquireRead();
3489 			bool success = false;
3490 			try
3491 			{
3493 				// Make sure we are still open since we could have
3494 				// waited quite a while for last addIndexes to finish
3495 				EnsureOpen(includePendingClose);
3496 				success = true;
3497 			}
3498 			finally
3499 			{
3500 				if (!success)
3501 					ReleaseRead();
3502 			}
3503 		}
ResumeAddIndexes()3505 		private void  ResumeAddIndexes()
3506 		{
3507 			ReleaseRead();
3508 		}
ResetMergeExceptions()3510 		private void  ResetMergeExceptions()
3511 		{
3512 			lock (this)
3513 			{
3514 				mergeExceptions = new List<MergePolicy.OneMerge>();
3515 				mergeGen++;
3516 			}
3517 		}
NoDupDirs(Directory[] dirs)3519 		private void  NoDupDirs(Directory[] dirs)
3520 		{
3521             HashSet<Directory> dups = new HashSet<Directory>();
3522 			for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++)
3523 			{
3524                 if (dups.Contains(dirs[i]))
3525 				{
3526 					throw new System.ArgumentException("Directory " + dirs[i] + " appears more than once");
3527 				}
3528 				if (dirs[i] == directory)
3529 					throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot add directory to itself");
3530                 dups.Add(dirs[i]);
3531             }
3532 		}
3534 		/// <summary> Merges all segments from an array of indexes into this
3535 		/// index.
3536 		///
3537 		/// <p/>This may be used to parallelize batch indexing.  A large document
3538 		/// collection can be broken into sub-collections.  Each sub-collection can be
3539 		/// indexed in parallel, on a different thread, process or machine.  The
3540 		/// complete index can then be created by merging sub-collection indexes
3541 		/// with this method.
3542 		///
3543 		/// <p/><b>NOTE:</b> the index in each Directory must not be
3544 		/// changed (opened by a writer) while this method is
3545 		/// running.  This method does not acquire a write lock in
3546 		/// each input Directory, so it is up to the caller to
3547 		/// enforce this.
3548 		///
3549 		/// <p/><b>NOTE:</b> while this is running, any attempts to
3550 		/// add or delete documents (with another thread) will be
3551 		/// paused until this method completes.
3552 		///
3553 		/// <p/>This method is transactional in how Exceptions are
3554 		/// handled: it does not commit a new segments_N file until
3555 		/// all indexes are added.  This means if an Exception
3556 		/// occurs (for example disk full), then either no indexes
3557 		/// will have been added or they all will have been.<p/>
3558 		///
3559 		/// <p/>Note that this requires temporary free space in the
3560 		/// Directory up to 2X the sum of all input indexes
3561 		/// (including the starting index).  If readers/searchers
3562 		/// are open against the starting index, then temporary
3563 		/// free space required will be higher by the size of the
3564 		/// starting index (see <see cref="Optimize()" /> for details).
3565 		/// <p/>
3566 		///
3567 		/// <p/>Once this completes, the final size of the index
3568 		/// will be less than the sum of all input index sizes
3569 		/// (including the starting index).  It could be quite a
3570 		/// bit smaller (if there were many pending deletes) or
3571 		/// just slightly smaller.<p/>
3572 		///
3573 		/// <p/>
3574 		/// This requires this index not be among those to be added.
3575 		///
3576 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
3577 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
3578 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
3579 		///
3580 		/// </summary>
3581 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
3582 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
AddIndexesNoOptimize(params Directory[] dirs)3583 		public virtual void  AddIndexesNoOptimize(params Directory[] dirs)
3584 		{
3586 			EnsureOpen();
3588 			NoDupDirs(dirs);
3590 			// Do not allow add docs or deletes while we are running:
3591 			docWriter.PauseAllThreads();
3593 			try
3594 			{
3595 				if (infoStream != null)
3596 					Message("flush at addIndexesNoOptimize");
3597 				Flush(true, false, true);
3599 				bool success = false;
3601 				StartTransaction(false);
3603 				try
3604 				{
3606 					int docCount = 0;
3607 					lock (this)
3608 					{
3609 						EnsureOpen();
3611 						for (int i = 0; i < dirs.Length; i++)
3612 						{
3613 							if (directory == dirs[i])
3614 							{
3615 								// cannot add this index: segments may be deleted in merge before added
3616 								throw new System.ArgumentException("Cannot add this index to itself");
3617 							}
3619 							SegmentInfos sis = new SegmentInfos(); // read infos from dir
3620 							sis.Read(dirs[i]);
3621 							for (int j = 0; j < sis.Count; j++)
3622 							{
3623 								SegmentInfo info = sis.Info(j);
3624 								System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!segmentInfos.Contains(info), "dup info dir=" + info.dir + " name=" + info.name);
3625 								docCount += info.docCount;
3626 								segmentInfos.Add(info); // add each info
3627 							}
3628 						}
3629 					}
3631 					// Notify DocumentsWriter that the flushed count just increased
3632 					docWriter.UpdateFlushedDocCount(docCount);
3634 					MaybeMerge();
3636 					EnsureOpen();
3638 					// If after merging there remain segments in the index
3639 					// that are in a different directory, just copy these
3640 					// over into our index.  This is necessary (before
3641 					// finishing the transaction) to avoid leaving the
3642 					// index in an unusable (inconsistent) state.
3643 					ResolveExternalSegments();
3645 					EnsureOpen();
3647 					success = true;
3648 				}
3649 				finally
3650 				{
3651 					if (success)
3652 					{
3653 						CommitTransaction();
3654 					}
3655 					else
3656 					{
3657 						RollbackTransaction();
3658 					}
3659 				}
3660 			}
3661 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
3662 			{
3663 				HandleOOM(oom, "addIndexesNoOptimize");
3664 			}
3665 			finally
3666 			{
3667 				if (docWriter != null)
3668 				{
3669 					docWriter.ResumeAllThreads();
3670 				}
3671 			}
3672 		}
HasExternalSegments()3674 		private bool HasExternalSegments()
3675 		{
3676 			return segmentInfos.HasExternalSegments(directory);
3677 		}
3679 		/* If any of our segments are using a directory != ours
3680 		* then we have to either copy them over one by one, merge
3681 		* them (if merge policy has chosen to) or wait until
3682 		* currently running merges (in the background) complete.
3683 		* We don't return until the SegmentInfos has no more
3684 		* external segments.  Currently this is only used by
3685 		* addIndexesNoOptimize(). */
ResolveExternalSegments()3686 		private void  ResolveExternalSegments()
3687 		{
3689 			bool any = false;
3691 			bool done = false;
3693 			while (!done)
3694 			{
3695 				SegmentInfo info = null;
3696 				MergePolicy.OneMerge merge = null;
3697 				lock (this)
3698 				{
3700 					if (stopMerges)
3701 						throw new MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException("rollback() was called or addIndexes* hit an unhandled exception");
3703 					int numSegments = segmentInfos.Count;
3705 					done = true;
3706 					for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
3707 					{
3708 						info = segmentInfos.Info(i);
3709 						if (info.dir != directory)
3710 						{
3711 							done = false;
3712 							MergePolicy.OneMerge newMerge = new MergePolicy.OneMerge(segmentInfos.Range(i, 1 + i), mergePolicy is LogMergePolicy && UseCompoundFile);
3714 							// Returns true if no running merge conflicts
3715 							// with this one (and, records this merge as
3716 							// pending), ie, this segment is not currently
3717 							// being merged:
3718 							if (RegisterMerge(newMerge))
3719 							{
3720 								merge = newMerge;
3722 								// If this segment is not currently being
3723 								// merged, then advance it to running & run
3724 								// the merge ourself (below):
3725                                 pendingMerges.Remove(merge);    // {{Aroush-2.9}} From Mike Garski: this is an O(n) op... is that an issue?
3726 								runningMerges.Add(merge);
3727 								break;
3728 							}
3729 						}
3730 					}
3732 					if (!done && merge == null)
3733 					// We are not yet done (external segments still
3734 					// exist in segmentInfos), yet, all such segments
3735 					// are currently "covered" by a pending or running
3736 					// merge.  We now try to grab any pending merge
3737 					// that involves external segments:
3738 						merge = GetNextExternalMerge();
3740 					if (!done && merge == null)
3741 					// We are not yet done, and, all external segments
3742 					// fall under merges that the merge scheduler is
3743 					// currently running.  So, we now wait and check
3744 					// back to see if the merge has completed.
3745 						DoWait();
3746 				}
3748 				if (merge != null)
3749 				{
3750 					any = true;
3751 					Merge(merge);
3752 				}
3753 			}
3755 			if (any)
3756 			// Sometimes, on copying an external segment over,
3757 			// more merges may become necessary:
3758 				mergeScheduler.Merge(this);
3759 		}
3761 		/// <summary>Merges the provided indexes into this index.
3762 		/// <p/>After this completes, the index is optimized. <p/>
3763 		/// <p/>The provided IndexReaders are not closed.<p/>
3764 		///
3765 		/// <p/><b>NOTE:</b> while this is running, any attempts to
3766 		/// add or delete documents (with another thread) will be
3767 		/// paused until this method completes.
3768 		///
3769 		/// <p/>See <see cref="AddIndexesNoOptimize(Directory[])" /> for
3770 		/// details on transactional semantics, temporary free
3771 		/// space required in the Directory, and non-CFS segments
3772 		/// on an Exception.<p/>
3773 		///
3774 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
3775 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
3776 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
3777 		///
3778 		/// </summary>
3779 		/// <throws>  CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt </throws>
3780 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
AddIndexes(params IndexReader[] readers)3781 		public virtual void  AddIndexes(params IndexReader[] readers)
3782 		{
3784 			EnsureOpen();
3786 			// Do not allow add docs or deletes while we are running:
3787 			docWriter.PauseAllThreads();
3789 			// We must pre-acquire a read lock here (and upgrade to
3790 			// write lock in startTransaction below) so that no
3791 			// other addIndexes is allowed to start up after we have
3792 			// flushed & optimized but before we then start our
3793 			// transaction.  This is because the merging below
3794 			// requires that only one segment is present in the
3795 			// index:
3796 			AcquireRead();
3798 			try
3799 			{
3801 				SegmentInfo info = null;
3802 				System.String mergedName = null;
3803 				SegmentMerger merger = null;
3805 				bool success = false;
3807 				try
3808 				{
3809 					Flush(true, false, true);
3810 					Optimize(); // start with zero or 1 seg
3811 					success = true;
3812 				}
3813 				finally
3814 				{
3815 					// Take care to release the read lock if we hit an
3816 					// exception before starting the transaction
3817 					if (!success)
3818 						ReleaseRead();
3819 				}
3821 				// true means we already have a read lock; if this
3822 				// call hits an exception it will release the write
3823 				// lock:
3824 				StartTransaction(true);
3826 				try
3827 				{
3828 					mergedName = NewSegmentName();
3829 					merger = new SegmentMerger(this, mergedName, null);
3831 					SegmentReader sReader = null;
3832 					lock (this)
3833 					{
3834 						if (segmentInfos.Count == 1)
3835 						{
3836 							// add existing index, if any
3837 							sReader = readerPool.Get(segmentInfos.Info(0), true, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, - 1);
3838 						}
3839 					}
3841 					success = false;
3843 					try
3844 					{
3845 						if (sReader != null)
3846 							merger.Add(sReader);
3848 						for (int i = 0; i < readers.Length; i++)
3849 						// add new indexes
3850 							merger.Add(readers[i]);
3852 						int docCount = merger.Merge(); // merge 'em
3854 						lock (this)
3855 						{
3856 							segmentInfos.Clear(); // pop old infos & add new
3857 							info = new SegmentInfo(mergedName, docCount, directory, false, true, - 1, null, false, merger.HasProx());
3858 							SetDiagnostics(info, "addIndexes(params IndexReader[])");
3859 							segmentInfos.Add(info);
3860 						}
3862 						// Notify DocumentsWriter that the flushed count just increased
3863 						docWriter.UpdateFlushedDocCount(docCount);
3865 						success = true;
3866 					}
3867 					finally
3868 					{
3869 						if (sReader != null)
3870 						{
3871 							readerPool.Release(sReader);
3872 						}
3873 					}
3874 				}
3875 				finally
3876 				{
3877 					if (!success)
3878 					{
3879 						if (infoStream != null)
3880 							Message("hit exception in addIndexes during merge");
3881 						RollbackTransaction();
3882 					}
3883 					else
3884 					{
3885 						CommitTransaction();
3886 					}
3887 				}
3889 				if (mergePolicy is LogMergePolicy && UseCompoundFile)
3890 				{
3892 					IList<string> files = null;
3894 					lock (this)
3895 					{
3896 						// Must incRef our files so that if another thread
3897 						// is running merge/optimize, it doesn't delete our
3898 						// segment's files before we have a change to
3899 						// finish making the compound file.
3900 						if (segmentInfos.Contains(info))
3901 						{
3902 							files = info.Files();
3903 							deleter.IncRef(files);
3904 						}
3905 					}
3907 					if (files != null)
3908 					{
3910 						success = false;
3912 						StartTransaction(false);
3914 						try
3915 						{
3916 							merger.CreateCompoundFile(mergedName + ".cfs");
3917 							lock (this)
3918 							{
3919 								info.SetUseCompoundFile(true);
3920 							}
3922 							success = true;
3923 						}
3924 						finally
3925 						{
3926                             lock (this)
3927                             {
3928                                 deleter.DecRef(files);
3929                             }
3931 							if (!success)
3932 							{
3933 								if (infoStream != null)
3934 									Message("hit exception building compound file in addIndexes during merge");
3936 								RollbackTransaction();
3937 							}
3938 							else
3939 							{
3940 								CommitTransaction();
3941 							}
3942 						}
3943 					}
3944 				}
3945 			}
3946 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
3947 			{
3948 				HandleOOM(oom, "addIndexes(params IndexReader[])");
3949 			}
3950 			finally
3951 			{
3952 				if (docWriter != null)
3953 				{
3954 					docWriter.ResumeAllThreads();
3955 				}
3956 			}
3957 		}
3959         ///<summary>
3960         /// A hook for extending classes to execute operations after pending added and
3961         /// deleted documents have been flushed to the Directory but before the change
3962         /// is committed (new segments_N file written).
3963         ///</summary>
DoAfterFlush()3964 		protected  virtual void  DoAfterFlush()
3965 		{
3966 		}
3968         ///<summary>
3969         /// A hook for extending classes to execute operations before pending added and
3970         /// deleted documents are flushed to the Directory.
3971         ///</summary>
DoBeforeFlush()3972         protected virtual void DoBeforeFlush()
3973         {
3974         }
3976 		/// <summary>Expert: prepare for commit.
3977 		///
3978 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
3979 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
3980 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
3981 		///
3982 		/// </summary>
3983         /// <seealso cref="PrepareCommit(IDictionary{string,string})">
3984 		/// </seealso>
PrepareCommit()3985 		public void  PrepareCommit()
3986 		{
3987 			EnsureOpen();
3988 			PrepareCommit(null);
3989 		}
3991 		/// <summary><p/>Expert: prepare for commit, specifying
3992 		/// commitUserData Map (String -> String).  This does the
3993 		/// first phase of 2-phase commit. This method does all steps
3994 		/// necessary to commit changes since this writer was
3995 		/// opened: flushes pending added and deleted docs, syncs
3996 		/// the index files, writes most of next segments_N file.
3997 		/// After calling this you must call either <see cref="Commit()" />
3998 		/// to finish the commit, or <see cref="Rollback()" />
3999 		/// to revert the commit and undo all changes
4000 		/// done since the writer was opened.<p/>
4001 		///
4002         /// You can also just call <see cref="Commit(IDictionary{string,string})" /> directly
4003 		/// without prepareCommit first in which case that method
4004 		/// will internally call prepareCommit.
4005 		///
4006 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
4007 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
4008 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
4009 		///
4010 		/// </summary>
4011 		/// <param name="commitUserData">Opaque Map (String->String)
4012 		/// that's recorded into the segments file in the index,
4013 		/// and retrievable by <see cref="IndexReader.GetCommitUserData" />.
4014 		/// Note that when IndexWriter commits itself, during <see cref="Close()" />, the
4015 		/// commitUserData is unchanged (just carried over from
4016 		/// the prior commit).  If this is null then the previous
4017 		/// commitUserData is kept.  Also, the commitUserData will
4018 		/// only "stick" if there are actually changes in the
4019 		/// index to commit.
4020 		/// </param>
PrepareCommit(IDictionary<string, string> commitUserData)4021         private void PrepareCommit(IDictionary<string, string> commitUserData)
4022 		{
4023 			if (hitOOM)
4024 			{
4025 				throw new System.SystemException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot commit");
4026 			}
4028 			if (pendingCommit != null)
4029 				throw new System.SystemException("prepareCommit was already called with no corresponding call to commit");
4031 			if (infoStream != null)
4032 				Message("prepareCommit: flush");
4034 			Flush(true, true, true);
4036 			StartCommit(0, commitUserData);
4037 		}
4039         // Used only by commit, below; lock order is commitLock -> IW
4040         private Object commitLock = new Object();
Commit(long sizeInBytes)4042 		private void  Commit(long sizeInBytes)
4043 		{
4044             lock(commitLock) {
4045                 StartCommit(sizeInBytes, null);
4046                 FinishCommit();
4047             }
4048 		}
4050 		/// <summary> <p/>Commits all pending changes (added &amp; deleted
4051 		/// documents, optimizations, segment merges, added
4052 		/// indexes, etc.) to the index, and syncs all referenced
4053 		/// index files, such that a reader will see the changes
4054 		/// and the index updates will survive an OS or machine
4055 		/// crash or power loss.  Note that this does not wait for
4056 		/// any running background merges to finish.  This may be a
4057 		/// costly operation, so you should test the cost in your
4058 		/// application and do it only when really necessary.<p/>
4059 		///
4060 		/// <p/> Note that this operation calls Directory.sync on
4061 		/// the index files.  That call should not return until the
4062 		/// file contents &amp; metadata are on stable storage.  For
4063 		/// FSDirectory, this calls the OS's fsync.  But, beware:
4064 		/// some hardware devices may in fact cache writes even
4065 		/// during fsync, and return before the bits are actually
4066 		/// on stable storage, to give the appearance of faster
4067 		/// performance.  If you have such a device, and it does
4068 		/// not have a battery backup (for example) then on power
4069 		/// loss it may still lose data.  Lucene cannot guarantee
4070 		/// consistency on such devices.  <p/>
4071 		///
4072 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
4073 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
4074 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
4075 		///
4076 		/// </summary>
4077 		/// <seealso cref="PrepareCommit()">
4078 		/// </seealso>
4079         /// <seealso cref="Commit(IDictionary{string,string})">
4080 		/// </seealso>
Commit()4081 		public void  Commit()
4082 		{
4083 			Commit(null);
4084 		}
4086 		/// <summary>Commits all changes to the index, specifying a
4087 		/// commitUserData Map (String -> String).  This just
4088 		/// calls <see cref="PrepareCommit(IDictionary{string, string})" /> (if you didn't
4089 		/// already call it) and then <see cref="FinishCommit" />.
4090 		///
4091 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: if this method hits an OutOfMemoryError
4092 		/// you should immediately close the writer.  See <a
4093 		/// href="#OOME">above</a> for details.<p/>
4094 		/// </summary>
Commit(IDictionary<string, string> commitUserData)4095         public void Commit(IDictionary<string, string> commitUserData)
4096 		{
4097 			EnsureOpen();
4099             if (infoStream != null)
4100             {
4101                 Message("commit: start");
4102             }
4104             lock (commitLock)
4105             {
4106                 if (infoStream != null)
4107                 {
4108                     Message("commit: enter lock");
4109                 }
4110                 if (pendingCommit == null)
4111                 {
4112                     if (infoStream != null)
4113                     {
4114                         Message("commit: now prepare");
4115                     }
4116                     PrepareCommit(commitUserData);
4117                 }
4118                 else if (infoStream != null)
4119                 {
4120                     Message("commit: already prepared");
4121                 }
4123                 FinishCommit();
4124             }
4125 		}
FinishCommit()4127 		private void  FinishCommit()
4128 		{
4129 			lock (this)
4130 			{
4132 				if (pendingCommit != null)
4133 				{
4134 					try
4135 					{
4136 						if (infoStream != null)
4137 							Message("commit: pendingCommit != null");
4138 						pendingCommit.FinishCommit(directory);
4139 						if (infoStream != null)
4140 							Message("commit: wrote segments file \"" + pendingCommit.GetCurrentSegmentFileName() + "\"");
4141 						lastCommitChangeCount = pendingCommitChangeCount;
4142 						segmentInfos.UpdateGeneration(pendingCommit);
4143 						segmentInfos.UserData = pendingCommit.UserData;
4144 						SetRollbackSegmentInfos(pendingCommit);
4145 						deleter.Checkpoint(pendingCommit, true);
4146 					}
4147 					finally
4148 					{
4149 						deleter.DecRef(pendingCommit);
4150 						pendingCommit = null;
4151 						System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
4152 					}
4153 				}
4154                 else if (infoStream != null)
4155                 {
4156                     Message("commit: pendingCommit == null; skip");
4157                 }
4159                 if (infoStream != null)
4160                 {
4161                     Message("commit: done");
4162                 }
4163 			}
4164 		}
4166 		/// <summary> Flush all in-memory buffered udpates (adds and deletes)
4167 		/// to the Directory.
4168 		/// </summary>
4169 		/// <param name="triggerMerge">if true, we may merge segments (if
4170 		/// deletes or docs were flushed) if necessary
4171 		/// </param>
4172 		/// <param name="flushDocStores">if false we are allowed to keep
4173 		/// doc stores open to share with the next segment
4174 		/// </param>
4175 		/// <param name="flushDeletes">whether pending deletes should also
4176 		/// be flushed
4177 		/// </param>
Flush(bool triggerMerge, bool flushDocStores, bool flushDeletes)4178 		public /*protected internal*/ void  Flush(bool triggerMerge, bool flushDocStores, bool flushDeletes)
4179 		{
4180 			// We can be called during close, when closing==true, so we must pass false to ensureOpen:
4181 			EnsureOpen(false);
4182 			if (DoFlush(flushDocStores, flushDeletes) && triggerMerge)
4183 				MaybeMerge();
4184 		}
4186 		// TODO: this method should not have to be entirely
4187 		// synchronized, ie, merges should be allowed to commit
4188 		// even while a flush is happening
DoFlush(bool flushDocStores, bool flushDeletes)4189 		private bool DoFlush(bool flushDocStores, bool flushDeletes)
4190 		{
4191 			lock (this)
4192 			{
4193                 try
4194                 {
4195                     try
4196                     {
4197                         return DoFlushInternal(flushDocStores, flushDeletes);
4198                     }
4199                     finally
4200                     {
4201                         if (docWriter.DoBalanceRAM())
4202                         {
4203                             docWriter.BalanceRAM();
4204                         }
4205                     }
4206                 }
4207                 finally
4208                 {
4209                     docWriter.ClearFlushPending();
4210                 }
4211 			}
4212 		}
4214 		// TODO: this method should not have to be entirely
4215 		// synchronized, ie, merges should be allowed to commit
4216 		// even while a flush is happening
DoFlushInternal(bool flushDocStores, bool flushDeletes)4217 		private bool DoFlushInternal(bool flushDocStores, bool flushDeletes)
4218 		{
4219 			lock (this)
4220 			{
4221 				if (hitOOM)
4222 				{
4223 					throw new System.SystemException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot flush");
4224 				}
4226 				EnsureOpen(false);
4228 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("startDoFlush"));
4230                 DoBeforeFlush();
4232 				flushCount++;
4234 				// If we are flushing because too many deletes
4235 				// accumulated, then we should apply the deletes to free
4236 				// RAM:
4237 				flushDeletes |= docWriter.DoApplyDeletes();
4239 				// Make sure no threads are actively adding a document.
4240 				// Returns true if docWriter is currently aborting, in
4241 				// which case we skip flushing this segment
4242                 if (infoStream != null)
4243                 {
4244                     Message("flush: now pause all indexing threads");
4245                 }
4246 				if (docWriter.PauseAllThreads())
4247 				{
4248 					docWriter.ResumeAllThreads();
4249 					return false;
4250 				}
4252 				try
4253 				{
4255 					SegmentInfo newSegment = null;
4257 					int numDocs = docWriter.NumDocsInRAM;
4259 					// Always flush docs if there are any
4260 					bool flushDocs = numDocs > 0;
4262 					System.String docStoreSegment = docWriter.DocStoreSegment;
4264                     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(docStoreSegment != null || numDocs == 0, "dss=" + docStoreSegment + " numDocs=" + numDocs);
4266 					if (docStoreSegment == null)
4267 						flushDocStores = false;
4269 					int docStoreOffset = docWriter.DocStoreOffset;
4271 					bool docStoreIsCompoundFile = false;
4273 					if (infoStream != null)
4274 					{
4275 						Message("  flush: segment=" + docWriter.Segment + " docStoreSegment=" + docWriter.DocStoreSegment + " docStoreOffset=" + docStoreOffset + " flushDocs=" + flushDocs + " flushDeletes=" + flushDeletes + " flushDocStores=" + flushDocStores + " numDocs=" + numDocs + " numBufDelTerms=" + docWriter.GetNumBufferedDeleteTerms());
4276 						Message("  index before flush " + SegString());
4277 					}
4279 					// Check if the doc stores must be separately flushed
4280 					// because other segments, besides the one we are about
4281 					// to flush, reference it
4282 					if (flushDocStores && (!flushDocs || !docWriter.Segment.Equals(docWriter.DocStoreSegment)))
4283 					{
4284 						// We must separately flush the doc store
4285 						if (infoStream != null)
4286 							Message("  flush shared docStore segment " + docStoreSegment);
4288 						docStoreIsCompoundFile = FlushDocStores();
4289 						flushDocStores = false;
4290 					}
4292 					System.String segment = docWriter.Segment;
4294 					// If we are flushing docs, segment must not be null:
4295 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(segment != null || !flushDocs);
4297 					if (flushDocs)
4298 					{
4300 						bool success = false;
4301 						int flushedDocCount;
4303 						try
4304 						{
4305 							flushedDocCount = docWriter.Flush(flushDocStores);
4306                             if (infoStream != null)
4307                             {
4308                                 Message("flushedFiles=" + docWriter.GetFlushedFiles());
4309                             }
4310 							success = true;
4311 						}
4312 						finally
4313 						{
4314 							if (!success)
4315 							{
4316 								if (infoStream != null)
4317 									Message("hit exception flushing segment " + segment);
4318 								deleter.Refresh(segment);
4319 							}
4320 						}
4322 						if (0 == docStoreOffset && flushDocStores)
4323 						{
4324 							// This means we are flushing private doc stores
4325 							// with this segment, so it will not be shared
4326 							// with other segments
4327 							System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(docStoreSegment != null);
4328 							System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(docStoreSegment.Equals(segment));
4329 							docStoreOffset = - 1;
4330 							docStoreIsCompoundFile = false;
4331 							docStoreSegment = null;
4332 						}
4334 						// Create new SegmentInfo, but do not add to our
4335 						// segmentInfos until deletes are flushed
4336 						// successfully.
4337 						newSegment = new SegmentInfo(segment, flushedDocCount, directory, false, true, docStoreOffset, docStoreSegment, docStoreIsCompoundFile, docWriter.HasProx());
4338 						SetDiagnostics(newSegment, "flush");
4339 					}
4341 					docWriter.PushDeletes();
4343 					if (flushDocs)
4344 					{
4345 						segmentInfos.Add(newSegment);
4346 						Checkpoint();
4347 					}
4349 					if (flushDocs && mergePolicy.UseCompoundFile(segmentInfos, newSegment))
4350 					{
4351 						// Now build compound file
4352 						bool success = false;
4353 						try
4354 						{
4355 							docWriter.CreateCompoundFile(segment);
4356 							success = true;
4357 						}
4358 						finally
4359 						{
4360 							if (!success)
4361 							{
4362 								if (infoStream != null)
4363 									Message("hit exception creating compound file for newly flushed segment " + segment);
4364 								deleter.DeleteFile(segment + "." + IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION);
4365 							}
4366 						}
4368 						newSegment.SetUseCompoundFile(true);
4369 						Checkpoint();
4370 					}
4372 					if (flushDeletes)
4373 					{
4374 						ApplyDeletes();
4375 					}
4377 					if (flushDocs)
4378 						Checkpoint();
4380 					DoAfterFlush();
4382 					return flushDocs;
4383 				}
4384 				catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
4385 				{
4386 					HandleOOM(oom, "doFlush");
4387 					// never hit
4388 					return false;
4389 				}
4390 				finally
4391 				{
4392 					docWriter.ResumeAllThreads();
4393 				}
4394 			}
4395 		}
4397 		/// <summary>Expert:  Return the total size of all index files currently cached in memory.
4398 		/// Useful for size management with flushRamDocs()
4399 		/// </summary>
RamSizeInBytes()4400 		public long RamSizeInBytes()
4401 		{
4402 			EnsureOpen();
4403 			return docWriter.GetRAMUsed();
4404 		}
4406 		/// <summary>Expert:  Return the number of documents currently
4407 		/// buffered in RAM.
4408 		/// </summary>
NumRamDocs()4409 		public int NumRamDocs()
4410 		{
4411 			lock (this)
4412 			{
4413 				EnsureOpen();
4414 				return docWriter.NumDocsInRAM;
4415 			}
4416 		}
EnsureContiguousMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4418 		private int EnsureContiguousMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4419 		{
4421 			int first = segmentInfos.IndexOf(merge.segments.Info(0));
4422 			if (first == - 1)
4423 				throw new MergePolicy.MergeException("could not find segment " + merge.segments.Info(0).name + " in current index " + SegString(), directory);
4425 			int numSegments = segmentInfos.Count;
4427 			int numSegmentsToMerge = merge.segments.Count;
4428 			for (int i = 0; i < numSegmentsToMerge; i++)
4429 			{
4430 				SegmentInfo info = merge.segments.Info(i);
4432 				if (first + i >= numSegments || !segmentInfos.Info(first + i).Equals(info))
4433 				{
4434 					if (segmentInfos.IndexOf(info) == - 1)
4435 						throw new MergePolicy.MergeException("MergePolicy selected a segment (" + info.name + ") that is not in the current index " + SegString(), directory);
4436 					else
4437 						throw new MergePolicy.MergeException("MergePolicy selected non-contiguous segments to merge (" + merge.SegString(directory) + " vs " + SegString() + "), which IndexWriter (currently) cannot handle", directory);
4438 				}
4439 			}
4441 			return first;
4442 		}
4444 		/// <summary>Carefully merges deletes for the segments we just
4445 		/// merged.  This is tricky because, although merging will
4446 		/// clear all deletes (compacts the documents), new
4447 		/// deletes may have been flushed to the segments since
4448 		/// the merge was started.  This method "carries over"
4449 		/// such new deletes onto the newly merged segment, and
4450 		/// saves the resulting deletes file (incrementing the
4451 		/// delete generation for merge.info).  If no deletes were
4452 		/// flushed, no new deletes file is saved.
4453 		/// </summary>
CommitMergedDeletes(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, SegmentReader mergeReader)4454 		private void  CommitMergedDeletes(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, SegmentReader mergeReader)
4455 		{
4456 			lock (this)
4457 			{
4459 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("startCommitMergeDeletes"));
4461 				SegmentInfos sourceSegments = merge.segments;
4463 				if (infoStream != null)
4464 					Message("commitMergeDeletes " + merge.SegString(directory));
4466 				// Carefully merge deletes that occurred after we
4467 				// started merging:
4468 				int docUpto = 0;
4469 				int delCount = 0;
4471 				for (int i = 0; i < sourceSegments.Count; i++)
4472 				{
4473 					SegmentInfo info = sourceSegments.Info(i);
4474 					int docCount = info.docCount;
4475 					SegmentReader previousReader = merge.readersClone[i];
4476 					SegmentReader currentReader = merge.readers[i];
4477 					if (previousReader.HasDeletions)
4478 					{
4480 						// There were deletes on this segment when the merge
4481 						// started.  The merge has collapsed away those
4482 						// deletes, but, if new deletes were flushed since
4483 						// the merge started, we must now carefully keep any
4484 						// newly flushed deletes but mapping them to the new
4485 						// docIDs.
4487 						if (currentReader.NumDeletedDocs > previousReader.NumDeletedDocs)
4488 						{
4489 							// This means this segment has had new deletes
4490 							// committed since we started the merge, so we
4491 							// must merge them:
4492 							for (int j = 0; j < docCount; j++)
4493 							{
4494 								if (previousReader.IsDeleted(j))
4495 								{
4496 									System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(currentReader.IsDeleted(j));
4497                                 }
4498 								else
4499 								{
4500 									if (currentReader.IsDeleted(j))
4501 									{
4502 										mergeReader.DoDelete(docUpto);
4503 										delCount++;
4504 									}
4505 									docUpto++;
4506 								}
4507 							}
4508 						}
4509 						else
4510 						{
4511 							docUpto += docCount - previousReader.NumDeletedDocs;
4512 						}
4513 					}
4514 					else if (currentReader.HasDeletions)
4515 					{
4516 						// This segment had no deletes before but now it
4517 						// does:
4518 						for (int j = 0; j < docCount; j++)
4519 						{
4520 							if (currentReader.IsDeleted(j))
4521 							{
4522 								mergeReader.DoDelete(docUpto);
4523 								delCount++;
4524 							}
4525 							docUpto++;
4526 						}
4527 					}
4528 					// No deletes before or after
4529 					else
4530 						docUpto += info.docCount;
4531 				}
4533 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mergeReader.NumDeletedDocs == delCount);
4535 				mergeReader.hasChanges = delCount > 0;
4536 			}
4537 		}
4539 		/* FIXME if we want to support non-contiguous segment merges */
CommitMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, SegmentMerger merger, int mergedDocCount, SegmentReader mergedReader)4540 		private bool CommitMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, SegmentMerger merger, int mergedDocCount, SegmentReader mergedReader)
4541 		{
4542 			lock (this)
4543 			{
4545 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("startCommitMerge"));
4547 				if (hitOOM)
4548 				{
4549 					throw new System.SystemException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot complete merge");
4550 				}
4552 				if (infoStream != null)
4553 					Message("commitMerge: " + merge.SegString(directory) + " index=" + SegString());
4555 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(merge.registerDone);
4557 				// If merge was explicitly aborted, or, if rollback() or
4558 				// rollbackTransaction() had been called since our merge
4559 				// started (which results in an unqualified
4560 				// deleter.refresh() call that will remove any index
4561 				// file that current segments does not reference), we
4562 				// abort this merge
4563 				if (merge.IsAborted())
4564 				{
4565 					if (infoStream != null)
4566 						Message("commitMerge: skipping merge " + merge.SegString(directory) + ": it was aborted");
4568 					return false;
4569 				}
4571 				int start = EnsureContiguousMerge(merge);
4573 				CommitMergedDeletes(merge, mergedReader);
4574 				docWriter.RemapDeletes(segmentInfos, merger.GetDocMaps(), merger.GetDelCounts(), merge, mergedDocCount);
4576                 // If the doc store we are using has been closed and
4577                 // is in now compound format (but wasn't when we
4578                 // started), then we will switch to the compound
4579                 // format as well:
4580                 SetMergeDocStoreIsCompoundFile(merge);
4582 				merge.info.HasProx = merger.HasProx();
4584 				segmentInfos.RemoveRange(start, start + merge.segments.Count - start);
4585 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!segmentInfos.Contains(merge.info));
4586 				segmentInfos.Insert(start, merge.info);
4588                 CloseMergeReaders(merge, false);
4590 				// Must note the change to segmentInfos so any commits
4591 				// in-flight don't lose it:
4592 				Checkpoint();
4594 				// If the merged segments had pending changes, clear
4595 				// them so that they don't bother writing them to
4596 				// disk, updating SegmentInfo, etc.:
4597 				readerPool.Clear(merge.segments);
4599                 if (merge.optimize)
4600                 {
4601                     // cascade the optimize:
4602                     segmentsToOptimize.Add(merge.info);
4603                 }
4604 				return true;
4605 			}
4606 		}
HandleMergeException(System.Exception t, MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4608 		private void  HandleMergeException(System.Exception t, MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4609 		{
4611 			if (infoStream != null)
4612 			{
4613 				Message("handleMergeException: merge=" + merge.SegString(directory) + " exc=" + t);
4614 			}
4616 			// Set the exception on the merge, so if
4617 			// optimize() is waiting on us it sees the root
4618 			// cause exception:
4619 			merge.SetException(t);
4620 			AddMergeException(merge);
4622 			if (t is MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException)
4623 			{
4624 				// We can ignore this exception (it happens when
4625 				// close(false) or rollback is called), unless the
4626 				// merge involves segments from external directories,
4627 				// in which case we must throw it so, for example, the
4628 				// rollbackTransaction code in addIndexes* is
4629 				// executed.
4630 				if (merge.isExternal)
4631 					throw t;
4632 			}
4633             else if (t is System.IO.IOException || t is System.SystemException || t is System.ApplicationException)
4634             {
4635                 throw t;
4636             }
4637             else
4638             {
4639                 // Should not get here
4640                 System.Diagnostics.Debug.Fail("Exception is not expected type!");
4641                 throw new System.SystemException(null, t);
4642             }
4643 		}
Merge_ForNUnit(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4645 		public void Merge_ForNUnit(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4646         {
4647             Merge(merge);
4648         }
4649 		/// <summary> Merges the indicated segments, replacing them in the stack with a
4650 		/// single segment.
4651 		/// </summary>
Merge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4652 		internal void  Merge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4653 		{
4655 			bool success = false;
4657 			try
4658 			{
4659 				try
4660 				{
4661 					try
4662 					{
4663 						MergeInit(merge);
4665 						if (infoStream != null)
4666 						{
4667 							Message("now merge\n  merge=" + merge.SegString(directory) + "\n  merge=" + merge + "\n  index=" + SegString());
4668 						}
4670 						MergeMiddle(merge);
4671 						MergeSuccess(merge);
4672 						success = true;
4673 					}
4674 					catch (System.Exception t)
4675 					{
4676 						HandleMergeException(t, merge);
4677 					}
4678 				}
4679 				finally
4680 				{
4681 					lock (this)
4682 					{
4683 						MergeFinish(merge);
4685 						if (!success)
4686 						{
4687 							if (infoStream != null)
4688 								Message("hit exception during merge");
4689 							if (merge.info != null && !segmentInfos.Contains(merge.info))
4690 								deleter.Refresh(merge.info.name);
4691 						}
4693 						// This merge (and, generally, any change to the
4694 						// segments) may now enable new merges, so we call
4695 						// merge policy & update pending merges.
4696 						if (success && !merge.IsAborted() && !closed && !closing)
4697 							UpdatePendingMerges(merge.maxNumSegmentsOptimize, merge.optimize);
4698 					}
4699 				}
4700 			}
4701 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
4702 			{
4703 				HandleOOM(oom, "merge");
4704 			}
4705 		}
4707 		/// <summary>Hook that's called when the specified merge is complete. </summary>
MergeSuccess(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4708 		internal virtual void  MergeSuccess(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4709 		{
4710 		}
4712 		/// <summary>Checks whether this merge involves any segments
4713 		/// already participating in a merge.  If not, this merge
4714 		/// is "registered", meaning we record that its segments
4715 		/// are now participating in a merge, and true is
4716 		/// returned.  Else (the merge conflicts) false is
4717 		/// returned.
4718 		/// </summary>
RegisterMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4719 		internal bool RegisterMerge(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4720 		{
4721 			lock (this)
4722 			{
4724 				if (merge.registerDone)
4725 					return true;
4727 				if (stopMerges)
4728 				{
4729 					merge.Abort();
4730 					throw new MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException("merge is aborted: " + merge.SegString(directory));
4731 				}
4733 				int count = merge.segments.Count;
4734 				bool isExternal = false;
4735 				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
4736 				{
4737 					SegmentInfo info = merge.segments.Info(i);
4738                     if (mergingSegments.Contains(info))
4739                     {
4740                         return false;
4741                     }
4742                     if (segmentInfos.IndexOf(info) == -1)
4743                     {
4744                         return false;
4745                     }
4746                     if (info.dir != directory)
4747                     {
4748                         isExternal = true;
4749                     }
4750                     if (segmentsToOptimize.Contains(info))
4751                     {
4752                         merge.optimize = true;
4753                         merge.maxNumSegmentsOptimize = optimizeMaxNumSegments;
4754                     }
4755 				}
4757 				EnsureContiguousMerge(merge);
4759 				pendingMerges.AddLast(merge);
4761 				if (infoStream != null)
4762 					Message("add merge to pendingMerges: " + merge.SegString(directory) + " [total " + pendingMerges.Count + " pending]");
4764 				merge.mergeGen = mergeGen;
4765 				merge.isExternal = isExternal;
4767 				// OK it does not conflict; now record that this merge
4768 				// is running (while synchronized) to avoid race
4769 				// condition where two conflicting merges from different
4770 				// threads, start
4771                 for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
4772                 {
4773                     SegmentInfo si = merge.segments.Info(i);
4774                     mergingSegments.Add(si);
4775                 }
4777 				// Merge is now registered
4778 				merge.registerDone = true;
4779 				return true;
4780 			}
4781 		}
4783 		/// <summary>Does initial setup for a merge, which is fast but holds
4784 		/// the synchronized lock on IndexWriter instance.
4785 		/// </summary>
MergeInit(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4786 		internal void  MergeInit(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4787 		{
4788 			lock (this)
4789 			{
4790 				bool success = false;
4791 				try
4792 				{
4793 					_MergeInit(merge);
4794 					success = true;
4795 				}
4796 				finally
4797 				{
4798 					if (!success)
4799 					{
4800 						MergeFinish(merge);
4801 					}
4802 				}
4803 			}
4804 		}
_MergeInit(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4806 		private void  _MergeInit(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4807 		{
4808 			lock (this)
4809 			{
4811 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("startMergeInit"));
4813 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(merge.registerDone);
4814 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!merge.optimize || merge.maxNumSegmentsOptimize > 0);
4816 				if (hitOOM)
4817 				{
4818 					throw new System.SystemException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot merge");
4819 				}
4821 				if (merge.info != null)
4822 				// mergeInit already done
4823 					return ;
4825 				if (merge.IsAborted())
4826 					return ;
4828 				ApplyDeletes();
4830 				SegmentInfos sourceSegments = merge.segments;
4831 				int end = sourceSegments.Count;
4833 				// Check whether this merge will allow us to skip
4834 				// merging the doc stores (stored field & vectors).
4835 				// This is a very substantial optimization (saves tons
4836 				// of IO).
4838 				Directory lastDir = directory;
4839 				System.String lastDocStoreSegment = null;
4840 				int next = - 1;
4842 				bool mergeDocStores = false;
4843 				bool doFlushDocStore = false;
4844 				System.String currentDocStoreSegment = docWriter.DocStoreSegment;
4846 				// Test each segment to be merged: check if we need to
4847 				// flush/merge doc stores
4848 				for (int i = 0; i < end; i++)
4849 				{
4850 					SegmentInfo si = sourceSegments.Info(i);
4852 					// If it has deletions we must merge the doc stores
4853 					if (si.HasDeletions())
4854 						mergeDocStores = true;
4856 					// If it has its own (private) doc stores we must
4857 					// merge the doc stores
4858 					if (- 1 == si.DocStoreOffset)
4859 						mergeDocStores = true;
4861 					// If it has a different doc store segment than
4862 					// previous segments, we must merge the doc stores
4863 					System.String docStoreSegment = si.DocStoreSegment;
4864 					if (docStoreSegment == null)
4865 						mergeDocStores = true;
4866 					else if (lastDocStoreSegment == null)
4867 						lastDocStoreSegment = docStoreSegment;
4868 					else if (!lastDocStoreSegment.Equals(docStoreSegment))
4869 						mergeDocStores = true;
4871 					// Segments' docScoreOffsets must be in-order,
4872 					// contiguous.  For the default merge policy now
4873 					// this will always be the case but for an arbitrary
4874 					// merge policy this may not be the case
4875 					if (- 1 == next)
4876 						next = si.DocStoreOffset + si.docCount;
4877 					else if (next != si.DocStoreOffset)
4878 						mergeDocStores = true;
4879 					else
4880 						next = si.DocStoreOffset + si.docCount;
4882 					// If the segment comes from a different directory
4883 					// we must merge
4884 					if (lastDir != si.dir)
4885 						mergeDocStores = true;
4887 					// If the segment is referencing the current "live"
4888 					// doc store outputs then we must merge
4889 					if (si.DocStoreOffset != - 1 && currentDocStoreSegment != null && si.DocStoreSegment.Equals(currentDocStoreSegment))
4890 					{
4891 						doFlushDocStore = true;
4892 					}
4893 				}
4895                 // if a mergedSegmentWarmer is installed, we must merge
4896                 // the doc stores because we will open a full
4897                 // SegmentReader on the merged segment:
4898                 if (!mergeDocStores && mergedSegmentWarmer != null && currentDocStoreSegment != null && lastDocStoreSegment != null && lastDocStoreSegment.Equals(currentDocStoreSegment))
4899                 {
4900                     mergeDocStores = true;
4901                 }
4903 				int docStoreOffset;
4904 				System.String docStoreSegment2;
4905 				bool docStoreIsCompoundFile;
4907 				if (mergeDocStores)
4908 				{
4909 					docStoreOffset = - 1;
4910 					docStoreSegment2 = null;
4911 					docStoreIsCompoundFile = false;
4912 				}
4913 				else
4914 				{
4915 					SegmentInfo si = sourceSegments.Info(0);
4916 					docStoreOffset = si.DocStoreOffset;
4917 					docStoreSegment2 = si.DocStoreSegment;
4918 					docStoreIsCompoundFile = si.DocStoreIsCompoundFile;
4919 				}
4921 				if (mergeDocStores && doFlushDocStore)
4922 				{
4923 					// SegmentMerger intends to merge the doc stores
4924 					// (stored fields, vectors), and at least one of the
4925 					// segments to be merged refers to the currently
4926 					// live doc stores.
4928 					// TODO: if we know we are about to merge away these
4929 					// newly flushed doc store files then we should not
4930 					// make compound file out of them...
4931 					if (infoStream != null)
4932 						Message("now flush at merge");
4933 					DoFlush(true, false);
4934 				}
4936 				merge.mergeDocStores = mergeDocStores;
4938 				// Bind a new segment name here so even with
4939 				// ConcurrentMergePolicy we keep deterministic segment
4940 				// names.
4941 				merge.info = new SegmentInfo(NewSegmentName(), 0, directory, false, true, docStoreOffset, docStoreSegment2, docStoreIsCompoundFile, false);
4944                 IDictionary<string, string> details = new Dictionary<string, string>();
4945 				details["optimize"] = merge.optimize + "";
4946 				details["mergeFactor"] = end + "";
4947 				details["mergeDocStores"] = mergeDocStores + "";
4948 				SetDiagnostics(merge.info, "merge", details);
4950 				// Also enroll the merged segment into mergingSegments;
4951 				// this prevents it from getting selected for a merge
4952 				// after our merge is done but while we are building the
4953 				// CFS:
4954                 mergingSegments.Add(merge.info);
4955 			}
4956 		}
SetDiagnostics(SegmentInfo info, System.String source)4958 		private void  SetDiagnostics(SegmentInfo info, System.String source)
4959 		{
4960 			SetDiagnostics(info, source, null);
4961 		}
SetDiagnostics(SegmentInfo info, System.String source, IDictionary<string, string> details)4963         private void SetDiagnostics(SegmentInfo info, System.String source, IDictionary<string, string> details)
4964 		{
4965             IDictionary<string, string> diagnostics = new Dictionary<string,string>();
4966 			diagnostics["source"] = source;
4967 			diagnostics["lucene.version"] = Constants.LUCENE_VERSION;
4968 			diagnostics["os"] = Constants.OS_NAME + "";
4969 			diagnostics["os.arch"] = Constants.OS_ARCH + "";
4970 			diagnostics["os.version"] = Constants.OS_VERSION + "";
4971 			diagnostics["java.version"] = Constants.JAVA_VERSION + "";
4972 			diagnostics["java.vendor"] = Constants.JAVA_VENDOR + "";
4973 			if (details != null)
4974 			{
4975 				//System.Collections.ArrayList keys = new System.Collections.ArrayList(details.Keys);
4976 				//System.Collections.ArrayList values = new System.Collections.ArrayList(details.Values);
4977                 foreach (string key in details.Keys)
4978                 {
4979                     diagnostics[key] = details[key];
4980                 }
4981 			}
4982 			info.Diagnostics = diagnostics;
4983 		}
4985 		/// <summary>Does fininishing for a merge, which is fast but holds
4986 		/// the synchronized lock on IndexWriter instance.
4987 		/// </summary>
MergeFinish(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)4988 		internal void  MergeFinish(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
4989 		{
4990 			lock (this)
4991 			{
4993 				// Optimize, addIndexes or finishMerges may be waiting
4994 				// on merges to finish.
4995 				System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(this);
4997 				// It's possible we are called twice, eg if there was an
4998 				// exception inside mergeInit
4999 				if (merge.registerDone)
5000 				{
5001 					SegmentInfos sourceSegments = merge.segments;
5002 					int end = sourceSegments.Count;
5003 					for (int i = 0; i < end; i++)
5004 						mergingSegments.Remove(sourceSegments.Info(i));
5005                     if(merge.info != null)
5006 					    mergingSegments.Remove(merge.info);
5007 					merge.registerDone = false;
5008 				}
5010 				runningMerges.Remove(merge);
5011 			}
5012 		}
SetMergeDocStoreIsCompoundFile(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)5014         private void SetMergeDocStoreIsCompoundFile(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
5015         {
5016             lock (this)
5017             {
5018                 string mergeDocStoreSegment = merge.info.DocStoreSegment;
5019                 if (mergeDocStoreSegment != null && !merge.info.DocStoreIsCompoundFile)
5020                 {
5021                     int size = segmentInfos.Count;
5022                     for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
5023                     {
5024                         SegmentInfo info = segmentInfos.Info(i);
5025                         string docStoreSegment = info.DocStoreSegment;
5026                         if (docStoreSegment != null &&
5027                             docStoreSegment.Equals(mergeDocStoreSegment) &&
5028                             info.DocStoreIsCompoundFile)
5029                         {
5030                             merge.info.DocStoreIsCompoundFile = true;
5031                             break;
5032                         }
5033                     }
5034                 }
5035             }
5036         }
CloseMergeReaders(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, bool suppressExceptions)5038         private void CloseMergeReaders(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge, bool suppressExceptions)
5039         {
5040             lock (this)
5041             {
5042                 int numSegments = merge.segments.Count;
5043                 if (suppressExceptions)
5044                 {
5045                     // Suppress any new exceptions so we throw the
5046                     // original cause
5047                     for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
5048                     {
5049                         if (merge.readers[i] != null)
5050                         {
5051                             try
5052                             {
5053                                 readerPool.Release(merge.readers[i], false);
5054                             }
5055                             catch (Exception)
5056                             {
5057                             }
5058                             merge.readers[i] = null;
5059                         }
5061                         if (merge.readersClone[i] != null)
5062                         {
5063                             try
5064                             {
5065                                 merge.readersClone[i].Close();
5066                             }
5067                             catch (Exception)
5068                             {
5069                             }
5070                             // This was a private clone and we had the
5071                             // only reference
5072                             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(merge.readersClone[i].RefCount == 0); //: "refCount should be 0 but is " + merge.readersClone[i].getRefCount();
5073                             merge.readersClone[i] = null;
5074                         }
5075                     }
5076                 }
5077                 else
5078                 {
5079                     for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
5080                     {
5081                         if (merge.readers[i] != null)
5082                         {
5083                             readerPool.Release(merge.readers[i], true);
5084                             merge.readers[i] = null;
5085                         }
5087                         if (merge.readersClone[i] != null)
5088                         {
5089                             merge.readersClone[i].Close();
5090                             // This was a private clone and we had the only reference
5091                             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(merge.readersClone[i].RefCount == 0);
5092                             merge.readersClone[i] = null;
5093                         }
5094                     }
5095                 }
5096             }
5097         }
5100 		/// <summary>Does the actual (time-consuming) work of the merge,
5101 		/// but without holding synchronized lock on IndexWriter
5102 		/// instance
5103 		/// </summary>
MergeMiddle(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)5104 		private int MergeMiddle(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
5105 		{
5107 			merge.CheckAborted(directory);
5109 			System.String mergedName = merge.info.name;
5111 			SegmentMerger merger = null;
5113 			int mergedDocCount = 0;
5115 			SegmentInfos sourceSegments = merge.segments;
5116 			int numSegments = sourceSegments.Count;
5118 			if (infoStream != null)
5119 				Message("merging " + merge.SegString(directory));
5121 			merger = new SegmentMerger(this, mergedName, merge);
5123 			merge.readers = new SegmentReader[numSegments];
5124 			merge.readersClone = new SegmentReader[numSegments];
5126 			bool mergeDocStores = false;
5128             String currentDocStoreSegment;
5129             lock(this) {
5130                 currentDocStoreSegment = docWriter.DocStoreSegment;
5131             }
5132             bool currentDSSMerged = false;
5134 			// This is try/finally to make sure merger's readers are
5135 			// closed:
5136 			bool success = false;
5137             try
5138             {
5139                 int totDocCount = 0;
5141                 for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
5142                 {
5144                     SegmentInfo info = sourceSegments.Info(i);
5146                     // Hold onto the "live" reader; we will use this to
5147                     // commit merged deletes
5148                     SegmentReader reader = merge.readers[i] = readerPool.Get(info, merge.mergeDocStores, MERGE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE, -1);
5150                     // We clone the segment readers because other
5151                     // deletes may come in while we're merging so we
5152                     // need readers that will not change
5153                     SegmentReader clone = merge.readersClone[i] = (SegmentReader)reader.Clone(true);
5154                     merger.Add(clone);
5156                     if (clone.HasDeletions)
5157                     {
5158                         mergeDocStores = true;
5159                     }
5161                     if (info.DocStoreOffset != -1 && currentDocStoreSegment != null)
5162                     {
5163                         currentDSSMerged |= currentDocStoreSegment.Equals(info.DocStoreSegment);
5164                     }
5166                     totDocCount += clone.NumDocs();
5167                 }
5169                 if (infoStream != null)
5170                 {
5171                     Message("merge: total " + totDocCount + " docs");
5172                 }
5174                 merge.CheckAborted(directory);
5176                 // If deletions have arrived and it has now become
5177                 // necessary to merge doc stores, go and open them:
5178                 if (mergeDocStores && !merge.mergeDocStores)
5179                 {
5180                     merge.mergeDocStores = true;
5181                     lock (this)
5182                     {
5183                         if (currentDSSMerged)
5184                         {
5185                             if (infoStream != null)
5186                             {
5187                                 Message("now flush at mergeMiddle");
5188                             }
5189                             DoFlush(true, false);
5190                         }
5191                     }
5193                     for (int i = 0; i < numSegments; i++)
5194                     {
5195                         merge.readersClone[i].OpenDocStores();
5196                     }
5198                     // Clear DSS
5199                     merge.info.SetDocStore(-1, null, false);
5201                 }
5203                 // This is where all the work happens:
5204                 mergedDocCount = merge.info.docCount = merger.Merge(merge.mergeDocStores);
5206                 System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(mergedDocCount == totDocCount);
5208                 if (merge.useCompoundFile)
5209                 {
5211                     success = false;
5212                     string compoundFileName = IndexFileNames.SegmentFileName(mergedName, IndexFileNames.COMPOUND_FILE_EXTENSION);
5214                     try
5215                     {
5216                         if (infoStream != null)
5217                         {
5218                             Message("create compound file " + compoundFileName);
5219                         }
5220                         merger.CreateCompoundFile(compoundFileName);
5221                         success = true;
5222                     }
5223                     catch (System.IO.IOException ioe)
5224                     {
5225                         lock (this)
5226                         {
5227                             if (merge.IsAborted())
5228                             {
5229                                 // This can happen if rollback or close(false)
5230                                 // is called -- fall through to logic below to
5231                                 // remove the partially created CFS:
5232                             }
5233                             else
5234                             {
5235                                 HandleMergeException(ioe, merge);
5236                             }
5237                         }
5238                     }
5239                     catch (Exception t)
5240                     {
5241                         HandleMergeException(t, merge);
5242                     }
5243                     finally
5244                     {
5245                         if (!success)
5246                         {
5247                             if (infoStream != null)
5248                             {
5249                                 Message("hit exception creating compound file during merge");
5250                             }
5252                             lock (this)
5253                             {
5254                                 deleter.DeleteFile(compoundFileName);
5255                                 deleter.DeleteNewFiles(merger.GetMergedFiles());
5256                             }
5257                         }
5258                     }
5260                     success = false;
5262                     lock (this)
5263                     {
5265                         // delete new non cfs files directly: they were never
5266                         // registered with IFD
5267                         deleter.DeleteNewFiles(merger.GetMergedFiles());
5269                         if (merge.IsAborted())
5270                         {
5271                             if (infoStream != null)
5272                             {
5273                                 Message("abort merge after building CFS");
5274                             }
5275                             deleter.DeleteFile(compoundFileName);
5276                             return 0;
5277                         }
5278                     }
5280                     merge.info.SetUseCompoundFile(true);
5281                 }
5283                 int termsIndexDivisor;
5284                 bool loadDocStores;
5286                 // if the merged segment warmer was not installed when
5287                 // this merge was started, causing us to not force
5288                 // the docStores to close, we can't warm it now
5289                 bool canWarm = merge.info.DocStoreSegment == null || currentDocStoreSegment == null || !merge.info.DocStoreSegment.Equals(currentDocStoreSegment);
5291                 if (poolReaders && mergedSegmentWarmer != null && canWarm)
5292                 {
5293                     // Load terms index & doc stores so the segment
5294                     // warmer can run searches, load documents/term
5295                     // vectors
5296                     termsIndexDivisor = readerTermsIndexDivisor;
5297                     loadDocStores = true;
5298                 }
5299                 else
5300                 {
5301                     termsIndexDivisor = -1;
5302                     loadDocStores = false;
5303                 }
5305                 // TODO: in the non-realtime case, we may want to only
5306                 // keep deletes (it's costly to open entire reader
5307                 // when we just need deletes)
5309                 SegmentReader mergedReader = readerPool.Get(merge.info, loadDocStores, BufferedIndexInput.BUFFER_SIZE, termsIndexDivisor);
5310                 try
5311                 {
5312                     if (poolReaders && mergedSegmentWarmer != null)
5313                     {
5314                         mergedSegmentWarmer.Warm(mergedReader);
5315                     }
5316                     if (!CommitMerge(merge, merger, mergedDocCount, mergedReader))
5317                     {
5318                         // commitMerge will return false if this merge was aborted
5319                         return 0;
5320                     }
5321                 }
5322                 finally
5323                 {
5324                     lock (this)
5325                     {
5326                         readerPool.Release(mergedReader);
5327                     }
5328                 }
5330                 success = true;
5331             }
5332             finally
5333             {
5334                 // Readers are already closed in commitMerge if we didn't hit
5335                 // an exc:
5336                 if (!success)
5337                 {
5338                     CloseMergeReaders(merge, true);
5339                 }
5340             }
5342 			return mergedDocCount;
5343 		}
AddMergeException(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)5345 		internal virtual void  AddMergeException(MergePolicy.OneMerge merge)
5346 		{
5347 			lock (this)
5348 			{
5349 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(merge.GetException() != null);
5350 				if (!mergeExceptions.Contains(merge) && mergeGen == merge.mergeGen)
5351 					mergeExceptions.Add(merge);
5352 			}
5353 		}
5355 		// Apply buffered deletes to all segments.
ApplyDeletes()5356 		private bool ApplyDeletes()
5357 		{
5358 			lock (this)
5359 			{
5360 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("startApplyDeletes"));
5361                 flushDeletesCount++;
5363 				bool success = false;
5364 				bool changed;
5365 				try
5366 				{
5367 					changed = docWriter.ApplyDeletes(segmentInfos);
5368 					success = true;
5369 				}
5370 				finally
5371 				{
5372                     if (!success && infoStream != null)
5373                     {
5374                         Message("hit exception flushing deletes");
5375                     }
5376 				}
5378 				if (changed)
5379 					Checkpoint();
5380 				return changed;
5381 			}
5382 		}
5384 		// For test purposes.
GetBufferedDeleteTermsSize()5385 		internal int GetBufferedDeleteTermsSize()
5386 		{
5387 			lock (this)
5388 			{
5389 				return docWriter.GetBufferedDeleteTerms().Count;
5390 			}
5391 		}
5393 		// For test purposes.
GetNumBufferedDeleteTerms()5394 		internal int GetNumBufferedDeleteTerms()
5395 		{
5396 			lock (this)
5397 			{
5398 				return docWriter.GetNumBufferedDeleteTerms();
5399 			}
5400 		}
5402 		// utility routines for tests
NewestSegment()5403 		public /*internal*/ virtual SegmentInfo NewestSegment()
5404 		{
5405             return segmentInfos.Count > 0 ? segmentInfos.Info(segmentInfos.Count - 1) : null;
5406 		}
SegString()5408 		public virtual System.String SegString()
5409 		{
5410 			lock (this)
5411 			{
5412 				return SegString(segmentInfos);
5413 			}
5414 		}
SegString(SegmentInfos infos)5416 		private System.String SegString(SegmentInfos infos)
5417 		{
5418 			lock (this)
5419 			{
5420 				System.Text.StringBuilder buffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
5421 				int count = infos.Count;
5422 				for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
5423 				{
5424 					if (i > 0)
5425 					{
5426 						buffer.Append(' ');
5427 					}
5428 					SegmentInfo info = infos.Info(i);
5429 					buffer.Append(info.SegString(directory));
5430 					if (info.dir != directory)
5431 						buffer.Append("**");
5432 				}
5433 				return buffer.ToString();
5434 			}
5435 		}
5437 		// Files that have been sync'd already
5438         private HashSet<string> synced = new HashSet<string>();
5440 		// Files that are now being sync'd
5441         private HashSet<string> syncing = new HashSet<string>();
StartSync(System.String fileName, ICollection<string> pending)5443 		private bool StartSync(System.String fileName, ICollection<string> pending)
5444 		{
5445 			lock (synced)
5446 			{
5447 				if (!synced.Contains(fileName))
5448 				{
5449 					if (!syncing.Contains(fileName))
5450 					{
5451 						syncing.Add(fileName);
5452 						return true;
5453 					}
5454 					else
5455 					{
5456 						pending.Add(fileName);
5457 						return false;
5458 					}
5459 				}
5460 				else
5461 					return false;
5462 			}
5463 		}
FinishSync(System.String fileName, bool success)5465 		private void  FinishSync(System.String fileName, bool success)
5466 		{
5467 			lock (synced)
5468 			{
5469 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(syncing.Contains(fileName));
5470 				syncing.Remove(fileName);
5471 				if (success)
5472                     synced.Add(fileName);
5473 				System.Threading.Monitor.PulseAll(synced);
5474 			}
5475 		}
5477 		/// <summary>Blocks until all files in syncing are sync'd </summary>
WaitForAllSynced(ICollection<System.String> syncing)5478 		private bool WaitForAllSynced(ICollection<System.String> syncing)
5479 		{
5480 			lock (synced)
5481 			{
5482 				IEnumerator<string> it = syncing.GetEnumerator();
5483 				while (it.MoveNext())
5484 				{
5485 					System.String fileName = it.Current;
5486 					while (!synced.Contains(fileName))
5487 					{
5488 						if (!syncing.Contains(fileName))
5489 						// There was an error because a file that was
5490 						// previously syncing failed to appear in synced
5491 							return false;
5492 						else
5493 							System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(synced);
5495 					}
5496 				}
5497 				return true;
5498 			}
5499 		}
DoWait()5501 		private void  DoWait()
5502 		{
5503 			lock (this)
5504 			{
5505 				// NOTE: the callers of this method should in theory
5506 				// be able to do simply wait(), but, as a defense
5507 				// against thread timing hazards where notifyAll()
5508 				// falls to be called, we wait for at most 1 second
5509 				// and then return so caller can check if wait
5510 				// conditions are satisified:
5511 				System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(this, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));
5513 			}
5514 		}
5516 		/// <summary>Walk through all files referenced by the current
5517 		/// segmentInfos and ask the Directory to sync each file,
5518 		/// if it wasn't already.  If that succeeds, then we
5519 		/// prepare a new segments_N file but do not fully commit
5520 		/// it.
5521 		/// </summary>
StartCommit(long sizeInBytes, IDictionary<string, string> commitUserData)5522         private void StartCommit(long sizeInBytes, IDictionary<string, string> commitUserData)
5523 		{
5525 			System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("startStartCommit"));
5527             // TODO: as of LUCENE-2095, we can simplify this method,
5528             // since only 1 thread can be in here at once
5530 			if (hitOOM)
5531 			{
5532 				throw new System.SystemException("this writer hit an OutOfMemoryError; cannot commit");
5533 			}
5535 			try
5536 			{
5538 				if (infoStream != null)
5539 					Message("startCommit(): start sizeInBytes=" + sizeInBytes);
5541 				SegmentInfos toSync = null;
5542 				long myChangeCount;
5544 				lock (this)
5545 				{
5546 					// Wait for any running addIndexes to complete
5547 					// first, then block any from running until we've
5548 					// copied the segmentInfos we intend to sync:
5549 					BlockAddIndexes(false);
5551 					// On commit the segmentInfos must never
5552 					// reference a segment in another directory:
5553 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!HasExternalSegments());
5555 					try
5556 					{
5558 						System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lastCommitChangeCount <= changeCount);
5559                         myChangeCount = changeCount;
5561 						if (changeCount == lastCommitChangeCount)
5562 						{
5563 							if (infoStream != null)
5564 								Message("  skip startCommit(): no changes pending");
5565 							return ;
5566 						}
5568 						// First, we clone & incref the segmentInfos we intend
5569 						// to sync, then, without locking, we sync() each file
5570 						// referenced by toSync, in the background.  Multiple
5571 						// threads can be doing this at once, if say a large
5572 						// merge and a small merge finish at the same time:
5574 						if (infoStream != null)
5575 							Message("startCommit index=" + SegString(segmentInfos) + " changeCount=" + changeCount);
5577                         readerPool.Commit();
5579 						// It's possible another flush (that did not close
5580                         // the open do stores) snuck in after the flush we
5581                         // just did, so we remove any tail segments
5582                         // referencing the open doc store from the
5583                         // SegmentInfos we are about to sync (the main
5584                         // SegmentInfos will keep them):
5585                         toSync = (SegmentInfos) segmentInfos.Clone();
5586                         string dss = docWriter.DocStoreSegment;
5587                         if (dss != null)
5588                         {
5589                             while (true)
5590                             {
5591                                 String dss2 = toSync.Info(toSync.Count - 1).DocStoreSegment;
5592                                 if (dss2 == null || !dss2.Equals(dss))
5593                                 {
5594                                     break;
5595                                 }
5596                                 toSync.RemoveAt(toSync.Count - 1);
5597                                 changeCount++;
5598                             }
5599                         }
5601 						if (commitUserData != null)
5602 							toSync.UserData = commitUserData;
5604 						deleter.IncRef(toSync, false);
5606 						ICollection<string> files = toSync.Files(directory, false);
5607 						foreach(string fileName in files)
5608 						{
5609 							System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(directory.FileExists(fileName), "file " + fileName + " does not exist");
5610                             // If this trips it means we are missing a call to
5611                             // .checkpoint somewhere, because by the time we
5612                             // are called, deleter should know about every
5613                             // file referenced by the current head
5614                             // segmentInfos:
5615                             System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(deleter.Exists(fileName));
5616 						}
5617 					}
5618 					finally
5619 					{
5620 						ResumeAddIndexes();
5621 					}
5622 				}
5624 				System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("midStartCommit"));
5626 				bool setPending = false;
5628 				try
5629 				{
5630 					// Loop until all files toSync references are sync'd:
5631 					while (true)
5632 					{
5633                         ICollection<string> pending = new List<string>();
5635 						IEnumerator<string> it = toSync.Files(directory, false).GetEnumerator();
5636 						while (it.MoveNext())
5637 						{
5638                             string fileName = it.Current;
5639 							if (StartSync(fileName, pending))
5640 							{
5641 								bool success = false;
5642 								try
5643 								{
5644 									// Because we incRef'd this commit point, above,
5645 									// the file had better exist:
5646 									System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(directory.FileExists(fileName), "file '" + fileName + "' does not exist dir=" + directory);
5647 									if (infoStream != null)
5648 										Message("now sync " + fileName);
5649 									directory.Sync(fileName);
5650 									success = true;
5651 								}
5652 								finally
5653 								{
5654 									FinishSync(fileName, success);
5655 								}
5656 							}
5657 						}
5659 						// All files that I require are either synced or being
5660 						// synced by other threads.  If they are being synced,
5661 						// we must at this point block until they are done.
5662 						// If this returns false, that means an error in
5663 						// another thread resulted in failing to actually
5664 						// sync one of our files, so we repeat:
5665 						if (WaitForAllSynced(pending))
5666 							break;
5667 					}
5669 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("midStartCommit2"));
5671 					lock (this)
5672 					{
5673 						// If someone saved a newer version of segments file
5674 						// since I first started syncing my version, I can
5675 						// safely skip saving myself since I've been
5676 						// superseded:
5678 						while (true)
5679 						{
5680 							if (myChangeCount <= lastCommitChangeCount)
5681 							{
5682 								if (infoStream != null)
5683 								{
5684 									Message("sync superseded by newer infos");
5685 								}
5686 								break;
5687 							}
5688 							else if (pendingCommit == null)
5689 							{
5690 								// My turn to commit
5692 								if (segmentInfos.Generation > toSync.Generation)
5693 									toSync.UpdateGeneration(segmentInfos);
5695 								bool success = false;
5696 								try
5697 								{
5699 									// Exception here means nothing is prepared
5700 									// (this method unwinds everything it did on
5701 									// an exception)
5702 									try
5703 									{
5704 										toSync.PrepareCommit(directory);
5705 									}
5706 									finally
5707 									{
5708 										// Have our master segmentInfos record the
5709 										// generations we just prepared.  We do this
5710 										// on error or success so we don't
5711 										// double-write a segments_N file.
5712 										segmentInfos.UpdateGeneration(toSync);
5713 									}
5715 									System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(pendingCommit == null);
5716 									setPending = true;
5717 									pendingCommit = toSync;
5718 									pendingCommitChangeCount = (uint) myChangeCount;
5719 									success = true;
5720 								}
5721 								finally
5722 								{
5723 									if (!success && infoStream != null)
5724 										Message("hit exception committing segments file");
5725 								}
5726 								break;
5727 							}
5728 							else
5729 							{
5730 								// Must wait for other commit to complete
5731 								DoWait();
5732 							}
5733 						}
5734 					}
5736 					if (infoStream != null)
5737 						Message("done all syncs");
5739 					System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("midStartCommitSuccess"));
5740 				}
5741 				finally
5742 				{
5743 					lock (this)
5744 					{
5745 						if (!setPending)
5746 							deleter.DecRef(toSync);
5747 					}
5748 				}
5749 			}
5750 			catch (System.OutOfMemoryException oom)
5751 			{
5752 				HandleOOM(oom, "startCommit");
5753 			}
5754 			System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(TestPoint("finishStartCommit"));
5755 		}
5757 		/// <summary> Returns <c>true</c> iff the index in the named directory is
5758 		/// currently locked.
5759 		/// </summary>
5760 		/// <param name="directory">the directory to check for a lock
5761 		/// </param>
5762 		/// <throws>  IOException if there is a low-level IO error </throws>
IsLocked(Directory directory)5763 		public static bool IsLocked(Directory directory)
5764 		{
5765 			return directory.MakeLock(WRITE_LOCK_NAME).IsLocked();
5766 		}
5768 		/// <summary> Forcibly unlocks the index in the named directory.
5769 		/// <p/>
5770 		/// Caution: this should only be used by failure recovery code,
5771 		/// when it is known that no other process nor thread is in fact
5772 		/// currently accessing this index.
5773 		/// </summary>
Unlock(Directory directory)5774 		public static void  Unlock(Directory directory)
5775 		{
5776 			directory.MakeLock(IndexWriter.WRITE_LOCK_NAME).Release();
5777 		}
5779 		/// <summary> Specifies maximum field length (in number of tokens/terms) in <see cref="IndexWriter" /> constructors.
5780 		/// <see cref="SetMaxFieldLength(int)" /> overrides the value set by
5781 		/// the constructor.
5782 		/// </summary>
5783 		public sealed class MaxFieldLength
5784 		{
5786 			private int limit;
5787 			private System.String name;
5789 			/// <summary> Private type-safe-enum-pattern constructor.
5790 			///
5791 			/// </summary>
5792 			/// <param name="name">instance name
5793 			/// </param>
5794 			/// <param name="limit">maximum field length
5795 			/// </param>
MaxFieldLength(System.String name, int limit)5796 			internal MaxFieldLength(System.String name, int limit)
5797 			{
5798 				this.name = name;
5799 				this.limit = limit;
5800 			}
5802 			/// <summary> Public constructor to allow users to specify the maximum field size limit.
5803 			///
5804 			/// </summary>
5805 			/// <param name="limit">The maximum field length
5806 			/// </param>
MaxFieldLength(int limit)5807 			public MaxFieldLength(int limit):this("User-specified", limit)
5808 			{
5809 			}
5811 		    public int Limit
5812 		    {
5813 		        get { return limit; }
5814 		    }
ToString()5816 		    public override System.String ToString()
5817 			{
5818 				return name + ":" + limit;
5819 			}
5821 			/// <summary>Sets the maximum field length to <see cref="int.MaxValue" />. </summary>
5822 			public static readonly MaxFieldLength UNLIMITED = new MaxFieldLength("UNLIMITED", System.Int32.MaxValue);
5824 			/// <summary>  Sets the maximum field length to
5825 			/// <see cref="DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH" />
5826 			///
5827 			/// </summary>
5828 			public static readonly MaxFieldLength LIMITED;
MaxFieldLength()5829 			static MaxFieldLength()
5830 			{
5831 				LIMITED = new MaxFieldLength("LIMITED", Lucene.Net.Index.IndexWriter.DEFAULT_MAX_FIELD_LENGTH);
5832 			}
5833 		}
5835 		/// <summary>If <see cref="GetReader()" /> has been called (ie, this writer
5836 		/// is in near real-time mode), then after a merge
5837 		/// completes, this class can be invoked to warm the
5838 		/// reader on the newly merged segment, before the merge
5839 		/// commits.  This is not required for near real-time
5840 		/// search, but will reduce search latency on opening a
5841 		/// new near real-time reader after a merge completes.
5842 		///
5843 		/// <p/><b>NOTE:</b> This API is experimental and might
5844 		/// change in incompatible ways in the next release.<p/>
5845 		///
5846 		/// <p/><b>NOTE</b>: warm is called before any deletes have
5847 		/// been carried over to the merged segment.
5848 		/// </summary>
5849 		public abstract class IndexReaderWarmer
5850 		{
Warm(IndexReader reader)5851 			public abstract void  Warm(IndexReader reader);
5852 		}
5854 		private IndexReaderWarmer mergedSegmentWarmer;
5856 	    /// <summary>Gets or sets the merged segment warmer.  See <see cref="IndexReaderWarmer" />
5857 	    ///.
5858 	    /// </summary>
5859 	    public virtual IndexReaderWarmer MergedSegmentWarmer
5860 	    {
5861 	        set { mergedSegmentWarmer = value; }
5862 	        get { return mergedSegmentWarmer; }
5863 	    }
HandleOOM(System.OutOfMemoryException oom, System.String location)5865 	    private void  HandleOOM(System.OutOfMemoryException oom, System.String location)
5866 		{
5867 			if (infoStream != null)
5868 			{
5869 				Message("hit OutOfMemoryError inside " + location);
5870 			}
5871 			hitOOM = true;
5872 			throw oom;
5873 		}
5875 		// Used only by assert for testing.  Current points:
5876 		//   startDoFlush
5877 		//   startCommitMerge
5878 		//   startStartCommit
5879 		//   midStartCommit
5880 		//   midStartCommit2
5881 		//   midStartCommitSuccess
5882 		//   finishStartCommit
5883 		//   startCommitMergeDeletes
5884 		//   startMergeInit
5885 		//   startApplyDeletes
5886 		//   DocumentsWriter.ThreadState.init start
TestPoint(System.String name)5887 		public /*internal*/ virtual bool TestPoint(System.String name)
5888 		{
5889 			return true;
5890 		}
NrtIsCurrent(SegmentInfos infos)5892 		internal virtual bool NrtIsCurrent(SegmentInfos infos)
5893 		{
5894 			lock (this)
5895 			{
5896 				if (!infos.Equals(segmentInfos))
5897 				{
5898 					// if any structural changes (new segments), we are
5899 					// stale
5900 					return false;
5901                 }
5902                 else if (infos.Generation != segmentInfos.Generation)
5903                 {
5904                     // if any commit took place since we were opened, we
5905                     // are stale
5906                     return false;
5907                 }
5908                 else
5909                 {
5910                     return !docWriter.AnyChanges;
5911                 }
5912 			}
5913 		}
IsClosed()5915 		internal virtual bool IsClosed()
5916 		{
5917 			lock (this)
5918 			{
5919 				return closed;
5920 			}
5921 		}
IndexWriter()5923 		static IndexWriter()
5924 		{
5925 			MAX_TERM_LENGTH = DocumentsWriter.MAX_TERM_LENGTH;
5926 		}
5927 	}
5928 }