1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
5 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")]
6 [assembly:System.CLSCompliantAttribute(true)]
7 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Mono development team")]
8 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute("(c) Various Mono authors")]
9 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute("Microsoft.Build.Tasks.dll")]
10 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("Microsoft.Build.Tasks.dll")]
11 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("4.0.30319.1")]
12 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("4.0.30319.1")]
13 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("Mono Common Language Infrastructure")]
14 [assembly:System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("Microsoft.Build.Tasks.dll")]
15 [assembly:System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute("en-US")]
16 [assembly:System.Resources.SatelliteContractVersionAttribute("")]
17 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute]
18 [assembly:System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute(WrapNonExceptionThrows=true)]
19 [assembly:System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
20 [assembly:System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("E3D4D3B9-944C-407b-A82E-B19719EA7FB3")]
21 namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks
22 {
23     public partial class AL : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ToolTaskExtension
24     {
AL()25         public AL() { }
26         public string AlgorithmId { get { throw null; } set { } }
27         public string BaseAddress { get { throw null; } set { } }
28         public string CompanyName { get { throw null; } set { } }
29         public string Configuration { get { throw null; } set { } }
30         public string Copyright { get { throw null; } set { } }
31         public string Culture { get { throw null; } set { } }
32         public bool DelaySign { get { throw null; } set { } }
33         public string Description { get { throw null; } set { } }
34         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] EmbedResources { get { throw null; } set { } }
35         public string EvidenceFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
36         public string FileVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
37         public string Flags { get { throw null; } set { } }
38         public bool GenerateFullPaths { get { throw null; } set { } }
39         public string KeyContainer { get { throw null; } set { } }
40         public string KeyFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
41         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] LinkResources { get { throw null; } set { } }
42         public string MainEntryPoint { get { throw null; } set { } }
43         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
44         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
45         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem OutputAssembly { get { throw null; } set { } }
46         public string Platform { get { throw null; } set { } }
47         public string ProductName { get { throw null; } set { } }
48         public string ProductVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
49         public string[] ResponseFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
50         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SourceModules { get { throw null; } set { } }
51         public string TargetType { get { throw null; } set { } }
52         public string TemplateFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
53         public string Title { get { throw null; } set { } }
54         protected override string ToolName { get { throw null; } }
55         public string Trademark { get { throw null; } set { } }
56         public string Version { get { throw null; } set { } }
57         public string Win32Icon { get { throw null; } set { } }
58         public string Win32Resource { get { throw null; } set { } }
59         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)60         protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
Execute()61         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
GenerateFullPathToTool()62         protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool() { throw null; }
63     }
64     [Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoadInSeparateAppDomainAttribute]
65     public abstract partial class AppDomainIsolatedTaskExtension : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.AppDomainIsolatedTask
66     {
AppDomainIsolatedTaskExtension()67         internal AppDomainIsolatedTaskExtension() { }
68         public new Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TaskLoggingHelper Log { get { throw null; } }
69     }
70     public partial class AspNetCompiler : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ToolTaskExtension
71     {
AspNetCompiler()72         public AspNetCompiler() { }
73         public bool AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers { get { throw null; } set { } }
74         public bool Clean { get { throw null; } set { } }
75         public bool Debug { get { throw null; } set { } }
76         public bool DelaySign { get { throw null; } set { } }
77         public bool FixedNames { get { throw null; } set { } }
78         public bool Force { get { throw null; } set { } }
79         public string KeyContainer { get { throw null; } set { } }
80         public string KeyFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
81         public string MetabasePath { get { throw null; } set { } }
82         public string PhysicalPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
83         public string TargetPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
84         protected override string ToolName { get { throw null; } }
85         public bool Updateable { get { throw null; } set { } }
86         public string VirtualPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
87         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)88         protected internal override void AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
89         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()90         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
91         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GenerateFullPathToTool()92         protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool() { throw null; }
93         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateParameters()94         protected override bool ValidateParameters() { throw null; }
95     }
96     public partial class AssignCulture : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
97     {
AssignCulture()98         public AssignCulture() { }
99         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
100         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssignedFiles { get { throw null; } }
101         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
102         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssignedFilesWithCulture { get { throw null; } }
103         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
104         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssignedFilesWithNoCulture { get { throw null; } }
105         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
106         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] CultureNeutralAssignedFiles { get { throw null; } }
107         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
108         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Files { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()109         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
110     }
111     public partial class AssignProjectConfiguration : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ResolveProjectBase
112     {
AssignProjectConfiguration()113         public AssignProjectConfiguration() { }
114         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
115         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssignedProjects { get { throw null; } set { } }
116         public string SolutionConfigurationContents { get { throw null; } set { } }
117         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
118         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] UnassignedProjects { get { throw null; } set { } }
119         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()120         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
121     }
122     public partial class AssignTargetPath : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
123     {
AssignTargetPath()124         public AssignTargetPath() { }
125         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
126         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssignedFiles { get { throw null; } }
127         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Files { get { throw null; } set { } }
128         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
129         public string RootFolder { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()130         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
131     }
132     public partial class CallTarget : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
133     {
CallTarget()134         public CallTarget() { }
135         public bool RunEachTargetSeparately { get { throw null; } set { } }
136         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
137         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] TargetOutputs { get { throw null; } }
138         public string[] Targets { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()139         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
140     }
141     public partial class CodeTaskFactory : Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskFactory
142     {
CodeTaskFactory()143         public CodeTaskFactory() { }
144         public string FactoryName { get { throw null; } }
145         public System.Type TaskType { get { throw null; } }
CleanupTask(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask task)146         public void CleanupTask(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask task) { }
CreateTask(Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine loggingHost)147         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask CreateTask(Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine loggingHost) { throw null; }
GetTaskParameters()148         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo[] GetTaskParameters() { throw null; }
Initialize(string taskName, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo> taskParameters, string taskElementContents, Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine taskFactoryLoggingHost)149         public bool Initialize(string taskName, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, Microsoft.Build.Framework.TaskPropertyInfo> taskParameters, string taskElementContents, Microsoft.Build.Framework.IBuildEngine taskFactoryLoggingHost) { throw null; }
150     }
151     [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
152     public partial class CombinePath : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
153     {
CombinePath()154         public CombinePath() { }
155         public string BasePath { get { throw null; } set { } }
156         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
157         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] CombinedPaths { get { throw null; } set { } }
158         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
159         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Paths { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()160         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
161     }
162     public partial class CommandLineBuilderExtension : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.CommandLineBuilder
163     {
CommandLineBuilderExtension()164         public CommandLineBuilderExtension() { }
165     }
166     public partial class Copy : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
167     {
Copy()168         public Copy() { }
169         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
170         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] CopiedFiles { get { throw null; } }
171         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
172         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] DestinationFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
173         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem DestinationFolder { get { throw null; } set { } }
174         public bool OverwriteReadOnlyFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
175         public bool SkipUnchangedFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
176         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
177         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SourceFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()178         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
179     }
180     public partial class CreateCSharpManifestResourceName : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CreateManifestResourceName
181     {
CreateCSharpManifestResourceName()182         public CreateCSharpManifestResourceName() { }
CreateManifestName(string fileName, string linkFileName, string rootNamespace, string dependentUponFileName, System.IO.Stream binaryStream)183         protected override string CreateManifestName(string fileName, string linkFileName, string rootNamespace, string dependentUponFileName, System.IO.Stream binaryStream) { throw null; }
IsSourceFile(string fileName)184         protected override bool IsSourceFile(string fileName) { throw null; }
185     }
186     public partial class CreateItem : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
187     {
CreateItem()188         public CreateItem() { }
189         public string[] AdditionalMetadata { get { throw null; } set { } }
190         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Exclude { get { throw null; } set { } }
191         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
192         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Include { get { throw null; } set { } }
193         public bool PreserveExistingMetadata { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()194         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
195     }
196     public abstract partial class CreateManifestResourceName : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
197     {
CreateManifestResourceName()198         protected CreateManifestResourceName() { }
199         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
200         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ManifestResourceNames { get { throw null; } }
201         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
202         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ResourceFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
203         public string RootNamespace { get { throw null; } set { } }
CreateManifestName(string fileName, string linkFileName, string rootNamespaceName, string dependentUponFileName, System.IO.Stream binaryStream)204         protected abstract string CreateManifestName(string fileName, string linkFileName, string rootNamespaceName, string dependentUponFileName, System.IO.Stream binaryStream);
Execute()205         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
IsSourceFile(string fileName)206         protected abstract bool IsSourceFile(string fileName);
207         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
MakeValidEverettIdentifier(string name)208         public static string MakeValidEverettIdentifier(string name) { throw null; }
209     }
210     public partial class CreateProperty : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
211     {
CreateProperty()212         public CreateProperty() { }
213         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
214         public string[] Value { get { throw null; } set { } }
215         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
216         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
217         public string[] ValueSetByTask { get { throw null; } }
Execute()218         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
219     }
220     public partial class CreateVisualBasicManifestResourceName : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CreateManifestResourceName
221     {
CreateVisualBasicManifestResourceName()222         public CreateVisualBasicManifestResourceName() { }
CreateManifestName(string fileName, string linkFileName, string rootNamespace, string dependentUponFileName, System.IO.Stream binaryStream)223         protected override string CreateManifestName(string fileName, string linkFileName, string rootNamespace, string dependentUponFileName, System.IO.Stream binaryStream) { throw null; }
IsSourceFile(string fileName)224         protected override bool IsSourceFile(string fileName) { throw null; }
225     }
226     public partial class Csc : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ManagedCompiler
227     {
Csc()228         public Csc() { }
229         public bool AllowUnsafeBlocks { get { throw null; } set { } }
230         public string BaseAddress { get { throw null; } set { } }
231         public bool CheckForOverflowUnderflow { get { throw null; } set { } }
232         public string DisabledWarnings { get { throw null; } set { } }
233         public string DocumentationFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
234         public string ErrorReport { get { throw null; } set { } }
235         public bool GenerateFullPaths { get { throw null; } set { } }
236         public string LangVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
237         public string ModuleAssemblyName { get { throw null; } set { } }
238         public bool NoStandardLib { get { throw null; } set { } }
239         public string PdbFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
240         public string Platform { get { throw null; } set { } }
241         protected override string ToolName { get { throw null; } }
242         public bool UseHostCompilerIfAvailable { get { throw null; } set { } }
243         public int WarningLevel { get { throw null; } set { } }
244         public string WarningsAsErrors { get { throw null; } set { } }
245         public string WarningsNotAsErrors { get { throw null; } set { } }
AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)246         protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
247         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
CallHostObjectToExecute()248         protected override bool CallHostObjectToExecute() { throw null; }
GenerateFullPathToTool()249         protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool() { throw null; }
250         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
InitializeHostObject()251         protected override Microsoft.Build.Utilities.HostObjectInitializationStatus InitializeHostObject() { throw null; }
252     }
253     public sealed partial class Delete : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
254     {
Delete()255         public Delete() { }
256         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
257         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] DeletedFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
258         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
259         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Files { get { throw null; } set { } }
260         public bool TreatErrorsAsWarnings { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()261         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
262     }
263     public sealed partial class Error : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
264     {
Error()265         public Error() { }
266         public string Code { get { throw null; } set { } }
267         public string File { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
268         public string HelpKeyword { get { throw null; } set { } }
269         public string Text { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()270         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
271     }
272     public partial class Exec : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ToolTaskExtension
273     {
Exec()274         public Exec() { }
275         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
276         public string Command { get { throw null; } set { } }
277         public string CustomErrorRegularExpression { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
278         public string CustomWarningRegularExpression { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
279         public bool IgnoreExitCode { get { throw null; } set { } }
280         public bool IgnoreStandardErrorWarningFormat { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
281         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
282         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Outputs { get { throw null; } set { } }
283         protected override System.Text.Encoding StandardErrorEncoding { get { throw null; } }
284         protected override Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance StandardErrorLoggingImportance { get { throw null; } }
285         protected override System.Text.Encoding StandardOutputEncoding { get { throw null; } }
286         protected override Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance StandardOutputLoggingImportance { get { throw null; } }
287         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
288         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
289         public string StdErrEncoding { get { throw null; } set { } }
290         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
291         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
292         public string StdOutEncoding { get { throw null; } set { } }
293         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
294         protected override string ToolName { get { throw null; } }
295         public string WorkingDirectory { get { throw null; } set { } }
AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)296         protected internal override void AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
ExecuteTool(string pathToTool, string responseFileCommands, string commandLineCommands)297         protected override int ExecuteTool(string pathToTool, string responseFileCommands, string commandLineCommands) { throw null; }
298         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GenerateFullPathToTool()299         protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool() { throw null; }
GetWorkingDirectory()300         protected override string GetWorkingDirectory() { throw null; }
HandleTaskExecutionErrors()301         protected override bool HandleTaskExecutionErrors() { throw null; }
LogEventsFromTextOutput(string singleLine, Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance messageImportance)302         protected override void LogEventsFromTextOutput(string singleLine, Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance messageImportance) { }
303         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
LogPathToTool(string toolName, string pathToTool)304         protected override void LogPathToTool(string toolName, string pathToTool) { }
305         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
LogToolCommand(string message)306         protected override void LogToolCommand(string message) { }
307         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateParameters()308         protected override bool ValidateParameters() { throw null; }
309     }
310     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute(System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind.Sequential)]
311     public partial struct ExtractedClassName
312     {
313         public bool IsInsideConditionalBlock { get { throw null; } set { } }
314         public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } }
315     }
316     public partial class FindAppConfigFile : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
317     {
FindAppConfigFile()318         public FindAppConfigFile() { }
319         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
320         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem AppConfigFile { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
321         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
322         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] PrimaryList { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
323         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
324         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SecondaryList { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
325         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
326         public string TargetPath { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
Execute()327         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
328     }
329     public partial class FindUnderPath : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
330     {
FindUnderPath()331         public FindUnderPath() { }
332         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Files { get { throw null; } set { } }
333         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
334         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] InPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
335         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
336         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] OutOfPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
337         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
338         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem Path { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()339         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
340     }
341     public sealed partial class FormatUrl : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
342     {
FormatUrl()343         public FormatUrl() { }
344         public string InputUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
345         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
346         public string OutputUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
347         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()348         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
349     }
350     public sealed partial class FormatVersion : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
351     {
FormatVersion()352         public FormatVersion() { }
353         public string FormatType { get { throw null; } set { } }
354         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
355         public string OutputVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
356         public int Revision { get { throw null; } set { } }
357         public string Version { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()358         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
359     }
360     public sealed partial class GenerateApplicationManifest : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateManifestBase
361     {
GenerateApplicationManifest()362         public GenerateApplicationManifest() { }
363         public string ClrVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
364         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem ConfigFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
365         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Dependencies { get { throw null; } set { } }
366         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Files { get { throw null; } set { } }
367         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem IconFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
368         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] IsolatedComReferences { get { throw null; } set { } }
369         public string ManifestType { get { throw null; } set { } }
370         public string OSVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
371         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem TrustInfoFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
372         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetObjectType()373         protected override System.Type GetObjectType() { throw null; }
374         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
OnManifestLoaded(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest)375         protected override bool OnManifestLoaded(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest) { throw null; }
376         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
OnManifestResolved(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest)377         protected override bool OnManifestResolved(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest) { throw null; }
378         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateInputs()379         protected internal override bool ValidateInputs() { throw null; }
380     }
381     public sealed partial class GenerateBootstrapper : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
382     {
GenerateBootstrapper()383         public GenerateBootstrapper() { }
384         public string ApplicationFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
385         public string ApplicationName { get { throw null; } set { } }
386         public string ApplicationUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
387         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
388         public string[] BootstrapperComponentFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
389         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] BootstrapperItems { get { throw null; } set { } }
390         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
391         public string BootstrapperKeyFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
392         public string ComponentsLocation { get { throw null; } set { } }
393         public string ComponentsUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
394         public bool CopyComponents { get { throw null; } set { } }
395         public string Culture { get { throw null; } set { } }
396         public string FallbackCulture { get { throw null; } set { } }
397         public string OutputPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
398         public string Path { get { throw null; } set { } }
399         public string SupportUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
400         public bool Validate { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()401         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
402     }
403     public sealed partial class GenerateDeploymentManifest : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.GenerateManifestBase
404     {
405         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GenerateDeploymentManifest()406         public GenerateDeploymentManifest() { }
407         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
408         public string DeploymentUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
409         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
410         public bool DisallowUrlActivation { get { throw null; } set { } }
411         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
412         public bool Install { get { throw null; } set { } }
413         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
414         public bool MapFileExtensions { get { throw null; } set { } }
415         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
416         public string MinimumRequiredVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
417         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
418         public string Product { get { throw null; } set { } }
419         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
420         public string Publisher { get { throw null; } set { } }
421         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
422         public string SupportUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
423         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
424         public bool TrustUrlParameters { get { throw null; } set { } }
425         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
426         public bool UpdateEnabled { get { throw null; } set { } }
427         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
428         public int UpdateInterval { get { throw null; } set { } }
429         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
430         public string UpdateMode { get { throw null; } set { } }
431         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
432         public string UpdateUnit { get { throw null; } set { } }
GetObjectType()433         protected override System.Type GetObjectType() { throw null; }
OnManifestLoaded(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest)434         protected override bool OnManifestLoaded(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest) { throw null; }
OnManifestResolved(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest)435         protected override bool OnManifestResolved(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest) { throw null; }
ValidateInputs()436         protected internal override bool ValidateInputs() { throw null; }
437     }
438     public abstract partial class GenerateManifestBase : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
439     {
GenerateManifestBase()440         protected GenerateManifestBase() { }
441         public string AssemblyName { get { throw null; } set { } }
442         public string AssemblyVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
443         public string Description { get { throw null; } set { } }
444         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem EntryPoint { get { throw null; } set { } }
445         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem InputManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
446         public int MaxTargetPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
447         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
448         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem OutputManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
449         public string Platform { get { throw null; } set { } }
450         public string TargetCulture { get { throw null; } set { } }
451         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddAssemblyFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item)452         protected internal Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference AddAssemblyFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item) { throw null; }
453         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddAssemblyNameFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReferenceType referenceType)454         protected internal Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference AddAssemblyNameFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReferenceType referenceType) { throw null; }
455         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddEntryPointFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReferenceType referenceType)456         protected internal Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference AddEntryPointFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReferenceType referenceType) { throw null; }
457         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddFileFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item)458         protected internal Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference AddFileFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item) { throw null; }
459         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()460         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
461         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FindFileFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item)462         protected internal Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference FindFileFromItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem item) { throw null; }
463         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetObjectType()464         protected abstract System.Type GetObjectType();
465         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
OnManifestLoaded(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest)466         protected abstract bool OnManifestLoaded(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest);
467         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
OnManifestResolved(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest)468         protected abstract bool OnManifestResolved(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest);
469         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateInputs()470         protected internal virtual bool ValidateInputs() { throw null; }
471         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateOutput()472         protected internal virtual bool ValidateOutput() { throw null; }
473     }
474     public sealed partial class GenerateResource : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
475     {
GenerateResource()476         public GenerateResource() { }
477         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
478         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] FilesWritten { get { throw null; } }
479         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
480         public bool NeverLockTypeAssemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
481         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
482         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] OutputResources { get { throw null; } set { } }
483         public bool PublicClass { get { throw null; } set { } }
484         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] References { get { throw null; } set { } }
485         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
486         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Sources { get { throw null; } set { } }
487         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem StateFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
488         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
489         public string StronglyTypedClassName { get { throw null; } set { } }
490         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
491         public string StronglyTypedFileName { get { throw null; } set { } }
492         public string StronglyTypedLanguage { get { throw null; } set { } }
493         public string StronglyTypedNamespace { get { throw null; } set { } }
494         public bool UseSourcePath { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()495         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
496     }
497     public sealed partial class GenerateTrustInfo : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
498     {
GenerateTrustInfo()499         public GenerateTrustInfo() { }
500         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem BaseManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
501         public string ExcludedPermissions { get { throw null; } set { } }
502         public string TargetZone { get { throw null; } set { } }
503         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
504         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
505         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem TrustInfoFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()506         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
507     }
508     public partial class GetAssemblyIdentity : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
509     {
GetAssemblyIdentity()510         public GetAssemblyIdentity() { }
511         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
512         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Assemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
513         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
514         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssemblyFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
515         [System.MonoTODOAttribute("Error handling")]
Execute()516         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
517     }
518     public partial class GetFrameworkPath : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
519     {
GetFrameworkPath()520         public GetFrameworkPath() { }
521         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
522         public string FrameworkVersion11Path { get { throw null; } }
523         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
524         public string FrameworkVersion20Path { get { throw null; } }
525         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
526         public string FrameworkVersion30Path { get { throw null; } }
527         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
528         public string FrameworkVersion35Path { get { throw null; } }
529         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
530         public string FrameworkVersion40Path { get { throw null; } }
531         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
532         public string Path { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()533         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
534     }
535     public partial class GetFrameworkSdkPath : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
536     {
GetFrameworkSdkPath()537         public GetFrameworkSdkPath() { }
538         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
539         public string Path { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()540         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
541     }
542     public partial class GetReferenceAssemblyPaths : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
543     {
GetReferenceAssemblyPaths()544         public GetReferenceAssemblyPaths() { }
545         public bool BypassFrameworkInstallChecks { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
546         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
547         public string[] FullFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } }
548         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
549         public string[] ReferenceAssemblyPaths { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } }
550         public string RootPath { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
551         public string TargetFrameworkMoniker { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
552         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
553         public string TargetFrameworkMonikerDisplayName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
Execute()554         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
555     }
556     public partial class LC : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ToolTaskExtension
557     {
LC()558         public LC() { }
559         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
560         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem LicenseTarget { get { throw null; } set { } }
561         public bool NoLogo { get { throw null; } set { } }
562         public string OutputDirectory { get { throw null; } set { } }
563         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
564         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem OutputLicense { get { throw null; } set { } }
565         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ReferencedAssemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
566         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
567         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Sources { get { throw null; } set { } }
568         protected override string ToolName { get { throw null; } }
AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)569         protected internal override void AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
GenerateFullPathToTool()570         protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool() { throw null; }
ValidateParameters()571         protected override bool ValidateParameters() { throw null; }
572     }
573     public partial class MakeDir : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
574     {
MakeDir()575         public MakeDir() { }
576         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
577         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Directories { get { throw null; } set { } }
578         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
579         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] DirectoriesCreated { get { throw null; } }
Execute()580         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
581     }
582     public abstract partial class ManagedCompiler : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ToolTaskExtension
583     {
ManagedCompiler()584         protected ManagedCompiler() { }
585         public string[] AdditionalLibPaths { get { throw null; } set { } }
586         public string[] AddModules { get { throw null; } set { } }
587         public int CodePage { get { throw null; } set { } }
588         public string DebugType { get { throw null; } set { } }
589         public string DefineConstants { get { throw null; } set { } }
590         public bool DelaySign { get { throw null; } set { } }
591         public bool EmitDebugInformation { get { throw null; } set { } }
592         public int FileAlignment { get { throw null; } set { } }
593         protected bool HostCompilerSupportsAllParameters { get { throw null; } set { } }
594         public string KeyContainer { get { throw null; } set { } }
595         public string KeyFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
596         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] LinkResources { get { throw null; } set { } }
597         public string MainEntryPoint { get { throw null; } set { } }
598         public bool NoConfig { get { throw null; } set { } }
599         public bool NoLogo { get { throw null; } set { } }
600         public bool Optimize { get { throw null; } set { } }
601         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
602         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem OutputAssembly { get { throw null; } set { } }
603         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] References { get { throw null; } set { } }
604         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Resources { get { throw null; } set { } }
605         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ResponseFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
606         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Sources { get { throw null; } set { } }
607         protected override System.Text.Encoding StandardOutputEncoding { get { throw null; } }
608         public string TargetType { get { throw null; } set { } }
609         public bool TreatWarningsAsErrors { get { throw null; } set { } }
610         public bool Utf8Output { get { throw null; } set { } }
611         public string Win32Icon { get { throw null; } set { } }
612         public string Win32Resource { get { throw null; } set { } }
613         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)614         protected internal override void AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
615         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)616         protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
617         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
CheckAllReferencesExistOnDisk()618         protected bool CheckAllReferencesExistOnDisk() { throw null; }
619         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
CheckHostObjectSupport(string parameterName, bool resultFromHostObjectSetOperation)620         protected void CheckHostObjectSupport(string parameterName, bool resultFromHostObjectSetOperation) { }
621         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
HandleTaskExecutionErrors()622         protected override bool HandleTaskExecutionErrors() { throw null; }
623         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ListHasNoDuplicateItems(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] itemList, string parameterName)624         protected bool ListHasNoDuplicateItems(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] itemList, string parameterName) { throw null; }
UseAlternateCommandLineToolToExecute()625         protected internal virtual bool UseAlternateCommandLineToolToExecute() { throw null; }
626         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateParameters()627         protected override bool ValidateParameters() { throw null; }
628     }
629     public sealed partial class Message : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
630     {
Message()631         public Message() { }
632         public string Importance { get { throw null; } set { } }
633         public string Text { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()634         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
635     }
636     [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
637     public partial class MSBuild : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
638     {
MSBuild()639         public MSBuild() { }
640         public bool BuildInParallel { get { throw null; } set { } }
641         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
642         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Projects { get { throw null; } set { } }
643         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
644         public string[] Properties { get { throw null; } set { } }
645         public bool RebaseOutputs { get { throw null; } set { } }
646         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
647         public bool RunEachTargetSeparately { get { throw null; } set { } }
648         public bool StopOnFirstFailure { get { throw null; } set { } }
649         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
650         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] TargetOutputs { get { throw null; } }
651         public string[] Targets { get { throw null; } set { } }
652         public string ToolsVersion { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
Execute()653         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
654     }
655     public partial class ReadLinesFromFile : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
656     {
ReadLinesFromFile()657         public ReadLinesFromFile() { }
658         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
659         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem File { get { throw null; } set { } }
660         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
661         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Lines { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()662         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
663     }
664     public partial class RegisterAssembly : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.AppDomainIsolatedTaskExtension, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNotifySink
665     {
RegisterAssembly()666         public RegisterAssembly() { }
667         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
668         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Assemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
669         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem AssemblyListFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
670         public bool CreateCodeBase { get { throw null; } set { } }
671         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
672         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] TypeLibFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()673         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
ReportEvent(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind kind, int code, string msg)674         public void ReportEvent(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind kind, int code, string msg) { }
ResolveRef(System.Reflection.Assembly assemblyToResolve)675         public object ResolveRef(System.Reflection.Assembly assemblyToResolve) { throw null; }
676     }
677     public partial class RemoveDir : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
678     {
RemoveDir()679         public RemoveDir() { }
680         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
681         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Directories { get { throw null; } set { } }
682         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
683         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] RemovedDirectories { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()684         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
685     }
686     public partial class RemoveDuplicates : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
687     {
RemoveDuplicates()688         public RemoveDuplicates() { }
689         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
690         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Filtered { get { throw null; } set { } }
691         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Inputs { get { throw null; } set { } }
692         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()693         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
694     }
695     public partial class ResolveAssemblyReference : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
696     {
ResolveAssemblyReference()697         public ResolveAssemblyReference() { }
698         public string[] AllowedAssemblyExtensions { get { throw null; } set { } }
699         public string[] AllowedRelatedFileExtensions { get { throw null; } set { } }
700         public string AppConfigFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
701         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Assemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
702         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssemblyFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
703         public bool AutoUnify { get { throw null; } set { } }
704         public string[] CandidateAssemblyFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
705         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
706         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] CopyLocalFiles { get { throw null; } }
707         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
708         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] FilesWritten { get { throw null; } set { } }
709         public bool FindDependencies { get { throw null; } set { } }
710         public bool FindRelatedFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
711         public bool FindSatellites { get { throw null; } set { } }
712         public bool FindSerializationAssemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
713         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] InstalledAssemblyTables { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
714         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
715         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] RelatedFiles { get { throw null; } }
716         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
717         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ResolvedDependencyFiles { get { throw null; } }
718         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
719         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ResolvedFiles { get { throw null; } }
720         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
721         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SatelliteFiles { get { throw null; } }
722         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
723         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ScatterFiles { get { throw null; } }
724         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
725         public string[] SearchPaths { get { throw null; } set { } }
726         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
727         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SerializationAssemblyFiles { get { throw null; } }
728         public bool Silent { get { throw null; } set { } }
729         public string StateFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
730         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
731         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SuggestedRedirects { get { throw null; } }
732         public string[] TargetFrameworkDirectories { get { throw null; } set { } }
733         public string TargetFrameworkMoniker { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
734         public string TargetFrameworkMonikerDisplayName { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
735         public string TargetFrameworkVersion { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
736         public string TargetProcessorArchitecture { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()737         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
738     }
739     public sealed partial class ResolveManifestFiles : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
740     {
ResolveManifestFiles()741         public ResolveManifestFiles() { }
742         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem EntryPoint { get { throw null; } set { } }
743         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ExtraFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
744         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Files { get { throw null; } set { } }
745         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ManagedAssemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
746         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] NativeAssemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
747         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] OutputAssemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
748         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] OutputFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
749         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] PublishFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
750         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SatelliteAssemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
751         public string TargetCulture { get { throw null; } set { } }
752         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()753         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
754     }
755     public abstract partial class ResolveProjectBase : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
756     {
757         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ResolveProjectBase()758         protected ResolveProjectBase() { }
759         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
760         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] ProjectReferences { get { throw null; } set { } }
761         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetProjectItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem projectRef)762         protected string GetProjectItem(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem projectRef) { throw null; }
763     }
764     public partial class SGen : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ToolTaskExtension
765     {
SGen()766         public SGen() { }
767         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
768         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
769         public string BuildAssemblyName { get { throw null; } set { } }
770         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
771         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
772         public string BuildAssemblyPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
773         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
774         public bool DelaySign { get { throw null; } set { } }
775         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
776         public string KeyContainer { get { throw null; } set { } }
777         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
778         public string KeyFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
779         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
780         public string[] References { get { throw null; } set { } }
781         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
782         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
783         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] SerializationAssembly { get { throw null; } set { } }
784         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
785         public string SerializationAssemblyName { get { throw null; } }
786         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
787         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
788         public bool ShouldGenerateSerializer { get { throw null; } set { } }
789         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
790         protected override string ToolName { get { throw null; } }
791         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
792         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
793         public bool UseProxyTypes { get { throw null; } set { } }
794         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GenerateCommandLineCommands()795         protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands() { throw null; }
796         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GenerateFullPathToTool()797         protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool() { throw null; }
798         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
SkipTaskExecution()799         protected override bool SkipTaskExecution() { throw null; }
800         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateParameters()801         protected override bool ValidateParameters() { throw null; }
802     }
803     public sealed partial class SignFile : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
804     {
SignFile()805         public SignFile() { }
806         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
807         public string CertificateThumbprint { get { throw null; } set { } }
808         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
809         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem SigningTarget { get { throw null; } set { } }
810         public string TimestampUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
811         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()812         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
813     }
814     public abstract partial class TaskExtension : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
815     {
TaskExtension()816         internal TaskExtension() { }
817         public new Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TaskLoggingHelper Log { get { throw null; } }
818     }
819     public partial class TaskLoggingHelperExtension : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TaskLoggingHelper
820     {
TaskLoggingHelperExtension()821         internal TaskLoggingHelperExtension() : base (default(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask)) { }
822         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
823         public System.Resources.ResourceManager TaskSharedResources { get { throw null; } set { } }
824         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FormatResourceString(string resourceName, params object[] args)825         public override string FormatResourceString(string resourceName, params object[] args) { throw null; }
826     }
827     public abstract partial class ToolTaskExtension : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolTask
828     {
ToolTaskExtension()829         internal ToolTaskExtension() { }
830         protected internal System.Collections.Hashtable Bag { get { throw null; } }
831         protected override bool HasLoggedErrors { get { throw null; } }
832         public new Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TaskLoggingHelper Log { get { throw null; } }
AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)833         protected internal virtual void AddCommandLineCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)834         protected internal virtual void AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
GenerateCommandLineCommands()835         protected override string GenerateCommandLineCommands() { throw null; }
GenerateResponseFileCommands()836         protected override string GenerateResponseFileCommands() { throw null; }
GetBoolParameterWithDefault(string parameterName, bool defaultValue)837         protected internal bool GetBoolParameterWithDefault(string parameterName, bool defaultValue) { throw null; }
GetIntParameterWithDefault(string parameterName, int defaultValue)838         protected internal int GetIntParameterWithDefault(string parameterName, int defaultValue) { throw null; }
839     }
840     public partial class Touch : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
841     {
Touch()842         public Touch() { }
843         public bool AlwaysCreate { get { throw null; } set { } }
844         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
845         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Files { get { throw null; } set { } }
846         public bool ForceTouch { get { throw null; } set { } }
847         public string Time { get { throw null; } set { } }
848         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
849         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] TouchedFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()850         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
851     }
852     public partial class UnregisterAssembly : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.AppDomainIsolatedTaskExtension
853     {
UnregisterAssembly()854         public UnregisterAssembly() { }
855         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Assemblies { get { throw null; } set { } }
856         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem AssemblyListFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
857         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] TypeLibFiles { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()858         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
859     }
860     public partial class UpdateManifest : Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task
861     {
862         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
UpdateManifest()863         public UpdateManifest() { }
864         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
865         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
866         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem ApplicationManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
867         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
868         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
869         public string ApplicationPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
870         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
871         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
872         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem InputManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
873         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
874         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
875         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem OutputManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
876         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Execute()877         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
878     }
879     public partial class Vbc : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ManagedCompiler
880     {
Vbc()881         public Vbc() { }
882         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
883         public string BaseAddress { get { throw null; } set { } }
884         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
885         public string DisabledWarnings { get { throw null; } set { } }
886         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
887         public string DocumentationFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
888         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
889         public string ErrorReport { get { throw null; } set { } }
890         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
891         public bool GenerateDocumentation { get { throw null; } set { } }
892         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
893         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Imports { get { throw null; } set { } }
894         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
895         public bool NoStandardLib { get { throw null; } set { } }
896         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
897         public bool NoWarnings { get { throw null; } set { } }
898         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
899         public string OptionCompare { get { throw null; } set { } }
900         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
901         public bool OptionExplicit { get { throw null; } set { } }
902         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
903         public bool OptionStrict { get { throw null; } set { } }
904         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
905         public string OptionStrictType { get { throw null; } set { } }
906         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
907         public string Platform { get { throw null; } set { } }
908         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
909         public bool RemoveIntegerChecks { get { throw null; } set { } }
910         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
911         public string RootNamespace { get { throw null; } set { } }
912         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
913         public string SdkPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
914         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
915         public bool TargetCompactFramework { get { throw null; } set { } }
916         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
917         protected override string ToolName { get { throw null; } }
918         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
919         public bool UseHostCompilerIfAvailable { get { throw null; } set { } }
920         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
921         public string Verbosity { get { throw null; } set { } }
922         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
923         public string WarningsAsErrors { get { throw null; } set { } }
924         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
925         public string WarningsNotAsErrors { get { throw null; } set { } }
926         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine)927         protected internal override void AddResponseFileCommands(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.CommandLineBuilderExtension commandLine) { }
928         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
CallHostObjectToExecute()929         protected override bool CallHostObjectToExecute() { throw null; }
930         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GenerateFullPathToTool()931         protected override string GenerateFullPathToTool() { throw null; }
932         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
InitializeHostObject()933         protected override Microsoft.Build.Utilities.HostObjectInitializationStatus InitializeHostObject() { throw null; }
LogEventsFromTextOutput(string singleLine, Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance messageImportance)934         protected override void LogEventsFromTextOutput(string singleLine, Microsoft.Build.Framework.MessageImportance messageImportance) { }
935         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidateParameters()936         protected override bool ValidateParameters() { throw null; }
937     }
938     public sealed partial class Warning : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
939     {
Warning()940         public Warning() { }
941         public string Code { get { throw null; } set { } }
942         public string File { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
943         public string HelpKeyword { get { throw null; } set { } }
944         public string Text { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()945         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
946     }
947     public partial class WriteCodeFragment : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
948     {
WriteCodeFragment()949         public WriteCodeFragment() { }
950         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] AssemblyAttributes { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
951         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
952         public string Language { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
953         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem OutputDirectory { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
954         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.OutputAttribute]
955         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem OutputFile { [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]get { throw null; } [System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute]set { } }
Execute()956         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
957     }
958     public partial class WriteLinesToFile : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.TaskExtension
959     {
WriteLinesToFile()960         public WriteLinesToFile() { }
961         [Microsoft.Build.Framework.RequiredAttribute]
962         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem File { get { throw null; } set { } }
963         public Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] Lines { get { throw null; } set { } }
964         public bool Overwrite { get { throw null; } set { } }
Execute()965         public override bool Execute() { throw null; }
966     }
967 }
968 namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper
969 {
970     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType)(0))]
971     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
972     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("1D9FE38A-0226-4b95-9C6B-6DFFA2236270")]
973     public partial class BootstrapperBuilder : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IBootstrapperBuilder
974     {
BootstrapperBuilder()975         public BootstrapperBuilder() { }
976         public string Path { get { throw null; } set { } }
977         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductCollection Products { get { throw null; } }
978         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Build(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildSettings settings)979         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildResults Build(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildSettings settings) { throw null; }
980         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetOutputFolders(string[] productCodes, string culture, string fallbackCulture, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ComponentsLocation componentsLocation)981         public string[] GetOutputFolders(string[] productCodes, string culture, string fallbackCulture, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ComponentsLocation componentsLocation) { throw null; }
982     }
983     public partial class BuildMessage : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IBuildMessage
984     {
BuildMessage()985         internal BuildMessage() { }
986         public int HelpId { get { throw null; } }
987         public string HelpKeyword { get { throw null; } }
988         public string Message { get { throw null; } }
989         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildMessageSeverity Severity { get { throw null; } }
990     }
991     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
992     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("936D32F9-1A68-4d5e-98EA-044AC9A1AADA")]
993     public enum BuildMessageSeverity
994     {
995         Error = 2,
996         Info = 0,
997         Warning = 1,
998     }
999     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType)(0))]
1000     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1001     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("FAD7BA7C-CA00-41e0-A5EF-2DA9A74E58E6")]
1002     public partial class BuildResults : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IBuildResults
1003     {
BuildResults()1004         internal BuildResults() { }
1005         public string[] ComponentFiles { get { throw null; } }
1006         public string KeyFile { get { throw null; } }
1007         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildMessage[] Messages { get { throw null; } }
1008         public bool Succeeded { get { throw null; } }
1009     }
1010     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType)(0))]
1011     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1012     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("5D13802C-C830-4b41-8E7A-F69D9DD6A095")]
1013     public partial class BuildSettings : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IBuildSettings
1014     {
BuildSettings()1015         public BuildSettings() { }
1016         public string ApplicationFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
1017         public string ApplicationName { get { throw null; } set { } }
1018         public string ApplicationUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1019         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ComponentsLocation ComponentsLocation { get { throw null; } set { } }
1020         public string ComponentsUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1021         public bool CopyComponents { get { throw null; } set { } }
1022         public int FallbackLCID { get { throw null; } set { } }
1023         public int LCID { get { throw null; } set { } }
1024         public string OutputPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1025         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilderCollection ProductBuilders { get { throw null; } }
1026         public string SupportUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1027         public bool Validate { get { throw null; } set { } }
1028     }
1029     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1030     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("12F49949-7B60-49CD-B6A0-2B5E4A638AAF")]
1031     public enum ComponentsLocation
1032     {
1033         Absolute = 2,
1034         HomeSite = 0,
1035         Relative = 1,
1036     }
1037     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1038     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("1D202366-5EEA-4379-9255-6F8CDB8587C9")]
1039     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1040     public partial interface IBootstrapperBuilder
1041     {
1042         string Path { get; set; }
1043         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductCollection Products { get; }
Build(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildSettings settings)1044         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildResults Build(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildSettings settings);
1045     }
1046     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1047     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("E3C981EA-99E6-4f48-8955-1AAFDFB5ACE4")]
1048     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1049     public partial interface IBuildMessage
1050     {
1051         int HelpId { get; }
1052         string HelpKeyword { get; }
1053         string Message { get; }
1054         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildMessageSeverity Severity { get; }
1055     }
1056     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1057     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("586B842C-D9C7-43b8-84E4-9CFC3AF9F13B")]
1058     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1059     public partial interface IBuildResults
1060     {
1061         string[] ComponentFiles { get; }
1062         string KeyFile { get; }
1063         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.BuildMessage[] Messages { get; }
1064         bool Succeeded { get; }
1065     }
1066     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1067     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("87EEBC69-0948-4ce6-A2DE-819162B87CC6")]
1068     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1069     public partial interface IBuildSettings
1070     {
1071         string ApplicationFile { get; set; }
1072         string ApplicationName { get; set; }
1073         string ApplicationUrl { get; set; }
1074         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ComponentsLocation ComponentsLocation { get; set; }
1075         string ComponentsUrl { get; set; }
1076         bool CopyComponents { get; set; }
1077         int FallbackLCID { get; set; }
1078         int LCID { get; set; }
1079         string OutputPath { get; set; }
1080         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilderCollection ProductBuilders { get; }
1081         string SupportUrl { get; set; }
1082         bool Validate { get; set; }
1083     }
1084     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1085     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("9E81BE3D-530F-4a10-8349-5D5947BA59AD")]
1086     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1087     public partial interface IProduct
1088     {
1089         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductCollection Includes { get; }
1090         string Name { get; }
1091         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilder ProductBuilder { get; }
1092         string ProductCode { get; }
1093     }
1094     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1095     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("0777432F-A60D-48b3-83DB-90326FE8C96E")]
1096     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1097     public partial interface IProductBuilder
1098     {
1099         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.Product Product { get; }
1100     }
1101     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1102     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("0D593FC0-E3F1-4dad-A674-7EA4D327F79B")]
1103     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1104     public partial interface IProductBuilderCollection
1105     {
Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilder builder)1106         void Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilder builder);
1107     }
1108     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1109     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("63F63663-8503-4875-814C-09168E595367")]
1110     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(0))]
1111     public partial interface IProductCollection
1112     {
1113         int Count { get; }
Item(int index)1114         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.Product Item(int index);
Product(string productCode)1115         Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.Product Product(string productCode);
1116     }
1117     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType)(0))]
1118     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1119     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("532BF563-A85D-4088-8048-41F51AC5239F")]
1120     public partial class Product : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IProduct
1121     {
Product()1122         public Product() { }
1123         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductCollection Includes { get { throw null; } }
1124         public string Name { get { throw null; } }
1125         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilder ProductBuilder { get { throw null; } }
1126         public string ProductCode { get { throw null; } }
1127     }
1128     public partial class ProductBuilder : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IProductBuilder
1129     {
ProductBuilder()1130         internal ProductBuilder() { }
1131         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.Product Product { get { throw null; } }
1132     }
1133     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType)(0))]
1134     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1135     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("D25C0741-99CA-49f7-9460-95E5F25EEF43")]
1136     public partial class ProductBuilderCollection : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IProductBuilderCollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
1137     {
ProductBuilderCollection()1138         internal ProductBuilderCollection() { }
1139         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilder builder)1140         public void Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.ProductBuilder builder) { }
1141         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetEnumerator()1142         public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
1143     }
1144     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType)(0))]
1145     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1146     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("EFFA164B-3E87-4195-88DB-8AC004DDFE2A")]
1147     public partial class ProductCollection : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.IProductCollection, System.Collections.IEnumerable
1148     {
ProductCollection()1149         internal ProductCollection() { }
1150         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1151         public int Count { get { throw null; } }
1152         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetEnumerator()1153         public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
1154         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Item(int index)1155         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.Product Item(int index) { throw null; }
1156         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Product(string productCode)1157         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper.Product Product(string productCode) { throw null; }
1158     }
1159 }
1160 namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities
1161 {
1162     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1163     public sealed partial class ApplicationIdentity
1164     {
ApplicationIdentity(string url, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity deployManifestIdentity, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity applicationManifestIdentity)1165         public ApplicationIdentity(string url, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity deployManifestIdentity, Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity applicationManifestIdentity) { }
ApplicationIdentity(string url, string deployManifestPath, string applicationManifestPath)1166         public ApplicationIdentity(string url, string deployManifestPath, string applicationManifestPath) { }
ToString()1167         public override string ToString() { throw null; }
1168     }
1169     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1170     public sealed partial class ApplicationManifest : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyManifest
1171     {
1172         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ApplicationManifest()1173         public ApplicationManifest() { }
1174         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1175         public string ConfigFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
1176         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1177         public override Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference EntryPoint { get { throw null; } set { } }
1178         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1179         public string IconFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
1180         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1181         public bool IsClickOnceManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
1182         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1183         public int MaxTargetPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1184         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1185         public string OSDescription { get { throw null; } set { } }
1186         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1187         public string OSSupportUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1188         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1189         public string OSVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
1190         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1191         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.TrustInfo TrustInfo { get { throw null; } set { } }
1192         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1193         public string XmlConfigFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
1194         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1195         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity XmlEntryPointIdentity { get { throw null; } set { } }
1196         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1197         public string XmlEntryPointParameters { get { throw null; } set { } }
1198         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1199         public string XmlEntryPointPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1200         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1201         public string XmlIconFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
1202         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1203         public string XmlIsClickOnceManifest { get { throw null; } set { } }
1204         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1205         public string XmlOSBuild { get { throw null; } set { } }
1206         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1207         public string XmlOSDescription { get { throw null; } set { } }
1208         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1209         public string XmlOSMajor { get { throw null; } set { } }
1210         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1211         public string XmlOSMinor { get { throw null; } set { } }
1212         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1213         public string XmlOSRevision { get { throw null; } set { } }
1214         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1215         public string XmlOSSupportUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1216     }
1217     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1218     public sealed partial class AssemblyIdentity
1219     {
1220         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyIdentity()1221         public AssemblyIdentity() { }
1222         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyIdentity(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity identity)1223         public AssemblyIdentity(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity identity) { }
1224         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyIdentity(string name)1225         public AssemblyIdentity(string name) { }
1226         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version)1227         public AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version) { }
1228         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version, string publicKeyToken, string culture)1229         public AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version, string publicKeyToken, string culture) { }
1230         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version, string publicKeyToken, string culture, string processorArchitecture)1231         public AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version, string publicKeyToken, string culture, string processorArchitecture) { }
1232         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version, string publicKeyToken, string culture, string processorArchitecture, string type)1233         public AssemblyIdentity(string name, string version, string publicKeyToken, string culture, string processorArchitecture, string type) { }
1234         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1235         public string Culture { get { throw null; } set { } }
1236         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1237         public bool IsFrameworkAssembly { get { throw null; } }
1238         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1239         public bool IsNeutralPlatform { get { throw null; } }
1240         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1241         public bool IsStrongName { get { throw null; } }
1242         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1243         public string Name { get { throw null; } set { } }
1244         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1245         public string ProcessorArchitecture { get { throw null; } set { } }
1246         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1247         public string PublicKeyToken { get { throw null; } set { } }
1248         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1249         public string Type { get { throw null; } set { } }
1250         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1251         public string Version { get { throw null; } set { } }
1252         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1253         public string XmlCulture { get { throw null; } set { } }
1254         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1255         public string XmlName { get { throw null; } set { } }
1256         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1257         public string XmlProcessorArchitecture { get { throw null; } set { } }
1258         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1259         public string XmlPublicKeyToken { get { throw null; } set { } }
1260         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1261         public string XmlType { get { throw null; } set { } }
1262         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1263         public string XmlVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
1264         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FromAssemblyName(string assemblyName)1265         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity FromAssemblyName(string assemblyName) { throw null; }
1266         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FromFile(string path)1267         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity FromFile(string path) { throw null; }
1268         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FromManagedAssembly(string path)1269         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity FromManagedAssembly(string path) { throw null; }
1270         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FromManifest(string path)1271         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity FromManifest(string path) { throw null; }
1272         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FromNativeAssembly(string path)1273         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity FromNativeAssembly(string path) { throw null; }
1274         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetFullName(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity.FullNameFlags flags)1275         public string GetFullName(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity.FullNameFlags flags) { throw null; }
1276         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ToString()1277         public override string ToString() { throw null; }
1278         [System.FlagsAttribute]
1279         public enum FullNameFlags
1280         {
1281             All = 3,
1282             Default = 0,
1283             ProcessorArchitecture = 1,
1284             Type = 2,
1285         }
1286     }
1287     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1288     public partial class AssemblyManifest : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest
1289     {
1290         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyManifest()1291         public AssemblyManifest() { }
1292         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.ProxyStub[] ExternalProxyStubs { get { throw null; } }
1293         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.ProxyStub[] XmlExternalProxyStubs { get { throw null; } set { } }
1294     }
1295     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1296     public sealed partial class AssemblyReference : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.BaseReference
1297     {
1298         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyReference()1299         public AssemblyReference() { }
1300         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
AssemblyReference(string path)1301         public AssemblyReference(string path) { }
1302         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity AssemblyIdentity { get { throw null; } set { } }
1303         public bool IsPrerequisite { get { throw null; } set { } }
1304         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReferenceType ReferenceType { get { throw null; } set { } }
1305         protected internal override string SortName { get { throw null; } }
1306         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity XmlAssemblyIdentity { get { throw null; } set { } }
1307         public string XmlIsNative { get { throw null; } set { } }
1308         public string XmlIsPrerequisite { get { throw null; } set { } }
ToString()1309         public override string ToString() { throw null; }
1310     }
1311     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1312     public sealed partial class AssemblyReferenceCollection : System.Collections.IEnumerable
1313     {
AssemblyReferenceCollection()1314         internal AssemblyReferenceCollection() { }
1315         public int Count { get { throw null; } }
1316         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference this[int index] { get { throw null; } }
Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference assembly)1317         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference assembly) { throw null; }
Add(string path)1318         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference Add(string path) { throw null; }
Clear()1319         public void Clear() { }
Find(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity identity)1320         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference Find(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity identity) { throw null; }
Find(string name)1321         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference Find(string name) { throw null; }
FindTargetPath(string targetPath)1322         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference FindTargetPath(string targetPath) { throw null; }
GetEnumerator()1323         public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
Remove(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference assemblyReference)1324         public void Remove(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference assemblyReference) { }
1325     }
1326     public enum AssemblyReferenceType
1327     {
1328         ClickOnceManifest = 1,
1329         ManagedAssembly = 2,
1330         NativeAssembly = 3,
1331         Unspecified = 0,
1332     }
1333     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1334     public abstract partial class BaseReference
1335     {
1336         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
BaseReference()1337         protected internal BaseReference() { }
1338         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
BaseReference(string path)1339         protected internal BaseReference(string path) { }
1340         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1341         public string Group { get { throw null; } set { } }
1342         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1343         public string Hash { get { throw null; } set { } }
1344         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1345         public bool IsOptional { get { throw null; } set { } }
1346         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1347         public string ResolvedPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1348         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1349         public long Size { get { throw null; } set { } }
1350         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1351         protected internal abstract string SortName { get; }
1352         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1353         public string SourcePath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1354         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1355         public string TargetPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1356         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1357         public string XmlGroup { get { throw null; } set { } }
1358         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1359         public string XmlHash { get { throw null; } set { } }
1360         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1361         public string XmlHashAlgorithm { get { throw null; } set { } }
1362         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1363         public string XmlIsOptional { get { throw null; } set { } }
1364         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1365         public string XmlPath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1366         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1367         public string XmlSize { get { throw null; } set { } }
1368         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ToString()1369         public override string ToString() { throw null; }
1370     }
1371     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1372     public partial class ComClass
1373     {
1374         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ComClass()1375         public ComClass() { }
1376         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1377         public string ClsId { get { throw null; } }
1378         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1379         public string Description { get { throw null; } }
1380         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1381         public string ProgId { get { throw null; } }
1382         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1383         public string ThreadingModel { get { throw null; } }
1384         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1385         public string TlbId { get { throw null; } }
1386         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1387         public string XmlClsId { get { throw null; } set { } }
1388         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1389         public string XmlDescription { get { throw null; } set { } }
1390         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1391         public string XmlProgId { get { throw null; } set { } }
1392         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1393         public string XmlThreadingModel { get { throw null; } set { } }
1394         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1395         public string XmlTlbId { get { throw null; } set { } }
1396     }
1397     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1398     public sealed partial class DeployManifest : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest
1399     {
1400         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
DeployManifest()1401         public DeployManifest() { }
1402         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1403         public string DeploymentUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1404         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1405         public bool DisallowUrlActivation { get { throw null; } set { } }
1406         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1407         public override Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference EntryPoint { get { throw null; } set { } }
1408         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1409         public bool Install { get { throw null; } set { } }
1410         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1411         public bool MapFileExtensions { get { throw null; } set { } }
1412         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1413         public string MinimumRequiredVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
1414         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1415         public string Product { get { throw null; } set { } }
1416         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1417         public string Publisher { get { throw null; } set { } }
1418         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1419         public string SupportUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1420         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1421         public bool TrustUrlParameters { get { throw null; } set { } }
1422         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1423         public bool UpdateEnabled { get { throw null; } set { } }
1424         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1425         public int UpdateInterval { get { throw null; } set { } }
1426         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1427         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.UpdateMode UpdateMode { get { throw null; } set { } }
1428         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1429         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.UpdateUnit UpdateUnit { get { throw null; } set { } }
1430         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1431         public string XmlDeploymentUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1432         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1433         public string XmlDisallowUrlActivation { get { throw null; } set { } }
1434         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1435         public string XmlInstall { get { throw null; } set { } }
1436         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1437         public string XmlMapFileExtensions { get { throw null; } set { } }
1438         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1439         public string XmlMinimumRequiredVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
1440         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1441         public string XmlProduct { get { throw null; } set { } }
1442         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1443         public string XmlPublisher { get { throw null; } set { } }
1444         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1445         public string XmlSupportUrl { get { throw null; } set { } }
1446         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1447         public string XmlTrustUrlParameters { get { throw null; } set { } }
1448         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1449         public string XmlUpdateEnabled { get { throw null; } set { } }
1450         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1451         public string XmlUpdateInterval { get { throw null; } set { } }
1452         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1453         public string XmlUpdateMode { get { throw null; } set { } }
1454         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1455         public string XmlUpdateUnit { get { throw null; } set { } }
1456         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Validate()1457         public override void Validate() { }
1458     }
1459     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1460     public sealed partial class FileReference : Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.BaseReference
1461     {
1462         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FileReference()1463         public FileReference() { }
1464         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FileReference(string path)1465         public FileReference(string path) { }
1466         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.ComClass[] ComClasses { get { throw null; } }
1467         public bool IsDataFile { get { throw null; } set { } }
1468         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.ProxyStub[] ProxyStubs { get { throw null; } }
1469         protected internal override string SortName { get { throw null; } }
1470         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.TypeLib[] TypeLibs { get { throw null; } }
1471         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.ComClass[] XmlComClasses { get { throw null; } set { } }
1472         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.ProxyStub[] XmlProxyStubs { get { throw null; } set { } }
1473         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.TypeLib[] XmlTypeLibs { get { throw null; } set { } }
1474         public string XmlWriteableType { get { throw null; } set { } }
1475     }
1476     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1477     public sealed partial class FileReferenceCollection : System.Collections.IEnumerable
1478     {
FileReferenceCollection()1479         internal FileReferenceCollection() { }
1480         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1481         public int Count { get { throw null; } }
1482         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1483         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference this[int index] { get { throw null; } }
1484         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference file)1485         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference Add(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference file) { throw null; }
1486         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Add(string path)1487         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference Add(string path) { throw null; }
1488         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Clear()1489         public void Clear() { }
1490         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
FindTargetPath(string targetPath)1491         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference FindTargetPath(string targetPath) { throw null; }
1492         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetEnumerator()1493         public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
1494         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Remove(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference file)1495         public void Remove(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference file) { }
1496     }
1497     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1498     public abstract partial class Manifest
1499     {
1500         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Manifest()1501         protected internal Manifest() { }
1502         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1503         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity AssemblyIdentity { get { throw null; } set { } }
1504         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1505         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReferenceCollection AssemblyReferences { get { throw null; } }
1506         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1507         public string Description { get { throw null; } set { } }
1508         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1509         public virtual Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference EntryPoint { get { throw null; } set { } }
1510         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1511         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReferenceCollection FileReferences { get { throw null; } }
1512         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1513         public System.IO.Stream InputStream { get { throw null; } set { } }
1514         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1515         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.OutputMessageCollection OutputMessages { get { throw null; } }
1516         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1517         public bool ReadOnly { get { throw null; } set { } }
1518         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1519         public string SourcePath { get { throw null; } set { } }
1520         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1521         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyIdentity XmlAssemblyIdentity { get { throw null; } set { } }
1522         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1523         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.AssemblyReference[] XmlAssemblyReferences { get { throw null; } set { } }
1524         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1525         public string XmlDescription { get { throw null; } set { } }
1526         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1527         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.FileReference[] XmlFileReferences { get { throw null; } set { } }
1528         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1529         public string XmlSchema { get { throw null; } set { } }
1530         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ResolveFiles()1531         public void ResolveFiles() { }
1532         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ResolveFiles(string[] searchPaths)1533         public void ResolveFiles(string[] searchPaths) { }
1534         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ToString()1535         public override string ToString() { throw null; }
1536         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
UpdateFileInfo()1537         public void UpdateFileInfo() { }
1538         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Validate()1539         public virtual void Validate() { }
1540         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ValidatePlatform()1541         protected void ValidatePlatform() { }
1542     }
1543     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1544     public static partial class ManifestReader
1545     {
1546         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ReadManifest(System.IO.Stream input, bool preserveStream)1547         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest ReadManifest(System.IO.Stream input, bool preserveStream) { throw null; }
1548         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ReadManifest(string path, bool preserveStream)1549         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest ReadManifest(string path, bool preserveStream) { throw null; }
1550         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ReadManifest(string manifestType, System.IO.Stream input, bool preserveStream)1551         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest ReadManifest(string manifestType, System.IO.Stream input, bool preserveStream) { throw null; }
1552         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ReadManifest(string manifestType, string path, bool preserveStream)1553         public static Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest ReadManifest(string manifestType, string path, bool preserveStream) { throw null; }
1554     }
1555     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1556     public static partial class ManifestWriter
1557     {
1558         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WriteManifest(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest)1559         public static void WriteManifest(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest) { }
1560         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WriteManifest(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest, System.IO.Stream output)1561         public static void WriteManifest(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest, System.IO.Stream output) { }
1562         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WriteManifest(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest, string path)1563         public static void WriteManifest(Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.Manifest manifest, string path) { }
1564     }
1565     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1566     public sealed partial class OutputMessage
1567     {
OutputMessage()1568         internal OutputMessage() { }
1569         public string Name { get { throw null; } }
1570         public string Text { get { throw null; } }
1571         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.OutputMessageType Type { get { throw null; } }
1572         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetArguments()1573         public string[] GetArguments() { throw null; }
1574     }
1575     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1576     public sealed partial class OutputMessageCollection : System.Collections.IEnumerable
1577     {
OutputMessageCollection()1578         internal OutputMessageCollection() { }
1579         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1580         public int ErrorCount { get { throw null; } }
1581         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1582         public Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities.OutputMessage this[int index] { get { throw null; } }
1583         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1584         public int WarningCount { get { throw null; } }
1585         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Clear()1586         public void Clear() { }
1587         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
GetEnumerator()1588         public System.Collections.IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { throw null; }
1589     }
1590     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1591     public enum OutputMessageType
1592     {
1593         Error = 2,
1594         Info = 0,
1595         Warning = 1,
1596     }
1597     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1598     public partial class ProxyStub
1599     {
1600         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ProxyStub()1601         public ProxyStub() { }
1602         public string BaseInterface { get { throw null; } }
1603         public string IID { get { throw null; } }
1604         public string Name { get { throw null; } }
1605         public string NumMethods { get { throw null; } }
1606         public string TlbId { get { throw null; } }
1607         public string XmlBaseInterface { get { throw null; } set { } }
1608         public string XmlIID { get { throw null; } set { } }
1609         public string XmlName { get { throw null; } set { } }
1610         public string XmlNumMethods { get { throw null; } set { } }
1611         public string XmlTlbId { get { throw null; } set { } }
1612     }
1613     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1614     public static partial class SecurityUtilities
1615     {
1616         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ComputeZonePermissionSet(string targetZone, System.Security.PermissionSet includedPermissionSet, string[] excludedPermissions)1617         public static System.Security.PermissionSet ComputeZonePermissionSet(string targetZone, System.Security.PermissionSet includedPermissionSet, string[] excludedPermissions) { throw null; }
1618         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
IdentityListToPermissionSet(string[] ids)1619         public static System.Security.PermissionSet IdentityListToPermissionSet(string[] ids) { throw null; }
1620         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
PermissionSetToIdentityList(System.Security.PermissionSet permissionSet)1621         public static string[] PermissionSetToIdentityList(System.Security.PermissionSet permissionSet) { throw null; }
1622         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
SignFile(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 cert, System.Uri timestampUrl, string path)1623         public static void SignFile(System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 cert, System.Uri timestampUrl, string path) { }
1624         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
SignFile(string certPath, System.Security.SecureString certPassword, System.Uri timestampUrl, string path)1625         public static void SignFile(string certPath, System.Security.SecureString certPassword, System.Uri timestampUrl, string path) { }
1626         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
SignFile(string certThumbprint, System.Uri timestampUrl, string path)1627         public static void SignFile(string certThumbprint, System.Uri timestampUrl, string path) { }
1628         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
XmlToPermissionSet(System.Xml.XmlElement element)1629         public static System.Security.PermissionSet XmlToPermissionSet(System.Xml.XmlElement element) { throw null; }
1630     }
1631     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1632     public sealed partial class TrustInfo
1633     {
1634         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
TrustInfo()1635         public TrustInfo() { }
1636         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1637         public bool HasUnmanagedCodePermission { get { throw null; } }
1638         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1639         public bool IsFullTrust { get { throw null; } set { } }
1640         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1641         public System.Security.PermissionSet PermissionSet { get { throw null; } set { } }
1642         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1643         public bool PreserveFullTrustPermissionSet { get { throw null; } set { } }
1644         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
1645         public string SameSiteAccess { get { throw null; } set { } }
1646         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Clear()1647         public void Clear() { }
1648         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Read(System.IO.Stream input)1649         public void Read(System.IO.Stream input) { }
1650         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Read(string path)1651         public void Read(string path) { }
1652         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ReadManifest(System.IO.Stream input)1653         public void ReadManifest(System.IO.Stream input) { }
1654         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ReadManifest(string path)1655         public void ReadManifest(string path) { }
1656         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
ToString()1657         public override string ToString() { throw null; }
1658         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Write(System.IO.Stream output)1659         public void Write(System.IO.Stream output) { }
1660         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
Write(string path)1661         public void Write(string path) { }
1662         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WriteManifest(System.IO.Stream output)1663         public void WriteManifest(System.IO.Stream output) { }
1664         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WriteManifest(System.IO.Stream input, System.IO.Stream output)1665         public void WriteManifest(System.IO.Stream input, System.IO.Stream output) { }
1666         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WriteManifest(string path)1667         public void WriteManifest(string path) { }
1668     }
1669     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1670     public partial class TypeLib
1671     {
1672         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
TypeLib()1673         public TypeLib() { }
1674         public string Flags { get { throw null; } }
1675         public string HelpDirectory { get { throw null; } }
1676         public string ResourceId { get { throw null; } }
1677         public string TlbId { get { throw null; } }
1678         public string Version { get { throw null; } }
1679         public string XmlFlags { get { throw null; } set { } }
1680         public string XmlHelpDirectory { get { throw null; } set { } }
1681         public string XmlResourceId { get { throw null; } set { } }
1682         public string XmlTlbId { get { throw null; } set { } }
1683         public string XmlVersion { get { throw null; } set { } }
1684     }
1685     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1686     public enum UpdateMode
1687     {
1688         Background = 0,
1689         Foreground = 1,
1690     }
1691     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1692     public enum UpdateUnit
1693     {
1694         Days = 1,
1695         Hours = 0,
1696         Weeks = 2,
1697     }
1698     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(false)]
1699     public partial class WindowClass
1700     {
1701         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WindowClass()1702         public WindowClass() { }
1703         [System.MonoTODOAttribute]
WindowClass(string name, bool versioned)1704         public WindowClass(string name, bool versioned) { }
1705         public string Name { get { throw null; } }
1706         public bool Versioned { get { throw null; } }
1707         public string XmlName { get { throw null; } set { } }
1708         public string XmlVersioned { get { throw null; } set { } }
1709     }
1710 }
1711 namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Hosting
1712 {
1713     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1714     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("8520CC4D-64DC-4855-BE3F-4C28CCE048EE")]
1715     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(1))]
1716     public partial interface ICscHostObject : Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskHost
1717     {
BeginInitialization()1718         void BeginInitialization();
Compile()1719         bool Compile();
EndInitialization(out string errorMessage, out int errorCode)1720         bool EndInitialization(out string errorMessage, out int errorCode);
IsDesignTime()1721         bool IsDesignTime();
IsUpToDate()1722         bool IsUpToDate();
SetAdditionalLibPaths(string[] additionalLibPaths)1723         bool SetAdditionalLibPaths(string[] additionalLibPaths);
SetAddModules(string[] addModules)1724         bool SetAddModules(string[] addModules);
SetAllowUnsafeBlocks(bool allowUnsafeBlocks)1725         bool SetAllowUnsafeBlocks(bool allowUnsafeBlocks);
SetBaseAddress(string baseAddress)1726         bool SetBaseAddress(string baseAddress);
SetCheckForOverflowUnderflow(bool checkForOverflowUnderflow)1727         bool SetCheckForOverflowUnderflow(bool checkForOverflowUnderflow);
SetCodePage(int codePage)1728         bool SetCodePage(int codePage);
SetDebugType(string debugType)1729         bool SetDebugType(string debugType);
SetDefineConstants(string defineConstants)1730         bool SetDefineConstants(string defineConstants);
SetDelaySign(bool delaySignExplicitlySet, bool delaySign)1731         bool SetDelaySign(bool delaySignExplicitlySet, bool delaySign);
SetDisabledWarnings(string disabledWarnings)1732         bool SetDisabledWarnings(string disabledWarnings);
SetDocumentationFile(string documentationFile)1733         bool SetDocumentationFile(string documentationFile);
SetEmitDebugInformation(bool emitDebugInformation)1734         bool SetEmitDebugInformation(bool emitDebugInformation);
SetErrorReport(string errorReport)1735         bool SetErrorReport(string errorReport);
SetFileAlignment(int fileAlignment)1736         bool SetFileAlignment(int fileAlignment);
SetGenerateFullPaths(bool generateFullPaths)1737         bool SetGenerateFullPaths(bool generateFullPaths);
SetKeyContainer(string keyContainer)1738         bool SetKeyContainer(string keyContainer);
SetKeyFile(string keyFile)1739         bool SetKeyFile(string keyFile);
SetLangVersion(string langVersion)1740         bool SetLangVersion(string langVersion);
SetLinkResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] linkResources)1741         bool SetLinkResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] linkResources);
SetMainEntryPoint(string targetType, string mainEntryPoint)1742         bool SetMainEntryPoint(string targetType, string mainEntryPoint);
SetModuleAssemblyName(string moduleAssemblyName)1743         bool SetModuleAssemblyName(string moduleAssemblyName);
SetNoConfig(bool noConfig)1744         bool SetNoConfig(bool noConfig);
SetNoStandardLib(bool noStandardLib)1745         bool SetNoStandardLib(bool noStandardLib);
SetOptimize(bool optimize)1746         bool SetOptimize(bool optimize);
SetOutputAssembly(string outputAssembly)1747         bool SetOutputAssembly(string outputAssembly);
SetPdbFile(string pdbFile)1748         bool SetPdbFile(string pdbFile);
SetPlatform(string platform)1749         bool SetPlatform(string platform);
SetReferences(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] references)1750         bool SetReferences(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] references);
SetResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] resources)1751         bool SetResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] resources);
SetResponseFiles(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] responseFiles)1752         bool SetResponseFiles(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] responseFiles);
SetSources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] sources)1753         bool SetSources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] sources);
SetTargetType(string targetType)1754         bool SetTargetType(string targetType);
SetTreatWarningsAsErrors(bool treatWarningsAsErrors)1755         bool SetTreatWarningsAsErrors(bool treatWarningsAsErrors);
SetWarningLevel(int warningLevel)1756         bool SetWarningLevel(int warningLevel);
SetWarningsAsErrors(string warningsAsErrors)1757         bool SetWarningsAsErrors(string warningsAsErrors);
SetWarningsNotAsErrors(string warningsNotAsErrors)1758         bool SetWarningsNotAsErrors(string warningsNotAsErrors);
SetWin32Icon(string win32Icon)1759         bool SetWin32Icon(string win32Icon);
SetWin32Resource(string win32Resource)1760         bool SetWin32Resource(string win32Resource);
1761     }
1762     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
1763     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute("7D7AC3BE-253A-40e8-A3FF-357D0DA7C47A")]
1764     [System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute((System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType)(1))]
1765     public partial interface IVbcHostObject : Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskHost
1766     {
BeginInitialization()1767         void BeginInitialization();
Compile()1768         bool Compile();
EndInitialization()1769         void EndInitialization();
IsDesignTime()1770         bool IsDesignTime();
IsUpToDate()1771         bool IsUpToDate();
SetAdditionalLibPaths(string[] additionalLibPaths)1772         bool SetAdditionalLibPaths(string[] additionalLibPaths);
SetAddModules(string[] addModules)1773         bool SetAddModules(string[] addModules);
SetBaseAddress(string targetType, string baseAddress)1774         bool SetBaseAddress(string targetType, string baseAddress);
SetCodePage(int codePage)1775         bool SetCodePage(int codePage);
SetDebugType(bool emitDebugInformation, string debugType)1776         bool SetDebugType(bool emitDebugInformation, string debugType);
SetDefineConstants(string defineConstants)1777         bool SetDefineConstants(string defineConstants);
SetDelaySign(bool delaySign)1778         bool SetDelaySign(bool delaySign);
SetDisabledWarnings(string disabledWarnings)1779         bool SetDisabledWarnings(string disabledWarnings);
SetDocumentationFile(string documentationFile)1780         bool SetDocumentationFile(string documentationFile);
SetErrorReport(string errorReport)1781         bool SetErrorReport(string errorReport);
SetFileAlignment(int fileAlignment)1782         bool SetFileAlignment(int fileAlignment);
SetGenerateDocumentation(bool generateDocumentation)1783         bool SetGenerateDocumentation(bool generateDocumentation);
SetImports(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] importsList)1784         bool SetImports(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] importsList);
SetKeyContainer(string keyContainer)1785         bool SetKeyContainer(string keyContainer);
SetKeyFile(string keyFile)1786         bool SetKeyFile(string keyFile);
SetLinkResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] linkResources)1787         bool SetLinkResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] linkResources);
SetMainEntryPoint(string mainEntryPoint)1788         bool SetMainEntryPoint(string mainEntryPoint);
SetNoConfig(bool noConfig)1789         bool SetNoConfig(bool noConfig);
SetNoStandardLib(bool noStandardLib)1790         bool SetNoStandardLib(bool noStandardLib);
SetNoWarnings(bool noWarnings)1791         bool SetNoWarnings(bool noWarnings);
SetOptimize(bool optimize)1792         bool SetOptimize(bool optimize);
SetOptionCompare(string optionCompare)1793         bool SetOptionCompare(string optionCompare);
SetOptionExplicit(bool optionExplicit)1794         bool SetOptionExplicit(bool optionExplicit);
SetOptionStrict(bool optionStrict)1795         bool SetOptionStrict(bool optionStrict);
SetOptionStrictType(string optionStrictType)1796         bool SetOptionStrictType(string optionStrictType);
SetOutputAssembly(string outputAssembly)1797         bool SetOutputAssembly(string outputAssembly);
SetPlatform(string platform)1798         bool SetPlatform(string platform);
SetReferences(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] references)1799         bool SetReferences(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] references);
SetRemoveIntegerChecks(bool removeIntegerChecks)1800         bool SetRemoveIntegerChecks(bool removeIntegerChecks);
SetResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] resources)1801         bool SetResources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] resources);
SetResponseFiles(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] responseFiles)1802         bool SetResponseFiles(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] responseFiles);
SetRootNamespace(string rootNamespace)1803         bool SetRootNamespace(string rootNamespace);
SetSdkPath(string sdkPath)1804         bool SetSdkPath(string sdkPath);
SetSources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] sources)1805         bool SetSources(Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem[] sources);
SetTargetCompactFramework(bool targetCompactFramework)1806         bool SetTargetCompactFramework(bool targetCompactFramework);
SetTargetType(string targetType)1807         bool SetTargetType(string targetType);
SetTreatWarningsAsErrors(bool treatWarningsAsErrors)1808         bool SetTreatWarningsAsErrors(bool treatWarningsAsErrors);
SetWarningsAsErrors(string warningsAsErrors)1809         bool SetWarningsAsErrors(string warningsAsErrors);
SetWarningsNotAsErrors(string warningsNotAsErrors)1810         bool SetWarningsNotAsErrors(string warningsNotAsErrors);
SetWin32Icon(string win32Icon)1811         bool SetWin32Icon(string win32Icon);
SetWin32Resource(string win32Resource)1812         bool SetWin32Resource(string win32Resource);
1813     }
1814 }
1815 namespace System
1816 {
1817     [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(32767), AllowMultiple=true)]
1818     internal partial class MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute
1819     {
MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute(string comment)1820         public MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute(string comment) { }
1821     }
1822     [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(32767), AllowMultiple=true)]
1823     internal partial class MonoExtensionAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute
1824     {
MonoExtensionAttribute(string comment)1825         public MonoExtensionAttribute(string comment) { }
1826     }
1827     [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(32767), AllowMultiple=true)]
1828     internal partial class MonoInternalNoteAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute
1829     {
MonoInternalNoteAttribute(string comment)1830         public MonoInternalNoteAttribute(string comment) { }
1831     }
1832     [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(32767), AllowMultiple=true)]
1833     internal partial class MonoLimitationAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute
1834     {
MonoLimitationAttribute(string comment)1835         public MonoLimitationAttribute(string comment) { }
1836     }
1837     [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(32767), AllowMultiple=true)]
1838     internal partial class MonoNotSupportedAttribute : System.MonoTODOAttribute
1839     {
MonoNotSupportedAttribute(string comment)1840         public MonoNotSupportedAttribute(string comment) { }
1841     }
1842     [System.AttributeUsageAttribute((System.AttributeTargets)(32767), AllowMultiple=true)]
1843     internal partial class MonoTODOAttribute : System.Attribute
1844     {
MonoTODOAttribute()1845         public MonoTODOAttribute() { }
MonoTODOAttribute(string comment)1846         public MonoTODOAttribute(string comment) { }
1847         public string Comment { get { throw null; } }
1848     }
1849 }