1 // Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
2 // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
3 // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
5 namespace System.Net.Mail
6 {
7     // Enumeration of the well-known headers.
8     // If you add to this enum you MUST also add the appropriate initializer in MailHeaderInfo.s_headerInfo
9     internal enum MailHeaderID
10     {
11         Bcc = 0,
12         Cc,
14         ContentDescription,
15         ContentDisposition,
16         ContentID,
17         ContentLocation,
18         ContentTransferEncoding,
19         ContentType,
20         Date,
21         From,
22         Importance,
23         InReplyTo,
24         Keywords,
25         Max,
26         MessageID,
27         MimeVersion,
28         Priority,
29         References,
30         ReplyTo,
31         ResentBcc,
32         ResentCc,
33         ResentDate,
34         ResentFrom,
35         ResentMessageID,
36         ResentSender,
37         ResentTo,
38         Sender,
39         Subject,
40         To,
41         XPriority,
42         XReceiver,
43         XSender,
44         ZMaxEnumValue = XSender,  // Keep this to equal to the last "known" enum entry if you add to the end
45         Unknown = -1
46     }
47 }