1 //------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
3 //------------------------------------------------------------
4 namespace System.Xml
5 {
6     // Element           => StartElement Attribute* Content EndElement
7     //                    | StartElement Attribute* Text // Text must be WithEndElement
8     //                    | Array StartElement Attribute* EndElement type MB32(Count) byte[Count * sizeof(type)]
10     // StartElement      => ShortElementNode Name(LocalName)
11     //                    | ElementNode Name(Prefix) Name(LocalName)
12     //                    | ShortDictionaryElementNode MB32(LocalName)
13     //                    | PrefixDictionaryElement[A-Z]Node MB32(LocalName)
14     //                    | DictionaryElementNode Name(Prefix) MB32(LocalName)
15     //                    | PrefixElement[A-Z]Node Name(LocalName)
17     // EndElement        => EndElementNode
18     // Content           => (Element | ArrayElement | Text | Comment)*
20     // Attribute         => ShortAttributeNode Name(LocalName) Text
21     //                    | AttributeNode Name(Prefix) Name(LocalName) Text
22     //                    | ShortDictionaryAttributeNode MB32(LocalName) Text
23     //                    | DictionaryAttributeNode Name(Prefix) MB32(LocalName) Text
24     //                    | ShortXmlnsAttributeNode Name(Namespace)
25     //                    | XmlnsAttributeNode Name(Prefix) Name(Namespace)
26     //                    | ShortDictionaryXmlnsAttributeNode MB32(Namespace)
27     //                    | DictionaryXmlnsAttributeNode Name(Prefix) MB32(Namespace)
28     //                    | PrefixAttribute[A-Z] Name(LocalName) Text
29     //                    | PrefixDictionaryAttribute[A-Z] MB32(LocalName) Text
31     // Text              => BinaryTextNode
32     //                    | CharsTextNode
33     //                    | EmptyTextNode
34     //                    | DictionaryTextNode MB32(Id)
35     //                    | ZeroTextNode
36     //                    | OneTextNode
37     //                    | TrueTextNode
38     //                    | FalseTextNode
39     //                    | Int8TextNode  Int8
40     //                    | Int16TextNode Int16
41     //                    | Int32TextNode Int32
42     //                    | Int64TextNode Int64
43     //                    | FloatTextNode Float
44     //                    | DoubleTextNode Double
45     //                    | DecimalTextNode Decimal
46     //                    | DateTimeTextNode DateTime
47     //                    | StartListNode Text* EndListNode // Restriction: Cannot nest ListNode
48     //                    | UniqueIdTextNode byte[16]       // byte[16] is a Guid (from Guid.ToBinary()) (urn:uuid:xxxx-xxxx-xxx)
49     //                    | GuidTextNode byte[16]           // byte[16] is a Guid (from Guid.ToBinary()) (xxxx-xxxx-xxx)
50     //                    | TimeSpanNode Int64
51     //                    | UInt64TextNode UInt64
52     //                    | BoolTextNode Int8
53     // BinaryText        => Bytes8TextNode  UInt8  byte*
54     //                    | Bytes16TextNode UInt16 byte*
55     //                    | Bytes32TextNode UInt31  byte*
56     // CharsText         => Chars8TextNode  UInt8  byte* // UTF8Chars
57     //                    | Chars16TextNode UInt16 byte*
58     //                    | Chars32TextNode Unt31  byte*
59     //                    | UnicodeChars8TextNode UInt8 char*
60     //                    | UnicodeChars16TextNode UInt16 char*
61     //                    | UnicodeChars32TextNode UInt31 char*
62     //                    | QNameDictionaryTextNode UInt8 MB32(LocalName) // UInt8 0-25 => 'a'-'z'
63     // Comment           => CommentNode Name(Text)
64     // Name              => MB32 byte* // Length, UTF8Chars
65     // MB32(x:x>=0x80)   => byte(0x80 | (x & 0x7F)) MB32(x >> 7)
66     // MB32(x:x<0x80)    => byte(x)
69     // In order to help differentiate text from binary (where someone mixes up format and implementation) we overlay binary
70     // nodes that are illegal to start a document with text characters that are legal to start a document.  Specifically these values are:
71     // ' ' = 32
72     // '\t' = 9
73     // '\n' = 10
74     // '\r' = 13
75     // '<' = 60
76     // The attribute nodes (MinAttribute to MaxAttribute) overlay all of these values and are invalid as the first byte of the document
78     enum XmlBinaryNodeType
79     {
80         // ProcessingInstruction = 0, // Reserved (Not supported)
81         EndElement = 1,
82         Comment = 2,
83         Array = 3,
85         MinAttribute = Array + 1,
86         ShortAttribute = MinAttribute + 0,
87         Attribute = MinAttribute + 1,
88         ShortDictionaryAttribute = MinAttribute + 2,
89         DictionaryAttribute = MinAttribute + 3,
90         ShortXmlnsAttribute = MinAttribute + 4,
91         XmlnsAttribute = MinAttribute + 5,
92         ShortDictionaryXmlnsAttribute = MinAttribute + 6,
93         DictionaryXmlnsAttribute = MinAttribute + 7,
94         PrefixDictionaryAttributeA = MinAttribute + 8,
95         PrefixDictionaryAttributeB = PrefixDictionaryAttributeA + 1,
96         PrefixDictionaryAttributeC = PrefixDictionaryAttributeB + 1,
97         PrefixDictionaryAttributeD = PrefixDictionaryAttributeC + 1,
98         PrefixDictionaryAttributeE = PrefixDictionaryAttributeD + 1,
99         PrefixDictionaryAttributeF = PrefixDictionaryAttributeE + 1,
100         PrefixDictionaryAttributeG = PrefixDictionaryAttributeF + 1,
101         PrefixDictionaryAttributeH = PrefixDictionaryAttributeG + 1,
102         PrefixDictionaryAttributeI = PrefixDictionaryAttributeH + 1,
103         PrefixDictionaryAttributeJ = PrefixDictionaryAttributeI + 1,
104         PrefixDictionaryAttributeK = PrefixDictionaryAttributeJ + 1,
105         PrefixDictionaryAttributeL = PrefixDictionaryAttributeK + 1,
106         PrefixDictionaryAttributeM = PrefixDictionaryAttributeL + 1,
107         PrefixDictionaryAttributeN = PrefixDictionaryAttributeM + 1,
108         PrefixDictionaryAttributeO = PrefixDictionaryAttributeN + 1,
109         PrefixDictionaryAttributeP = PrefixDictionaryAttributeO + 1,
110         PrefixDictionaryAttributeQ = PrefixDictionaryAttributeP + 1,
111         PrefixDictionaryAttributeR = PrefixDictionaryAttributeQ + 1,
112         PrefixDictionaryAttributeS = PrefixDictionaryAttributeR + 1,
113         PrefixDictionaryAttributeT = PrefixDictionaryAttributeS + 1,
114         PrefixDictionaryAttributeU = PrefixDictionaryAttributeT + 1,
115         PrefixDictionaryAttributeV = PrefixDictionaryAttributeU + 1,
116         PrefixDictionaryAttributeW = PrefixDictionaryAttributeV + 1,
117         PrefixDictionaryAttributeX = PrefixDictionaryAttributeW + 1,
118         PrefixDictionaryAttributeY = PrefixDictionaryAttributeX + 1,
119         PrefixDictionaryAttributeZ = PrefixDictionaryAttributeY + 1,
120         PrefixAttributeA = PrefixDictionaryAttributeZ + 1,
121         PrefixAttributeB = PrefixAttributeA + 1,
122         PrefixAttributeC = PrefixAttributeB + 1,
123         PrefixAttributeD = PrefixAttributeC + 1,
124         PrefixAttributeE = PrefixAttributeD + 1,
125         PrefixAttributeF = PrefixAttributeE + 1,
126         PrefixAttributeG = PrefixAttributeF + 1,
127         PrefixAttributeH = PrefixAttributeG + 1,
128         PrefixAttributeI = PrefixAttributeH + 1,
129         PrefixAttributeJ = PrefixAttributeI + 1,
130         PrefixAttributeK = PrefixAttributeJ + 1,
131         PrefixAttributeL = PrefixAttributeK + 1,
132         PrefixAttributeM = PrefixAttributeL + 1,
133         PrefixAttributeN = PrefixAttributeM + 1,
134         PrefixAttributeO = PrefixAttributeN + 1,
135         PrefixAttributeP = PrefixAttributeO + 1,
136         PrefixAttributeQ = PrefixAttributeP + 1,
137         PrefixAttributeR = PrefixAttributeQ + 1,
138         PrefixAttributeS = PrefixAttributeR + 1,
139         PrefixAttributeT = PrefixAttributeS + 1,
140         PrefixAttributeU = PrefixAttributeT + 1,
141         PrefixAttributeV = PrefixAttributeU + 1,
142         PrefixAttributeW = PrefixAttributeV + 1,
143         PrefixAttributeX = PrefixAttributeW + 1,
144         PrefixAttributeY = PrefixAttributeX + 1,
145         PrefixAttributeZ = PrefixAttributeY + 1,
146         MaxAttribute = PrefixAttributeZ,
148         MinElement = MaxAttribute + 1,
149         ShortElement = MinElement,
150         Element = MinElement + 1,
151         ShortDictionaryElement = MinElement + 2,
152         DictionaryElement = MinElement + 3,
153         PrefixDictionaryElementA = MinElement + 4,
154         PrefixDictionaryElementB = PrefixDictionaryElementA + 1,
155         PrefixDictionaryElementC = PrefixDictionaryElementB + 1,
156         PrefixDictionaryElementD = PrefixDictionaryElementC + 1,
157         PrefixDictionaryElementE = PrefixDictionaryElementD + 1,
158         PrefixDictionaryElementF = PrefixDictionaryElementE + 1,
159         PrefixDictionaryElementG = PrefixDictionaryElementF + 1,
160         PrefixDictionaryElementH = PrefixDictionaryElementG + 1,
161         PrefixDictionaryElementI = PrefixDictionaryElementH + 1,
162         PrefixDictionaryElementJ = PrefixDictionaryElementI + 1,
163         PrefixDictionaryElementK = PrefixDictionaryElementJ + 1,
164         PrefixDictionaryElementL = PrefixDictionaryElementK + 1,
165         PrefixDictionaryElementM = PrefixDictionaryElementL + 1,
166         PrefixDictionaryElementN = PrefixDictionaryElementM + 1,
167         PrefixDictionaryElementO = PrefixDictionaryElementN + 1,
168         PrefixDictionaryElementP = PrefixDictionaryElementO + 1,
169         PrefixDictionaryElementQ = PrefixDictionaryElementP + 1,
170         PrefixDictionaryElementR = PrefixDictionaryElementQ + 1,
171         PrefixDictionaryElementS = PrefixDictionaryElementR + 1,
172         PrefixDictionaryElementT = PrefixDictionaryElementS + 1,
173         PrefixDictionaryElementU = PrefixDictionaryElementT + 1,
174         PrefixDictionaryElementV = PrefixDictionaryElementU + 1,
175         PrefixDictionaryElementW = PrefixDictionaryElementV + 1,
176         PrefixDictionaryElementX = PrefixDictionaryElementW + 1,
177         PrefixDictionaryElementY = PrefixDictionaryElementX + 1,
178         PrefixDictionaryElementZ = PrefixDictionaryElementY + 1,
179         PrefixElementA = PrefixDictionaryElementZ + 1,
180         PrefixElementB = PrefixElementA + 1,
181         PrefixElementC = PrefixElementB + 1,
182         PrefixElementD = PrefixElementC + 1,
183         PrefixElementE = PrefixElementD + 1,
184         PrefixElementF = PrefixElementE + 1,
185         PrefixElementG = PrefixElementF + 1,
186         PrefixElementH = PrefixElementG + 1,
187         PrefixElementI = PrefixElementH + 1,
188         PrefixElementJ = PrefixElementI + 1,
189         PrefixElementK = PrefixElementJ + 1,
190         PrefixElementL = PrefixElementK + 1,
191         PrefixElementM = PrefixElementL + 1,
192         PrefixElementN = PrefixElementM + 1,
193         PrefixElementO = PrefixElementN + 1,
194         PrefixElementP = PrefixElementO + 1,
195         PrefixElementQ = PrefixElementP + 1,
196         PrefixElementR = PrefixElementQ + 1,
197         PrefixElementS = PrefixElementR + 1,
198         PrefixElementT = PrefixElementS + 1,
199         PrefixElementU = PrefixElementT + 1,
200         PrefixElementV = PrefixElementU + 1,
201         PrefixElementW = PrefixElementV + 1,
202         PrefixElementX = PrefixElementW + 1,
203         PrefixElementY = PrefixElementX + 1,
204         PrefixElementZ = PrefixElementY + 1,
205         MaxElement = PrefixElementZ,
207         // MinorVersion = MaxElement + 1, // Reserved (Not supported)
209         MinText = 0x80, // Must be even
210         ZeroText = MinText,
211         OneText = MinText + 1 * 2,
212         FalseText = MinText + 2 * 2,
213         TrueText = MinText + 3 * 2,
214         Int8Text = MinText + 4 * 2,
215         Int16Text = MinText + 5 * 2,
216         Int32Text = MinText + 6 * 2,
217         Int64Text = MinText + 7 * 2,
218         FloatText = MinText + 8 * 2,
219         DoubleText = MinText + 9 * 2,
220         DecimalText = MinText + 10 * 2,
221         DateTimeText = MinText + 11 * 2,
222         Chars8Text = MinText + 12 * 2,
223         Chars16Text = MinText + 13 * 2,
224         Chars32Text = MinText + 14 * 2,
225         Bytes8Text = MinText + 15 * 2,
226         Bytes16Text = MinText + 16 * 2,
227         Bytes32Text = MinText + 17 * 2,
228         StartListText = MinText + 18 * 2,
229         EndListText = MinText + 19 * 2,
230         EmptyText = MinText + 20 * 2,
231         DictionaryText = MinText + 21 * 2,
232         UniqueIdText = MinText + 22 * 2,
233         TimeSpanText = MinText + 23 * 2,
234         GuidText = MinText + 24 * 2,
235         UInt64Text = MinText + 25 * 2,
236         BoolText = MinText + 26 * 2,
237         UnicodeChars8Text = MinText + 27 * 2,
238         UnicodeChars16Text = MinText + 28 * 2,
239         UnicodeChars32Text = MinText + 29 * 2,
240         QNameDictionaryText = MinText + 30 * 2,
242         ZeroTextWithEndElement = ZeroText + 1,
243         OneTextWithEndElement = OneText + 1,
244         FalseTextWithEndElement = FalseText + 1,
245         TrueTextWithEndElement = TrueText + 1,
246         Int8TextWithEndElement = Int8Text + 1,
247         Int16TextWithEndElement = Int16Text + 1,
248         Int32TextWithEndElement = Int32Text + 1,
249         Int64TextWithEndElement = Int64Text + 1,
250         FloatTextWithEndElement = FloatText + 1,
251         DoubleTextWithEndElement = DoubleText + 1,
252         DecimalTextWithEndElement = DecimalText + 1,
253         DateTimeTextWithEndElement = DateTimeText + 1,
254         Chars8TextWithEndElement = Chars8Text + 1,
255         Chars16TextWithEndElement = Chars16Text + 1,
256         Chars32TextWithEndElement = Chars32Text + 1,
257         Bytes8TextWithEndElement = Bytes8Text + 1,
258         Bytes16TextWithEndElement = Bytes16Text + 1,
259         Bytes32TextWithEndElement = Bytes32Text + 1,
260         StartListTextWithEndElement = StartListText + 1,
261         EndListTextWithEndElement = EndListText + 1,
262         EmptyTextWithEndElement = EmptyText + 1,
263         DictionaryTextWithEndElement = DictionaryText + 1,
264         UniqueIdTextWithEndElement = UniqueIdText + 1,
265         TimeSpanTextWithEndElement = TimeSpanText + 1,
266         GuidTextWithEndElement = GuidText + 1,
267         UInt64TextWithEndElement = UInt64Text + 1,
268         BoolTextWithEndElement = BoolText + 1,
269         UnicodeChars8TextWithEndElement = UnicodeChars8Text + 1,
270         UnicodeChars16TextWithEndElement = UnicodeChars16Text + 1,
271         UnicodeChars32TextWithEndElement = UnicodeChars32Text + 1,
272         QNameDictionaryTextWithEndElement = QNameDictionaryText + 1,
273         MaxText = QNameDictionaryTextWithEndElement
274     }
275 }