1(* Parsercomb -- parser combinators *)
3signature Parsercomb =
5    type 'elm stream
6    type ('elm, 'res) parser = 'elm stream -> ('res * 'elm stream) option
8    exception Parse of string
10    val stream     : ('src -> ('elm * 'src) option) -> 'src -> 'elm stream
12    val --         : ('a, 'b) parser * ('a, 'c) parser -> ('a, 'b * 'c) parser
13    val ||         : ('a, 'b) parser * ('a, 'b) parser -> ('a, 'b) parser
14    val >>         : ('a, 'b) parser * ('b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'c) parser
15    val >>*        : ('a, 'b) parser * ('b -> 'c option) -> ('a, 'c) parser
16    val >>=        : ('a, 'b) parser * ('b -> ('a, 'c) parser)
17                     -> ('a, 'c) parser
19    val #--        : ('elm, 'a) parser * ('elm, 'b) parser -> ('elm, 'b) parser
20    val --#        : ('elm, 'a) parser * ('elm, 'b) parser -> ('elm, 'a) parser
22    val $--        : string * (char, 'a) parser -> (char, 'a) parser
23    val --$        : (char, 'a) parser * string -> (char, 'a) parser
25    val repeat0    : ('elm, 'res) parser -> ('elm, 'res list) parser
26    val repeat1    : ('elm, 'res) parser -> ('elm, 'res * 'res list) parser
27    val optional   : ('elm, 'res) parser -> ('elm, 'res option) parser
29    val getItem    : ('elm, 'elm) parser
30    val failure    : ('elm, 'res) parser
31    val success    : 'res -> ('elm, 'res) parser
32    val eof        : 'res -> ('elm, 'res) parser
34    val $#         : char   -> (char, char) parser
35    val $          : string -> (char, string) parser
37    val getLit     : ''elm -> (''elm, ''elm) parser
39    val getChar    : (char -> bool) -> (char, char) parser
40    val getChars0  : (char -> bool) -> (char, string) parser
41    val getChars1  : (char -> bool) -> (char, string) parser
43    val getElem    : ('elm -> bool) -> ('elm, 'elm) parser
44    val getElems0  : ('elm -> bool) -> ('elm, 'elm list) parser
45    val getElems1  : ('elm -> bool) -> ('elm, 'elm * 'elm list) parser
47    val commitChar : string -> (char, 'res) parser -> (char, 'res) parser
48    val commitElem : string -> ('elm -> string)
49                     -> ('elm, 'res) parser -> ('elm, 'res) parser
51    (* Applying a parser to a stream *)
53    val parse      : ('elm, 'res) parser -> 'elm stream -> 'res option
55    val scan       : (('a, 'a stream) StringCvt.reader -> 'a stream -> 'b)
56                     -> 'a stream -> 'b
58    val skipWS     : (char, 'res) parser -> (char, 'res) parser
60    val scanString : (char, 'res) parser -> string -> 'res option
61    val scanSubstr : (char, 'res) parser -> substring -> 'res option
62    val scanList   : ('elm, 'res) parser -> 'elm list -> 'res option
66   ['elm stream] is the type of a lazy stream (sequence) of 'elm values.
68   [('elm, 'res) parser] is the type of parsers that consume elements
69   from an 'elm stream to produce a result of type 'res.  The attempt
70   may succeed with a result of type 'res, in which case the parser
71   may have consumed elements of the stream, or it may fail, in which
72   case the 'elm stream remains unchanged.
74   Below we indicate those parsers that are guaranteed to consume from
75   the stream if they succeed.  Such parsers can be safely used as the
76   argument to e.g. the repeat0 and repeat1 parser-transformers.
78   [stream getc src] builds a stream from a reader getc and a stream
79   state src.
81   [par1 -- par2] succeeds with (r1, r2) if par1 succeeds with r1 and
82   then par2 succeeds with r2 on the remainder of the stream.
84   [par1 || par2] succeeds with r1 if par1 succeeds with r1 on stream;
85   otherwise succeeds with r2 if par2 succeeds with r2 on stream;
86   otherwise fails.
88   [par >> f] succeeds with f(r) if par succeeds with r on the stream.
90   [par >>* f] succeeds with y if par succeeds with r on the stream,
91   and f r = SOME y; fails otherwise.
93   [par1 >>= parf2] succeeds with r2 if par1 succeeds with r1 and then
94   (parf2 r1) succeeds with r2 on the remainder of the stream.
96   [par1 #-- par2] succeeds with r2 if par1 succeeds with r1 and
97   then par2 succeeds with r2 on the remainder of the stream.
99   [par1 --# par2] succeeds with r1 if par1 succeeds with r1 and
100   then par2 succeeds with r2 on the remainder of the stream.
102   [s $-- par] succeeds with r if the stream begins with the
103   characters of the string s, and par succeeds with r on the
104   remainder of the stream.
106   [par $-- s] succeeds with r if p succeeds with r, and then the
107   remainder of the stream begins with the characters of the string s.
109   Recommended fixities:
111        infix 6 $-- --$ #-- --#
112        infix 5 --
113        infix 3 >> >>*
114        infix 2 >>=
115        infix 0 ||
117   [repeat0 par] succeeds with [r1, r2, ..., rn] if par succeeds with
118   r1, and then par succeeds with r2 on the remainder of the stream,
119   and then par succeeds with r3 on the remainder, etc, for some n>=0.
120   May succeed without consuming from the stream, even if par must
121   consume from the stream to succeed.
123   [repeat1 par] succeeds with (r1, [r2, ..., rn]) if par succeeds
124   with r1, and then par succeeds with r2 on the remainder of the
125   stream, and then par succeeds with r3 on the remainder, etc, for
126   some n>=1.  Must consume from the stream to succeed, provided par
127   must consume from the stream to succeed.  Equivalent to
128        par -- repeat0 par
130   [optional par] succeeds with SOME(r) if par succeeds with r;
131   succeeds with NONE otherwise.  May succeed without consuming from
132   the stream.  Equivalent to
133        par || succeed NONE
135   [success v] always succeeds with v, consuming nothing from the stream.
137   [failure] always fails.
139   [getItem] succeeds with r if the stream is non-empty and its first
140   element is r; fails otherwise.  Must consume from the stream if it
141   succeeds.
143   [eof v] succeeds with v if the stream is empty (end of file); fails
144   otherwise.
146   [$# c] succeeds with c if the stream begins with character c.
147   Consumes from the stream if it succeeds.
149   [$ s] succeeds with s if the stream begins with string s.  Consumes
150   from the stream if it succeeds.
152   [getChar p] succeeds with c if the first character c of the
153   stream satisfies predicate p.  Consumes from the stream if it
154   succeeds.
156   [getChars0 p] always succeeds with s, where s is the longest prefix
157   of the stream all of whose characters satisfy predicate p.  May
158   succeed without consuming from the stream.  Equivalent to
159        repeat0 (getChar p) >> String.implode
161   [getChars1 p] succeeds with s, where s is the longest non-empty
162   prefix of the stream all of whose characters satisfy predicate p,
163   if such a prefix exists; fails if the first character of the stream
164   does not satisfy p.  Consumes from the stream if it succeeds.
165   Equivalent to
166        repeat1 (getChar p) >> op:: >> String.implode
168   [getLit elm] succeeds with elm if the first element of the stream
169   equals elm; fails otherwise.  Consumes from the stream if it
170   succeeds.
172   [getElem p] succeeds with elm if the first element elm of the
173   stream satisfies predicate p.  Consumes from the stream if it
174   succeeds.
176   [getElems0 p] always succeeds with elms, where elms is the longest
177   prefix of the stream all of whose elements satisfy predicate p.
178   May succeed without consuming from the stream.  Equivalent to
179        repeat0 (getElem pred) strm
181   [getElems1 p] succeeds with (elm1, elmr), where elm1::elmr is the
182   longest non-empty prefix of the stream all of whose elements
183   satisfy predicate p; fails if the first element of the stream does
184   not satisfy p.  Consumes from the stream if it succeeds.
185   Equivalent to
186        repeat1 (getElem pred) strm
188   [commitChar cexpd par] succeeds with r if par succeeds with r;
189   raises exception Parse otherwise.  The exception's string argument
190   will have the form
191      Expected <cexpd> but found <cfound> at character number n
192   where cfound is the first character of the stream to which
193   commitChar is applied, or the text "eof" if that stream is empty,
194   and n is the number of the stream character cfound counting from the
195   beginning of the stream.  The first character has number 0.
197   [commitElem eexpd showe par] succeeds with r if par succeeds with r;
198   raises exception Parse otherwise.  The exception's string argument
199   will have the form
200      Expected <eexpd> but found <efound> at element number n
201   where efound is the result of applying showe to the first element
202   of the stream, or the text "eof" if the stream is empty, and n is
203   the number of stream element efound counting from the beginning of
204   the stream.  The first element has number 0.
206   [parse par strm] applies the parser par to the stream strm.
207   Returns SOME(v) if the parser succeeds with v; returns NONE
208   otherwise.
210   [scan scfn] produces a parser corresponding to the scan function
211   scfn.  Typical examples are:
213        scan Bool.scan                  : (char, bool) parser
214        scan Date.scan                  : (char, Date.date) parser
215        scan Real.scan                  : (char, real) parser
216        scan Time.scan                  : (char, Time.time) parser
217        scan (Int.scan StringCvt.DEC)   : (char, int) parser
218        scan (Word.scan StringCvt.HEX)  : (char, Word.word) parser
219        scan (Word8.scan StringCvt.HEX) : (char, Word8.word) parser
221   For instance, one may produce a list of real numbers by parsing
222   space-separated real numerals from a string s:
224     scanString (repeat0 (getChars0 Char.isSpace #-- scan Real.scan)) s
226   [skipWS par] removes any leading whitespace from the stream and
227   then applies par to the remainder.
229   [scanSubstring par sus] applies the parser par to the stream of
230   characters taken from the substring sus.  Returns SOME v if par
231   succeeds with v; returns NONE otherwise.  Equivalent to
232        parse par (stream Substring.getc sus)
234   [scanString par s] applies the parser par to the stream of
235   characters taken from the string s.  Returns SOME v if par succeeds
236   with v; returns NONE otherwise.
238   Example: Parsing an integer numeral from the string "723984626junk":
240      val intphr = getChars1 Char.isDigit
241      val i : string option = scanString intphr "723984626junk"
243   [scanList phr xs] applies the parser par to the stream of elements
244   from the list xs.  Returns SOME v if par succeeds with v; returns
245   NONE otherwise.  Equivalent to
246        parse par (stream List.getItem cs)