2(*                                                                        *)
3(*                                 OCaml                                  *)
4(*                                                                        *)
5(*             Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt           *)
6(*                                                                        *)
7(*   Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et     *)
8(*     en Automatique.                                                    *)
9(*                                                                        *)
10(*   All rights reserved.  This file is distributed under the terms of    *)
11(*   the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the          *)
12(*   special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE.          *)
13(*                                                                        *)
16open Compenv
17open Parsetree
18module StringMap = Depend.StringMap
20let ppf = Format.err_formatter
21(* Print the dependencies *)
23type file_kind = ML | MLI;;
25let load_path = ref ([] : (string * string array) list)
26let ml_synonyms = ref [".ml"]
27let mli_synonyms = ref [".mli"]
28let native_only = ref false
29let bytecode_only = ref false
30let error_occurred = ref false
31let raw_dependencies = ref false
32let sort_files = ref false
33let all_dependencies = ref false
34let one_line = ref false
35let files = ref []
36let allow_approximation = ref false
37let map_files = ref []
38let module_map = ref StringMap.empty
39let debug = ref false
41(* Fix path to use '/' as directory separator instead of '\'.
42   Only under Windows. *)
44let fix_slash s =
45  if Sys.os_type = "Unix" then s else begin
46    String.map (function '\\' -> '/' | c -> c) s
47  end
49(* Since we reinitialize load_path after reading OCAMLCOMP,
50  we must use a cache instead of calling Sys.readdir too often. *)
51let dirs = ref StringMap.empty
52let readdir dir =
53  try
54    StringMap.find dir !dirs
55  with Not_found ->
56    let contents =
57      try
58        Sys.readdir dir
59      with Sys_error msg ->
60        Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[Bad -I option: %s@]@." msg;
61        error_occurred := true;
62        [||]
63    in
64    dirs := StringMap.add dir contents !dirs;
65    contents
67let add_to_list li s =
68  li := s :: !li
70let add_to_load_path dir =
71  try
72    let dir = Misc.expand_directory Config.standard_library dir in
73    let contents = readdir dir in
74    add_to_list load_path (dir, contents)
75  with Sys_error msg ->
76    Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[Bad -I option: %s@]@." msg;
77    error_occurred := true
79let add_to_synonym_list synonyms suffix =
80  if (String.length suffix) > 1 && suffix.[0] = '.' then
81    add_to_list synonyms suffix
82  else begin
83    Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[Bad suffix: '%s'@]@." suffix;
84    error_occurred := true
85  end
87(* Find file 'name' (capitalized) in search path *)
88let find_file name =
89  let uname = String.uncapitalize_ascii name in
90  let rec find_in_array a pos =
91    if pos >= Array.length a then None else begin
92      let s = a.(pos) in
93      if s = name || s = uname then Some s else find_in_array a (pos + 1)
94    end in
95  let rec find_in_path = function
96    [] -> raise Not_found
97  | (dir, contents) :: rem ->
98      match find_in_array contents 0 with
99        Some truename ->
100          if dir = "." then truename else Filename.concat dir truename
101      | None -> find_in_path rem in
102  find_in_path !load_path
104let rec find_file_in_list = function
105  [] -> raise Not_found
106| x :: rem -> try find_file x with Not_found -> find_file_in_list rem
109let find_dependency target_kind modname (byt_deps, opt_deps) =
110  try
111    let candidates = List.map ((^) modname) !mli_synonyms in
112    let filename = find_file_in_list candidates in
113    let basename = Filename.chop_extension filename in
114    let cmi_file = basename ^ ".cmi" in
115    let cmx_file = basename ^ ".cmx" in
116    let ml_exists =
117      List.exists (fun ext -> Sys.file_exists (basename ^ ext)) !ml_synonyms in
118    let new_opt_dep =
119      if !all_dependencies then
120        match target_kind with
121        | MLI -> [ cmi_file ]
122        | ML  ->
123          cmi_file :: (if ml_exists then [ cmx_file ] else [])
124      else
125        (* this is a make-specific hack that makes .cmx to be a 'proxy'
126           target that would force the dependency on .cmi via transitivity *)
127        if ml_exists
128        then [ cmx_file ]
129        else [ cmi_file ]
130    in
131    ( cmi_file :: byt_deps, new_opt_dep @ opt_deps)
132  with Not_found ->
133  try
134    (* "just .ml" case *)
135    let candidates = List.map ((^) modname) !ml_synonyms in
136    let filename = find_file_in_list candidates in
137    let basename = Filename.chop_extension filename in
138    let cmi_file = basename ^ ".cmi" in
139    let cmx_file = basename ^ ".cmx" in
140    let bytenames =
141      if !all_dependencies then
142        match target_kind with
143        | MLI -> [ cmi_file ]
144        | ML  -> [ cmi_file ]
145      else
146        (* again, make-specific hack *)
147        [basename ^ (if !native_only then ".cmx" else ".cmo")] in
148    let optnames =
149      if !all_dependencies
150      then match target_kind with
151        | MLI -> [ cmi_file ]
152        | ML  -> [ cmi_file; cmx_file ]
153      else [ cmx_file ]
154    in
155    (bytenames @ byt_deps, optnames @  opt_deps)
156  with Not_found ->
157    (byt_deps, opt_deps)
159let (depends_on, escaped_eol) = (":", " \\\n    ")
161let print_filename s =
162  let s = if !Clflags.force_slash then fix_slash s else s in
163  if not (String.contains s ' ') then begin
164    print_string s;
165  end else begin
166    let rec count n i =
167      if i >= String.length s then n
168      else if s.[i] = ' ' then count (n+1) (i+1)
169      else count n (i+1)
170    in
171    let spaces = count 0 0 in
172    let result = Bytes.create (String.length s + spaces) in
173    let rec loop i j =
174      if i >= String.length s then ()
175      else if s.[i] = ' ' then begin
176        Bytes.set result j '\\';
177        Bytes.set result (j+1) ' ';
178        loop (i+1) (j+2);
179      end else begin
180        Bytes.set result j s.[i];
181        loop (i+1) (j+1);
182      end
183    in
184    loop 0 0;
185    print_bytes result;
186  end
189let print_dependencies target_files deps =
190  let rec print_items pos = function
191    [] -> print_string "\n"
192  | dep :: rem ->
193    if !one_line || (pos + 1 + String.length dep <= 77) then begin
194        if pos <> 0 then print_string " "; print_filename dep;
195        print_items (pos + String.length dep + 1) rem
196      end else begin
197        print_string escaped_eol; print_filename dep;
198        print_items (String.length dep + 4) rem
199      end in
200  print_items 0 (target_files @ [depends_on] @ deps)
202let print_raw_dependencies source_file deps =
203  print_filename source_file; print_string depends_on;
204  Depend.StringSet.iter
205    (fun dep ->
206       (* filter out "*predef*" *)
207      if (String.length dep > 0)
208          && (match dep.[0] with
209              | 'A'..'Z' | '\128'..'\255' -> true
210              | _ -> false) then
211        begin
212          print_char ' ';
213          print_string dep
214        end)
215    deps;
216  print_char '\n'
219(* Process one file *)
221let report_err exn =
222  error_occurred := true;
223  match exn with
224    | Sys_error msg ->
225        Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[I/O error:@ %s@]@." msg
226    | x ->
227        match Location.error_of_exn x with
228        | Some err ->
229            Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
230              Location.report_error err
231        | None -> raise x
233let tool_name = "ocamldep"
235let rec lexical_approximation lexbuf =
236  (* Approximation when a file can't be parsed.
237     Heuristic:
238     - first component of any path starting with an uppercase character is a
239       dependency.
240     - always skip the token after a dot, unless dot is preceded by a
241       lower-case identifier
242     - always skip the token after a backquote
243  *)
244  try
245    let rec process after_lident lexbuf =
246      match Lexer.token lexbuf with
247      | Parser.UIDENT name ->
248          Depend.free_structure_names :=
249            Depend.StringSet.add name !Depend.free_structure_names;
250          process false lexbuf
251      | Parser.LIDENT _ -> process true lexbuf
252      | Parser.DOT when after_lident -> process false lexbuf
253      | Parser.DOT | Parser.BACKQUOTE -> skip_one lexbuf
254      | Parser.EOF -> ()
255      | _ -> process false lexbuf
256    and skip_one lexbuf =
257      match Lexer.token lexbuf with
258      | Parser.DOT | Parser.BACKQUOTE -> skip_one lexbuf
259      | Parser.EOF -> ()
260      | _ -> process false lexbuf
262    in
263    process false lexbuf
264  with Lexer.Error _ -> lexical_approximation lexbuf
266let read_and_approximate inputfile =
267  error_occurred := false;
268  Depend.free_structure_names := Depend.StringSet.empty;
269  let ic = open_in_bin inputfile in
270  try
271    seek_in ic 0;
272    Location.input_name := inputfile;
273    let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in
274    Location.init lexbuf inputfile;
275    lexical_approximation lexbuf;
276    close_in ic;
277    !Depend.free_structure_names
278  with exn ->
279    close_in ic;
280    report_err exn;
281    !Depend.free_structure_names
283let read_parse_and_extract parse_function extract_function def ast_kind
284                           source_file =
285  Depend.free_structure_names := Depend.StringSet.empty;
286  try
287    let input_file = Pparse.preprocess source_file in
288    begin try
289      let ast =
290        Pparse.file ~tool_name Format.err_formatter
291                    input_file parse_function ast_kind
292      in
293      let bound_vars =
294        List.fold_left
295          (fun bv modname ->
296            Depend.open_module bv (Longident.parse modname))
297          !module_map ((* PR#7248 *) List.rev !Clflags.open_modules)
298      in
299      let r = extract_function bound_vars ast in
300      Pparse.remove_preprocessed input_file;
301      (!Depend.free_structure_names, r)
302    with x ->
303      Pparse.remove_preprocessed input_file;
304      raise x
305    end
306  with x -> begin
307    report_err x;
308    if not !allow_approximation
309    then (Depend.StringSet.empty, def)
310    else (read_and_approximate source_file, def)
311  end
313let print_ml_dependencies source_file extracted_deps =
314  let basename = Filename.chop_extension source_file in
315  let byte_targets = [ basename ^ ".cmo" ] in
316  let native_targets =
317    if !all_dependencies
318    then [ basename ^ ".cmx"; basename ^ ".o" ]
319    else [ basename ^ ".cmx" ] in
320  let init_deps = if !all_dependencies then [source_file] else [] in
321  let cmi_name = basename ^ ".cmi" in
322  let init_deps, extra_targets =
323    if List.exists (fun ext -> Sys.file_exists (basename ^ ext))
324        !mli_synonyms
325    then (cmi_name :: init_deps, cmi_name :: init_deps), []
326    else (init_deps, init_deps),
327         (if !all_dependencies then [cmi_name] else [])
328  in
329  let (byt_deps, native_deps) =
330    Depend.StringSet.fold (find_dependency ML)
331      extracted_deps init_deps in
332  if not !native_only then
333    print_dependencies (byte_targets @ extra_targets) byt_deps;
334  if not !bytecode_only then
335    print_dependencies (native_targets @ extra_targets) native_deps
337let print_mli_dependencies source_file extracted_deps =
338  let basename = Filename.chop_extension source_file in
339  let (byt_deps, _opt_deps) =
340    Depend.StringSet.fold (find_dependency MLI)
341      extracted_deps ([], []) in
342  print_dependencies [basename ^ ".cmi"] byt_deps
344let print_file_dependencies (source_file, kind, extracted_deps) =
345  if !raw_dependencies then begin
346    print_raw_dependencies source_file extracted_deps
347  end else
348    match kind with
349    | ML -> print_ml_dependencies source_file extracted_deps
350    | MLI -> print_mli_dependencies source_file extracted_deps
353let ml_file_dependencies source_file =
354  let parse_use_file_as_impl lexbuf =
355    let f x =
356      match x with
357      | Ptop_def s -> s
358      | Ptop_dir _ -> []
359    in
360    List.flatten (List.map f (Parse.use_file lexbuf))
361  in
362  let (extracted_deps, ()) =
363    read_parse_and_extract parse_use_file_as_impl Depend.add_implementation ()
364                           Pparse.Structure source_file
365  in
366  files := (source_file, ML, extracted_deps) :: !files
368let mli_file_dependencies source_file =
369  let (extracted_deps, ()) =
370    read_parse_and_extract Parse.interface Depend.add_signature ()
371                           Pparse.Signature source_file
372  in
373  files := (source_file, MLI, extracted_deps) :: !files
375let process_file_as process_fun def source_file =
376  Compenv.readenv ppf (Before_compile source_file);
377  load_path := [];
378  List.iter add_to_load_path (
379      (!Compenv.last_include_dirs @
380       !Clflags.include_dirs @
381       !Compenv.first_include_dirs
382      ));
383  Location.input_name := source_file;
384  try
385    if Sys.file_exists source_file then process_fun source_file else def
386  with x -> report_err x; def
388let process_file source_file ~ml_file ~mli_file ~def =
389  if List.exists (Filename.check_suffix source_file) !ml_synonyms then
390    process_file_as ml_file def source_file
391  else if List.exists (Filename.check_suffix source_file) !mli_synonyms then
392    process_file_as mli_file def source_file
393  else def
395let file_dependencies source_file =
396  process_file source_file ~def:()
397    ~ml_file:ml_file_dependencies
398    ~mli_file:mli_file_dependencies
400let file_dependencies_as kind =
401  match kind with
402  | ML -> process_file_as ml_file_dependencies ()
403  | MLI -> process_file_as mli_file_dependencies ()
405let sort_files_by_dependencies files =
406  let h = Hashtbl.create 31 in
407  let worklist = ref [] in
409(* Init Hashtbl with all defined modules *)
410  let files = List.map (fun (file, file_kind, deps) ->
411    let modname =
412      String.capitalize_ascii (Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename file))
413    in
414    let key = (modname, file_kind) in
415    let new_deps = ref [] in
416    Hashtbl.add h key (file, new_deps);
417    worklist := key :: !worklist;
418    (modname, file_kind, deps, new_deps)
419  ) files in
421(* Keep only dependencies to defined modules *)
422  List.iter (fun (modname, file_kind, deps, new_deps) ->
423    let add_dep modname kind =
424      new_deps := (modname, kind) :: !new_deps;
425    in
426    Depend.StringSet.iter (fun modname ->
427      match file_kind with
428          ML -> (* ML depends both on ML and MLI *)
429            if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, MLI) then add_dep modname MLI;
430            if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, ML) then add_dep modname ML
431        | MLI -> (* MLI depends on MLI if exists, or ML otherwise *)
432          if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, MLI) then add_dep modname MLI
433          else if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, ML) then add_dep modname ML
434    ) deps;
435    if file_kind = ML then (* add dep from .ml to .mli *)
436      if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, MLI) then add_dep modname MLI
437  ) files;
439(* Print and remove all files with no remaining dependency. Iterate
440   until all files have been removed (worklist is empty) or
441   no file was removed during a turn (cycle). *)
442  let printed = ref true in
443  while !printed && !worklist <> [] do
444    let files = !worklist in
445    worklist := [];
446    printed := false;
447    List.iter (fun key ->
448      let (file, deps) = Hashtbl.find h key in
449      let set = !deps in
450      deps := [];
451      List.iter (fun key ->
452        if Hashtbl.mem h key then deps := key :: !deps
453      ) set;
454      if !deps = [] then begin
455        printed := true;
456        Printf.printf "%s " file;
457        Hashtbl.remove h key;
458      end else
459        worklist := key :: !worklist
460    ) files
461  done;
463  if !worklist <> [] then begin
464    Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter
465      "@[Warning: cycle in dependencies. End of list is not sorted.@]@.";
466    let sorted_deps =
467      let li = ref [] in
468      Hashtbl.iter (fun _ file_deps -> li := file_deps :: !li) h;
469      List.sort (fun (file1, _) (file2, _) -> String.compare file1 file2) !li
470    in
471    List.iter (fun (file, deps) ->
472      Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "\t@[%s: " file;
473      List.iter (fun (modname, kind) ->
474        Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "%s.%s " modname
475          (if kind=ML then "ml" else "mli");
476      ) !deps;
477      Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@]@.";
478      Printf.printf "%s " file) sorted_deps;
479  end;
480  Printf.printf "\n%!";
481  ()
483(* Map *)
485let rec dump_map s0 ppf m =
486  let open Depend in
487  StringMap.iter
488    (fun key (Node(s1,m')) ->
489      let s = StringSet.diff s1 s0 in
490      if StringSet.is_empty s then
491        Format.fprintf ppf "@ @[<hv2>module %s : sig%a@;<1 -2>end@]"
492          key (dump_map (StringSet.union s1 s0)) m'
493      else
494        Format.fprintf ppf "@ module %s = %s" key (StringSet.choose s))
495    m
497let process_ml_map =
498  read_parse_and_extract Parse.implementation Depend.add_implementation_binding
499                         StringMap.empty Pparse.Structure
501let process_mli_map =
502  read_parse_and_extract Parse.interface Depend.add_signature_binding
503                         StringMap.empty Pparse.Signature
505let parse_map fname =
506  map_files := fname :: !map_files ;
507  let old_transp = !Clflags.transparent_modules in
508  Clflags.transparent_modules := true;
509  let (deps, m) =
510    process_file fname ~def:(Depend.StringSet.empty, StringMap.empty)
511      ~ml_file:process_ml_map
512      ~mli_file:process_mli_map
513  in
514  Clflags.transparent_modules := old_transp;
515  let modname =
516    String.capitalize_ascii
517      (Filename.basename (Filename.chop_extension fname)) in
518  if StringMap.is_empty m then
519    report_err (Failure (fname ^ " : empty map file or parse error"));
520  let mm = Depend.make_node m in
521  if !debug then begin
522    Format.printf "@[<v>%s:%t%a@]@." fname
523      (fun ppf -> Depend.StringSet.iter (Format.fprintf ppf " %s") deps)
524      (dump_map deps) (StringMap.add modname mm StringMap.empty)
525  end;
526  let mm = Depend.(weaken_map (StringSet.singleton modname) mm) in
527  module_map := StringMap.add modname mm !module_map
531(* Entry point *)
533let usage = "Usage: ocamldep [options] <source files>\nOptions are:"
535let print_version () =
536  Format.printf "ocamldep, version %s@." Sys.ocaml_version;
537  exit 0;
540let print_version_num () =
541  Format.printf "%s@." Sys.ocaml_version;
542  exit 0;
545let _ =
546  Clflags.classic := false;
547  add_to_list first_include_dirs Filename.current_dir_name;
548  Compenv.readenv ppf Before_args;
549  Clflags.add_arguments __LOC__ [
550     "-absname", Arg.Set Location.absname,
551        " Show absolute filenames in error messages";
552     "-all", Arg.Set all_dependencies,
553        " Generate dependencies on all files";
554     "-allow-approx", Arg.Set allow_approximation,
555        " Fallback to a lexer-based approximation on unparseable files";
556     "-as-map", Arg.Set Clflags.transparent_modules,
557      " Omit delayed dependencies for module aliases (-no-alias-deps -w -49)";
558      (* "compiler uses -no-alias-deps, and no module is coerced"; *)
559     "-debug-map", Arg.Set debug,
560        " Dump the delayed dependency map for each map file";
561     "-I", Arg.String (add_to_list Clflags.include_dirs),
562        "<dir>  Add <dir> to the list of include directories";
563     "-impl", Arg.String (file_dependencies_as ML),
564        "<f>  Process <f> as a .ml file";
565     "-intf", Arg.String (file_dependencies_as MLI),
566        "<f>  Process <f> as a .mli file";
567     "-map", Arg.String parse_map,
568        "<f>  Read <f> and propagate delayed dependencies to following files";
569     "-ml-synonym", Arg.String(add_to_synonym_list ml_synonyms),
570        "<e>  Consider <e> as a synonym of the .ml extension";
571     "-mli-synonym", Arg.String(add_to_synonym_list mli_synonyms),
572        "<e>  Consider <e> as a synonym of the .mli extension";
573     "-modules", Arg.Set raw_dependencies,
574        " Print module dependencies in raw form (not suitable for make)";
575     "-native", Arg.Set native_only,
576        " Generate dependencies for native-code only (no .cmo files)";
577     "-bytecode", Arg.Set bytecode_only,
578        " Generate dependencies for bytecode-code only (no .cmx files)";
579     "-one-line", Arg.Set one_line,
580        " Output one line per file, regardless of the length";
581     "-open", Arg.String (add_to_list Clflags.open_modules),
582        "<module>  Opens the module <module> before typing";
583     "-plugin", Arg.String Compplugin.load,
584         "<plugin>  Load dynamic plugin <plugin>";
585     "-pp", Arg.String(fun s -> Clflags.preprocessor := Some s),
586         "<cmd>  Pipe sources through preprocessor <cmd>";
587     "-ppx", Arg.String (add_to_list first_ppx),
588         "<cmd>  Pipe abstract syntax trees through preprocessor <cmd>";
589     "-slash", Arg.Set Clflags.force_slash,
590         " (Windows) Use forward slash / instead of backslash \\ in file paths";
591     "-sort", Arg.Set sort_files,
592        " Sort files according to their dependencies";
593     "-version", Arg.Unit print_version,
594         " Print version and exit";
595     "-vnum", Arg.Unit print_version_num,
596         " Print version number and exit";
597     "-args", Arg.Expand Arg.read_arg,
598         "<file> Read additional newline separated command line arguments \n\
599         \      from <file>";
600     "-args0", Arg.Expand Arg.read_arg0,
601         "<file> Read additional NUL separated command line arguments from \n\
602         \      <file>"
603  ];
604  Clflags.parse_arguments file_dependencies usage;
605  Compenv.readenv ppf Before_link;
606  if !sort_files then sort_files_by_dependencies !files
607  else List.iter print_file_dependencies (List.sort compare !files);
608  exit (if !error_occurred then 2 else 0)