2    Title:      Nearly final version of the PolyML structure
3    Author:     David Matthews
4    Copyright   David Matthews 2008-9, 2014, 2015-17, 2019-20
6    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
10    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13    Lesser General Public License for more details.
15    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
16    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
17    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21Based on:
23    Title:      Poly Make Program.
24    Author:     Dave Matthews, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
25    Copyright   Cambridge University 1985
30This is the version of the PolyML structure that can be compiled after we
31have the rest of the basis library.  In particular it binds in TextIO.stdIn
32and TextIO.stdOut.
34This contains the top-level read-eval-print loop as well as "use" and
35Poly/ML's "make".
37The rootFunction has now been pulled out into a separate file and is added on
38after this.
41    (* A hash table with a mutex that protects against multiple threads
42       rehashing the table by entering values at the same time. *)
43    structure ProtectedTable :>
44    sig
45        type 'a ptable
46        val create: unit -> 'a ptable
47        val lookup: 'a ptable -> string -> 'a option
48        val enter: 'a ptable -> string * 'a -> unit
49        val all: 'a ptable -> unit -> (string * 'a) list
50        val delete: 'a ptable -> string -> unit
51    end
52    =
53    struct
54        open HashArray Thread.Mutex LibraryIOSupport
55        type 'a ptable = 'a hash * mutex
57        fun create () = (hash 10, mutex())
58        and lookup(tab, mutx) = protect mutx (fn s => sub(tab, s))
59        and enter(tab, mutx) = protect mutx (fn (s, v) => update(tab, s, v))
60        and all(tab, mutx) = protect mutx (fn () => fold (fn (s, v, l) => ((s, v) :: l)) [] tab)
61        and delete(tab, mutx) = protect mutx (fn s => HashArray.delete (tab, s))
62    end
64    fun quickSort _                      ([]:'a list)      = []
65    |   quickSort _                      ([h]:'a list)     = [h]
66    |   quickSort (leq:'a -> 'a -> bool) ((h::t) :'a list) =
67    let
68        val (after, befor) = List.partition (leq h) t
69    in
70        quickSort leq befor @ (h :: quickSort leq after)
71    end
73    open PolyML.NameSpace
75    local
76        open ProtectedTable
77        val fixTable = create() and sigTable = create() and valTable = create()
78        and typTable = create() and fncTable = create() and strTable = create()
79    in
80        val globalNameSpace: PolyML.NameSpace.nameSpace =
81        {
82            lookupFix    = lookup fixTable,
83            lookupSig    = lookup sigTable,
84            lookupVal    = lookup valTable,
85            lookupType   = lookup typTable,
86            lookupFunct  = lookup fncTable,
87            lookupStruct = lookup strTable,
88            enterFix     = enter fixTable,
89            enterSig     = enter sigTable,
90            enterVal     = enter valTable,
91            enterType    = enter typTable,
92            enterFunct   = enter fncTable,
93            enterStruct  = enter strTable,
94            allFix       = all fixTable,
95            allSig       = all sigTable,
96            allVal       = all valTable,
97            allType      = all typTable,
98            allFunct     = all fncTable,
99            allStruct    = all strTable
100        }
102        val forgetFix    = delete fixTable
103        and forgetSig    = delete sigTable
104        and forgetVal    = delete valTable
105        and forgetType   = delete typTable
106        and forgetFunct  = delete fncTable
107        and forgetStruct = delete strTable
108    end
110    local
111        open PolyML (* For prettyprint datatype *)
113        (* Install a pretty printer for parsetree properties.  This isn't done in
114           the compiler. *)
115        fun prettyProps depth _ l =
116            if depth <= 0 then PrettyString "..."
117            else prettyProp(l, depth-1)
119        (* Use prettyRepresentation to print most of the arguments *)
120        and prettyProp(PTbreakPoint b, d) =     blockArg("PTbreakPoint", prettyRepresentation(b, d))
121        |   prettyProp(PTcompletions s, d) =    blockArg("PTcompletions", prettyRepresentation(s, d))
122        |   prettyProp(PTdeclaredAt l, d) =     blockArg("PTdeclaredAt", prettyRepresentation(l, d))
123        |   prettyProp(PTdefId i, d) =          blockArg("PTdefId", prettyRepresentation(i, d))
124        |   prettyProp(PTfirstChild _, _) =     blockArg("PTfirstChild", PrettyString "fn")
125        |   prettyProp(PTnextSibling _, _) =    blockArg("PTnextSibling", PrettyString "fn")
126        |   prettyProp(PTopenedAt f, d) =       blockArg("PTopenedAt", prettyRepresentation(f, d))
127        |   prettyProp(PTparent _, _) =         blockArg("PTparent", PrettyString "fn")
128        |   prettyProp(PTpreviousSibling _, _)= blockArg("PTpreviousSibling", PrettyString "fn")
129        |   prettyProp(PTprint _, _) =          blockArg("PTprint", PrettyString "fn")
130        |   prettyProp(PTreferences f, d) =     blockArg("PTreferences", prettyRepresentation(f, d))
131        |   prettyProp(PTrefId f, d) =          blockArg("PTrefId", prettyRepresentation(f, d))
132        |   prettyProp(PTstructureAt f, d) =    blockArg("PTstructureAt", prettyRepresentation(f, d))
133        |   prettyProp(PTtype f, d) =           blockArg("PTtype", prettyRepresentation(f, d))
135        and blockArg (s, arg) =
136            PrettyBlock(3, true, [], [PrettyString s, PrettyBreak(1, 1), parenthesise arg])
138        and parenthesise(p as PrettyBlock(_, _, _, PrettyString "(" :: _)) = p
139        |   parenthesise(p as PrettyBlock(_, _, _, PrettyString "{" :: _)) = p
140        |   parenthesise(p as PrettyBlock(_, _, _, PrettyString "[" :: _)) = p
141        |   parenthesise(p as PrettyBlock(_, _, _, _ :: _)) =
142                PrettyBlock(3, true, [], [ PrettyString "(", PrettyBreak(0, 0), p, PrettyBreak(0, 0), PrettyString ")" ])
143        |   parenthesise p = p
145    in
146        val () = addPrettyPrinter prettyProps
147    end
149    (* PolyML.compiler takes a list of these parameter values.  They all
150       default so it's possible to pass only those that are actually
151       needed. *)
152    datatype compilerParameters =
153        CPOutStream of string->unit
154        (* Output stream for debugging and other output from the compiler.
155           Provides a default stream for other output.  Default: TextIO.print *)
156    |   CPNameSpace of PolyML.NameSpace.nameSpace
157        (* Name space to look up and enter results.  Default: globalNameSpace *)
158    |   CPErrorMessageProc of
159            { message: PolyML.pretty, hard: bool, location: PolyML.location, context: PolyML.pretty option } -> unit
160        (* Called by the compiler to generate error messages.
161           Arguments (message, isHard, lineNo, context).  message is the message.
162           isHard is true if this is an error, false if a warning.
163           location is the file-name, line number and position.  context is an
164           optional extra piece of information showing the part of the parse tree
165           where the error was detected.
166           Default: print this to CPOutStream value using CPLineNo and CPFileName. *)
167    |   CPLineNo of unit -> int
168        (* Called by the compiler to get the current "line number".  This is passed
169           to CPErrorMessageProc and the debugger.  It may actually be a more general
170           location than a source line.  Default: fn () => 0 i.e. no line numbering. *)
171    |   CPLineOffset of unit -> int
172        (* Called by the compiler to get the current "offset".  This is passed
173           to CPErrorMessageProc and the debugger.  This may either be an offset on
174           the current file, a byte offset or simply zero.
175           Default: fn () => 0 i.e. no line offset. *)
176    |   CPFileName of string
177        (* The current file being compiled.  This is used by the default CPErrorMessageProc
178           and the debugger.  Default: "" i.e. interactive stream. *)
179    |   CPPrintInAlphabeticalOrder of bool
180        (* Whether to sort the results by alphabetical order before printing them.  Applies
181           only to the default CPResultFun.  Default value of printInAlphabeticalOrder. *)
182    |   CPResultFun of {
183            fixes: (string * Infixes.fixity) list, values: (string * Values.value) list,
184            structures: (string * Structures.structureVal) list, signatures: (string * Signatures.signatureVal) list,
185            functors: (string * Functors.functorVal) list, types: (string * TypeConstrs.typeConstr) list} -> unit
186        (* Function to apply to the result of compiling and running the code.
187           Default: print and enter the values into CPNameSpace. *)
188    |   CPCompilerResultFun of
189            PolyML.parseTree option *
190            ( unit -> {
191                fixes: (string * Infixes.fixity) list, values: (string * Values.value) list,
192                structures: (string * Structures.structureVal) list, signatures: (string * Signatures.signatureVal) list,
193                functors: (string * Functors.functorVal) list, types: (string * TypeConstrs.typeConstr) list}) option -> unit -> unit
194        (* Function to process the result of compilation.  This can be used to capture the
195           parse tree even if type-checking fails.
196           Default: Execute the code and call the result function if the compilation
197           succeeds.  Raise an exception if the compilation failed. *)
198    |   CPProfiling of int
199        (* Deprecated: No longer used. *)
200    |   CPTiming of bool
201        (* Deprecated: No longer used.  *)
202    |   CPDebug of bool
203        (* Control whether calls to the debugger should be inserted into the compiled
204           code.  This allows breakpoints to be set, values to be examined and printed
205           and functions to be traced at the cost of extra run-time overhead.
206           Default: value of PolyML.Compiler.debug *)
207    |   CPPrintDepth of unit->int
208        (* This controls the depth of printing if the default CPResultFun is used.  It
209           is also bound into any use of PolyML.print in the compiled code and will
210           be called to get the print depth whenever that code is executed.
211           Default: Get the current value of PolyML.print_depth. *)
212    |   CPPrintStream of string->unit
213        (* This is bound into any occurrence of PolyML.print and is used to produce
214           the outut.  Default: CPOutStream. *)
215    |   CPErrorDepth of int
216        (* Controls the depth of context to produce in error messages.
217           Default : value of PolyML.error_depth. *)
218    |   CPLineLength of int
219        (* Bound into any occurrences of PolyML.print.  This is the length of a line
220           used in the pretty printer.  Default: value of PolyML.line_length. *)
221    |   CPRootTree of
222        {
223            parent: (unit -> PolyML.parseTree) option,
224            next: (unit -> PolyML.parseTree) option,
225            previous: (unit -> PolyML.parseTree) option
226        }
227        (* This can be used to provide a parent for parse trees created by the
228           compiler.  This appears as a PTparent property in the tree.
229           The default is NONE which does not to provide a parent.  *)
230    |   CPAllocationProfiling of int
231        (* Controls whether to add profiling information to each allocation.  Currently
232           zero means no profiling and one means add the allocating function. *)
234    |   CPDebuggerFunction of int * Values.value * int * string * string * nameSpace -> unit
235        (* Deprecated: No longer used. *)
237    |   CPBindingSeq of unit -> int
238        (* Used to create a sequence no for PTdefId properties.  This can be used in an IDE
239           to allocate a unique Id for an identifier.  Default fn _ => 0. *)
241    (* References for control and debugging. *)
242    val timing = ref false
243    and printDepth: int ref = ref 0
244    and errorDepth: int ref = ref 6
245    and lineLength: int ref = ref 77
246    and allocationProfiling = ref false
248    val assemblyCode = ref false
249    and codetree = ref false
250    and codetreeAfterOpt = ref false
251    and icode = ref false
252    and parsetree = ref false
253    and reportUnreferencedIds = ref false
254    and reportExhaustiveHandlers = ref false
255    and narrowOverloadFlexRecord = ref false
256    and createPrintFunctions = ref true
257    and reportDiscardFunction = ref true
258    and reportDiscardNonUnit = ref false
259    val lowlevelOptimise = ref true
261    val debug = ref false
262    val inlineFunctors = ref true
263    val maxInlineSize: int ref = ref 80
264    val printInAlphabeticalOrder = ref true
265    val traceCompiler = ref false (* No longer used. *)
267    fun prettyPrintWithIDEMarkup(stream : string -> unit, lineWidth : int): PolyML.pretty -> unit =
268    let
269        open PolyML
270        val openDeclaration = "\u001bD"
271        val closeDeclaration = "\u001bd"
272        val separator = "\u001b,"
273        val finalSeparator = "\u001b;"
275        fun beginMarkup context =
276            case List.find (fn ContextLocation _ => true | _ => false) context of
277                SOME (ContextLocation{file,startLine,startPosition,endPosition, ...}) =>
278                let
279                    (* In the unlikely event there's an escape character in the
280                       file name convert it to ESC-ESC. *)
281                    fun escapeEscapes #"\u001b" = "\u001b\u001b"
282                    |   escapeEscapes c = str c
283                in
284                    stream openDeclaration;
285                    stream(String.translate escapeEscapes file);
286                    stream separator;
287                    stream(FixedInt.toString startLine);
288                    stream separator;
289                    stream(FixedInt.toString startPosition);
290                    stream separator;
291                    stream(FixedInt.toString endPosition);
292                    stream finalSeparator
293                end
294            |   _ => ()
296        fun endMarkup context =
297            List.app (fn ContextLocation _ => stream closeDeclaration | _ => ()) context
298    in
299        prettyMarkup (beginMarkup, endMarkup) (stream, lineWidth)
300    end;
302    (* useMarkupInOutput is set according to the setting of *)
303    val useMarkupInOutput = ref false
304    fun prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup(stream, lineWidth) =
305        if ! useMarkupInOutput then prettyPrintWithIDEMarkup(stream, lineWidth)
306        else PolyML.prettyPrint(stream, lineWidth)
308    (* Top-level prompts. *)
309    val prompt1 = ref "> " and prompt2 = ref "# ";
311    fun printOut s =
312        TextIO.print s
313        (* If we get an exception while writing to stdOut we've got
314           a big problem and can't continue.  It could happen if
315           we have closed stdOut.  Try reporting the error through
316           stdErr and exit. *)
317        handle Thread.Thread.Interrupt => raise Thread.Thread.Interrupt
318        |     exn =>
319            (
320                (
321                    TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr,
322                        concat["Exception ", exnName exn,
323                               " raised while writing to stdOut.\n"]);
324                    TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr (* probably unnecessary. *)
325                ) handle _ => ();
326                (* Get out without trying to do anything else. *)
327                OS.Process.terminate OS.Process.failure
328            )
330    (* Default function to print and enter a value. *)
331    fun printAndEnter (inOrder: bool, space: PolyML.NameSpace.nameSpace,
332                       stream: string->unit, depth: int)
333        { fixes: (string * Infixes.fixity) list, values: (string * Values.value) list,
334          structures: (string * Structures.structureVal) list, signatures: (string * Signatures.signatureVal) list,
335          functors: (string * Functors.functorVal) list, types: (string * TypeConstrs.typeConstr) list}: unit =
336    let
337        (* We need to merge the lists to sort them alphabetically. *)
338        datatype decKind =
339            FixStatusKind of Infixes.fixity
340        |   TypeConstrKind of TypeConstrs.typeConstr
341        |   SignatureKind of Signatures.signatureVal
342        |   StructureKind of Structures.structureVal
343        |   FunctorKind of Functors.functorVal
344        |   ValueKind of Values.value
346        val decList =
347            map (fn (s, f) => (s, FixStatusKind f)) fixes @
348            map (fn (s, f) => (s, TypeConstrKind f)) types @
349            map (fn (s, f) => (s, SignatureKind f)) signatures @
350            map (fn (s, f) => (s, StructureKind f)) structures @
351            map (fn (s, f) => (s, FunctorKind f)) functors @
352            map (fn (s, f) => (s, ValueKind f)) values
354        fun kindToInt(FixStatusKind _) = 0
355        |   kindToInt(TypeConstrKind _) = 1
356        |   kindToInt(SignatureKind _) = 2
357        |   kindToInt(StructureKind _) = 3
358        |   kindToInt(FunctorKind _) = 4
359        |   kindToInt(ValueKind _) = 5
361        fun order (s1: string, k1) (s2, k2) =
362                if s1 = s2 then kindToInt k1 <= kindToInt k2
363                else s1 <= s2
365        (* Don't sort the declarations if we want them in declaration order. *)
366        val sortedDecs =
367            if inOrder then quickSort order decList else decList
369        fun enterDec(n, FixStatusKind f) = #enterFix space (n,f)
370        |   enterDec(n, TypeConstrKind t) = #enterType space (n,t)
371        |   enterDec(n, SignatureKind s) = #enterSig space (n,s)
372        |   enterDec(n, StructureKind s) = #enterStruct space (n,s)
373        |   enterDec(n, FunctorKind f) = #enterFunct space (n,f)
374        |   enterDec(n, ValueKind v) = #enterVal space (n,v)
376        fun printDec(_, FixStatusKind f) =
377                prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (stream, !lineLength) (Infixes.print f)
379        |   printDec(_, TypeConstrKind t) =
380                prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (stream, !lineLength) (TypeConstrs.print(t, FixedInt.fromInt depth, SOME space))
382        |   printDec(_, SignatureKind s) =
383                prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (stream, !lineLength) (Signatures.print(s, FixedInt.fromInt depth, SOME space))
385        |   printDec(_, StructureKind s) =
386                prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (stream, !lineLength) (Structures.print(s, FixedInt.fromInt depth, SOME space))
388        |   printDec(_, FunctorKind f) =
389                prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (stream, !lineLength) (Functors.print(f, FixedInt.fromInt depth, SOME space))
391        |   printDec(_, ValueKind v) =
392                if Values.isConstructor v andalso not (Values.isException v)
393                then () (* Value constructors are printed with the datatype. *)
394                else prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (stream, !lineLength) (Values.printWithType(v, FixedInt.fromInt depth, SOME space))
396    in
397        (* First add the declarations to the name space and then print them.  Doing it this way
398           improves the printing of types since these require look-ups in the name space.  For
399           instance the constructors of a datatype from an opened structure should not include
400           the structure name but that will only work once the datatype itself is in the global
401           name-space. *)
402        List.app enterDec sortedDecs;
403        if depth > 0 then List.app printDec sortedDecs else ()
404    end
406    local
407        open Bootstrap Bootstrap.Universal
408        (* To allow for the possibility of changing the representation we don't make Universal
409           be the same as Bootstrap.Universal. *)
411        (* Default error message function. *)
412        fun defaultErrorProc printString
413            {message: PolyML.pretty, hard: bool,
414             location={startLine, startPosition, endPosition, file, ...}: PolyML.location,
415             context: PolyML.pretty option} =
416        let
417            open PolyML
418            val fullMessage =
419                case context of
420                    NONE => message
421                |   SOME ctxt =>
422                        PrettyBlock(0, true, [],
423                            [ message, PrettyBreak(1, 0),
424                                PrettyBlock(2, false, [], [PrettyString "Found near", PrettyBreak(1, 0), ctxt])
425                            ])
426        in
427            if ! useMarkupInOutput
428            then (* IDE mark-up of error messages.  This is actually the same as within the IDE. *)
429            let
430                val openError = "\u001bE"
431                val closeError = "\u001be"
432                val separator = "\u001b,"
433                val finalSeparator = "\u001b;"
434            in
435                printString(
436                    concat
437                        [
438                            openError,
439                            if hard then "E" else "W", separator,
440                            file, (* TODO double any escapes. *) separator,
441                            FixedInt.toString startLine, separator,
442                            FixedInt.toString startPosition, separator,
443                            FixedInt.toString endPosition, finalSeparator
444                         ]
445                    );
446                prettyPrintWithIDEMarkup(printString, !lineLength) fullMessage;
447                printString closeError
448            end
449            else (* Plain text form. *)
450            (
451                printString(concat
452                   ( (if file = "" then ["poly: "] else [file, ":"]) @
453                     (if startLine = 0 then [] else [FixedInt.toString startLine]) @
454                     (if startPosition = 0 then [": "] else [".", FixedInt.toString startPosition, "-", FixedInt.toString endPosition, ": "]) @
455                     (if hard then ["error: "] else ["warning: "]) ));
456(*                   ( (if hard then ["Error-"] else ["Warning-"]) @
457                     (if file = "" then [] else [" in '", file, "',"]) @
458                     (if startLine = 0 then [] else [" line ", Int.toString startLine]) @
459                     (if startLine = 0 andalso file = "" then [] else [".\n"]))); *)
460                PolyML.prettyPrint(printString, !lineLength) fullMessage
461            )
462        end
463    in
464        (* This function ends up as PolyML.compiler.  *)
465        fun polyCompiler (getChar: unit->char option, parameters: compilerParameters list) =
466        let
467            (* Find the first item that matches or return the default. *)
468            fun find _ def [] = def
469              | find f def (hd::tl) =
470                  case f hd of
471                      SOME s => s
472                  |   NONE => find f def tl
474            val outstream = find (fn CPOutStream s => SOME s | _ => NONE) TextIO.print parameters
475            val nameSpace = find (fn CPNameSpace n => SOME n | _ => NONE) globalNameSpace parameters
476            val lineNo = find (fn CPLineNo l => SOME l | _ => NONE) (fn () => 0) parameters
477            val lineOffset = find (fn CPLineOffset l => SOME l | _ => NONE) (fn () => 0) parameters
478            val fileName = find (fn CPFileName s => SOME s | _ => NONE) "" parameters
479            val printInOrder = find (fn CPPrintInAlphabeticalOrder t => SOME t | _ => NONE)
480                                (! printInAlphabeticalOrder) parameters
481            val printDepth = find (fn CPPrintDepth f => SOME f | _ => NONE) (fn () => !printDepth) parameters
482            val resultFun = find (fn CPResultFun f => SOME f | _ => NONE)
483               (printAndEnter(printInOrder, nameSpace, outstream, printDepth())) parameters
484            val printString = find (fn CPPrintStream s => SOME s | _ => NONE) outstream parameters
485            val errorProc =  find (fn CPErrorMessageProc f => SOME f | _ => NONE) (defaultErrorProc printString) parameters
486            val debugging = find (fn CPDebug t => SOME t | _ => NONE) (! debug) parameters
487            val allocProfiling = find(fn CPAllocationProfiling l  => SOME l | _ => NONE) (if !allocationProfiling then 1 else 0) parameters
488            val bindingSeq = find(fn CPBindingSeq l  => SOME l | _ => NONE) (fn () => 0) parameters
489            local
490                (* Default is to filter the parse tree argument. *)
491                fun defaultCompilerResultFun (_, NONE) = raise Fail "Static Errors"
492                |   defaultCompilerResultFun (_, SOME code) = fn () => resultFun(code())
493            in
494                val compilerResultFun = find (fn CPCompilerResultFun f => SOME f | _ => NONE)
495                    defaultCompilerResultFun parameters
496            end
498            (* TODO: Make this available as a parameter. *)
499            val prettyOut = prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup(printString, !lineLength)
501            val compilerOut = prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup(outstream, !lineLength)
503            (* Parent tree defaults to empty. *)
504            val parentTree =
505                find (fn CPRootTree f => SOME f | _ => NONE)
506                    { parent = NONE, next = NONE, previous = NONE } parameters
508            (* Pass all the settings.  Some of these aren't included in the parameters datatype (yet?). *)
509            val treeAndCode =
510                PolyML.compiler(nameSpace, getChar,
511                    [
512                    tagInject errorMessageProcTag errorProc,
513                    tagInject compilerOutputTag compilerOut,
514                    tagInject lineNumberTag (FixedInt.fromInt o lineNo),
515                    tagInject offsetTag (FixedInt.fromInt o lineOffset),
516                    tagInject fileNameTag fileName,
517                    tagInject bindingCounterTag (FixedInt.fromInt o bindingSeq),
518                    tagInject inlineFunctorsTag (! inlineFunctors),
519                    tagInject maxInlineSizeTag (FixedInt.fromInt(! maxInlineSize)),
520                    tagInject parsetreeTag (! parsetree),
521                    tagInject codetreeTag (! codetree),
522                    tagInject icodeTag (! icode),
523                    tagInject lowlevelOptimiseTag (! lowlevelOptimise),
524                    tagInject assemblyCodeTag (! assemblyCode),
525                    tagInject codetreeAfterOptTag (! codetreeAfterOpt),
526                    tagInject profileAllocationTag (FixedInt.fromInt allocProfiling),
527                    tagInject errorDepthTag (FixedInt.fromInt(! errorDepth)),
528                    tagInject printDepthFunTag (FixedInt.fromInt o printDepth),
529                    tagInject lineLengthTag (FixedInt.fromInt(! lineLength)),
530                    tagInject debugTag debugging,
531                    tagInject printOutputTag prettyOut,
532                    tagInject rootTreeTag parentTree,
533                    tagInject reportUnreferencedIdsTag (! reportUnreferencedIds),
534                    tagInject reportExhaustiveHandlersTag (! reportExhaustiveHandlers),
535                    tagInject narrowOverloadFlexRecordTag (! narrowOverloadFlexRecord),
536                    tagInject createPrintFunctionsTag (! createPrintFunctions),
537                    tagInject reportDiscardedValuesTag
538                        (if ! reportDiscardNonUnit then 2 else if ! reportDiscardFunction then 1 else 0)
539                    ])
540        in
541            compilerResultFun treeAndCode
542        end
544        (* Top-level read-eval-print loop.  This is the normal top-level loop and is
545           also used for the debugger. *)
546        fun topLevel {isDebug, nameSpace, exitLoop, exitOnError, isInteractive, startExec, endExec } =
547        let
548            (* This is used as the main read-eval-print loop.  It is also invoked
549               by running code that has been compiled with the debug option on
550               when it stops at a breakpoint.  In that case debugEnv contains an
551               environment formed from the local variables.  This is placed in front
552               of the normal top-level environment. *)
554            (* Don't use the end_of_stream because it may have been set by typing
555               EOT to the command we were running. *)
556            val endOfFile    = ref false;
557            val realDataRead = ref false;
558            val lastWasEol   = ref true;
560            (* Each character typed is fed into the compiler but leading
561               blank lines result in the prompt remaining as firstPrompt until
562               significant characters are typed. *)
563            fun readin () : char option =
564            let
565                val () =
566                    if isInteractive andalso !lastWasEol (* Start of line *)
567                    then if !realDataRead
568                    then printOut (if isDebug then "debug " ^ !prompt2 else !prompt2)
569                    else printOut (if isDebug then "debug " ^ !prompt1 else !prompt1)
570                    else ();
571             in
572                case TextIO.input1 TextIO.stdIn of
573                    NONE => (endOfFile := true; NONE)
574                |   SOME #"\n" => ( lastWasEol := true; SOME #"\n" )
575                |   SOME ch =>
576                       (
577                           lastWasEol := false;
578                           if ch <> #" "
579                           then realDataRead := true
580                           else ();
581                           SOME ch
582                       )
583            end; (* readin *)
585            (* Remove all buffered but unread input. *)
586            fun flushInput () =
587                case TextIO.canInput(TextIO.stdIn, 1) of
588                    SOME 1 => (TextIO.inputN(TextIO.stdIn, 1); flushInput())
589                |   _ => (* No input waiting or we're at EOF. *) ()
591            fun readEvalPrint () : unit =
592            let
593            in
594                realDataRead := false;
595                (* Compile and then run the code. *)
596                let
597                    val startCompile = Timer.startCPUTimer()
599                    (* Compile a top-level declaration/expression. *)
600                    val code =
601                        polyCompiler (readin, [CPNameSpace nameSpace, CPOutStream printOut])
602                            (* Don't print any times if this raises an exception. *)
603                        handle exn as Fail s =>
604                        (
605                            printOut(s ^ "\n");
606                            flushInput();
607                            lastWasEol := true;
608                            PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
609                        )
611                    val endCompile = Timer.checkCPUTimer startCompile
613                    (* Run the code *)
614                    val startRun = Timer.startCPUTimer()
615                    val () = startExec() (* Enable any debugging *)
616                    (* Run the code and capture any exception (temporarily). *)
617                    val finalResult = (code(); NONE) handle exn => SOME exn
618                    val () = endExec() (* Turn off debugging *)
619                    (* Print the times if required. *)
620                    val endRun = Timer.checkCPUTimer startRun
621                    val () =
622                        if !timing
623                        then printOut(
624                                concat["Timing - compile: ", Time.fmt 1 (#usr endCompile + #sys endCompile),
625                                       " run: ", Time.fmt 1 (#usr endRun + #sys endRun), "\n"])
626                        else ()
627                in
628                    case finalResult of
629                        NONE => () (* No exceptions raised. *)
630                    |   SOME exn => (* Report exceptions in running code. *)
631                        let
632                            open PolyML PolyML.Exception
633                            val exLoc =
634                                case exceptionLocation exn of
635                                    NONE => []
636                                |   SOME loc => [ContextLocation loc]
637                        in
638                            prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup(TextIO.print, ! lineLength)
639                                (PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
640                                    [
641                                        PrettyBlock(0, false, exLoc, [PrettyString "Exception-"]),
642                                        PrettyBreak(1, 3),
643                                        prettyRepresentation(exn, FixedInt.fromInt(! printDepth)),
644                                        PrettyBreak(1, 3),
645                                        PrettyString "raised"
646                                    ]));
647                            PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
648                        end
649                end
650            end; (* readEvalPrint *)
652            fun handledLoop () : unit =
653            (
654                (* Process a single top-level command. *)
655                readEvalPrint()
656                    handle Thread.Thread.Interrupt =>
657                        (* Allow ^C to terminate the debugger and raise Interrupt in
658                           the called program. *)
659                        if exitOnError then OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure
660                        else if isDebug then (flushInput(); raise Thread.Thread.Interrupt)
661                        else ()
662                    |   _ =>
663                        if exitOnError
664                        then OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure
665                        else ();
666                (* Exit if we've seen end-of-file or we're in the debugger
667                   and we've run "continue". *)
668                if !endOfFile orelse exitLoop() then ()
669                else handledLoop ()
670            )
671        in
672            handledLoop ()
673        end
674    end
676    val suffixes = ref ["", ".ML", ".sml", ".sig"]
679    (*****************************************************************************)
680    (*                  "use": compile from a file.                              *)
681    (*****************************************************************************)
683    val useFileTag: string option Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
684    fun getUseFileName(): string option = Option.join (Thread.Thread.getLocal useFileTag)
686    fun use (originalName: string): unit =
687    let
688        (* use "f" first tries to open "f" but if that fails it tries "f.ML", "f.sml" etc. *)
689        (* We use the functional layer and a reference here rather than TextIO.input1 because
690           that requires locking round every read to make it thread-safe.  We know there's
691           only one thread accessing the stream so we don't need it here. *)
692        fun trySuffixes [] =
693            (* Not found - attempt to open the original and pass back the
694               exception. *)
695            (TextIO.getInstream(TextIO.openIn originalName), originalName)
696         |  trySuffixes (s::l) =
697            (TextIO.getInstream(TextIO.openIn (originalName ^ s)), originalName ^ s)
698                handle IO.Io _ => trySuffixes l
699        (* First in list is the name with no suffix. *)
700        val (inStream, fileName) = trySuffixes("" :: ! suffixes)
701        val stream = ref inStream
702        (* Record the file name.  This allows nested calls to "use" to set the
703           correct path. *)
704        val oldName = getUseFileName()
705        val () = Thread.Thread.setLocal(useFileTag, SOME fileName)
707        val lineNo   = ref 1;
708        fun getChar () : char option =
709            case TextIO.StreamIO.input1 (! stream) of
710                NONE => NONE
711            |   SOME (eoln as #"\n", strm) =>
712                (
713                    lineNo := !lineNo + 1;
714                    stream := strm;
715                    SOME eoln
716                )
717            |   SOME(c, strm) => (stream := strm; SOME c)
718    in
719        while not (TextIO.StreamIO.endOfStream(!stream)) do
720        let
721            val code = polyCompiler(getChar, [CPFileName fileName, CPLineNo(fn () => !lineNo)])
722                handle exn =>
723                    ( TextIO.StreamIO.closeIn(!stream); PolyML.Exception.reraise exn )
724        in
725            code() handle exn =>
726            (
727                (* Report exceptions in running code. *)
728                TextIO.print ("Exception- " ^ exnMessage exn ^ " raised\n");
729                TextIO.StreamIO.closeIn (! stream);
730                Thread.Thread.setLocal(useFileTag, oldName);
731                PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
732            )
733        end;
734        (* Normal termination: close the stream. *)
735        TextIO.StreamIO.closeIn (! stream);
736        Thread.Thread.setLocal(useFileTag, oldName)
738    end (* use *)
740    local
741        open Time
742    in
743        fun maxTime (x : time, y : time): time =
744            if x < y then y else x
745    end
747    exception ObjNotFile;
749    type 'a tag = 'a Universal.tag;
751    fun splitFilename (name: string) : string * string =
752    let
753         val {dir, file } = OS.Path.splitDirFile name
754    in
755         (dir, file)
756    end
758    (* Make *)
759    (* There are three possible states - The object may have been checked,
760     it may be currently being compiled, or it may not have been
761     processed yet. *)
762    datatype compileState = NotProcessed | Searching | Checked;
764    fun longName (directory, file) = OS.Path.joinDirFile{dir=directory, file = file}
766    local
767        fun fileReadable (fileTuple as (directory, object)) =
768            (* Use OS.FileSys.isDir just to test if the file/directory exists. *)
769            if (OS.FileSys.isDir (longName fileTuple); false) handle OS.SysErr _ => true
770            then false
771            else
772            let
773                (* Check that the object is present in the directory with the name
774                 given and not a case-insensitive version of it.  This avoids
775                 problems with "make" attempting to recursively make Array etc
776                 because they contain signatures ARRAY. *)
777                open OS.FileSys
778                val d = openDir (if directory = "" then "." else directory)
779                fun searchDir () =
780                  case readDir d of
781                     NONE => false
782                  |  SOME f => f = object orelse searchDir ()
783                val present = searchDir()
784            in
785                closeDir d;
786                present
787            end
789        fun findFileTuple _                   [] = NONE
790        |   findFileTuple (directory, object) (suffix :: suffixes) =
791        let
792            val fileName  = object ^ suffix
793            val fileTuple = (directory, fileName)
794        in
795            if fileReadable fileTuple
796            then SOME fileTuple
797            else findFileTuple (directory, object) suffixes
798        end
800    in
801        fun filePresent (directory : string, kind: string option, object : string) =
802        let
803            (* Construct suffixes with the architecture and version number in so
804               we can compile architecture- and version-specific code. *)
805            val archSuffix = "." ^ String.map Char.toLower (PolyML.architecture())
806            val versionSuffix = "." ^ Int.toString Bootstrap.compilerVersionNumber
807            val extraSuffixes =
808                case kind of
809                    NONE => [archSuffix, versionSuffix, ""]
810                |   SOME k => ["." ^ k ^ archSuffix, "." ^ k ^ versionSuffix, "." ^ k, archSuffix, versionSuffix, ""]
811            val standardSuffixes =
812                case kind of
813                    SOME "signature" => ".sig" :: ! suffixes
814                |   _ => !suffixes
815            val addedSuffixes =
816                List.foldr(fn (i, l) => (List.map (fn s => s ^ i) extraSuffixes) @ l) [] standardSuffixes
817        in
818            (* For each of the suffixes in the list try it. *)
819            findFileTuple (directory, object) addedSuffixes
820        end
821    end
823    (* See if the corresponding file is there and if it is a directory. *)
824    fun testForDirectory (name: string) : bool =
825        OS.FileSys.isDir name handle OS.SysErr _ => false (* No such file. *)
827    (* Time stamps. *)
828    type timeStamp = Time.time;
829    val firstTimeStamp : timeStamp = Time.zeroTime;
831    local
832        open ProtectedTable
833        (* Global tables to hold information about entities that have been made using "make". *)
834        val timeStampTable: timeStamp ptable = create()
835        and dependencyTable: string list ptable = create()
836    in
837        (* When was the entity last built?  Returns zeroTime if it hasn't. *)
838        fun lastMade (objectName : string) : timeStamp =
839            getOpt(lookup timeStampTable objectName, firstTimeStamp)
841        (* Get the dependencies as an option type. *)
842        val getMakeDependencies = lookup dependencyTable
844        (* Set the time stamp and dependencies. *)
845        fun updateMakeData(objectName, times, depends) =
846        (
847            enter timeStampTable (objectName, times);
848            enter dependencyTable (objectName, depends)
849        )
850    end
852    (* Main make function *)
853    fun make (targetName: string) : unit =
854    let
855        local
856            val sourceDateEpochEnv : string option = OS.Process.getEnv "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH";
857        in
858            val sourceDateEpoch : timeStamp option =
859                case sourceDateEpochEnv of
860                     NONE => NONE
861                   | SOME s =>
862                       (case LargeInt.fromString s of
863                             NONE => NONE
864                           | SOME t => SOME(Time.fromSeconds t) handle Time.Time => NONE)
865        end;
867        (* Get the current time. *)
868        val newTimeStamp : unit -> timeStamp = case sourceDateEpoch of
869                                                    NONE => Time.now
870                                                  | SOME t => fn _ => t;
871        (* Get the date of a file. *)
872        val fileTimeStamp : string -> timeStamp = case sourceDateEpoch of
873                                                    NONE => OS.FileSys.modTime
874                                                  | SOME t => fn _ => t;
876        (* This serves two purposes. It provides a list of objects which have been
877           re-made to prevent them being made more than once, and it also prevents
878           circular dependencies from causing infinite loops (e.g. let x = f(x)) *)
879            local
880                open HashArray;
881                val htab : compileState hash = hash 10;
882            in
883                fun lookupStatus (name: string) : compileState =
884                    getOpt(sub (htab, name), NotProcessed);
886                fun setStatus (name: string, cs: compileState) : unit =
887                    update (htab, name, cs)
888            end;
890        (* Remove leading directory names to get the name of the object itself.
891           e.g. "../compiler/parsetree/gencode" yields simply "gencode". *)
892        val (dirName,objectName) = splitFilename targetName;
894        (* Looks to see if the file is in the current directory. If it is and
895           the file is newer than the corresponding object then it must be
896           remade. If it is a directory then we attempt to remake the
897           directory by compiling the "bind" file. This will only actually be
898           executed if it involves some identifier which is newer than the
899           result object. *)
900        fun remakeObj (objName: string, kind: string option, findDirectory: string option -> string -> string) =
901        let
902        (* Find a directory that contains this object. An exception will be
903             raised if it is not there. *)
904            val directory = findDirectory kind objName
905            val fullName  =
906                if directory = "" (* Work around for bug. *)
907                then objName
908                else OS.Path.joinDirFile{dir=directory, file=objName}
910            val objIsDir  = testForDirectory fullName
911            val here      = fullName
913            (* Look to see if the file exists, possibly with an extension,
914               and get the extended version. *)
915            val fileTuple =
916                let
917                    (* If the object is a directory the source is in the bind file. *)
918                    val (dir : string, file : string) =
919                        if objIsDir
920                        then (here,"ml_bind")
921                        else (directory, objName);
922                in
923                    case filePresent (dir, kind, file) of
924                        SOME res' => res'
925                    |   NONE      => raise Fail ("No such file or directory ("^file^","^dir^")")
926                end ;
928            val fileName = longName fileTuple;
930            val newFindDirectory : string option -> string -> string =
931                if objIsDir
932                then
933                let
934                    (* Look in this directory then in the ones above. *)
935                    fun findDirectoryHere kind (name: string) : string =
936                        case filePresent (here, kind, name) of
937                          NONE => findDirectory kind name (* not in this directory *)
938                        | _    => here;
939                in
940                    findDirectoryHere
941                end
942                else findDirectory
944            (* Compiles a file. *)
945            fun remakeCurrentObj () =
946            let
947                val () = print ("Making " ^ objName ^ "\n");
948                local
949                    (* Keep a list of the dependencies. *)
950                    val deps : bool HashArray.hash = HashArray.hash 10;
952                    fun addDep name =
953                        if getOpt(HashArray.sub (deps, name), true)
954                        then HashArray.update(deps, name, true)
955                        else ();
957                    (* Called by the compiler to look-up a global identifier. *)
958                    fun lookupMakeEnv (globalLook, kind: string option) (name: string) : 'a option =
959                    let
960                        (* Have we re-declared it ? *)
961                        val res = lookupStatus name;
962                    in
963                        case res of
964                            NotProcessed  =>
965                            (
966                                (* Compile the dependency. *)
967                                remakeObj (name, kind, newFindDirectory);
968                                (* Add this to the dependencies. *)
969                                addDep name
970                            )
972                        |  Searching => (* In the process of making it *)
973                           print("Circular dependency: " ^ name ^  " depends on itself\n")
975                        | Checked => addDep name; (* Add this to the dependencies. *)
977                        (* There was previously a comment about returning NONE here if
978                           we had a problem remaking a dependency. *)
979                        globalLook name
980                    end (* lookupMakeEnv *)
982                    (* Enter the declared value in the table. Usually this will be the
983                        target we are making. Also set the state to "Checked". The
984                        state is set to checked when we finish making the object but
985                        setting it now suppresses messages about circular dependencies
986                        if we use the identifier within the file. *)
987                    fun enterMakeEnv (kind : string, enterGlobal) (name: string, v: 'a) : unit =
988                    (
989                        (* Put in the value. *)
990                        enterGlobal (name, v);
991                        print ("Created " ^ kind ^ " " ^ name ^ "\n");
993                        (* The name we're declaring may appear to be a dependency
994                           but isn't, so don't include it in the list. *)
995                        HashArray.update (deps, name, false);
997                        if name = objName
998                        then
999                        let
1000                            (* Put in the dependencies i.e. those names set to true in the table. *)
1001                            val depends =
1002                                HashArray.fold (fn (s, v, l) => if v then s :: l else l) [] deps;
1004                            (* Put in a time stamp for the new object.  We need to make
1005                               sure that it is no older than the newest object it depends
1006                               on.  In theory that should not be a problem but clocks on
1007                               different machines can get out of step leading to objects
1008                               made later having earlier time stamps. *)
1009                            val newest =
1010                                List.foldl (fn (s: string, t: timeStamp) =>
1011                                    maxTime (lastMade s, t)) (fileTimeStamp fileName) depends;
1013                            val timeStamp = maxTime(newest, newTimeStamp());
1014                        in
1015                            setStatus (name, Checked);
1016                            updateMakeData(name, timeStamp, depends)
1017                        end
1018                        else ()
1019                    ) (* enterMakeEnv *);
1021                in
1022                    val makeEnv =
1023                        {
1024                            lookupFix    = #lookupFix globalNameSpace,
1025                            lookupVal    = #lookupVal globalNameSpace,
1026                            lookupType   = #lookupType globalNameSpace,
1027                            lookupSig    = lookupMakeEnv (#lookupSig globalNameSpace, SOME "signature"),
1028                            lookupStruct = lookupMakeEnv (#lookupStruct globalNameSpace, SOME "structure"),
1029                            lookupFunct  = lookupMakeEnv (#lookupFunct globalNameSpace, SOME "functor"),
1030                            enterFix     = #enterFix globalNameSpace,
1031                            enterVal     = #enterVal globalNameSpace,
1032                            enterType    = #enterType globalNameSpace,
1033                            enterStruct  = enterMakeEnv ("structure", #enterStruct globalNameSpace),
1034                            enterSig     = enterMakeEnv ("signature", #enterSig globalNameSpace),
1035                            enterFunct   = enterMakeEnv ("functor", #enterFunct globalNameSpace),
1036                            allFix       = #allFix globalNameSpace,
1037                            allVal       = #allVal globalNameSpace,
1038                            allType      = #allType globalNameSpace,
1039                            allSig       = #allSig globalNameSpace,
1040                            allStruct    = #allStruct globalNameSpace,
1041                            allFunct     = #allFunct globalNameSpace
1042                        };
1043                end; (* local for makeEnv *)
1045                val inputFile = OS.Path.joinDirFile{dir= #1 fileTuple, file= #2 fileTuple}
1047                val inStream = TextIO.openIn inputFile;
1049                val () =
1050                let (* scope of exception handler to close inStream *)
1051                    val endOfStream = ref false;
1052                    val lineNo     = ref 1;
1054                    fun getChar () : char option =
1055                        case TextIO.input1 inStream of
1056                            NONE => (endOfStream := true; NONE) (* End of file *)
1057                        |   eoln as SOME #"\n" => (lineNo := !lineNo + 1; eoln)
1058                        |   c => c
1059                 in
1060                    while not (!endOfStream) do
1061                    let
1062                        val code = polyCompiler(getChar,
1063                            [CPNameSpace makeEnv, CPFileName fileName, CPLineNo(fn () => !lineNo)])
1064                    in
1065                        code ()
1066                            handle exn as Fail _ => PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
1067                            |  exn =>
1068                            (
1069                                print ("Exception- " ^ exnMessage exn ^ " raised\n");
1070                                PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
1071                            )
1072                    end
1073                end (* body of scope of inStream *)
1074                    handle exn => (* close inStream if an error occurs *)
1075                    (
1076                        TextIO.closeIn inStream;
1077                        PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
1078                    )
1079            in (* remake normal termination *)
1080                TextIO.closeIn inStream
1081            end (* remakeCurrentObj *)
1083        in (* body of remakeObj *)
1084            setStatus (objName, Searching);
1086             (* If the file is newer than the object then we definitely must remake it.
1087               Otherwise we look at the dependency list and check those. If the result
1088               of that check is that one of the dependencies is newer than the object
1089               (probably because it has just been recompiled) we have to recompile
1090               the file. Compiling a file also checks the dependencies and recompiles
1091               them, generating a new dependency list. That is why we don't check the
1092               dependency list if the object is out of date with the file. Also if the
1093               file has been changed it may no longer depend on the things it used to
1094               depend on. *)
1096            let
1097                val objDate = lastMade objName
1099                fun maybeRemake (s:string) : unit =
1100                case lookupStatus s of
1101                    NotProcessed => (* see if it's a file. *)
1102                        (* Compile the dependency. *)
1103                        remakeObj(s, kind, newFindDirectory)
1105                    | Searching => (* In the process of making it *)
1106                        print ("Circular dependency: " ^ s ^ " depends on itself\n")
1108                    |  Checked => () (* do nothing *)
1110                open Time
1111                (* Process each entry and return true if
1112                   any is newer than the target. *)
1113                val processChildren =
1114                    List.foldl
1115                    (fn (child:string, parentNeedsMake:bool) =>
1116                        (
1117                            maybeRemake child;
1118                            (* Find its date and see if it is newer. *)
1119                            parentNeedsMake orelse lastMade child > objDate
1120                        )
1121                    )
1122                    false;
1123            in
1124                if objDate < fileTimeStamp fileName orelse
1125                    (
1126                        (* Get the dependency list. There may not be one if
1127                           this object has not been compiled with "make". *)
1128                        case getMakeDependencies objName of
1129                            SOME d => processChildren d
1130                        |   NONE => true (* No dependency list - must use "make" on it. *)
1131                    )
1132                then remakeCurrentObj ()
1133                else ()
1134            end;
1136            (* Mark it as having been checked. *)
1137            setStatus (objName, Checked)
1138        end (* body of remakeObj *)
1140        (* If the object is not a file mark it is checked. It may be a
1141           pervasive or it may be missing. In either case mark it as checked
1142           to save searching for it again. *)
1143        handle
1144                ObjNotFile => setStatus (objName, Checked)
1146            |   exn => (* Compilation (or execution) error. *)
1147                (
1148                    (* Mark as checked to prevent spurious messages. *)
1149                    setStatus (objName, Checked);
1150                    raise exn
1151                )
1152    in (*  body of make *)
1153        (* Check that the target exists. *)
1154        case filePresent (dirName, NONE, objectName) of
1155            NONE =>
1156            let
1157                val dir =
1158                    if dirName = "" then ""
1159                    else " (directory "^dirName^")";
1160                val s = "File "^objectName^" not found" ^ dir
1161            in
1162                print (s ^ "\n");
1163                raise Fail s
1164            end
1166        | _ =>
1167        let
1168            val targetIsDir = testForDirectory targetName;
1170            (* If the target we are making is a directory all the objects
1171               must be in the directory. If it is a file we allow references
1172               to other objects in the same directory. Objects not found must
1173               be pervasive. *)
1174            fun findDirectory kind (s: string) : string =
1175                if (not targetIsDir orelse s = objectName) andalso
1176                    isSome(filePresent(dirName, kind, s))
1177                then dirName
1178                else raise ObjNotFile;
1179        in
1180            remakeObj (objectName, NONE, findDirectory)
1181                handle exn  =>
1182                (
1183                    print (targetName ^ " was not declared\n");
1184                    PolyML.Exception.reraise exn
1185                )
1186        end
1187    end (* make *)
1190    structure PolyML =
1191    struct
1192        open PolyML
1193        (* We must not have a signature on the result otherwise print and makestring
1194           will be given polymorphic types and will only produce "?" *)
1196        val globalNameSpace = globalNameSpace
1198        val use = use and make = make
1199        val suffixes = suffixes and getUseFileName = getUseFileName
1200        val compiler = polyCompiler
1202        val prettyPrintWithIDEMarkup = prettyPrintWithIDEMarkup
1204        structure Compiler =
1205        struct
1206            datatype compilerParameters = datatype compilerParameters
1208            val compilerVersion = Bootstrap.compilerVersion
1209            val compilerVersionNumber = Bootstrap.compilerVersionNumber
1211            val forgetSignature: string -> unit = forgetSig
1212            and forgetStructure: string -> unit = forgetStruct
1213            and forgetFunctor: string -> unit = forgetFunct
1214            and forgetValue: string -> unit = forgetVal
1215            and forgetType: string -> unit = forgetType
1216            and forgetFixity: string -> unit = forgetFix
1218            fun signatureNames (): string list = #1(ListPair.unzip (#allSig globalNameSpace ()))
1219            and structureNames (): string list = #1(ListPair.unzip (#allStruct globalNameSpace ()))
1220            and functorNames (): string list = #1(ListPair.unzip (#allFunct globalNameSpace ()))
1221            and valueNames (): string list = #1(ListPair.unzip (#allVal globalNameSpace ()))
1222            and typeNames (): string list = #1(ListPair.unzip (#allType globalNameSpace ()))
1223            and fixityNames (): string list = #1(ListPair.unzip (#allFix globalNameSpace ()))
1225            val prompt1 = prompt1 and prompt2 = prompt2
1226            and timing = timing and printDepth = printDepth
1227            and errorDepth = errorDepth and lineLength = lineLength
1228            and allocationProfiling = allocationProfiling
1230            val assemblyCode = assemblyCode and codetree = codetree
1231            and codetreeAfterOpt = codetreeAfterOpt and icode = icode
1232            and parsetree = parsetree and reportUnreferencedIds = reportUnreferencedIds
1233            and lowlevelOptimise = lowlevelOptimise and reportExhaustiveHandlers = reportExhaustiveHandlers
1234            and narrowOverloadFlexRecord = narrowOverloadFlexRecord
1235            and createPrintFunctions = createPrintFunctions
1236            and reportDiscardFunction = reportDiscardFunction
1237            and reportDiscardNonUnit = reportDiscardNonUnit
1239            val debug = debug
1240            val inlineFunctors = inlineFunctors
1241            val maxInlineSize = maxInlineSize
1242            val printInAlphabeticalOrder = printInAlphabeticalOrder
1243            val traceCompiler = traceCompiler
1244        end
1246        (* Debugger control.  Extend DebuggerInterface set up by INITIALISE.  Replaces the original DebuggerInterface. *)
1247        structure DebuggerInterface:
1248        sig
1249            type debugState
1250            val debugFunction: debugState -> string
1251            val debugFunctionArg: debugState -> PolyML.NameSpace.Values.value
1252            val debugFunctionResult: debugState -> PolyML.NameSpace.Values.value
1253            val debugLocation: debugState -> PolyML.location
1254            val debugNameSpace: debugState -> PolyML.NameSpace.nameSpace
1255            val debugLocalNameSpace: debugState -> PolyML.NameSpace.nameSpace
1256            val debugState: Thread.Thread.thread -> debugState list
1258            val setOnBreakPoint: (PolyML.location * bool ref -> unit) option -> unit
1259            val setOnEntry: (string * PolyML.location -> unit) option -> unit
1260            val setOnExit: (string * PolyML.location -> unit) option -> unit
1261            val setOnExitException: (string * PolyML.location -> exn -> unit) option -> unit
1262        end =
1263        struct
1264            open PolyML.DebuggerInterface
1266            fun debugState(t: Thread.Thread.thread): debugState list =
1267            let
1268                val stack = RunCall.loadWord(t, 0w5)
1269                and static = RunCall.loadWord(t, 0w6)
1270                and dynamic = RunCall.loadWord(t, 0w7)
1271                and locationInfo = RunCall.loadWord(t, 0w8)
1273                (* Turn the chain of saved entries along with the current top entry
1274                   into a list.  The bottom entry will generally be the state from
1275                   non-debugging code and needs to be filtered out. *)
1276                fun toList r =
1277                    if RunCall.isShort r
1278                    then []
1279                    else
1280                    let
1281                        val s = RunCall.loadWordFromImmutable(r, 0w0)
1282                        and d = RunCall.loadWordFromImmutable(r, 0w1)
1283                        and l = RunCall.loadWordFromImmutable(r, 0w2)
1284                        and n = RunCall.loadWordFromImmutable(r, 0w3)
1285                    in
1286                        if RunCall.isShort s orelse
1287                           RunCall.isShort l
1288                        then toList n
1289                        else (s, d, l) :: toList n
1290                    end
1291            in
1292                if RunCall.isShort static orelse RunCall.isShort locationInfo
1293                then toList stack
1294                else (static, dynamic, locationInfo) :: toList stack
1295            end
1297            fun searchEnvs match (staticEntry :: statics, dlist as dynamicEntry :: dynamics) =
1298            (
1299                case (match (staticEntry, dynamicEntry), staticEntry) of
1300                    (SOME result, _) => SOME result
1301                |   (NONE, EnvTypeid _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
1302                |   (NONE, EnvVConstr _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
1303                |   (NONE, EnvValue _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
1304                |   (NONE, EnvException _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
1305                |   (NONE, EnvStructure _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
1306                |   (NONE, EnvStartFunction _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
1307                |   (NONE, EnvEndFunction _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dynamics)
1308                        (* EnvTConstr doesn't have an entry in the dynamic list *)
1309                |   (NONE, EnvTConstr _) => searchEnvs match (statics, dlist)
1311            )
1313            |   searchEnvs _ _ = NONE
1314            (* N.B.  It is possible to have ([EnvTConstr ...], []) in the arguments so we can't assume
1315               that if either the static or dynamic list is nil and the other non-nil it's an error. *)
1317            (* Function argument.  This should always be present but if
1318               it isn't just return unit.  That's probably better than
1319               an exception here. *)
1320            fun debugFunctionArg (state: debugState as (cList, rList, _)) =
1321            let
1322                val d = (cList, rList)
1323                fun match (EnvStartFunction(_, _, ty), valu) =
1324                    SOME(makeAnonymousValue state (ty, valu))
1325                |   match _ = NONE
1326            in
1327                getOpt(searchEnvs match d, unitValue)
1328            end
1330            (* Function result - only valid in exit function. *)
1331            and debugFunctionResult (state: debugState as (cList, rList, _)) =
1332            let
1333                val d = (cList, rList)
1334                fun match (EnvEndFunction(_, _, ty), valu) =
1335                    SOME(makeAnonymousValue state(ty, valu))
1336                |   match _ = NONE
1337            in
1338                getOpt(searchEnvs match d, unitValue)
1339            end
1341            (* debugFunction just looks at the static data.
1342               There should always be an EnvStartFunction entry. *)
1343            fun debugFunction ((cList, _, _): debugState): string =
1344            (
1345                case List.find(fn (EnvStartFunction _) => true | _ => false) cList of
1346                    SOME(EnvStartFunction(s, _, _)) => s
1347                |   _ => "?"
1348            )
1350            fun debugLocation ((_, _, locn): debugState) = locn
1352            fun nameSpace localOnly (state: debugState as (clist, rlist, _)) : nameSpace =
1353            let
1354                val debugEnviron = (clist, rlist)
1356                (* Lookup and "all" functions for the environment.  We can't easily use a general
1357                   function for the lookup because we have dynamic entries for values and structures
1358                   but not for type constructors. *)
1359                fun lookupValues (EnvValue(name, ty, location) :: ntl, valu :: vl) s =
1360                        if name = s
1361                        then SOME(makeValue state (name, ty, location, valu))
1362                        else lookupValues(ntl, vl) s
1364                |   lookupValues (EnvException(name, ty, location) :: ntl, valu :: vl) s =
1365                        if name = s
1366                        then SOME(makeException state (name, ty, location, valu))
1367                        else lookupValues(ntl, vl) s
1369                |   lookupValues (EnvVConstr(name, ty, nullary, count, location) :: ntl, valu :: vl) s =
1370                        if name = s
1371                        then SOME(makeConstructor state (name, ty, nullary, count, location, valu))
1372                        else lookupValues(ntl, vl) s
1374                |   lookupValues (EnvTConstr _ :: ntl, vl) s = lookupValues(ntl, vl) s
1376                |   lookupValues (EnvStartFunction _ :: ntl, _ :: vl) s =
1377                        if localOnly then NONE else lookupValues(ntl, vl) s
1379                |   lookupValues (_ :: ntl, _ :: vl) s = lookupValues(ntl, vl) s
1381                |   lookupValues _ _ =
1382                     (* The name we are looking for isn't in
1383                        the environment.
1384                        The lists should be the same length. *)
1385                     NONE
1387                fun allValues (EnvValue(name, ty, location) :: ntl, valu :: vl) =
1388                        (name, makeValue state (name, ty, location, valu)) :: allValues(ntl, vl)
1390                |   allValues (EnvException(name, ty, location) :: ntl, valu :: vl) =
1391                        (name, makeException state (name, ty, location, valu)) :: allValues(ntl, vl)
1393                |   allValues (EnvVConstr(name, ty, nullary, count, location) :: ntl, valu :: vl) =
1394                        (name, makeConstructor state (name, ty, nullary, count, location, valu)) :: allValues(ntl, vl)
1396                |   allValues (EnvTConstr _ :: ntl, vl) = allValues(ntl, vl)
1398                |   allValues (EnvStartFunction _ :: ntl, _ :: vl) =
1399                        if localOnly then [] else allValues(ntl, vl)
1401                |   allValues (_ :: ntl, _ :: vl) = allValues(ntl, vl)
1402                |   allValues _ = []
1404                fun lookupTypes (EnvTConstr (name, tCons) :: ntl, vl) s =
1405                        if name = s
1406                        then SOME (makeTypeConstr state tCons)
1407                        else lookupTypes(ntl, vl) s
1409                |   lookupTypes (EnvStartFunction _ :: ntl, _ :: vl) s =
1410                        if localOnly then NONE else lookupTypes(ntl, vl) s
1412                |   lookupTypes (_ :: ntl, _ :: vl) s = lookupTypes(ntl, vl) s
1413                |   lookupTypes _ _ = NONE
1415                fun allTypes (EnvTConstr(name, tCons) :: ntl, vl) =
1416                        (name, makeTypeConstr state tCons) :: allTypes(ntl, vl)
1417                |   allTypes (EnvStartFunction _ :: ntl, _ :: vl) =
1418                        if localOnly then [] else allTypes(ntl, vl)
1419                |   allTypes (_ :: ntl, _ :: vl) = allTypes(ntl, vl)
1420                |   allTypes _ = []
1422                fun lookupStructs (EnvStructure (name, rSig, locations) :: ntl, valu :: vl) s =
1423                        if name = s
1424                        then SOME(makeStructure state (name, rSig, locations, valu))
1425                        else lookupStructs(ntl, vl) s
1427                |   lookupStructs (EnvTConstr _ :: ntl, vl) s = lookupStructs(ntl, vl) s
1429                |   lookupStructs (EnvStartFunction _ :: ntl, _ :: vl) s =
1430                        if localOnly then NONE else lookupStructs(ntl, vl) s
1431                |   lookupStructs (_ :: ntl, _ :: vl) s = lookupStructs(ntl, vl) s
1432                |   lookupStructs _ _ = NONE
1434                fun allStructs (EnvStructure (name, rSig, locations) :: ntl, valu :: vl) =
1435                        (name, makeStructure state (name, rSig, locations, valu)) :: allStructs(ntl, vl)
1437                |   allStructs (EnvTypeid _ :: ntl, _ :: vl) = allStructs(ntl, vl)
1438                |   allStructs (EnvStartFunction _ :: ntl, _ :: vl) =
1439                        if localOnly then [] else allStructs(ntl, vl)
1440                |   allStructs (_ :: ntl, vl) = allStructs(ntl, vl)
1441                |   allStructs _ = []
1443                (* We have a full environment here for future expansion but at
1444                   the moment only some of the entries are used. *)
1445                fun noLook _ = NONE
1446                and noEnter _ = raise Fail "Cannot update this name space"
1447                and allEmpty _ = []
1448           in
1449               {
1450                    lookupVal = lookupValues debugEnviron,
1451                    lookupType = lookupTypes debugEnviron,
1452                    lookupFix = noLook,
1453                    lookupStruct = lookupStructs debugEnviron,
1454                    lookupSig = noLook, lookupFunct = noLook, enterVal = noEnter,
1455                    enterType = noEnter, enterFix = noEnter, enterStruct = noEnter,
1456                    enterSig = noEnter, enterFunct = noEnter,
1457                    allVal = fn () => allValues debugEnviron,
1458                    allType = fn () => allTypes debugEnviron,
1459                    allFix = allEmpty,
1460                    allStruct = fn () => allStructs debugEnviron,
1461                    allSig = allEmpty,
1462                    allFunct = allEmpty }
1463            end
1465            val debugNameSpace = nameSpace false and debugLocalNameSpace = nameSpace true
1466        end
1468        local
1469            open DebuggerInterface
1471            fun debugLocation(d: debugState): string * PolyML.location =
1472                (debugFunction d, DebuggerInterface.debugLocation d)
1474            fun getStack() = debugState(Thread.Thread.self())
1475            (* These are only relevant when we are stopped at the debugger but
1476               we need to use globals here so that the debug functions such
1477               as "variables" and "continue" will work. *)
1478            val inDebugger = ref false
1479            (* Current stack and debug level. *)
1480            val currentStack = ref []
1481            fun getCurrentStack() =
1482                if !inDebugger then !currentStack else raise Fail "Not stopped in debugger"
1483            val debugLevel = ref 0
1484            (* Set to true to exit the debug loop.  Set by commands such as "continue". *)
1485            val exitLoop = ref false
1486            (* Exception packet sent if this was continueWithEx. *)
1487            val debugExPacket: exn option ref = ref NONE
1489            (* Call tracing. *)
1490            val tracing = ref false
1491            val breakNext = ref false
1492            (* Single stepping. *)
1493            val stepDebug = ref false
1494            val stepDepth = ref ~1 (* Only break at a stack size less than this. *)
1495            (* Break points.  We have three breakpoint lists: a list of file-line
1496               pairs, a list of function names and a list of exceptions. *)
1497            val lineBreakPoints = ref []
1498            and fnBreakPoints = ref []
1499            and exBreakPoints = ref []
1501            fun checkLineBreak (file, line) =
1502                let
1503                    fun findBreak [] = false
1504                     |  findBreak ((f, l) :: rest) =
1505                          (l = line andalso f = file) orelse findBreak rest
1506                in
1507                    findBreak (! lineBreakPoints)
1508                end
1510            fun checkFnBreak exact name =
1511            let
1512                (* When matching a function name we allow match if the name
1513                   we're looking for matches the last component of the name
1514                   we have.  e.g. if we set a break for "f" we match F().S.f . *)
1515                fun matchName n =
1516                    if name = n then true
1517                    else if exact then false
1518                    else
1519                    let
1520                        val nameLen = size name
1521                        and nLen = size n
1522                        fun isSeparator #"-" = true
1523                         |  isSeparator #")" = true
1524                         |  isSeparator #"." = true
1525                         |  isSeparator _    = false
1526                    in
1527                        nameLen > nLen andalso String.substring(name, nameLen - nLen, nLen) = n
1528                        andalso isSeparator(String.sub(name, nameLen - nLen - 1))
1529                    end
1530            in
1531                List.exists matchName (! fnBreakPoints)
1532            end
1534            (* Get the exception id from an exception packet.  The id is
1535               the first word in the packet.  It's a mutable so treat it
1536               as an int ref here.  The packet, though, is immutable. *)
1537            fun getExnId(ex: exn): int ref = RunCall.loadWordFromImmutable (ex, 0w0)
1539            fun checkExnBreak(ex: exn) =
1540                let val exnId = getExnId ex in List.exists (fn n => n = exnId) (! exBreakPoints) end
1542            fun getArgResult stack get =
1543                case stack of
1544                    hd :: _ => Values.print(get hd, FixedInt.fromInt(!printDepth))
1545                |   _ => PrettyString "?"
1547            fun printTrace (funName, location, stack, argsAndResult) =
1548            let
1549                (* This prints a block with the argument and, if we're exiting the result.
1550                   The function name is decorated with the location.
1551                   TODO: This works fine so long as the recursion depth is not too deep
1552                   but once it gets too wide the pretty-printer starts breaking the lines. *)
1553                val block =
1554                    PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
1555                        [
1556                            PrettyBreak(FixedInt.fromInt(length stack), 0),
1557                            PrettyBlock(0, false, [],
1558                            [
1559                                PrettyBlock(0, false, [ContextLocation location], [PrettyString funName]),
1560                                PrettyBreak(1, 3)
1561                            ] @ argsAndResult)
1562                        ])
1563            in
1564                prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (TextIO.print, !lineLength) block
1565            end
1567            (* Try to print the appropriate line from the file.*)
1568            fun printSourceLine(prefix, fileName: string, line: FixedInt.int, funName: string, justLocation) =
1569            let
1570                open TextIO
1571                open PolyML
1572                (* Use the pretty printer here because that allows us to provide a link to the
1573                   function in the markup so the IDE can go straight to it. *)
1574                val prettyOut = prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup (printOut, !lineLength)
1575                val lineInfo =
1576                    concat(
1577                        [prefix] @
1578                        (if fileName = "" then [] else [fileName, " "]) @
1579                        (if line = 0 then [] else [" line:", FixedInt.toString line, " "]) @
1580                        ["function:", funName])
1581            in
1582                (* First just print where we are. *)
1583                prettyOut(
1584                    PrettyBlock(0, true,
1585                        [ContextLocation{file=fileName,startLine=line, endLine=line,startPosition=0,endPosition=0}],
1586                        [PrettyString lineInfo]));
1587                (* Try to print it.  This may fail if the file name was not a full path
1588                   name and we're not in the correct directory. *)
1589                if justLocation orelse fileName = "" then ()
1590                else
1591                let
1592                    val fd = openIn fileName
1593                    fun pLine n =
1594                        case inputLine fd of
1595                            NONE => ()
1596                        |   SOME s => if n = 1 then printOut s else pLine(n-1)
1597                in
1598                    pLine line;
1599                    closeIn fd
1600                end handle IO.Io _ => () (* If it failed simply ignore the error. *)
1601            end
1603            (* These functions are installed as global callbacks if necessary. *)
1604            fun onEntry (funName, location as {file, startLine, ...}: PolyML.location) =
1605            (
1606                if ! tracing
1607                then
1608                let
1609                    val stack = getStack()
1610                    val arg = getArgResult stack debugFunctionArg
1611                in
1612                    printTrace(funName, location, stack, [arg])
1613                end
1614                else ();
1615                (* We don't actually break here because at this stage we don't
1616                   have any variables declared. *)
1617                (* TODO: If for whatever reason we fail to find the breakpoint we need to cancel
1618                   the pending break in the exit code.  Otherwise we could try and break
1619                   in some other code. *)
1620                if checkLineBreak (file, startLine) orelse checkFnBreak false funName
1621                then (breakNext := true; setOnBreakPoint(SOME onBreakPoint))
1622                else ()
1623            )
1625            and onExit (funName, location) =
1626            (
1627                if ! tracing
1628                then
1629                let
1630                    val stack = getStack()
1631                    val arg = getArgResult stack debugFunctionArg
1632                    val res = getArgResult stack debugFunctionResult
1633                in
1634                    printTrace(funName, location, stack,
1635                        [arg, PrettyBreak(1, 3), PrettyString "=", PrettyBreak(1, 3), res])
1636                end
1637                else ()
1638            )
1640            and onExitException(funName, location) exn =
1641            (
1642                if ! tracing
1643                then
1644                let
1645                    val stack = getStack()
1646                    val arg = getArgResult stack debugFunctionArg
1647                in
1648                    printTrace(funName, location, stack,
1649                        [arg, PrettyBreak(1, 3), PrettyString "=", PrettyBreak(1, 3),
1650                         PrettyString "raised", PrettyBreak(1, 3), PrettyString(exnName exn)])
1651                end
1652                else ();
1653                if checkExnBreak exn
1654                then enterDebugger ()
1655                else ()
1656            )
1658            and onBreakPoint({file, startLine, ...}: PolyML.location, _) =
1659            (
1660                if (!stepDebug andalso (!stepDepth < 0 orelse List.length(getStack()) <= !stepDepth)) orelse
1661                   checkLineBreak (file, startLine) orelse ! breakNext
1662                then enterDebugger ()
1663                else ()
1664            )
1666            (* Set the callbacks when beginning to run some code. *)
1667            and setCallBacks () =
1668            (
1669                setOnEntry(if !tracing orelse not(null(! fnBreakPoints)) then SOME onEntry else NONE);
1670                setOnExit(if !tracing then SOME onExit else NONE);
1671                setOnExitException(if !tracing orelse not(null(! exBreakPoints)) then SOME onExitException else NONE);
1672                setOnBreakPoint(if !tracing orelse ! stepDebug orelse not(null(! lineBreakPoints)) then SOME onBreakPoint else NONE)
1673            )
1675            (* Clear all callbacks when exiting debuggable code. *)
1676            and clearCallBacks () =
1677            (
1678                setOnEntry NONE;
1679                setOnExit NONE;
1680                setOnExitException NONE;
1681                setOnBreakPoint NONE;
1682                (* Clear all stepping. *)
1683                breakNext := false;
1684                stepDebug := false;
1685                stepDepth := ~1;
1686                (* Clear the debugger state *)
1687                debugLevel := 0;
1688                currentStack := []
1689            )
1691            and enterDebugger () =
1692            let
1693                (* Clear the onXXX functions to prevent any recursion. *)
1694                val () = clearCallBacks ()
1695                val () = inDebugger := true
1696                (* Remove any type-ahead. *)
1697                fun flushInput () =
1698                    case TextIO.canInput(TextIO.stdIn, 1) of
1699                        SOME 1 => (TextIO.inputN(TextIO.stdIn, 1); flushInput())
1700                    |   _ => ()
1701                val () = flushInput ()
1703                val () = exitLoop := false
1704                (* Save the stack on entry.  If we execute any code with
1705                   debugging enabled while we're in the debugger we could
1706                   change this. *)
1707                val () = currentStack := getStack()
1709                val () =
1710                    case !currentStack of
1711                        hd :: _ =>
1712                            let
1713                                val (funName, {file, startLine, ...}) = debugLocation hd
1714                            in
1715                                printSourceLine("", file, startLine, funName, false)
1716                            end
1717                    |   [] => () (* Shouldn't happen. *)
1719                val compositeNameSpace =
1720                (* Compose any debugEnv with the global environment.  Create a new temporary environment
1721                   to contain any bindings made within the shell.  They are discarded when we continue
1722                   from the break-point.  Previously, bindings were made in the global environment but
1723                   that is problematic.  It is possible to capture local types in the bindings which
1724                   could actually be different at the next breakpoint. *)
1725                let
1726                    val fixTab = ProtectedTable.create() and sigTab = ProtectedTable.create()
1727                    and valTab = ProtectedTable.create() and typTab = ProtectedTable.create()
1728                    and fncTab = ProtectedTable.create() and strTab = ProtectedTable.create()
1729                    (* The debugging environment depends on the currently selected stack frame. *)
1730                    fun debugEnv() = debugNameSpace (List.nth(!currentStack, !debugLevel))
1731                    fun dolookup f t s =
1732                        case ProtectedTable.lookup t s of NONE => (case f (debugEnv()) s of NONE => f globalNameSpace s | v => v) | v => v
1733                    fun getAll f t () = ProtectedTable.all t () @ f (debugEnv()) () @ f globalNameSpace ()
1734                in
1735                    {
1736                    lookupFix    = dolookup #lookupFix fixTab,
1737                    lookupSig    = dolookup #lookupSig sigTab,
1738                    lookupVal    = dolookup #lookupVal valTab,
1739                    lookupType   = dolookup #lookupType typTab,
1740                    lookupFunct  = dolookup #lookupFunct fncTab,
1741                    lookupStruct = dolookup #lookupStruct strTab,
1742                    enterFix     = ProtectedTable.enter fixTab,
1743                    enterSig     = ProtectedTable.enter sigTab,
1744                    enterVal     = ProtectedTable.enter valTab,
1745                    enterType    = ProtectedTable.enter typTab,
1746                    enterFunct   = ProtectedTable.enter fncTab,
1747                    enterStruct  = ProtectedTable.enter strTab,
1748                    allFix       = getAll #allFix fixTab,
1749                    allSig       = getAll #allSig sigTab,
1750                    allVal       = getAll #allVal valTab,
1751                    allType      = getAll #allType typTab,
1752                    allFunct     = getAll #allFunct fncTab,
1753                    allStruct    = getAll #allStruct strTab
1754                    }
1755                end
1756            in
1757                topLevel
1758                    { isDebug = true, nameSpace = compositeNameSpace, exitLoop = fn _ => ! exitLoop,
1759                      exitOnError = false, isInteractive = true,
1760                      (* Don't enable debugging for anything run within the debug level. *)
1761                      startExec = fn () => (), endExec = fn () => () }
1762                      (* If we type control-C to the debugger we exit it and
1763                         raise Interrupt within the debuggee without re-enabling
1764                         any breakpoints. *)
1765                    handle exn => (inDebugger := false; raise exn);
1767                inDebugger := false;
1768                setCallBacks(); (* Re-enable debugging. *)
1770                (* If this was continueWithEx raise the exception. *)
1771                case ! debugExPacket of
1772                    NONE => ()
1773                |   SOME exn => (debugExPacket := NONE; raise exn)
1774            end
1775        in
1776            (* Normal, non-debugging top-level loop. *)
1777            fun shell () =
1778            let
1779                val argList = CommandLine.arguments()
1780                fun switchOption option = List.exists(fn s => s = option) argList
1781                (* Generate mark-up in IDE code when printing if the option has been given
1782                   on the command line. *)
1783                val () = useMarkupInOutput := switchOption "--with-markup"
1784                val exitOnError = switchOption"--error-exit"
1785                val interactive =
1786                    switchOption "-i" orelse
1787                    let
1788                        open TextIO OS
1789                        open StreamIO TextPrimIO IO
1790                        val s = getInstream stdIn
1791                        val (r, v) = getReader s
1792                        val RD { ioDesc, ...} = r
1793                    in
1794                        setInstream(stdIn, mkInstream(r,v));
1795                        case ioDesc of
1796                            SOME io => (kind io = Kind.tty handle SysErr _ => false)
1797                        |   _  => false
1798                    end
1799            in
1800                topLevel
1801                    { isDebug = false, nameSpace = globalNameSpace, exitLoop = fn _ => false,
1802                      isInteractive = interactive, exitOnError = exitOnError,
1803                      startExec = setCallBacks, endExec = clearCallBacks }
1804            end
1806            structure Debug =
1807            struct
1808                (* Functions that are only relevant when called from the debugger.  These
1809                   check the debugging state using getCurrentStack which raises an
1810                   exception if we're not in the debugger. *)
1811                (* "step" causes the debugger to be entered on the next call.
1812                   "stepOver" enters the debugger on the next call when the stack is no larger
1813                   than it is at present.
1814                   "stepOut" enters the debugger on the next call when the stack is smaller
1815                   than it is at present. *)
1816                fun step () =
1817                let
1818                    val _ = getCurrentStack()
1819                in
1820                    stepDebug := true; stepDepth := ~1; exitLoop := true
1821                end
1823                and stepOver() =
1824                let
1825                    val stack = getCurrentStack()
1826                in
1827                    stepDebug := true; stepDepth := List.length stack; exitLoop := true
1828                end
1830                and stepOut() =
1831                let
1832                    val stack = getCurrentStack()
1833                in
1834                    stepDebug := true; stepDepth := List.length stack - 1; exitLoop := true
1835                end
1837                and continue () =
1838                let
1839                    val _ = getCurrentStack()
1840                in
1841                    stepDebug := false; stepDepth := ~1; exitLoop := true
1842                end
1844                and continueWithEx exn =
1845                let
1846                    val _ = getCurrentStack()
1847                in
1848                    stepDebug := false; stepDepth := ~1; exitLoop := true; debugExPacket := SOME exn
1849                end
1851                (* Stack traversal. *)
1852                fun up () =
1853                let
1854                    val stack = getCurrentStack()
1855                in
1856                    if !debugLevel < List.length stack -1
1857                    then
1858                    let
1859                        val _ = debugLevel := !debugLevel + 1;
1860                        val (funName, {startLine, file, ...}) =
1861                            debugLocation(List.nth(stack, !debugLevel))
1862                    in
1863                        printSourceLine("", file, startLine, funName, false)
1864                    end
1865                    else TextIO.print "Top of stack.\n"
1866                end
1868                and down () =
1869                let
1870                    val stack = getCurrentStack()
1871                in
1872                    if !debugLevel = 0
1873                    then TextIO.print "Bottom of stack.\n"
1874                    else
1875                    let
1876                        val () = debugLevel := !debugLevel - 1;
1877                        val (funName, {startLine, file, ...}) =
1878                            debugLocation(List.nth(stack, !debugLevel))
1879                    in
1880                        printSourceLine("", file, startLine, funName, false)
1881                    end
1882                end
1884                (* Just print the functions without any other context. *)
1885                fun stack () : unit =
1886                let
1887                    fun printTrace(d, n) =
1888                    let
1889                        val (funName, {file, startLine, ...}) = debugLocation d
1890                        (* If this is the current level prefix it with > *)
1891                        val prefix = if n = !debugLevel then "> " else "  "
1892                    in
1893                        printSourceLine(prefix, file, startLine, funName, true);
1894                        n+1
1895                    end
1896                in
1897                    ignore (List.foldl printTrace 0 (getCurrentStack()))
1898                end
1900                local
1901                    fun printVal v =
1902                        prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup(TextIO.print, !lineLength)
1903                            (NameSpace.Values.printWithType(v, FixedInt.fromInt(!printDepth), SOME globalNameSpace))
1904                    fun printStack (stack: debugState) =
1905                        List.app (fn (_,v) => printVal v) (#allVal (debugNameSpace stack) ())
1906                in
1907                    (* Print all variables at the current level. *)
1908                    fun variables() =
1909                        printStack (List.nth(getCurrentStack(), !debugLevel))
1910                    (* Print all the levels. *)
1911                    and dump() =
1912                    let
1913                        fun printLevel stack =
1914                        let
1915                            val (funName, _) = debugLocation stack
1916                        in
1917                            TextIO.print(concat["Function ", funName, ":"]);
1918                            printStack stack;
1919                            TextIO.print "\n"
1920                        end
1921                    in
1922                        List.app printLevel (getCurrentStack())
1923                    end
1924                    (* Print local variables at the current level. *)
1925                    and locals() =
1926                    let
1927                        val stack = List.nth(getCurrentStack(), !debugLevel)
1928                    in
1929                        List.app (fn (_,v) => printVal v) (#allVal (debugLocalNameSpace stack) ())
1930                    end
1931                end
1933                (* Functions to adjust tracing and breakpointing.  May be called
1934                   either within or outside the debugger. *)
1935                fun trace b = tracing := b
1937                fun breakAt (file, line) =
1938                    if checkLineBreak(file, line) then () (* Already there. *)
1939                    else lineBreakPoints := (file, line) :: ! lineBreakPoints
1941                fun clearAt (file, line) =
1942                let
1943                    fun findBreak [] = (TextIO.print "No such breakpoint.\n"; [])
1944                     |  findBreak ((f, l) :: rest) =
1945                          if l = line andalso f = file
1946                          then rest else (f, l) :: findBreak rest
1947                in
1948                    lineBreakPoints := findBreak (! lineBreakPoints)
1949                end
1951                fun breakIn name =
1952                    if checkFnBreak true name then () (* Already there. *)
1953                    else fnBreakPoints := name :: ! fnBreakPoints
1955                fun clearIn name =
1956                let
1957                    fun findBreak [] = (TextIO.print "No such breakpoint.\n"; [])
1958                     |  findBreak (n :: rest) =
1959                          if name = n then rest else n :: findBreak rest
1960                in
1961                    fnBreakPoints := findBreak (! fnBreakPoints)
1962                end
1964                fun breakEx exn =
1965                    if checkExnBreak exn then  () (* Already there. *)
1966                    else exBreakPoints := getExnId exn :: ! exBreakPoints
1968                fun clearEx exn =
1969                let
1970                    val exnId = getExnId exn
1971                    fun findBreak [] = (TextIO.print "No such breakpoint.\n"; [])
1972                     |  findBreak (n :: rest) =
1973                          if exnId = n then rest else n :: findBreak rest
1974                in
1975                    exBreakPoints := findBreak (! exBreakPoints)
1976                end
1978            end
1979        end
1981        structure CodeTree =
1982        struct
1983            open PolyML.CodeTree
1984            (* Add options to the code-generation phase. *)
1985            val genCode =
1986                fn (code, numLocals) =>
1987                let
1988                    open Bootstrap Bootstrap.Universal
1989                    val compilerOut = prettyPrintWithOptionalMarkup(TextIO.print, !lineLength)
1990                in
1991                    genCode(code,
1992                        [
1993                            tagInject compilerOutputTag compilerOut,
1994                            tagInject maxInlineSizeTag (FixedInt.fromInt(! maxInlineSize)),
1995                            tagInject codetreeTag (! codetree),
1996                            tagInject icodeTag (! icode),
1997                            tagInject lowlevelOptimiseTag (! lowlevelOptimise),
1998                            tagInject assemblyCodeTag (! assemblyCode),
1999                            tagInject codetreeAfterOptTag (! codetreeAfterOpt)
2000                        ], numLocals)
2001                end
2002        end
2004        (* Original print_depth etc functions. *)
2005        fun timing      b = Compiler.timing := b
2006        and print_depth i = Compiler.printDepth := i
2007        and error_depth i = Compiler.errorDepth := i
2008        and line_length i = Compiler.lineLength := i
2010        (* Legacy exception_trace. *)
2011        structure Exception =
2012        struct
2013            open Exception
2014            fun exception_trace f = f() (* Backwards compatibility *)
2015        end
2017        (* Include it in the PolyML structure for backwards compatibility. *)
2018        val exception_trace = Exception.exception_trace
2020        local
2021            val systemProfile : int -> (int * string) list =
2022                RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyProfiling"
2024            fun printProfile profRes =
2025            let
2026                (* Sort in ascending order. *)
2027                val sorted = quickSort (fn (a, _) => fn (b, _) => a <= b) profRes
2029                fun doPrint (count, name) =
2030                let
2031                    val cPrint = Int.toString count
2032                    val prefix =
2033                        CharVector.tabulate(Int.max(0, 10-size cPrint), fn _ => #" ")
2034                in
2035                    TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, concat[prefix, cPrint, " ", name, "\n"])
2036                end
2038                val total = List.foldl (fn ((c,_),s) => c+s) 0 profRes
2039            in
2040                List.app doPrint sorted;
2041                if total = 0 then ()
2042                else TextIO.print(concat["Total ", Int.toString total, "\n"])
2043            end
2044        in
2046            structure Profiling =
2047            struct
2048                datatype profileMode =
2049                    ProfileTime             (* old mode 1 *)
2050                |   ProfileAllocations      (* old mode 2 *)
2051                |   ProfileLongIntEmulation (* old mode 3  - No longer used*)
2052                |   ProfileTimeThisThread   (* old mode 6 *)
2053                |   ProfileMutexContention
2055                fun profileStream (stream: (int * string) list -> unit) mode f arg =
2056                let
2057                    (* Control profiling.  This may raise Fail if profiling is turned on when it
2058                       is already on or if there is insufficient memory. *)
2059                    val code =
2060                        case mode of
2061                            ProfileTime =>              1
2062                        |   ProfileAllocations =>       2
2063                        |   ProfileLongIntEmulation =>  3
2064                        |   ProfileTimeThisThread =>    6
2065                        |   ProfileMutexContention =>   7
2066                    val _ = systemProfile code (* Discard the result *)
2067                    val result =
2068                        f arg handle exn => (stream(systemProfile 0); PolyML.Exception.reraise exn)
2069                in
2070                    stream(systemProfile 0);
2071                    result
2072                end
2074                fun profile mode f arg = profileStream printProfile mode f arg
2076                (* Live data profiles show the current state.  We need to run the
2077                   GC to produce the counts. *)
2078                datatype profileDataMode =
2079                    ProfileLiveData
2080                |   ProfileLiveMutableData
2082                fun profileDataStream(stream: (int * string) list -> unit) mode =
2083                let
2084                    val code =
2085                        case mode of
2086                            ProfileLiveData => 4
2087                        |   ProfileLiveMutableData => 5
2088                    val _ = systemProfile code (* Discard the result *)
2089                    val () = PolyML.fullGC()
2090                in
2091                    stream(systemProfile 0)
2092                end
2094                val profileData = profileDataStream printProfile
2095            end
2096        end
2098        (* Saving and loading state. *)
2099        structure SaveState =
2100        struct
2101            local
2102                val getOS: int = LibrarySupport.getOSType()
2104                val loadMod: string -> Universal.universal list = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyLoadModule"
2105                and systemDir: unit -> string = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyGetModuleDirectory"
2106            in
2107                fun loadModuleBasic (fileName: string): Universal.universal list =
2108                (* If there is a path separator use the name and don't search further. *)
2109                if OS.Path.dir fileName <> ""
2110                then loadMod fileName
2111                else
2112                let
2113                    (* Path elements are separated by semicolons in Windows but colons in Unix. *)
2114                    val sepInPathList = if getOS = 1 then #";" else #":"
2115                    val pathList =
2116                        case OS.Process.getEnv "POLYMODPATH" of
2117                            NONE => []
2118                        |   SOME s => String.fields (fn ch => ch = sepInPathList) s
2120                    fun findFile [] = NONE
2121                    |   findFile (hd::tl) =
2122                        (* Try actually loading the file.  That way we really check we have a module. *)
2123                        SOME(loadMod (OS.Path.joinDirFile{dir=hd, file=fileName}))
2124                            handle Fail _ => findFile tl | OS.SysErr _ => findFile tl
2125                in
2126                    case findFile pathList of
2127                        SOME l => l (* Found *)
2128                    |   NONE =>
2129                        let
2130                            val sysDir = systemDir()
2131                            val inSysDir =
2132                                if sysDir = "" then NONE else findFile[sysDir]
2133                        in
2134                            case inSysDir of
2135                                SOME l => l
2136                            |   NONE => raise Fail("Unable to find module ``" ^ fileName ^ "''")
2137                        end
2138                end
2139            end
2141            val saveChild: string * int -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolySaveState"
2143            fun saveState f = saveChild (f, 0);
2145            val showHierarchy: unit -> string list = RunCall.rtsCallFull0 "PolyShowHierarchy"
2147            local
2148                val doRename: string * string -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyRenameParent"
2149            in
2150                fun renameParent{ child: string, newParent: string }: unit = doRename(child, newParent)
2151            end
2153            val showParent: string -> string option = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyShowParent"
2154            and loadState: string -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyLoadState"
2156            local
2157                val loadHier: string list -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull1 "PolyLoadHierarchy"
2158            in
2159                (* Load hierarchy takes a list of file names in order with the parents
2160                   before the children.  It's easier for the RTS if this is reversed. *)
2161                fun loadHierarchy (s: string list): unit = loadHier (List.rev s)
2162            end
2164            (* Module loading and storing. *)
2165            structure Tags =
2166            struct
2167                val structureTag: (string * PolyML.NameSpace.Structures.structureVal) Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
2168                val functorTag: (string * PolyML.NameSpace.Functors.functorVal) Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
2169                val signatureTag: (string * PolyML.NameSpace.Signatures.signatureVal) Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
2170                val valueTag: (string * PolyML.NameSpace.Values.value) Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
2171                val typeTag: (string * PolyML.NameSpace.TypeConstrs.typeConstr) Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
2172                val fixityTag: (string * PolyML.NameSpace.Infixes.fixity) Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
2173                val startupTag: (unit -> unit) Universal.tag = Universal.tag()
2174            end
2176            local
2177                val saveMod: string * Universal.universal list -> unit = RunCall.rtsCallFull2 "PolyStoreModule"
2178            in
2179                fun saveModuleBasic(_, []) = raise Fail "Cannot create an empty module"
2180                |   saveModuleBasic(name, contents) = saveMod(name, contents)
2181            end
2183            fun saveModule(s, {structs, functors, sigs, onStartup}) =
2184            let
2185                fun dolookup (look, tag, kind) s =
2186                    case look globalNameSpace s of
2187                        SOME v => Universal.tagInject tag (s, v)
2188                    |   NONE => raise Fail (concat[kind, " ", s, " has not been declared"])
2189                val structVals = map (dolookup(#lookupStruct, Tags.structureTag, "Structure")) structs
2190                val functorVals = map (dolookup(#lookupFunct, Tags.functorTag, "Functor")) functors
2191                val sigVals = map (dolookup(#lookupSig, Tags.signatureTag, "Signature")) sigs
2192                val startVal =
2193                    case onStartup of
2194                        SOME f => [Universal.tagInject Tags.startupTag f]
2195                    |   NONE => []
2196            in
2197                saveModuleBasic(s, structVals @ functorVals @ sigVals @ startVal)
2198            end
2200            fun loadModule s =
2201            let
2202                val ulist = loadModuleBasic s
2203                (* Find and run the start-up function.  If it raises an exception we
2204                   don't go further. *)
2205                val startFn = List.find (Universal.tagIs Tags.startupTag) ulist
2206                val () =
2207                    case startFn of SOME f => (Universal.tagProject Tags.startupTag f) () | NONE => ()
2208                fun extract (tag:'a Universal.tag): Universal.universal list -> 'a list =
2209                    List.mapPartial(
2210                        fn s => if Universal.tagIs tag s then SOME(Universal.tagProject tag s) else NONE)
2211            in
2212                (* Add the entries and print them in the same way as top-level bindings. *)
2213                printAndEnter(! printInAlphabeticalOrder, globalNameSpace, TextIO.print, !printDepth)
2214                {
2215                    fixes = extract Tags.fixityTag ulist,
2216                    values = extract Tags.valueTag ulist,
2217                    structures = extract Tags.structureTag ulist,
2218                    signatures = extract Tags.signatureTag ulist,
2219                    functors = extract Tags.functorTag ulist,
2220                    types = extract Tags.typeTag ulist
2221                }
2222            end
2223        end
2225        val loadModule = SaveState.loadModule
2227    end
2228end (* PolyML. *);