2    Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, 2015-16, 2020 David C. J. Matthews
4    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6    License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11    Lesser General Public License for more details.
13    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
18functor TYPEIDCODE (
19    structure LEX : LEXSIG;
20    structure CODETREE : CODETREESIG
21    structure TYPETREE : TYPETREESIG
23    structure DEBUG: DEBUG
24    structure PRETTY : PRETTYSIG
25    structure ADDRESS : AddressSig
27    sharing LEX.Sharing = STRUCTVALS.Sharing = PRETTY.Sharing = CODETREE.Sharing
28            = TYPETREE.Sharing = ADDRESS
33    (* This module deals with handling the run-time values that carry type
34       information.  At the moment that's just the equality and print
35       operations but that will be extended.
37       There are different versions according to whether this is a
38       monomorphic constructor, a polymorphic constructor or a type.
39       Monomorphic and polymorphic constructor values are passed around
40       in the module system as run-time values for types and datatypes
41       whereas type values are passed in the core language as an extra
42       argument to polymorphic functions.
44       Both monomorphic and polymorphic constructors contain a reference
45       for the "printer" entry so that a pretty printer can be installed.
46       The functions in polymorphic datatypes have to be applied to type
47       values for the base types to construct a type value.  Monomorphic
48       datatypes just need some transformation.
49       The effective types in each case are
50       PolyType : (T('a) -> <'a t, 'a t> -> bool) * (T('a) -> 'a t * int -> pretty) ref
51       MonoType : (<t * t> -> bool) * (t * int -> pretty) ref
52       Type:      (<t * t> -> bool) * (t * int -> pretty)
53       where < > denotes multiple (poly-style) arguments rather than tuples.
54       *)
56    (* If this is true we are just using additional arguments for equality type
57       variables.  If false we are using them for all type variables and every
58       polymorphic function is wrapped in a function that passes the type
59       information. *)
60    val justForEqualityTypes = true
62    val arg1     = mkLoadArgument 0 (* Used frequently. *)
63    val arg2     = mkLoadArgument 1
65    val InternalError = Misc.InternalError
67    val orb = Word8.orb
68    infix 7 orb;
69    val mutableFlags = F_words orb F_mutable
71    (* codeAccess is copied from ValueOps. *)
72    fun codeAccess (Global code, _) = code
74    |   codeAccess (Local{addr=ref locAddr, level=ref locLevel}, level) =
75            mkLoad (locAddr, level, locLevel)
77    |   codeAccess (Selected{addr, base}, level) =
78            mkInd (addr, codeAccess (base, level))
80    |   codeAccess _ = raise InternalError "No access"
82    (* Load an identifier. *)
83    fun codeId(TypeId{access, ...}, level) = codeAccess(access, level)
84    (* Pretty printer code.  These produce code to apply the pretty printer functions. *)
85    fun codePrettyString(s: string) =
86        mkDatatype[mkConst(toMachineWord tagPrettyString), mkConst(toMachineWord s)]
88    and codePrettyBreak(n, m) =
89        mkDatatype[mkConst(toMachineWord tagPrettyBreak), mkConst(toMachineWord n), mkConst(toMachineWord m)]
91    and codePrettyBlock(n: int, t: bool, c: context list, args: codetree) =
92        mkDatatype[mkConst(toMachineWord tagPrettyBlock), mkConst(toMachineWord n),
93                mkConst(toMachineWord t), mkConst(toMachineWord c), args]
95    (* Turn a list of codetrees into a run-time list. *)
96    and codeList(c: codetree list, tail: codetree): codetree =
97        List.foldr (fn (hd, tl) => mkTuple[hd, tl]) tail c
99    (* Generate code to check that the depth is not less than the allowedDepth
100       and if it is to print "..." rather than the given code. *)
101    and checkDepth(depthCode: codetree, allowedDepth: int, codeOk, codeFail) =
102        mkIf(mkBinary(BuiltIns.WordComparison{test=BuiltIns.TestLess, isSigned=true},
103                depthCode, mkConst(toMachineWord allowedDepth)),
104             codeFail, codeOk)
106    (* Subtract one from the current depth to produce the depth for sub-elements. *)
107    and decDepth depthCode =
108        mkBinary(BuiltIns.FixedPrecisionArith BuiltIns.ArithSub, depthCode, mkConst(toMachineWord 1))
110    val codePrintDefault = mkProc(codePrettyString "?", 1, "print-default", [], 0)
112    structure TypeVarMap =
113    struct
114        (* Entries are either type var maps or "stoppers". *)
115        datatype typeVarMapEntry =
116            TypeVarFormEntry of (typeVarForm * (level->codetree)) list
117        |   TypeConstrListEntry of typeConstrs list
119        type typeVarMap =
120        {
121            entryType: typeVarMapEntry, (* Either the type var map or a "stopper". *)
122            cache: (* Cache of new type values. *)
123                {typeOf: types, address: int, decCode: codeBinding} list ref,
124            mkAddr: int->int, (* Make new addresses at this level. *)
125            level: level (* Function nesting level. *)
126        } list
128        (* Default map. *)
129        fun defaultTypeVarMap (mkAddr, level) = [{entryType=TypeConstrListEntry[], cache=ref [], mkAddr=mkAddr, level=level}]
131        fun markTypeConstructors(typConstrs, mkAddr, level, tvs) =
132                {entryType = TypeConstrListEntry typConstrs, cache = ref [], mkAddr=mkAddr, level=level} :: tvs
134        fun getCachedTypeValues(({cache=ref cached, ...}) ::_): codeBinding list =
135                (* Extract the values from the list.  The later values may refer to earlier
136                   so the list must be reversed. *)
137                List.rev (List.map (fn{decCode, ...} => decCode) cached)
138        |   getCachedTypeValues _ = raise Misc.InternalError "getCachedTypeValues"
140        (* Extend a type variable environment with a new map of type variables to load functions. *)
141        fun extendTypeVarMap (tvMap: (typeVarForm * (level->codetree)) list, mkAddr, level, typeVarMap) =
142            {entryType = TypeVarFormEntry tvMap, cache = ref [], mkAddr=mkAddr, level=level} :: typeVarMap
144        (* If we find the type var in the map return it as a type.  This is used to
145           eliminate apparently generalisable type vars from the list. *)
146        fun mapTypeVars [] _ = NONE
148        |   mapTypeVars ({entryType=TypeVarFormEntry typeVarMap, ...} :: rest) tyVar =
149            (
150            case List.find(fn(t, _) => sameTv(t, tyVar)) typeVarMap of
151                SOME (tv, _) => SOME(TypeVar tv)
152            |   NONE => mapTypeVars rest tyVar
153            )
155        |   mapTypeVars (_ :: rest) tyVar = mapTypeVars rest tyVar
157        (* Check to see if a type constructor is in the "stopper" set and return the level
158           if it is. *)
159        fun checkTypeConstructor(_, []) = ~1 (* Not there. *)
160        |   checkTypeConstructor(tyCons, {entryType=TypeVarFormEntry _, ...} :: rest) =
161                checkTypeConstructor(tyCons, rest: typeVarMap)
162        |   checkTypeConstructor(tyCons, {entryType=TypeConstrListEntry tConstrs, ...} :: rest) =
163                if List.exists(fn t => sameTypeId(tcIdentifier t, tcIdentifier tyCons)) tConstrs
164                then List.length rest + 1
165                else checkTypeConstructor(tyCons, rest)
167        local
168            open TypeValue
169            (* The printer and equality functions must be valid functions even when they
170               will never be called.  We may have to construct dummy type values
171               by applying a polymorphic type constructor to them and if
172               they don't have the right form the optimiser will complain.
173               If we're only using type values for equality type variables the default
174               print function will be used in polymorphic functions so must print "?". *)
175            val errorFunction2 = mkProc(CodeZero, 2, "errorCode2", [], 0)
176            val codeFn = mkProc(codePrettyString "fn", 1, "print-function", [], 0)
178            local
179                fun typeValForMonotype typConstr =
180                let
181                    val codedId = codeId(tcIdentifier typConstr, baseLevel)
182                    val printerRefAddress = extractPrinter codedId
183                    val printFn = (* Create a function to load the printer ref and apply to the args. *)
184                        mkProc(
185                            mkEval(
186                                mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, printerRefAddress, CodeZero),
187                                [arg1]),
188                            1, "print-" ^ tcName typConstr, [], 0)
189                in
190                    createTypeValue{
191                        eqCode=extractEquality codedId, printCode=printFn,
192                        boxedCode=extractBoxed codedId, sizeCode=extractSize codedId}
193                end
194            in
195                (* A few common types.  These are effectively always cached. *)
196                val fixedIntCode = typeValForMonotype fixedIntConstr
197                and intInfCode = typeValForMonotype intInfConstr
198                and boolCode   = typeValForMonotype boolConstr
199                and stringCode = typeValForMonotype stringConstr
200                and charCode   = typeValForMonotype charConstr
201            end
203            (* Code generate this now so we only get one entry. *)
204            val codeTuple =
205                mkTuple[
206                    createTypeValue{ (* Unused type variable. *)
207                        eqCode=errorFunction2, printCode=codePrintDefault, boxedCode=boxedEither, sizeCode=singleWord},
208                    createTypeValue{ (* Function. *)
209                        eqCode=errorFunction2, printCode=codeFn, boxedCode=boxedAlways, sizeCode=singleWord},
210                    fixedIntCode, intInfCode, boolCode, stringCode, charCode
211                ]
212            val code = genCode(codeTuple, [], 0)()
213        in
214            (* Default code used for a type variable that is not referenced but
215               needs to be provided to satisfy the type. *)
216            val defaultTypeCode = mkInd(0, code)
217            val functionCode = mkInd(1, code)
218            val cachedCode = [(fixedIntConstr, mkInd(2, code)), (intInfConstr, mkInd(3, code)),
219                              (boolConstr, mkInd(4, code)), (stringConstr, mkInd(5, code)),
220                              (charConstr, mkInd(6, code))]
221        end
223        fun findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap: typeVarMap, typ): ((level->codetree) * int) option =
224        let
225            (* Test if we have the same type as the cached type. *)
226            fun sameType (t1, t2) =
227                case (eventual t1, eventual t2) of
228                    (TypeVar tv1, TypeVar tv2) =>
229                    (
230                        case (tvValue tv1, tvValue tv2) of
231                            (EmptyType, EmptyType) => sameTv(tv1, tv2)
232                        |   _ => false
233                    )
234                |   (FunctionType{arg=arg1, result=result1}, FunctionType{arg=arg2, result=result2}) =>
235                        sameType(arg1, arg2) andalso sameType(result1, result2)
237                |   (LabelledType{recList=list1, ...}, LabelledType{recList=list2, ...}) =>
238                        ListPair.allEq(
239                            fn({name=n1, typeof=t1}, {name=n2, typeof=t2}) => n1 = n2 andalso sameType(t1, t2))
240                            (list1, list2)
242                |   (TypeConstruction{constr=c1, args=a1, ...}, TypeConstruction{constr=c2, args=a2, ...}) =>
243                        sameTypeConstr(c1, c2) andalso ListPair.allEq sameType (a1, a2)
245                |   _ => false
247            and sameTypeConstr(tc1, tc2) = sameTypeId(tcIdentifier tc1, tcIdentifier tc2)
250            fun findCodeFromCache([], _) = NONE
251            |   findCodeFromCache(({cache=ref cache, level, ...} :: rest): typeVarMap, ty) =
252                (
253                    case List.find(fn {typeOf, ...} => sameType(typeOf, ty)) cache of
254                        NONE => findCodeFromCache(rest, ty)
255                    |   SOME{address, ...} => SOME(fn l => mkLoad(address, l, level), List.length rest +1)
256                )
257        in
258            case typ of
259                TypeVar tyVar =>
260                (
261                    case tvValue tyVar of
262                        EmptyType =>
263                        let (* If it's a type var it is either in the type var list or we return the
264                               default.  It isn't in the cache. *)
265                            fun findCodeFromTypeVar([], _) = ((fn _ => defaultTypeCode), 0)
266                                (* Return default code for a missing type variable.  This can occur
267                                   if we have unreferenced type variables that need to be supplied but
268                                   are treated as "don't care". *)
270                            |   findCodeFromTypeVar({entryType=TypeVarFormEntry typeVarMap, ...} :: rest, tyVar) =
271                                (
272                                case List.find(fn(t, _) => sameTv(t, tyVar)) typeVarMap of
273                                    SOME(_, codeFn) => (codeFn, List.length rest+1)
274                                |   NONE => findCodeFromTypeVar(rest, tyVar)
275                                )
277                            |   findCodeFromTypeVar(_ :: rest, tyVar) = findCodeFromTypeVar(rest, tyVar)
278                        in
279                            SOME(findCodeFromTypeVar(typeVarMap, tyVar))
280                        end
282                    |   OverloadSet _ =>
283                        let
284                            val constr = typeConstrFromOverload(typ, false)
285                        in
286                            findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, mkTypeConstruction(tcName constr, constr, [], []))
287                        end
289                    |   ty => findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, ty)
290                )
292            |   TypeConstruction { constr, args, ...} =>
293                    let
294                        fun sameTypeConstr(tc1, tc2) = sameTypeId(tcIdentifier tc1, tcIdentifier tc2)
295                    in
296                        if tcIsAbbreviation constr (* Type abbreviation *)
297                        then findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, makeEquivalent (constr, args))
298                        else if null args
299                        then (* Check the permanently cached monotypes. *)
300                            case List.find(fn (t, _) => sameTypeConstr(t, constr)) cachedCode of
301                                SOME (_, c) => SOME ((fn _ => c), ~1)
302                            |   NONE => findCodeFromCache(typeVarMap, typ)
303                        else findCodeFromCache(typeVarMap, typ)
304                    end
306            |   FunctionType _ => SOME(fn _ => functionCode, ~1) (* Every function has the same code. *)
308            |   _ => findCodeFromCache(typeVarMap, typ)
309        end
311    end
313    open TypeVarMap
315    (* Find the earliest entry in the cache table where we can put this entry. *)
316    fun getMaxDepth (typeVarMap: typeVarMap) (ty: types, maxSoFar:int) : int =
317        case findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, ty) of
318            SOME (_, cacheDepth) => Int.max(cacheDepth, maxSoFar)
319        |   NONE =>
320            let
321            in
322                case ty of
323                    TypeVar tyVar =>
324                    (
325                        case tvValue tyVar of
326                            OverloadSet _ => maxSoFar (* Overloads are all global. *)
327                        |   EmptyType => maxSoFar
328                        |   tyVal => getMaxDepth typeVarMap (tyVal, maxSoFar)
329                    )
331                |   TypeConstruction{constr, args, ...} =>
332                        if tcIsAbbreviation constr  (* May be an alias *)
333                        then getMaxDepth typeVarMap (makeEquivalent (constr, args), maxSoFar)
334                        else List.foldl (getMaxDepth typeVarMap)
335                                       (Int.max(maxSoFar, checkTypeConstructor(constr, typeVarMap))) args
337                |   LabelledType {recList, ...} =>
338                        List.foldl (fn ({typeof, ...}, m) =>
339                                getMaxDepth typeVarMap (typeof, m)) maxSoFar recList
341                |   _ => maxSoFar
342            end
344    (* Get the boxedness status for a type i.e. whether values of the type are always addresses,
345       always tagged integers or could be either. *)
346    fun boxednessForType(ty, level: level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap): codetree =
347        case findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, ty) of
348            SOME (code, _) => TypeValue.extractBoxed(code level)
349        |   NONE =>
350            let
351                fun boxednessForConstruction(constr, args): codetree =
352                (* Get the boxedness for a datatype construction. *)
353                let
354                    (* Get the boxedness functions for the argument types.
355                       This applies only to polytypes. *)
356                    fun getArg ty : codetree =
357                    let
358                        val boxedFun = boxednessForType(ty, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
359                        open TypeValue
360                    in
361                        (* We need a type value here although only the boxedFun will be used. *)
362                        createTypeValue{eqCode=CodeZero, printCode=CodeZero, boxedCode=boxedFun, sizeCode=singleWord}
363                    end
365                    val codeForId =
366                        TypeValue.extractBoxed(getTypeValueForID(tcIdentifier constr, args, level))
367                in
368                    (* Apply the function we obtained to any type arguments. *)
369                    if null args then codeForId else mkEval(codeForId, map getArg args)
370                end
371            in
372                case ty of
373                    TypeVar tyVar =>
374                    (
375                        case tvValue tyVar of
376                            OverloadSet _ => boxednessForConstruction(typeConstrFromOverload(ty, false), [])
377                        |   EmptyType => raise InternalError "boxedness: should already have been handled"
378                        |   tyVal => boxednessForType(tyVal, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
379                    )
381                |   TypeConstruction{constr, args, ...} =>
382                        if tcIsAbbreviation constr  (* May be an alias *)
383                        then boxednessForType (makeEquivalent (constr, args), level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
384                        else boxednessForConstruction(constr, args)
386                |   LabelledType {recList=[{typeof=singleton, ...}], ...} =>
387                        (* Unary tuples are optimised - no indirection. *)
388                        boxednessForType(singleton, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
390                |   LabelledType _ => TypeValue.boxedAlways (* Tuple are currently always boxed. *)
392                    (* Functions are handled in the cache case. *)
393                |   _ => raise InternalError "boxednessForType: Unknown type"
394            end
396    (* Get the size for values of the type.  A value N other than 1 means that every value of the
397       type is a pointer to a tuple of exactly N words.  Zero is never used.  *)
398    fun sizeForType(ty, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap): codetree =
399        case findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, ty) of
400            SOME (code, _) => TypeValue.extractSize(code level)
401        |   NONE =>
402            let
403                fun sizeForConstruction(constr, args): codetree =
404                (* Get the size for a datatype construction. *)
405                let
406                    (* Get the size functions for the argument types.
407                       This applies only to polytypes. *)
408                    fun getArg ty : codetree =
409                    let
410                        val sizeFun = sizeForType(ty, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
411                        open TypeValue
412                    in
413                        (* We need a type value here although only the sizeFun will be used. *)
414                        createTypeValue{eqCode=CodeZero, printCode=CodeZero, boxedCode=CodeZero, sizeCode=sizeFun}
415                    end
417                    val codeForId =
418                        TypeValue.extractSize(getTypeValueForID(tcIdentifier constr, args, level))
419                in
420                    (* Apply the function we obtained to any type arguments. *)
421                    if null args then codeForId else mkEval(codeForId, map getArg args)
422                end
423            in
424                case ty of
425                    TypeVar tyVar =>
426                    (
427                        case tvValue tyVar of
428                            OverloadSet _ => sizeForConstruction(typeConstrFromOverload(ty, false), [])
429                        |   EmptyType => raise InternalError "size: should already have been handled"
430                        |   tyVal => sizeForType(tyVal, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
431                    )
433                |   TypeConstruction{constr, args, ...} =>
434                        if tcIsAbbreviation constr  (* May be an alias *)
435                        then sizeForType (makeEquivalent (constr, args), level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
436                        else sizeForConstruction(constr, args)
438                |   LabelledType {recList=[{typeof=singleton, ...}], ...} =>
439                        (* Unary tuples are optimised - no indirection. *)
440                        sizeForType(singleton, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
442                |   LabelledType{recList, ...} =>
443                    let
444                        val length = List.length recList
445                    in
446                        (* Set the length to the number of words that can be unpacked.
447                           If there are more than 4 items it's probably not worth packing
448                           them into other tuples so set this to one. *)
449                        if length <= 4 (*!maxPacking*)
450                        then mkConst(toMachineWord length)
451                        else TypeValue.singleWord
452                    end
454                    (* Functions are handled in the cache case. *)
455                |   _ => raise InternalError "sizeForType: Unknown type"
456            end
458    fun printerForType(ty, baseLevel, argTypes: typeVarMap) =
459    let
460        fun printCode(typ, level: level) =
461            (
462                case typ of
463                    typ as TypeVar tyVar =>
464                    (
465                        case tvValue tyVar of
466                            EmptyType =>
467                            (
468                                case findCachedTypeCode(argTypes, typ) of
469                                    SOME (code, _) => TypeValue.extractPrinter(code level)
470                                |   NONE => raise InternalError "printerForType: should already have been handled"
471                            )
473                        |   OverloadSet _ =>
474                            let
475                                val constr = typeConstrFromOverload(typ, false)
476                            in
477                                printCode(mkTypeConstruction(tcName constr, constr, [], []), level)
478                            end
480                        |   _ =>  (* Just a bound type variable. *) printCode(tvValue tyVar, level)
481                    )
483                |   TypeConstruction { constr=typConstr, args, name, ...} =>
484                        if tcIsAbbreviation typConstr (* Handle type abbreviations directly *)
485                        then printCode(makeEquivalent (typConstr, args), level)
486                        else
487                        let
488                            val nLevel = newLevel level
489                            (* Get the type Id and put in code to extract the printer ref. *)
490                            val codedId = codeId(tcIdentifier typConstr, nLevel)
491                            open TypeValue
492                            val printerRefAddress = extractPrinter codedId
493                            (* We need a type value here.  The printer field will be used to
494                               print the type argument and the boxedness and size fields may
495                               be needed to extract the argument from the constructed value. *)
496                            fun makePrinterId t =
497                            let
498                                fun codeForId(typeId, _, l) = codeId(typeId, l)
499                            in
500                                createTypeValue
501                                    {eqCode=CodeZero, printCode=printCode(t, nLevel),
502                                     boxedCode=boxednessForType(t, nLevel, codeForId, argTypes),
503                                     sizeCode=sizeForType(t, nLevel, codeForId, argTypes)}
504                            end
506                            val argList = map makePrinterId args
507                        in
508                            case args of
509                                [] => (* Create a function that, when called, will extract the function from
510                                         the reference and apply it the pair of the value and the depth. *)
511                                    mkProc(
512                                        mkEval(
513                                            mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, printerRefAddress, CodeZero),
514                                            [arg1]),
515                                        1, "print-"^name, getClosure nLevel, 0)
516                            |   _ =>  (* Construct a function, that when called, will extract the
517                                         function from the reference and apply it first to the
518                                         base printer functions and then to the pair of the value and depth. *)
519                                    mkProc(
520                                        mkEval(
521                                            mkEval(
522                                                mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, printerRefAddress, CodeZero),
523                                                argList),
524                                            [arg1]),
525                                        1, "print-"^name, getClosure nLevel, 0)
526                        end
528                |   LabelledType { recList=[], ...} =>
529                        (* Empty tuple: This is the unit value. *) mkProc(codePrettyString "()", 1, "print-labelled", [], 0)
532                |   LabelledType {recList=[{name, typeof}], ...} =>
533                    let (* Optimised unary record *)
534                        val localLevel = newLevel level
535                        val entryCode = mkEval(printCode(typeof, localLevel), [arg1])
536                        val printItem =
537                            codeList([codePrettyString(name^" ="), codePrettyBreak(1, 0), entryCode, codePrettyString "}"], CodeZero)
538                    in
539                        mkProc(
540                            codePrettyBlock(1, false, [],
541                                mkTuple[codePrettyString "{", printItem]),
542                            1, "print-labelled", getClosure localLevel, 0)
543                    end
545                |   LabelledType (r as { recList, ...}) =>
546                    let
547                        (* See if this has fields numbered 1=, 2= etc.   N.B.  If it has only one field
548                           we need to print 1= since we don't have singleton tuples. *)
549                        fun isRec([], _) = true
550                        |   isRec({name, ...} :: l, n) = name = Int.toString n andalso isRec(l, n+1)
551                        val isTuple = recordIsFrozen r andalso isRec(recList, 1) andalso List.length recList >= 2
552                        val localLevel = newLevel level
553                        val valToPrint = mkInd(0, arg1) and depthCode = mkInd(1, arg1)
554                        val fields = List.tabulate(List.length recList, fn n => n)
555                        val items = ListPair.zipEq(recList, fields)
556                        (* The ordering on fields is designed to allow mixing of tuples and
557                           records (e.g. #1).  It puts shorter names before longer so that
558                           #11 comes after #2 and before #100.  For named records it does
559                           not make for easy reading so we sort those alphabetically when
560                           printing. *)
561                        val printItems =
562                            if isTuple then items
563                            else Misc.quickSort(fn ({name = a, ...}, _) => fn ({name = b, ...}, _) => a <= b) items
565                        fun asRecord([], _) = raise Empty (* Shouldn't happen. *)
567                        |   asRecord([({name, typeof, ...}, offset)], _) =
568                            let
569                                val entryCode =
570                                    (* Last field: no separator. *)
571                                    mkEval(printCode(typeof, localLevel),
572                                                [mkTuple[mkInd(offset, valToPrint), decDepth depthCode]])
573                                val (start, terminator) =
574                                    if isTuple then ([], ")")
575                                    else ([codePrettyString(name^" ="), codePrettyBreak(1, 0)], "}")
576                            in
577                                codeList(start @ [entryCode, codePrettyString terminator], CodeZero)
578                            end
580                        |   asRecord(({name, typeof, ...}, offset) :: fields, depth) =
581                            let
582                                val (start, terminator) =
583                                    if isTuple then ([], ")")
584                                    else ([codePrettyString(name^" ="), codePrettyBreak(1, 0)], "}")
585                            in
586                                checkDepth(depthCode, depth,
587                                    codeList(
588                                        start @
589                                        [
590                                            mkEval(
591                                                printCode(typeof, localLevel),
592                                                [mkTuple[mkInd(offset, valToPrint), decDepth depthCode]]),
593                                            codePrettyString ",",
594                                            codePrettyBreak (1, 0)
595                                        ],
596                                        asRecord(fields, depth+1)),
597                                    codeList([codePrettyString ("..." ^ terminator)], CodeZero)
598                                )
599                            end
600                    in
601                        mkProc(
602                            codePrettyBlock(1, false, [],
603                                mkTuple[codePrettyString (if isTuple then "(" else "{"), asRecord(printItems, 0)]),
604                            1, "print-labelled", getClosure localLevel, 0)
605                    end
607                |   FunctionType _ => mkProc(codePrettyString "fn", 1, "print-function", [], 0)
609                |   _ => mkProc(codePrettyString "<empty>", 1, "print-empty", [], 0)
610            )
611    in
612        printCode(ty, baseLevel)
613    end
615    and makeEq(ty, level: level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap): codetree =
616    let
618        fun equalityForConstruction(constr, args): codetree =
619        (* Generate an equality function for a datatype construction. *)
620        let
621            (* Get argument types parameters for polytypes.  There's a special case
622               here for type vars, essentially the type arguments to the datatype, to avoid taking
623               apart the type value record and then building it again. *)
624            fun getArg ty =
625                if (case ty of TypeVar tyVar =>
626                        (case tvValue tyVar of EmptyType => true | _ => false) | _ => false)
627                then
628                (
629                    case findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, ty) of
630                        SOME (code, _) => code level
631                    |   NONE => raise InternalError "getArg"
632                )
633            else
634                let
635                    val eqFun = makeEq(ty, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
636                    open TypeValue
637                in
638                    (* We need a type value here.  The equality function will be used to compare
639                       the argument type and the boxedness and size parameters may be needed for
640                       the constructors. *)
641                    createTypeValue{eqCode=eqFun, printCode=CodeZero,
642                        boxedCode=boxednessForType(ty, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap),
643                        sizeCode=sizeForType(ty, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)}
644                end
646            val resFun =
647            let
648                val iden = tcIdentifier constr
649            in
650                (* Special case: If this is ref, Array.array or Array2.array we must use
651                   pointer equality and not attempt to create equality functions for
652                   the argument.  It may not be an equality type. *)
653                if isPointerEqType iden
654                then equalPointerOrWordFn
655                else
656                let
657                    open TypeValue
658                    val codeForId =
659                        extractEquality(getTypeValueForID(tcIdentifier constr, args, level))
660                in
661                    (* Apply the function we obtained to any type arguments. *)
662                    if null args
663                    then codeForId
664                    else mkEval(codeForId, map getArg args)
665                end
666            end
667        in
668            resFun
669        end
670    in
671        case ty of
672            TypeVar tyVar =>
673            (
674                case tvValue tyVar of
675                    OverloadSet _ =>
676                         (* This seems to occur if there are what amount to indirect references to literals. *)
677                        equalityForConstruction(typeConstrFromOverload(ty, false), [])
679                |   EmptyType =>
680                    (
681                        case findCachedTypeCode(typeVarMap, ty) of
682                            SOME (code, _) => TypeValue.extractEquality(code level)
683                        |   NONE => raise InternalError "makeEq: should already have been handled"
684                    )
686                |   tyVal => makeEq(tyVal, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
687            )
689        |   TypeConstruction{constr, args, ...} =>
690                if tcIsAbbreviation constr  (* May be an alias *)
691                then makeEq (makeEquivalent (constr, args), level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
692                else equalityForConstruction(constr, args)
694        |   LabelledType {recList=[{typeof=singleton, ...}], ...} =>
695                (* Unary tuples are optimised - no indirection. *)
696                makeEq(singleton, level, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
698        |   LabelledType {recList, ...} =>
699            (* Combine the entries.
700                fun eq(a,b) = #1 a = #1 b andalso #2 a = #2 b ... *)
701            let
702                (* Have to turn this into a new function. *)
703                val nLevel = newLevel level
704                fun combineEntries ([], _) = CodeTrue
705                |   combineEntries ({typeof, ...} :: t, n) =
706                    let
707                        val compareElements =
708                            makeEq(typeof, nLevel, getTypeValueForID, typeVarMap)
709                    in
710                        mkCand(
711                            mkEval(compareElements, [mkInd(n, arg1), mkInd(n, arg2)]),
712                            combineEntries (t, n+1))
713                    end
714                val tupleCode = combineEntries(recList, 0)
715             in
716                mkProc(tupleCode, 2, "eq{...}(2)", getClosure nLevel, 0)
717            end
719        |   _ => raise InternalError "Equality for function"
720    end
722    (* Create equality functions for a set of possibly mutually recursive datatypes. *)
723    fun equalityForDatatypes(typeDataList, eqAddresses, baseEqLevel, typeVarMap): (int * codetree) list =
724    let
725        val typesAndAddresses = ListPair.zipEq(typeDataList, eqAddresses)
727        fun equalityForDatatype(({typeConstr=TypeConstrSet(tyConstr, vConstrs), eqStatus, (*boxedCode, sizeCode,*) ...}, addr),
728                                otherFns) =
729        if eqStatus
730        then
731        let
732            val nTypeVars = tcArity tyConstr
733            val argTypes =
734                List.tabulate(tcArity tyConstr,
735                    fn _ => makeTv{value=EmptyType, level=generalisable, nonunifiable=false,
736                                 equality=false, printable=false})
737            val baseEqLevelP1 = newLevel baseEqLevel
739            (* Argument type variables. *)
740            val (localArgList, argTypeMap) =
741                case argTypes of
742                    [] => ([], typeVarMap)
743                |   _ =>
744                    let
745                        (* Add the polymorphic variables after the ordinary ones. *)
746                        (* Create functions to load these if they are used in the map.  They may be non-local!!! *)
747                        val args = List.tabulate(nTypeVars, fn addr => fn l => mkLoadParam(addr+2, l, baseEqLevelP1))
748                        (* Put the outer args in the map *)
749                        val varToArgMap = ListPair.zipEq(argTypes, args)
750                        (* Load the local args to return. *)
751                        val localArgList = List.tabulate (nTypeVars, fn addr => mkLoadParam(addr+2, baseEqLevelP1, baseEqLevelP1))
752                        val addrs = ref 0 (* Make local declarations for any type values. *)
753                        fun mkAddr n = !addrs before (addrs := !addrs + n)
754                    in
755                        (localArgList, extendTypeVarMap(varToArgMap, mkAddr, baseEqLevelP1, typeVarMap))
756                    end
758            (* If this is a reference to a datatype we're currently generating
759               load that address otherwise fall back to the default. *)
760            fun getEqFnForID(typeId, _, l) =
761                (*
762                if sameTypeId(typeId, tcIdentifier tyConstr) andalso null argTypes
763                then (* Directly recursive. *)
764                    TypeValue.createTypeValue{eqCode=mkLoadRecursive(l-baseLevel-1), printCode=CodeZero,
765                                    boxedCode=boxedCode, sizeCode=sizeCode}
766                else
767                *)
768                case List.find(fn({typeConstr=tc, ...}, _) => sameTypeId(tcIdentifier(tsConstr tc), typeId)) typesAndAddresses of
769                    SOME({boxedCode, sizeCode, ...}, addr) =>  (* Mutually recursive. *)
770                         TypeValue.createTypeValue{eqCode=mkLoad(addr, l, baseEqLevel), printCode=CodeZero,
771                                                   boxedCode=boxedCode, sizeCode=sizeCode}
772                |   NONE => codeId(typeId, l)
774            (* Filter out the ShortForm constructors.  They arise
775               in situations such as datatype t = A of int*int | B | C
776               i.e. where we have only one non-nullary constructor
777               and it is a tuple.  In this case we can deal with all
778               the nullary constructors simply by testing whether
779               the two arguments are the same.  We don't have to
780               discriminate the individual cases. *)
781            fun processConstrs [] =
782                (* The last of the alternatives is false *) CodeZero
784            |   processConstrs (Value{class, access, typeOf, ...} :: rest) =
785                let
786                    fun addPolymorphism c =
787                        if nTypeVars = 0 orelse justForEqualityTypes then c else mkEval(c, localArgList)
788                    val base = codeAccess(access, baseEqLevelP1)
789                    open ValueConstructor
790                    fun matches arg = mkEval(addPolymorphism(extractTest base), [arg])
791                in
792                    case class of
793                        Constructor{nullary=true, ...} =>
794                        let
795                            (* Nullary constructors are represented either by short constants or
796                               by constant tuples depending on the rest of the datatype.  If this
797                               is a short constant the pointer equality is sufficient.
798                               This appears to increase the code size but the test should be
799                               optimised away because it is applied to a constant. (The
800                               "injection function" of a nullary constructor is the
801                               constant that represents the value).  We have to test
802                               the tags if it is not short because we can't guarantee
803                               that the constant tuple hasn't been duplicated. *)
804                            val isShort = mkIsShort(addPolymorphism(extractInjection base))
805                       in
806                            mkIf(mkIf(isShort, CodeFalse, matches arg1), matches arg2, processConstrs rest)
807                        end
808                    |    _ => (* We have to unwrap the value. *)
809                        let
810                            (* Get the constructor argument given the result type.  We might
811                               actually be able to take the argument type off directly but
812                               there's some uncertainty about whether we use the same type
813                               variables for the constructors as for the datatype. (This only
814                               applies for polytypes). *)
815                            val resType = constructorResult(typeOf, List.map TypeVar argTypes)
817                            (* Code to extract the value. *)
818                            fun destruct argNo =
819                                mkEval(addPolymorphism(extractProjection(codeAccess(access, baseEqLevelP1))),
820                                    [mkLoadParam(argNo, baseEqLevelP1, baseEqLevelP1)])
822                            (* Test whether the values match. *)
823                            val eqValue =
824                                mkEval(
825                                    makeEq(resType, baseEqLevelP1, getEqFnForID, argTypeMap),
826                                    [destruct 0, destruct 1])
827                        in
828                            (* We have equality if both values match
829                               this constructor and the values within
830                               the constructor match. *)
831                            mkIf(matches arg1, mkCand(matches arg2, eqValue), processConstrs rest)
832                        end
833                end
835            (* processConstrs assumes that if there are nullary constructors we have already
836               tested for bitwise equality.  We also do that if there is more than one
837               constructor to try to speed up equality for deep structures.  *)
838            val eqCode =
839                case vConstrs of
840                    [Value{class=Constructor{nullary=true, ...}, ...}] => CodeTrue
841                |   [_] => processConstrs vConstrs
842                |   _ => mkCor(mkEqualPointerOrWord(arg1, arg2), processConstrs vConstrs)
843        in
844            if null argTypes
845            then (addr, mkProc(eqCode, 2, "eq-" ^ tcName tyConstr ^ "(2)", getClosure baseEqLevelP1, 0)) :: otherFns
846            else (* Polymorphic.  Add an extra inline functions. *)
847            let
848                val nArgs = List.length argTypes
849                val nLevel = newLevel baseEqLevel
850                val nnLevel = newLevel nLevel
851                (* Call the second function with the values to be compared and the base types. *)
852                val polyArgs = List.tabulate(nArgs, fn i => mkLoadParam(i, nnLevel, nLevel))
853            in
854                (addr,
855                    mkInlproc(
856                        mkInlproc(
857                            mkEval(mkLoad(addr+1, nnLevel, baseEqLevel), [arg1, arg2] @ polyArgs), 2, "eq-" ^ tcName tyConstr ^ "(2)",
858                                   getClosure nnLevel, 0),
859                            nArgs, "eq-" ^ tcName tyConstr ^ "(2)(P)", getClosure nLevel, 0)) ::
860                (addr+1,
861                    mkProc(mkEnv(getCachedTypeValues argTypeMap, eqCode), 2+nTypeVars,
862                           "eq-" ^ tcName tyConstr ^ "()", getClosure baseEqLevelP1, 0)) ::
863                otherFns
864            end
865        end
866        else (* Not an equality type.  This will not be called but it still needs to
867                be a function to ensure it's valid inside mkMutualDecs. *)
868            (addr, mkProc(CodeZero, 2, "no-eq", [], 0)) :: otherFns
869    in
870        List.foldl equalityForDatatype [] typesAndAddresses
871    end
873    (* Create a printer function for a datatype when the datatype is declared.
874       We don't have to treat mutually recursive datatypes specially because
875       this is called after the type IDs have been created. *)
876    fun printerForDatatype(TypeConstrSet(typeCons as TypeConstrs{name, ...}, vConstrs), level, typeVarMap) =
877    let
878        val argCode = mkInd(0, arg1)
879        and depthCode = mkInd(1, arg1)
880        val nLevel = newLevel level
881        val constrArity = tcArity typeCons
882        val argTypes =
883            List.tabulate(constrArity,
884                fn _ => makeTv{value=EmptyType, level=generalisable, nonunifiable=false,
885                             equality=false, printable=false})
887        val (localArgList, innerLevel, newTypeVarMap) =
888            case constrArity of
889                0 => ([], nLevel, typeVarMap)
890            |   _ =>
891                let
892                    val nnLevel = newLevel nLevel
893                    fun mkTcArgMap (argTypes, level, oldLevel) =
894                        let
895                            val nArgs = List.length argTypes
896                            val argAddrs = List.tabulate(nArgs, fn n => n)
897                            val args = List.map(fn addr => fn l => mkLoadParam(addr, l, oldLevel)) argAddrs
898                        in
899                            (ListPair.zipEq(argTypes, args), List.map (fn addr => mkLoadParam(addr, level, oldLevel)) argAddrs)
900                        end
901                    val (varToArgMap, localArgList) = mkTcArgMap(argTypes, nnLevel, nLevel)
902                    val addrs = ref 1 (* Make local declarations for any type values. *)
903                    fun mkAddr n = !addrs before (addrs := !addrs + n)
904                in
905                    (localArgList, nnLevel, extendTypeVarMap(varToArgMap, mkAddr, nLevel, typeVarMap))
906                end
908        (* If we have an expression as the argument we parenthesise it unless it is
909           a simple string, a tuple, a record or a list. *)
910(*         fun parenthesise p =
911            let
912                val test =
913                    case p of
914                        PrettyBlock(_, _, _, items) =>
915                        (
916                            case items of
917                                PrettyString first :: tl =>
918                                    not(null tl) andalso
919                                        first <> "(" andalso first <> "{" andalso  first <> "["
920                            |   _ => false
921                        )
922                    |   _ => false
923            in
924                if test
925                then PrettyBlock(3, true, [], [ PrettyString "(", PrettyBreak(0, 0), p, PrettyBreak(0, 0), PrettyString ")" ])
926                else p
927            end
930        local
931            fun eqStr (arg, str) = mkEqualPointerOrWord(arg, mkConst(toMachineWord str))
932            (* eqStr assumes that all occurrences of the same single character string are shared. *)
934            val isNotNull = mkNot o mkIsShort
936            fun testTag(arg, tagV) =
937            (* Test the tag in the first word of the datatype. *)
938                mkTagTest(mkInd(0, arg), tagV, maxPrettyTag)
940            fun listHd x = mkVarField(0, x)
941            and listTl x = mkVarField(1, x)
942        in
943            val parenCode =
944                mkProc(
945                    mkIf(
946                        testTag(mkLoadArgument 0, tagPrettyBlock),
947                        (* then *)
948                        mkEnv(
949                            [mkDec(0, mkVarField(4, mkLoadArgument 0))], (* items *)
950                            mkIf
951                            (
952                                (* not(null items) andalso not(null(tl items)) andalso
953                                   not (isPrettyString(hd items) andalso bracket) *)
954                                mkCand(
955                                    isNotNull(mkLoadLocal 0),
956                                    mkCand(
957                                        isNotNull (listTl(mkLoadLocal 0)),
958                                        mkNot
959                                        (
960                                            mkCand(testTag(listHd(mkLoadLocal 0), tagPrettyString),
961                                            mkEnv(
962                                                [mkDec(1, mkVarField(1, listHd(mkLoadLocal 0)))],
963                                                mkCor(eqStr(mkLoadLocal 1, "("), mkCor(eqStr(mkLoadLocal 1, "{"), eqStr(mkLoadLocal 1, "[")))
964                                                )
965                                            )
966                                        )
967                                    )
968                                ),
969                                (* then: Parenthesise the argument. *)
970                                codePrettyBlock(
971                                    3, true, [],
972                                    mkDatatype [
973                                        codePrettyString "(",
974                                        mkDatatype [
975                                            codePrettyBreak(0, 0),
976                                            mkDatatype [
977                                                mkLoadArgument 0,
978                                                mkDatatype [
979                                                    codePrettyBreak(0, 0),
980                                                    mkDatatype [codePrettyString ")", CodeZero ]
981                                                ]
982                                            ]
983                                        ]
984                                    ]
985                                ),
986                                (* else *) mkLoadArgument 0
987                            )
988                        ),
989                        (* else *) mkLoadArgument 0
990                    ),
991                1, "parenthesise", [], 2)
992        end
995        fun printerForConstructors
996                (Value{name, typeOf, access, class = Constructor{nullary, ...}, locations, ...} :: rest) =
997            let
998                (* The "value" for a value constructor is a tuple containing
999                   the test code, the injection and the projection functions. *)
1000                val constructorCode = codeAccess(access, innerLevel)
1002                (* If this is a polytype the fields in the constructor tuple are functions that first
1003                   have to be applied to the type arguments to yield the actual injection/test/projection
1004                   functions.  For monotypes the fields contain the injection/test/projection
1005                   functions directly. *)
1006                fun addPolymorphism c =
1007                   if constrArity = 0 orelse justForEqualityTypes then c else mkEval(c, localArgList)
1009                open ValueConstructor
1011                val locProps = (* Get the declaration location. *)
1012                    List.foldl(fn (DeclaredAt loc, _) => [ContextLocation loc] | (_, l) => l) [] locations
1014                val nameCode =
1015                    codePrettyBlock(0, false, locProps, codeList([codePrettyString name], CodeZero))
1017                val printCode =
1018                    if nullary
1019                    then (* Just the name *) nameCode
1020                    else
1021                    let
1022                        val typeOfArg = constructorResult(typeOf, List.map TypeVar argTypes)
1023                        val getValue = mkEval(addPolymorphism(extractProjection constructorCode), [argCode])
1025                    in
1026                        codePrettyBlock(1, false, [],
1027                            codeList(
1028                                [
1029                                    (* Put it in a block with the declaration location. *)
1030                                    nameCode,
1031                                    codePrettyBreak (1, 0),
1032                                    (* Print the argument and parenthesise it if necessary. *)
1033                                    mkEval(parenCode,
1034                                        [
1035                                            mkEval(
1036                                                printerForType(typeOfArg, innerLevel, newTypeVarMap),
1037                                                [mkTuple[getValue, decDepth depthCode]]
1038                                            )]
1039                                        )
1040                                ], CodeZero))
1041                    end
1042            in
1043                (* If this was the last or only constructor we don't need to test. *)
1044                checkDepth(depthCode, 1,
1045                    if null rest
1046                    then printCode
1047                    else
1048                    let
1049                        val testValue = mkEval(addPolymorphism(extractTest constructorCode), [argCode])
1050                    in
1051                        mkIf(testValue, printCode, printerForConstructors rest)
1052                    end,
1053                    codePrettyString "...")
1054            end
1056        |   printerForConstructors _ = raise InternalError ("No constructors:"^name)
1058        val printerCode = printerForConstructors vConstrs
1059    in
1060        (* Wrap this in the functions for the base types. *)
1061        if constrArity = 0
1062        then mkProc(printerCode, 1, "print-"^name, getClosure innerLevel, 0)
1063        else mkProc(mkEnv(getCachedTypeValues newTypeVarMap,
1064                            mkProc(printerCode, 1, "print-"^name, getClosure innerLevel, 0)),
1065                    constrArity, "print"^name^"()", getClosure nLevel, 0)
1066    end
1068    (* Opaque matching and functor application create new type IDs using an existing
1069       type as implementation.  The equality function is inherited whether the type
1070       was specified as an eqtype or not.  The print function is no longer inherited.
1071       Instead a new reference is installed with a default print function.  This hides
1072       the implementation. *)
1073    (* If this is a type function we're going to generate a new ref anyway so we
1074       don't need to copy it. *)
1075    fun codeGenerativeId{source=TypeId{idKind=TypeFn([], resType), ...}, isEq, mkAddr, level, ...} =
1076        let (* Monotype abbreviation. *)
1077            (* Create a new type value cache. *)
1078            val typeVarMap = defaultTypeVarMap(mkAddr, level)
1080            open TypeValue
1082            val eqCode =
1083                if not isEq then CodeZero
1084                else (* We need a function that takes two arguments rather than a single pair. *)
1085                    makeEq(resType, level, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), typeVarMap)
1086            val boxedCode =
1087                boxednessForType(resType, level, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), typeVarMap)
1088            val sizeCode =
1089                sizeForType(resType, level, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), typeVarMap)
1090        in
1091            mkEnv(
1092                TypeVarMap.getCachedTypeValues typeVarMap,
1093                createTypeValue {
1094                    eqCode = eqCode, boxedCode = boxedCode, sizeCode = sizeCode,
1095                    printCode =
1096                    mkAllocateWordMemory(
1097                        mkConst (toMachineWord 1), mkConst (toMachineWord mutableFlags),
1098                         codePrintDefault)
1099                })
1100        end
1102    |   codeGenerativeId{source=TypeId{idKind=TypeFn(argTypes, resType), ...}, isEq, mkAddr, level, ...} =
1103        let (* Polytype abbreviation: All the entries in the tuple are functions that must
1104               be applied to the base type values when the type constructor is used. *)
1105            (* Create a new type value cache. *)
1106            val typeVarMap = defaultTypeVarMap(mkAddr, level)
1107            val nArgs = List.length argTypes
1109            fun createCode(makeCode, name) =
1110                let
1111                    val nLevel = newLevel level
1112                    val addrs = ref 0
1113                    fun mkAddr n = !addrs before (addrs := !addrs + n)
1115                    local
1116                        val args =
1117                            List.tabulate(nArgs, fn addr => fn l => mkLoadParam(addr, l, nLevel))
1118                    in
1119                        val typeEnv = ListPair.zipEq(argTypes, args)
1120                    end
1122                    val argTypeMap = extendTypeVarMap(typeEnv, mkAddr, nLevel, typeVarMap)
1123                    val innerFnCode = makeCode(nLevel, argTypeMap)
1124                in
1125                    mkProc(mkEnv(getCachedTypeValues argTypeMap, innerFnCode), nArgs, name, getClosure nLevel, !addrs)
1126                end
1128            open TypeValue
1129            (* Create a print function.*)
1130            val printCode = createCode(fn _ => codePrintDefault, "print-helper()")
1131            and eqCode =
1132                if not isEq then CodeZero
1133                else createCode(fn(nLevel, argTypeMap) =>
1134                        makeEq(resType, nLevel, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), argTypeMap), "equality()")
1135            and boxedCode =
1136                createCode(fn(nLevel, argTypeMap) =>
1137                    boxednessForType(resType, nLevel, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), argTypeMap), "boxedness()")
1138            and sizeCode =
1139                createCode(fn(nLevel, argTypeMap) =>
1140                    sizeForType(resType, nLevel, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), argTypeMap), "size()")
1141        in
1142            mkEnv(
1143                TypeVarMap.getCachedTypeValues typeVarMap,
1144                createTypeValue {
1145                    eqCode = eqCode, boxedCode = boxedCode,
1146                    printCode =
1147                    mkAllocateWordMemory(
1148                        mkConst (toMachineWord 1), mkConst (toMachineWord mutableFlags),
1149                        printCode),
1150                    sizeCode = sizeCode
1151                })
1152        end
1154    |   codeGenerativeId{source=sourceId, isDatatype, mkAddr, level, ...} =
1155        let (* Datatype.  This is the same for monotype and polytypes except for the print fn. *)
1156            (* We hide the print function if the target is just a type name but if the target
1157               is a datatype it's probably better to have a print function.  We inherit it
1158               from the source although that may expose the representation of other types.
1159               e.g. structure S:> sig type t datatype s = A of t end = ... *)
1160            open TypeValue
1161            val { dec, load } = multipleUses (codeId(sourceId, level), fn () => mkAddr 1, level)
1162            val loadLocal = load level
1163            val arity =
1164                case sourceId of
1165                    TypeId{idKind=Bound{arity, ...},...} => arity
1166                |   TypeId{idKind=Free{arity, ...},...} => arity
1167                |   TypeId{idKind=TypeFn _,...} => raise InternalError "Already checked"
1169            val printFn =
1170                if isDatatype
1171                then mkLoadOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false}, extractPrinter loadLocal, CodeZero)
1172                else if arity = 0 then codePrintDefault
1173                else mkProc(codePrintDefault, arity, "print-helper()", [], 0)
1175            val printCode =
1176                    mkAllocateWordMemory(
1177                        mkConst (toMachineWord 1), mkConst (toMachineWord mutableFlags), printFn)
1178        in
1179            mkEnv(
1180                dec,
1181                createTypeValue {
1182                    eqCode = extractEquality loadLocal, printCode = printCode,
1183                    boxedCode = extractBoxed loadLocal, sizeCode = extractSize loadLocal
1184                }
1185             )
1186        end
1189    (* Create the equality and type functions for a set of mutually recursive datatypes. *)
1190    fun createDatatypeFunctions(
1191            typeDatalist: {typeConstr: typeConstrSet, eqStatus: bool, boxedCode: codetree, sizeCode: codetree } list,
1192            mkAddr, level, typeVarMap, makePrintFunction) =
1193    let
1194        (* Each entry has an equality function and a ref to a print function.
1195           The print functions for each type needs to indirect through the refs
1196           when printing other types so that if a pretty printer is later
1197           installed for one of the types the others will use the new pretty
1198           printer.  That means that the code has to be produced in stages. *)
1199        (* Create the equality functions.  Because mutual decs can only be functions we
1200           can't create the typeIDs themselves as mutual declarations. *)
1201        local
1202            (* If this is polymorphic make two addresses, one for the returned equality function and
1203               one for the inner function. *)
1204            fun makeEqAddr{typeConstr=TypeConstrSet(tyConstr, _), ...} =
1205                mkAddr(if tcArity tyConstr = 0 then 1 else 2)
1206        in
1207            val eqAddresses = List.map makeEqAddr typeDatalist (* Make addresses for the equalities. *)
1208        end
1209        val equalityFunctions =
1210            mkMutualDecs(equalityForDatatypes(typeDatalist, eqAddresses, level, typeVarMap))
1212        (* Create the typeId values and set their addresses.  The print function is
1213           initially set as zero. *)
1214        local
1215            fun makeTypeId({typeConstr, boxedCode, sizeCode, ...}, eqAddr) =
1216            let
1217                val var = vaLocal(idAccess(tcIdentifier(tsConstr typeConstr)))
1218                val newAddr = mkAddr 1
1219                open TypeValue
1220                val idCode =
1221                    createTypeValue
1222                    {
1223                        eqCode=mkLoadLocal eqAddr,
1224                        printCode=
1225                            mkAllocateWordMemory(
1226                                mkConst (toMachineWord 1), mkConst (toMachineWord mutableFlags),
1227                                 CodeZero (* Temporary - replaced by setPrinter. *)),
1228                        boxedCode = boxedCode,
1229                        sizeCode = sizeCode
1230                    }
1231            in
1232                #addr var := newAddr;
1233                #level var:= level;
1234                mkDec(newAddr, idCode)
1235            end
1236        in
1237            val typeIdCode = ListPair.map makeTypeId (typeDatalist, eqAddresses)
1238        end
1240        (* Create the print functions and set the printer code for each typeId. *)
1241        local
1243            fun setPrinter{typeConstr as TypeConstrSet(tCons as TypeConstrs{identifier, ...}, _), ...} =
1244            let
1245                val arity = tcArity tCons
1246                val printCode =
1247                    if makePrintFunction
1248                    then printerForDatatype(typeConstr, level, typeVarMap)
1249                    else if arity = 0
1250                    then codePrintDefault
1251                    else mkProc(codePrintDefault, arity, "print-printdefault", [], 0)
1252            in
1253                mkNullDec(
1254                    mkStoreOperation(LoadStoreMLWord{isImmutable=false},
1255                        TypeValue.extractPrinter(codeId(identifier, level)), CodeZero, printCode))
1256            end
1257        in
1258            val printerCode = List.map setPrinter typeDatalist
1259        end
1260    in
1261        equalityFunctions :: typeIdCode @ printerCode
1262    end
1265    (* Exported function.  Returns a function from an ML pair of values to bool.
1266       N.B. This differs from the functions in the typeID which take a Poly pair. *)
1267    fun equalityForType(ty: types, level: level, typeVarMap: typeVarMap): codetree =
1268    let
1269        val nLevel = newLevel level
1270        (* The final result function must take a single argument. *)
1271        val resultCode =
1272            makeEq(ty, nLevel, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), typeVarMap)
1273    in
1274        (* We need to wrap this up in a new inline function. *)
1275        mkInlproc(mkEval(resultCode, [mkInd(0, arg1), mkInd(1, arg1)]),
1276                  1, "equality", getClosure nLevel, 0)
1277    end
1279    (* This code is used when the type checker has to construct a unique monotype
1280       because a type variable has escaped to the top level.
1281       The equality code always returns true and the printer prints "?". *)
1282    fun codeForUniqueId() =
1283    let
1284        open TypeValue
1285        val alwaysTrue = mkProc(CodeTrue, 2, "codeForUniqueId-equal", [], 0)
1286        val printCode =
1287            mkAllocateWordMemory(
1288                mkConst (toMachineWord 1), mkConst (toMachineWord mutableFlags), codePrintDefault)
1289    in
1290        createTypeValue{
1291            eqCode = alwaysTrue, printCode = printCode,
1292            boxedCode = boxedEither, sizeCode = singleWord }
1293    end
1295    val noEquality = mkProc(CodeFalse, 2, "noEquality", [], 0)
1296    (* Since we don't have a way of writing a "printity" type variable there are cases
1297       when the printer will have to fall back to this. e.g. if we have a polymorphic
1298       printing function as a functor argument. *)
1299    val noPrinter = codePrintDefault
1301    (* If this is a polymorphic value apply it to the type instance. *)
1302    fun applyToInstance'([], level, _, code) = code level (* Monomorphic. *)
1304    |   applyToInstance'(sourceTypes, level, polyVarMap, code) =
1305    let
1306        (* If we need either the equality or print function we generate a new
1307           entry and ignore anything in the cache. *)
1308        fun makePolyParameter {value=t, equality, printity} =
1309            if equality orelse printity
1310            then
1311                let
1312                    open TypeValue
1313                    fun getTypeValueForID(typeId, _, l) = codeId(typeId, l)
1314                    val eqCode =
1315                        if equality
1316                        then makeEq(t, level, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), polyVarMap)
1317                        else noEquality
1318                    val boxedCode = boxednessForType(t, level, getTypeValueForID, polyVarMap)
1319                    val printCode =
1320                        if printity then printerForType(t, level, polyVarMap) else noPrinter
1321                    val sizeCode = sizeForType(t, level, getTypeValueForID, polyVarMap)
1322                in
1323                    createTypeValue{
1324                        eqCode=eqCode, printCode=printCode,
1325                        boxedCode=boxedCode, sizeCode=sizeCode}
1326                end
1327            else (* If we don't require the equality or print function we can use the cache. *)
1328            case findCachedTypeCode(polyVarMap, t) of
1329                SOME (code, _) => code level
1330            |   NONE =>
1331                let
1332                    val maxCache = getMaxDepth polyVarMap (t, 1)
1333                    val cacheEntry = List.nth(polyVarMap, List.length polyVarMap - maxCache)
1334                    val { cache, mkAddr, level=decLevel, ...} = cacheEntry
1335                    local
1336                        open TypeValue
1337                        val boxedCode =
1338                            boxednessForType(t, decLevel, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), polyVarMap)
1339                        val sizeCode =
1340                            sizeForType(t, decLevel, fn (typeId, _, l) => codeId(typeId, l), polyVarMap)
1341                    in
1342                        val typeValue =
1343                            createTypeValue{
1344                                eqCode=noEquality, printCode=noPrinter,
1345                                boxedCode=boxedCode, sizeCode=sizeCode}
1346                    end
1347                    (* Make a new entry and put it in the cache. *)
1348                    val decAddr = mkAddr 1
1349                    val () = cache := {decCode = mkDec(decAddr, typeValue), typeOf = t, address = decAddr } :: !cache
1350                in
1351                    mkLoad(decAddr, level, decLevel)
1352                end
1353    in
1354        mkEval(code level, List.map makePolyParameter sourceTypes)
1355    end
1357    (* For now limit this to equality types. *)
1358    fun applyToInstance(sourceTypes, level, polyVarMap, code) =
1359        applyToInstance'(
1360            List.filter(fn {equality, ...} => not justForEqualityTypes orelse equality) sourceTypes,
1361            level, polyVarMap, code)
1363    structure Sharing =
1364    struct
1365        type typeId     = typeId
1366        type codetree   = codetree
1367        type types      = types
1368        type typeConstrs= typeConstrs
1369        type typeConstrSet=typeConstrSet
1370        type typeVarForm=typeVarForm
1371        type typeVarMap = typeVarMap
1372        type codeBinding    = codeBinding
1373        type level      = level
1374    end