1# Test the runpy module
2import contextlib
3import importlib.machinery, importlib.util
4import os.path
5import pathlib
6import py_compile
7import re
8import signal
9import subprocess
10import sys
11import tempfile
12import textwrap
13import unittest
14import warnings
15from test.support import (
16    forget, make_legacy_pyc, unload, verbose, no_tracing,
17    create_empty_file, temp_dir)
18from test.support.script_helper import make_script, make_zip_script
21import runpy
22from runpy import _run_code, _run_module_code, run_module, run_path
23# Note: This module can't safely test _run_module_as_main as it
24# runs its tests in the current process, which would mess with the
25# real __main__ module (usually test.regrtest)
26# See test_cmd_line_script for a test that executes that code path
29# Set up the test code and expected results
30example_source = """\
31# Check basic code execution
32result = ['Top level assignment']
33def f():
34    result.append('Lower level reference')
36del f
37# Check the sys module
38import sys
39run_argv0 = sys.argv[0]
40run_name_in_sys_modules = __name__ in sys.modules
41module_in_sys_modules = (run_name_in_sys_modules and
42                         globals() is sys.modules[__name__].__dict__)
43# Check nested operation
44import runpy
45nested = runpy._run_module_code('x=1\\n', mod_name='<run>')
48implicit_namespace = {
49    "__name__": None,
50    "__file__": None,
51    "__cached__": None,
52    "__package__": None,
53    "__doc__": None,
54    "__spec__": None
56example_namespace =  {
57    "sys": sys,
58    "runpy": runpy,
59    "result": ["Top level assignment", "Lower level reference"],
60    "run_argv0": sys.argv[0],
61    "run_name_in_sys_modules": False,
62    "module_in_sys_modules": False,
63    "nested": dict(implicit_namespace,
64                   x=1, __name__="<run>", __loader__=None),
68class CodeExecutionMixin:
69    # Issue #15230 (run_path not handling run_name correctly) highlighted a
70    # problem with the way arguments were being passed from higher level APIs
71    # down to lower level code. This mixin makes it easier to ensure full
72    # testing occurs at those upper layers as well, not just at the utility
73    # layer
75    # Figuring out the loader details in advance is hard to do, so we skip
76    # checking the full details of loader and loader_state
77    CHECKED_SPEC_ATTRIBUTES = ["name", "parent", "origin", "cached",
78                               "has_location", "submodule_search_locations"]
80    def assertNamespaceMatches(self, result_ns, expected_ns):
81        """Check two namespaces match.
83           Ignores any unspecified interpreter created names
84        """
85        # Avoid side effects
86        result_ns = result_ns.copy()
87        expected_ns = expected_ns.copy()
88        # Impls are permitted to add extra names, so filter them out
89        for k in list(result_ns):
90            if k.startswith("__") and k.endswith("__"):
91                if k not in expected_ns:
92                    result_ns.pop(k)
93                if k not in expected_ns["nested"]:
94                    result_ns["nested"].pop(k)
95        # Spec equality includes the loader, so we take the spec out of the
96        # result namespace and check that separately
97        result_spec = result_ns.pop("__spec__")
98        expected_spec = expected_ns.pop("__spec__")
99        if expected_spec is None:
100            self.assertIsNone(result_spec)
101        else:
102            # If an expected loader is set, we just check we got the right
103            # type, rather than checking for full equality
104            if expected_spec.loader is not None:
105                self.assertEqual(type(result_spec.loader),
106                                 type(expected_spec.loader))
107            for attr in self.CHECKED_SPEC_ATTRIBUTES:
108                k = "__spec__." + attr
109                actual = (k, getattr(result_spec, attr))
110                expected = (k, getattr(expected_spec, attr))
111                self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
112        # For the rest, we still don't use direct dict comparison on the
113        # namespace, as the diffs are too hard to debug if anything breaks
114        self.assertEqual(set(result_ns), set(expected_ns))
115        for k in result_ns:
116            actual = (k, result_ns[k])
117            expected = (k, expected_ns[k])
118            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
120    def check_code_execution(self, create_namespace, expected_namespace):
121        """Check that an interface runs the example code correctly
123           First argument is a callable accepting the initial globals and
124           using them to create the actual namespace
125           Second argument is the expected result
126        """
127        sentinel = object()
128        expected_ns = expected_namespace.copy()
129        run_name = expected_ns["__name__"]
130        saved_argv0 = sys.argv[0]
131        saved_mod = sys.modules.get(run_name, sentinel)
132        # Check without initial globals
133        result_ns = create_namespace(None)
134        self.assertNamespaceMatches(result_ns, expected_ns)
135        self.assertIs(sys.argv[0], saved_argv0)
136        self.assertIs(sys.modules.get(run_name, sentinel), saved_mod)
137        # And then with initial globals
138        initial_ns = {"sentinel": sentinel}
139        expected_ns["sentinel"] = sentinel
140        result_ns = create_namespace(initial_ns)
141        self.assertIsNot(result_ns, initial_ns)
142        self.assertNamespaceMatches(result_ns, expected_ns)
143        self.assertIs(sys.argv[0], saved_argv0)
144        self.assertIs(sys.modules.get(run_name, sentinel), saved_mod)
147class ExecutionLayerTestCase(unittest.TestCase, CodeExecutionMixin):
148    """Unit tests for runpy._run_code and runpy._run_module_code"""
150    def test_run_code(self):
151        expected_ns = example_namespace.copy()
152        expected_ns.update({
153            "__loader__": None,
154        })
155        def create_ns(init_globals):
156            return _run_code(example_source, {}, init_globals)
157        self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
159    def test_run_module_code(self):
160        mod_name = "<Nonsense>"
161        mod_fname = "Some other nonsense"
162        mod_loader = "Now you're just being silly"
163        mod_package = '' # Treat as a top level module
164        mod_spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec(mod_name,
165                                                  origin=mod_fname,
166                                                  loader=mod_loader)
167        expected_ns = example_namespace.copy()
168        expected_ns.update({
169            "__name__": mod_name,
170            "__file__": mod_fname,
171            "__loader__": mod_loader,
172            "__package__": mod_package,
173            "__spec__": mod_spec,
174            "run_argv0": mod_fname,
175            "run_name_in_sys_modules": True,
176            "module_in_sys_modules": True,
177        })
178        def create_ns(init_globals):
179            return _run_module_code(example_source,
180                                    init_globals,
181                                    mod_name,
182                                    mod_spec)
183        self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
185# TODO: Use self.addCleanup to get rid of a lot of try-finally blocks
186class RunModuleTestCase(unittest.TestCase, CodeExecutionMixin):
187    """Unit tests for runpy.run_module"""
189    def expect_import_error(self, mod_name):
190        try:
191            run_module(mod_name)
192        except ImportError:
193            pass
194        else:
195            self.fail("Expected import error for " + mod_name)
197    def test_invalid_names(self):
198        # Builtin module
199        self.expect_import_error("sys")
200        # Non-existent modules
201        self.expect_import_error("sys.imp.eric")
202        self.expect_import_error("os.path.half")
203        self.expect_import_error("a.bee")
204        # Relative names not allowed
205        self.expect_import_error(".howard")
206        self.expect_import_error("..eaten")
207        self.expect_import_error(".test_runpy")
208        self.expect_import_error(".unittest")
209        # Package without __main__.py
210        self.expect_import_error("multiprocessing")
212    def test_library_module(self):
213        self.assertEqual(run_module("runpy")["__name__"], "runpy")
215    def _add_pkg_dir(self, pkg_dir, namespace=False):
216        os.mkdir(pkg_dir)
217        if namespace:
218            return None
219        pkg_fname = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "__init__.py")
220        create_empty_file(pkg_fname)
221        return pkg_fname
223    def _make_pkg(self, source, depth, mod_base="runpy_test",
224                     *, namespace=False, parent_namespaces=False):
225        # Enforce a couple of internal sanity checks on test cases
226        if (namespace or parent_namespaces) and not depth:
227            raise RuntimeError("Can't mark top level module as a "
228                               "namespace package")
229        pkg_name = "__runpy_pkg__"
230        test_fname = mod_base+os.extsep+"py"
231        pkg_dir = sub_dir = os.path.realpath(tempfile.mkdtemp())
232        if verbose > 1: print("  Package tree in:", sub_dir)
233        sys.path.insert(0, pkg_dir)
234        if verbose > 1: print("  Updated sys.path:", sys.path[0])
235        if depth:
236            namespace_flags = [parent_namespaces] * depth
237            namespace_flags[-1] = namespace
238            for namespace_flag in namespace_flags:
239                sub_dir = os.path.join(sub_dir, pkg_name)
240                pkg_fname = self._add_pkg_dir(sub_dir, namespace_flag)
241                if verbose > 1: print("  Next level in:", sub_dir)
242                if verbose > 1: print("  Created:", pkg_fname)
243        mod_fname = os.path.join(sub_dir, test_fname)
244        with open(mod_fname, "w") as mod_file:
245            mod_file.write(source)
246        if verbose > 1: print("  Created:", mod_fname)
247        mod_name = (pkg_name+".")*depth + mod_base
248        mod_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(mod_name,
249                                                          mod_fname)
250        return pkg_dir, mod_fname, mod_name, mod_spec
252    def _del_pkg(self, top):
253        for entry in list(sys.modules):
254            if entry.startswith("__runpy_pkg__"):
255                del sys.modules[entry]
256        if verbose > 1: print("  Removed sys.modules entries")
257        del sys.path[0]
258        if verbose > 1: print("  Removed sys.path entry")
259        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False):
260            for name in files:
261                try:
262                    os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
263                except OSError as ex:
264                    if verbose > 1: print(ex) # Persist with cleaning up
265            for name in dirs:
266                fullname = os.path.join(root, name)
267                try:
268                    os.rmdir(fullname)
269                except OSError as ex:
270                    if verbose > 1: print(ex) # Persist with cleaning up
271        try:
272            os.rmdir(top)
273            if verbose > 1: print("  Removed package tree")
274        except OSError as ex:
275            if verbose > 1: print(ex) # Persist with cleaning up
277    def _fix_ns_for_legacy_pyc(self, ns, alter_sys):
278        char_to_add = "c"
279        ns["__file__"] += char_to_add
280        ns["__cached__"] = ns["__file__"]
281        spec = ns["__spec__"]
282        new_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(spec.name,
283                                                          ns["__file__"])
284        ns["__spec__"] = new_spec
285        if alter_sys:
286            ns["run_argv0"] += char_to_add
289    def _check_module(self, depth, alter_sys=False,
290                         *, namespace=False, parent_namespaces=False):
291        pkg_dir, mod_fname, mod_name, mod_spec = (
292               self._make_pkg(example_source, depth,
293                              namespace=namespace,
294                              parent_namespaces=parent_namespaces))
295        forget(mod_name)
296        expected_ns = example_namespace.copy()
297        expected_ns.update({
298            "__name__": mod_name,
299            "__file__": mod_fname,
300            "__cached__": mod_spec.cached,
301            "__package__": mod_name.rpartition(".")[0],
302            "__spec__": mod_spec,
303        })
304        if alter_sys:
305            expected_ns.update({
306                "run_argv0": mod_fname,
307                "run_name_in_sys_modules": True,
308                "module_in_sys_modules": True,
309            })
310        def create_ns(init_globals):
311            return run_module(mod_name, init_globals, alter_sys=alter_sys)
312        try:
313            if verbose > 1: print("Running from source:", mod_name)
314            self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
315            importlib.invalidate_caches()
316            __import__(mod_name)
317            os.remove(mod_fname)
318            if not sys.dont_write_bytecode:
319                make_legacy_pyc(mod_fname)
320                unload(mod_name)  # In case loader caches paths
321                importlib.invalidate_caches()
322                if verbose > 1: print("Running from compiled:", mod_name)
323                self._fix_ns_for_legacy_pyc(expected_ns, alter_sys)
324                self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
325        finally:
326            self._del_pkg(pkg_dir)
327        if verbose > 1: print("Module executed successfully")
329    def _check_package(self, depth, alter_sys=False,
330                          *, namespace=False, parent_namespaces=False):
331        pkg_dir, mod_fname, mod_name, mod_spec = (
332               self._make_pkg(example_source, depth, "__main__",
333                              namespace=namespace,
334                              parent_namespaces=parent_namespaces))
335        pkg_name = mod_name.rpartition(".")[0]
336        forget(mod_name)
337        expected_ns = example_namespace.copy()
338        expected_ns.update({
339            "__name__": mod_name,
340            "__file__": mod_fname,
341            "__cached__": importlib.util.cache_from_source(mod_fname),
342            "__package__": pkg_name,
343            "__spec__": mod_spec,
344        })
345        if alter_sys:
346            expected_ns.update({
347                "run_argv0": mod_fname,
348                "run_name_in_sys_modules": True,
349                "module_in_sys_modules": True,
350            })
351        def create_ns(init_globals):
352            return run_module(pkg_name, init_globals, alter_sys=alter_sys)
353        try:
354            if verbose > 1: print("Running from source:", pkg_name)
355            self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
356            importlib.invalidate_caches()
357            __import__(mod_name)
358            os.remove(mod_fname)
359            if not sys.dont_write_bytecode:
360                make_legacy_pyc(mod_fname)
361                unload(mod_name)  # In case loader caches paths
362                if verbose > 1: print("Running from compiled:", pkg_name)
363                importlib.invalidate_caches()
364                self._fix_ns_for_legacy_pyc(expected_ns, alter_sys)
365                self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
366        finally:
367            self._del_pkg(pkg_dir)
368        if verbose > 1: print("Package executed successfully")
370    def _add_relative_modules(self, base_dir, source, depth):
371        if depth <= 1:
372            raise ValueError("Relative module test needs depth > 1")
373        pkg_name = "__runpy_pkg__"
374        module_dir = base_dir
375        for i in range(depth):
376            parent_dir = module_dir
377            module_dir = os.path.join(module_dir, pkg_name)
378        # Add sibling module
379        sibling_fname = os.path.join(module_dir, "sibling.py")
380        create_empty_file(sibling_fname)
381        if verbose > 1: print("  Added sibling module:", sibling_fname)
382        # Add nephew module
383        uncle_dir = os.path.join(parent_dir, "uncle")
384        self._add_pkg_dir(uncle_dir)
385        if verbose > 1: print("  Added uncle package:", uncle_dir)
386        cousin_dir = os.path.join(uncle_dir, "cousin")
387        self._add_pkg_dir(cousin_dir)
388        if verbose > 1: print("  Added cousin package:", cousin_dir)
389        nephew_fname = os.path.join(cousin_dir, "nephew.py")
390        create_empty_file(nephew_fname)
391        if verbose > 1: print("  Added nephew module:", nephew_fname)
393    def _check_relative_imports(self, depth, run_name=None):
394        contents = r"""\
395from __future__ import absolute_import
396from . import sibling
397from ..uncle.cousin import nephew
399        pkg_dir, mod_fname, mod_name, mod_spec = (
400               self._make_pkg(contents, depth))
401        if run_name is None:
402            expected_name = mod_name
403        else:
404            expected_name = run_name
405        try:
406            self._add_relative_modules(pkg_dir, contents, depth)
407            pkg_name = mod_name.rpartition('.')[0]
408            if verbose > 1: print("Running from source:", mod_name)
409            d1 = run_module(mod_name, run_name=run_name) # Read from source
410            self.assertEqual(d1["__name__"], expected_name)
411            self.assertEqual(d1["__package__"], pkg_name)
412            self.assertIn("sibling", d1)
413            self.assertIn("nephew", d1)
414            del d1 # Ensure __loader__ entry doesn't keep file open
415            importlib.invalidate_caches()
416            __import__(mod_name)
417            os.remove(mod_fname)
418            if not sys.dont_write_bytecode:
419                make_legacy_pyc(mod_fname)
420                unload(mod_name)  # In case the loader caches paths
421                if verbose > 1: print("Running from compiled:", mod_name)
422                importlib.invalidate_caches()
423                d2 = run_module(mod_name, run_name=run_name) # Read from bytecode
424                self.assertEqual(d2["__name__"], expected_name)
425                self.assertEqual(d2["__package__"], pkg_name)
426                self.assertIn("sibling", d2)
427                self.assertIn("nephew", d2)
428                del d2 # Ensure __loader__ entry doesn't keep file open
429        finally:
430            self._del_pkg(pkg_dir)
431        if verbose > 1: print("Module executed successfully")
433    def test_run_module(self):
434        for depth in range(4):
435            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
436            self._check_module(depth)
438    def test_run_module_in_namespace_package(self):
439        for depth in range(1, 4):
440            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
441            self._check_module(depth, namespace=True, parent_namespaces=True)
443    def test_run_package(self):
444        for depth in range(1, 4):
445            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
446            self._check_package(depth)
448    def test_run_package_init_exceptions(self):
449        # These were previously wrapped in an ImportError; see Issue 14285
450        result = self._make_pkg("", 1, "__main__")
451        pkg_dir, _, mod_name, _ = result
452        mod_name = mod_name.replace(".__main__", "")
453        self.addCleanup(self._del_pkg, pkg_dir)
454        init = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "__runpy_pkg__", "__init__.py")
456        exceptions = (ImportError, AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError)
457        for exception in exceptions:
458            name = exception.__name__
459            with self.subTest(name):
460                source = "raise {0}('{0} in __init__.py.')".format(name)
461                with open(init, "wt", encoding="ascii") as mod_file:
462                    mod_file.write(source)
463                try:
464                    run_module(mod_name)
465                except exception as err:
466                    self.assertNotIn("finding spec", format(err))
467                else:
468                    self.fail("Nothing raised; expected {}".format(name))
469                try:
470                    run_module(mod_name + ".submodule")
471                except exception as err:
472                    self.assertNotIn("finding spec", format(err))
473                else:
474                    self.fail("Nothing raised; expected {}".format(name))
476    def test_submodule_imported_warning(self):
477        pkg_dir, _, mod_name, _ = self._make_pkg("", 1)
478        try:
479            __import__(mod_name)
480            with self.assertWarnsRegex(RuntimeWarning,
481                    r"found in sys\.modules"):
482                run_module(mod_name)
483        finally:
484            self._del_pkg(pkg_dir)
486    def test_package_imported_no_warning(self):
487        pkg_dir, _, mod_name, _ = self._make_pkg("", 1, "__main__")
488        self.addCleanup(self._del_pkg, pkg_dir)
489        package = mod_name.replace(".__main__", "")
490        # No warning should occur if we only imported the parent package
491        __import__(package)
492        self.assertIn(package, sys.modules)
493        with warnings.catch_warnings():
494            warnings.simplefilter("error", RuntimeWarning)
495            run_module(package)
496        # But the warning should occur if we imported the __main__ submodule
497        __import__(mod_name)
498        with self.assertWarnsRegex(RuntimeWarning, r"found in sys\.modules"):
499            run_module(package)
501    def test_run_package_in_namespace_package(self):
502        for depth in range(1, 4):
503            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
504            self._check_package(depth, parent_namespaces=True)
506    def test_run_namespace_package(self):
507        for depth in range(1, 4):
508            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
509            self._check_package(depth, namespace=True)
511    def test_run_namespace_package_in_namespace_package(self):
512        for depth in range(1, 4):
513            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
514            self._check_package(depth, namespace=True, parent_namespaces=True)
516    def test_run_module_alter_sys(self):
517        for depth in range(4):
518            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
519            self._check_module(depth, alter_sys=True)
521    def test_run_package_alter_sys(self):
522        for depth in range(1, 4):
523            if verbose > 1: print("Testing package depth:", depth)
524            self._check_package(depth, alter_sys=True)
526    def test_explicit_relative_import(self):
527        for depth in range(2, 5):
528            if verbose > 1: print("Testing relative imports at depth:", depth)
529            self._check_relative_imports(depth)
531    def test_main_relative_import(self):
532        for depth in range(2, 5):
533            if verbose > 1: print("Testing main relative imports at depth:", depth)
534            self._check_relative_imports(depth, "__main__")
536    def test_run_name(self):
537        depth = 1
538        run_name = "And now for something completely different"
539        pkg_dir, mod_fname, mod_name, mod_spec = (
540               self._make_pkg(example_source, depth))
541        forget(mod_name)
542        expected_ns = example_namespace.copy()
543        expected_ns.update({
544            "__name__": run_name,
545            "__file__": mod_fname,
546            "__cached__": importlib.util.cache_from_source(mod_fname),
547            "__package__": mod_name.rpartition(".")[0],
548            "__spec__": mod_spec,
549        })
550        def create_ns(init_globals):
551            return run_module(mod_name, init_globals, run_name)
552        try:
553            self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
554        finally:
555            self._del_pkg(pkg_dir)
557    def test_pkgutil_walk_packages(self):
558        # This is a dodgy hack to use the test_runpy infrastructure to test
559        # issue #15343. Issue #15348 declares this is indeed a dodgy hack ;)
560        import pkgutil
561        max_depth = 4
562        base_name = "__runpy_pkg__"
563        package_suffixes = ["uncle", "uncle.cousin"]
564        module_suffixes = ["uncle.cousin.nephew", base_name + ".sibling"]
565        expected_packages = set()
566        expected_modules = set()
567        for depth in range(1, max_depth):
568            pkg_name = ".".join([base_name] * depth)
569            expected_packages.add(pkg_name)
570            for name in package_suffixes:
571                expected_packages.add(pkg_name + "." + name)
572            for name in module_suffixes:
573                expected_modules.add(pkg_name + "." + name)
574        pkg_name = ".".join([base_name] * max_depth)
575        expected_packages.add(pkg_name)
576        expected_modules.add(pkg_name + ".runpy_test")
577        pkg_dir, mod_fname, mod_name, mod_spec = (
578               self._make_pkg("", max_depth))
579        self.addCleanup(self._del_pkg, pkg_dir)
580        for depth in range(2, max_depth+1):
581            self._add_relative_modules(pkg_dir, "", depth)
582        for moduleinfo in pkgutil.walk_packages([pkg_dir]):
583            self.assertIsInstance(moduleinfo, pkgutil.ModuleInfo)
584            self.assertIsInstance(moduleinfo.module_finder,
585                                  importlib.machinery.FileFinder)
586            if moduleinfo.ispkg:
587                expected_packages.remove(moduleinfo.name)
588            else:
589                expected_modules.remove(moduleinfo.name)
590        self.assertEqual(len(expected_packages), 0, expected_packages)
591        self.assertEqual(len(expected_modules), 0, expected_modules)
593class RunPathTestCase(unittest.TestCase, CodeExecutionMixin):
594    """Unit tests for runpy.run_path"""
596    def _make_test_script(self, script_dir, script_basename,
597                          source=None, omit_suffix=False):
598        if source is None:
599            source = example_source
600        return make_script(script_dir, script_basename,
601                           source, omit_suffix)
603    def _check_script(self, script_name, expected_name, expected_file,
604                            expected_argv0, mod_name=None,
605                            expect_spec=True, check_loader=True):
606        # First check is without run_name
607        def create_ns(init_globals):
608            return run_path(script_name, init_globals)
609        expected_ns = example_namespace.copy()
610        if mod_name is None:
611            spec_name = expected_name
612        else:
613            spec_name = mod_name
614        if expect_spec:
615            mod_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(spec_name,
616                                                              expected_file)
617            mod_cached = mod_spec.cached
618            if not check_loader:
619                mod_spec.loader = None
620        else:
621            mod_spec = mod_cached = None
623        expected_ns.update({
624            "__name__": expected_name,
625            "__file__": expected_file,
626            "__cached__": mod_cached,
627            "__package__": "",
628            "__spec__": mod_spec,
629            "run_argv0": expected_argv0,
630            "run_name_in_sys_modules": True,
631            "module_in_sys_modules": True,
632        })
633        self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
634        # Second check makes sure run_name works in all cases
635        run_name = "prove.issue15230.is.fixed"
636        def create_ns(init_globals):
637            return run_path(script_name, init_globals, run_name)
638        if expect_spec and mod_name is None:
639            mod_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(run_name,
640                                                              expected_file)
641            if not check_loader:
642                mod_spec.loader = None
643            expected_ns["__spec__"] = mod_spec
644        expected_ns["__name__"] = run_name
645        expected_ns["__package__"] = run_name.rpartition(".")[0]
646        self.check_code_execution(create_ns, expected_ns)
648    def _check_import_error(self, script_name, msg):
649        msg = re.escape(msg)
650        self.assertRaisesRegex(ImportError, msg, run_path, script_name)
652    def test_basic_script(self):
653        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
654            mod_name = 'script'
655            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
656            self._check_script(script_name, "<run_path>", script_name,
657                               script_name, expect_spec=False)
659    def test_basic_script_with_path_object(self):
660        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
661            mod_name = 'script'
662            script_name = pathlib.Path(self._make_test_script(script_dir,
663                                                              mod_name))
664            self._check_script(script_name, "<run_path>", script_name,
665                               script_name, expect_spec=False)
667    def test_basic_script_no_suffix(self):
668        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
669            mod_name = 'script'
670            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name,
671                                                 omit_suffix=True)
672            self._check_script(script_name, "<run_path>", script_name,
673                               script_name, expect_spec=False)
675    def test_script_compiled(self):
676        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
677            mod_name = 'script'
678            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
679            compiled_name = py_compile.compile(script_name, doraise=True)
680            os.remove(script_name)
681            self._check_script(compiled_name, "<run_path>", compiled_name,
682                               compiled_name, expect_spec=False)
684    def test_directory(self):
685        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
686            mod_name = '__main__'
687            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
688            self._check_script(script_dir, "<run_path>", script_name,
689                               script_dir, mod_name=mod_name)
691    def test_directory_compiled(self):
692        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
693            mod_name = '__main__'
694            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
695            compiled_name = py_compile.compile(script_name, doraise=True)
696            os.remove(script_name)
697            if not sys.dont_write_bytecode:
698                legacy_pyc = make_legacy_pyc(script_name)
699                self._check_script(script_dir, "<run_path>", legacy_pyc,
700                                   script_dir, mod_name=mod_name)
702    def test_directory_error(self):
703        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
704            mod_name = 'not_main'
705            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
706            msg = "can't find '__main__' module in %r" % script_dir
707            self._check_import_error(script_dir, msg)
709    def test_zipfile(self):
710        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
711            mod_name = '__main__'
712            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
713            zip_name, fname = make_zip_script(script_dir, 'test_zip', script_name)
714            self._check_script(zip_name, "<run_path>", fname, zip_name,
715                               mod_name=mod_name, check_loader=False)
717    def test_zipfile_compiled(self):
718        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
719            mod_name = '__main__'
720            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
721            compiled_name = py_compile.compile(script_name, doraise=True)
722            zip_name, fname = make_zip_script(script_dir, 'test_zip',
723                                              compiled_name)
724            self._check_script(zip_name, "<run_path>", fname, zip_name,
725                               mod_name=mod_name, check_loader=False)
727    def test_zipfile_error(self):
728        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
729            mod_name = 'not_main'
730            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name)
731            zip_name, fname = make_zip_script(script_dir, 'test_zip', script_name)
732            msg = "can't find '__main__' module in %r" % zip_name
733            self._check_import_error(zip_name, msg)
735    @no_tracing
736    def test_main_recursion_error(self):
737        with temp_dir() as script_dir, temp_dir() as dummy_dir:
738            mod_name = '__main__'
739            source = ("import runpy\n"
740                      "runpy.run_path(%r)\n") % dummy_dir
741            script_name = self._make_test_script(script_dir, mod_name, source)
742            zip_name, fname = make_zip_script(script_dir, 'test_zip', script_name)
743            msg = "recursion depth exceeded"
744            self.assertRaisesRegex(RecursionError, msg, run_path, zip_name)
746    def test_encoding(self):
747        with temp_dir() as script_dir:
748            filename = os.path.join(script_dir, 'script.py')
749            with open(filename, 'w', encoding='latin1') as f:
750                f.write("""
752s = "non-ASCII: h\xe9"
754            result = run_path(filename)
755            self.assertEqual(result['s'], "non-ASCII: h\xe9")
758class TestExit(unittest.TestCase):
759    STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT = 0xC000013A
760    EXPECTED_CODE = (
762        if sys.platform == "win32"
763        else -signal.SIGINT
764    )
765    @staticmethod
766    @contextlib.contextmanager
767    def tmp_path(*args, **kwargs):
768        with temp_dir() as tmp_fn:
769            yield pathlib.Path(tmp_fn)
772    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
773        with self.tmp_path() as tmp:
774            self.ham = ham = tmp / "ham.py"
775            ham.write_text(
776                textwrap.dedent(
777                    """\
778                    raise KeyboardInterrupt
779                    """
780                )
781            )
782            super().run(*args, **kwargs)
784    def assertSigInt(self, *args, **kwargs):
785        proc = subprocess.run(*args, **kwargs, text=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
786        self.assertTrue(proc.stderr.endswith("\nKeyboardInterrupt\n"))
787        self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, self.EXPECTED_CODE)
789    def test_pymain_run_file(self):
790        self.assertSigInt([sys.executable, self.ham])
792    def test_pymain_run_file_runpy_run_module(self):
793        tmp = self.ham.parent
794        run_module = tmp / "run_module.py"
795        run_module.write_text(
796            textwrap.dedent(
797                """\
798                import runpy
799                runpy.run_module("ham")
800                """
801            )
802        )
803        self.assertSigInt([sys.executable, run_module], cwd=tmp)
805    def test_pymain_run_file_runpy_run_module_as_main(self):
806        tmp = self.ham.parent
807        run_module_as_main = tmp / "run_module_as_main.py"
808        run_module_as_main.write_text(
809            textwrap.dedent(
810                """\
811                import runpy
812                runpy._run_module_as_main("ham")
813                """
814            )
815        )
816        self.assertSigInt([sys.executable, run_module_as_main], cwd=tmp)
818    def test_pymain_run_command_run_module(self):
819        self.assertSigInt(
820            [sys.executable, "-c", "import runpy; runpy.run_module('ham')"],
821            cwd=self.ham.parent,
822        )
824    def test_pymain_run_command(self):
825        self.assertSigInt([sys.executable, "-c", "import ham"], cwd=self.ham.parent)
827    def test_pymain_run_stdin(self):
828        self.assertSigInt([sys.executable], input="import ham", cwd=self.ham.parent)
830    def test_pymain_run_module(self):
831        ham = self.ham
832        self.assertSigInt([sys.executable, "-m", ham.stem], cwd=ham.parent)
835if __name__ == "__main__":
836    unittest.main()