1#lang racket/base
2(require racket/draw
3         racket/gui/dynamic
4         racket/serialize
5         (except-in racket/list drop)
6         racket/contract/base
7         racket/class
8         racket/generic
9         (prefix-in file: file/convertible)
10         racket/promise
11         (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax
12                     racket/struct-info
13                     syntax/transformer))
15(provide dc-for-text-size
16         convert-bounds-padding
17         show-pict
18         caps-text current-expected-text-scale
19         dc
20         linewidth
21         linestyle
23         draw-pict
24         make-pict-drawer
26         (contract-out
27          [text (->* (string?)
28                     (text-style/c
29                      (and/c (between/c 1 1024) integer?)
30                      number?)
31                     pict?)])
33         text-style/c
35         (struct-out pict)
36         (struct-out child)
38         black-and-white
40         lt-find
41         lc-find
42         lb-find
43         ltl-find
44         lbl-find
45         ct-find
46         cc-find
47         cb-find
48         ctl-find
49         cbl-find
50         rt-find
51         rc-find
52         rb-find
53         rtl-find
54         rbl-find
56         find-lt  ; (left & top)  ; pict pict-path -> dx dy
57         find-lc  ; (left & vertical center)
58         find-lb  ; (left & bottom)
59         find-ltl ; (left and top baseline)
60         find-lbl ; (left and bottom baseline)
61         find-ct  ; (horizontal center & top)
62         find-cc
63         find-cb
64         find-ctl
65         find-cbl
66         find-rt
67         find-rc
68         find-rb
69         find-rtl
70         find-rbl
72         launder  ; pict -> pict
74         blank        ; -> pict
75         ;; w h -> pict
76         ;; w h d -> pict
78         clip-descent   ; pict -> pict
79         clip-ascent    ; pict -> pict
80         lift-above-baseline          ; pict -> pict
81         drop-below-ascent            ; pict -> pict
82         baseless       ; pict -> pict
83         inset          ; pict i -> pict
84                                        ; pict hi vi -> pict
85                                        ; pict l t r b -> pict
86         refocus        ; pict pict -> pict
87         panorama       ; pict -> pict
89         use-last       ; pict pict -> pict
90         use-last*      ; pict pict -> pict
92         hline        ; w h -> pict
93         dash-hline   ; w h seg-length -> pict ; default seg-length is 5
94         vline        ; w h -> pict
95         dash-vline   ; w h seg-length -> pict ; default seg-length is 5
97         frame        ; pict -> pict
98         dash-frame   ; pict seg-length -> pict ; default seg-length is 5
99         oval         ; pict -> pict
100         oval/radius  ; pict r -> pict ; r is radius of corners
102         big-circle   ; diameter -> pict
104         thick       ; pict -> pict
105         thin        ; pict -> pict
107         ghost        ; pict -> pict
109         record       ; pict pict ... -> pict
111         vl-append    ; d pict ... -> pict ; d units between each picture
112         vc-append
113         vr-append
114         ht-append
115         hc-append
116         hb-append
117         htl-append       ; align bottoms of ascents
118         hbl-append       ; align tops of descents (normal text alignment)
120         lt-superimpose ; pict ... -> pict
121         lb-superimpose
122         lc-superimpose
123         ltl-superimpose
124         lbl-superimpose
125         rt-superimpose
126         rb-superimpose
127         rc-superimpose
128         rtl-superimpose
129         rbl-superimpose
130         ct-superimpose
131         cb-superimpose
132         cc-superimpose
133         ctl-superimpose
134         cbl-superimpose
136         table ; ncols pict-list col-aligns row-aligns col-seps row-seps -> pict
138         colorize ; pict color-string -> pict
140         picture       ; w h command-list -> pict
141         picture*      ; w h a d command-list -> pict
143         cons-picture  ; pict command-list -> pict
144         cons-picture* ; pict command-list -> pict
146         place-over
147         place-under
148         pin-over
149         pin-under
151         prop:pict-convertible prop:pict-convertible? pict-convertible? pict-convert
152         pict-convertible-ref
153         pict-path-element=?
154         pict-path?
155         pict-deserialize-info)
157;; ; ----------------------------------------
159(define-values (prop:pict-convertible -pict-convertible? pict-convertible-ref)
160  (make-struct-type-property 'pict-convertible))
162(define-values (prop:pict-convertible? pict-convertible?? pict-convertible?-ref)
163  (make-struct-type-property 'pict-convertible?))
166  (struct pict-wrapper ()
167    #:property prop:set!-transformer
168    (set!-transformer-procedure
169     (make-variable-like-transformer #'in:pict))
170    #:property prop:struct-info
171    (lambda (_)
172      (list #'struct:pict
173            #'make-pict
174            #'pict?
175            (reverse (list #'pict-draw
176                           #'pict-width
177                           #'pict-height
178                           #'pict-ascent
179                           #'pict-descent
180                           #'pict-children
181                           #'pict-panbox
182                           #'pict-last))
183            (list #f
184                  #f
185                  #f
186                  #f
187                  #f
188                  #f
189                  #f
190                  #f)
191            #t))))
193(define-syntax pict (pict-wrapper))
195(define-syntax (define-pict-wrap stx)
196  (syntax-case stx ()
197    [(_ name)
198     (with-syntax* ([f (format-id stx "~a-~a" 'pict #'name)]
199                    [a (format-id stx "in:~a-~a" 'pict #'name)])
200       #`(define (f p)
201           (a (if (pict? p)
202                  p
203                  (pict-convert/who p 'f)))))]))
205(define-pict-wrap draw)
206(define-pict-wrap width)
207(define-pict-wrap height)
208(define-pict-wrap ascent)
209(define-pict-wrap descent)
210(define-pict-wrap children)
211(define-pict-wrap panbox)
212(define-pict-wrap last)
214(define-struct in:pict (draw       ; drawing instructions
215                        width      ; total width
216                        height     ; total height >= ascent + desecnt
217                        ascent     ; portion of height above top baseline
218                        descent    ; portion of height below bottom baseline
219                        children   ; list of child records
220                        panbox     ; panorama box, computed on demand
221                        last)      ; a descendent for the bottom-right
222  #:reflection-name 'pict
223  #:mutable
224  #:property prop:pict-convertible (λ (v) v)
225  #:property file:prop:convertible (lambda (v mode default)
226                                     (convert-pict v mode default))
227  #:property prop:serializable (make-serialize-info
228                                (lambda (p)
229                                  (convert-pict-to-vector p))
230                                #'pict-deserialize-info
231                                #f
232                                (or (current-load-relative-directory)
233                                    (current-directory))))
235(define make-pict make-in:pict)
236(define pict? in:pict?)
237(define struct:pict struct:in:pict)
239(define-syntax (define-pict-setter stx)
240  (syntax-case stx ()
241    [(_ name)
242     (with-syntax ([f (format-id stx "~a-~a!" 'set-pict #'name)]
243                    [a (format-id stx "~a-~a!" 'set-in:pict #'name)])
244       #'(define f a))]))
246(define-pict-setter draw)
247(define-pict-setter width)
248(define-pict-setter height)
249(define-pict-setter ascent)
250(define-pict-setter descent)
251(define-pict-setter children)
252(define-pict-setter panbox)
253(define-pict-setter last)
255(define-struct child (pict dx dy sx sy sxy syx))
256(define-struct bbox (x1 y1 x2 y2 ay dy))
258(define (pict-convertible? x)
259  (or (pict? x)
260      (and (-pict-convertible? x)
261           (if (pict-convertible?? x)
262               ((pict-convertible?-ref x) x)
263               #t))))
265(define (pict-convert v) (pict-convert/who v 'pict-convert))
266(define (pict-convert/who v who)
267  (cond [(pict? v) v]
268        [(not (pict-convertible? v))
269         (raise-type-error who "pict-convertible" v)]
270        [else
271         (define converted ((pict-convertible-ref v) v))
272         (converted-pict
273          (pict-draw converted)
274          (pict-width converted)
275          (pict-height converted)
276          (pict-ascent converted)
277          (pict-descent converted)
278          (pict-children converted)
279          (pict-panbox converted)
280          (pict-last converted)
281          v)]))
283(struct converted-pict pict (parent))
285(define (pict-path-element=? a b)
286  (or (eq? a b)
287      (if (converted-pict? a)
288          (if (converted-pict? b)
289              (eq? (converted-pict-parent a) (converted-pict-parent b))
290              (eq? (converted-pict-parent a) b))
291          (if (converted-pict? b)
292              (eq? (converted-pict-parent b) a)
293              #f))))
295(define (pict-path? p)
296  (or (pict-convertible? p)
297      (and (pair? p)
298           (list? p)
299           (andmap pict-convertible? p))))
301;; ----------------------------------------
303(define family/c
304  (or/c 'base 'default 'decorative 'roman 'script 'swiss 'modern 'symbol 'system))
306(define text-style/c
307  (flat-rec-contract
308   text-style/c
309   (or/c null?
310         (is-a?/c font%)
311         family/c
312         string? ;; could be more specific, I guess.
313         (cons/c string? family/c)
314         (cons/c (or/c 'bold 'italic 'superscript 'subscript
315                       'large-script
316                       'combine 'no-combine 'caps
317                       'outline 'aligned 'unaligned
318                       (is-a?/c color%))
319                 text-style/c))))
322(define default-seg 5)
323(define recordseplinespace 4)
325(define blank
326  (case-lambda
327   [() (blank 0 0 0)]
328   [(s) (blank s s)]
329   [(w h) (blank w h 0)]
330   [(w a d) (make-pict `(picture ,w ,(+ a d)) w (+ a d) a d null #f #f)]
331   [(w h a d) (make-pict `(picture ,w ,h) w h a d null #f #f)]))
333(define (extend-pict box dx dy dw da dd draw)
334  (let ([w (pict-width box)]
335        [h (pict-height box)]
336        [d (pict-descent box)]
337        [a (pict-ascent box)])
338    (make-pict (if draw draw (pict-draw box))
339               (+ w dw) (+ h da dd)
340               (max 0 (+ a da)) (max 0 (+ d dd))
341               (list (make-child box dx dy 1 1 0 0))
342               #f
343               (pict-last box))))
345(define (transform dx dy tdx tdy tsx tsy tsxy tsyx)
346  (values (+ (* tsx dx) (* tsxy dy) tdx)
347          (+ (* tsy dy) (* tsyx dx) tdy)))
349(define (single-pict-offset pict subbox dx dy)
350  (let floop ([box pict]
351              [found values]
352              [not-found (lambda () (error 'find-XX
353                                           "sub-pict: ~a not found in: ~a"
354                                           subbox pict))])
355    (if (pict-path-element=? subbox box)
356        (found dx dy)
357        (let loop ([c (pict-children box)])
358          (if (null? c)
359              (not-found)
360              (floop (child-pict (car c))
361                     (lambda (dx dy)
362                       (let ([c (car c)])
363                         (let-values ([(dx dy)
364                                       (transform
365                                        dx dy
366                                        (child-dx c) (child-dy c)
367                                        (child-sx c) (child-sy c)
368                                        (child-sxy c) (child-syx c))])
369                           (found dx dy))))
370                     (lambda ()
371                       (loop (cdr c)))))))))
373(define (find-lbx pict subbox-path dx dy)
374  (if (pict-convertible? subbox-path)
375      (single-pict-offset pict subbox-path dx dy)
376      (let loop ([l (cons pict subbox-path)])
377        (if (null? (cdr l))
378            (values dx dy)
379            (let-values ([(dx dy) (loop (cdr l))])
380              (single-pict-offset (car l) (cadr l) dx dy))))))
382(define-values (find-lt
383                find-lc
384                find-lb
385                find-ltl
386                find-lbl
387                find-ct
388                find-cc
389                find-cb
390                find-ctl
391                find-cbl
392                find-rt
393                find-rc
394                find-rb
395                find-rtl
396                find-rbl)
397  (let ([lb (lambda (x sx w d a) x)]
398        [c (lambda (x sx w d a) (+ x (* sx (/ w 2))))]
399        [rt (lambda (x sx w d a) (+ x (* sx w)))]
400        [tline (lambda (x sx w d a) (+ x (* sx (- w a))))]
401        [bline (lambda (x sx w d a) (+ x (* sx d)))]
402        [find (lambda (get-x get-y)
403                (lambda (pict pict-path)
404                  (let ([p (let loop ([path pict-path])
405                             (cond
406                               [(pict? path) path]
407                               [(pict-convertible? path) (pict-convert path)]
408                               [(null? (cdr path)) (loop (car path))]
409                               [else (loop (cdr path))]))])
410                    (let ([w (pict-width p)]
411                          [h (pict-height p)]
412                          [d (pict-descent p)]
413                          [a (pict-ascent p)])
414                      (find-lbx pict pict-path
415                                (get-x 0 1 w 0 0)
416                                (get-y 0 1 h d a))))))])
417    (values (find lb rt)
418            (find lb c)
419            (find lb lb)
420            (find lb tline)
421            (find lb bline)
422            (find c rt)
423            (find c c)
424            (find c lb)
425            (find c tline)
426            (find c bline)
427            (find rt rt)
428            (find rt c)
429            (find rt lb)
430            (find rt tline)
431            (find rt bline))))
433(define-values (lt-find
434                lc-find
435                lb-find
436                ltl-find
437                lbl-find
438                ct-find
439                cc-find
440                cb-find
441                ctl-find
442                cbl-find
443                rt-find
444                rc-find
445                rb-find
446                rtl-find
447                rbl-find)
448  (let ([flip (lambda (orig)
449                (lambda (pict pict-path)
450                  (let-values ([(x y) (orig pict pict-path)])
451                    (values x (- (pict-height pict) y)))))])
452    (values (flip find-lt)
453            (flip find-lc)
454            (flip find-lb)
455            (flip find-ltl)
456            (flip find-lbl)
457            (flip find-ct)
458            (flip find-cc)
459            (flip find-cb)
460            (flip find-ctl)
461            (flip find-cbl)
462            (flip find-rt)
463            (flip find-rc)
464            (flip find-rb)
465            (flip find-rtl)
466            (flip find-rbl))))
468(define (launder box*)
469  ;; we might be given a pict-convertable
470  ;; but set-pict-foo! isn't defined on those
471  (define box
472    (if (pict? box*)
473        box*
474        (pict-convert box*)))
475  (unless (pict-panbox box)
476    (panorama-box! box))
477  (let ([b (extend-pict box 0 0 0 0 0 #f)])
478    (set-pict-children! b null)
479    (set-pict-panbox! b (pict-panbox box))
480    ;; After laundering, we can't find the last-pos box.
481    ;; So create a new last-position box to preserve the
482    ;; original shape:
483    (let ([l (pict-last box)])
484      (set-pict-last! box #f) ; preserve invariants
485      (cond
486       [(not l) b]
487       [else
488        (let-values ([(x y) (lt-find box l)]
489                     [(l) (let loop ([l l])
490                            (if (pair? l)
491                                (if (null? (cdr l))
492                                    (car l)
493                                    (loop (cdr l)))
494                                l))])
495          (let ([b2 (blank (pict-width l) (pict-height l)
496                           (pict-ascent l) (pict-descent l))])
497            (use-last/unchecked
498             (pin-over b x y b2)
499             b2)))]))))
501(define (lift-above-baseline p n)
502  (let* ([dh (- (max 0 (- n (pict-descent p))))]
503         [do-a? (= (pict-height p)
504                   (+ (pict-ascent p) (pict-descent p)))]
505         [h2 (+ dh (pict-height p))]
506         [d2 (max 0 (- (pict-descent p) n))])
507    (make-pict (pict-draw p)
508               (pict-width p) h2
509               (if do-a?
510                   (- h2 d2)
511                   (pict-ascent p))
512               d2
513               (map (lambda (c)
514                      (make-child
515                       (child-pict c)
516                       (child-dx c)
517                       (+ dh (child-dy c))
518                       1 1
519                       0 0))
520                    (pict-children p))
521               #f
522               (pict-last p))))
524(define (drop-below-ascent p n)
525  (let* ([dh (- (max 0 (- n (pict-ascent p))))]
526         [do-d? (= (pict-height p)
527                   (+ (pict-ascent p) (pict-descent p)))]
528         [h2 (+ dh (pict-height p))]
529         [a2  (max 0 (- (pict-ascent p) n))])
530    (make-pict (pict-draw p)
531               (pict-width p) h2
532               a2
533               (if do-d?
534                   (- h2 a2)
535                   (pict-descent p))
536               (pict-children p)
537               #f
538               (pict-last p))))
540(define (baseless p)
541  (let ([p (lift-above-baseline p (pict-descent p))])
542    (drop-below-ascent p (- (pict-ascent p) (pict-height p)))))
544(define (refocus p c)
545  (let-values ([(x y) (find-lt p c)])
546    (let ([p (inset p
547                    (- x) (- y (pict-height p))
548                    (- (- (pict-width p) x (pict-width c)))
549                    (- (pict-height c) y))])
550      (make-pict (pict-draw p)
551                 (pict-width c) (pict-height c)
552                 (pict-ascent c) (pict-descent c)
553                 (pict-children p)
554                 #f
555                 (last* c)))))
557(define (panorama-box! p*)
558  (let* ([p (pict-convert p*)]
559         [bb (pict-panbox p)])
560    (if bb
561        (values (bbox-x1 bb) (bbox-y1 bb) (bbox-x2 bb) (bbox-y2 bb)
562                (bbox-ay bb) (bbox-dy bb))
563        (let loop ([x1 0][y1 0][x2 (pict-width p)][y2 (pict-height p)]
564                   [ay (- (pict-height p) (pict-ascent p))][dy (pict-descent p)]
565                   [l (pict-children p)])
566          (if (null? l)
567              (begin
568                (set-pict-panbox! p (make-bbox x1 y1 x2 y2 ay dy))
569                (values x1 y1 x2 y2 ay dy))
570              (let ([c (car l)])
571                (let-values ([(cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 cay cdy) (panorama-box! (child-pict c))])
572                  (loop (min x1 (+ (* cx1 (child-sx c)) (child-dx c)))
573                        (min y1 (+ (* cy1 (child-sy c)) (child-dy c)))
574                        (max x2 (+ (* cx2 (child-sx c)) (child-dx c)))
575                        (max y2 (+ (* cy2 (child-sy c)) (child-dy c)))
576                        (max ay (+ (* cay (child-sy c)) (child-dy c)))
577                        (min dy (+ (* cdy (child-sy c)) (child-dy c)))
578                        (cdr l)))))))))
580(define (panorama p)
581  (let-values ([(x1 y1 x2 y2 ay dy) (panorama-box! p)])
582    (let ([h (- y2 y1)])
583      (place-over (blank (- x2 x1) h (- h ay) dy)
584                  (- x1) (- y2 (pict-height p))
585                  p))))
587(define (clip-descent b)
588  (let* ([w (pict-width b)]
589         [h (pict-height b)]
590         [d (pict-descent b)])
591    (extend-pict
592     b 0 (- d)
593     0 0 (- d)
594     `(picture ,w ,(- h d)
595               (put 0 ,(- d) ,(pict-draw b))))))
597(define (clip-ascent b)
598  (let* ([w (pict-width b)]
599         [h (pict-height b)]
600         [a (pict-ascent b)])
601    (extend-pict
602     b 0 a
603     0 (- a) 0
604     `(picture ,w ,(- h a)
605               (put 0 0 ,(pict-draw b))))))
607(define (thickness mode b)
608  (let* ([w (pict-width b)]
609         [h (pict-height b)])
610    (extend-pict
611     b 0 0 0 0 0
612     `(picture ,w ,h
613               (thickness ,mode ,(pict-draw b))))))
615(define (thick b) (thickness 'thicklines b))
616(define (thin b) (thickness 'thinlines b))
617(define (line-thickness n b) (thickness n b))
618(define (line-style n s) (thickness n s))
620(define inset
621  (case-lambda
622   [(box a) (inset box a a a a)]
623   [(box h v) (inset box h v h v)]
624   [(box l t r b)
625    (let ([w (+ l r (pict-width box))]
626          [h (+ t b (pict-height box))])
627      (extend-pict
628       box l b
629       (+ l r) t b
630       `(picture
631         ,w ,h
632         (put ,l ,b ,(pict-draw box)))))]))
634(define (use-last* p sub-p)
635  (use-last p (last* sub-p)))
637(define (last* sub-p)
638  ;; Either use `sub-p' for last or create a path though `sub-p'
639  ;; to the last of `sub-p' (in case the last of `sub-p' is also
640  ;; in other places within `p')
641  (let ([l (pict-last sub-p)])
642    (cond
643     [(not l) sub-p]
644     [(pair? l) (if (pict-path-element=? (car l) sub-p)
645                    l
646                    (cons sub-p l))]
647     [(pict-path-element=? l sub-p) sub-p]
648     [else (list sub-p l)])))
650(define (use-last p sub-p)
651  (if (let floop ([p p] [sub-p sub-p])
652        (or
653         (if (not (pair? sub-p))
654             (pict-path-element=? p sub-p)
655             (and (not (pair? (car sub-p)))
656                  (pict-path-element=? p (car sub-p))
657                  (or (null? (cdr sub-p))
658                      (floop p (cdr sub-p)))))
659            (ormap (lambda (c) (floop (child-pict c) sub-p))
660                   (pict-children p))))
661      (use-last/unchecked p sub-p)
662      (error 'use-last
663             "given new last-pict path: ~e not in the base pict: ~e"
664             sub-p
665             p)))
667(define (use-last/unchecked p sub-p)
668  (make-pict (pict-draw p)
669             (pict-width p) (pict-height p)
670             (pict-ascent p) (pict-descent p)
671             (list (make-child p 0 0 1 1 0 0))
672             #f
673             sub-p))
675(define dash-frame
676  (case-lambda
677   [(box) (dash-frame box default-seg)]
678   [(box seg)
679    (let* ([w (pict-width box)]
680           [h (pict-height box)])
681      (extend-pict
682       box 0 0 0 0 0
683       `(picture
684         ,w ,h
685         (put 0 0 ,(pict-draw box))
686         (put 0 0 ,(pict-draw (dash-hline w 0 seg)))
687         (put 0 ,h ,(pict-draw (dash-hline w 0 seg)))
688         (put 0 0 ,(pict-draw (dash-vline 0 h seg)))
689         (put ,w 0 ,(pict-draw (dash-vline 0 h seg))))))]))
691(define (frame box)
692  (let ([box (pict-convert box)])
693    (dash-frame box (max (pict-width box) (pict-height box)))))
695(define (dash-line width height rotate seg)
696  (let ([vpos (/ height 2)])
697    (make-pict
698     `(picture
699       ,@(rotate width height)
700       ,@(if (>= seg width)
701             `((put ,@(rotate 0 vpos) (line ,@(rotate 1 0) ,width)))
702             (let ()
703               (define seg*2 (* seg 2))
704               (define count (inexact->exact (truncate (/ width seg*2))))
705               (define remain/2 (/ (- width (* seg*2 count)) 2))
706               `((put ,@(rotate 0 vpos) (line ,@(rotate 1 0) ,remain/2))
707                 ,@(let loop ([count count] [pos remain/2])
708                     (if (zero? count)
709                         null
710                         (cons `(put ,@(rotate (+ pos seg) vpos)
711                                     (line ,@(rotate 1 0) ,seg))
712                               (loop (sub1 count) (+ pos seg*2)))))
713                 (put ,@(rotate (- width remain/2) vpos)
714                      (line ,@(rotate 1 0) ,remain/2))))))
715     (car (rotate width height))
716     (cadr (rotate width height))
717     (cadr (rotate 0 height)) 0
718     null
719     #f
720     #f)))
722(define (rlist b a) (list a b))
724(define (hline width height)
725  (dash-line width height list width))
727(define (vline width height)
728  (dash-line height width rlist height))
730(define dash-hline
731  (case-lambda
732   [(width height) (dash-hline width height default-seg)]
733   [(width height seg) (dash-line width height list seg)]))
735(define dash-vline
736  (case-lambda
737   [(width height) (dash-vline width height default-seg)]
738   [(width height seg) (dash-line height width rlist seg)]))
740(define (oval box)
741  (let ([w (pict-width box)]
742        [h (pict-height box)])
743    (extend-pict
744     box 0 0 0 0 0
745     `(picture
746       ,w ,h
747       (put 0 0 ,(pict-draw box))
748       (put ,(/ w 2) ,(/ h 2) (oval "" ,w ,h))))))
750(define (oval/radius box r)
751  (let* ([w (pict-width box)]
752         [h (pict-height box)]
753         [rr (* 2 r)]
754         [lw (- w rr)]
755         [lh (- h rr)])
756    (extend-pict
757     box 0 0 0 0 0
758     `(picture
759       ,w ,h
760       (put 0 0 ,(pict-draw box))
761       (put ,r ,r (oval "[bl]" ,rr ,rr))
762       (put ,r 0 (line 1 0 ,lw))
763       (put ,(- w r) ,r (oval "[br]" ,rr ,rr))
764       (put ,w ,r (line 0 1 ,lh))
765       (put ,r ,(- h r) (oval "[tl]" ,rr ,rr))
766       (put ,r ,h (line 1 0 ,lw))
767       (put ,(- w r) ,(- h r) (oval "[tr]" ,rr ,rr))
768       (put ,0 ,r (line 0 1 ,lh))))))
770(define (big-circle d)
771  (let ([r (/ d 2)])
772    (picture
773     d d
774     `((curve 0 ,r ,r 0 0 0)
775       (curve ,r 0 ,d ,r ,d 0)
776       (curve ,d ,r ,r ,d ,d ,d)
777       (curve ,r ,d 0 ,r 0 ,d)))))
779(define (ghost box)
780  (let ([w (pict-width box)]
781        [h (pict-height box)])
782    (extend-pict
783     box 0 0 0 0 0
784     `(picture
785       ,w ,h))))
787(define-values (vl-append
788                vc-append
789                vr-append
790                ht-append
791                hc-append
792                hb-append
793                htl-append
794                hbl-append)
795  (let ([make-append-boxes
796         (lambda (wcomb hcomb fxoffset fyoffset rxoffset ryoffset
797                        combine-ascent combine-descent)
798           (let ([do-append
799                  (lambda (sep args)
800                    (let append-boxes ([args args])
801                      (cond
802                       [(null? args) (blank)]
803                       [(null? (cdr args)) (pict-convert (car args))]
804                       [else
805                        (let* ([first (pict-convert (car args))]
806                               [rest (append-boxes (cdr args))]
807                               [w (wcomb (pict-width first) (pict-width rest) sep first rest)]
808                               [h (hcomb (pict-height first) (pict-height rest) sep first rest)]
809                               [fw (pict-width first)]
810                               [fh (pict-height first)]
811                               [rw (pict-width rest)]
812                               [rh (pict-height rest)]
813                               [fd1 (pict-ascent first)]
814                               [fd2 (pict-descent first)]
815                               [rd1 (pict-ascent rest)]
816                               [rd2 (pict-descent rest)]
817                               [dx1 (fxoffset fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2)]
818                               [dy1 (fyoffset fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2 h)]
819                               [dx2 (rxoffset fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2)]
820                               [dy2 (ryoffset fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2 h)])
821                          (make-pict
822                           `(picture
823                             ,w ,h
824                             (put ,dx1
825                                  ,dy1
826                                  ,(pict-draw first))
827                             (put ,dx2
828                                  ,dy2
829                                  ,(pict-draw rest)))
830                           w h
831                           (combine-ascent fd1 rd1 fd2 rd2 fh rh h (+ dy1 fh) (+ dy2 rh))
832                           (combine-descent fd2 rd2 fd1 rd1 fh rh h (- h dy1) (- h dy2))
833                           (list (make-child first dx1 dy1 1 1 0 0)
834                                 (make-child rest dx2 dy2 1 1 0 0))
835                           #f
836                           (last* rest)))])))])
837             (let ([*-append (case-lambda
838                              [() (do-append 0 null)]
839                              [(sep . args)
840                               (if (number? sep)
841                                   (do-append sep args)
842                                   (do-append 0 (cons sep args)))])])
843               *-append)))]
844        [2max (lambda (a b c . rest) (max a b))]
845        [zero (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2 . args) 0)]
846        [fv (lambda (a b . args) a)]
847        [sv (lambda (a b . args) b)]
848        [min2 (lambda (a b . args) (min a b))]
849        [max2 (lambda (a b . args) (max a b))]
850        [3+ (lambda (a b c . args) (+ a b c))]
851        [a-max (lambda (a b c first rest)
852                 (+ (max (pict-ascent first) (pict-ascent rest))
853                    (max (- (pict-height first) (pict-ascent first))
854                         (- (pict-height rest) (pict-ascent rest)))))]
855        [d-max (lambda (a b c first rest)
856                 (+ (max (pict-descent first) (pict-descent rest))
857                    (max (- (pict-height first) (pict-descent first))
858                         (- (pict-height rest) (pict-descent rest)))))]
859        [min-ad (lambda (a b oa ob ah bh h da db)
860                  (- h (max oa ob) (max (- ah oa a)
861                                        (- bh ob b))))]
862        [xmin-ad (lambda (a b oa ob ah bh h da db)
863                   (min (+ (- h da) a) (+ (- h db) b)))])
864    (values
865     (make-append-boxes 2max 3+
866                        zero (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep rh))
867                        zero zero
868                        fv sv)
869     (make-append-boxes 2max 3+
870                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (/ (- (max fw rw) fw) 2))
871                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep rh))
872                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (/ (- (max fw rw) rw) 2))
873                        zero
874                        fv sv)
875     (make-append-boxes 2max 3+
876                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (- (max fw rw) fw))
877                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep rh))
878                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (- (max fw rw) rw))
879                        zero
880                        fv sv)
881     (make-append-boxes 3+ 2max
882                        zero
883                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (- (max fh rh) fh))
884                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep fw))
885                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (- (max fh rh) rh))
886                        xmin-ad xmin-ad)
887     (make-append-boxes 3+ 2max
888                        zero
889                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (/ (- (max fh rh) fh) 2))
890                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep fw))
891                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (/ (- (max fh rh) rh) 2))
892                        xmin-ad xmin-ad)
893     (make-append-boxes 3+ 2max
894                        zero zero
895                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep fw)) zero
896                        xmin-ad xmin-ad)
897     (make-append-boxes 3+ a-max
898                        zero
899                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2 h)
900                          (- h fh (- (max fd1 rd1) fd1)))
901                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep fw))
902                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2 h)
903                          (- h rh (- (max fd1 rd1) rd1)))
904                        max2 min-ad)
905     (make-append-boxes 3+ d-max
906                        zero
907                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2 h)
908                          (- (max fd2 rd2) fd2))
909                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep . a) (+ sep fw))
910                        (lambda (fw fh rw rh sep fd1 fd2 rd1 rd2 h)
911                          (- (max fd2 rd2) rd2))
912                        min-ad max2))))
914(define-values (lt-superimpose
915                lb-superimpose
916                lc-superimpose
917                ltl-superimpose
918                lbl-superimpose
919                rt-superimpose
920                rb-superimpose
921                rc-superimpose
922                rtl-superimpose
923                rbl-superimpose
924                ct-superimpose
925                cb-superimpose
926                cc-superimpose
927                ctl-superimpose
928                cbl-superimpose)
929  (let ([make-superimpose
930         (lambda (get-h get-v get-th name)
931           (lambda boxes*
932             (when (null? boxes*)
933               (error name "expected at least one argument, got none"))
934             (define boxes
935               (map
936                (lambda (p)
937                  (cond
938                    [(pict? p) p]
939                    [(pict-convertible? p)
940                     (pict-convert p)]
941                    [else
942                     (raise-argument-error
943                      name "all picts as arguments"
944                      (apply string-append (add-between (map (λ (x) (format "~e" x)) boxes*) " ")))]))
945                boxes*))
946             (let ([max-w (apply max (map pict-width boxes))]
947                   [max-h (apply max (map pict-height boxes))]
948                   [max-a (apply max (map pict-ascent boxes))]
949                   [max-a-complement (apply max (map (lambda (b) (- (pict-height b) (pict-ascent b)))
950                                                     boxes))]
951                   [max-d (apply max (map pict-descent boxes))]
952                   [max-d-complement (apply max (map (lambda (b) (- (pict-height b) (pict-descent b)))
953                                                     boxes))])
954               (let ([p (picture max-w (get-th max-h max-a max-d max-a-complement max-d-complement)
955                                 (map (lambda (box)
956                                        `(place ,(get-h max-w (pict-width box))
957                                                ,(get-v max-h (pict-height box)
958                                                        max-d (pict-descent box)
959                                                        max-a-complement (pict-ascent box))
960                                                ,box))
961                                      boxes))])
962                 ;; Figure out top and bottom baselines by finding the picts again, etc:
963                 (let ([ys (map (lambda (box)
964                                  (let-values ([(x y) (find-lt p box)])
965                                    y))
966                                boxes)])
967                   (let ([min-a (apply min (map (lambda (box y)
968                                                  (+ (- (pict-height p) y) (pict-ascent box)))
969                                                boxes ys))]
970                         [min-d (apply min (map (lambda (box y)
971                                                  (+ (- y (pict-height box)) (pict-descent box)))
972                                                boxes ys))])
973                     (make-pict (pict-draw p)
974                                (pict-width p) (pict-height p)
975                                min-a min-d
976                                (pict-children p)
977                                #f
978                                ;; Find bottomost, rightmost of old last picts to be the
979                                ;;  new last pict.
980                                (let ([subs (map (lambda (box)
981                                                   (let ([last (last* box)])
982                                                     (let-values ([(x y) (rb-find p last)])
983                                                       (list last x y))))
984                                                 boxes)])
985                                  (if (null? subs)
986                                      #f
987                                      (caar (sort subs
988                                                  (lambda (a b)
989                                                    (let ([ay (caddr a)]
990                                                          [by (caddr b)])
991                                                      (cond
992                                                       [(ay . > . by) #t]
993                                                       [(= ay by) ((cadr a) . > . (cadr b))]
994                                                       [else #f]))))))))))))))]
995        [norm (lambda (h a d ac dc) h)]
996        [tbase (lambda (h a d ac dc) (+ a ac))]
997        [bbase (lambda (h a d ac dc) (+ d dc))]
998        [lb (lambda (m v . rest) 0)]
999        [rt (lambda (m v . rest) (- m v))]
1000        [tline (lambda (m v md d mac a) (- mac (- v a)))]
1001        [bline (lambda (m v md d mac a) (- md d))]
1002        [c (lambda (m v . rest) (/ (- m v) 2))])
1003    (values
1004     (make-superimpose lb rt norm 'lt-superimpose)
1005     (make-superimpose lb lb norm 'lb-superimpose)
1006     (make-superimpose lb c norm 'lc-superimpose)
1007     (make-superimpose lb tline tbase 'ltl-superimpose)
1008     (make-superimpose lb bline bbase 'lbl-superimpose)
1009     (make-superimpose rt rt norm 'rt-superimpose)
1010     (make-superimpose rt lb norm 'rb-superimpose)
1011     (make-superimpose rt c norm 'rc-superimpose)
1012     (make-superimpose rt tline tbase 'rtl-superimpose)
1013     (make-superimpose rt bline bbase 'rbl-superimpose)
1014     (make-superimpose c rt norm 'ct-superimpose)
1015     (make-superimpose c lb norm 'cb-superimpose)
1016     (make-superimpose c c norm 'cc-superimpose)
1017     (make-superimpose c tline tbase 'ctl-superimpose)
1018     (make-superimpose c bline bbase 'cbl-superimpose))))
1020(define table
1021  (case-lambda
1022   [(ncol cells col-aligns row-aligns col-seps row-seps)
1023    (let ([count (length cells)])
1024      (unless (zero? (remainder count ncol))
1025        (error 'table "cell count isn't divisble by the provided column count"))
1026      (let* ([w ncol]
1027             [h (/ count w)]
1028             [cells (let rloop ([r h][cells cells][r-acc null])
1029                      (if (zero? r)
1030                          (list->vector (reverse r-acc))
1031                          (let loop ([c w][cells cells][one-acc null])
1032                            (if (zero? c)
1033                                (rloop (sub1 r) cells (cons (list->vector (reverse one-acc)) r-acc))
1034                                (loop (sub1 c) (cdr cells) (cons (pict-convert (car cells)) one-acc))))))]
1035             [imp-list->vector (lambda (l n)
1036                                 (let ([v (make-vector n)])
1037                                   (let loop ([l l][p 0])
1038                                     (unless (= n p)
1039                                       (vector-set! v
1040                                                    p
1041                                                    (if (pair? l)
1042                                                        (car l)
1043                                                        l))
1044                                       (loop (if (pair? l) (cdr l) l) (add1 p))))
1045                                   v))]
1046             [ralign (imp-list->vector row-aligns h)]
1047             [calign (imp-list->vector col-aligns w)]
1048             [rsep (imp-list->vector row-seps h)]
1049             [csep (imp-list->vector col-seps w)]
1050             [get-cell (lambda (c r) (vector-ref (vector-ref cells r) c))]
1051             [nmap (lambda (f w)
1052                     (let loop ([n w][acc null])
1053                       (if (zero? n)
1054                           acc
1055                           (loop (sub1 n) (cons (f (sub1 n)) acc)))))]
1056             [rowmap (lambda (f) (nmap f h))]
1057             [colmap (lambda (f) (nmap f w))]
1058             [superimposed-rows (list->vector
1059                                 (rowmap (lambda (r)
1060                                           (apply
1061                                            (vector-ref ralign r)
1062                                            (colmap (lambda (c) (get-cell c r)))))))]
1063             [superimposed-cols (list->vector
1064                                 (colmap (lambda (c)
1065                                           (apply
1066                                            (vector-ref calign c)
1067                                            (rowmap (lambda (r) (get-cell c r)))))))])
1068                                        ; No space after the last row/col
1069        (vector-set! rsep (sub1 h) 0)
1070        (vector-set! csep (sub1 w) 0)
1072        (apply
1073         vl-append
1074         0
1075         (rowmap
1076          (lambda (r)
1077            (vl-append
1078             0
1079             (apply
1080              ht-append
1081              0
1082              (colmap (lambda (c)
1083                        (ht-append
1084                         0
1085                         (let* ([cell (get-cell c r)]
1086                                [sc (vector-ref superimposed-cols c)]
1087                                [sr (vector-ref superimposed-rows r)]
1088                                [w (pict-width sc)]
1089                                [h (pict-height sr)])
1090                           (let-values ([(x __) (find-lb sc cell)]
1091                                        [(_  y) (find-lb sr cell)])
1092                             (picture
1093                              w h
1094                              `((place ,x ,y ,cell)))))
1095                         (blank (vector-ref csep c) 0)))))
1096             (blank 0 (vector-ref rsep r))))))))]))
1098(define (record title . fields)
1099  (let* ([totalwidth (apply max (pict-width title) (map pict-width fields))]
1100         [linespace (if (null? fields) 0 recordseplinespace)]
1101         [totalheight (+ (pict-height title) (apply + (map pict-height fields))
1102                         linespace)]
1103         [title-y (- totalheight (pict-height title))]
1104         [field-ys (let loop ([pos (- totalheight (pict-height title) linespace)]
1105                              [fields fields])
1106                     (if (null? fields)
1107                         null
1108                         (let* ([p (- pos (pict-height (car fields)))])
1109                           (cons p
1110                                 (loop p (cdr fields))))))])
1111    (make-pict
1112     `(picture
1113       ,totalwidth ,totalheight
1114       (put 0 0 (line 1 0 ,totalwidth))
1115       (put 0 ,totalheight (line 1 0 ,totalwidth))
1116       (put 0 0 (line 0 1 ,totalheight))
1117       (put ,totalwidth 0 (line 0 1 ,totalheight))
1118       (put 0 ,title-y ,(pict-draw title))
1119       ,@(if (null? fields)
1120             '()
1121             `((put 0 ,(- totalheight (pict-height title) (/ linespace 2))
1122                    (line 1 0 ,totalwidth))))
1123       ,@(map (lambda (f p) `(put 0 ,p ,(pict-draw f)))
1124              fields field-ys))
1125     totalwidth totalheight
1126     totalheight 0
1127     (cons
1128      (make-child title 0 title-y 1 1 0 0)
1129      (map (lambda (child child-y) (make-child child 0 child-y 1 1 0 0)) fields field-ys))
1130     #f
1131     #f)))
1133(define (picture* w h a d commands)
1134  (let loop ([commands commands][translated null][children null])
1135    (if (null? commands)
1136        (make-pict
1137         `(picture ,w ,h
1138                   ,@(reverse translated))
1139         w h a d
1140         children
1141         #f
1142         #f)
1143        (let ([c (car commands)]
1144              [rest (cdr commands)])
1145          (unless (and (pair? c) (symbol? (car c)))
1146            (error 'picture "bad command: ~a" c))
1147          (case (car c)
1148            [(connect) (loop rest
1149                             (append (apply connect (cdr c))
1150                                     translated)
1151                             children)]
1152            [(dconnect) (loop rest
1153                              (let ([x (cadr c)]
1154                                    [y (caddr c)]
1155                                    [dx (cadddr c)]
1156                                    [dy (list-ref c 4)])
1157                                (append (connect x y (+ x dx) (+ y dy)
1158                                                 (if (null? (list-tail c 5))
1159                                                     #t
1160                                                     (list-ref c 5)))
1161                                        translated))
1162                              children)]
1163            [(connect~y) (loop rest
1164                               (append (apply ~connect 'x (cdr c))
1165                                       translated)
1166                               children)]
1167            [(connect~x) (loop rest
1168                               (append (apply ~connect 'y (cdr c))
1169                                       translated)
1170                               children)]
1171            [(connect~xy) (loop rest
1172                                (append (apply ~connect 'r (cdr c))
1173                                        translated)
1174                                children)]
1175            [(curve) (loop rest
1176                           (let ([x1 (cadr c)]
1177                                 [y1 (caddr c)]
1178                                 [x2 (cadddr c)]
1179                                 [y2 (list-ref c 4)]
1180                                 [xm (list-ref c 5)]
1181                                 [ym (list-ref c 6)]
1182                                 [d (if (null? (list-tail c 7))
1183                                        1.0
1184                                        (list-ref c 7))])
1185                             (let ([p (if (and d (>= d 0))
1186                                          (inexact->exact (floor (* d (sqrt (+ (expt (- x2 x1) 2) (expt (- y2 y1) 2))))))
1187                                          #f)])
1188                               (if (and (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2))
1189                                   translated
1190                                   (cons `(qbezier ,p ,x1 ,y1 ,xm ,ym ,x2 ,y2)
1191                                         translated))))
1192                           children)]
1193            [(place) (let ([x (cadr c)]
1194                           [y (caddr c)]
1195                           [p (cadddr c)])
1196                       (loop rest
1197                             (cons
1198                              `(put ,x ,y ,(pict-draw p))
1199                              translated)
1200                             (cons
1201                              (make-child p x y 1 1 0 0)
1202                              children)))]
1203            [else (loop rest (cons c translated) children)])))))
1205(define (picture w h commands)
1206  (picture* w h h 0 commands))
1208(define (cons-picture p commands)
1209  (picture
1210   (pict-width p) (pict-height p)
1211   (cons
1212    `(place 0 0 ,p)
1213    commands)))
1215(define (cons-picture* p commands)
1216  (picture*
1217   (pict-width p) (pict-height p)
1218   (pict-ascent p) (pict-descent p)
1219   (cons
1220    `(place 0 0 ,p)
1221    commands)))
1223(define (place-it who flip? base dx dy target)
1224  (let-values ([(dx dy)
1225                (cond
1226                 [(and (number? dx) (number? dy))
1227                  (values dx (- (pict-height base) dy))]
1228                 [(and (pict-path? dx)
1229                       (procedure? dy)
1230                       (procedure-arity-includes? dy 2))
1231                  (if flip?
1232                      (let-values ([(dx dy) (dy base dx)])
1233                        (values dx (- (pict-height base) dy)))
1234                      (dy base dx))]
1235                 [else
1236                  (error who
1237                         "expects two numbers or a sub-pict and a find procedure")])])
1238    (use-last/unchecked (cons-picture*
1239                         base
1240                         `((place ,dx ,(- dy (pict-height target)) ,target)))
1241                        (last* base))))
1243(define (place-over base dx dy target)
1244  (place-it 'place-over #f base dx dy target))
1245(define (place-under base dx dy target)
1246  (cc-superimpose
1247   (place-it 'place-under #f (ghost base) dx dy target)
1248   base))
1250(define (pin-over base dx dy target)
1251  (place-it 'pin-over #t base dx dy target))
1252(define (pin-under base dx dy target)
1253  (cc-superimpose
1254   (place-it 'pin-under #t (ghost base) dx dy target)
1255   (launder base)))
1257(define black-and-white
1258  (make-parameter #f
1259                  (lambda (x)
1260                    (and x #t))))
1262(define (colorize p color)
1263  (unless (or (string? color)
1264              (is-a? color color%)
1265              (and (list? color) (= 3 (length color)) (andmap byte? color)))
1266    (error 'colorize "expected a color, given ~e" color))
1267  (let ([color (if (list? color)
1268                   (apply make-color color)
1269                   color)])
1270    (if (black-and-white)
1271        p
1272        (extend-pict
1273         p 0 0 0 0 0
1274         `(color ,color ,(pict-draw p))))))
1276(define (optimize s)
1277  (let o-loop ([s s][dx 0][dy 0])
1278    (if (string? s)
1279        s
1280        (let ([tag (car s)])
1281          (case tag
1282            [(picture)
1283             (list* 'picture (cadr s) (caddr s)
1284                    (map optimize (cdddr s)))]
1285            [(color)
1286             (let ([next (caddr s)])
1287               (if (and (pair? next) (eq? (car next) 'color))
1288                   (optimize next)
1289                   (list* 'color (cadr s)
1290                          (list 'put dx dy (optimize next)))))]
1291            [(thickness)
1292             (let ([t (cadr s)]
1293                   [p (caddr s)])
1294               (list 'put dx dy
1295                     (list 'thickness t
1296                           (optimize p))))]
1297            [(put)
1298             (let ([x (cadr s)]
1299                   [y (caddr s)]
1300                   [next (cadddr s)])
1301               (if (and (pair? next) (eq? (car next) 'picture))
1302                                        ; optmize put-picture to just contents ...
1303                   (cons 'begin (map (lambda (s) (o-loop s (+ x dx) (+ y dy))) (cdddr next)))
1304                                        ; normal
1305                   (list 'put (+ x dx) (+ y dy) (optimize next))))]
1306            [(qbezier)
1307             (let ([x1 (list-ref s 2)]
1308                   [y1 (list-ref s 3)]
1309                   [xm (list-ref s 4)]
1310                   [ym (list-ref s 5)]
1311                   [x2 (list-ref s 6)]
1312                   [y2 (list-ref s 7)]
1313                   [p (list-ref s 1)])
1314               (list 'qbezier p
1315                     (+ x1 dx) (+ y1 dy)
1316                     (+ xm dx) (+ ym dy)
1317                     (+ x2 dx) (+ y2 dy)))]
1318            [(frame)
1319             (list 'frame (optimize (cadr s)))]
1320            [(colorbox)
1321             (list 'colorbox (cadr s) (optimize (caddr s)))]
1322            [(line vector dirline dirvector circle circle* make-box oval prog) s]
1323            [else (error 'optimize "bad tag: ~s" tag)])))))
1325(define (fixup-top s)
1326  (cond
1327   [(and (pair? s) (eq? (car s) 'color))
1328    ;; Drop initial put
1329    (list* 'color (cadr s) (caddr (cdddr s)))]
1330   [(and (pair? s) (eq? (car s) 'put))
1331    ;; Wrap initial put (from thickness) in a pair of braces
1332    `(local ,(cadddr s))]
1333   [else
1334    ;; Do nothing
1335    s]))
1337(define (prepare-for-output s)
1338  (fixup-top (optimize (pict-draw s))))
1340(define (pict->command-list s)
1341  (let output ([s (prepare-for-output s)])
1342    (if (string? s)
1343        (list s)
1344        (let ([tag (car s)])
1345          (case tag
1346            [(local)
1347             (output (cadr s))]
1348            [(begin)
1349             (apply append (map output (cdr s)))]
1350            [(picture)
1351             (apply append (map output (cdddr s)))]
1352            [(color)
1353             `((with-color ,(cadr s) ,(output (cddr s))))]
1354            [(thickness)
1355             `((with-thickness ,(cadr s) ,(output (caddr s))))]
1356            [(put)
1357             `((offset ,(cadr s) ,(caddr s) ,(output (cadddr s))))]
1358            [(qbezier)
1359             `((bezier ,@(cddr s)))]
1360            [(line vector)
1361             `((,tag ,(cadr s) ,(caddr s) ,(cadddr s)))]
1362            [(circle circle*)
1363             `((,tag ,(cadr s)))]
1364            [(frame)
1365             `((frame ,(output (cadr s))))]
1366            [(colorbox)
1367             `((colorbox ,(cadr s) ,(output (caddr s))))]
1368            [(oval)
1369             `((oval ,(caddr s) ,(cadddr s) ,(cadr s)))]
1370            [(make-box)
1371             `((make-box ,(cadr s) ,(caddr s) ,(cadddr s) ,(car (cddddr s))))]
1372            [(prog)
1373             `((prog ,(cadr s) ,(caddr s)))]
1374            [else (error 'pict->commands "bad tag: ~s" tag)])))))
1378(define show-pict
1379  (λ (p [w #f]
1380        [h #f]
1381        #:frame-style [frame-style '()]
1382        #:frame-x [frame-x #f]
1383        #:frame-y [frame-y #f])
1384    (define the-pict p)
1385    (define pict-drawer (make-pict-drawer the-pict))
1386    (define no-redraw? #f)
1387    (define pict-frame%
1388      (class (gui-dynamic-require 'frame%)
1389        (define/public (set-pict p)
1390          (set! the-pict p)
1391          (set! pict-drawer (make-pict-drawer the-pict))
1392          (set! no-redraw? #t)
1393          (let ([pw (inexact->exact (floor (pict-width the-pict)))]
1394                [ph (inexact->exact (floor (pict-height the-pict)))])
1395            (send c min-width (if w (max w pw) pw))
1396            (send c min-height (if h (max h ph) ph)))
1397          (set! no-redraw? #f)
1398          (send c on-paint))
1399        (super-instantiate ())))
1400    (define pict-canvas%
1401      (class (gui-dynamic-require 'canvas%)
1402        (inherit get-dc)
1403        (define/override (on-paint)
1404          (unless no-redraw?
1405            (let ([dc (get-dc)])
1406              (send dc clear)
1407              (let* ([pw (pict-width the-pict)]
1408                     [ph (pict-height the-pict)]
1409                     [xo (if (and w
1410                                  (pw . < . w))
1411                             (- (/ w 2) (/ pw 2))
1412                             0)]
1413                     [yo (if (and h
1414                                  (ph . < . h))
1415                             (- (/ h 2) (/ ph 2))
1416                             0)])
1417                (pict-drawer dc xo yo)))))
1418        (super-instantiate ())))
1419    (define f (new pict-frame%
1420                   [label "MrPict"]
1421                   [style frame-style]
1422                   [x frame-x]
1423                   [y frame-y]))
1424    (define c (make-object pict-canvas% f))
1425    (send (send c get-dc) set-smoothing 'aligned)
1426    (send f set-pict p)
1427    (send f show #t)))
1429(define dc-for-text-size (make-parameter
1430                          (make-object bitmap-dc% (make-bitmap 1 1))
1431                          (lambda (x)
1432                            (unless (or (not x)
1433                                        (is-a? x dc<%>))
1434                              (raise-argument-error 'dc-for-parameter "(or/c (is-a?/c dc<%>) #f)" x))
1435                            x)))
1437(define convert-bounds-padding
1438  (make-parameter
1439   (list 3 3 3 3)
1440   (lambda (x)
1441     (unless (and (list? x) (= 4 (length x)) (andmap real? x)
1442                  (andmap (lambda (i) (not (negative? i))) x))
1443       (raise-argument-error 'convert-bounds-padding
1444                             "(list/c (>=/c 0) (>=/c 0) (>=/c 0) (>=/c 0))"
1445                             x))
1446     x)))
1448(define (dc f w h [a h] [d 0])
1449  (make-pict `(prog ,f ,h) w h a d null #f #f))
1451(define prog-picture dc)
1453(define current-expected-text-scale (make-parameter (list 1 1)))
1454(define (with-text-scale dc thunk)
1455  (let ([x (current-expected-text-scale)])
1456    (if (equal? x '(1 1))
1457        (thunk)
1458        (let-values ([(xs ys) (send dc get-scale)])
1459          (send dc set-scale (* xs (car x)) (* ys (cadr x)))
1460          (let-values ([(w h d s) (thunk)])
1461            (send dc set-scale xs ys)
1462            (values w h d s))))))
1464(define (memq* a l)
1465  (if (pair? l)
1466      (or (eq? (car l) a)
1467          (memq* a (cdr l)))
1468      #f))
1470(define (extend-font font size style weight hinting)
1471  (if (send font get-face)
1472      (send the-font-list find-or-create-font
1473            size
1474            (send font get-face)
1475            (send font get-family)
1476            style
1477            weight
1478            #f
1479            'default
1480            #t
1481            hinting)
1482      (send the-font-list find-or-create-font
1483            size
1484            (send font get-family)
1485            style
1486            weight
1487            #f
1488            'default
1489            #t
1490            hinting)))
1492(define text
1493  (case-lambda
1494   [(string) (text string '() 12)]
1495   [(string style) (text string style 12)]
1496   [(string style size) (text string style size 0)]
1497   [(str style size angle)
1498    (if (il-memq 'caps style)
1499        (begin
1500          (unless (zero? angle)
1501            (error 'text "the style cannot include 'caps with a non-zero angle"))
1502          (caps-text str (il-remq 'caps style) size))
1503        (not-caps-text str style size angle))]))
1505(define families '(default decorative roman script swiss modern symbol system))
1507(define (il-memq sym s)
1508  (and (pair? s)
1509       (or (eq? sym (car s))
1510           (il-memq sym (cdr s)))))
1511(define (il-remq sym s)
1512  (if (pair? s)
1513      (if (eq? sym (car s))
1514          (cdr s)
1515          (cons (car s) (il-remq sym (cdr s))))
1516      s))
1518(define (not-caps-text string orig-style size angle)
1519  (let ([font
1520         (let loop ([style orig-style])
1521           (cond
1522            [(null? style)
1523             (send the-font-list find-or-create-font
1524                   size 'default 'normal 'normal #f 'default #t 'unaligned)]
1525            [(is-a? style font%)
1526             style]
1527            [(memq style families)
1528             (send the-font-list find-or-create-font
1529                   size style 'normal 'normal #f 'default #t 'unaligned)]
1530            [(string? style)
1531             (send the-font-list find-or-create-font
1532                   size style 'default 'normal 'normal #f 'default #t 'unaligned)]
1533            [(and (pair? style)
1534                  (string? (car style))
1535                  (memq (cdr style) families))
1536             (send the-font-list find-or-create-font
1537                   size (car style) (cdr style) 'normal 'normal #f 'default #t 'unaligned)]
1538            [(and (pair? style)
1539                  (memq (car style)
1540                        '(superscript
1541                          subscript
1542                          large-script
1543                          bold italic
1544                          aligned unaligned)))
1545             (let ([font (loop (cdr style))]
1546                   [style (car style)])
1547               (cond
1548                [(eq? style 'bold)
1549                 (extend-font font
1550                              (send font get-point-size)
1551                              (send font get-style)
1552                              'bold
1553                              (send font get-hinting))]
1554                [(eq? style 'italic)
1555                 (extend-font font
1556                              (send font get-point-size)
1557                              'italic
1558                              (send font get-weight)
1559                              (send font get-hinting))]
1560                [(or (eq? style 'aligned)
1561                     (eq? style 'unaligned))
1562                 (extend-font font
1563                              (send font get-point-size)
1564                              (send font get-style)
1565                              (send font get-weight)
1566                              style)]
1567                [else font]))]
1568            [(and (pair? style)
1569                  (memq (car style) '(combine no-combine outline)))
1570             (loop (cdr style))]
1571            [(and (pair? style)
1572                  (is-a? (car style) color%))
1573             (loop (cdr style))]
1574            [else (raise-type-error 'text
1575                                    "style"
1576                                    orig-style)]))]
1577        [combine? (let loop ([style orig-style])
1578                    (cond
1579                     [(eq? style 'modern) #f]
1580                     [(not (pair? style)) #t]
1581                     [(eq? (car style) 'combine) #t]
1582                     [(eq? (car style) 'no-combine) #f]
1583                     [else (loop (cdr style))]))]
1584        [sub? (memq* 'subscript orig-style)]
1585        [sup? (memq* 'superscript orig-style)]
1586        [large-script? (memq* 'large-script orig-style)]
1587        [outline? (memq* 'outline orig-style)]
1588        [color (let loop ([style orig-style])
1589                 (cond
1590                  [(not (pair? style)) #f]
1591                  [(is-a? (car style) color%)
1592                   (resolve-color (car style))]
1593                  [else (loop (cdr style))]))])
1594    (let ([s-font (if (or sub? sup?)
1595                      (extend-font font
1596                                   (floor (* (if large-script?
1597                                                 85/100
1598                                                 6/10)
1599                                             (send font get-point-size)))
1600                                   (send font get-style)
1601                                   (send font get-weight)
1602                                   (send font get-hinting))
1603                      font)]
1604          [dc (dc-for-text-size)])
1605      (unless dc
1606        (error 'text "no dc<%> object installed for sizing"))
1607      (let-values ([(w h d s) (with-text-scale
1608                               dc
1609                               (lambda ()
1610                                 (send dc get-text-extent string s-font combine?)))])
1611        (define (make-draw adj-x adj-y angle)
1612          (define p
1613            (and outline?
1614                 (let ([p (new dc-path%)])
1615                   (send p text-outline
1616                         s-font string 0 0 combine?)
1617                   (unless (zero? angle)
1618                     (send p rotate angle))
1619                   p)))
1620          (lambda (dc x y)
1621            (let ([f (send dc get-font)])
1622              (define dest-x (adj-x x))
1623              (define dest-y (adj-y y))
1624              (cond
1625               [outline?
1626                (define pn (and color (send dc get-pen)))
1627                (when color (send dc set-pen color (send pn get-width) (send pn get-style)))
1628                (send dc draw-path p dest-x dest-y)
1629                (when color (send dc set-pen pn))]
1630               [else
1631                (define fg (and color (send dc get-text-foreground)))
1632                (when color (send dc set-text-foreground color))
1633                (send dc set-font s-font)
1634                (send dc draw-text string
1635                      dest-x dest-y
1636                      combine? 0 angle)
1637                (when fg (send dc set-text-foreground fg))
1638                (send dc set-font f)]))))
1639        (if (or sub? sup?)
1640            (let-values ([(ww wh wd ws) (with-text-scale
1641                                         dc
1642                                         (lambda ()
1643                                           (send dc get-text-extent "Wy" font)))])
1644              (prog-picture (make-draw
1645                             (lambda (x) x)
1646                             (lambda (y) (if sub?
1647                                        (+ y
1648                                           (if large-script?
1649                                               (+ (* (- wh wd ws) 4/10)
1650                                                  (- ws s))
1651                                               (- wh h)))
1652                                        (+ y
1653                                           (if large-script?
1654                                               (* (- wh wd ws) -3/10)
1655                                               0))))
1656                             0)
1657                            w wh (- wh wd) wd))
1658            (if (zero? angle)
1659                ;; Normal case: no rotation
1660                (prog-picture (make-draw (lambda (x) x)
1661                                         (lambda (y) y)
1662                                         0)
1663                              w h (- h d) d)
1664                ;; Rotation case. Need to find the bounding box.
1665                ;; Calculate the four corners, relative to top left as origin:
1666                (let* ([tlx 0]
1667                       [tly 0]
1668                       [ca (cos angle)]
1669                       [sa (sin angle)]
1670                       [trx (* w ca)]
1671                       [try (- (* w sa))]
1672                       [brx (+ trx (* h sa))]
1673                       [bry (- try (* h ca))]
1674                       [blx (* h sa)]
1675                       [bly (- (* h ca))]
1676                       ;;min-x and min-y must be non-positive,
1677                       ;; since tlx and tly are always 0
1678                       [min-x (min tlx trx blx brx)]
1679                       [min-y (min tly try bly bry)])
1680                  (let ([pw (- (max tlx trx blx brx) min-x)]
1681                        [ph (- (max tly try bly bry) min-y)]
1682                        [dx (cond
1683                             [(and (positive? ca) (positive? sa)) 0]
1684                             [(positive? ca) (- (* h sa))]
1685                             [(positive? sa) (- (* w ca))]
1686                             [else (+ (- (* w ca)) (- (* h sa)))])]
1687                        [dy (cond
1688                             [(and (positive? ca) (negative? sa)) 0]
1689                             [(positive? ca) (* w sa)]
1690                             [(negative? sa) (- (* h ca))]
1691                             [else (+ (- (* h ca)) (* w sa))])])
1692                    (prog-picture (make-draw (lambda (x) (+ x dx))
1693                                             (lambda (y) (+ y dy))
1694                                             angle)
1695                                  pw ph ph 0)))))))))
1697(define caps-text
1698  (case-lambda
1699   [(string) (caps-text string '() 12)]
1700   [(string style) (caps-text string style 12)]
1701   [(string style size)
1702    (let ([strings
1703           (let loop ([l (string->list string)] [this null] [results null] [up? #f])
1704             (if (null? l)
1705                 (reverse (cons (reverse this) results))
1706                 (if (eq? up? (char-upper-case? (car l)))
1707                     (loop (cdr l) (cons (car l) this) results up?)
1708                     (loop (cdr l) (list (car l)) (cons (reverse this) results) (not up?)))))]
1709          [cap-style
1710           (let loop ([s style])
1711             (cond
1712              [(pair? s) (cons (car s) (loop (cdr s)))]
1713              [(is-a? s font%) (send the-font-list find-or-create-font
1714                                     (floor (* 8/10 (send s get-point-size)))
1715                                     (send s get-family)
1716                                     (send s get-style)
1717                                     (send s get-weight)
1718                                     (send s get-underlined?)
1719                                     (send s get-smoothing)
1720                                     (send s get-size-in-pixels?))]
1721              [else s]))]
1722          [cap-size (floor (* 8/10 size))])
1723      (let ([picts
1724             (let loop ([l strings] [up? #f])
1725               (if (null? l)
1726                   null
1727                   (let* ([first-string (list->string (map char-upcase (car l)))]
1728                          [first
1729                           (not-caps-text first-string
1730                                          (if up? style cap-style)
1731                                          (if up? size cap-size)
1732                                          0)]
1733                          [rest (loop (cdr l) (not up?))])
1734                     (if (and up? (pair? (cdr l)))
1735                         ;; kern capital followed by non-captial
1736                         (let ([plain-first (not-caps-text first-string
1737                                                           cap-style
1738                                                           cap-size
1739                                                           0)]
1740                               [together (not-caps-text (string-append
1741                                                         first-string
1742                                                         (list->string (map char-upcase (cadr l))))
1743                                                        cap-style
1744                                                        cap-size
1745                                                        0)])
1746                           (cons (hbl-append (- (pict-width together)
1747                                                (+ (pict-width plain-first)
1748                                                   (pict-width (car rest))))
1749                                             first
1750                                             (car rest))
1751                                 (cdr rest)))
1752                         ;; no kerning needed:
1753                         (cons first rest)))))])
1754        (apply hbl-append 0 picts)))]))
1756(define (linewidth n p) (line-thickness n p))
1757(define (linestyle n p)
1758  (unless (memq n '(transparent solid xor hilite
1759                                dot long-dash short-dash dot-dash
1760                                xor-dot xor-long-dash xor-short-dash
1761                                xor-dot-dash))
1762    (raise-type-error 'linestyle "style symbol" n))
1763  (line-style n p))
1765(define connect
1766  (case-lambda
1767   [(x1 y1 x2 y2) (connect x1 y1 x2 y2 #f)]
1768   [(x1 y1 x2 y2 arrow?) (~connect 'r +inf.0 x1 y1 x2 y2 arrow?)]))
1770(define ~connect
1771  (case-lambda
1772   [(exact close-enough x1 y1 x2 y2) (~connect exact close-enough x1 y1 x2 y2 #f)]
1773   [(exact close-enough x1 y1 x2 y2 arrow?)
1774    `((put ,x1 ,y1 (,(if arrow? 'vector 'line) ,(- x2 x1) ,(- y2 y1) #f)))]))
1776(define (resolve-color c)
1777  (let* ([requested-color (cond
1778                           [(is-a? c color%) c]
1779                           [(string? c)
1780                            (send the-color-database find-color c)]
1781                           [(list? c)
1782                            (apply make-object color% c)])]
1783         [color (or requested-color
1784                    (send the-color-database find-color "BLACK"))])
1785    (unless requested-color
1786      (eprintf "WARNING: couldn't find color: ~s\n" c))
1787    color))
1790(define (render dc h+top l dx dy)
1791  (define b&w? #f)
1793  (with-method ([draw-line (dc draw-line)]
1794                [draw-spline (dc draw-spline)]
1795                [draw-ellipse (dc draw-ellipse)]
1796                [get-pen (dc get-pen)]
1797                [get-brush (dc get-brush)]
1798                [get-text-foreground (dc get-text-foreground)]
1799                [set-pen (dc set-pen)]
1800                [set-brush (dc set-brush)]
1801                [set-text-foreground (dc set-text-foreground)]
1802                [find-or-create-pen (the-pen-list find-or-create-pen)]
1803                [find-or-create-brush (the-brush-list find-or-create-brush)])
1805      (let loop ([dx dx][dy dy][l l])
1806        (unless (null? l)
1807          (let ([x (car l)])
1808            (if (string? x)
1809                (error 'draw-pict "how did a string get here?: ~s" x)
1810                (case (car x)
1811                  [(offset) (loop (+ dx (cadr x))
1812                                  (+ dy (caddr x))
1813                                  (cadddr x))]
1814                  [(line vector)
1815                   (let ([xs (cadr x)]
1816                         [ys (caddr x)]
1817                         [len (cadddr x)])
1818                     (let ([mx (if len (abs (if (zero? xs) ys xs)) 1)]
1819                           [len (or len 1)])
1820                       (draw-line dx (- h+top dy)
1821                                  (+ dx (* (/ xs mx) len)) (- h+top (+ dy (* (/ ys mx) len))))))]
1822                  [(circle circle*)
1823                   (let ([size (cadr x)])
1824                     (draw-ellipse (- dx (/ size 2)) (- h+top dy (/ size 2))
1825                                   size size))]
1826                  [(oval)
1827                   (let ([b (get-brush)]
1828                         [rx (- dx (/ (cadr x) 2))]
1829                         [ry (- h+top dy (/ (caddr x) 2))])
1830                     (set-brush (find-or-create-brush "BLACK" 'transparent))
1831                     (let ([part (cadddr x)]
1832                           [cr (send dc get-clipping-region)]
1833                           [set-rect (lambda (l t r b)
1834                                       (let ([cr (make-object region% dc)])
1835                                         (send cr set-rectangle
1836                                               (+ rx (* l (cadr x)))
1837                                               (+ ry (* t (caddr x)))
1838                                               (* (- r l) (cadr x))
1839                                               (* (- b t) (caddr x)))
1840                                         cr))])
1841                       (send dc set-clipping-region
1842                             (cond
1843                              [(string=? part "[l]")
1844                               (set-rect 0 0 0.5 1.0)]
1845                              [(string=? part "[tl]")
1846                               (set-rect 0 0 0.5 0.5)]
1847                              [(string=? part "[tr]")
1848                               (set-rect 0.5 0 1.0 0.5)]
1849                              [(string=? part "[r]")
1850                               (set-rect 0.5 0 1.0 1.0)]
1851                              [(string=? part "[bl]")
1852                               (set-rect 0 0.5 0.5 1.0)]
1853                              [(string=? part "[br]")
1854                               (set-rect 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0)]
1855                              [else cr]))
1856                       (send dc draw-rounded-rectangle
1857                             rx ry
1858                             (cadr x) (caddr x)
1859                             (if (string=? part "") -0.2 -0.5))
1860                       (send dc set-clipping-region cr)
1861                       (set-brush b)))]
1862                  [(bezier)
1863                   (draw-spline (+ dx (list-ref x 1))
1864                                (- h+top (+ dy (list-ref x 2)))
1865                                (+ dx (list-ref x 3))
1866                                (- h+top (+ dy (list-ref x 4)))
1867                                (+ dx (list-ref x 5))
1868                                (- h+top (+ dy (list-ref x 6))))]
1869                  [(with-color)
1870                   (if b&w?
1871                       (loop dx dy (caddr x))
1872                       (let ([p (get-pen)]
1873                             [b (get-brush)]
1874                             [fg (get-text-foreground)])
1875                         (let ([color (resolve-color (cadr x))])
1876                           (set-pen (find-or-create-pen color
1877                                                        (send p get-width) (send p get-style)
1878                                                        (send p get-cap) (send p get-join)))
1879                           (set-brush (find-or-create-brush color 'solid))
1880                           (set-text-foreground color))
1881                         (loop dx dy (caddr x))
1882                         (set-pen p)
1883                         (set-brush b)
1884                         (set-text-foreground fg)))]
1885                  [(with-thickness)
1886                   (let ([p (get-pen)])
1887                     (set-pen (find-or-create-pen (send p get-color)
1888                                                  (if (number? (cadr x))
1889                                                      (cadr x)
1890                                                      (case (cadr x)
1891                                                        [(thicklines) 1]
1892                                                        [(thinlines) 0]
1893                                                        [else (send p get-width)]))
1894                                                  (if (number? (cadr x))
1895                                                      (send p get-style)
1896                                                      (case (cadr x)
1897                                                        [(#f) 'transparent]
1898                                                        [(thicklines thinlines) (send p get-style)]
1899                                                        [else (cadr x)]))
1900                                                  (send p get-cap)
1901                                                  (send p get-join)))
1902                     (loop dx dy (caddr x))
1903                     (set-pen p))]
1904                  [(prog)
1905                   ((cadr x) dc dx (- h+top dy (caddr x)))]
1906                  [else (error 'render "unknown command: ~a\n" x)])))
1907          (loop dx dy (cdr l))))))
1909(define (make-pict-drawer p)
1910  (let ([cmds (pict->command-list p)])
1911    (lambda (dc dx dy)
1912      (render dc (+ (pict-height p) dy)
1913              cmds
1914              dx 0))))
1916(define (draw-pict p dc dx dy)
1917  ((make-pict-drawer p) dc dx dy))
1919(define (convert-pict p format default #:pad? [pad? #t])
1920  (cond
1921   [(member format '(pdf-bytes+bounds8 eps-bytes+bounds8
1922                                       png-bytes+bounds8 png@2x-bytes+bounds8
1923                                       svg-bytes+bounds8))
1924    (define xscale (box 1))
1925    (define yscale (box 1))
1926    (case format
1927      [(pdf-bytes+bounds8 eps-bytes+bounds8)
1928       (send (current-ps-setup) get-scaling xscale yscale)])
1929    (define-values (pad-l pad-t pad-r pad-b)
1930      (if pad?
1931          (apply values (convert-bounds-padding))
1932          (values 0 0 0 0)))
1933    (define pad-p (inset p pad-l pad-t pad-r pad-b))
1934    (list (convert-pict/bytes pad-p
1935                              (case format
1936                                [(pdf-bytes+bounds8) 'pdf-bytes]
1937                                [(eps-bytes+bounds8) 'eps-bytes]
1938                                [(png-bytes+bounds8) 'png-bytes]
1939                                [(png@2x-bytes+bounds8) 'png@2x-bytes]
1940                                [(svg-bytes+bounds8) 'svg-bytes]
1941                                [else (error "internal error" format)])
1942                              default)
1943          (* (unbox xscale) (pict-width pad-p))
1944          (* (unbox yscale) (pict-height pad-p))
1945          (* (unbox yscale) (pict-descent pad-p))
1946          0
1947          (* (unbox xscale) pad-l)
1948          (* (unbox yscale) pad-t)
1949          (* (unbox xscale) pad-r)
1950          (* (unbox yscale) pad-b))]
1951   [(member format '(pdf-bytes+bounds eps-bytes+bounds
1952                                      png-bytes+bounds
1953                                      png@2x-bytes+bounds
1954                                      svg-bytes+bounds))
1955    (take (convert-pict p
1956                        (case format
1957                          [(pdf-bytes+bounds) 'pdf-bytes+bounds8]
1958                          [(eps-bytes+bounds) 'eps-bytes+bounds8]
1959                          [(png-bytes+bounds) 'png-bytes+bounds8]
1960                          [(png@2x-bytes+bounds) 'png@2x-bytes+bounds8]
1961                          [(svg-bytes+bounds) 'svg-bytes+bounds8]
1962                          [else (error "internal error" format)])
1963                        default
1964                        #:pad? #f)
1965          5)]
1966   [else
1967    (convert-pict/bytes p format default)]))
1969(define (convert-pict/bytes p format default)
1970  (case format
1971    [(png-bytes png@2x-bytes)
1972     (let* ([bm (make-bitmap
1973                 (max 1 (inexact->exact (ceiling (pict-width p))))
1974                 (max 1 (inexact->exact (ceiling (pict-height p))))
1975                 #:backing-scale (if (eq? format 'png@2x-bytes) 2 1))]
1976            [dc (make-object bitmap-dc% bm)])
1977       (send dc set-smoothing 'aligned)
1978       (draw-pict p dc 0 0)
1979       (send dc set-bitmap #f)
1980       (let ([s (open-output-bytes)])
1981         (send bm save-file s 'png #:unscaled? #t)
1982         (get-output-bytes s)))]
1983    [(eps-bytes pdf-bytes)
1984     (let ([s (open-output-bytes)]
1985           [xs (box 1)]
1986           [ys (box 1)])
1987       (send (current-ps-setup) get-scaling xs ys)
1988       (let ([dc (new (if (equal? format 'eps-bytes) post-script-dc% pdf-dc%)
1989                      [interactive #f]
1990                      [as-eps #t]
1991                      [width (* (pict-width p) (unbox xs))]
1992                      [height (* (pict-height p) (unbox ys))]
1993                      [output s])])
1994         (send dc set-smoothing 'smoothed)
1995         (send dc start-doc "pict")
1996         (send dc start-page)
1997         (draw-pict p dc 0 0)
1998         (send dc end-page)
1999         (send dc end-doc))
2000       (get-output-bytes s))]
2001    [(svg-bytes)
2002     (let ([s (open-output-bytes)])
2003       (define dc (new svg-dc%
2004                       [width  (pict-width p)]
2005                       [height (pict-height p)]
2006                       [output s]))
2007       (send dc set-smoothing 'smoothed)
2008       (send dc start-doc "Generating svg")
2009       (send dc start-page)
2010       (draw-pict p dc 0 0)
2011       (send dc end-page)
2012       (send dc end-doc)
2013       (regexp-replace "width=\"([0-9.]*pt)\" height=\"([0-9.]*pt)\""
2014                       (get-output-bytes s)
2015                       (λ (all w h)
2016                         (define (rem x) (bytes->string/utf-8 (regexp-replace "pt" x "")))
2017                         (string->bytes/utf-8
2018                          (string-append "width=\"" (rem w) "\" height=\"" (rem h) "\"")))))]
2019    [else default]))
2021(define (convert-pict-to-vector p)
2022  (define dc (new record-dc%
2023                  [width (pict-width p)]
2024                  [height (pict-height p)]))
2025  (draw-pict p dc 0 0)
2026  (vector (send dc get-recorded-datum)
2027          (pict-width p)
2028          (pict-height p)
2029          (pict-ascent p)
2030          (pict-descent p)))
2032(define (deserialize-pict datum w h d a)
2033  (define draw (recorded-datum->procedure datum))
2034  (make-pict `(prog ,(lambda (dc x y)
2035                       (define t (send dc get-transformation))
2036                       (send dc translate x y)
2037                       (draw dc)
2038                       (send dc set-transformation t))
2039                    ,h)
2040             w h d a
2041             null
2042             #f
2043             #f))
2045(define pict-deserialize-info
2046  (make-deserialize-info deserialize-pict
2047                         (lambda () (error "no cycles"))))