2 (import (except (chezpart)
3                 eval
4                 read)
5         (rumble)
6         (only (expander)
7               boot
8               current-command-line-arguments
9               use-compiled-file-paths
10               current-library-collection-links
11               find-library-collection-links
12               current-library-collection-paths
13               find-library-collection-paths
14               use-collection-link-paths
15               current-compiled-file-roots
16               find-compiled-file-roots
17               find-main-config
18               executable-yield-handler
19               load-on-demand-enabled
20               use-user-specific-search-paths
21               eval
22               read
23               load
24               dynamic-require
25               namespace-require
26               embedded-load
27               module-path?
28               module-declared?
29               module->language-info
30               module-path-index-join
31               identifier-binding
32               namespace-datum-introduce
33               datum->kernel-syntax
34               namespace-variable-value
35               version
36               exit
37               compile-keep-source-locations!
38               expander-place-init!
39               path-list-string->path-list)
40         (regexp)
41         (io)
42         (thread)
43         (only (linklet)
44               omit-debugging?
45               platform-independent-zo-mode?
46               linklet-performance-init!
47               linklet-performance-report!
48               current-compile-target-machine
49               compile-target-machine?
50               add-cross-compiler!
51               primitive-lookup))
53 (linklet-performance-init!)
54 (unless omit-debugging?
55   (compile-keep-source-locations! #t))
57 (define-syntax seq (syntax-rules () [(_ expr ...) (define dummy (let () expr ... (void)))]))
59 (define (run the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes)
60   (define the-command-line-arguments
61     (map (lambda (s) (if (bytes? s)
62                          (bytes->string/locale s #\?)
63                          s))
64          the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes))
65   (define (find-original-bytes s)
66     ;; In case `the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes` has bytes,
67     ;; try to get the original byte string for `s`
68     (let loop ([args the-command-line-arguments]
69                [args/maybe-bytes the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes])
70       (cond
71        [(null? args) s]
72        [(eq? (car args) s) (car args/maybe-bytes)]
73        [else (loop (cdr args) (cdr args/maybe-bytes))])))
74   (define (->path s)
75     (cond
76      [(path? s) s]
77      [(bytes? s) (bytes->path s)]
78      [else (string->path s)]))
80   (define (getenv-bytes str)
81     (environment-variables-ref (current-environment-variables) (string->utf8 str)))
83   (define (startup-error fmt . args)
84     (#%fprintf (#%current-error-port) "~a: " (path->string (find-system-path 'exec-file)))
85     (if (null? args)
86         (#%display fmt (#%current-error-port))
87         (#%apply #%fprintf (#%current-error-port) fmt args))
88     (#%newline (#%current-error-port))
89     (exit 1))
91   (define builtin-argc 11)
92   (seq
93    (unless (>= (length the-command-line-arguments) builtin-argc)
94      (startup-error (string-append
95		      "expected `embedded-interactive-mode?`,"
96                      " `exec-file`, `run-file`, `collects`, and `etc` paths"
97		      " plus `k-file`, `segment-offset`, `cs-compiled-subdir?`, `is-gui?`,"
98		      " `wm-is-gracket-or-x11-arg-count`, and `gracket-guid-or-x11-args`"
99		      " to start")))
100    (set-exec-file! (->path (list-ref the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes 1)))
101    (set-run-file! (->path (list-ref the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes 2))))
102   (define embedded-interactive-mode? (string=? "true" (list-ref the-command-line-arguments 0)))
103   (define-values (init-collects-dir collects-pre-extra)
104     (let ([s (list-ref the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes 3)])
105       (cond
106        [(or (equal? s "")
107             (equal? s '#vu8()))
108         (values 'disable '())]
109        [(or (string? s) (bytevector? s)) (values (->path s) '())]
110        [else (let ([s (reverse s)])
111                (values (->path (car s))
112                        (map ->path (cdr s))))])))
113   (define init-config-dir (->path (or (getenv-bytes "PLTCONFIGDIR")
114                                       (list-ref the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes 4))))
115   (define k-executable-path (let ([s (list-ref the-command-line-arguments/maybe-bytes 5)])
116                               (and (not (or (equal? s "") (equal? s '#vu8())))
117                                    s)))
118   (define segment-offset (#%string->number (list-ref the-command-line-arguments 6)))
119   (define cs-compiled-subdir? (string=? "true" (list-ref the-command-line-arguments 7)))
120   (define gracket? (string=? "true" (list-ref the-command-line-arguments 8)))
121   (define wm-is-gracket-or-x11-arg-count (string->number (list-ref the-command-line-arguments 9)))
122   (define gracket-guid-or-x11-args (list-ref the-command-line-arguments 10))
124   (seq
125    (when (eq? 'windows (system-type))
126      (unsafe-register-process-global (string->bytes/utf-8 "PLT_WM_IS_GRACKET")
127				      (ptr-add #f wm-is-gracket-or-x11-arg-count))
128      (unsafe-register-process-global (string->bytes/utf-8 "PLT_GRACKET_GUID")
129				      (bytes-append (string->bytes/utf-8 gracket-guid-or-x11-args) #vu8(0))))
130    (when (eq? 'macosx (system-type))
131      (when gracket?
132        (unsafe-register-process-global (string->bytes/utf-8 "PLT_IS_FOREGROUND_APP")
133				        (ptr-add #f 1))))
134    (when (eq? 'unix (system-type))
135      (when gracket?
136        (unsafe-register-process-global (string->bytes/utf-8 "PLT_X11_ARGUMENT_COUNT")
137				        (ptr-add #f wm-is-gracket-or-x11-arg-count))
138        (unsafe-register-process-global (string->bytes/utf-8 "PLT_X11_ARGUMENTS")
139				        (ptr-add #f (#%string->number (substring gracket-guid-or-x11-args 2) 16))))))
141   (define compiled-file-paths
142     (list (cond
143             [(getenv-bytes "PLT_ZO_PATH")
144              => (lambda (s)
145                   (unless (and (not (equal? s #vu8()))
146                                (relative-path? (->path s)))
147                     (startup-error "PLT_ZO_PATH environment variable is not a valid path"))
148                   (->path s))]
149             [cs-compiled-subdir?
150              (build-path "compiled"
151                          (->path
152                           (cond
153                             [platform-independent-zo-mode? "cs"]
154                             [else (symbol->string (machine-type))])))]
155             [else "compiled"])))
156   (define user-specific-search-paths? #t)
157   (define load-on-demand? #t)
158   (define compile-target-machine (if (getenv "PLT_COMPILE_ANY")
159                                      #f
160                                      (machine-type)))
161   (define compiled-roots-path-list-string (getenv "PLTCOMPILEDROOTS"))
162   (define embedded-load-in-places '())
164   (define (see saw . args)
165     (let loop ([saw saw] [args args])
166       (if (null? args)
167           saw
168           (loop (hash-set saw (car args) #t) (cdr args)))))
169   (define (saw? saw tag)
170     (hash-ref saw tag #f))
171   (define (saw-something? saw)
172     (positive? (hash-count saw)))
174   (define rx:logging-spec (pregexp "^[\\s]*(none|fatal|error|warning|info|debug)(?:@([^\\s @]+))?(.*)$"))
175   (define rx:all-whitespace (pregexp "^[\\s]*$"))
176   (define (parse-logging-spec which str where exit-on-fail?)
177     (define (fail)
178       (let ([msg (string-append
179                   which " <levels> " where " must be one of the following\n"
180                   " <level>s:\n"
181                   "   none fatal error warning info debug\n"
182                   "or up to one such <level> in whitespace-separated sequence of\n"
183                   "   <level>@<name>\n"
184                   "given: " str)])
185         (cond
186          [exit-on-fail?
187           (startup-error msg)]
188          [else
189           (eprintf "~a\n" msg)])))
190     (let loop ([str str] [default #f])
191       (let ([m (regexp-match rx:logging-spec str)])
192         (cond
193          [m
194           (let ([level (string->symbol (cadr m))]
195                 [topic (caddr m)])
196             (cond
197              [topic
198               (cons level (cons (string->symbol topic) (loop (cadddr m) default)))]
199              [default (fail)]
200              [else (loop (cadddr m) level)]))]
201          [(regexp-match? rx:all-whitespace str)
202           (if default (list default) null)]
203          [else (fail)]))))
205   (define (configure-runtime m)
206     ;; New-style configuration through a `configure-runtime` submodule:
207     (let ([config-m (module-path-index-join '(submod "." configure-runtime) m)])
208       (when (module-declared? config-m #t)
209         (dynamic-require config-m #f)))
210     ;; Old-style configuration with module language info:
211     (let ([info (module->language-info m #t)])
212       (when (and (vector? info) (= 3 (vector-length info)))
213         (let* ([info-load (lambda (info)
214                             ((dynamic-require (vector-ref info 0) (vector-ref info 1)) (vector-ref info 2)))]
215                [get (info-load info)]
216                [infos (get 'configure-runtime '())])
217           (unless (and (list? infos)
218                        (andmap (lambda (info) (and (vector? info) (= 3 (vector-length info))))
219                                infos))
220             (raise-argument-error 'runtime-configure "(listof (vector any any any))" infos))
221           (for-each info-load infos)))))
223   (define need-runtime-configure? #t)
224   (define (namespace-require+ mod)
225     (let ([m (module-path-index-join mod #f)])
226       (when need-runtime-configure?
227         (configure-runtime m)
228         (set! need-runtime-configure? #f))
229       (namespace-require m)
230       ;; Run `main` submodule, if any:
231       (let ([main-m (module-path-index-join '(submod "." main) m)])
232         (when (module-declared? main-m #t)
233           (dynamic-require main-m #f)))))
235   (define (get-repl-init-filename)
236     (call-with-continuation-prompt
237      (lambda ()
238        (or (let ([p (build-path (find-system-path 'addon-dir)
239                                 (if gracket?
240                                     "gui-interactive.rkt"
241                                     "interactive.rkt"))])
242              (and (file-exists? p) p))
243            (let ([config-fn (build-path (find-main-config) "config.rktd")])
244              (and (file-exists? config-fn)
245                   (hash-ref (call-with-input-file config-fn read)
246                             (if gracket? 'gui-interactive-file 'interactive-file)
247                             #f)))
248            (if gracket? 'racket/gui/interactive 'racket/interactive)))
249      (default-continuation-prompt-tag)
250      (lambda args #f)))
252   (define init-library (if gracket?
253                            '(lib "racket/gui/init")
254                            '(lib "racket/init")))
255   (define loads '())
256   (define repl? #f)
257   (define repl-init? #t)
258   (define version? #f)
259   (define text-repl? (not gracket?))
260   (define yield? #t)
261   (define stderr-logging-arg #f)
262   (define stdout-logging-arg #f)
263   (define syslog-logging-arg #f)
264   (define runtime-for-init? #t)
265   (define exit-value 0)
266   (define host-collects-dir #f)
267   (define host-config-dir #f)
268   (define addon-dir #f)
269   (define rev-collects-post-extra '())
271   (define (no-init! saw)
272     (unless (saw? saw 'top)
273       (set! init-library #f)))
275   (define (next-arg what flag within-flag args)
276     (let loop ([args (cdr args)] [accum '()])
277       (cond
278        [(null? args)
279         (startup-error "missing ~a after ~a switch" what (or within-flag flag))]
280        [(pair? (car args))
281         (loop (cdr args) (cons (car args) accum))]
282        [else
283         (values (car args) (append (reverse accum) (cdr args)))])))
285   (define (check-path-arg path what flag within-flag)
286     (when (equal? path "")
287       (startup-error "empty ~a after ~a switch" what (or within-flag flag))))
289   (define (raise-bad-switch arg within-arg)
290     (startup-error "bad switch: ~a~a"
291                    arg
292                    (if within-arg
293                        (format " within: ~a" within-arg)
294                        "")))
296   (define (no-front!)
297     (unsafe-register-process-global (string->bytes/utf-8 "Racket-GUI-no-front") #vu8(1)))
299   (define (add-namespace-require-load! mod-path arg)
300     (unless (module-path? mod-path)
301       (startup-error "bad module path: ~a derived from command-line argument: ~a"
302                      (format "~v" mod-path)
303                      arg))
304     (set! loads
305           (cons (lambda () (namespace-require+ mod-path))
306                 loads)))
308   (include "main/help.ss")
310   (define-syntax string-case
311     ;; Assumes that `arg` is a variable
312     (syntax-rules ()
313       [(_ arg [else body ...])
314        (let () body ...)]
315       [(_ arg [(str ...) body ...] rest ...)
316        (if (or (string=? arg str) ...)
317            (let () body ...)
318            (string-case arg rest ...))]))
320   (define remaining-command-line-arguments '#())
322   (seq
323    (let flags-loop ([args (list-tail the-command-line-arguments builtin-argc)]
324                     [saw (hasheq)])
325      ;; An element of `args` can become `(cons _arg _within-arg)`
326      ;; due to splitting multiple flags with a single "-"
327      (define (loop args) (flags-loop args (see saw 'something)))
328      ;; Called to handle remaining non-switch arguments:
329      (define (finish args saw)
330        (cond
331         [(and (pair? args)
332               (not (saw? saw 'non-config)))
333          (loop (cons "-u" args))]
334         [else
335          (set! remaining-command-line-arguments (vector->immutable-vector
336                                                  (list->vector args)))
337          (cond
338           [(and (null? args) (not (saw? saw 'non-config)))
339            (set! repl? #t)
340            (when text-repl?
341              (set! version? #t))]
342           [else
343            (no-init! saw)])]))
344      ;; Dispatch on first argument:
345      (if (null? args)
346          (finish args saw)
347          (let* ([arg (car args)]
348                 [within-arg (and (pair? arg) (cdr arg))]
349                 [arg (if (pair? arg) (car arg) arg)])
350            (string-case
351             arg
352             [("-l" "--lib")
353              (let-values ([(lib-name rest-args) (next-arg "library name" arg within-arg args)])
354                (add-namespace-require-load! `(lib ,lib-name) lib-name)
355                (no-init! saw)
356                (flags-loop rest-args (see saw 'non-config 'lib)))]
357             [("-t" "--require")
358              (let-values ([(file-name rest-args) (next-arg "file name" arg within-arg args)])
359                (add-namespace-require-load! `(file ,file-name) file-name)
360                (no-init! saw)
361                (flags-loop rest-args (see saw 'non-config 'lib)))]
362             [("-p")
363              (let-values ([(package rest-args) (next-arg "package" arg within-arg args)])
364                (add-namespace-require-load! `(planet ,package) package)
365                (no-init! saw)
366                (flags-loop rest-args (see saw 'non-config 'lib)))]
367             [("-u" "--require-script")
368              (let-values ([(file-name rest-args) (next-arg "file name" arg within-arg args)])
369                (add-namespace-require-load! `(file ,file-name) file-name)
370                (no-init! saw)
371                (check-path-arg file-name "file name" arg within-arg)
372                (set-run-file! (string->path file-name))
373                (flags-loop (cons "--" rest-args) (see saw 'non-config 'lib)))]
374             [("-f" "--load")
375              (let-values ([(file-name rest-args) (next-arg "file name" arg within-arg args)])
376                (set! loads (cons (lambda () (load file-name))
377                                  loads))
378                (flags-loop rest-args (see saw 'non-config 'top)))]
379             [("-r" "--script")
380              (let-values ([(file-name rest-args) (next-arg "file name" arg within-arg args)])
381                (set! loads (cons (lambda () (load file-name))
382                                  loads))
383                (check-path-arg file-name "file name" arg within-arg)
384                (set-run-file! (string->path file-name))
385                (flags-loop (cons "--" rest-args) (see saw 'non-config)))]
386             [("-e" "--eval")
387              (let-values ([(expr rest-args) (next-arg "expression" arg within-arg args)])
388                (set! loads
389                      (cons
390                       (lambda ()
391                         (define i (open-input-string expr))
392                         (let loop ()
393                           (define expr (read i))
394                           (unless (eof-object? expr)
395                             (call-with-values (lambda ()
396                                                 (call-with-continuation-prompt
397                                                  (lambda ()
398                                                    (eval `(|#%top-interaction| . ,expr)))
399                                                  (default-continuation-prompt-tag)
400                                                  (lambda (proc)
401                                                    ;; continue escape to set error status:
402                                                    (abort-current-continuation (default-continuation-prompt-tag) proc))))
403                               (lambda vals
404                                 (for-each (lambda (v)
405                                             (|#%app| (current-print) v)
406                                             (flush-output))
407                                           vals)))
408                             (loop))))
409                       loads))
410                (flags-loop rest-args (see saw 'non-config 'top)))]
411             [("-k" "-Y")
412              (let*-values ([(f rest-args) (if (equal? arg "-Y")
413                                               (next-arg "file" arg within-arg args)
414                                               (values #f (cdr args)))]
415                            [(n rest-args) (next-arg "starting and ending offsets" arg within-arg (cons arg rest-args))]
416                            [(m rest-args) (next-arg "first ending offset" arg within-arg (cons arg rest-args))]
417                            [(p rest-args) (next-arg "second ending offset" arg within-arg (cons arg rest-args))])
418                (let* ([add-segment-offset
419                        (lambda (s what)
420                          (let ([n (#%string->number s)])
421                            (unless (exact-integer? n)
422                              (startup-error "bad ~a: ~a" what s))
423                            (#%number->string (+ n (if f 0 segment-offset)))))]
424                       [n (add-segment-offset n "starting offset")]
425                       [m (add-segment-offset m "first ending offset")]
426                       [p (add-segment-offset p "second ending offset")]
427                       [f (or f k-executable-path)])
428                  (set! loads
429                        (cons
430                         (lambda ()
431                           (set! embedded-load-in-places (cons (list f n m #f) embedded-load-in-places))
432                           (embedded-load n m #f #t f)
433                           (embedded-load m p #f #f f))
434                         loads)))
435                (no-init! saw)
436                (flags-loop rest-args (see saw 'non-config)))]
437             [("-m" "--main")
438              (set! loads (cons (lambda () (call-main))
439                                loads))
440              (flags-loop (cdr args) (see saw 'non-config 'top))]
441             [("-i" "--repl")
442              (set! repl? #t)
443              (set! version? #t)
444              (flags-loop (cdr args) (see saw 'non-config 'top))]
445             [("-n" "--no-lib")
446              (set! init-library #f)
447              (flags-loop (cdr args) (see saw 'non-config))]
448             [("-V" "--no-yield")
449              (set! yield? #f)
450              (set! version? #t)
451              (flags-loop (cdr args) (see saw 'non-config))]
452             [("-v" "--version")
453              (set! version? #t)
454              (flags-loop (cdr args) (see saw 'non-config))]
455             [("-c" "--no-compiled")
456              (set! compiled-file-paths '())
457              (loop (cdr args))]
458             [("-I")
459              (let-values ([(lib-name rest-args) (next-arg "library name" arg within-arg args)])
460                (when init-library
461                  (set! init-library `(lib ,lib-name)))
462                (loop rest-args))]
463             [("-A" "--addon")
464              (let-values ([(addon-path rest-args) (next-arg "addon directory" arg within-arg args)])
465                (set! addon-dir (find-original-bytes addon-path))
466                (loop rest-args))]
467             [("-X" "--collects")
468              (let-values ([(collects-path rest-args) (next-arg "collects path" arg within-arg args)])
469                (cond
470                 [(equal? collects-path "")
471                  (set! init-collects-dir 'disable)]
472                 [else
473                  (check-path-arg collects-path "collects path" arg within-arg)
474                  (set! init-collects-dir (path->complete-path (->path (find-original-bytes collects-path))))])
475                (loop rest-args))]
476             [("-S" "--search")
477              (let-values ([(collects-path rest-args) (next-arg "path" arg within-arg args)])
478                (check-path-arg collects-path "collects path" collects-path within-arg)
479                (let ([path (path->complete-path (->path (find-original-bytes collects-path)))])
480                  (set! rev-collects-post-extra (cons path rev-collects-post-extra)))
481                (loop rest-args))]
482             [("-G" "--config")
483              (let-values ([(config-path rest-args) (next-arg "config path" arg within-arg args)])
484                (check-path-arg config-path "config path" config-path within-arg)
485                (set! init-config-dir (path->complete-path (->path (find-original-bytes config-path))))
486                (loop rest-args))]
487             [("-C" "--cross")
488              (set! host-config-dir init-config-dir)
489              (set! host-collects-dir init-collects-dir)
490              (set-cross-mode! 'force)
491              (loop (cdr args))]
492             [("-U" "--no-user-path")
493              (set! user-specific-search-paths? #f)
494              (loop (cdr args))]
495             [("-R" "--compiled")
496              (let-values ([(paths rest-args) (next-arg "path list" arg within-arg args)])
497                (set! compiled-roots-path-list-string paths)
498                (loop rest-args))]
499             [("-d" "--no-delay")
500              (set! load-on-demand? #t)
501              (loop (cdr args))]
502             [("-b" "--binary")
503              (loop (cdr args))]
504             [("-q" "--no-init-file")
505              (set! repl-init? #f)
506              (loop (cdr args))]
507             [("-W" "--stderr")
508              (let-values ([(spec rest-args) (next-arg "stderr level" arg within-arg args)])
509                (set! stderr-logging-arg (parse-logging-spec "stderr" spec (format "after ~a switch" (or within-arg arg)) #t))
510                (loop rest-args))]
511             [("-O" "--stdout")
512              (let-values ([(spec rest-args) (next-arg "stdout level" arg within-arg args)])
513                (set! stdout-logging-arg (parse-logging-spec "stdout" spec (format "after ~a switch" (or within-arg arg)) #t))
514                (loop rest-args))]
515             [("-L" "--syslog")
516              (let-values ([(spec rest-args) (next-arg "syslog level" arg within-arg args)])
517                (set! syslog-logging-arg (parse-logging-spec "syslog" spec (format "after ~a switch" (or within-arg arg)) #t))
518                (loop rest-args))]
519             [("-N" "--name")
520              (let-values ([(name rest-args) (next-arg "name" arg within-arg args)])
521                (check-path-arg name "name" arg within-arg)
522                (set-run-file! (string->path name))
523                (loop rest-args))]
524             [("-E" "--exec")
525              (let-values ([(name rest-args) (next-arg "name" arg within-arg args)])
526                (check-path-arg name "name" arg within-arg)
527                (set-exec-file! (string->path name))
528                (loop rest-args))]
529             [("-J")
530              (cond
531               [gracket?
532                (let-values ([(wm-class rest-args) (next-arg "WM_CLASS string" arg within-arg args)])
533                  (unsafe-register-process-global (string->bytes/utf-8 "Racket-GUI-wm-class")
534                                                  (bytes-append (string->bytes/utf-8 wm-class) #vu8(0)))
535                  (loop rest-args))]
536               [else
537                (raise-bad-switch arg within-arg)])]
538             [("-K" "--back")
539              (cond
540               [gracket?
541                (no-front!)
542                (loop (cdr args))]
543               [else
544                (raise-bad-switch arg within-arg)])]
545             [("-z" "--text-repl")
546              (cond
547               [gracket?
548                (no-front!)
549                (set! text-repl? #t)
550                (loop (cdr args))]
551               [else
552                (raise-bad-switch arg within-arg)])]
553             [("-M" "--compile-any")
554              (set! compile-target-machine #f)
555              (loop (cdr args))]
556             [("--compile-machine")
557              (let-values ([(mach-str rest-args) (next-arg "target machine" arg within-arg args)])
558                (let ([mach (string->symbol mach-str)])
559                  (unless (compile-target-machine? mach)
560                    (startup-error "machine not supported as a compile target: ~a" mach))
561                  (set! compile-target-machine mach))
562                (loop rest-args))]
563             [("--cross-compiler")
564              (let-values ([(mach rest-args) (next-arg "target machine" arg within-arg args)])
565                (let-values ([(xpatch-dir rest-args) (next-arg "cross-compiler path" arg within-arg (cons arg rest-args))])
566                  (add-cross-compiler! (string->symbol mach)
567                                       (path->complete-path (->path (find-original-bytes xpatch-dir)))
568                                       (find-system-path 'exec-file))
569                  (loop rest-args)))]
570             [("--cross-server")
571              (let-values ([(scheme-xpatch-file rest-args) (next-arg "target machine" arg within-arg args)])
572                (let-values ([(scheme-xpatch-file rest-args) (next-arg "compiler xpatch path" arg within-arg (cons arg rest-args))])
573                  (let-values ([(scheme-xpatch-file rest-args) (next-arg "library xpatch path" arg within-arg (cons arg rest-args))])
574                    (when (or (saw-something? saw)
575                              (not (null? rest-args)))
576                      (startup-error "--cross-server cannot be combined with any other arguments"))
577                    (startup-error "--cross-server should have been handled earlier"))))
578              (flags-loop null (see saw 'non-config))]
579             [("-j" "--no-jit")
580              (loop (cdr args))]
581             [("-Z")
582              (let-values ([(ignored rest-args) (next-arg "argument to ignore" arg within-arg args)])
583                (flags-loop rest-args saw))]
584             [("-h" "--help")
585              (show-help)
586              (exit)]
587             [("--")
588              (cond
589               [(or (null? (cdr args)) (not (pair? (cadr args))))
590                (finish (cdr args) saw)]
591               [else
592                ;; Need to handle more switches from a combined flag
593                (loop (cons (cadr args) (cons (car args) (cddr args))))])]
594             [else
595              (cond
596               [(and (> (string-length arg) 1)
597                     (eqv? (string-ref arg 0) #\-))
598                (cond
599                 [(and (> (string-length arg) 2)
600                       (not (eqv? (string-ref arg 1) #\-)))
601                  ;; Split flags
602                  (loop (append (map (lambda (c) (cons (string #\- c) arg))
603                                     (cdr (string->list arg)))
604                                (cdr args)))]
605                 [else
606                  (raise-bad-switch arg within-arg)])]
607               [else
608                ;; Non-flag argument
609                (finish args saw)])])))))
611   (define (call-main)
612     (let ([m (namespace-datum-introduce 'main)])
613       (unless (identifier-binding m)
614         (namespace-variable-value 'main #f
615                                   (lambda ()
616                                     (error "main: not defined or required into the top-level environment"))))
617       (call-with-values (lambda () (eval (datum->kernel-syntax
618                                           (cons m (vector->list remaining-command-line-arguments)))))
619         (lambda results
620           (let ([p (current-print)])
621             (for-each (lambda (v) (|#%app| p v)) results))))))
623   ;; Set up GC logging
624   (define-values (struct:gc-info make-gc-info gc-info? gc-info-ref gc-info-set!)
625     (make-struct-type 'gc-info #f 10 0 #f null 'prefab #f '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
626   (define (K plus n)
627     (let* ([s (number->string (quotient (abs n) 1000))]
628            [len (string-length s)]
629            [len2 (+ len
630                     (quotient (sub1 len) 3)
631                     (if (or (< n 0)
632                             (not (eq? "" plus)))
633                         1
634                         0)
635                     1)]
636            [s2 (make-string len2)])
637       (string-set! s2 (sub1 len2) #\K)
638       (let loop ([i len]
639                  [j (sub1 len2)]
640                  [digits 0])
641         (cond
642          [(zero? i)
643           (cond
644            [(< n 0) (string-set! s2 0 #\-)]
645            [(not (eq? plus "")) (string-set! s2 0 (string-ref plus 0))])
646           s2]
647          [(= 3 digits)
648           (let ([j (sub1 j)])
649             (string-set! s2 j #\,)
650             (loop i j 0))]
651          [else
652           (let ([i (sub1 i)]
653                 [j (sub1 j)])
654             (string-set! s2 j (string-ref s i))
655             (loop i j (add1 digits)))]))))
656   (define minor-gcs 0)
657   (define major-gcs 0)
658   (define auto-gcs 0)
659   (define peak-mem 0)
660   (seq
661    (set-garbage-collect-notify!
662     (let ([root-logger (current-logger)])
663       ;; This function can be called in any Chez Scheme thread
664       (lambda (gen pre-allocated pre-allocated+overhead pre-time pre-cpu-time
665                    post-allocated post-allocated+overhead proper-post-time proper-post-cpu-time
666                    post-time post-cpu-time)
667         (let ([minor? (< gen (collect-maximum-generation))])
668           (if minor?
669               (set! minor-gcs (add1 minor-gcs))
670               (set! major-gcs (add1 major-gcs)))
671           (set! peak-mem (max peak-mem pre-allocated))
672           (let ([debug-GC? (log-level?* root-logger 'debug 'GC)]
673                 [debug-GC:major? (and (not minor?)
674                                       (log-level?* root-logger 'debug 'GC:major))])
675             (when (or debug-GC? debug-GC:major?)
676               (let ([delta (- pre-allocated post-allocated)]
677                     [account-str (let ([proper (if (= post-cpu-time pre-cpu-time)
678                                                    100
679                                                    (quotient (* 100 (- proper-post-cpu-time pre-cpu-time))
680                                                              (- post-cpu-time pre-cpu-time)))])
681                                    (if (fx>= proper 99)
682                                        ""
683                                        (string-append "[" (number->string (fx- 100 proper)) "%]")))])
684                 (let ([msg (chez:format "GC: 0:~a~a @ ~a(~a); free ~a(~a) ~ams~a @ ~a"
685                                         (if minor? "min" "MAJ") gen
686                                         (K "" pre-allocated) (K "+" (- pre-allocated+overhead pre-allocated))
687                                         (K "" delta) (K "+" (- (- pre-allocated+overhead post-allocated+overhead)
688                                                                delta))
689                                         (- post-cpu-time pre-cpu-time)
690                                         account-str
691                                         pre-cpu-time)]
692                       [data (make-gc-info (if minor? 'minor 'major) pre-allocated pre-allocated+overhead 0
693                                           post-allocated post-allocated+overhead
694                                           pre-cpu-time post-cpu-time
695                                           pre-time post-time)]
696                       [in-interrupt? #t])
697                   (when debug-GC?
698                     (log-message* root-logger 'debug 'GC msg data #f in-interrupt?))
699                   (when debug-GC:major?
700                     (log-message* root-logger 'debug 'GC:major msg data #f in-interrupt?)))))))))))
702   (define (initialize-exit-handler!)
703     (#%exit-handler
704      (let ([orig (#%exit-handler)]
705            [root-logger (current-logger)])
706        (lambda (v)
707          (when gcs-on-exit?
708            (collect-garbage)
709            (collect-garbage))
710          (let ([debug-GC? (log-level?* root-logger 'debug 'GC)]
711                [debug-GC:major? (log-level?* root-logger 'debug 'GC:major)])
712            (when (or debug-GC? debug-GC:major?)
713              (let ([msg (chez:format "GC: 0:atexit peak ~a(~a); alloc ~a; major ~a; minor ~a; ~ams"
714                                      (K "" peak-mem)
715                                      (K "+" (- (maximum-memory-bytes) peak-mem))
716                                      (K "" (- (+ (bytes-deallocated) (bytes-allocated)) (initial-bytes-allocated)))
717                                      major-gcs
718                                      minor-gcs
719                                      (let ([t (sstats-gc-cpu (statistics))])
720                                        (+ (* (time-second t) 1000)
721                                           (quotient (time-nanosecond t) 1000000))))])
722                (when debug-GC?
723                  (log-message root-logger 'info 'GC msg #f #f))
724                (when debug-GC:major?
725                  (log-message root-logger 'info 'GC:major msg #f #f)))))
726          (linklet-performance-report!)
727          (custodian-shutdown-root-at-exit)
728          (|#%app| orig v)))))
730   (define stderr-logging
731     (or stderr-logging-arg
732         (let ([spec (getenv "PLTSTDERR")])
733           (if spec
734               (parse-logging-spec "stderr" spec "in PLTSTDERR environment variable" #f)
735               '(error)))))
737   (define stdout-logging
738     (or stdout-logging-arg
739         (let ([spec (getenv "PLTSTDOUT")])
740           (if spec
741               (parse-logging-spec "stdout" spec "in PLTSTDOUT environment variable" #f)
742               '()))))
744   (define syslog-logging
745     (or syslog-logging-arg
746         (let ([spec (getenv "PLTSYSLOG")])
747           (if spec
748               (parse-logging-spec "syslog" spec "in PLTSYSLOG environment variable" #f)
749               '()))))
751   (define gcs-on-exit? (and (getenv "PLT_GCS_ON_EXIT") #t))
753   (define (initialize-place!)
754     (current-command-line-arguments remaining-command-line-arguments)
755     (use-compiled-file-paths compiled-file-paths)
756     (use-user-specific-search-paths user-specific-search-paths?)
757     (load-on-demand-enabled load-on-demand?)
758     (unless (eq? compile-target-machine (machine-type))
759       (current-compile-target-machine compile-target-machine))
760     (boot)
761     (when (and stderr-logging
762                (not (null? stderr-logging)))
763       (apply add-stderr-log-receiver! (current-logger) stderr-logging))
764     (when (and stdout-logging
765                (not (null? stdout-logging)))
766       (apply add-stdout-log-receiver! (current-logger) stdout-logging))
767     (when (and syslog-logging
768                (not (null? syslog-logging)))
769       (apply add-syslog-log-receiver! (current-logger) syslog-logging))
770     (when host-collects-dir
771       (set-host-collects-dir! host-collects-dir))
772     (when host-config-dir
773       (set-host-config-dir! host-config-dir))
774     (cond
775      [(eq? init-collects-dir 'disable)
776       (use-collection-link-paths #f)
777       (set-collects-dir! (build-path 'same))]
778      [else
779       (set-collects-dir! init-collects-dir)])
780     (set-config-dir! init-config-dir)
781     (unless (eq? init-collects-dir 'disable)
782       (current-library-collection-links
783        (find-library-collection-links))
784       (current-library-collection-paths
785        (find-library-collection-paths collects-pre-extra (reverse rev-collects-post-extra))))
786     (let ([roots (find-compiled-file-roots)])
787       (if compiled-roots-path-list-string
788           (current-compiled-file-roots
789            (let ([s (regexp-replace* "@[(]version[)]"
790                                      compiled-roots-path-list-string
791                                      (version))])
792              (path-list-string->path-list s roots)))
793           (current-compiled-file-roots roots))))
795   ;; Called when Racket is embedded in a larger application:
796   (define (register-embedded-entry-info! escape)
797     (let ([resume-k #f]) ;; to get back to Racket thread; expects a thunk
798       ((call/cc ;; Scheme-level `call/cc` to escape Racket's thread-engine loop
799         (lambda (init-resume-k)
800           (set! resume-k init-resume-k)
801           (set-top-level-value!
802            'embedded-racket-entry-info
803            ;; A vector of specific functions:
804            (vector
805             ;; Resume the main Racket thread to apply `proc` to `args`,
806             ;; and return a list of result values; no exception handling
807             ;; or other such protections
808             (lambda (proc args)
809               (call/cc ;; Scheme-level `call/cc` to escape engine loop
810                (lambda (entry-point-k)
811                  (resume-k
812                   (lambda ()
813                     (let-values ([vals (apply proc args)])
814                       ((call/cc
815                         (lambda (latest-resume-k)
816                           (set! resume-k init-resume-k)
817                           (entry-point-k vals))))))))))
818             ;; Functions that are useful to apply and that
819             ;; provide access to everything else:
820             primitive-lookup
821             eval
822             dynamic-require
823             namespace-require
824             ;; bstr as #f => use path, start, and end
825             ;; path as #f => find executable
826             ;; end as #f => use file size
827             (lambda (path start end bstr as-predefined?)
828               (embedded-load start end bstr as-predefined? path)
829               (when as-predefined?
830                 (set! embedded-load-in-places (cons (list path start end bstr) embedded-load-in-places))))))
831           (escape))))))
833   (set-make-place-ports+fds! make-place-ports+fds)
835   (set-prepare-for-place!
836    (lambda ()
837      ;; Force visit of modules to make sure that we don't end up
838      ;; with a race later by trying to visit the module in a place:
839      (call-with-system-wind
840       (lambda ()
841         (for-each (lambda (lib)
842                     (#%$visit-library lib '() #f))
843                   '((chezscheme)
844                     (rumble)
845                     (thread)
846                     (io)
847                     (regexp)
848                     (schemify)
849                     (linklet)
850                     (expander)))
851         ;; Only need to visit once (although multiple time is ok)
852         (set-prepare-for-place! void)))))
854   (set-place-get-inherit!
855    (lambda ()
856      (list (current-directory)
857            (current-library-collection-paths)
858            (current-library-collection-links)
859            (current-compiled-file-roots))))
861   (set-start-place!
862    (lambda (pch mod sym in out err cust plumber inh)
863      (io-place-init! in out err cust plumber)
864      (regexp-place-init!)
865      (expander-place-init!)
866      (initialize-place!)
867      (current-directory (list-ref inh 0))
868      (current-library-collection-paths (list-ref inh 1))
869      (current-library-collection-links (list-ref inh 2))
870      (current-compiled-file-roots (list-ref inh 3))
871      (let loop ([l (reverse embedded-load-in-places)])
872        (unless (null? l)
873          (let-values ([(path n m bstr) (apply values (car l))])
874            (embedded-load n m bstr #t path))
875          (loop (cdr l))))
876      (lambda ()
877        (let ([f (dynamic-require mod sym)])
878          (f pch)))))
879   (set-destroy-place!
880    (lambda ()
881      (io-place-destroy!)))
883   (let ([a (or addon-dir
884                (getenv-bytes "PLTADDONDIR"))])
885     (when a
886       (set-addon-dir! (path->complete-path (->path a)))))
888   (when (getenv "PLT_STATS_ON_BREAK")
889     (keyboard-interrupt-handler
890      (let ([orig (keyboard-interrupt-handler)])
891        (lambda args
892          (dump-memory-stats)
893          (apply orig args)))))
895   (when (getenv "PLT_MAX_COMPACT_GC")
896     (in-place-minimum-generation 254))
898   (let ([s (getenv "PLT_INCREMENTAL_GC")])
899     (when (and s
900                (>= (string-length s) 1)
901                (#%memv (string-ref s 0) '(#\0 #\n #\N)))
902       (set-incremental-collection-enabled! #f)))
904   (when (getenv "PLTDISABLEGC")
905     (collect-request-handler void))
907   (let ([s (getenv "PLT_THREAD_QUANTUM")])
908     ;; Setting the thread quantum is useful in probing for race conditions. The default quantum
909     ;; is 100000. If it's made too small (on the order of 100), then a thread will use up its
910     ;; quantum just checking for breaks as it is swapped in, and then it won't make any progress.
911     (when s
912       (let ([n (string->number s)])
913         (when (and n (exact-nonnegative-integer? n))
914           (set-schedule-quantum! n)))))
916   (when version?
917     (display (banner)))
918   (call/cc ; Chez Scheme's `call/cc`, used here to escape from the Racket-thread engine loop
919    (lambda (entry-point-k)
920      (call-in-main-thread
921       (lambda ()
922         (initialize-exit-handler!)
923         (initialize-place!)
925         (when init-library
926           (namespace-require+ init-library))
928         (call-with-continuation-prompt
929          (lambda ()
930            (for-each (lambda (ld) (ld))
931                      (reverse loads)))
932          (default-continuation-prompt-tag)
933          ;; If any load escapes, then set the exit value and
934          ;; stop running loads (but maybe continue with the REPL)
935          (lambda (proc)
936            (set! exit-value 1)
937            ;; Let the actual default handler report an arity mismatch, etc.
938            (call-with-continuation-prompt
939             (lambda () (abort-current-continuation (default-continuation-prompt-tag) proc)))))
941         (when repl?
942           (set! exit-value 0)
943           (when repl-init?
944             (let ([m (get-repl-init-filename)])
945               (when m
946                 (call-with-continuation-prompt
947                  (lambda () (dynamic-require m 0))
948                  (default-continuation-prompt-tag)
949                  (lambda args (set! exit-value 1))))))
950           (|#%app| (if text-repl?
951                        (dynamic-require 'racket/base 'read-eval-print-loop)
952                        (dynamic-require 'racket/gui/init 'graphical-read-eval-print-loop)))
953           (when text-repl?
954             (newline)))
956         (when yield?
957           (|#%app| (executable-yield-handler) exit-value))
959         (cond
960          [embedded-interactive-mode?
961           (register-embedded-entry-info!
962            (lambda ()
963              (entry-point-k exit-value)))]
964          [else
965           (exit exit-value)]))))))
967 (define the-command-line-arguments
968   (or (and (top-level-bound? 'bytes-command-line-arguments)
969            (top-level-value 'bytes-command-line-arguments))
970       (command-line-arguments)))
972 (if (null? the-command-line-arguments)
973     ;; Assume that we're running as a boot file
974     (scheme-start (lambda args (run args)))
975     ;; Assume that we're running as a script
976     (run the-command-line-arguments)))