1#lang racket/base
2(require "../common/struct-star.rkt"
3         "../common/set.rkt"
4         "../syntax/syntax.rkt"
5         "../syntax/property.rkt"
6         "../syntax/scope.rkt"
7         "../syntax/taint.rkt"
8         "../syntax/match.rkt"
9         "../namespace/namespace.rkt"
10         "../common/module-path.rkt"
11         "../syntax/binding.rkt"
12         "env.rkt"
13         "free-id-set.rkt"
14         "../syntax/track.rkt"
15         "../syntax/error.rkt"
16         "syntax-id-error.rkt"
17         "dup-check.rkt"
18         "../namespace/core.rkt"
19         "context.rkt"
20         "allowed-context.rkt"
21         "main.rkt"
22         "body.rkt"
23         "set-bang-trans.rkt"
24         "rename-trans.rkt"
25         "reference-record.rkt"
26         "prepare.rkt"
27         "log.rkt"
28         "parsed.rkt"
29         "../compile/correlate.rkt")
31;; ----------------------------------------
33;; Common expansion for `lambda` and `case-lambda`
34(define (lambda-clause-expander s formals bodys ctx)
35  (define sc (and (not (expand-context-parsing-expanded? ctx))
36                  (new-scope 'local)))
37  (define phase (expand-context-phase ctx))
38  ;; Parse and check formal arguments:
39  (define ids (parse-and-flatten-formals formals sc s))
40  (check-no-duplicate-ids ids phase s #:what "argument name")
41  ;; Bind each argument and generate a corresponding key for the
42  ;; expand-time environment:
43  (define counter (root-expand-context-counter ctx))
44  (define local-sym (and (expand-context-normalize-locals? ctx) 'arg))
45  (define keys (for/list ([id (in-list ids)])
46                 (if sc
47                     (add-local-binding! id phase counter #:in s #:local-sym local-sym)
48                     (existing-binding-key id (expand-context-phase ctx)))))
49  (define body-env (for/fold ([env (expand-context-env ctx)]) ([key (in-list keys)]
50                                                               [id (in-list ids)])
51                     (env-extend env key (local-variable id))))
52  (define sc-formals (if sc (add-scope formals sc) formals))
53  (define sc-bodys (if sc
54                       (for/list ([body (in-list bodys)]) (add-scope body sc))
55                       bodys))
56  (log-expand ctx 'lambda-renames sc-formals sc-bodys)
57  ;; Expand the function body:
58  (define body-ctx (struct*-copy expand-context ctx
59                                 [env body-env]
60                                 [scopes (if sc
61                                             (cons sc (expand-context-scopes ctx))
62                                             (expand-context-scopes ctx))]
63                                 [binding-layer (if sc
64                                                    (increment-binding-layer ids ctx sc)
65                                                    (expand-context-binding-layer ctx))]
66                                 [frame-id #:parent root-expand-context #f]))
67  (define exp-body (if sc
68                       (expand-body sc-bodys body-ctx #:source (keep-as-needed ctx s #:keep-for-error? #t))
69                       (for/list ([sc-body (in-list sc-bodys)])
70                         (expand sc-body body-ctx))))
71  ;; Return formals (with new scope) and expanded body:
72  (values (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
73              (unflatten-like-formals keys formals)
74              sc-formals)
75          exp-body))
78 'lambda
79  (lambda (s ctx)
80    (log-expand ctx 'prim-lambda s)
81    (define-match m s '(lambda formals body ...+))
82    (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s #:keep-for-parsed? #t))
83    (define-values (formals body)
84      (lambda-clause-expander s (m 'formals) (m 'body) ctx))
85    (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
86        (parsed-lambda rebuild-s formals body)
87        (rebuild
88         rebuild-s
89         `(,(m 'lambda) ,formals ,@body)))))
9293 ;; A macro:
94 (lambda (s)
95   (define-match m s '(lam-id formals _ ...+))
96   (define ids (parse-and-flatten-formals (m 'formals) #f s))
97   (define ctx (get-current-expand-context #:fail-ok? #t))
98   (define phase (if ctx
99                     (expand-context-phase ctx)
100                     0))
101   (check-no-duplicate-ids ids phase s #:what "argument name")
102   (datum->syntax
103    s
104    (cons (datum->syntax (syntax-shift-phase-level core-stx phase)
105                         'lambda
106                         (m 'lam-id)
107                         (m 'lam-id))
108          (cdr (syntax-e s)))
109    s
110    s)))
113 'case-lambda
114 (lambda (s ctx)
115   (log-expand ctx 'prim-case-lambda s)
116   (define-match m s '(case-lambda [formals body ...+] ...))
117   (define-match cm s '(case-lambda clause ...))
118   (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s #:keep-for-parsed? #t))
119   (define clauses
120     (for/list ([formals (in-list (m 'formals))]
121                [body (in-list (m 'body))]
122                [clause (in-list (cm 'clause))])
123       (log-expand ctx 'next)
124       (define rebuild-clause (keep-as-needed ctx clause))
125       (define-values (exp-formals exp-body)
126         (lambda-clause-expander s formals body ctx))
127       (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
128           (list exp-formals exp-body)
129           (rebuild rebuild-clause `[,exp-formals ,@exp-body]))))
130   (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
131       (parsed-case-lambda rebuild-s clauses)
132       (rebuild
133        rebuild-s
134        `(,(m 'case-lambda) ,@clauses)))))
136(define (parse-and-flatten-formals all-formals sc s)
137  (let loop ([formals all-formals])
138    (cond
139     [(identifier? formals) (list (if sc
140                                      (add-scope formals sc)
141                                      formals))]
142     [(syntax? formals)
143      (define p (syntax-e formals))
144      (cond
145       [(pair? p) (loop p)]
146       [(null? p) null]
147       [else (raise-syntax-error #f "not an identifier" s p)])]
148     [(pair? formals)
149      (unless (identifier? (car formals))
150        (raise-syntax-error #f "not an identifier" s (car formals)))
151      (cons (if sc
152                (add-scope (car formals) sc)
153                (car formals))
154            (loop (cdr formals)))]
155     [(null? formals)
156      null]
157     [else
158      (raise-syntax-error "bad argument sequence" s all-formals)])))
160(define (unflatten-like-formals keys formals)
161  (let loop ([keys keys] [formals formals])
162    (cond
163     [(null? formals) null]
164     [(pair? formals) (cons (car keys) (loop (cdr keys) (cdr formals)))]
165     [(syntax? formals) (loop keys (syntax-e formals))]
166     [else (car keys)])))
168;; ----------------------------------------
170;; Common expansion for `let[rec]-[syntaxes+]values`
171(define (make-let-values-form #:log-tag log-tag
172                              #:syntaxes? [syntaxes? #f]
173                              #:rec? [rec? #f]
174                              #:split-by-reference? [split-by-reference? #f])
175  (lambda (s ctx)
176    (log-expand ctx log-tag s)
177    (define-match stx-m s #:when syntaxes?
178      '(letrec-syntaxes+values
179        ([(id:trans ...) trans-rhs] ...)
180           ([(id:val ...) val-rhs] ...)
181        body ...+))
182    (define-match val-m s #:unless syntaxes?
183      '(let-values ([(id:val ...) val-rhs] ...)
184         body ...+))
185    (define sc (and (not (expand-context-parsing-expanded? ctx))
186                    (new-scope 'local)))
187    (when (and syntaxes? (not sc))
188      (raise-syntax-error #f
189                          "encountered `letrec-syntaxes` in form that should be fully expanded"
190                          s))
191    (define body-sc (and sc rec? (new-scope 'letrec-body)))
192    (define phase (expand-context-phase ctx))
193    (define frame-id (and syntaxes?
194                          (make-reference-record))) ; accumulates info on referenced variables
195    ;; Add the new scope to each binding identifier:
196    (define trans-idss (for/list ([ids (in-list (if syntaxes? (stx-m 'id:trans) null))])
197                         (for/list ([id (in-list ids)])
198                           (add-scope id sc))))
199    (define trans-rhss (if syntaxes? ; implies rec?
200                           (for/list ([rhs (in-list (stx-m 'trans-rhs))])
201                             (add-scope rhs sc))
202                           '()))
203    (define val-idss (let ([val-idss (if syntaxes? (stx-m 'id:val) (val-m 'id:val))])
204                       (if sc
205                           (for/list ([ids (in-list val-idss)])
206                             (for/list ([id (in-list ids)])
207                               (add-scope id sc)))
208                           val-idss)))
209    (define val-rhss (let ([val-rhss (if syntaxes? (stx-m 'val-rhs) (val-m 'val-rhs))])
210                       (if (and rec? sc)
211                           (for/list ([rhs (in-list val-rhss)])
212                             (add-scope rhs sc))
213                           val-rhss)))
214    (define val-clauses ; for syntax tracking
215      (cond
216        [syntaxes?
217         (define-match m s '(_ _ (clause ...) . _))
218         (m 'clause)]
219        [else
220         (define-match m s '(_ (clause ...) . _))
221         (m 'clause)]))
222    (check-no-duplicate-ids (list trans-idss val-idss) phase s)
223    ;; Bind each left-hand identifier and generate a corresponding key
224    ;; fo the expand-time environment:
225    (define counter (root-expand-context-counter ctx))
226    (define local-sym (and (expand-context-normalize-locals? ctx) 'loc))
227    (define trans-keyss (for/list ([ids (in-list trans-idss)])
228                          (for/list ([id (in-list ids)])
229                            (add-local-binding! id phase counter
230                                                #:frame-id frame-id #:in s
231                                                #:local-sym local-sym))))
232    (define val-keyss (for/list ([ids (in-list val-idss)])
233                        (for/list ([id (in-list ids)])
234                          (if sc
235                              (add-local-binding! id phase counter
236                                                  #:frame-id frame-id #:in s
237                                                  #:local-sym local-sym)
238                              (existing-binding-key id  (expand-context-phase ctx))))))
239    ;; Add new scope to body:
240    (define bodys (let ([bodys (if syntaxes? (stx-m 'body) (val-m 'body))])
241                    (if sc
242                        (for/list ([body (in-list bodys)])
243                          (define new-body (add-scope body sc))
244                          (if rec?
245                              (add-scope new-body body-sc)
246                              new-body))
247                        bodys)))
248    (log-expand ctx 'letX-renames trans-idss trans-rhss val-idss val-rhss bodys)
249    ;; Evaluate compile-time expressions (if any):
250    (when syntaxes?
251      (log-expand ctx 'prepare-env)
252      (prepare-next-phase-namespace ctx))
253    (define trans-valss (for/list ([rhs (in-list trans-rhss)]
254                                   [ids (in-list trans-idss)])
255                          (log-expand* ctx ['next] ['enter-bind])
256                          (define trans-val (eval-for-syntaxes-binding 'letrec-syntaxes+values
257                                                                       rhs ids ctx))
258                          (log-expand ctx 'exit-bind)
259                          trans-val))
260    ;; Fill expansion-time environment:
261    (define rec-val-env
262      (for/fold ([env (expand-context-env ctx)]) ([keys (in-list val-keyss)]
263                                                  [ids (in-list val-idss)]
264                                                  #:when #t
265                                                  [key (in-list keys)]
266                                                  [id (in-list ids)])
267        (env-extend env key (local-variable id))))
268    (define rec-env (for/fold ([env rec-val-env]) ([keys (in-list trans-keyss)]
269                                                   [vals (in-list trans-valss)]
270                                                   [ids (in-list trans-idss)])
271                      (for/fold ([env env]) ([key (in-list keys)]
272                                             [val (in-list vals)]
273                                             [id (in-list ids)])
274                        (maybe-install-free=id-in-context! val id phase ctx)
275                        (env-extend env key val))))
276    (when syntaxes?
277      (log-expand ctx 'next-group))
278    ;; Expand right-hand sides and body
279    (define expr-ctx (as-expression-context ctx))
280    (define orig-rrs (expand-context-reference-records expr-ctx))
281    (define rec-ctx (struct*-copy expand-context expr-ctx
282                                  [env rec-env]
283                                  [scopes (if sc
284                                              (let ([scopes (cons sc (expand-context-scopes ctx))])
285                                                (if rec?
286                                                    (cons body-sc scopes)
287                                                    scopes))
288                                              (expand-context-scopes ctx))]
289                                  [reference-records (if split-by-reference?
290                                                         (cons frame-id orig-rrs)
291                                                         orig-rrs)]
292                                  [binding-layer (if sc
293                                                     (increment-binding-layer
294                                                      (cons trans-idss val-idss)
295                                                      ctx
296                                                      sc)
297                                                     (expand-context-binding-layer ctx))]))
298    (define letrec-values-id
299      (and (not (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx))
300           (if syntaxes?
301               (core-id 'letrec-values phase)
302               (val-m 'let-values))))
304    (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s #:keep-for-error? #t))
305    (define val-name-idss (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
306                              (for/list ([val-ids (in-list val-idss)])
307                                (for/list ([val-id (in-list val-ids)])
308                                  (datum->syntax #f (syntax-e val-id) val-id val-id)))
309                              val-idss))
311    (define (get-body)
312      (cond
313        [(expand-context-parsing-expanded? ctx)
314         (for/list ([body (in-list bodys)])
315           (expand body rec-ctx))]
316        [else
317         (define body-ctx (struct*-copy expand-context rec-ctx
318                                        [reference-records orig-rrs]))
319         (expand-body bodys (as-tail-context body-ctx #:wrt ctx) #:source rebuild-s)]))
320    (define result-s
321      (cond
322        [(not split-by-reference?)
323         (define clauses
324           (for/list ([ids (in-list val-name-idss)]
325                      [keys (in-list val-keyss)]
326                      [rhs (in-list val-rhss)]
327                      [clause (in-list val-clauses)])
328             (log-expand ctx 'next)
329             (define exp-rhs (expand rhs (if rec?
330                                             (as-named-context rec-ctx ids)
331                                             (as-named-context expr-ctx ids))))
332             (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
333                 (list keys exp-rhs)
334                 (datum->syntax #f `[,ids ,exp-rhs] clause clause))))
335         (define exp-body (get-body))
336         (when frame-id
337           (reference-record-clear! frame-id))
338         (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
339             (if rec?
340                 (parsed-letrec-values rebuild-s val-name-idss clauses exp-body)
341                 (parsed-let-values rebuild-s val-name-idss clauses exp-body))
342             (rebuild
343              rebuild-s
344              `(,letrec-values-id ,clauses ,@exp-body)))]
345        [else
346         (expand-and-split-bindings-by-reference
347          val-idss val-keyss val-rhss val-clauses
348          #:split? #t
349          #:frame-id frame-id #:ctx rec-ctx
350          #:source rebuild-s #:had-stxes? syntaxes?
351          #:get-body get-body #:track? #t)]))
353    (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
354        result-s
355        (attach-disappeared-transformer-bindings result-s trans-idss))))
358 'let-values
359 (make-let-values-form #:log-tag 'prim-let-values))
362 'letrec-values
363 (make-let-values-form #:rec? #t #:log-tag 'prim-letrec-values))
366 'letrec-syntaxes+values
367 (make-let-values-form #:syntaxes? #t #:rec? #t #:split-by-reference? #t
368                       #:log-tag 'prim-letrec-syntaxes+values))
370;; ----------------------------------------
373 '#%stratified-body
374 (lambda (s ctx)
375   (log-expand ctx 'prim-#%stratified s)
376   (define-match m s '(#%stratified-body body ...+))
377   (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s #:keep-for-error? #t))
378   (define exp-body (expand-body (m 'body) ctx #:stratified? #t #:source rebuild-s))
379   (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
380       (parsed-begin rebuild-s exp-body)
381       (rebuild
382        rebuild-s
383        (if (null? (cdr exp-body))
384            (car exp-body)
385            `(,(core-id 'begin (expand-context-phase ctx))
386              ,@exp-body))))))
388;; ----------------------------------------
391 '#%datum
392 (lambda (s ctx)
393   (log-expand ctx 'prim-#%datum s)
394   (define-match m s '(#%datum . datum))
395   (define datum (m 'datum))
396   (when (and (syntax? datum)
397              (keyword? (syntax-e datum)))
398     (raise-syntax-error '#%datum "keyword misused as an expression" #f datum))
399   (define phase (expand-context-phase ctx))
400   (if (and (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
401            (free-id-set-empty? (expand-context-stops ctx)))
402       (parsed-quote (keep-properties-only~ s) (syntax->datum datum))
403       (syntax-track-origin (rebuild s
404                                     (list (core-id 'quote phase)
405                                           datum)
406                                     #:track? #f)
407                            s
408                            (m '#%datum)))))
410;; '#%kernel `#%app` treats an empty combination as a literal null
412 '#%app
413 (lambda (s ctx)
414   (log-expand ctx 'prim-#%app s)
415   (define-match m s '(#%app e ...))
416   (define es (m 'e))
417   (cond
418    [(null? es)
419     (define phase (expand-context-phase ctx))
420     (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
421         (parsed-quote (keep-properties-only~ s) null)
422         (rebuild
423          s
424          (list (core-id 'quote phase)
425                null)))]
426    [else
427     (define keep-for-parsed? keep-source-locations?)
428     (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s #:keep-for-parsed? keep-for-parsed?))
429     (define prefixless (cdr (syntax-e s)))
430     (define rebuild-prefixless (and (syntax? prefixless)
431                                     (keep-as-needed ctx prefixless #:keep-for-parsed? keep-for-parsed?)))
432     (define expr-ctx (as-expression-context ctx))
433     (log-expand expr-ctx 'next)
434     (define rest-es (cdr es))
435     (define exp-rator (expand (car es) expr-ctx))
436     (define exp-es (for/list ([e (in-list rest-es)])
437                      (log-expand expr-ctx 'next)
438                      (expand e expr-ctx)))
439     (cond
440       [(expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
441        (parsed-app (or rebuild-prefixless rebuild-s) exp-rator exp-es)]
442       [else
443        (define es (let ([exp-es (cons exp-rator exp-es)])
444                     (if rebuild-prefixless
445                         (rebuild rebuild-prefixless exp-es)
446                         exp-es)))
447        (rebuild rebuild-s (cons (m '#%app) es))])])))
451 'quote
452 (lambda (s ctx)
453   (log-expand ctx 'prim-quote #f)
454   (define-match m s '(quote datum))
455   (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
456       (parsed-quote (keep-properties-only~ s) (syntax->datum (m 'datum)))
457       s)))
460 'quote-syntax
461 (lambda (s ctx)
462   (log-expand ctx 'prim-quote-syntax s)
463   (define-match m-local s #:try '(quote-syntax datum #:local))
464   (define-match m s #:unless (m-local) '(quote-syntax datum))
465   (cond
466    [(m-local)
467     ;; #:local means don't prune, and it counts as a reference to
468     ;; all variables for letrec splitting
469     (reference-records-all-used! (expand-context-reference-records ctx))
470     (define-match m-kw s '(_ _ kw))
471     (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
472         (parsed-quote-syntax (keep-properties-only~ s) (m-local 'datum))
473         (rebuild
474          s
475          `(,(m-local 'quote-syntax) ,(m-local 'datum) ,(m-kw 'kw))))]
476    [else
477     ;; otherwise, prune scopes up to transformer boundary:
478     (define use-site-scopes (root-expand-context-use-site-scopes ctx))
479     (define datum-s (remove-scopes (remove-scopes (m 'datum) (expand-context-scopes ctx))
480                                    (if use-site-scopes (unbox use-site-scopes) '())))
481     (if (and (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
482              (free-id-set-empty? (expand-context-stops ctx)))
483         (parsed-quote-syntax (keep-properties-only~ s) datum-s)
484         (rebuild
485          s
486          `(,(m 'quote-syntax)
487            ,datum-s)))])))
490 'if
491 (lambda (s ctx)
492   (log-expand ctx 'prim-if s)
493   (define-match bad-m s #:try '(_ _ _))
494   (when (bad-m) (raise-syntax-error #f "missing an \"else\" expression" s))
495   (define-match m s '(if tst thn els))
496   (define expr-ctx (as-expression-context ctx))
497   (define tail-ctx (as-tail-context expr-ctx #:wrt ctx))
498   (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s))
499   (define exp-tst (expand (m 'tst) expr-ctx))
500   (log-expand ctx 'next)
501   (define exp-thn (expand (m 'thn) tail-ctx))
502   (log-expand ctx 'next)
503   (define exp-els (expand (m 'els) tail-ctx))
504   (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
505       (parsed-if rebuild-s exp-tst exp-thn exp-els)
506       (rebuild
507        rebuild-s
508        (list (m 'if) exp-tst exp-thn exp-els)))))
511 'with-continuation-mark
512 (lambda (s ctx)
513   (log-expand ctx 'prim-with-continuation-mark s)
514   (define-match m s '(with-continuation-mark key val body))
515   (define expr-ctx (as-expression-context ctx))
516   (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s))
517   (define exp-key (expand (m 'key) expr-ctx))
518   (log-expand ctx 'next)
519   (define exp-val (expand (m 'val) expr-ctx))
520   (log-expand ctx 'next)
521   (define exp-body (expand (m 'body) (as-tail-context expr-ctx #:wrt ctx)))
522   (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
523       (parsed-with-continuation-mark rebuild-s exp-key exp-val exp-body)
524       (rebuild
525        rebuild-s
526        (list (m 'with-continuation-mark) exp-key exp-val exp-body)))))
528(define (make-begin log-tag parsed-begin
529                    #:last-is-tail? last-is-tail?)
530 (lambda (s ctx)
531   (log-expand ctx log-tag s)
532   (define-match m s '(begin e ...+))
533   (define expr-ctx (if last-is-tail?
534                        (as-begin-expression-context ctx)
535                        (as-expression-context ctx)))
536   (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s))
537   (define exp-es
538     (let loop ([es (m 'e)])
539       (cond
540        [(null? es) null]
541        [else
542         (define rest-es (cdr es))
543         (log-expand ctx 'next)
544         (cons (expand (car es) (if (and last-is-tail? (null? rest-es))
545                                    (as-tail-context expr-ctx #:wrt ctx)
546                                    expr-ctx))
547               (loop rest-es))])))
548   (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
549       (parsed-begin rebuild-s exp-es)
550       (rebuild
551        rebuild-s
552        (cons (m 'begin) exp-es)))))
555 'begin
556 (let ([nonempty-begin (make-begin 'prim-begin parsed-begin #:last-is-tail? #t)])
557   (lambda (s ctx)
558     ;; Empty `begin` allowed in 'top-level and 'module contexts,
559     ;; which might get here via `local-expand`:
560     (define context (expand-context-context ctx))
561     (cond
562      [(or (eq? context 'top-level) (eq? context 'module))
563       (define-match m s #:try '(begin))
564       (if (m)
565           (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
566               (parsed-begin (keep-as-needed ctx s) '())
567               s)
568           (nonempty-begin s ctx))]
569      [else
570       (nonempty-begin s ctx)]))))
573 'begin0
574 (make-begin 'prim-begin0 parsed-begin0 #:last-is-tail? #f))
576(define (register-eventual-variable!? id ctx)
577  (cond
578   [(and (expand-context-need-eventually-defined ctx)
579         ((expand-context-phase ctx) . >= . 1))
580    ;; In top level or `begin-for-syntax`, encountered a reference to a
581    ;; variable that might be defined later; record it for later checking
582    (hash-update! (expand-context-need-eventually-defined ctx)
583                  (expand-context-phase ctx)
584                  (lambda (l) (cons id l))
585                  null)
586    #t]
587   [else #f]))
589;; returns whether the binding is to a primitive
590(define (check-top-binding-is-variable ctx b id s)
591  (define-values (t primitive? insp-of-t protected?)
592    (lookup b ctx id
593            #:in s
594            #:out-of-context-as-variable? (expand-context-in-local-expand? ctx)))
595  (unless (variable? t)
596    (raise-syntax-error #f "identifier does not refer to a variable" id s))
597  primitive?)
600 '#%top
601 (lambda (s ctx [implicit-omitted? #f])
602   (log-expand ctx 'prim-#%top s)
603   (define id (cond
604               [implicit-omitted?
605                ;; As a special favor to `local-expand`, the expander
606                ;; has avoided making `#%top` explicit
607                s]
608               [else
609                (define-match m s '(#%top . id))
610                (m 'id)]))
611   (define b (resolve+shift id (expand-context-phase ctx)
612                            #:ambiguous-value 'ambiguous))
613   (cond
614    [(eq? b 'ambiguous)
615     (raise-ambiguous-error id ctx)]
616    [(and b
617          (module-binding? b)
618          (eq? (module-binding-module b) (root-expand-context-self-mpi ctx)))
619     ;; Within a module, check that binding is a variable, not syntax:
620     (unless (expand-context-allow-unbound? ctx)
621       (check-top-binding-is-variable ctx b id s))
622     ;; Allow `#%top` in a module or top-level where it refers to the same
623     ;; thing that the identifier by itself would refer to; in that case
624     ;; `#%top` can be stripped within a module
625     (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
626         (parsed-id id b #f)
627         (cond
628          [(top-level-module-path-index? (module-binding-module b)) s]
629          [else id]))]
630    [(local-binding? b)
631     ;; In all contexts, including the top level, count as unbound
632     (raise-unbound-syntax-error #f "unbound identifier" id #f null
633                                 (syntax-debug-info-string id ctx))]
634    [(register-eventual-variable!? id ctx)
635     ;; Must be in a module, and we'll check the binding later, so strip `#%top`:
636     (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
637         (parsed-id id b #f)
638         id)]
639    [else
640     (cond
641      [(not (expand-context-allow-unbound? ctx))
642       ;; In a module, unbound or out of context:
643       (raise-unbound-syntax-error #f "unbound identifier" id #f null
644                                   (syntax-debug-info-string id ctx))]
645      [else
646       ;; At the top level:
647       (define tl-id (add-scope id (root-expand-context-top-level-bind-scope ctx)))
648       (define tl-b (resolve tl-id (expand-context-phase ctx)))
649       (cond
650        [tl-b
651         ;; Expand to a reference to a top-level variable, instead of
652         ;; a required variable; don't include the temporary
653         ;; binding scope in an expansion, though, in the same way that
654         ;; `define-values` expands without it
655         (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
656             (parsed-top-id tl-id tl-b #f)
657             (cond
658              [implicit-omitted? id]
659              [else
660               (define-match m s '(#%top . id))
661               (rebuild s (cons (m '#%top) id))]))]
662        [else (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
663                  (parsed-top-id id b #f)
664                  s)])])])))
667 'set!
668 (lambda (s ctx)
669   (log-expand ctx 'prim-set! s)
670   (define-match m s '(set! id rhs))
671   (define orig-id (m 'id))
672   (let rename-loop ([id orig-id] [from-rename? #f])
673     (define binding (resolve+shift id (expand-context-phase ctx)
674                                    #:ambiguous-value 'ambiguous
675                                    #:immediate? #t))
676     (when (eq? binding 'ambiguous)
677       (raise-ambiguous-error id ctx))
678     (define-values (t primitive? insp protected?) (if binding
679                                                       (lookup binding ctx s)
680                                                       (values #f #f #f #f)))
681     (log-expand ctx 'resolve id)
682     (cond
683      [(or (variable? t)
684           (and (not binding)
685                (or (register-eventual-variable!? id ctx)
686                    (expand-context-allow-unbound? ctx))))
687       (when (and (module-binding? binding)
688                  (not (inside-module-context? (module-binding-module binding)
689                                               (root-expand-context-self-mpi ctx))))
690         (raise-syntax-error #f "cannot mutate module-required identifier" s id))
691       (log-expand ctx 'next)
692       (register-variable-referenced-if-local! binding ctx)
693       (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s))
694       (define exp-rhs (expand (m 'rhs) (as-expression-context ctx)))
695       (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
696           (parsed-set! rebuild-s (parsed-id id binding #f) exp-rhs)
697           (rebuild
698            rebuild-s
699            (list (m 'set!)
700                  (substitute-variable id t #:no-stops? (free-id-set-empty-or-just-module*? (expand-context-stops ctx)))
701                  exp-rhs)))]
702      [(not binding)
703       (raise-unbound-syntax-error #f "unbound identifier" s id null
704                                   (syntax-debug-info-string id ctx))]
705      [(set!-transformer? t)
706       (cond
707        [(not-in-this-expand-context? t ctx)
708         (expand (avoid-current-expand-context (substitute-set!-rename s (m 'set!) (m 'rhs) id from-rename? ctx) t ctx)
709                 ctx)]
710        [else
711         (define-values (exp-s re-ctx)
712           (apply-transformer t insp s orig-id ctx binding #:origin-id orig-id))
713         (cond
714          [(expand-context-just-once? ctx) exp-s]
715          [else (expand exp-s re-ctx)])])]
716      [(rename-transformer? t)
717       (cond
718        [(not-in-this-expand-context? t ctx)
719         (expand (avoid-current-expand-context (substitute-set!-rename s (m 'set!) (m 'rhs) id from-rename? ctx) t ctx)
720                 ctx)]
721        [else (rename-loop (apply-rename-transformer t id ctx) #t)])]
722      [else
723       (raise-syntax-error #f "cannot mutate syntax identifier" s id)]))))
725(define (substitute-set!-rename s set!-id id rhs-s from-rename? ctx)
726  (cond
727   [from-rename? (datum->syntax s (list set!-id id rhs-s) s s)]
728   [else s]))
731 '#%variable-reference
732 (lambda (s ctx)
733   (log-expand ctx 'prim-#%variable-reference s)
734   (define-match id-m s #:try '(#%variable-reference id))
735   (define-match top-m s #:unless (id-m) #:try '(#%variable-reference (#%top . id)))
736   (define-match empty-m s #:unless (or (id-m) (top-m)) '(#%variable-reference))
737   (cond
738    [(or (id-m) (top-m))
739     (when (top-m)
740       (define phase (expand-context-phase ctx))
741       (unless (and (identifier? (top-m '#%top))
742                    (free-identifier=? (top-m '#%top) (core-id '#%top phase) phase phase))
743         (raise-syntax-error #f "bad syntax" s)))
744     (define var-id (if (id-m) (id-m 'id) (top-m 'id)))
745     (define binding (resolve+shift var-id (expand-context-phase ctx)
746                                    #:ambiguous-value 'ambiguous))
747     (when (eq? binding 'ambiguous)
748       (raise-ambiguous-error var-id ctx))
749     (unless (and (or binding
750                      (expand-context-allow-unbound? ctx))
751                  (not (and (top-m) (local-binding? binding))))
752       (raise-unbound-syntax-error #f "unbound identifier" s var-id null
753                                   (syntax-debug-info-string var-id ctx)))
754     (define primitive?
755       (cond
756         [(or (not binding)
757              (and (expand-context-allow-unbound? ctx)
758                   (top-m)))
759          #f]
760         [else
761          (check-top-binding-is-variable ctx binding var-id s)]))
762     (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
763         (parsed-#%variable-reference (keep-properties-only~ s)
764                                      (cond
765                                        [(top-m) (parsed-top-id var-id binding #f)]
766                                        [primitive? (parsed-primitive-id var-id binding #f)]
767                                        [else (parsed-id var-id binding #f)]))
768         s)]
769    [else
770     (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
771         (parsed-#%variable-reference (keep-properties-only~ s) #f)
772         s)])))
775 '#%expression
776 (lambda (s ctx)
777   (log-expand ctx 'prim-#%expression s)
778   (define-match m s '(#%expression e))
779   (define rebuild-s (keep-as-needed ctx s #:for-track? #t))
780   (define exp-e (expand (m 'e) (as-tail-context (as-expression-context ctx)
781                                                 #:wrt ctx)))
782   (if (expand-context-to-parsed? ctx)
783       exp-e
784       (cond
785         [(or (and (expand-context-in-local-expand? ctx)
786                   (expand-context-keep-#%expression? ctx))
787              (eq? 'top-level (expand-context-context ctx)))
788          (rebuild
789           rebuild-s
790           `(,(m '#%expression) ,exp-e))]
791         [else
792          (define result-s (syntax-track-origin exp-e rebuild-s))
793          (log-expand ctx 'tag result-s)
794          result-s]))))
796;; ----------------------------------------
798;; Historically in '#%kernel, should be moved out
800 'unquote
801 (lambda (s ctx)
802   (raise-syntax-error #f "not in quasiquote" s)))
804 'unquote-splicing
805 (lambda (s ctx)
806   (raise-syntax-error #f "not in quasiquote" s)))