1\ logistic The Logistic function and its first derivative 2\ logistic = Exp( c + a x ) / (1 + Exp( c + a x ) ) 3\ d_logistic = a Exp( c + a x ) / (1 + Exp( c + a x ) )^2 4 5\ Forth Scientific Library Algorithm #4 6 7\ This code conforms with ANS requiring: 8\ 1. The Floating-Point word set 9\ 10 11\ (c) Copyright 1994 Everett F. Carter. Permission is granted by the 12\ author to use this software for any application provided this 13\ copyright notice is preserved. 14 15 16cr .( Logistic V1.2 17 October 1994 EFC ) 17 18 19: logistic ( --, f: x a c -- z ) 20 FROT FROT 21 F* F+ 22 FEXP 23 FDUP 1.0e0 F+ 24 F/ 25; 26 27: d_logistic ( -- , f: x a c -- z ) 28 FSWAP FROT 29 FOVER F* FROT F+ 30 FEXP 31 32 FDUP 1.0e0 F+ FDUP F* 33 F/ F* 34; 35 36\ Examples % 1.0 % 1.0 % 0.0 logistic f. 0.731059 37\ % 3.2 % 1.5 % 0.2 logistic f. 0.993307 38\ % 3.2 % 1.5 % 0.2 d_logistic f. 0.00997209 39 40# The Code 41 42~~~ 43:logistic (-,f:xac-z) 44 f:rot f:rot 45 f:* f:+ 46 f:E f:swap f:power 47 f:dup .1.0e0 f:+ 48 f:/ ; 49 50:d_logistic (-,f:xac-z) 51 f:swap f:rot 52 f:over f:* f:rot f:+ 53 f:E f:swap f:power 54 f:dup .1.0e0 f:+ f:dup f:* 55 f:/ f:* ; 56~~~ 57 58# Tests 59 60``` 61.1.0 .1.0 .0.0 logistic f:put nl 62.3.2 .1.5 .0.2 logistic f:put nl 63``` 64