1 use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
2 use rustc_middle::mir::tcx::RvalueInitializationState;
3 use rustc_middle::mir::*;
4 use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
5 use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
7 use std::iter;
8 use std::mem;
10 use super::abs_domain::Lift;
11 use super::IllegalMoveOriginKind::*;
12 use super::{Init, InitIndex, InitKind, InitLocation, LookupResult, MoveError};
13 use super::{
14     LocationMap, MoveData, MoveOut, MoveOutIndex, MovePath, MovePathIndex, MovePathLookup,
15 };
17 struct MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
18     body: &'a Body<'tcx>,
19     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
20     param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
21     data: MoveData<'tcx>,
22     errors: Vec<(Place<'tcx>, MoveError<'tcx>)>,
23 }
25 impl<'a, 'tcx> MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
new(body: &'a Body<'tcx>, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>) -> Self26     fn new(body: &'a Body<'tcx>, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>) -> Self {
27         let mut move_paths = IndexVec::new();
28         let mut path_map = IndexVec::new();
29         let mut init_path_map = IndexVec::new();
31         MoveDataBuilder {
32             body,
33             tcx,
34             param_env,
35             errors: Vec::new(),
36             data: MoveData {
37                 moves: IndexVec::new(),
38                 loc_map: LocationMap::new(body),
39                 rev_lookup: MovePathLookup {
40                     locals: body
41                         .local_decls
42                         .indices()
43                         .map(|i| {
44                             Self::new_move_path(
45                                 &mut move_paths,
46                                 &mut path_map,
47                                 &mut init_path_map,
48                                 None,
49                                 Place::from(i),
50                             )
51                         })
52                         .collect(),
53                     projections: Default::default(),
54                 },
55                 move_paths,
56                 path_map,
57                 inits: IndexVec::new(),
58                 init_loc_map: LocationMap::new(body),
59                 init_path_map,
60             },
61         }
62     }
new_move_path( move_paths: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, MovePath<'tcx>>, path_map: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, SmallVec<[MoveOutIndex; 4]>>, init_path_map: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, SmallVec<[InitIndex; 4]>>, parent: Option<MovePathIndex>, place: Place<'tcx>, ) -> MovePathIndex64     fn new_move_path(
65         move_paths: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, MovePath<'tcx>>,
66         path_map: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, SmallVec<[MoveOutIndex; 4]>>,
67         init_path_map: &mut IndexVec<MovePathIndex, SmallVec<[InitIndex; 4]>>,
68         parent: Option<MovePathIndex>,
69         place: Place<'tcx>,
70     ) -> MovePathIndex {
71         let move_path =
72             move_paths.push(MovePath { next_sibling: None, first_child: None, parent, place });
74         if let Some(parent) = parent {
75             let next_sibling = mem::replace(&mut move_paths[parent].first_child, Some(move_path));
76             move_paths[move_path].next_sibling = next_sibling;
77         }
79         let path_map_ent = path_map.push(smallvec![]);
80         assert_eq!(path_map_ent, move_path);
82         let init_path_map_ent = init_path_map.push(smallvec![]);
83         assert_eq!(init_path_map_ent, move_path);
85         move_path
86     }
87 }
89 impl<'b, 'a, 'tcx> Gatherer<'b, 'a, 'tcx> {
90     /// This creates a MovePath for a given place, returning an `MovePathError`
91     /// if that place can't be moved from.
92     ///
93     /// NOTE: places behind references *do not* get a move path, which is
94     /// problematic for borrowck.
95     ///
96     /// Maybe we should have separate "borrowck" and "moveck" modes.
move_path_for(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>) -> Result<MovePathIndex, MoveError<'tcx>>97     fn move_path_for(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>) -> Result<MovePathIndex, MoveError<'tcx>> {
98         debug!("lookup({:?})", place);
99         let mut base = self.builder.data.rev_lookup.locals[place.local];
101         // The move path index of the first union that we find. Once this is
102         // some we stop creating child move paths, since moves from unions
103         // move the whole thing.
104         // We continue looking for other move errors though so that moving
105         // from `*(u.f: &_)` isn't allowed.
106         let mut union_path = None;
108         for (i, elem) in place.projection.iter().enumerate() {
109             let proj_base = &place.projection[..i];
110             let body = self.builder.body;
111             let tcx = self.builder.tcx;
112             let place_ty = Place::ty_from(place.local, proj_base, body, tcx).ty;
113             match place_ty.kind() {
114                 ty::Ref(..) | ty::RawPtr(..) => {
115                     let proj = &place.projection[..i + 1];
116                     return Err(MoveError::cannot_move_out_of(
117                         self.loc,
118                         BorrowedContent {
119                             target_place: Place {
120                                 local: place.local,
121                                 projection: tcx.intern_place_elems(proj),
122                             },
123                         },
124                     ));
125                 }
126                 ty::Adt(adt, _) if adt.has_dtor(tcx) && !adt.is_box() => {
127                     return Err(MoveError::cannot_move_out_of(
128                         self.loc,
129                         InteriorOfTypeWithDestructor { container_ty: place_ty },
130                     ));
131                 }
132                 ty::Adt(adt, _) if adt.is_union() => {
133                     union_path.get_or_insert(base);
134                 }
135                 ty::Slice(_) => {
136                     return Err(MoveError::cannot_move_out_of(
137                         self.loc,
138                         InteriorOfSliceOrArray {
139                             ty: place_ty,
140                             is_index: matches!(elem, ProjectionElem::Index(..)),
141                         },
142                     ));
143                 }
145                 ty::Array(..) => {
146                     if let ProjectionElem::Index(..) = elem {
147                         return Err(MoveError::cannot_move_out_of(
148                             self.loc,
149                             InteriorOfSliceOrArray { ty: place_ty, is_index: true },
150                         ));
151                     }
152                 }
154                 _ => {}
155             };
157             if union_path.is_none() {
158                 base = self.add_move_path(base, elem, |tcx| Place {
159                     local: place.local,
160                     projection: tcx.intern_place_elems(&place.projection[..i + 1]),
161                 });
162             }
163         }
165         if let Some(base) = union_path {
166             // Move out of union - always move the entire union.
167             Err(MoveError::UnionMove { path: base })
168         } else {
169             Ok(base)
170         }
171     }
add_move_path( &mut self, base: MovePathIndex, elem: PlaceElem<'tcx>, mk_place: impl FnOnce(TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> Place<'tcx>, ) -> MovePathIndex173     fn add_move_path(
174         &mut self,
175         base: MovePathIndex,
176         elem: PlaceElem<'tcx>,
177         mk_place: impl FnOnce(TyCtxt<'tcx>) -> Place<'tcx>,
178     ) -> MovePathIndex {
179         let MoveDataBuilder {
180             data: MoveData { rev_lookup, move_paths, path_map, init_path_map, .. },
181             tcx,
182             ..
183         } = self.builder;
184         *rev_lookup.projections.entry((base, elem.lift())).or_insert_with(move || {
185             MoveDataBuilder::new_move_path(
186                 move_paths,
187                 path_map,
188                 init_path_map,
189                 Some(base),
190                 mk_place(*tcx),
191             )
192         })
193     }
create_move_path(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>)195     fn create_move_path(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>) {
196         // This is an non-moving access (such as an overwrite or
197         // drop), so this not being a valid move path is OK.
198         let _ = self.move_path_for(place);
199     }
200 }
202 impl<'a, 'tcx> MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
finalize( self, ) -> Result<MoveData<'tcx>, (MoveData<'tcx>, Vec<(Place<'tcx>, MoveError<'tcx>)>)>203     fn finalize(
204         self,
205     ) -> Result<MoveData<'tcx>, (MoveData<'tcx>, Vec<(Place<'tcx>, MoveError<'tcx>)>)> {
206         debug!("{}", {
207             debug!("moves for {:?}:", self.body.span);
208             for (j, mo) in self.data.moves.iter_enumerated() {
209                 debug!("    {:?} = {:?}", j, mo);
210             }
211             debug!("move paths for {:?}:", self.body.span);
212             for (j, path) in self.data.move_paths.iter_enumerated() {
213                 debug!("    {:?} = {:?}", j, path);
214             }
215             "done dumping moves"
216         });
218         if !self.errors.is_empty() { Err((self.data, self.errors)) } else { Ok(self.data) }
219     }
220 }
gather_moves<'tcx>( body: &Body<'tcx>, tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, ) -> Result<MoveData<'tcx>, (MoveData<'tcx>, Vec<(Place<'tcx>, MoveError<'tcx>)>)>222 pub(super) fn gather_moves<'tcx>(
223     body: &Body<'tcx>,
224     tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
225     param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
226 ) -> Result<MoveData<'tcx>, (MoveData<'tcx>, Vec<(Place<'tcx>, MoveError<'tcx>)>)> {
227     let mut builder = MoveDataBuilder::new(body, tcx, param_env);
229     builder.gather_args();
231     for (bb, block) in body.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() {
232         for (i, stmt) in block.statements.iter().enumerate() {
233             let source = Location { block: bb, statement_index: i };
234             builder.gather_statement(source, stmt);
235         }
237         let terminator_loc = Location { block: bb, statement_index: block.statements.len() };
238         builder.gather_terminator(terminator_loc, block.terminator());
239     }
241     builder.finalize()
242 }
244 impl<'a, 'tcx> MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx> {
gather_args(&mut self)245     fn gather_args(&mut self) {
246         for arg in self.body.args_iter() {
247             let path = self.data.rev_lookup.locals[arg];
249             let init = self.data.inits.push(Init {
250                 path,
251                 kind: InitKind::Deep,
252                 location: InitLocation::Argument(arg),
253             });
255             debug!("gather_args: adding init {:?} of {:?} for argument {:?}", init, path, arg);
257             self.data.init_path_map[path].push(init);
258         }
259     }
gather_statement(&mut self, loc: Location, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>)261     fn gather_statement(&mut self, loc: Location, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) {
262         debug!("gather_statement({:?}, {:?})", loc, stmt);
263         (Gatherer { builder: self, loc }).gather_statement(stmt);
264     }
gather_terminator(&mut self, loc: Location, term: &Terminator<'tcx>)266     fn gather_terminator(&mut self, loc: Location, term: &Terminator<'tcx>) {
267         debug!("gather_terminator({:?}, {:?})", loc, term);
268         (Gatherer { builder: self, loc }).gather_terminator(term);
269     }
270 }
272 struct Gatherer<'b, 'a, 'tcx> {
273     builder: &'b mut MoveDataBuilder<'a, 'tcx>,
274     loc: Location,
275 }
277 impl<'b, 'a, 'tcx> Gatherer<'b, 'a, 'tcx> {
gather_statement(&mut self, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>)278     fn gather_statement(&mut self, stmt: &Statement<'tcx>) {
279         match &stmt.kind {
280             StatementKind::Assign(box (place, rval)) => {
281                 self.create_move_path(*place);
282                 if let RvalueInitializationState::Shallow = rval.initialization_state() {
283                     // Box starts out uninitialized - need to create a separate
284                     // move-path for the interior so it will be separate from
285                     // the exterior.
286                     self.create_move_path(self.builder.tcx.mk_place_deref(*place));
287                     self.gather_init(place.as_ref(), InitKind::Shallow);
288                 } else {
289                     self.gather_init(place.as_ref(), InitKind::Deep);
290                 }
291                 self.gather_rvalue(rval);
292             }
293             StatementKind::FakeRead(box (_, place)) => {
294                 self.create_move_path(*place);
295             }
296             StatementKind::LlvmInlineAsm(ref asm) => {
297                 for (output, kind) in iter::zip(&*asm.outputs, &asm.asm.outputs) {
298                     if !kind.is_indirect {
299                         self.gather_init(output.as_ref(), InitKind::Deep);
300                     }
301                 }
302                 for (_, input) in asm.inputs.iter() {
303                     self.gather_operand(input);
304                 }
305             }
306             StatementKind::StorageLive(_) => {}
307             StatementKind::StorageDead(local) => {
308                 self.gather_move(Place::from(*local));
309             }
310             StatementKind::SetDiscriminant { .. } => {
311                 span_bug!(
312                     stmt.source_info.span,
313                     "SetDiscriminant should not exist during borrowck"
314                 );
315             }
316             StatementKind::Retag { .. }
317             | StatementKind::AscribeUserType(..)
318             | StatementKind::Coverage(..)
319             | StatementKind::CopyNonOverlapping(..)
320             | StatementKind::Nop => {}
321         }
322     }
gather_rvalue(&mut self, rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>)324     fn gather_rvalue(&mut self, rvalue: &Rvalue<'tcx>) {
325         match *rvalue {
326             Rvalue::ThreadLocalRef(_) => {} // not-a-move
327             Rvalue::Use(ref operand)
328             | Rvalue::Repeat(ref operand, _)
329             | Rvalue::Cast(_, ref operand, _)
330             | Rvalue::ShallowInitBox(ref operand, _)
331             | Rvalue::UnaryOp(_, ref operand) => self.gather_operand(operand),
332             Rvalue::BinaryOp(ref _binop, box (ref lhs, ref rhs))
333             | Rvalue::CheckedBinaryOp(ref _binop, box (ref lhs, ref rhs)) => {
334                 self.gather_operand(lhs);
335                 self.gather_operand(rhs);
336             }
337             Rvalue::Aggregate(ref _kind, ref operands) => {
338                 for operand in operands {
339                     self.gather_operand(operand);
340                 }
341             }
342             Rvalue::Ref(..)
343             | Rvalue::AddressOf(..)
344             | Rvalue::Discriminant(..)
345             | Rvalue::Len(..)
346             | Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::SizeOf | NullOp::AlignOf, _)
347             | Rvalue::NullaryOp(NullOp::Box, _) => {
348                 // This returns an rvalue with uninitialized contents. We can't
349                 // move out of it here because it is an rvalue - assignments always
350                 // completely initialize their place.
351                 //
352                 // However, this does not matter - MIR building is careful to
353                 // only emit a shallow free for the partially-initialized
354                 // temporary.
355                 //
356                 // In any case, if we want to fix this, we have to register a
357                 // special move and change the `statement_effect` functions.
358             }
359         }
360     }
gather_terminator(&mut self, term: &Terminator<'tcx>)362     fn gather_terminator(&mut self, term: &Terminator<'tcx>) {
363         match term.kind {
364             TerminatorKind::Goto { target: _ }
365             | TerminatorKind::FalseEdge { .. }
366             | TerminatorKind::FalseUnwind { .. }
367             // In some sense returning moves the return place into the current
368             // call's destination, however, since there are no statements after
369             // this that could possibly access the return place, this doesn't
370             // need recording.
371             | TerminatorKind::Return
372             | TerminatorKind::Resume
373             | TerminatorKind::Abort
374             | TerminatorKind::GeneratorDrop
375             | TerminatorKind::Unreachable => {}
377             TerminatorKind::Assert { ref cond, .. } => {
378                 self.gather_operand(cond);
379             }
381             TerminatorKind::SwitchInt { ref discr, .. } => {
382                 self.gather_operand(discr);
383             }
385             TerminatorKind::Yield { ref value, resume_arg: place, .. } => {
386                 self.gather_operand(value);
387                 self.create_move_path(place);
388                 self.gather_init(place.as_ref(), InitKind::Deep);
389             }
391             TerminatorKind::Drop { place, target: _, unwind: _ } => {
392                 self.gather_move(place);
393             }
394             TerminatorKind::DropAndReplace { place, ref value, .. } => {
395                 self.create_move_path(place);
396                 self.gather_operand(value);
397                 self.gather_init(place.as_ref(), InitKind::Deep);
398             }
399             TerminatorKind::Call {
400                 ref func,
401                 ref args,
402                 ref destination,
403                 cleanup: _,
404                 from_hir_call: _,
405                 fn_span: _,
406             } => {
407                 self.gather_operand(func);
408                 for arg in args {
409                     self.gather_operand(arg);
410                 }
411                 if let Some((destination, _bb)) = *destination {
412                     self.create_move_path(destination);
413                     self.gather_init(destination.as_ref(), InitKind::NonPanicPathOnly);
414                 }
415             }
416             TerminatorKind::InlineAsm {
417                 template: _,
418                 ref operands,
419                 options: _,
420                 line_spans: _,
421                 destination: _,
422             } => {
423                 for op in operands {
424                     match *op {
425                         InlineAsmOperand::In { reg: _, ref value }
426                          => {
427                             self.gather_operand(value);
428                         }
429                         InlineAsmOperand::Out { reg: _, late: _, place, .. } => {
430                             if let Some(place) = place {
431                                 self.create_move_path(place);
432                                 self.gather_init(place.as_ref(), InitKind::Deep);
433                             }
434                         }
435                         InlineAsmOperand::InOut { reg: _, late: _, ref in_value, out_place } => {
436                             self.gather_operand(in_value);
437                             if let Some(out_place) = out_place {
438                                 self.create_move_path(out_place);
439                                 self.gather_init(out_place.as_ref(), InitKind::Deep);
440                             }
441                         }
442                         InlineAsmOperand::Const { value: _ }
443                         | InlineAsmOperand::SymFn { value: _ }
444                         | InlineAsmOperand::SymStatic { def_id: _ } => {}
445                     }
446                 }
447             }
448         }
449     }
gather_operand(&mut self, operand: &Operand<'tcx>)451     fn gather_operand(&mut self, operand: &Operand<'tcx>) {
452         match *operand {
453             Operand::Constant(..) | Operand::Copy(..) => {} // not-a-move
454             Operand::Move(place) => {
455                 // a move
456                 self.gather_move(place);
457             }
458         }
459     }
gather_move(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>)461     fn gather_move(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>) {
462         debug!("gather_move({:?}, {:?})", self.loc, place);
464         if let [ref base @ .., ProjectionElem::Subslice { from, to, from_end: false }] =
465             **place.projection
466         {
467             // Split `Subslice` patterns into the corresponding list of
468             // `ConstIndex` patterns. This is done to ensure that all move paths
469             // are disjoint, which is expected by drop elaboration.
470             let base_place =
471                 Place { local: place.local, projection: self.builder.tcx.intern_place_elems(base) };
472             let base_path = match self.move_path_for(base_place) {
473                 Ok(path) => path,
474                 Err(MoveError::UnionMove { path }) => {
475                     self.record_move(place, path);
476                     return;
477                 }
478                 Err(error @ MoveError::IllegalMove { .. }) => {
479                     self.builder.errors.push((base_place, error));
480                     return;
481                 }
482             };
483             let base_ty = base_place.ty(self.builder.body, self.builder.tcx).ty;
484             let len: u64 = match base_ty.kind() {
485                 ty::Array(_, size) => size.eval_usize(self.builder.tcx, self.builder.param_env),
486                 _ => bug!("from_end: false slice pattern of non-array type"),
487             };
488             for offset in from..to {
489                 let elem =
490                     ProjectionElem::ConstantIndex { offset, min_length: len, from_end: false };
491                 let path =
492                     self.add_move_path(base_path, elem, |tcx| tcx.mk_place_elem(base_place, elem));
493                 self.record_move(place, path);
494             }
495         } else {
496             match self.move_path_for(place) {
497                 Ok(path) | Err(MoveError::UnionMove { path }) => self.record_move(place, path),
498                 Err(error @ MoveError::IllegalMove { .. }) => {
499                     self.builder.errors.push((place, error));
500                 }
501             };
502         }
503     }
record_move(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>, path: MovePathIndex)505     fn record_move(&mut self, place: Place<'tcx>, path: MovePathIndex) {
506         let move_out = self.builder.data.moves.push(MoveOut { path, source: self.loc });
507         debug!(
508             "gather_move({:?}, {:?}): adding move {:?} of {:?}",
509             self.loc, place, move_out, path
510         );
511         self.builder.data.path_map[path].push(move_out);
512         self.builder.data.loc_map[self.loc].push(move_out);
513     }
gather_init(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>, kind: InitKind)515     fn gather_init(&mut self, place: PlaceRef<'tcx>, kind: InitKind) {
516         debug!("gather_init({:?}, {:?})", self.loc, place);
518         let mut place = place;
520         // Check if we are assigning into a field of a union, if so, lookup the place
521         // of the union so it is marked as initialized again.
522         if let Some((place_base, ProjectionElem::Field(_, _))) = place.last_projection() {
523             if place_base.ty(self.builder.body, self.builder.tcx).ty.is_union() {
524                 place = place_base;
525             }
526         }
528         if let LookupResult::Exact(path) = self.builder.data.rev_lookup.find(place) {
529             let init = self.builder.data.inits.push(Init {
530                 location: InitLocation::Statement(self.loc),
531                 path,
532                 kind,
533             });
535             debug!(
536                 "gather_init({:?}, {:?}): adding init {:?} of {:?}",
537                 self.loc, place, init, path
538             );
540             self.builder.data.init_path_map[path].push(init);
541             self.builder.data.init_loc_map[self.loc].push(init);
542         }
543     }
544 }