1 //===- VFABIDemangling.cpp - Vector Function ABI demangling utilities. ---===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
10 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
11 #include "llvm/Analysis/VectorUtils.h"
13 using namespace llvm;
15 namespace {
16 /// Utilities for the Vector Function ABI name parser.
18 /// Return types for the parser functions.
19 enum class ParseRet {
20   OK,   // Found.
21   None, // Not found.
22   Error // Syntax error.
23 };
25 /// Extracts the `<isa>` information from the mangled string, and
26 /// sets the `ISA` accordingly.
tryParseISA(StringRef & MangledName,VFISAKind & ISA)27 ParseRet tryParseISA(StringRef &MangledName, VFISAKind &ISA) {
28   if (MangledName.empty())
29     return ParseRet::Error;
31   if (MangledName.startswith(VFABI::_LLVM_)) {
32     MangledName = MangledName.drop_front(strlen(VFABI::_LLVM_));
33     ISA = VFISAKind::LLVM;
34   } else {
35     ISA = StringSwitch<VFISAKind>(MangledName.take_front(1))
36               .Case("n", VFISAKind::AdvancedSIMD)
37               .Case("s", VFISAKind::SVE)
38               .Case("b", VFISAKind::SSE)
39               .Case("c", VFISAKind::AVX)
40               .Case("d", VFISAKind::AVX2)
41               .Case("e", VFISAKind::AVX512)
42               .Default(VFISAKind::Unknown);
43     MangledName = MangledName.drop_front(1);
44   }
46   return ParseRet::OK;
47 }
49 /// Extracts the `<mask>` information from the mangled string, and
50 /// sets `IsMasked` accordingly. The input string `MangledName` is
51 /// left unmodified.
tryParseMask(StringRef & MangledName,bool & IsMasked)52 ParseRet tryParseMask(StringRef &MangledName, bool &IsMasked) {
53   if (MangledName.consume_front("M")) {
54     IsMasked = true;
55     return ParseRet::OK;
56   }
58   if (MangledName.consume_front("N")) {
59     IsMasked = false;
60     return ParseRet::OK;
61   }
63   return ParseRet::Error;
64 }
66 /// Extract the `<vlen>` information from the mangled string, and
67 /// sets `VF` accordingly. A `<vlen> == "x"` token is interpreted as a scalable
68 /// vector length. On success, the `<vlen>` token is removed from
69 /// the input string `ParseString`.
70 ///
tryParseVLEN(StringRef & ParseString,unsigned & VF,bool & IsScalable)71 ParseRet tryParseVLEN(StringRef &ParseString, unsigned &VF, bool &IsScalable) {
72   if (ParseString.consume_front("x")) {
73     // Set VF to 0, to be later adjusted to a value grater than zero
74     // by looking at the signature of the vector function with
75     // `getECFromSignature`.
76     VF = 0;
77     IsScalable = true;
78     return ParseRet::OK;
79   }
81   if (ParseString.consumeInteger(10, VF))
82     return ParseRet::Error;
84   // The token `0` is invalid for VLEN.
85   if (VF == 0)
86     return ParseRet::Error;
88   IsScalable = false;
89   return ParseRet::OK;
90 }
92 /// The function looks for the following strings at the beginning of
93 /// the input string `ParseString`:
94 ///
95 ///  <token> <number>
96 ///
97 /// On success, it removes the parsed parameter from `ParseString`,
98 /// sets `PKind` to the correspondent enum value, sets `Pos` to
99 /// <number>, and return success.  On a syntax error, it return a
100 /// parsing error. If nothing is parsed, it returns None.
101 ///
102 /// The function expects <token> to be one of "ls", "Rs", "Us" or
103 /// "Ls".
tryParseLinearTokenWithRuntimeStep(StringRef & ParseString,VFParamKind & PKind,int & Pos,const StringRef Token)104 ParseRet tryParseLinearTokenWithRuntimeStep(StringRef &ParseString,
105                                             VFParamKind &PKind, int &Pos,
106                                             const StringRef Token) {
107   if (ParseString.consume_front(Token)) {
108     PKind = VFABI::getVFParamKindFromString(Token);
109     if (ParseString.consumeInteger(10, Pos))
110       return ParseRet::Error;
111     return ParseRet::OK;
112   }
114   return ParseRet::None;
115 }
117 /// The function looks for the following stringt at the beginning of
118 /// the input string `ParseString`:
119 ///
120 ///  <token> <number>
121 ///
122 /// <token> is one of "ls", "Rs", "Us" or "Ls".
123 ///
124 /// On success, it removes the parsed parameter from `ParseString`,
125 /// sets `PKind` to the correspondent enum value, sets `StepOrPos` to
126 /// <number>, and return success.  On a syntax error, it return a
127 /// parsing error. If nothing is parsed, it returns None.
tryParseLinearWithRuntimeStep(StringRef & ParseString,VFParamKind & PKind,int & StepOrPos)128 ParseRet tryParseLinearWithRuntimeStep(StringRef &ParseString,
129                                        VFParamKind &PKind, int &StepOrPos) {
130   ParseRet Ret;
132   // "ls" <RuntimeStepPos>
133   Ret = tryParseLinearTokenWithRuntimeStep(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "ls");
134   if (Ret != ParseRet::None)
135     return Ret;
137   // "Rs" <RuntimeStepPos>
138   Ret = tryParseLinearTokenWithRuntimeStep(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "Rs");
139   if (Ret != ParseRet::None)
140     return Ret;
142   // "Ls" <RuntimeStepPos>
143   Ret = tryParseLinearTokenWithRuntimeStep(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "Ls");
144   if (Ret != ParseRet::None)
145     return Ret;
147   // "Us" <RuntimeStepPos>
148   Ret = tryParseLinearTokenWithRuntimeStep(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "Us");
149   if (Ret != ParseRet::None)
150     return Ret;
152   return ParseRet::None;
153 }
155 /// The function looks for the following strings at the beginning of
156 /// the input string `ParseString`:
157 ///
158 ///  <token> {"n"} <number>
159 ///
160 /// On success, it removes the parsed parameter from `ParseString`,
161 /// sets `PKind` to the correspondent enum value, sets `LinearStep` to
162 /// <number>, and return success.  On a syntax error, it return a
163 /// parsing error. If nothing is parsed, it returns None.
164 ///
165 /// The function expects <token> to be one of "l", "R", "U" or
166 /// "L".
tryParseCompileTimeLinearToken(StringRef & ParseString,VFParamKind & PKind,int & LinearStep,const StringRef Token)167 ParseRet tryParseCompileTimeLinearToken(StringRef &ParseString,
168                                         VFParamKind &PKind, int &LinearStep,
169                                         const StringRef Token) {
170   if (ParseString.consume_front(Token)) {
171     PKind = VFABI::getVFParamKindFromString(Token);
172     const bool Negate = ParseString.consume_front("n");
173     if (ParseString.consumeInteger(10, LinearStep))
174       LinearStep = 1;
175     if (Negate)
176       LinearStep *= -1;
177     return ParseRet::OK;
178   }
180   return ParseRet::None;
181 }
183 /// The function looks for the following strings at the beginning of
184 /// the input string `ParseString`:
185 ///
186 /// ["l" | "R" | "U" | "L"] {"n"} <number>
187 ///
188 /// On success, it removes the parsed parameter from `ParseString`,
189 /// sets `PKind` to the correspondent enum value, sets `LinearStep` to
190 /// <number>, and return success.  On a syntax error, it return a
191 /// parsing error. If nothing is parsed, it returns None.
tryParseLinearWithCompileTimeStep(StringRef & ParseString,VFParamKind & PKind,int & StepOrPos)192 ParseRet tryParseLinearWithCompileTimeStep(StringRef &ParseString,
193                                            VFParamKind &PKind, int &StepOrPos) {
194   // "l" {"n"} <CompileTimeStep>
195   if (tryParseCompileTimeLinearToken(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "l") ==
196       ParseRet::OK)
197     return ParseRet::OK;
199   // "R" {"n"} <CompileTimeStep>
200   if (tryParseCompileTimeLinearToken(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "R") ==
201       ParseRet::OK)
202     return ParseRet::OK;
204   // "L" {"n"} <CompileTimeStep>
205   if (tryParseCompileTimeLinearToken(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "L") ==
206       ParseRet::OK)
207     return ParseRet::OK;
209   // "U" {"n"} <CompileTimeStep>
210   if (tryParseCompileTimeLinearToken(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos, "U") ==
211       ParseRet::OK)
212     return ParseRet::OK;
214   return ParseRet::None;
215 }
217 /// Looks into the <parameters> part of the mangled name in search
218 /// for valid paramaters at the beginning of the string
219 /// `ParseString`.
220 ///
221 /// On success, it removes the parsed parameter from `ParseString`,
222 /// sets `PKind` to the correspondent enum value, sets `StepOrPos`
223 /// accordingly, and return success.  On a syntax error, it return a
224 /// parsing error. If nothing is parsed, it returns None.
tryParseParameter(StringRef & ParseString,VFParamKind & PKind,int & StepOrPos)225 ParseRet tryParseParameter(StringRef &ParseString, VFParamKind &PKind,
226                            int &StepOrPos) {
227   if (ParseString.consume_front("v")) {
228     PKind = VFParamKind::Vector;
229     StepOrPos = 0;
230     return ParseRet::OK;
231   }
233   if (ParseString.consume_front("u")) {
234     PKind = VFParamKind::OMP_Uniform;
235     StepOrPos = 0;
236     return ParseRet::OK;
237   }
239   const ParseRet HasLinearRuntime =
240       tryParseLinearWithRuntimeStep(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos);
241   if (HasLinearRuntime != ParseRet::None)
242     return HasLinearRuntime;
244   const ParseRet HasLinearCompileTime =
245       tryParseLinearWithCompileTimeStep(ParseString, PKind, StepOrPos);
246   if (HasLinearCompileTime != ParseRet::None)
247     return HasLinearCompileTime;
249   return ParseRet::None;
250 }
252 /// Looks into the <parameters> part of the mangled name in search
253 /// of a valid 'aligned' clause. The function should be invoked
254 /// after parsing a parameter via `tryParseParameter`.
255 ///
256 /// On success, it removes the parsed parameter from `ParseString`,
257 /// sets `PKind` to the correspondent enum value, sets `StepOrPos`
258 /// accordingly, and return success.  On a syntax error, it return a
259 /// parsing error. If nothing is parsed, it returns None.
tryParseAlign(StringRef & ParseString,Align & Alignment)260 ParseRet tryParseAlign(StringRef &ParseString, Align &Alignment) {
261   uint64_t Val;
262   //    "a" <number>
263   if (ParseString.consume_front("a")) {
264     if (ParseString.consumeInteger(10, Val))
265       return ParseRet::Error;
267     if (!isPowerOf2_64(Val))
268       return ParseRet::Error;
270     Alignment = Align(Val);
272     return ParseRet::OK;
273   }
275   return ParseRet::None;
276 }
277 #ifndef NDEBUG
278 // Verify the assumtion that all vectors in the signature of a vector
279 // function have the same number of elements.
verifyAllVectorsHaveSameWidth(FunctionType * Signature)280 bool verifyAllVectorsHaveSameWidth(FunctionType *Signature) {
281   SmallVector<VectorType *, 2> VecTys;
282   if (auto *RetTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Signature->getReturnType()))
283     VecTys.push_back(RetTy);
284   for (auto *Ty : Signature->params())
285     if (auto *VTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty))
286       VecTys.push_back(VTy);
288   if (VecTys.size() <= 1)
289     return true;
291   assert(VecTys.size() > 1 && "Invalid number of elements.");
292   const ElementCount EC = VecTys[0]->getElementCount();
293   return llvm::all_of(llvm::drop_begin(VecTys), [&EC](VectorType *VTy) {
294     return (EC == VTy->getElementCount());
295   });
296 }
298 #endif // NDEBUG
300 // Extract the VectorizationFactor from a given function signature,
301 // under the assumtion that all vectors have the same number of
302 // elements, i.e. same ElementCount.Min.
getECFromSignature(FunctionType * Signature)303 ElementCount getECFromSignature(FunctionType *Signature) {
304   assert(verifyAllVectorsHaveSameWidth(Signature) &&
305          "Invalid vector signature.");
307   if (auto *RetTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Signature->getReturnType()))
308     return RetTy->getElementCount();
309   for (auto *Ty : Signature->params())
310     if (auto *VTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty))
311       return VTy->getElementCount();
313   return ElementCount::getFixed(/*Min=*/1);
314 }
315 } // namespace
317 // Format of the ABI name:
318 // _ZGV<isa><mask><vlen><parameters>_<scalarname>[(<redirection>)]
tryDemangleForVFABI(StringRef MangledName,const Module & M)319 Optional<VFInfo> VFABI::tryDemangleForVFABI(StringRef MangledName,
320                                             const Module &M) {
321   const StringRef OriginalName = MangledName;
322   // Assume there is no custom name <redirection>, and therefore the
323   // vector name consists of
324   // _ZGV<isa><mask><vlen><parameters>_<scalarname>.
325   StringRef VectorName = MangledName;
327   // Parse the fixed size part of the manled name
328   if (!MangledName.consume_front("_ZGV"))
329     return None;
331   // Extract ISA. An unknow ISA is also supported, so we accept all
332   // values.
333   VFISAKind ISA;
334   if (tryParseISA(MangledName, ISA) != ParseRet::OK)
335     return None;
337   // Extract <mask>.
338   bool IsMasked;
339   if (tryParseMask(MangledName, IsMasked) != ParseRet::OK)
340     return None;
342   // Parse the variable size, starting from <vlen>.
343   unsigned VF;
344   bool IsScalable;
345   if (tryParseVLEN(MangledName, VF, IsScalable) != ParseRet::OK)
346     return None;
348   // Parse the <parameters>.
349   ParseRet ParamFound;
350   SmallVector<VFParameter, 8> Parameters;
351   do {
352     const unsigned ParameterPos = Parameters.size();
353     VFParamKind PKind;
354     int StepOrPos;
355     ParamFound = tryParseParameter(MangledName, PKind, StepOrPos);
357     // Bail off if there is a parsing error in the parsing of the parameter.
358     if (ParamFound == ParseRet::Error)
359       return None;
361     if (ParamFound == ParseRet::OK) {
362       Align Alignment;
363       // Look for the alignment token "a <number>".
364       const ParseRet AlignFound = tryParseAlign(MangledName, Alignment);
365       // Bail off if there is a syntax error in the align token.
366       if (AlignFound == ParseRet::Error)
367         return None;
369       // Add the parameter.
370       Parameters.push_back({ParameterPos, PKind, StepOrPos, Alignment});
371     }
372   } while (ParamFound == ParseRet::OK);
374   // A valid MangledName must have at least one valid entry in the
375   // <parameters>.
376   if (Parameters.empty())
377     return None;
379   // Check for the <scalarname> and the optional <redirection>, which
380   // are separated from the prefix with "_"
381   if (!MangledName.consume_front("_"))
382     return None;
384   // The rest of the string must be in the format:
385   // <scalarname>[(<redirection>)]
386   const StringRef ScalarName =
387       MangledName.take_while([](char In) { return In != '('; });
389   if (ScalarName.empty())
390     return None;
392   // Reduce MangledName to [(<redirection>)].
393   MangledName = MangledName.ltrim(ScalarName);
394   // Find the optional custom name redirection.
395   if (MangledName.consume_front("(")) {
396     if (!MangledName.consume_back(")"))
397       return None;
398     // Update the vector variant with the one specified by the user.
399     VectorName = MangledName;
400     // If the vector name is missing, bail out.
401     if (VectorName.empty())
402       return None;
403   }
405   // LLVM internal mapping via the TargetLibraryInfo (TLI) must be
406   // redirected to an existing name.
407   if (ISA == VFISAKind::LLVM && VectorName == OriginalName)
408     return None;
410   // When <mask> is "M", we need to add a parameter that is used as
411   // global predicate for the function.
412   if (IsMasked) {
413     const unsigned Pos = Parameters.size();
414     Parameters.push_back({Pos, VFParamKind::GlobalPredicate});
415   }
417   // Asserts for parameters of type `VFParamKind::GlobalPredicate`, as
418   // prescribed by the Vector Function ABI specifications supported by
419   // this parser:
420   // 1. Uniqueness.
421   // 2. Must be the last in the parameter list.
422   const auto NGlobalPreds = std::count_if(
423       Parameters.begin(), Parameters.end(), [](const VFParameter PK) {
424         return PK.ParamKind == VFParamKind::GlobalPredicate;
425       });
426   assert(NGlobalPreds < 2 && "Cannot have more than one global predicate.");
427   if (NGlobalPreds)
428     assert(Parameters.back().ParamKind == VFParamKind::GlobalPredicate &&
429            "The global predicate must be the last parameter");
431   // Adjust the VF for scalable signatures. The EC.Min is not encoded
432   // in the name of the function, but it is encoded in the IR
433   // signature of the function. We need to extract this information
434   // because it is needed by the loop vectorizer, which reasons in
435   // terms of VectorizationFactor or ElementCount. In particular, we
436   // need to make sure that the VF field of the VFShape class is never
437   // set to 0.
438   if (IsScalable) {
439     const Function *F = M.getFunction(VectorName);
440     // The declaration of the function must be present in the module
441     // to be able to retrieve its signature.
442     if (!F)
443       return None;
444     const ElementCount EC = getECFromSignature(F->getFunctionType());
445     VF = EC.getKnownMinValue();
446   }
448   // Sanity checks.
449   // 1. We don't accept a zero lanes vectorization factor.
450   // 2. We don't accept the demangling if the vector function is not
451   // present in the module.
452   if (VF == 0)
453     return None;
454   if (!M.getFunction(VectorName))
455     return None;
457   const VFShape Shape({ElementCount::get(VF, IsScalable), Parameters});
458   return VFInfo({Shape, std::string(ScalarName), std::string(VectorName), ISA});
459 }
getVFParamKindFromString(const StringRef Token)461 VFParamKind VFABI::getVFParamKindFromString(const StringRef Token) {
462   const VFParamKind ParamKind = StringSwitch<VFParamKind>(Token)
463                                     .Case("v", VFParamKind::Vector)
464                                     .Case("l", VFParamKind::OMP_Linear)
465                                     .Case("R", VFParamKind::OMP_LinearRef)
466                                     .Case("L", VFParamKind::OMP_LinearVal)
467                                     .Case("U", VFParamKind::OMP_LinearUVal)
468                                     .Case("ls", VFParamKind::OMP_LinearPos)
469                                     .Case("Ls", VFParamKind::OMP_LinearValPos)
470                                     .Case("Rs", VFParamKind::OMP_LinearRefPos)
471                                     .Case("Us", VFParamKind::OMP_LinearUValPos)
472                                     .Case("u", VFParamKind::OMP_Uniform)
473                                     .Default(VFParamKind::Unknown);
475   if (ParamKind != VFParamKind::Unknown)
476     return ParamKind;
478   // This function should never be invoked with an invalid input.
479   llvm_unreachable("This fuction should be invoken only on parameters"
480                    " that have a textual representation in the mangled name"
481                    " of the Vector Function ABI");
482 }