1error[E0261]: use of undeclared lifetime name `'x`
2  --> $DIR/gat-in-trait-path-undeclared-lifetime.rs:8:35
3   |
4LL |   fn _f(arg : Box<dyn for<'a> X<Y<'x> = &'a [u32]>>) {}
5   |        -                          ^^ undeclared lifetime
6   |        |
7   |        help: consider introducing lifetime `'x` here: `<'x>`
8   |
9   = help: if you want to experiment with in-band lifetime bindings, add `#![feature(in_band_lifetimes)]` to the crate attributes
11error[E0582]: binding for associated type `Y` references lifetime `'a`, which does not appear in the trait input types
12  --> $DIR/gat-in-trait-path-undeclared-lifetime.rs:8:33
13   |
14LL |   fn _f(arg : Box<dyn for<'a> X<Y<'x> = &'a [u32]>>) {}
15   |                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
17error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
19Some errors have detailed explanations: E0261, E0582.
20For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0261`.