1error: `impl` item signature doesn't match `trait` item signature
2  --> $DIR/mismatched_trait_impl-2.rs:8:5
3   |
4LL |     fn deref(&self) -> &dyn Trait {
5   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ found `fn(&'1 Struct) -> &'1 (dyn Trait + '1)`
6   |
7  ::: $SRC_DIR/core/src/ops/deref.rs:LL:COL
8   |
9LL |     fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target;
10   |     --------------------------------- expected `fn(&'1 Struct) -> &'1 (dyn Trait + 'static)`
11   |
12   = note: expected `fn(&'1 Struct) -> &'1 (dyn Trait + 'static)`
13              found `fn(&'1 Struct) -> &'1 (dyn Trait + '1)`
14   = help: the lifetime requirements from the `impl` do not correspond to the requirements in the `trait`
15   = help: verify the lifetime relationships in the `trait` and `impl` between the `self` argument, the other inputs and its output
17error: aborting due to previous error