1error: unreachable block in `if` or `while` expression
2  --> $DIR/expr_while.rs:7:20
3   |
4LL |       while {return} {
5   |  ____________------__^
6   | |            |
7   | |            any code following this expression is unreachable
8LL | |
9LL | |         println!("Hello, world!");
10LL | |     }
11   | |_____^ unreachable block in `if` or `while` expression
12   |
13note: the lint level is defined here
14  --> $DIR/expr_while.rs:4:9
15   |
16LL | #![deny(unreachable_code)]
17   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
19error: unreachable block in `if` or `while` expression
20  --> $DIR/expr_while.rs:22:20
21   |
22LL |       while {return} {
23   |  ____________------__^
24   | |            |
25   | |            any code following this expression is unreachable
26LL | |
27LL | |         println!("I am dead.");
28LL | |     }
29   | |_____^ unreachable block in `if` or `while` expression
31error: aborting due to 2 previous errors