1 use clippy_utils::diagnostics::{span_lint, span_lint_and_sugg, span_lint_and_then};
2 use clippy_utils::source::snippet_with_applicability;
3 use clippy_utils::{get_item_name, get_parent_as_impl, is_lint_allowed};
4 use if_chain::if_chain;
5 use rustc_ast::ast::LitKind;
6 use rustc_errors::Applicability;
7 use rustc_hir::def_id::DefIdSet;
8 use rustc_hir::{
9     def_id::DefId, AssocItemKind, BinOpKind, Expr, ExprKind, FnRetTy, ImplItem, ImplItemKind, ImplicitSelfKind, Item,
10     ItemKind, Mutability, Node, TraitItemRef, TyKind,
11 };
12 use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass};
13 use rustc_middle::ty::{self, AssocKind, FnSig, Ty, TyS};
14 use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint};
15 use rustc_span::{
16     source_map::{Span, Spanned, Symbol},
17     symbol::sym,
18 };
20 declare_clippy_lint! {
21     /// ### What it does
22     /// Checks for getting the length of something via `.len()`
23     /// just to compare to zero, and suggests using `.is_empty()` where applicable.
24     ///
25     /// ### Why is this bad?
26     /// Some structures can answer `.is_empty()` much faster
27     /// than calculating their length. So it is good to get into the habit of using
28     /// `.is_empty()`, and having it is cheap.
29     /// Besides, it makes the intent clearer than a manual comparison in some contexts.
30     ///
31     /// ### Example
32     /// ```ignore
33     /// if x.len() == 0 {
34     ///     ..
35     /// }
36     /// if y.len() != 0 {
37     ///     ..
38     /// }
39     /// ```
40     /// instead use
41     /// ```ignore
42     /// if x.is_empty() {
43     ///     ..
44     /// }
45     /// if !y.is_empty() {
46     ///     ..
47     /// }
48     /// ```
49     pub LEN_ZERO,
50     style,
51     "checking `.len() == 0` or `.len() > 0` (or similar) when `.is_empty()` could be used instead"
52 }
54 declare_clippy_lint! {
55     /// ### What it does
56     /// Checks for items that implement `.len()` but not
57     /// `.is_empty()`.
58     ///
59     /// ### Why is this bad?
60     /// It is good custom to have both methods, because for
61     /// some data structures, asking about the length will be a costly operation,
62     /// whereas `.is_empty()` can usually answer in constant time. Also it used to
63     /// lead to false positives on the [`len_zero`](#len_zero) lint – currently that
64     /// lint will ignore such entities.
65     ///
66     /// ### Example
67     /// ```ignore
68     /// impl X {
69     ///     pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
70     ///         ..
71     ///     }
72     /// }
73     /// ```
75     style,
76     "traits or impls with a public `len` method but no corresponding `is_empty` method"
77 }
79 declare_clippy_lint! {
80     /// ### What it does
81     /// Checks for comparing to an empty slice such as `""` or `[]`,
82     /// and suggests using `.is_empty()` where applicable.
83     ///
84     /// ### Why is this bad?
85     /// Some structures can answer `.is_empty()` much faster
86     /// than checking for equality. So it is good to get into the habit of using
87     /// `.is_empty()`, and having it is cheap.
88     /// Besides, it makes the intent clearer than a manual comparison in some contexts.
89     ///
90     /// ### Example
91     ///
92     /// ```ignore
93     /// if s == "" {
94     ///     ..
95     /// }
96     ///
97     /// if arr == [] {
98     ///     ..
99     /// }
100     /// ```
101     /// Use instead:
102     /// ```ignore
103     /// if s.is_empty() {
104     ///     ..
105     /// }
106     ///
107     /// if arr.is_empty() {
108     ///     ..
109     /// }
110     /// ```
112     style,
113     "checking `x == \"\"` or `x == []` (or similar) when `.is_empty()` could be used instead"
114 }
116 declare_lint_pass!(LenZero => [LEN_ZERO, LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY, COMPARISON_TO_EMPTY]);
118 impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for LenZero {
check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx Item<'_>)119     fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx Item<'_>) {
120         if item.span.from_expansion() {
121             return;
122         }
124         if let ItemKind::Trait(_, _, _, _, trait_items) = item.kind {
125             check_trait_items(cx, item, trait_items);
126         }
127     }
check_impl_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx ImplItem<'_>)129     fn check_impl_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx ImplItem<'_>) {
130         if_chain! {
131             if item.ident.name == sym::len;
132             if let ImplItemKind::Fn(sig, _) = &item.kind;
133             if sig.decl.implicit_self.has_implicit_self();
134             if cx.access_levels.is_exported(item.def_id);
135             if matches!(sig.decl.output, FnRetTy::Return(_));
136             if let Some(imp) = get_parent_as_impl(cx.tcx, item.hir_id());
137             if imp.of_trait.is_none();
138             if let TyKind::Path(ty_path) = &imp.self_ty.kind;
139             if let Some(ty_id) = cx.qpath_res(ty_path, imp.self_ty.hir_id).opt_def_id();
140             if let Some(local_id) = ty_id.as_local();
141             let ty_hir_id = cx.tcx.hir().local_def_id_to_hir_id(local_id);
142             if !is_lint_allowed(cx, LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY, ty_hir_id);
143             if let Some(output) = parse_len_output(cx, cx.tcx.fn_sig(item.def_id).skip_binder());
144             then {
145                 let (name, kind) = match cx.tcx.hir().find(ty_hir_id) {
146                     Some(Node::ForeignItem(x)) => (x.ident.name, "extern type"),
147                     Some(Node::Item(x)) => match x.kind {
148                         ItemKind::Struct(..) => (x.ident.name, "struct"),
149                         ItemKind::Enum(..) => (x.ident.name, "enum"),
150                         ItemKind::Union(..) => (x.ident.name, "union"),
151                         _ => (x.ident.name, "type"),
152                     }
153                     _ => return,
154                 };
155                 check_for_is_empty(cx, sig.span, sig.decl.implicit_self, output, ty_id, name, kind)
156             }
157         }
158     }
check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>)160     fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
161         if expr.span.from_expansion() {
162             return;
163         }
165         if let ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { node: cmp, .. }, left, right) = expr.kind {
166             match cmp {
167                 BinOpKind::Eq => {
168                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, left, right, "", 0); // len == 0
169                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, right, left, "", 0); // 0 == len
170                 },
171                 BinOpKind::Ne => {
172                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, left, right, "!", 0); // len != 0
173                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, right, left, "!", 0); // 0 != len
174                 },
175                 BinOpKind::Gt => {
176                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, left, right, "!", 0); // len > 0
177                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, right, left, "", 1); // 1 > len
178                 },
179                 BinOpKind::Lt => {
180                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, left, right, "", 1); // len < 1
181                     check_cmp(cx, expr.span, right, left, "!", 0); // 0 < len
182                 },
183                 BinOpKind::Ge => check_cmp(cx, expr.span, left, right, "!", 1), // len >= 1
184                 BinOpKind::Le => check_cmp(cx, expr.span, right, left, "!", 1), // 1 <= len
185                 _ => (),
186             }
187         }
188     }
189 }
check_trait_items(cx: &LateContext<'_>, visited_trait: &Item<'_>, trait_items: &[TraitItemRef])191 fn check_trait_items(cx: &LateContext<'_>, visited_trait: &Item<'_>, trait_items: &[TraitItemRef]) {
192     fn is_named_self(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &TraitItemRef, name: Symbol) -> bool {
193         item.ident.name == name
194             && if let AssocItemKind::Fn { has_self } = item.kind {
195                 has_self && { cx.tcx.fn_sig(item.id.def_id).inputs().skip_binder().len() == 1 }
196             } else {
197                 false
198             }
199     }
201     // fill the set with current and super traits
202     fn fill_trait_set(traitt: DefId, set: &mut DefIdSet, cx: &LateContext<'_>) {
203         if set.insert(traitt) {
204             for supertrait in rustc_trait_selection::traits::supertrait_def_ids(cx.tcx, traitt) {
205                 fill_trait_set(supertrait, set, cx);
206             }
207         }
208     }
210     if cx.access_levels.is_exported(visited_trait.def_id) && trait_items.iter().any(|i| is_named_self(cx, i, sym::len))
211     {
212         let mut current_and_super_traits = DefIdSet::default();
213         fill_trait_set(visited_trait.def_id.to_def_id(), &mut current_and_super_traits, cx);
215         let is_empty_method_found = current_and_super_traits
216             .iter()
217             .flat_map(|&i| cx.tcx.associated_items(i).in_definition_order())
218             .any(|i| {
219                 i.kind == ty::AssocKind::Fn
220                     && i.fn_has_self_parameter
221                     && i.ident.name == sym!(is_empty)
222                     && cx.tcx.fn_sig(i.def_id).inputs().skip_binder().len() == 1
223             });
225         if !is_empty_method_found {
226             span_lint(
227                 cx,
228                 LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY,
229                 visited_trait.span,
230                 &format!(
231                     "trait `{}` has a `len` method but no (possibly inherited) `is_empty` method",
232                     visited_trait.ident.name
233                 ),
234             );
235         }
236     }
237 }
239 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
240 enum LenOutput<'tcx> {
241     Integral,
242     Option(DefId),
243     Result(DefId, Ty<'tcx>),
244 }
parse_len_output(cx: &LateContext<'_>, sig: FnSig<'tcx>) -> Option<LenOutput<'tcx>>245 fn parse_len_output(cx: &LateContext<'_>, sig: FnSig<'tcx>) -> Option<LenOutput<'tcx>> {
246     match *sig.output().kind() {
247         ty::Int(_) | ty::Uint(_) => Some(LenOutput::Integral),
248         ty::Adt(adt, subs) if cx.tcx.is_diagnostic_item(sym::Option, adt.did) => {
249             subs.type_at(0).is_integral().then(|| LenOutput::Option(adt.did))
250         },
251         ty::Adt(adt, subs) if cx.tcx.is_diagnostic_item(sym::Result, adt.did) => subs
252             .type_at(0)
253             .is_integral()
254             .then(|| LenOutput::Result(adt.did, subs.type_at(1))),
255         _ => None,
256     }
257 }
259 impl LenOutput<'_> {
matches_is_empty_output(self, ty: Ty<'_>) -> bool260     fn matches_is_empty_output(self, ty: Ty<'_>) -> bool {
261         match (self, ty.kind()) {
262             (_, &ty::Bool) => true,
263             (Self::Option(id), &ty::Adt(adt, subs)) if id == adt.did => subs.type_at(0).is_bool(),
264             (Self::Result(id, err_ty), &ty::Adt(adt, subs)) if id == adt.did => {
265                 subs.type_at(0).is_bool() && TyS::same_type(subs.type_at(1), err_ty)
266             },
267             _ => false,
268         }
269     }
expected_sig(self, self_kind: ImplicitSelfKind) -> String271     fn expected_sig(self, self_kind: ImplicitSelfKind) -> String {
272         let self_ref = match self_kind {
273             ImplicitSelfKind::ImmRef => "&",
274             ImplicitSelfKind::MutRef => "&mut ",
275             _ => "",
276         };
277         match self {
278             Self::Integral => format!("expected signature: `({}self) -> bool`", self_ref),
279             Self::Option(_) => format!(
280                 "expected signature: `({}self) -> bool` or `({}self) -> Option<bool>",
281                 self_ref, self_ref
282             ),
283             Self::Result(..) => format!(
284                 "expected signature: `({}self) -> bool` or `({}self) -> Result<bool>",
285                 self_ref, self_ref
286             ),
287         }
288     }
289 }
291 /// Checks if the given signature matches the expectations for `is_empty`
check_is_empty_sig(sig: FnSig<'_>, self_kind: ImplicitSelfKind, len_output: LenOutput<'_>) -> bool292 fn check_is_empty_sig(sig: FnSig<'_>, self_kind: ImplicitSelfKind, len_output: LenOutput<'_>) -> bool {
293     match &**sig.inputs_and_output {
294         [arg, res] if len_output.matches_is_empty_output(res) => {
295             matches!(
296                 (arg.kind(), self_kind),
297                 (ty::Ref(_, _, Mutability::Not), ImplicitSelfKind::ImmRef)
298                     | (ty::Ref(_, _, Mutability::Mut), ImplicitSelfKind::MutRef)
299             ) || (!arg.is_ref() && matches!(self_kind, ImplicitSelfKind::Imm | ImplicitSelfKind::Mut))
300         },
301         _ => false,
302     }
303 }
305 /// Checks if the given type has an `is_empty` method with the appropriate signature.
check_for_is_empty( cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span, self_kind: ImplicitSelfKind, output: LenOutput<'_>, impl_ty: DefId, item_name: Symbol, item_kind: &str, )306 fn check_for_is_empty(
307     cx: &LateContext<'_>,
308     span: Span,
309     self_kind: ImplicitSelfKind,
310     output: LenOutput<'_>,
311     impl_ty: DefId,
312     item_name: Symbol,
313     item_kind: &str,
314 ) {
315     let is_empty = Symbol::intern("is_empty");
316     let is_empty = cx
317         .tcx
318         .inherent_impls(impl_ty)
319         .iter()
320         .flat_map(|&id| cx.tcx.associated_items(id).filter_by_name_unhygienic(is_empty))
321         .find(|item| item.kind == AssocKind::Fn);
323     let (msg, is_empty_span, self_kind) = match is_empty {
324         None => (
325             format!(
326                 "{} `{}` has a public `len` method, but no `is_empty` method",
327                 item_kind,
328                 item_name.as_str(),
329             ),
330             None,
331             None,
332         ),
333         Some(is_empty) if !cx.access_levels.is_exported(is_empty.def_id.expect_local()) => (
334             format!(
335                 "{} `{}` has a public `len` method, but a private `is_empty` method",
336                 item_kind,
337                 item_name.as_str(),
338             ),
339             Some(cx.tcx.def_span(is_empty.def_id)),
340             None,
341         ),
342         Some(is_empty)
343             if !(is_empty.fn_has_self_parameter
344                 && check_is_empty_sig(cx.tcx.fn_sig(is_empty.def_id).skip_binder(), self_kind, output)) =>
345         {
346             (
347                 format!(
348                     "{} `{}` has a public `len` method, but the `is_empty` method has an unexpected signature",
349                     item_kind,
350                     item_name.as_str(),
351                 ),
352                 Some(cx.tcx.def_span(is_empty.def_id)),
353                 Some(self_kind),
354             )
355         },
356         Some(_) => return,
357     };
359     span_lint_and_then(cx, LEN_WITHOUT_IS_EMPTY, span, &msg, |db| {
360         if let Some(span) = is_empty_span {
361             db.span_note(span, "`is_empty` defined here");
362         }
363         if let Some(self_kind) = self_kind {
364             db.note(&output.expected_sig(self_kind));
365         }
366     });
367 }
check_cmp(cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span, method: &Expr<'_>, lit: &Expr<'_>, op: &str, compare_to: u32)369 fn check_cmp(cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span, method: &Expr<'_>, lit: &Expr<'_>, op: &str, compare_to: u32) {
370     if let (&ExprKind::MethodCall(method_path, _, args, _), &ExprKind::Lit(ref lit)) = (&method.kind, &lit.kind) {
371         // check if we are in an is_empty() method
372         if let Some(name) = get_item_name(cx, method) {
373             if name.as_str() == "is_empty" {
374                 return;
375             }
376         }
378         check_len(cx, span, method_path.ident.name, args, &lit.node, op, compare_to);
379     } else {
380         check_empty_expr(cx, span, method, lit, op);
381     }
382 }
check_len( cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span, method_name: Symbol, args: &[Expr<'_>], lit: &LitKind, op: &str, compare_to: u32, )384 fn check_len(
385     cx: &LateContext<'_>,
386     span: Span,
387     method_name: Symbol,
388     args: &[Expr<'_>],
389     lit: &LitKind,
390     op: &str,
391     compare_to: u32,
392 ) {
393     if let LitKind::Int(lit, _) = *lit {
394         // check if length is compared to the specified number
395         if lit != u128::from(compare_to) {
396             return;
397         }
399         if method_name == sym::len && args.len() == 1 && has_is_empty(cx, &args[0]) {
400             let mut applicability = Applicability::MachineApplicable;
401             span_lint_and_sugg(
402                 cx,
403                 LEN_ZERO,
404                 span,
405                 &format!("length comparison to {}", if compare_to == 0 { "zero" } else { "one" }),
406                 &format!("using `{}is_empty` is clearer and more explicit", op),
407                 format!(
408                     "{}{}.is_empty()",
409                     op,
410                     snippet_with_applicability(cx, args[0].span, "_", &mut applicability)
411                 ),
412                 applicability,
413             );
414         }
415     }
416 }
check_empty_expr(cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span, lit1: &Expr<'_>, lit2: &Expr<'_>, op: &str)418 fn check_empty_expr(cx: &LateContext<'_>, span: Span, lit1: &Expr<'_>, lit2: &Expr<'_>, op: &str) {
419     if (is_empty_array(lit2) || is_empty_string(lit2)) && has_is_empty(cx, lit1) {
420         let mut applicability = Applicability::MachineApplicable;
421         span_lint_and_sugg(
422             cx,
423             COMPARISON_TO_EMPTY,
424             span,
425             "comparison to empty slice",
426             &format!("using `{}is_empty` is clearer and more explicit", op),
427             format!(
428                 "{}{}.is_empty()",
429                 op,
430                 snippet_with_applicability(cx, lit1.span, "_", &mut applicability)
431             ),
432             applicability,
433         );
434     }
435 }
is_empty_string(expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool437 fn is_empty_string(expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool {
438     if let ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) = expr.kind {
439         if let LitKind::Str(lit, _) = lit.node {
440             let lit = lit.as_str();
441             return lit == "";
442         }
443     }
444     false
445 }
is_empty_array(expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool447 fn is_empty_array(expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool {
448     if let ExprKind::Array(arr) = expr.kind {
449         return arr.is_empty();
450     }
451     false
452 }
454 /// Checks if this type has an `is_empty` method.
has_is_empty(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool455 fn has_is_empty(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool {
456     /// Gets an `AssocItem` and return true if it matches `is_empty(self)`.
457     fn is_is_empty(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &ty::AssocItem) -> bool {
458         if item.kind == ty::AssocKind::Fn && item.ident.name.as_str() == "is_empty" {
459             let sig = cx.tcx.fn_sig(item.def_id);
460             let ty = sig.skip_binder();
461             ty.inputs().len() == 1
462         } else {
463             false
464         }
465     }
467     /// Checks the inherent impl's items for an `is_empty(self)` method.
468     fn has_is_empty_impl(cx: &LateContext<'_>, id: DefId) -> bool {
469         cx.tcx.inherent_impls(id).iter().any(|imp| {
470             cx.tcx
471                 .associated_items(*imp)
472                 .in_definition_order()
473                 .any(|item| is_is_empty(cx, item))
474         })
475     }
477     let ty = &cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(expr).peel_refs();
478     match ty.kind() {
479         ty::Dynamic(tt, ..) => tt.principal().map_or(false, |principal| {
480             cx.tcx
481                 .associated_items(principal.def_id())
482                 .in_definition_order()
483                 .any(|item| is_is_empty(cx, item))
484         }),
485         ty::Projection(ref proj) => has_is_empty_impl(cx, proj.item_def_id),
486         ty::Adt(id, _) => has_is_empty_impl(cx, id.did),
487         ty::Array(..) | ty::Slice(..) | ty::Str => true,
488         _ => false,
489     }
490 }