1 use std::cell::RefCell;
2 use std::cmp::max;
3 use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
5 use log::trace;
6 use rand::Rng;
8 use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
9 use rustc_target::abi::{HasDataLayout, Size};
11 use crate::*;
13 pub type MemoryExtra = RefCell<GlobalState>;
15 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
16 pub struct GlobalState {
17     /// This is used as a map between the address of each allocation and its `AllocId`.
18     /// It is always sorted
19     pub int_to_ptr_map: Vec<(u64, AllocId)>,
20     /// The base address for each allocation.  We cannot put that into
21     /// `AllocExtra` because function pointers also have a base address, and
22     /// they do not have an `AllocExtra`.
23     /// This is the inverse of `int_to_ptr_map`.
24     pub base_addr: FxHashMap<AllocId, u64>,
25     /// This is used as a memory address when a new pointer is casted to an integer. It
26     /// is always larger than any address that was previously made part of a block.
27     pub next_base_addr: u64,
28 }
30 impl Default for GlobalState {
default() -> Self31     fn default() -> Self {
32         GlobalState {
33             int_to_ptr_map: Vec::default(),
34             base_addr: FxHashMap::default(),
35             next_base_addr: STACK_ADDR,
36         }
37     }
38 }
40 impl<'mir, 'tcx> GlobalState {
ptr_from_addr( addr: u64, memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>, ) -> Pointer<Option<Tag>>41     pub fn ptr_from_addr(
42         addr: u64,
43         memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>,
44     ) -> Pointer<Option<Tag>> {
45         trace!("Casting 0x{:x} to a pointer", addr);
46         let global_state = memory.extra.intptrcast.borrow();
47         let pos = global_state.int_to_ptr_map.binary_search_by_key(&addr, |(addr, _)| *addr);
49         let alloc_id = match pos {
50             Ok(pos) => Some(global_state.int_to_ptr_map[pos].1),
51             Err(0) => None,
52             Err(pos) => {
53                 // This is the largest of the adresses smaller than `int`,
54                 // i.e. the greatest lower bound (glb)
55                 let (glb, alloc_id) = global_state.int_to_ptr_map[pos - 1];
56                 // This never overflows because `addr >= glb`
57                 let offset = addr - glb;
58                 // If the offset exceeds the size of the allocation, don't use this `alloc_id`.
59                 if offset
60                     <= memory.get_size_and_align(alloc_id, AllocCheck::MaybeDead).unwrap().0.bytes()
61                 {
62                     Some(alloc_id)
63                 } else {
64                     None
65                 }
66             }
67         };
68         // Pointers created from integers are untagged.
69         Pointer::new(
70             alloc_id.map(|alloc_id| Tag { alloc_id, sb: SbTag::Untagged }),
71             Size::from_bytes(addr),
72         )
73     }
alloc_base_addr( memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>, alloc_id: AllocId, ) -> u6475     fn alloc_base_addr(
76         memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>,
77         alloc_id: AllocId,
78     ) -> u64 {
79         let mut global_state = memory.extra.intptrcast.borrow_mut();
80         let global_state = &mut *global_state;
82         match global_state.base_addr.entry(alloc_id) {
83             Entry::Occupied(entry) => *entry.get(),
84             Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
85                 // There is nothing wrong with a raw pointer being cast to an integer only after
86                 // it became dangling.  Hence `MaybeDead`.
87                 let (size, align) =
88                     memory.get_size_and_align(alloc_id, AllocCheck::MaybeDead).unwrap();
90                 // This allocation does not have a base address yet, pick one.
91                 // Leave some space to the previous allocation, to give it some chance to be less aligned.
92                 let slack = {
93                     let mut rng = memory.extra.rng.borrow_mut();
94                     // This means that `(global_state.next_base_addr + slack) % 16` is uniformly distributed.
95                     rng.gen_range(0..16)
96                 };
97                 // From next_base_addr + slack, round up to adjust for alignment.
98                 let base_addr = global_state.next_base_addr.checked_add(slack).unwrap();
99                 let base_addr = Self::align_addr(base_addr, align.bytes());
100                 entry.insert(base_addr);
101                 trace!(
102                     "Assigning base address {:#x} to allocation {:?} (size: {}, align: {}, slack: {})",
103                     base_addr,
104                     alloc_id,
105                     size.bytes(),
106                     align.bytes(),
107                     slack,
108                 );
110                 // Remember next base address.  If this allocation is zero-sized, leave a gap
111                 // of at least 1 to avoid two allocations having the same base address.
112                 global_state.next_base_addr = base_addr.checked_add(max(size.bytes(), 1)).unwrap();
113                 // Given that `next_base_addr` increases in each allocation, pushing the
114                 // corresponding tuple keeps `int_to_ptr_map` sorted
115                 global_state.int_to_ptr_map.push((base_addr, alloc_id));
117                 base_addr
118             }
119         }
120     }
122     /// Convert a relative (tcx) pointer to an absolute address.
rel_ptr_to_addr( memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>, ptr: Pointer<AllocId>, ) -> u64123     pub fn rel_ptr_to_addr(
124         memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>,
125         ptr: Pointer<AllocId>,
126     ) -> u64 {
127         let (alloc_id, offset) = ptr.into_parts(); // offset is relative
128         let base_addr = GlobalState::alloc_base_addr(memory, alloc_id);
130         // Add offset with the right kind of pointer-overflowing arithmetic.
131         let dl = memory.data_layout();
132         dl.overflowing_offset(base_addr, offset.bytes()).0
133     }
abs_ptr_to_rel( memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>, ptr: Pointer<Tag>, ) -> Size135     pub fn abs_ptr_to_rel(
136         memory: &Memory<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>,
137         ptr: Pointer<Tag>,
138     ) -> Size {
139         let (tag, addr) = ptr.into_parts(); // addr is absolute
140         let base_addr = GlobalState::alloc_base_addr(memory, tag.alloc_id);
142         // Wrapping "addr - base_addr"
143         let dl = memory.data_layout();
144         let neg_base_addr = (base_addr as i64).wrapping_neg();
145         Size::from_bytes(dl.overflowing_signed_offset(addr.bytes(), neg_base_addr).0)
146     }
148     /// Shifts `addr` to make it aligned with `align` by rounding `addr` to the smallest multiple
149     /// of `align` that is larger or equal to `addr`
align_addr(addr: u64, align: u64) -> u64150     fn align_addr(addr: u64, align: u64) -> u64 {
151         match addr % align {
152             0 => addr,
153             rem => addr.checked_add(align).unwrap() - rem,
154         }
155     }
156 }
158 #[cfg(test)]
159 mod tests {
160     use super::*;
162     #[test]
test_align_addr()163     fn test_align_addr() {
164         assert_eq!(GlobalState::align_addr(37, 4), 40);
165         assert_eq!(GlobalState::align_addr(44, 4), 44);
166     }
167 }